New comment by rayhano in "Ask HN: Who is hiring? (August 2019)"

[TBD – negotiating domain] | Designer who can code (node/python preferred)| LONDON, UK | Onsite, full time |

Hi, I’m Ray.

I founded Unmortgage, the new way to buy a home without a mortgage.

After securing a partnership with Allianz for an initial fund of £500m and also the largest seed round in Europe (probably ever) of £10m, I’ve stepped down as CEO to work on something new.

I have designed a business that adds such value to people’s lives (for free) that they use us for buying essential financial services: mortgages, insurance, high-Speed broadband.

I’m looking for someone to work side-by-side with me.

The goal is to be up-and-running within a few months and generating several million pounds worth of profit by this time next year.

I have several potential venture and private equity backers to help us grow, but I’m keen to get as far as we can bootstrapped.

There is additionally an opportunity to roll-up 7 existing businesses which generate over £1bn in revenue today. They would cost c.£200m to acquire. Hence lining up private equity.

Just to provide a flavour of my ambition.

Happy to chat and answer any questions – I tend to be an open book, as I find that is the best way to learn and build trust:

Take Courage and Don’t Let Difficult Customers Drag You Down –10 Brilliant Business Tips of the Week

The Hottest and Most Brilliant Business Tips for YOU – Handle Difficult Customers and More Our research ninjas at Credit Suite smuggled out ten amazing business tips for you! Be fierce and score in business with the best tips around the web. You can use them today and see fast results. Yes, you can even … Continue reading Take Courage and Don’t Let Difficult Customers Drag You Down –10 Brilliant Business Tips of the Week

New comment by saelamin in "Ask HN: Who wants to be hired? (August 2019)"

———————————————————- * Location: Atlanta, GA USA * Remote: Yes * Willing to relocate: No * Technologies: Full stack developer and designer. PHP, Laravel, Javascript, ES6, React, jQuery, HTML/CSS, SASS, LESS, MySQL, AWS, Linux, Web APIs, RESTful APIs, WordPress * Resume/CV: ———————————————————- 15 years total programming experience, 10+ years building for the web, 5 years … Continue reading New comment by saelamin in "Ask HN: Who wants to be hired? (August 2019)"

New comment by saelamin in "Ask HN: Who wants to be hired? (August 2019)"

———————————————————- * Location: Atlanta, GA USA * Remote: Yes * Willing to relocate: No * Technologies: Full stack developer and designer. PHP, Laravel, Javascript, ES6, React, jQuery, HTML/CSS, SASS, LESS, MySQL, AWS, Linux, Web APIs, RESTful APIs, WordPress * Resume/CV: ———————————————————- 15 years total programming experience, 10+ years building for the web, 5 years …

New comment by beedrillzzzzz in "Ask HN: Who is hiring? (August 2019)"

Enlitic | Infrastructure Engineers, Backend Engineers, Frontend Engineers, Deep Learning Researchers | Full-Time | ONSITE | San Francisco, CA or New York, NY | Where intelligence meets empathy, Enlitic is a San Francisco-based company that uses data to advance medical diagnostics. By pairing world-class radiologists with data scientists and engineers, we collect and analyze …

Take Courage and Don’t Let Difficult Customers Drag You Down –10 Brilliant Business Tips of the Week

The Hottest and Most Brilliant Business Tips for YOU – Handle Difficult Customers and More

Our research ninjas at Credit Suite smuggled out ten amazing business tips for you! Be fierce and score in business with the best tips around the web. You can use them today and see fast results. Yes, you can even take that to the bank – these are foolproof! You don’t have to let difficult customers defeat you!

Stop making stupid decisions and start powering up your business. Demolish your business nightmares and start celebrating as your business fulfills its promise.

And these brilliant business tips are all here for free! So settle in and scoop up these tantalizing goodies before your competition does!

#10. Email Marketing Works If You Can Get Your Customers Engaged With It

Our first jaw-dropping tip is all about getting more email marketing engagement. Foundr says there are four things you can do. We highly recommend reading the entire article to get the full benefit. So instead we’ll just concentrate on a part of the article.


Our favorite tip was all about creating relevant content which your customers and prospects actually want to read. Personalization matters! Why should your customers and prospects read your ad copy if it doesn’t relate to them personally? Admit it – you wouldn’t, either.

So spend some time, and personalize what you can. Yes, you’re busy. We all are.

But email marketing is truly great. It can have a terrific open and conversion rate.

But you need to put the work in.

#9. Where Will Your Advertising Dollar Go? Where Will They Do You the Most Good?

The next awesome tip is about creating the best, most cost-effective ads.  Wordstream tells us there are a ton of reasons why you would want to get started with digital advertising. That is, in contrast to traditional advertising.

We recommend checking out the article in its entirety. It gets into the specifics of cost per click on platforms such as Google search, LinkedIn InMail, Google maps ads, Amazon sponsored advertising, and more. The article has details on industries. You’re bound to find yours!

Difficult Customers Credit Suite

If you are as passionate about succeeding in business as we are, please help us spread the word about how to take the plunge and save time and money – and your sanity! Don’t let difficult customers defeat you!

#8. Churn, Baby, Churn? Er, Actually, Please Don’t

Our following life-changing tip concerns how to get to net negative churn with your pricing. Open View Partners lays the facts on us.

What the heck is churn? And why do you want it to be negative?

Churn is when your subscription business loses customers. Why does it happen with subscriptions so much?

It all has to do with billing.

So if you see a subscription service which you think you’re going to love, you might even be happy to pay for a month or two, to see what it’s all about. But when you get to the second or third month (or perhaps later), you realize the Spaghetti of the Month Club (or whatever) isn’t worth the $85 you’re paying per month (or whatever).

If you don’t think you’re getting value, then you’ll be reminded of that the moment the bill comes due. And then you’ll cancel.

On the business side of things, of course we don’t want that.

So, what do we do?

Let’s Cut Through the Math

There’s some esoteric math in this article but we’ll try to translate it.

Our fave idea is to determine what your customers want to do, and then put a value on that.

The idea of goal-oriented pricing makes sense to us. Further, the article goes into a fascinating rule of thumb. For whatever money the customer thinks they will save with your solution, charge one-tenth of that.

Hence if you create a solution which will save them $100 per month, then the way is clear. Charge ‘em $10 per month.

But that price is not set in stone! Adjust, test, and see what you get. That brings us to another rule of thumb. If you raise your prices, you can keep doing so until you get more than 20% of your prospects balking at the cost.

Because when that happens, you know you’ve gone too far.

#7. Oh, Behave!

For our next sensational tip, we looked at using buyer behavior to grow your business. Founder U has the answers. What are your buyers doing? And why? Because if you can tap into what motivates your customers, you’ll be really onto something.

We loved the idea of helping people to buy more. This is basically when you get a notification from (for example) from Amazon that tells you people who bought X were likely to also buy Y.

So one idea we liked was that of using social proof. Social proof is when you show prospects how people are using your product or service. So if you sell women’s clothing, you can show women wearing your creations for job interviews or for parties or whatever you like. Because sometimes it helps to see the product in the wild, as it were.

#6. Talk to Your Difficult Customers – Here’s How

This tip is so helpful, and it works! Freelancers Union gives us the lowdown on the kinds of communications solutions you need to draw on to deal with difficult customers.

These communications solutions are actually good for talking to pretty much anyone. Possibly the best tip is to restate their concerns. Why do you want to do this? Because it makes it clear whether you understand what it is they’re complaining about. Or maybe you don’t. Just going ahead without clarification is a recipe for more difficulties.

Another reason is to be able to restate their concerns and complaints in language which softens the situation.

“Oh my God! You’ve ruined me!”

But maybe they really mean: “Delivering my order late is costing me money!”

The softer statement is also far more specific. It has details in it which may be actionable.

One Person’s Meat is Another Person’s Poison

True story time.

Before the internet was much of a thing, your intrepid blog post writer was a data analyst.

This was difficult, slow work, requiring lots of precision. My boss at the time was a rather disorganized person. Furthermore, this person just plain did not like dealing with a certain internal customer.

As a result, when this internal customer asked for reports, their requests were often buried under mountains of paperwork. This meant that not only didn’t an acknowledgment go out – it also meant the reports were often done under extreme pressure. Because the request for a report might have come on the first of the month, but the request didn’t actually get to me until the last day of the month.

You know, the day before the report was due.

This was a lousy way to do things and I told my boss as much. When the boss was away on business, I took to looking through the top of their desk (not in the drawers; that would have been far too intrusive) to see if there were any buried report requests. I would do them, assuming I could find them.

One day, the internal customer called and demanded to speak with me. My boss said, “You’re about to get an earful. I’m sorry.”

Instead, the customer was calling to thank me for being on top of things. And we arranged for this customer to make requests directly of me, thereby leaving my boss out of the equation entirely.

My boss was relieved, my stress level went down, and the customer got what they needed.

Ducking and avoiding this hard to work for internal customer was the worst way to handle things. Please don’t do that to your hard to work for customers and prospects!

#5. Don’t Be Daunted by Difficult Customers Demanding Discounts

Grab this mind-blowing tip while it’s hot!

Difficult customers getting you down? Are they demanding a discount? You’re not alone. Fortunately, HubSpot has the solution.

It’s All About the Strategy

There are several reasons why difficult customers might want discounts. And sometimes they’re not even trying to be difficult! So, when do you give in?

HubSpot says it’s more important to figure out why, and how.

Tough Prospects Credit SuiteHaggling For the Sake of Haggling

If you don’t think this exists, think again. Possibly our favorite tip concerned this very subject. Essentially, if you seem close to a meeting of the minds, but the rug keeps getting yanked, that should tell you something.

Sometimes, customers and prospects push for discounts because they unfairly believe every product and service is overpriced. How do you deal with these difficult customers? Ask why they want a discount.

Having to give a reason is very powerful. If they can’t – that is, it’s not a budget consideration – a lot of people will back down.

Quid Pro Quo

Another great strategy is a form of compromise. Such as, I’ll give you 15% off if you commit to an extra year on your service contract. Or whatever bargain you think is best.

But no matter what, don’t just hand out discounts willy-nilly, to anyone who wants them. That’s a sure-fire way to fail in business. You just won’t make enough money. Your difficult customers and prospects will smell blood in the water, and they’ll all want less.

And, most importantly, it gives off a clear signal that you don’t believe in your own work product.


Difficult Customers Credit Suite

If you are as passionate about succeeding in business as we are, please help us spread the word about how to take the plunge and save time and money – and your sanity! Don’t let difficult customers defeat you!

#4. Tackle the Triple Bottom Line

Check out this spectacular tip, all about balancing your profits to a higher purpose. Startup Professionals says there’s currently a kind of triple bottom line. It’s not enough to just make money. You also have to be socially responsible. And green. Also known as people, planet, and profit.

So, how do you juggle all of that?

What Does Success Mean to YOU?

That’s the first step, and we could not agree more. If your sole concern is social responsibility and being green, you may find you don’t make too much money. And so the article (rightfully, we think) suggests you might not want to be an entrepreneur. Maybe a nonprofit or a government role is more your speed.

You know, there’s nothing wrong with either.


Hey, there’s our favorite thing to do. Measure not just your profits. How about seeing if you can quantify how much you’re helping the planet? One ton less paper used every quarter is something you can point to. It’s tangible. And you can adjust as well. Maybe that’s hard to do. Or maybe it’s a lead pipe cinch, and you can do better. But you won’t know that until you start measuring.

#3. Get More Done – Yes, You Can!

It’s not your imagination: this winning tip can help make you more productive. Fundera tells us a lot of it is about procrastinating. We all do it. So what happens if we do something at least semi-productive during that down time?

Two ideas they had which we really liked were to do minor chores and to change your scenery. If you’re putting off a task, how about spending a few minutes tidying up your desk? If you’re procrastinating about something, why not change the venue? You may find getting a little exercise, or just a new set of walls to stare at, can bring your productivity mojo back.

So one of our favorites was a bit of relaxation therapy. Apparently, there’s a real-live Japanese study which supports a few minutes looking at pictures of baby animals can increase your concentration and, thereby, your productivity.

Note: we said minutes, not hours.

One, two, three, everyone – awwww.

#2. Back to Email Marketing – We’re Talking About it a Lot Today…

Our second to last unbeatable tip can give you a new perspective on email strategy. Sumo has some excellent ideas.

Now, we’ve looked at this kind of marketing before. Yet it bears repeating. Essentially, one of the things you want to do is communicate with your customers and prospects at logical times.

Sumo shows off two different flavors of welcome emails. One is a welcome for signing up for a webinar. The other is a welcome with a giveaway. By using two separate welcome emails, why not try a little A/B testing?

Our fave bit was the emails both set expectations. They both tell you how often you’ll hear from Sumo. So if it’s too much or too little email, you can’t say you didn’t know.

#1. Human Resources Means Managing Actual Humans

We saved the best for last. For our favorite remarkable tip, we focused on HR management tips. Effortless HR says communications are key. Kind of like our tip #6, although presumably your employers are easier to take than your toughest customers!

So our fave idea was one which we truly hope is something of a no-brainer. That is, encourage all opinions and ideas.

Yes, even the ones that maybe aren’t so positive. You just might learn something.

So which one of our brilliant business tips was your favorite? And which one will you be implementing now?

Difficult Customers Credit Suite

If you are as passionate about succeeding in business as we are, please help us spread the word about how to take the plunge and save time and money – and your sanity! Don’t let difficult customers defeat you!

The post Take Courage and Don’t Let Difficult Customers Drag You Down –10 Brilliant Business Tips of the Week appeared first on Credit Suite.

Human Interest (YC S15) is not hiring 10x engineers

You may have recently seen a VC on Twitter talk about what makes a “10x engineer”: We at Human Interest couldn’t disagree more. In fact, if those tweets describe the way you like to work, we’d prefer you not apply to work with us. The engineers at our Human Interest are eagerly collaborative, and …

The post Human Interest (YC S15) is not hiring 10x engineers appeared first on BUSINESS DEMO WEBSITES.

The post Human Interest (YC S15) is not hiring 10x engineers appeared first on Buy It At A Bargain – Deals And Reviews.

Just Funded… $48,000 for Retail Location

The post Just Funded… $48,000 for Retail Location appeared first on Automation For Your Email Marketing Sales Funnel.

The post Just Funded… $48,000 for Retail Location appeared first on Buy It At A Bargain – Deals And Reviews.

Customer Styles

Customer Styles

According to research study done by Elizabeth Sproles as well as George Sproles (1990) in the Journal of Consumer Affairs, there is a considerable web link in between individuals discovering designs as well as their “customer designs”.
The perfectionist customer design, which defines a customer that looks thoroughly and also methodically for the very best high quality in items often tend to find out via significant, evaluation and also via both energetic as well as monitoring oriented understanding. These sorts of customers are very objective oriented.
The brand name aware, rate equates to top quality customer has a tendency to be oriented towards acquiring the much more costly, popular brand names often tend to discover selecting recognized brand names a practical approach that changes reasoning as well as knowing in their customer options.
The uniqueness and also style aware customer appears to line ingenious as well as brand-new gains as well as items enjoyment from choosing brand-new points. This customer often tends to not be worried about the ramifications or repercussions of buying ingenious or brand-new product or services.
Due to the fact that it’s enjoyable, the leisure buying customer discovers going shopping a pleasurable task as well as involves in it. Due to the fact that they such as to be included in their purchasing, this customer involves in purchasing as a social experience or.
The cost worth customer often tends to concentrate on sales as well as reduced costs stabilized versus top quality. This customer has a tendency to concentrate on energetic, truth procurement. This customer has a tendency to go shopping the marketplace extensive as well as do lots of contrasts to locate the correct equilibrium of affordable price and also top quality.
The spontaneous customer purchases the spur of the minute as well as are unconcerned with just how much is invested. This customer does not intend to be troubled with brand-new details or learning more about solutions or items.
The confused-by-overchoice customer regards a lot of brand names and also shops as well as experiences info overload on the market. He or she is extremely outlined as well as truth oriented in their customer procedure as well as comes to be psychologically overloaded, specifically in an intricate multichoice market.
The regular, brand name faithful customer over and over again selects the very same brand names as well as shops. This customer participates in a severe understanding procedure to locate product or services that offer them with favorable experiences and afterwards stick to them.
Research study Implications
Know thy customer. This study shows just how crucial it is to create an emotional account of your optimal customer. You require to recognize what customer frequents your market as well as from this you can start to create, very first with ease, after that via continuous research study, an account of your target client’s customer design.
If you offer your item or solution over the net you can be quite certain that you are marketing to individuals that run out of a minimal number of customer designs such as the perfectionistic; the novelty/fashion; as well as
the cost mindful customers. These are all details oriented customers that take part in inquiring prior to they acquire.
If you are marketing to various other services after that you’re once more most likely mosting likely to require to market with a positioning to offering audio info combined with pertinent and also effective advantages since you’ll be taking care of nit-picker and also rate mindful customers.
Recognize that with this info you can function to transform individuals from one design to one more. You might be able to transform a rate aware customer to one that is brand name devoted by supplying constant high quality for a reduced cost. You might have the ability to transform the confused-by-overchoice customer right into a brand name dedicated customer by offering basic, direct details incorporated with high quality that punctures the details overload.
Final thoughts
Research your target audience and also proactively job to recognize exactly how they believe and also this will certainly open brand-new advertising and marketing creatives that will certainly much better target their specific customer design. If done attentively as well as continually, this must verify to boost your lower line.
Sproles, Elizabeth & Sproles, George (1990 ). Customer Decision-Making Styles as a Function of Individual Learning Styles. The Journal of Consumer Affairs.

The rate worth customer often tends to concentrate on sales as well as reduced costs stabilized versus top quality. You require to recognize what customer frequents your market as well as from this you can start to establish, very first with ease, after that via recurring research study, an account of your target client’s customer design.
You might be able to transform a rate aware customer to one that is brand name dedicated by supplying regular high quality for a reduced cost. You might be able to transform the confused-by-overchoice customer right into a brand name faithful customer by offering basic, straight ahead details integrated with high quality that reduces via the details overload.
Customer Decision-Making Styles as a Function of Individual Learning Styles.

The post Customer Styles appeared first on ROI Credit Builders.

Impraise (YC S14) Is Hiring a Senior Elixir Developer in Amsterdam, NL

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