iSDA is a mission-driven company bringing advanced technologies to the small farm sector in Africa. We harness the market in order to reach millions of farmers, and use the best science to maximize profitability for our clients and their farmers. Our current focus is to prove our business models through delivery of fertilizer advisory for low-income farmers, intermediated by local agents and based on technologies we have tested in Kenya and Ghana: handheld spectral soil scanners, and iSDAsoil, the first farm-level soil map of Africa.
We are looking for someone with diverse experience and a track record in the African private sector, a strong entrepreneurial spirit, and a history of building new business opportunities to deliver on our mission to improve the profitability of small-scale farmers.
We’re a remote-first team, the position is Africa-based and will involve extensive travel.
What is Going on with the Paycheck Protection Program? According to the New York Times, “Four weeks before its scheduled end, the federal government’s signature aid effort for small business ravaged by the pandemic — the Paycheck Protection Program — ran out of funding on Tuesday afternoon and stopped accepting most new applications.” Unfortunately, this … Continue reading What’s This? The Paycheck Protection Program is out of Money Again?
Everyone wants to log in to Google Search Console to find their website is error-free and running perfectly. This is rarely the case, unfortunately.
The good news is schema validation error notifications offer important information you can use to fix your site.
Good SEO is about consistently taking care of the small details, and that’s exactly what Google Search Console errors allow you to do. What exactly are schema validation errors though, and how do you fix them?
In this guide we will go over schema validation errors in more detail; specifically, the most common one, called “either “offers”, “review”, or “aggregate rating” should be specified.”
What Are Schema Validation Errors?
Schema validation errors are mistakes in the formatting of your Schema data, making it difficult for Google to understand that data.
Schema is the structured data that helps the search engines understand what your page is about. By interpreting the schema of your page, the search engines can show rich results, like the ones below.
While the traditional search engine listing might just be a link and meta description, rich results show a wide variety of information designed to improve the user experience.
The right schema markup can result in an increased CTR, but your rich results might not show up correctly if you have schema validation errors.
Many website builders or plugins such as Yoast SEO help take care of schema for you, but sometimes, you might still see schema validation errors in your Google Search Console (GSC).
If you’re not using Google Search Console to keep track of your progress with your website, then you’re missing out. It’s full of so many important insights into how your site acquires traffic and the errors that are holding back your SEO, so it’s something you should be checking in with regularly.
When you log in to GSC, a common error you might see is a schema validation error. These errors simply refer to issues with the way you have structured your data, causing Google to have problems interpreting it.
This isn’t likely to directly affect your rankings too much, but as we know, rich results help click-through rates, and this is a big part of SEO. allows for a huge amount of information about your product to be included in your code, and all of this helps search engines better understand what you’re offering.
A search engine results page (SERP) is a competitive place, and it’s important to use all of its features to stand out from the crowd. You don’t have many opportunities to earn someone’s click, so you want your schema to be in order so you can use the extra features to grab people’s attention.
Here are some of the most common schema markups you might use:
organization: provides important details about the organization
person: provides important details about a person
local business: information about a local business such as an address, contact details, opening times
product and offer: specifications of a product and offers
articles: for blog posts and news
video: helps Google to index the video content on your site
event: gives people information about upcoming events
review: shows reviews about a product or business
rating: shows an aggregated rating for a product or business
If this information isn’t formatted correctly, or Google doesn’t see the information it thinks it should be seeing, it will show a schema validation error.
Three Schemas You Need to Avoid the “Either “Offers”, “Review”, or “aggregateRating” Should be Specified” Error
This is one of the most common schema markup errors and it can be a little complex to fix (you’ll actually need three schemas). Don’t stress, though, I am going to walk you through it.
Google encourages product pages to make use of all product markups because it increases CTR and results in more sales.
However, some pages don’t contain the right schema markup, leading to schema validation errors in your GSC.
Three errors you will commonly see are for “offers,” “review,” and “aggregate rating,” which show up in a “either”offers “,”review “, or “aggregateRating” should be specified” warning.
To fix this error, you’ll need to use these three schemas.
If you’ve got some great offers on your products, then you want to tell everyone. When you run ads, your offers are often one of the most prominent aspects, so it makes sense to aim for the same thing with your organic listings.
Sales promotions work, so be creative with your offers and make sure people are aware of them. Cost might not be everything, but it’s certainly important when it comes to selling your products, and this is an area where schema can be incredibly helpful.
Social proof has always been important in marketing. As long as people have been selling things, there have always been people recommending them to their family and friends, and this has a huge effect.
Today, the internet has supercharged the idea of social proof.
We have immediate access to the thoughts and experiences of people all over the world who have bought the product we’re looking at. Modern consumers want to see this, and it has a big impact on their purchasing decisions.
If reviews are a big part of the buying decision, then they’re also going to help earn you clicks, but they can only do this if you’ve got the correct schema.
We’re all accustomed to seeing star ratings for all the products we buy. It’s so ubiquitous that we’d think something was up if a product didn’t show a rating.
Ratings are like reviews, just even more convenient. They give you an immediate snapshot of people’s experiences with a certain product. This is highly beneficial for businesses that can display a good level of social proof, and naturally, they want to make the most of it wherever they can.
If you’ve got a great rating score for your product, then you want to showcase it, and where better than on Google using the rating schema?
How to Fix the Schema Validation Error “Either “Offers”, “Review”, or “aggregateRating” Should be Specified”
If you click on your “Either “Offers”, “Review”, or “aggregateRating” Should be Specified” warnings in Google Search Console, it will show you the pages they’re affecting.
For most people using WooCommerce (who seem to be the main people affected by this), you’ll find the warning isn’t actually for product pages, it’s for category pages.
This is because WooCommerce automatically sets your product pages up with the following schema: Name, Description, URL, SKU, Availability, Image, Offers, AggregateRating, Price, Review, and more.
Thus, the problem isn’t with product pages. Instead, they’re normally on archived products and category pages. This is because WooCommerce has included some of the product schema on these pages, but Google says archive and categories pages shouldn’t have this markup.
Again, this isn’t something to be unduly worried about and it’s not going to destroy your rankings.
It is worth fixing, though. Since the error is caused by WooCommerce adding schema to a page that isn’t a dedicated product page, the answer is to remove the product schema markup for those pages.
The way to do it is by adding a snippet of code to your theme’s function.php file.
When you mention code, things start to sound very technical, but it’s not too complicated. Of course, if you’re not comfortable making changes on your site’s back-end, then you can always get a developer to do this for you:
head to your dashboard in WordPress
hover over “appearance” in the left sidebar and select “theme editor”
select “functions.php” from the “theme files box on the right
scroll to the bottom of the text box
insert the following code:
* Remove the generated product schema markup from Product Category and Shop pages.
function wc_remove_product_schema_product_archive() {
This piece of code should fix the schema errors on your category and archive pages and remove the warning from your GSC. It might take a little bit of time for the Search Console to recognize the changes, so don’t worry if the warnings don’t disappear immediately.
Other Schema Validation Errors
Schema is like a language that allows you to speak with search engines. Sometimes, there are errors in our communication and the message doesn’t get passed on.
There are lots of different things you can communicate through your schema, so occasionally, there may be slight errors.
Google Search Console helps give you a good picture of how your website is performing on schema, but it also offers other tools to help you spot issues. The rich results test gives you a good visual breakdown of how your page looks in Google’s eyes, and when used in conjunction with GSC can give you a much clearer picture.
Here are some of the errors you are likely to see, what they mean, and how to fix them.
Missing Field Price
If you see a missing field price error in your GSC, you may have entered the price in the wrong format. It needs to be entered as xx.xx without the dollar sign. For example, if your product is $42.99, then it needs to be entered as 42.99.
Rating Is Missing Best and/or Worst Values
If you include an aggregate rating in your schema, then you need to enter the highest rating and lowest rating possible. Most of the time, this means one star is the lowest possible value and five stars is the highest value.
Value in Property “ratingCount” Must Be Positive
This number represents the number of ratings a product has so it cannot be negative. Your product page might not have any ratings, and in this case, the value will be zero, but it can never be negative.
Schema is an important part of how your website communicates with the search engines, so it needs to be correct—otherwise you’re wasting time. If your Google Search Console is showing schema validation errors, it doesn’t mean your website is about to tank in the rankings, but it is important to fix.
A common error many people see is the “Either “Offers”, “Review”, or “aggregateRating” Should be Specified” error, and this can be an easy fix.
When you successfully use schema, it can boost your site, improve your CTR, and ultimately bring more traffic to your site. It might only take a few small tweaks to fix your schema validation errors, so it’s well worth the effort.
Are you looking for grant funding opportunities? Grants are exceptionally competitive, and they often require filling out a lot of paperwork. Still, if you can get them, they are essentially free money. So, if you feel you have a better than 50% chance, then it makes sense to go after appropriate grants.
It tends to help if you are a member of a minority or a protected class. Also, it can help if you are bringing in something new to an area that needs it. For example, rural electrification grants seem to always be available.
Let’s start with entrepreneurs who are members of minorities and protected classes.
Business Grant Funding Opportunities for Women
As female entrepreneurs continue to come into their own, the government and private ventures offer more grant funding opportunities. Here are a few to get you going.
Amber Grant
Women have some great grants open to them. The Amber Grant awards one prize of $10,000 per month to a woman-owned business. One of the recipients also receives an additional $25,000 grant at the end of the year. Applicants only need to tell their story and turn it in with a $15 application fee. See
Cartier Women’s Initiative Award
Businesswomen can also try for a Cartier award. This award is for women of all classes and groups. The Cartier Women’s Initiative Award has a regional category award and a science and technology award. The regional award is $100,000 for first place, with $30,000 for second and third place.
The award goes to three women from each of seven international regions. This award is a grant to 21 female business owners from around the world each year. Women business owners who are just getting started may qualify. Look over the complete application for more information. See
Cartier Science and Technology Pioneer Award and Fellowship
The Cartier Science and Technology Pioneer award is new as of 2021. With this award, three more women impact entrepreneurs at the forefront of scientific and technological innovation will be recognized for a new thematic award. Open to women entrepreneurs from any country and sector, this award will highlight disruptive solutions built around unique, protected, or hard-to-reproduce technological or scientific advances.
The laureate will be awarded a $100,000 grant. Each of the two remaining finalists will receive a $30,000 grant.
Cartier also offers a fellowship program. The fellowship is an educational program geared towards the 24 fellows selected each year. This program aims to equip the fellows with the necessary skills to grow their business. Also, it helps them to build their leadership capacity by drawing upon the experience and expertise of an array of academics, practitioners, industry experts, and entrepreneurs.
The fellowship isn’t exactly a grant. But while it’s not a monetary award, the mentoring and networking opportunities could be worthwhile to apply for. See
Grant Funding Opportunities for Black Business Owners
Entrepreneurs who are African American have other choices when it comes to grants. And for persons who are members of more than one minority – such as black women or people who are both Asian and Native American – there are more choices.
National Black MBA Association Scale-Up Pitch Challenge
Also known as NBMBAA, the Scale-Up Pitch Challenge has cash prizes ranging from $1,000 to $50,000. The association states its purpose is to help newer businesses that have an African American ownership. This is a pitch competition for startup businesses. See
The Minority Business Development Agency
The Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) is operated by the US Department of Commerce. It is dedicated to helping minority-owned businesses access the resources they need to grow and succeed. The MBDA is for both men and women. Grant competitions are regularly changing.
Visit the MBDA’s website for information on all current opportunities. Currently, the MBDA helps its members apply for grants via This involves help with how to apply for government grants. See
Enterprising Women of Color Initiative
The MBDA oversees the Enterprising Women of Color (EWOC) Initiative. The initiative works to focus on the fast-expanding minority women entrepreneur population as a revenue generators for families, communities, and the nation. Minority women are the fastest growing population of entrepreneurs. While many women are making tremendous strides in the business world, they still face obstacles as entrepreneurs.
MBDA serves as an advocate for women’s economic empowerment, by supporting efforts to advance women’s equality and promote women economic advancement programming. The vision of EWOC is to ensure women worldwide to reach their economic potential. See
Grant Funding Opportunities for Native American Entrepreneurs
The Native American Business Development Institute (NABDI) Grant
Are you all or part Native American? Then check out this grant.
The NABDI Grant is funded by the US Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Indian Affairs. It provides funding to business owners of Native American or Alaskan Native descent. In 2019, the program provided more than $727,000 to 21 indigenous tribes, to support economic feasibility studies for specific economic development projects or business startups.
For 2020, NABDI planned to award 20-25 grants. There is no minimum or maximum amount of funding that can be requested, but most awards range in value from $25,000 to $75,000. They only fund projects for one year at a time, which is when they expect projects to be completed. To apply for a NABDI grant for your proposed economic development feasibility study, go to
Indian Affairs
For business owners with Native American heritage, there is more available via the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Businesses owned by Native Americans can get financing from the federal government through the Indian Affairs branch. An individual can fill out an application for up to $500,000, but business entities and tribal enterprises may apply for more.
Potential borrowers can apply with any lending institution, they just have to use the application for Indian Affairs. There are additional requirements if you use the funds for construction, renovation, or refinancing. In general, you must supply a list of collateral, a credit report, and an analysis of business operations. See
First Nations Development Institute Grants
The mission of this group is to offer grants that help Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and Native Americans. They help in the application process in addition to funds. First Nations also helps point individuals to appropriate grants offered by other organizations, including the US government. This includes help with writing grant proposals. See
Grant Funding Opportunities for South Asian Entrepreneurs
The South Asian Arts Resiliency Fund
If your business is in the arts, and you’re also of South Asian descent, then check out this fund. The fund is run by the India Center Foundation. It supports US-based South Asian arts workers impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The fund will disburse grants up to $2,000, depending on financial need to US-based arts workers of South Asian descent. This includes those in the performing arts, film, visual arts, and literature with heritage from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. Initial funding for the program is $20,000, but the India Center Foundation is soliciting donations to expand the grant program.
Eligibility for The South Asian Arts Resiliency Fund
To be eligible, applicants must be of South Asian descent. Also, they must work in the arts and demonstrate loss of income due to COVID-19. Also, applicants must be:
at least 21 years old
not enrolled in a degree program, and
able to receive taxable income in the US
You can put grant funding toward any artistic project you can develop, create, and present. It must be within four to six weeks of getting funding. See
Grant Funding Opportunities for Science-Based Businesses
The National Science Foundation supports small businesses with contracts and grants. They award nearly $190 million annually to startups and small businesses. This is through the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)/Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) program.
The idea is to support transforming scientific discovery into products and services with commercial and societal impact. These grants support R&D across almost all areas of science and technology. To learn more about SBIR/STTR, visit See also
Grant Funding Opportunities in Response to the Pandemic
Grant Funding Opportunities from the US Government is a running list of more than 1,000 available federal government grants. The website compiles grants from over two dozen government agencies. Such as the SBA, USDA, and the US Department of Commerce. To find a grant right for your business, use the Search Grants tool on the website. You can sort through the list of grants by keyword or opportunity number.
The USDA is where those rural electrification grants are.
Once you have located the grant you wish to apply for, click the opportunity number for more detail. There, you will find more information about the specific grant as well as any associated documentation you may need. To apply for a grant through, you must first register. Then, you can download an application package for the grant you want to get. Be ready for a lengthy process. See
Alternatives to Grants: Crowdfunding
If you would rather not rely on grants so much to fund your business, crowdfunding is a viable option. Keep in mind, not everyone with a campaign on a crowdfunding site is successful. More unique products and services tend to do better. Kickstarter and Indiegogo are two of the most popular crowdfunding platforms to use. Some platforms may have higher success rates than others.
Alternatives to Grants: Angel Investors
Angel investors are informal investors. Essentially, you are selling a part of your business to them. They tend to not want a huge percentage of your business. Also, they won’t pass by more conventional businesses, like with crowdfunding and venture capital. Hence they can be another supplement or replacement for grants.
Alternatives to Grants: Loans
If grants aren’t an option, loans might work for you.
Business Center for New Americans
If you’re an immigrant, try the Business Center for New Americans. They offer a pilot program for microloans up to $75,000. They work with immigrants, refugees, women, and other minority entrepreneurs. The goal is to help minority business owners who have not been able to get traditional financing. Terms are 3% interest. Loan repayment term goes up to a year. See
Grant Funding Opportunities: Takeaways
The government and private organizations want to GIVE you money! Grants are a great way to supplement other business funding. And they are still worth the effort to apply. So there really isn’t anything to lose except time – it’s free money.
There are several grant funding opportunities out there for entrepreneurs. Members of minorities and protected classes tend to get some preference. But all entrepreneurs should apply for whichever grants they feel they are most likely to get. Also, other options for funding include crowdfunding, angel investors, and loans. Credit Suite can help you get the funding you need.
What is Going on with the Paycheck Protection Program?
According to the New York Times, “Four weeks before its scheduled end, the federal government’s signature aid effort for small business ravaged by the pandemic — the Paycheck Protection Program — ran out of funding on Tuesday afternoon and stopped accepting most new applications.”
Unfortunately, this is nothing new. The Paycheck Protection Program has run out of money before – almost exactly a year ago, to be precise, on April 16th.
And then in August of 2020, that round for the PPP ended with money left over. So, in essence, the amount has gone up and down, regardless of who has been occupying the White House or which party is controlling Congress.
Paycheck Protection Program Fraud Does Not Help Matters
According to the National Law Review, by last month, the SBA, “provided a total of $934 billion in funding to companies impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. As of September 2020, Congress had already identified billions of dollars in suspect loans issued under the PPP; and, in the months since, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has continued to pursue fraud investigations targeting PPP loan recipients across the country.”
In fact, it turns out to be good employment news for lawyers. The Department of Justice is currently hiring trial attorneys to prosecute loan fraud cases. But there are more reasons why the Paycheck Protection Program may have burned through its funds more quickly than its expected end date of May 31st.
Paycheck Protection Program Loans Going to Places That Do Not Need Them is Another Issue
In a paper published by, that organization found, “funds were targeted towards areas less severely affected by the virus, at least initially.” While things have changed, and the distribution process has improved dramatically, there may still be some questionable places where PPP funds went but were not needed – at least not as desperately as they have been needed in other industries and other parts of the country.
PPP Set Aside Still Has Some $$ – For Now
Also per the New York Times, “Some money — around $8 billion — is still available through a set-aside for community financial institutions, which generally focus on lending to businesses run by women, minorities and other underserved communities. Those lenders will be allowed to process applications until that money runs out…”.
Hence if you are a member of a protected class, you may be in luck. If you want a Paycheck Protection Program loan, and you have not acted yet, then your best (and only) bet is to go through a community financial institution. And you had best hurry.
Will more money be released to bolster this program for yet another round of funding? It is hard to say. Given that there was an April hiring boom, it is entirely possible that Congress and the President will decide to wait and see. Or, maybe, forgo another round while the economic recovery stays strong. As always, that could change at any time.
As a result, it is probably a good idea to look at alternatives to the Paycheck Protection Program.
3 Great Alternatives to the Paycheck Protection Program
3. 401(k) Financing
This is not a loan. You will not have to pay an early withdrawal fee or a tax penalty. You put the money back by contributing, just like with any 401(k) program. This means you won’t lose your retirement funds. This is a 401(k) Rollover for Working Capital program. The IRS calls it a Rollover for Business Startups (ROBS).
Per the IRS, a ROBS qualified plan is a separate entity with its own set of requirements. The plan, through its company stock investments, rather than the individual owns the trade or business. Therefore, some filing exceptions for individuals may not apply to such a plan. This type of financing isn’t a loan against, your 401(k), so there’s no interest to pay. It does not use the 401(k) or stocks as collateral. Instead, this is simply a movement or change of custodian.
Credit Suite offers 401(k) financing.
401(k) Financing: Terms and Qualifying
The Credit Suite 401(k) financing offers a powerful and flexible way for new or existing businesses and franchises to leverage assets that are currently in a 401(k) plan or IRA. In as little as 2 weeks you can invest a portion of your retirement funds into your business, giving you more control over the performance of your retirement plan assets and the working capital you need for business growth.
401(k) financing is easy to qualify for as you won’t need financials or good credit to get approval.
To qualify for 401(k) financing all any lender will require is a copy of your two most recent 401(k) statements. If your 401(k) has a value more than $35,000 you can get approval, even with severely challenged personal credit.
Pay low rates, often less than 5%. Your 401(k) will need to have more than $35,000 in it.
Can usually get up to 100% of what’s “rollable” within your 401(k). The lender will want to see a copy of your two most recent 401(k) statements.
You can get 401(k) financing even with severely challenged personal credit. The 401(k) you use cannot be from a business where you are currently employed. So it will need to be from older employment. You cannot be currently contributing to it.
Do You Have Credit Issues Now?
Our 401(k) financing program is perfect for business owners who have credit issues. Lenders are not looking for, nor do they require good credit to qualify. You can even get approval for a low-interest credit line, even with severely challenged personal credit and low credit scores.
You can get approval for a credit line, regardless of personal credit quality, even if you have recent derogatory items and major collections on your credit report.
This is one of the best and easiest business financing programs in existence that you can qualify for and get really good terms even if you have severe personal credit problems. You will need to pay a lender fee; it will include 5 years’ worth of management and consulting.
Many businesses wait weeks, even months to get paid on their outstanding account receivables. This typically creates major cash-flow issues as they provide their goods and services and absorb those costs until they eventually get paid sometimes 90 days later.
Hence another funding option is to use outstanding account receivables as collateral for financing. Receivables should be with the government or another business. If you also have purchase orders, then you can get financing to have those filled. You won’t need to use your cash flow to do so. You can get an accounts receivable credit line with rates of less than 1% with no consumer credit requirement.
Account Receivables Financing: Terms and Qualifying
Use your outstanding account receivables for financing. Get as much as 80% of receivables advanced ongoing in less than 24 hours. Remainder of the accounts receivable are released once the invoice is paid in full. Factor rates as low as 1.33%. Get an accounts receivable credit line with rates of less than 1% with no consumer credit requirement.
Account Receivables Financing Through Credit Suite
With Credit Suite Account Receivable Financing you can get rates less than 2% and financing as high as $20,000,000 even with severely challenged personal credit.
Easy Qualification Process
To qualify for AR Financing your business must be open for at least 12 months. The lender will review your existing receivables or purchase orders and will look into the company that your receivables are with.
If the companies who owe you money have a good history of paying their debts, you can easily get approval regardless of your personal credit quality.
Do You Have Credit Issues Now?
The Credit Suite Account Receivable Financing program is perfect for business owners who have credit issues. Lenders are not looking for, nor do they require good credit to qualify. You can even get approval and be advanced 80% of your receivables, even with severely challenged personal credit and low credit scores.
Get approval with a personal credit score lower than 500, even if you have recent derogatory items and major collections on your credit report. Lenders truly don’t care about your personal credit; they care more about the credit of the company where you have the receivables.
This is one of the best and easiest business financing programs in existence that you can qualify for and get really good terms even if you have severe personal credit problems.
You can get paid tomorrow instead of waiting weeks or months for payment. And you can do this for less than the cost of you accepting a credit card payment from your customers.
There are very few other programs in existence that can give you these low rates even if you have severe personal credit challenges.
1. The Credit Suite Credit Line Hybrid is a Terrific Alternative to a PPP Loan
A credit line hybrid is a form of unsecured funding.
Our Credit Line Hybrid program is extremely popular due in part to how easy it is to get approval. To qualify lenders will look solely at your or your credit partner’s personal credit quality. They are looking for very good personal credit with no derogatory items reporting.
Our credit line hybrid has an even better interest rate than a secured loan. Get some of the highest loan amounts and credit lines for businesses. You can get 0% business credit cards with stated income. These report to business CRAs. So you can build business credit at the same time. This will get you access to even more cash with no personal guarantee.
Credit Line Hybrid: Terms and Qualifying
You need a good credit score or a guarantor with good credit to get an approval (a FICO score of at least 680). Your credit utilization on each of your revolving accounts has to be less than 40%. You can have no more than six inquiries per bureau in the past six months. Fewer inquiries are preferable. You cannot have more than four unsecured accounts opened within the past 12 months. And you cannot have any bankruptcies in the previous seven years.
Plus, there can be no open (unpaid) collections, liens, or judgments. And no late payments in the last 24 months. You will need to have a seasoned bank card trade line with a $2,000 limit or higher. A higher limit is preferred.
Plus, you must have at least two open revolving accounts with a good payment history spanning a year and a half to two years.
No financials are necessary. You can often get a loan of five times the amount of current highest revolving credit limit account. This is up to $150,000.
Do You Have Credit Issues Now?
If you have good credit there is a good chance you can get approval for our Credit Line Hybrid. But even if you have personal credit issues now and no established business credit, we still might be able to help.
You can qualify for our Credit Line Hybrid program with a personal guarantor. If you have someone such as a business partner who does have good personal credit, they can apply and qualify for unsecured financing for the business.
Our collateral-based financing programs are perfect for consumers with personal credit challenges. Get approval with great terms and get approval even with severe credit issues. You can also qualify for financing with us if you have been open more than a year and have active cash flow for your business now.
You can use our Business Credit Building Program to help quickly establish a business credit profile and score so you can qualify for unsecured financing based on your business credit. We even work with a powerful network of credit improvement specialists who can help you repair your personal credit damage.
Paycheck Protection Program and its Alternatives: Takeaways
The Paycheck Protection Program has been in flux ever since it was first announced over a year ago. And the fact that it’s again out of funds should come as no surprise.
But don’t despair if you feel you’ve missed out on business financing. Try any of our alternatives to the PPP – and these three just scratch the surface when it comes to all that Credit Suite has to offer.
You can get business funding and stay afloat – no matter what’s going on with the PPP. Why not reach out today to find out the details on what you can get for your business?
Social media is one of the fastest-changing industries out there. It is changing everything: Your customers’ expectations, the way they find and interact with you. Is your business keeping up? Here are a few ideas …
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