How to Enhance Your Video Strategy: OTT, Live-Streaming and More!

Video industry is huge these days: Either you are in or your brand is missing out! Small Biz Trends claims that by 2019, 80% of all web traffic is going to be video traffic. All major agencies and brands have already joined the trend: According to Outbrain survey, over 8o% of digital marketers have started… Read more »

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Achieve Business Rapport and More –10 Brilliant Business Tips of the Week

The Hottest and Most Brilliant Business Tips for YOU – Attain Business Rapport and More

Our research ninjas at Credit Suite smuggled out ten amazing business tips for you! Be fierce and score in business with the best tips around the web. You can use them today and see fast results. You can take that to the bank – these are foolproof! Build the ultimate in business rapport and connect with your clientele – and more.

Stop making stupid decisions and start powering up your business. Demolish your business nightmares and start celebrating as your business fulfills its promise.

And these brilliant business tips are all here for free! So settle in and scoop up these tantalizing goodies before your competition does!

#10. What? Where? Taming Your Work Distractions

Our first jaw-dropping tip is all about avoiding distractions at work. Also known as – watch out for that squirrel! HBR says everyone gets something like 46 push notifications per day – and most of them are useless and completely unnecessary. Since these are a big portion of the 50 – 60 interruptions many of us get on a daily basis, turning off push notifications is one way to injure the distraction beast. But not quite slay it.

One great thing about email is that it doesn’t have to be answered immediately. So, why do we do that? Cut that stuff out yesterday. Another great idea was to set aside blocks of time to check email or anything else which is basically a distraction.

Yet another good idea was to stop hitting ‘reply all’. If not everyone has to know about XYZ, then they probably don’t want to hear you’re doing whatever it is that you’re doing. Certainly, they don’t need to follow every excruciating little step.

Tame Your Calendar

One idea they had was to not let people change your calendar without permission. Or to use Calendly which allows you to only offer meeting times during prescribed hours. That’s all well and good.

Allow us to add another idea.

Make a daily appointment with yourself to get stuff done. Whatever your thing is to do, and whatever is your most productive time – take that time back. Stuff it into a calendar block and mark yourself busy if not away.

Don’t breach your commitment to yourself. Don’t be late to your personal meeting with yourself. And don’t cancel.

If you absolutely must reschedule, do so for a big deal and an important reason. Your personal time is vital. Don’t squander, abuse, or dismiss it.

#9. Going to the WELL Standard

The next awesome tip is about making sure your office space meets the WELL standard. Noobpreneur notes WELL has seven core concepts. They are: air, water, nourishment, light, fitness, comfort, and mind.

The article has good points for upgrading your office so as to meet the WELL standard. There are benefits, like increased employee health and productivity.

But what do you do if your office is a coffee shop, or a virtual space? What if you work from home? Or you just can’t change your space that readily.

We recommend reading the article, but we have some ideas for handling WELL in these other circumstances.

Almost WELL

Kinda. You can improve air by reducing clutter and adding plants. Get in more water by having it delivered. Enhance nourishment by bringing in healthy snacks and getting together a group to head to a healthy restaurant once a week. Bring in more light with a lamp – and make it better with a full-spectrum bulb.

It’s kind of obvious how to add more fitness – join a gym! But if that’s not feasible, how about walking to work, or taking public transportation – and using a stop farther away from your home or office than the closest one? If that can’t work, can you park in the farthest away parking spot. No matter which spots are open, use the one that’s farthest away from your office door. It’s highly likely it’ll be open.

And your healthy restaurant group? Maybe they’d like a different day where you bring in lunch and everyone goes for a walk during lunch?

Enhance comfort with seats and desks which are the right height. Bring in a small pillow if you need it. Slap on headphones and block out extraneous noise. And enhance mind with collaborating. Even people alone in their respective offices can collaborate using a tool like Asana or Slack.

Use your imagination.

Business Rapport Credit Suite

If you are as passionate about succeeding in business as we are, please help us spread the word about how to take the plunge and save time and money – and your sanity! Attain the ultimate business rapport and more.

#8. Own YouTube With Your Next Video

Our following life-changing tip concerns YouTube SEO. Opt In Monster lays it all out for us.

Keep in mind, there is some overlap with #7, but these are not identical articles. They have some different tips.


Much like in traditional SEO, it’s all about the keywords. That is, the main subject of your video. Can’t decide on synonyms, like film vs. movie vs. cinema? Then use YouTube’s autosuggest. It comes from searches, so you’ll see what people are actually looking for. This is the essence of business rapport.

And for gosh sakes, don’t forget to put your keyword in your video title and description!

We recommend checking out the entire article but keep in mind at least their information on Google Trends appears to be out of date.

#7. Video, Meet Google

For our next sensational tip, we looked at how to rank your newly optimized YouTube videos on Google. This is not the exact same thing as #8. AHRefs concentrates on using its product. This is typical for their articles. But the principles are good.

So, without further ado, here’s what they suggest.

Best Practices

  • Locate topics with ‘traffic potential’. This means checking keywords and doing research to find out what your customers and prospects are looking for. A wonderful video which no one is looking for may as well not exist at all. Ouch.
  • Create an optimized video. The best way to do this is to think about cooking shows (yes, really!). The best cooking videos have clear images and sound. They have clear instructions with no digressions. And the chef describes what they’re doing while they are doing it. This kind of clarity is what Google’s algorithm loves.
  • Fix your closed captions. Amen! In particular, if the captions get your company or product name wrong, or they don’t get your keywords right, fix that, stat!
  • Upload an attractive and enticing thumbnail. Don’t settle for what YouTube gives you. The software often doesn’t pick the best imagery. Make your image clear and high quality, no matter what’s in it.
  • Add timestamps! And keep them in your video description, with a new one on each line. The algorithm will pick these up. And your viewers will appreciate it. Consider a video with Xmas songs. For listeners playing the Whamageddon game, don’t you think they’d appreciate knowing when Last Christmas comes on, so they can avoid it? Same thing for your customers and prospects. Some of them want to cut to the chase. So make that possible.

This tip is so festive, and it works! Manta tells us how to get more customers into your business before Xmas.  There are any number of ways to leverage the holidays and bring in more customers. Of course decorating, either in person or virtually, is at the top of the list. Plus, the holidays are a great excuse for a party or a giveaway – or both.

But what’s below the surface and less obvious?

Take Advantage of Scheduling

The holidays are everyone’s crazy season. Even if you don’t have any holidays in December, you actually do – New Year’s Eve and Day. You might not want to be working on those days. And your employees may not want to be working, either.

So use the scheduling functions for software such as HootSuite and Buffer.

This also includes setting tweets, Facebook and Instagram posts, and blog posts for the last minute. Because we all know someone who buys for Xmas on the morning of.

Maybe that’s you. Hey, we’re not judging.

Free up your time to do just that and wield scheduling like a weapon.

#5. Achieve the Nirvana of Business Rapport

Grab this mind-blowing tip while it’s hot!

‘Tis the season for togetherness – so why not build a better business rapport with your employees?

Effortless HR says holiday parties and other events are the perfect time to build and reinforce team bonds.

We really loved the part about decorating the office.

Make Meaningful Customer and Prospect Connections Credit Suite

Go Beyond Office Decorations

Of course, it’s easy to just put up some garlands and then call it a day. Er, a holiday.

But the great suggestion from this article was to also ask your decorating committee to check for anything which might need minor repairs while they’re putting stuff up. This isn’t meant to be a structural engineering inspection. Rather, it’s to see if the paint is chipping in one corner, or there’s a fluorescent bulb that needs replacing. Maybe the company fridge could stand to be cleaned out. Or perhaps there’s a chair in the conference room which is no longer adjustable.

Whatever it may be, the committee should tell maintenance. And the article went onto suggest getting the fixes in before the holidays, if that’s at all possible. It goes beyond just plying your employees with alcohol and baked goods. These may not be big structural changes. Instead, they eliminate certain small annoyances. And they fix certain tiny cosmetic imperfections.

All of that can help your workers feel better, beyond the season.

Go Inclusive or Go Home

This was another point made in the same section. And boy oh boy, does that ever sing our holiday song! Go beyond the tree. How about a kinara (that’s the candelabra) for Kwanzaa and a menorah for Chanukah? You can get an electronic version of both, or battery-powered individual candles.

Your employees who aren’t Christian will appreciate your including them. I sure as heck would, and will. 😊

Volunteer Support

Now, this wasn’t in the article, but we feel the need to point it out. A decorating committee is virtually always a volunteer group. Do they need to stay late to get their work and the decorating done? Then pay those people overtime – and get them a cab or an Uber if they need to go home alone in the dark. And if they miss any work or are pulled away, get them some coverage!

Decorating the office shouldn’t be an occasion for anyone to get behind in their work, lose out on pay, or personally endanger themselves.

Not just sayin’.

Business Rapport Credit Suite

If you are as passionate about succeeding in business as we are, please help us spread the word about how to take the plunge and save time and money – and your sanity! Attain the ultimate business rapport and more.

#4. Pull The Trigger On Emotional Words In Your Copy

Check out this spectacular tip, all about upping your business engagement with trigger words. Talk about building business rapport! Lead Pages notes that emotions lead to actions. So, which emotions do you want to evoke in you customers and prospects? And how do you evoke them?

We recommend reading the article although we suggest that you not overuse emotional words, particularly in your titles. Otherwise, you just sound like clickbait. And that is no way to build business rapport.

#3. Once Upon a Time, There Was a Sale…

It’s not your imagination: this winning tip can help you tell better stories in your business presentations. What better way to attain business rapport? HubSpot tells us that sales stories are a lot like any other type of story. That means, they have characters and conflict. And they have a change at the end. They have a coherent narrative.

We recommend reading the entire article as it’s helpful for building business rapport with better storytelling. But let’s first talk about fiction.

The World of Fiction

Yeah, I’m an actual fiction writer (fer realz, yo’).

Here’s how I learned to write fiction, and how it applies to your sales stories.


Who’s in the story? Where is it set – your setting is a type of character. When you match your character to your buyer persona, your prospect or customer will be more interested. If I’m a middle-aged woman, then telling me a story about a teenaged boy might not go over so well. The match should be close. It doesn’t have to be 100% on the nose. But if you try to fit one size to all, your story will fall flat.


In the sales context, this is the identification of the problem. Say your character has a problem that only your widget can solve. They need your service. Whatever it is, this is the driving force behind your tale. It’s the heart and soul of your story.


In standard storytelling, this is also called the climax. For sales storytelling, you’re looking to show an inciting incident which turns the problem into a critical issue that must be solved ASAP.

Think about, say, flood insurance. A lot of us realize, intellectually, that it’s probably a good idea to buy it. Yet we put it off and put it off and put it off.

The crisis is when the waters are pooling around your ankles. So, what’s pooling around your prospect’s ankles?


Here’s where you show the solution in action. By having flood insurance, your character gets the full value of her possession back when they’re damaged or lost. She’s still been through a flood. But she’s much better off than her neighbors who didn’t have flood insurance. She can make a new start much more easily.

Tell. Your. Story.

#2. Come on Back

Our second to last unbeatable tip can give you a new perspective on winning back customers with ‘back in stock’ emails. Sumo reveals all about building your mailing list and using it to bring back customers. Consider this: it’s the holidays, eh? As if you didn’t know. And stuff goes out of stock. All. The. Time.

Acknowledge it. Embrace it. Benefit from it.

The article is great and we recommend reading it in its entirety. Here’s one takeaway we really loved.

Personalization FTW

With current technology, there’s no excuse not to know what your customer or prospect was browsing and what you’re out of. That is, if you sell sweatshirts and the black is in stock, but navy isn’t, your prospect will appreciate it if you showcase the navy in your email to them. While it’s possible to offer a substitute (and you can), not shoehorning your customers in the same place is a good thing. All of those square pegs don’t fit into round holes.

Nor should they.

#1. Uniqueness Matters

We saved the best for last. For our favorite remarkable tip, we focused on making your product uniquely memorable. Startup Professionals says 80% of businesses believe their offerings are unique. But only 8% of customers feel the same.

That’s … not good.

One great way to differentiate you from your competition – and in your customers’ eyes – is to customize. But do so efficiently. Your customers may want an experience specifically tailored to them. So give them one, as well as you can.

This means concentrating on which customers get such special treatment. Not everyone should. Not only will it help you differentiate yourself, it will also give off an exclusivity vibe. People like to pay for that. So make it exclusive.

So which one of our brilliant business tips was your favorite? And which one will you be implementing now?

Business Rapport Credit Suite

If you are as passionate about succeeding in business as we are, please help us spread the word about how to take the plunge and save time and money – and your sanity! Attain the ultimate business rapport and more.

The post Achieve Business Rapport and More –10 Brilliant Business Tips of the Week appeared first on Credit Suite.

Become a Brilliant Boss and More –10 Brilliant Business Tips of the Week

The Hottest and Most Brilliant Business Tips for YOU – Become the World’s Most Brilliant Boss and More

Our research ninjas at Credit Suite smuggled out ten amazing business tips for you! Be fierce and score in business with the best tips around the web. You can use them today and see fast results. You can take that to the bank – these are foolproof! Become a brilliant boss to your employees today!

Stop making stupid decisions and start powering up your business. Demolish your business nightmares and start celebrating as your business fulfills its promise.

And these brilliant business tips are all here for free! So settle in and scoop up these tantalizing goodies before your competition does!

#10. Holiday Etiquette to Attract Customers

Our first jaw-dropping tip is all about the best etiquette for holiday postings. Manta says this time of year can be terrific for bringing in more customers. But how?


You’ve (maybe) already decorated your store. But what about your website? Go beyond the clichés – but avoid overly religious imagery unless it fits. After all, if your store sells bibles, then go for it.

But if you’re a realtor, a creche is probably not going to be the best of ideas. Still, there are plenty of other ideas. Consider this idea – when your intrepid blog writer was growing up, there was a very boxy older home in town. The house was probably built at the start of the last century or so. It was white, with black shutters and a gray roof. It was a realtor’s office.

Just your standard house, right?

But they had the best holiday decoration, bar none.

It was a huge red ribbon, with a bow in the front, diagonally hung from the second floor down to the ground.

The house looked like a big holiday present. It was likely an inexpensive decoration. There were no specific lights for it. It probably just had to be folded up and stuffed into some big box to be stored.

And … that was it.

Simple. Elegant. Timeless.

People loved it.

There have been others since. But this one was spot-on perfect. And at the time, it was original.

Get a Second Opinion

We cannot stress this one enough. There are, unfortunately, so many ways to mess holiday communications up. Egad, there are more of them than there are ways to get it right, eh?

A look at Hallmark Movies tells the tale.

They’re adding two Chanukah films this year! Yay?

Except one is about how a Jewish actor goes to a Christmas celebration and doesn’t know how to act. And the other is about a Jewish woman and her Christian coworker decorating their office for the holidays.

Oy vey.

No one ever asked for special attention. These films could have been presented as your standard Hallmark Christmas movies and no one would have batted an eye. Instead, they come out as what, to many folks (your blog post writer included), feels like Chanukah isn’t good or interesting enough so we need to wrap it up in pine trees and elves.

Hallmark, I have a lot of trouble believing you couldn’t find anyone Jewish in the entertainment business to bounce this idea off.


So please, I beg of you – run an idea like this past the people it affects the most. What you think might be a warm, inclusive idea just might turn out to be a good gesture sheen over second-class treatment to the very people you’re trying to attract.

Don’t be like Hallmark Movies when it comes to this.

#9. Better Cold Calling Can Be Yours

The next awesome tip is about better and more effective cold calling. Sales Hacker notes a lot of people ask silly questions or stick too closely to a script. Neither will help you.

But we really loved their other tip.

Learn Something From Every Call

Truthfully, this should be what you do with pretty much everything. But let’s just look at cold calling right now.

It can be tempting, in particular if you experience a bunch of these at once. But rejections, no doubt, are a great place to learn. Did you talk too fast? Or waste time? Did you sound unprepared? Were there objections unexpected?

Whatever it was, learn something! Otherwise, you’re just wasting your time.

Brilliant Boss Credit Suite

If you are as passionate about succeeding in business as we are, please help us spread the word about how to take the plunge and save time and money – and your sanity! Be the brilliant boss your employees need – and more!

#8. Have Your Salespeople Meet Your Sales Quota More Easily

Our following life-changing tip concerns making your sales quota. LinkedIn lays it all out for us. A simple sales strategy was one of our favorite ideas. An easy process is going to be more likely to be followed, yes?

And one of the best ways to simplify all of it is to help your salespeople better communicate value to their prospects. If it’s easy to enumerate what’s so great about your product, then your sales team is going to be far, far more likely to do that on the first call, the last call, and every call.

#7. Smash Those Content Marketing Myths

For our next sensational tip, we looked at banishing content marketing myths. G2 says that some of the least common practices seem to get the best results.

We recommend you read the entire article to get the benefit of all of their insights. Here’s the one that really jumped out at us.

Don’t Be All Things to All People

Well, they didn’t exactly put it that way. Rather, they said that publishing daily, everywhere, isn’t doing you any favors.

Egad, please shout this one from the rooftops. Tattoo it on the inside of your eyelids.

We ain’t kiddin’.

Being everywhere isn’t just silly and nonscalable. It’s also a lousy use of your resources. And it doesn’t target your audience. At. All.

If there is one marketing drumbeat we have been hearing throughout 2019, it’s this: specify, specialize, and get personal. Trying to target everyone with a firehose is a terrible way to market.

So don’t do it.

#6. Bring Back the Passion

This tip is so different, but it works! Addicted 2 Success tells us all about refueling your passion.

What made you want to start your business in the first place? Is it feeling just a little bit stale? Are you maybe burned out a little? Then this article is for you. We highly recommend reading the whole article.

So we’ll just concentrate on one thing here: joining a community.

It’s hard to sustain your passion when you feel like the Lone Ranger. So why not join a community of like-minded individuals? They may have ideas to help you become even more successful. Or they might just commiserate. There’s nothing like talking to someone else who’s been there, done that, got the tee shirt.

In fact, that’s kind of what your Chamber of Commerce, SCORE, and a number of other local organizations are all about. You don’t have to go it alone.

#5. You Can Become a Brilliant Boss

Grab this mind-blowing tip while it’s hot!

If you’ve ever wanted to become a brilliant boss, then here’s your chance.

Noobpreneur provides a baker’s dozen worth of  advice from the best bosses their contributors ever had.

We especially loved two of their tips.

Don’t Go it Alone

Wellll, they didn’t actually put it that way. Rather, they said a brilliant boss knows how to delegate. And a brilliant boss also knows how to encourage and elicit feedback.

We think those two go together. Consider this: the hardest, most stressful way you can work is to take the weight of the world on your shoulders and never, ever give it up to anyone else.

Don’t do this.

You have employees for a reason. Work with them! And let them in on the struggle. Their ideas just might make everyone’s life easier.

Get Your Hands Dirty

Awesome Supervisor Credit Suite

In a way, this is a corollary to not going it alone.

Raise your hand if you ever had a boss who left you work to do on a deadline, told you it was imperative to get it out, and then grabbed their coat and left. Bonus points if they never bothered to forward the finished product, or didn’t return in time to get it out on time. And more bonus points if they sat on it, or claimed it wasn’t what they wanted – but they never told you what they wanted in the first place.

That’s passive-aggressive nonsense (there’s a nice, sanitized word for it). Don’t be that kind of a supervisor.

A brilliant boss gets in the trenches and works with their employees. They help out when the team is shorthanded. And they respect their employees’ hard work and don’t undermine it by sitting on time-sensitive work.

Let me tell you about my own experiences.

A Few True Stories

Your intrepid blog writer has had several bosses. But three tie for the title of Most Brilliant Boss. Here they are presented, in chronological order.

Amy was 100% organized. Her meetings were run like a steel trap. You always knew exactly what she wanted and needed. You knew her expectations. She was (still is!) an extraordinary communicator.

Maureen was informal and funny. The first time I ever met her, she was swearing about a report which wasn’t working for her. It was my first day on the job! And so I asked – how can I fix this for you? A few months later, I had the solution. To show her appreciation, she nominated me for a company award, which I won.

Alex is smart and is a great facilitator. He has a wonderful talent for getting in the middle of an issue between an employee and anyone else. He serves as a human shield, a buffer, if you will, between his charges and other departments. These other departments aren’t hostile – it’s more that he can interpret between them and make things better for all.

Back to You

Be organized like Amy. Know what you want and need, and ask for it clearly. Your employees will appreciate the directness, and not having to play let’s read the boss’s mind. You know, where they spin a big wheel and try to figure out just what the heck you meant by what you just said.

Communicate like Amy.

Be relaxed and appreciative like Maureen. Thank the people who work for you for what they do – and not just during the holidays! You never know how your documented appreciation can help someone out. My little company award story has gotten me jobs!

Thank like Maureen.

Be protective like Alex. Cherish your employees and treat them fairly. Don’t let others undermine them. You’re the one making the big (er, maybe just the ‘biggish’) bucks. So start acting like it, and get in the middle so your employees don’t have to bear the brunt.

Protect like Alex.

Thank you, Amy. I appreciate it, Maureen. And thank you, Alex.

Brilliant Boss Credit Suite

If you are as passionate about succeeding in business as we are, please help us spread the word about how to take the plunge and save time and money – and your sanity! Be the brilliant boss your employees need – and more!

#4. Appreciate Your Employees Before They Find Someone Else Who Will

Check out this spectacular tip, all about showing employee appreciation. Entrepreneur notes that there are a number of creative ways to show appreciation to the people who work for you.

We really loved the idea of being public about it – as public as possible. You know all those company-wide emails you sometimes get because someone messed up? Why not turn them into a force for good?

Chris did an amazing job on the XYZ report and helped us keep this vital client. Thank you, Chris!

Sending that to everyone in the company means Chris can get accolades from everyone.

Point out errors and correct mistakes in private, praise in public.

#3. Manage All Around the World and In Cyberspace

It’s not your imagination: this winning tip can help you better manage virtual teams. Proof Hub tells us there are differing cultures everywhere, and they can sometimes come into conflict when it comes to how teams are structured. In particular, this has to do with how the boss is treated. Are they an elite in an ivory tower? Or is even the most brilliant boss considered to be just another member of the team?

None of these are ‘right’ or ‘wrong’, of course. They’re just a bit different.

Another area where things differ is in the area of holidays and days off.

A Fer Instance

Your intrepid blog writer has had jobs in four separate states: Delaware, New York, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts.

Even though all of these places are in the United States, they don’t have the same holidays.

Rhode Island has Victory Day in August (confidentially, we used to call it “Rhode Island Saves The World Day”). Massachusetts has Patriots Day in April. Lincoln’s Birthday in February is celebrated as a government holiday in Connecticut, Illinois, Missouri, and New York. And poor little Delaware doesn’t have a holiday of its own. So sad, Blue Hens.

If there are so many differences in the same country and even in the same time zone, then how can anyone expect the holidays will be the same in Bangladesh, the Philippines, Ireland, and Zaire?

A little sensitivity and imagination, as in a lot of places, can go a long way.

#2. Git ‘Er Done

Our second to last unbeatable tip can give you a new perspective on getting more done in your business. Success Harbor reveals all about improving efficiency in your business.

Truth is, this can work outside of your business.

Our fave tip was to prioritize.

Does anyone read the report you spend four hours preparing every month? If so, and they get actionable insights from it, then keep prepping that report. Although you may want to explore as many ways as possible to streamline that activity.

But if they don’t, then why are you doing? If there’s a value to the report, then can it come out semi-annually or even annually? And if there is no value whatsoever, then ditch it. Don’t waste your time on it.

#1. Get Organized!

We saved the best for last. For our favorite remarkable tip, we focused on the benefits of getting organized in your business. Young Upstarts says there are essential benefits to being organized in your business. That is, beyond saving your sanity!

We’d like to combine two – one is that you’ll be more focused, and the other is that you will have more time. We think these go hand in hand.

Picture it: you can find every single report you need, in seconds. The sales figures are right where you expect them to be. And you have your taxes organized.

The few seconds you spend filing, either in the real world or virtually, will save you hours later.

So which one of our brilliant business tips was your favorite? And which one will you be implementing now?

Brilliant Boss Credit Suite

If you are as passionate about succeeding in business as we are, please help us spread the word about how to take the plunge and save time and money – and your sanity! Be the brilliant boss your employees need – and more!

The post Become a Brilliant Boss and More –10 Brilliant Business Tips of the Week appeared first on Credit Suite.

Do You Want To Receive More Affiliate Checks?

Do You Want To Receive More Affiliate Checks? Associate Marketing is without a doubt, among the simplest means to generate income online. It is an income sharing service connection in between the associate that accepts advertise the solutions or items, as well as the seller that supplies them. The associate markets the vendor’s solutions as …

The post Do You Want To Receive More Affiliate Checks? appeared first on Buy It At A Bargain – Deals And Reviews.

Do You Want To Receive More Affiliate Checks?

Do You Want To Receive More Affiliate Checks?

Associate Marketing is without a doubt, among the simplest means to generate income online. It is an income sharing service connection in between the associate that accepts advertise the solutions or items, as well as the seller that supplies them.

The associate markets the vendor’s solutions as well as items as well as obtains a payment for every effective reference. Every time a client is referred to the vendor’s website, with the associate’s initiatives, as well as makes an acquisition, the associate obtains a share of the revenue.

Associate Marketers can gain a couple of dollars to thousands of bucks with associate programs. The chance to make in associate advertising can just be restricted by the associate’s method, creative thinking and also resolution.

There are lots of manner ins which an associate marketing expert can do to optimize their revenues. They will certainly most likely desire to obtain as lots of as feasible if you ask any kind of associate online marketer just how lots of associate checks they would certainly desire to obtain. Some associate checks are tiny, totaling up to absolutely nothing greater than $25.
Over time, these associate checks might develop up to an actually outstanding quantity. Making a ton of money in associate advertising is not instantaneous.

A lot of associate marketing experts will enthusiastically respond that they desire to obtain as numerous associate checks as feasible. Many associate online marketers presume that signing up with several associate programs is a sensible alternative. Due to the fact that, it is really simple to sign up with associate programs and also there is actually absolutely nothing to shed, associate online marketers are lured to sign up with as several programs they can obtain their hands on.

The ideal method to accomplish several streams of revenue is to focus on one associate program. Pick an item or solution that you can advertise passionately. The ideal solutions as well as items to advertise are those that you make use of directly.

As quickly as your initial associate program is making a sensible revenue after that you can continue to signing up with one more associate program and also repeat the procedure. “Too a lot, prematurely” is a typical challenge in associate advertising. Signing up with way too many associate programs at the same time in the hopes of having numerous streams of earnings merely does not function.

Emphasis initially on one associate program and also job on it so that it makes a great revenue. The concern needs to not be exactly how numerous associate checks you desire to get, yet exactly how several “high-paying” associate checks can you get.

If you ask any type of associate marketing professional just how several associate checks they would certainly desire to get, they will certainly most likely desire to obtain as numerous as feasible. The majority of associate marketing experts will enthusiastically respond that they desire to get as lots of associate checks as feasible. Due to the fact that, it is really simple to sign up with associate programs as well as there is actually absolutely nothing to shed, associate marketing professionals are attracted to sign up with as numerous programs they can obtain their hands on. As quickly as your initial associate program is making a practical earnings after that you can continue to signing up with an additional associate program and also repeat the procedure. The inquiry must not be just how numerous associate checks you desire to get, yet just how several “high-paying” associate checks can you obtain.

The post Do You Want To Receive More Affiliate Checks? appeared first on ROI Credit Builders.

How to Get More Organic Traffic Without Doing Any SEO (Seriously)

all know SEO is a long-term game… at least when it comes to Google.

And yes, who doesn’t want to be at the top of Google for some of the most competitive terms? But the reality is, we don’t all have the budget or time.

then, what should you do?

Well, what if I told you there were simple ways to get more organic traffic and, best of all, you don’t have to do one bit of SEO?


what is it? And how can you get more organic traffic?

this story will help explain it…

old days

I first started my journey as an SEO, I got really good at one thing.


Now to be fair, this was back in 2003 when it wasn’t that hard to rank on Google (or any other search engine for that matter).

Stuff some keywords into your page, your meta tags, and build some spammy rich anchor text links and you were good to go.

could literally see results in less than a month.

SEO wasn’t too complicated back then. So much so, that I even started an SEO agency and created a handful of sites.

I was starting to rank my sites at the top of Google but they didn’t make a dollar. Literally, not a single dollar.

In fact, I was actually losing money on them because I had to pay for the domain registration expenses and hosting.

So, one day I decided that I was tired of losing money and I was going to do something about it. I took the keywords that I was ranking for and started to type them into Google to see who was paying for ads for those terms.

I hit up each of those sites and tried to get a hold of the owner or the person in charge of marketing.

I asked them how much they were paying for ads and offered them the same exact traffic for a much lower price. I was able to do this because I already had sites that ranked for those keywords.

In other words, I offered to rent out my website for a monthly fee that was a fraction of what they were paying for paid ads.

Next thing you know I was collecting 5 figures in monthly checks and my “renters” were ecstatic because they were generating sales at a fraction of the costs compared to what they were spending on paid ads.

So, what’s the strategy?

Well, it’s simple. Back in the day, I used to rent out my websites… the whole site.

days I’ve learned how to monetize my own site, so I don’t rent them out.

But you know what, most of the sites that rank on Google are content-based sites. Over 56% of a website’s organic traffic is typically going to their blog or articles.

So why not rent a page on someone else’s site? From there, modify that page a bit to promote your products or services?

know this sounds crazy, but it works. I have one person that just reaches out
to site owners asking if we can rent out a page on their site. We do this for
all industries and verticals… and when I look at how much we are spending
versus how much income we are generating, it’s crazy.

Here are the stats for the last month:

fees: $24,592

Outreach costs: $3,000

costs: $580

and monetization costs: $1,500

monthly cost: $29,672 

guess what my monthly income was?

was $79,283.58.

too bad.

your cost on this model won’t be as high as mine because you can do your own
outreach, monetize the page you are renting on your own, and you probably don’t
need a lawyer.

And don’t be afraid of how much I am spending in rental fees as you can get away with spending $0 in the first 30 days as I will show you exactly what to do.

Remember, it’s also not what you are spending, it’s about profit and what you are making. If it won’t cost you any money in the first 30 days and you can generate income, your risk is little to none.

are the exact steps you need to follow:

#1: Find the terms you want to rank for

you already know the terms you want to rank for, great, you can skip this step.

If you don’t, I want you to head to Ubersuggest and type in a few of your competitors’ URLs.

over to the top pages report and look at their top pages.

click on “view all” under the estimated visits column to see a list of
keywords that each page ranks for.

I want you to create a list of all of the keywords that contain a high search volume and have a high CPC. Keywords with a high CPC usually mean that they convert well.

with a low CPC usually mean they don’t convert as well.

you are making a list of keywords, you’ll need to make sure that you have a
product or service that is related to each keyword. If you don’t then you won’t
be able to monetize the traffic.

#2: Search for the term

time to do some Google searches.

for all of the pages that rank in the top 10 for the term you ideally want to
rank for.

waste your time with page 2.

I want you to look for is:

  • Someone who isn’t your competitor. Your competition isn’t likely to rent out a page on their site to you.
  • A page that isn’t monetized. Not selling a product or service. (If the page has ads, don’t worry.)
  • A site owned by a smaller company… a publicly-traded company isn’t likely to do a deal. A venture-funded company isn’t likely to do a deal either (Crunchbase will tell you if they are venture-funded).

#3: Hit up the website

Typically, through their contact page, they should have their email addresses or phone number listed. If they have a contact form, you can get in touch that way as well.

you can’t find their details, you can do a whois
to see if you can find their phone number.

you want to do is get them on the phone. DO NOT MAKE YOUR PITCH OVER EMAIL.

just doesn’t work well over email.

you can’t find their phone number, email them with a message that goes
something like this…

Subject: [their website name]

Hey [insert first name],

Do you have time for a quick call this week?

We’ve been researching your business and we would like to potentially make you an offer.

Let me know what works for you.


[insert your name]

[insert your company]

[insert your phone number]

want to keep the email short as I have found that it tends to generate more

Once you get them on the phone, you can tell them a little bit about yourself. Once you do that, tell them that you noticed they have a page or multiple pages on their website that interest you.

out the URL and tell them how you are interested in giving them money each
month to rent out the page and you wouldn’t change much of it… but you need
some more information before you can make your offer.

At this point, you’ll want to find out how much traffic that page generates and the keywords it ranks for. They should have an idea by just looking at their Google Analytics (you’ll find most of these sites don’t use Google Search Console).

you have that, let them know that you will get in touch with them in the next
few days after you run some numbers.

Go back, try to figure out what each click is worth based on a conservative conversion rate of .5%. In other words, .if 5% of that traffic converted into a customer, what would the traffic be worth to you after all expenses?

want to use a conservative number because you can’t modify the page too
heavily or else you may lose rankings.

you have a rough idea of what the page is worth, get back on the phone with
them and say you want to run tests for 30 days to get a more solid number on
what you can pay them as you want to give them a fair offer.

most people don’t have an issue because they aren’t making money from the page
in the first place.

#4: Monetize the page

you are selling a product, the easiest way to monetize is to add links to the
products you are selling.

example, if you are selling a kitchen appliance like a toaster, you can add
links from the article to your site.

like this article

The easiest way to monetize a blog post is to add links to products or services you are selling.

Don’t delete a lot of the content on the page you are modifying… adding isn’t too much of an issue but when you delete content sometimes you will lose rankings.

for a service-based business, linking out to pages on your site where people
can fill out their lead information is great.

Or you can just add lead capturing to the page you are renting out. Kind of like how HubSpot adds lead forms on their site.

I’ve actually found that they convert better than just linking out to your site.

When monetizing the page you are renting, keep in mind that you will need disclaimers to let people know that you are collecting their information for privacy purposes. You also should disclose you are renting out the page and nofollow the links.

Once you are monetizing the page for a bit, you’ll have a rough idea of what it is worth and you can make an offer on what you’ll page.

I recommend doing a 12-month contract in which you can opt-out
with a 30-day notice.

The reason you want a 12-month agreement is that you don’t want to have to keep renegotiating. I also include the 30-day opt-out notice in case they lose their rankings, you can opt-out.

And to clarify on the op-out clause, I have it so only I can opt-out and they are stuck in the agreement for a year.


SEO isn’t the only way you can get more organic traffic.

Being creative, such as renting pages that already rank is an easy solution. Best of all, you can get results instantly and it’s probably cheaper than doing SEO in the long run.

The only issue with this model is that it is really hard to

If I were you, I would do both. I, of course, do SEO on my own site because it provides a big ROI. And, of course, if you can rent out the pages of everyone else who ranks for the terms you want to rank for, it can provide multiple streams of income from SEO.

The beauty of this is model is that you can take up more than one listing on page 1. In theory, you can take up all 10 if you can convince everyone to let you rent their ranking page.

So, what do you think of the idea? Are you going to try it out?

The post How to Get More Organic Traffic Without Doing Any SEO (Seriously) appeared first on Neil Patel.

How to Get More Organic Traffic Without Doing Any SEO (Seriously)

You all know SEO is a long-term game… at least when it comes to Google. And yes, who doesn’t want to be at the top of Google for some of the most competitive terms? But the reality is, we don’t all have the budget or time. So then, what should you do? Well, what if …

Embrace Business Delegating and More –10 Brilliant Business Tips of the Week

The Hottest and Most Brilliant Business Tips for YOU – Get Ahead With Smart Business Delegating and More

Our research ninjas at Credit Suite smuggled out ten amazing business tips for you! Be fierce and score in business with the best tips around the web. You can use them today and see fast results. You can take that to the bank – these are foolproof! Business delegating is going to save you time, money, and mental bandwidth.

Stop making stupid decisions and start powering up your business. Demolish your business nightmares and start celebrating as your business fulfills its promise.

And these brilliant business tips are all here for free! So settle in and scoop up these tantalizing goodies before your competition does!

#10. Up Go Your Sales and Revenues – Here’s How

Our first jaw-dropping tip is all about boosting sales and revenues. Young Upstarts says there is an actual difference between sales and revenue. The difference is as follows. Sales is the numerical total of the products sold, while revenue is the total amount of cash which was taken in because of the sales. 

One tip we really loved was all about prices.

Rethink Your Pricing Strategy

Prices should not be written in stone tablets, never to be changed. 

So check out what your competitors are doing. It may be better to lower your prices rather than raise them, by the way. A lower price can keep your products, and thereby your company, competitive. And raising your prices can help your business make more money with fewer sales or at least without having to increase your sales.

Whichever way works, be intentional about it. We are big, big fans of metrics and data here. So don’t change your prices without concrete support from unshakeable numbers.

#9. Banish the Churn

The next awesome tip is about avoiding buyer churn. LinkedIn notes that technology, unsurprisingly, can come to your rescue.

Churn is when you lose customers for some reason or another. A subscription service might see people cancel. A local shop could see people move out of the area. And an online business might find their customers are surfing elsewhere.

So, why are customers leaving?

Understanding why customers jump ship is key to preventing more defections. And it all comes from – surprise! – data. Many customers leave because they perceive a disorganization in a business, or a lack of service – or both. Better technology can help with both. Make your business decisions with objective data, not subjective anecdotes.

Business Delegating  Credit Suite

If you are as passionate about succeeding in business as we are, please help us spread the word about how to take the plunge and save time and money – and your sanity! Business delegating will transform your business.

#8. Put the Customer First. Always.

Our following life-changing tip concerns customer-centric selling. Help Scout lays it all out for us. 

Our favorite tip from this article was the part about leading with curiosity. But what, precisely, does that mean?

Imagine you’re selling television sets. You can just sell the TV and be done with it. Or you can engage the customer in some conversation where you ask curious-style questions:

  • Looking to watch the big game? Who do you favor?
  • Do you like to game? Let me show you how to use the TV with your gaming system
  • Oh, what a cute baby! Need to watch TV while the little one is asleep? Let me show you how to put on the captions
  • I see your kids are loving the set! Do you want to learn how to get a handle on what they’re watching, and block some content?

You get the idea. 

Your mission in sales is to put yourself in your prospect’s shoes. This means wanting to know what they know. And it means trying to learn the things they need to know but don’t know yet. 

#7. Save Your Health From the Effects of Sitting at a Desk All Day

For our next sensational tip, we looked at overcoming the harmful health effects of an office job. Effortless HR says that there are ways to incorporate some exercise into your day – and that will help to preserve your health.

We kind of liked the idea of making office calls. But we want to take it one step further. 

So it’s time for a true story.

The Mentor and the Walking Meetings

Back in the day (early in this century), your intrepid blog writer worked for a major publishing company right in the city. This was a job I used to get to via public transportation. I would also add more exercise to my day by getting off at a bus stop before the one I was supposed to get off at.

Then there was mentoring.

I signed up for this (I was the oldest person who did, by far!) because I knew so little about the publishing industry when I was hired. This woman turned out to be within 10 years of my age, and we got along famously. But the best part was suggesting to her that, weather permitting, we walk for our meetings.

And so we did! We saw a lot more of the city than most people do, while still getting done what we needed to do.

Will a walking meeting work for you? Maybe for a short meeting where it’s not expected a lot of notes will be taken. Try it. What have you got to lose?

#6. Stop Overworking – Here’s How

This tip is so smart, and it works! Indeed tells us all about bringing back work-life balance and getting off the overworking train. 

Here’s our favorite tip from the article – although we highly recommend reading the whole thing.

Set an Example

You’re the boss. You set the tone. And if you work late every night, guess what happens? A lot of your employees will feel the need to do the same. And if you call or text them at all hours, then they will feel the need to be available to you, 24/7.

True story – your intrepid blog writer has been friends for years with a woman who had a boss who would do both. And this boss would also call at 2 AM, screaming for my friend to do this or that. It was a marketing job. The vast, vast majority of marketing activities are not emergencies. And this was before the internet, so it wasn’t a social media crisis.

That’s nasty. It’s unfair. And it’s borderline abusive.

And my own job several years ago was a place where we were all expected to work late. But I wasn’t getting a lot of work! Rather than sitting around, I took the train home. And that was apparently the 100% wrong thing to do.

I was out of there, fast.

Don’t do that to your employees, or to yourself. Unless you’re curing cancer, working as an air traffic controller, or taking care of the people on the International Space Station, your business is important, yes. But it’s not so important that you can’t take time off and live life outside of it.

#5. Embrace the Power of Business Delegating

Grab this mind-blowing tip while it’s hot! 

You don’t have to go it alone. Business delegating is where it’s at.

The Self-Employed says it’s possible to delegate tasks even if they are tasks requiring a lot of skill. It’s all about maintaining relationships.

It’s possible to delegate tasks even if you’re a sole proprietor. Just keep a list of skilled, competent, reliable professionals.

Consider this.

Your Value is More Than Zero

In fact, your value is far more than nothing! Of course, you know this intellectually. But the bottom line is that adding yet another task onto your plate is probably going to cost you money.

Still, what, precisely, is your time worth?

Business Delegating  Credit SuiteIf you’ve been recently employed, consider that figure. And think about what you pay yourself (you do pay yourself, right?) and the kind of time you put in. But there’s more, particularly if you haven’t recently been employed anywhere but in your own business. Here are the details.

Think about what was the last big sale you made or account you landed? Got that in your mind? Good!

How much was it worth? And how long did it take to get it? This is everything from research to calls to perhaps visits, advertising, you name it.

Divide the amount of that big sale or account by the number of hours and set that figure aside. Do this again for a few more so you have a few numbers. Now average those numbers. More or less, that’s your hourly value.

So if it took you 100 hours to land a $10,000 sale, then your time is worth $100 per hour.

See why doing the filing is an expensive proposition which you should delegate to someone else?

Let the Professionals Lead the Charge

Do you do your business’s taxes? Payroll? Hiring? There comes a time in every successful business’s life when you stop doing that and you do some business delegating. You send the first two tasks to accountants. You send the last one to an HR professional. You get out of doing those things and you go back to what you do best – landing deals to buy widgets or whatever.

And don’t forget this. Your value should rise, commensurate with your experience, your time in business, and the size of the deals and sales you land. That $100 per hour might turn into $500 or even $5,000 per hour. 

Engage in business delegating and save money – and your own time.

Business Delegating Credit Suite

If you are as passionate about succeeding in business as we are, please help us spread the word about how to take the plunge and save time and money – and your sanity! Business delegating will transform your business.

#4. Get to the Point

Check out this spectacular tip, all about better focusing your content. Copy Blogger notes that meandering content doesn’t do you any favors.


Their best tip was to let first drafts sit and then edit the hell out of them. But what if you can’t? You might have a certain minimum word count and you just made it, so cutting even one word is too many. Or maybe there’s very little time.

C’mere, and I’ll tell you a secret.

Everyone’s on a deadline. 

But here’s how to do the editing dance when there’s very little time or wiggle room with words.

Editing for Fun and Clarity

Is there more than one writer in your company? Then have them switch off and edit each other’s work. This will get the editing done, and in less time. It’s a lot easier to spot errors – and let them go – when they aren’t your errors. 

Only got one writer? Then pair the writer with the employee with the second best writing skills. Not a perfect solution, but not a bad one. 

It’s just you? Then do yourself a favor and take a day to start as many blog posts as you can. This is basically just the bare bones outline and no more. How to Paint a Wall. Where to Find the Best Sushi. Whatever your topic is, just write outlines. And then when you do blog, stick with them as if they were gospel. Your article on the best sushi shouldn’t include where to find great barbecue. Keep two questions in mind:

  1. What are your goals for this piece of content?
  2. What one thing should your audience take away?

Your outline should address both of these points. 

Outlines help to focus your writing, especially if you have no other way to edit. And by getting back to these outlines later, you have let them sit, our favorite tip from this article – to let things sit for at least a day.

#3. Start the 20s With New Marketing Techniques and Tools

It’s not your imagination: this winning tip can improve your marketing in 2020. Buzz Sumo tells us that we can start the year off right with a few changes.

We highly recommend reading the entire article, as there are some great, detailed ideas in there. But we want to showcase one in particular. Stories.

Tell Me a Story

This isn’t necessary a story in the sense of a beginning, middle, and end with a protagonist and a story arc. Rather, it is an ephemeral form of content. On Instagram and Facebook, for example, the content is just plain gone pretty quickly. But on both places, people love it.


There’s something fun and a little mysterious about getting in on a bit of content that others don’t. We might not have backstage passes and maybe we can’t get past the velvet rope at the club. But we can be on Instagram at the right time to experience a story.

Facebook does this to great effect in a thoroughly noncommercial sense. It does it with birthday stories.

And it’s a brilliant piece of advertising.

Say what?

By getting people used to stories and giving them a reason to check them out, Facebook is showing consumers that they just might want to check out stories from marketers. And the beauty of it is that Facebook has been Birthday Central for years. Sometimes a birthday greeting is the only communication between two connections in a year. By associating this seemingly necessary thing (remembering a birthday) with stories, Facebook has even created a demand.

And that’s the story!

#2. Ready, Set, Holidays!

Our second to last unbeatable tip can give you a new perspective on readying your business for the holidays. Because they are coming faster than you might think! Score reveals all about getting set for the inevitable.

And we so loved the fact that they led with business delegating! 

We loved two of their ideas which can both be done by someone else. Talk about your business delegating.

It’s Website Facelift Time!

We’re not talking so much about updating the design. It’s more to make sure that you can handle orders and inquiries. If your website goes slow or stops altogether, you’re going to lose sales. And you might even lose future sales.


It’s a great area where you can practice business delegating, too. You can even hire a professional for a look-see to make sure you’re not overlooking anything big.

After all, most people haven’t started holiday shopping yet. There are probably going to be a lot of folks out there who are more than happy to deal with your website for a few hours or days and get a few bucks in anticipation of holiday bills.

It’s Also Office and Store Facelift Time

Now we’re talking about something more artistic. 

How into the holidays are your workers? Do they watch It’s a Wonderful Life once and then call it a season? Or do they have brackets whereby they pit film and TV Santas against each other to see who comes out on top?

I’m partial to Art Carney myself. Fight me.

Either way, a lot of people are into decorating this time of year. This is a great time and place for business delegating, because it’s more fun that way. 

Do your customers, prospects, and non-celebrating employees a favor and don’t make the decorations too religious unless you’re a religious book store or the like. Then have at it! But for most other establishments, snowflakes, bows, and boughs can be festive without excluding anyone.

Same with holiday music. And please don’t make it all Xmas music even if it’s fairly secular! There are plenty of winter tunes which don’t mention the specific holiday at all. Here are a bunch – but they don’t have my personal favorite!

And don’t forget to have fun. You work hard all year. You deserve this.

#1. Leverage Small Business Saturday

We saved the best for last. For our favorite remarkable tip, we focused on succeeding on Small Business Saturday. It’ll be here a week from this Saturday! The SBA says Small Business Saturday is a terrific way to usher in the holiday season and make some profit. But you need to be ready.

We really loved two specific ideas. One was to leverage local events. That is, if your town is having a tree lighting ceremony, and are a salon, why not hand out little cards with basic skin care tips for the cold weather to the people outside watching the ceremony?  

The other idea we loved should be no surprise – keeping track of what works, and what doesn’t. Otherwise, how will you know what to do next year?

So which one of our brilliant business tips was your favorite? And which one will you be implementing now? 

Business Delegating Credit Suite

If you are as passionate about succeeding in business as we are, please help us spread the word about how to take the plunge and save time and money – and your sanity! Business delegating will transform your business.

The post Embrace Business Delegating and More –10 Brilliant Business Tips of the Week appeared first on Credit Suite.

Do not be afraid the more clear

The broader use CCPs is not a systemic risk– however individuals do deal with hard-to-measure threats

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Improved Business Writing and More –10 Brilliant Business Tips of the Week

Improved business writing will help you make more sales. Check out how better overall communications will make you money.

The Hottest and Most Brilliant Business Tips for YOU – Improved Business Writing and More

Our research ninjas at Credit Suite smuggled out ten amazing business tips for you! Be fierce and score in business with the best tips around the web. You can use them today and see fast results. You can take that to the bank – these are foolproof! Show off your improved business writing!

Stop making stupid decisions and start powering up your business. Demolish your business nightmares and start celebrating as your business fulfills its promise.

And these brilliant business tips are all here for free! So settle in and scoop up these tantalizing goodies before your competition does!

#10. Goodbye is Just as Important as Hello

Our first jaw-dropping tip is all about creating a good business offboarding process. T Sheets says the last impressions a departing employee has of your business can often be just as important as their first ones.

Knowing how to successfully offboard an employee is a vital part of running any business.

Tell People!

Don’t leave folks in the dark. In particular, the soon to be ex-employee has coworkers and, possibly, direct reports. Don’t those people deserve to know what’s going on? Otherwise, they are going to fill in the blanks. And you are probably not going to look too good if that happens.


It’s Also in Your Best Interests

Telling people isn’t just about making sure they don’t say bad things about you. It’s also about making sure that your departing employee imparts their wisdom before they hit the road. Yes, you’re going to ask them to document things. But the article also says – don’t overdo that. It’s unpleasant to begin with. Plus you are more likely to need them to wrap up loose-ended projects.

So keep the lines of communication open. Don’t sweep the employee’s departure under a rug. It’s nothing to hide, and it is nothing to be ashamed of. People move on all the time. It’s not a reflection on you or your company.

And, if you offboard someone really well, you know what can happen?

They just might decide to come back and work for you again. These impressions matter.

#9. Win at Negotiating With a Win-Win

The next awesome tip is about negotiating a better deal for your business. Noobpreneur notes any business person is going to have to do some negotiating in their lives. This is everything from working out the terms of employment agreements  with workers to getting a better deal on vehicles.

Their first tip is the best one.

Research FTW

If you don’t know what the other side wants and needs, you will have a lot of trouble with negotiations. Why? Isn’t the point of negotiating getting what you want, damn all the others?

Not quite.

Yes, you want to get what you, well, want. But if you can get the other side to a win, then they are far more likely to say yes to your terms.

How come?

Most people have a well-developed sense of justice and fairness. I give you a few dollars, and you give me a coffee at your shop. But if I only give you a penny, I have no right to expect a coffee from you. And if I give you $100, then I expect to get either a lot of change back or enough coffees to caffeinate the entire team.

So give to get. You just might be surprised.

Improved Business Writing Credit Suite

If you are as passionate about succeeding in business as we are, please help us spread the word about how to take the plunge and save time and money – and your sanity! Show off your improved business writing and more.

#8. Forecast Better Than Vegas Odds

Our following life-changing tip concerns forecasting sales more accurately. Sales Hacker lays it all out for us.

And like a lot of the processes which we see which involve numbers, the best practices are to be organized and consistent.

It all comes down to the metrics.

Going Metric With Your Sales

What do you need to measure? What makes the most sense to know? in the article, they lay out a few which should be no-brainers, such as churn rate and win rate. That is, who stops subscribing, and who you’ve sold to.

The most intriguing measurements had to do with pipeline. That is, are you setting things up for the next sale?

What, you’re not?

It’s time to start.

#7. Seal Your Deals With a KISS

For our next sensational tip, we looked at using basic design principles in order to close more sales. HubSpot says that the old design principle of KISS can help you land more jobs.

Kiss means: keep it simple, stupid.

Also known as, don’t overdo stuff. Don’t overcrowd. And it should be no coincidence – better design can dovetail well with improved business writing.

The article covers a few basics of design, such as balance. But the one we really liked had to do with scale.

Draw In Your Clients to Scale

Quick – what’s bigger, a man or a whale?

Usually, it’s the whale. But a baby whale (not a baby shark, thank God) can be smaller than a man, yes? How are your readers going to ever know this without scale?

The same is true for your designs. If your widget is bigger or brighter, then show it in comparison with another widget which isn’t so big and bright. Otherwise, how could your prospects ever possibly know?

#6. What Happens When We Communicate?

This tip is so neat, and it works! Young Upstarts tells us all about using conversation intelligence to improve sales.  Communications intelligence is all about understanding when certain conversations lead to closed deals and others … don’t.

Consider how understanding your communications work, or not, will improve all aspects of the selling process. Like many data-driven aspects of business, knowing what works and what doesn’t will save you time later. Communications can be oral or written, so improved business writing should be included, too.

We recommend you read the entire article to get the full idea behind this new concept which, to us, sounds a lot like listening to your customers.

What a concept.

#5. Listen to Ernest Hemingway and Start Showing Off Your Improved Business Writing

Grab this mind-blowing tip while it’s hot!

Improved business writing is where it’s at. Because no one – no one – wants to read boring business writing.

Copy Blogger says the Pulitzer Prizewinning author has tips which you can use, too.

Here’s what we loved.

Forceful Prose That Means What it Says

Oh. My. God.

Essentially, the idea is as follows. Vigorous English is the kind of prose which tells you what’s going on, and does so in a way that you are immersed in it.

Better Biz Communications Credit SuiteConsider the following two sentences.

For sale: one electric scooter.

For sale: your ticket to freedom – an electric scooter.

Now, does everything benefit from such treatment? Probably not. After all, if you sell casket, an immersive experience is probably the last thing on your prospects’ minds. Unless it’s Halloween, of course.

Used well and not all the time, kind of like chili powder, vigorous prose can work wonders.

That’s not the only part we loved when it came to creating improved business writing.

What Is It? It’s This, Not Something That’s Not That

Say what?

So the other bit we really loved is the concept of forcefully and clearing declaring positively what something is.

This doesn’t mean happy talk. It’s not that kind of positive. Rather, it’s being clear and declarative with your prose.

Improved business writing – or any sort of writing, for that matter – starts here.

Let’s talk  about toothpaste as an example, okay?

And let’s say that your toothpaste has a cinnamon flavor. You don’t say that it isn’t spearmint flavor. No. You say that it’s cinnamon flavor.

It’s assertive. And it’s accurate, of course. But it’s also not apologetic. Saying that it’s not spearmint – doesn’t that feel like an apology? Like the copywriter is sorry, we didn’t go in the spearmint direction. But here’s some cinnamon as a consolation prize.

No. Don’t write like that!

Say what you mean. Mean what you say. Thanks, Papa.

Improved Business Writing Credit Suite

If you are as passionate about succeeding in business as we are, please help us spread the word about how to take the plunge and save time and money – and your sanity! Show off your improved business writing and more.

#4. Ready, Set, Write!

Check out this spectacular tip, all about writing better blog posts faster. Addicted 2 Success notes that there are a few ways to speed up the process of writing blogs.

Templates and the Blank Page

So, here’s a dirty little secret about these Friday posts.

C’mere, and I’ll tell you.

It’s based on a template. And that is for a very specific reason. Just like the posts being referred to in this article, this post has to be written rather quickly. With a template, the article comes together with a  lot less effort.

And there’s another perk to using templates. Blank pages can be daunting. By themselves, they can cause the kind of anxiety that can slide you right into writer’s block.

Templates banish the blank page.

We strongly suggest you check out the entire article. It’s a great ticket to improved business writing.

#3. Lights, Camera, Your Business!

It’s not your imagination: this winning tip can help you build a great studio for a video series. Wistia tells us that your first mission is to figure out just where you’re going to put your studio. But that makes a ton of sense, as a lot of your other considerations will follow from this.

So, what’s best?

Consider how you’re going to use the space. Is this going to be a space to record videos where the expected sounds come from the action on the screen? Or can you dub it in later? Either way, you need a quiet place to do audio. But if you’re going to do unboxing videos where the narrative is added later, or music plays over it, then you can kind of do your unboxing while a jet flies overhead, yes?

But then there’s one little thing.

Say What?

It’s sound. Viewers are going to forgive a lot these days. They know that you’re not in the business of making videos – unless you are, of course. So if you aren’t in the business of making videos, a lot of prospects and customers are going to  be perfectly fine with that. In fact, it can even turn into an asset.


Have you ever seen a slick used car salesperson on TV? Of course you have. And they are about the most artificial people out there, amirite?

A little imperfection in the visuals is pretty easy to forgive.

Not so with sound.

Your customers and fans want to hear what you have to say.  So have decent microphones! And then there’s post-production.

True Story Time

So, your intrepid blog writer used to be a podcaster. Podcasting, when you’re an amateur, means you wear nearly every hat there is. You book the talent, write up the questions, and even serve as your own laugh track.

I used to use Adobe Audition. And I still recommend it. It’s a great program, not too horribly expensive, for cleaning up audio. Clip out longer silences and put in segue music. You can even add introductory music and closing credit music. Most of all, it’s not too hard to use.

I cannot recommend this program enough, for any endeavor you pursue which requires good sound, such as podcasting or releasing your own video.

#2. Expand the Right Way

Our second to last unbeatable tip can give you a new perspective on expanding your business. E One Network reveals all about expanding your business.

We think the best tip was the first one – and of course we welcome your opinion if you disagree!

Being Cash Poor is Not Going to Help You Expand

Truer words were never written (well, maybe a few times…).

The bottom line is, if you don’t have enough cash on hand when your business has, say, three employees, what makes you think things are going to get any better once you have six? Unless, of course, you do something about that.

So think about what you can do. You might be able to get into a cheaper lease. Maybe you can stretch your fleet a little longer, rather than buying so soon. Or maybe you can switch to mugs rather than expensive one-use paper mugs and cups.

They had a terrific idea which should help – consider reducing your terms to Net-30 or Net-15.

Getting paid faster is bound to get you more cash on hand.

#1. Scaling Up

We saved the best for last. For our favorite remarkable tip, we focused on scaling your business successfully. The Self Employed says the move from a small startup to a larger business can be accomplished if you follow a few steps.

While this is similar to tip #2 (and the opposite of tip #10!), it goes beyond the financial aspects of making a business bigger.

Here’s our fave tip of the bunch.

Invest in Good Technology

It’s like buying a better sweater which will last for several seasons, as opposed to one  which costs less up front but you need to replace in a year.

Buying better tech which will help your business is key. Think about what you can automate. Is the cost prohibitive? It might not be if you start small, such as with an individual license versus an enterprise one.

Are your computers durable? Do you have good warranties for them? Now might be a good time to invest in that sort of assurance that bad components will be repaired or replaced.

We want your business to get bigger. These are just a few ways to make that happen.

So which one of our brilliant business tips was your favorite? And which one will you be implementing now?

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If you are as passionate about succeeding in business as we are, please help us spread the word about how to take the plunge and save time and money – and your sanity! Show off your improved business writing and more.

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