Globalstar's stock takes a dive after Apple didn't say its new iPhone supports satellite communications
Shares of Globalstar Inc. took an afternoon dive Tuesday, as investors expressed disappointment that Apple Inc. did not say its new iPhone 13s would support satellite communications. The mobile satellite services company’s stock sank 19.4%, after being down 5.3% just before the start of Apple’s iPhone 13 launch event. The stock had rocketed 64.3% on Aug. 30, after the reports surfaced that Apple would work with Globalstar as it added satellite communications to its next iPhone. The stock had climbed another 14.5% from Aug. 30 to the five-year closing high of $2.69 on Sept. 8, before pulling back. The stock has still rocketed 442.9% year to date, while the S&P 500 has advanced 18.3%.
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