New comment by klarkc in "Ask HN: Who wants to be hired? (September 2023)"

Location: Florianópolis / Brazil
Remote: Yes
Willing to relocate: Maybe in the future
Technologies: Haskell, PureScript, Nix, JavaScript

New comment by editor678 in "Ask HN: Who wants to be hired? (May 2023)"

Location: EU (Czech Republic)
Remote: Yes
Willing to relocate: it can be in case of US

Technologies: Python, Golang, Node.js, PHP, Django, REST API, gRPC, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Mongo, Git, Gitlab, Sentry, Kubernetes, AWS, Linux administration, Redis, NoSQL, RabbitMQ, Elasticsearch, Docker, SCRUM, Agile

Email: editor678[dot]

I’m a 15+ years senior backend engineer (Python, Golang, Node.js, PHP, Django, REST API, gRPC, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Mongo, Git, Gitlab, Sentry, Kubernetes, AWS, Linux administration, Redis, NoSQL, RabbitMQ, Elasticsearch, Docker, SCRUM, Agile….).

I’m searching for full remote job in US (I don’t have visa or job permission in US).

CV by e-mail request please.

New comment by dcecile in "Ask HN: Who wants to be hired? (January 2023)"

Location: Kitchener, Ontario, Canada (ET)

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: AWS, C#, CSS, Django, Elm, GCP, Flutter, Kubernetes, Next.js, PostgreSQL, Python, React, Redis, Scheme, TypeScript, WebSockets







I’ve been making high quality software for 14+ years. Previously at Meya, I helped design and build our chatbot developer platform (Python / Kubernetes / Redis Streams / TypeScript / React). Email me or book time with me if you’re looking for a curious & tenacious full-stack dev.

SIRUM (YC W15) is hiring to make access to medicine more equitable

SIRUM is making medications affordable for all.
We’re a small (~25) but quickly growing team that’s passionate about our mission of reimagining healthcare access for those in need. We like to work hard, solve tough problems, and are determined to improve healthcare access for families who have trouble affording the medications they need to stay healthy.

We’re currently hiring for both our Palo Alto Office and Atlanta Warehouse, as well as some fully remote roles. We have opportunities for senior software developers, software architects, sales, communication, and many other positions and are especially interested in anyone with pharmacy experience.

If you want to work in healthcare, love mission-driven work, and thrive in a startup environment, then we may be a good fit. Check out our open roles at

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Jerry, Inc. (YC S17) Is Hiring Senior Software Engineers

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How to Run a Breakeven Analysis for Paid Marketing

Starting a new paid marketing campaign is no easy feat.

There are logistical considerations, financial considerations, audience considerations, duration considerations.

Let’s imagine you’ve decided to start a new Google Ads campaign. You have a vague idea how much everything will cost, and you’re eager to get started.

Before you hit the green light on your new campaign, you need to know about your future profitability, particularly when your profits will break even with your costs.

Why does that matter?

At that point in your campaign’s lifespan, you’re primed to start turning a profit rather than existing in the red.

How do you determine that point?

By conducting a breakeven analysis.

What Is a Breakeven Analysis?

Whether you’re running a PPC campaign, adding a new advertising stream to your ongoing strategy, setting up an e-commerce store, or even opening a brick-and-mortar store, you need to conduct a breakeven analysis.

As we mentioned above, it lets you know when you can anticipate your endeavor to start paying off.

Beyond that, this analysis lets you know if your endeavor is viable or if it will be impossible to achieve financial success given your business model.

By helping you determine fixed costs (expenses like rent) and variable costs (like materials), you can set prices that reflect these expenses and predict when your business will move into the liminal space between expense and profit.

This stage of in-between profit and expense is referred to as the breakeven point (BEP), the stage when revenues equal costs. Once you’ve identified your BEP, assess all your costs from rent to labor to pricing structure to ensure you’re not spending any unnecessary money.

First, determine if your costs are too high or your prices too low to reach your BEP in a manageable timeframe.

Next, decide if your plan will be sustainable.

Not only does your BEP alert you to a specific event that should signal your move out of the red, but it also lets you know if you need to adjust your business spend.

Why You Should Do a Breakeven Analysis

The breakeven analysis is a hallmark of every good business plan. It allows you to determine cost structures and if you should move forward.

While it may seem like a breakeven analysis can only be completed before starting your business, this process can be helpful well beyond business launch.

By assessing and reassessing your business’ cost structures, you can forecast several different outcomes regardless of where you are in your company’s lifespan.

Benefits to conducting this type of analysis include:

  • correct pricing of product or service
  • view of profitability
  • provides information to adjust strategies for progressing
graph of break even analysis equivocation point

When Should You Complete a breakeven Analysis?

A breakeven analysis can be conducted at any time. However, there are four distinct actions that should trigger this analysis at your business:

New Business

As we mentioned above, conducting a breakeven analysis for a new business is vital for determining viability and pricing structure.

New Product

If you’re adding a costly new product to your business, you must calculate your BEP to ensure the potential gain is worth the cost.

New Sales Channel

Costs change whenever you incorporate a new sales channel. Whether those costs are contingent on the channel itself or the associated marketing expenses, be sure to conduct a breakeven analysis every time you add a new sales channel.

New Business Model

When you switch to a new business model, your costs can change drastically. To make sure the new model is sustainable, conduct a breakeven analysis.

2 Steps to Run a Breakeven Analysis

Hopefully, we’ve conveyed the value of this type of analysis, regardless of where you are in your campaign or business journey.

Below, we break down the steps to run an analysis.

Aggregate Data

Identify all the expenditures you foresee for your business and divide those costs into two categories: fixed and variable.

  • Fixed costs: These expenditures refer to any expenses that stay the same, regardless of your business’ success or failure. Categories include rent, labor (if full-time/set), and software subscriptions.
  • Variable costs: These costs refer to any expenditures that are contingent upon how much you sell. Consider materials, payment processing, labor (if part-time/fluid).

After you’ve identified all of these costs, decide on an average amount for each expenditure. These aren’t set in stone, but they should be within the realm of possibility for each commodity.


The formula for breakeven analysis is a two-step process.

  1. Calculate how many breakeven units are necessary using this formula: fixed costs divided by (revenue per unit minus variable costs per unit).
  2. Determine your breakeven sales volume by using unit sales price times breakeven units.

This final breakeven sales volume point allows you to determine if your business is sustainable if your goals are reasonable, and how to adjust your pricing and spend accordingly.

break even analysis formula graphic

How to Track a Breakeven Analysis

While your breakeven point isn’t the final word in the ultimate success of your venture, it’s still a milestone indicative of your business’ growth.

As you launch your campaign, store, or product, keep an eye on your breakeven analysis and adjust as revenue rolls in or unforeseen expenses occur.

To keep your analysis up-to-date, you could use Microsoft Excel to crunch the numbers for you.

Use Excel’s Goal Seek, a tool that allows users to define by either unit or price.

The Goal Seek function allows users to break out specific amounts and conduct auditable adjustments.

To complete this function, follow these five steps:

  1. Enter the terms seen in the image below step two in column A of your spreadsheet.
  2. Key in the below formulas to calculate revenue, variable cost, and profit
  • Revenue = Unit Price x Unit Sold
  • Variable Costs = Cost per Unit x Unit Sold
  • Profit = Revenue – Variable Cost – Fixed Costs
excel breakeven analysis
  1. Select Data > What-If Analysis > Goal Seek.
  2. In the open Goal Seek dialog box, please complete the four below actions:
  • Specify the “Set Cell” as the Profit cell (B7 in this example).
  • Specify the “To value” as 0.
  • Specify the “By changing cell” as the Unit Price cell (B1 in this example).
  • Select OK.
excel breakeven analysis

Using Excel’s Goal Seek functionality, you can plug and play different scenarios as they arise. This tool also allows users to forecast what-ifs, enabling planning for eventualities that may or may not occur.

Through experimentation, you can help prepare your campaign, business, or product for any eventuality.

What to Do If Your Breakeven Analysis Was Wrong

While a breakeven analysis can be highly beneficial for assessing the sustainability of your campaign or project, the formula is not without its limitations.

Unanticipated external factors can wreak havoc on your formula, resulting in incorrect projections and measurements.

These factors can include:

  • lack of demand
  • incorrect data
  • lack of nuance in the formula
  • time fluctuations
  • competitors

These five factors can dramatically impact your breakeven analysis.

In addition to these external forces, what if the result of the breakeven formula is unattainable for your budget?

Should you ditch that new advertising channel altogether or give up on your dreams of a brick-and-mortar store?

The answer is no.

Below, we break down three strategies to enact if your breakeven analysis shows unsustainability for your next venture.

Reduce Fixed Costs

Is there an opportunity to reduce your fixed costs? Take it. The lower your fixed costs can go, the fewer units you need to sell to reach your breakeven point.

Increase Your Prices

When you increase your prices, you reduce the number of units you need to sell to break even. A general caveat is to be mindful of the expectations that come with an increased price and what the market will realistically pay. The more you charge, the better product or service your consumers expect.

Reduce Variable Costs

Reducing variable costs can be challenging, but the more you can scale, the more you can lower variable costs. Regardless of what industry you’re in, consider changing your processes, negotiating with your suppliers, or changing materials.


Regardless of whether you’ve decided to start advertising on Instagram for the first time or are opening the doors to a brick-and-mortar store, the accuracy of a breakeven analysis is complicated.

To ensure you get as close as possible to the correct figure, be sure to get into granular detail on the costs and prices that correlate with your business.

In addition to possessing a thorough understanding of the costs associated with delivering your message or product to consumers, you must know the right price to charge for your product. Miscellaneous expenses add up; consider all possible variable and set costs.

To ensure you’re identifying the right price points for these items, analyze every product, service, or resource your business uses, produces, sells, or plans to sell. By organizing these items by profitability priority, you can further reduce costs and potentially reach your BEP sooner.

As you near the breakeven point, be sure to continuously monitor your performance through other metrics—breakeven analysis is just a tool in many that can help your business succeed.

What’s your best practice for identifying all variable and fixed expenses?

What’s Luck Have to Do With It? 5 Credit Score Myths About Your Business

A strong business credit score does not just appear at the end of the rainbow. There are a lot of myths out there.  So many so, that it can be difficult to separate reality from fiction. Don’t fall for these 5 credit score myths. 

Don’t Believe These 5 Credit Score Myths When it Comes to Your Business

Most of the confusion comes from a lack of understanding about business credit scores.  Many do not even know what it is, how you build it, or even that it exists.  Let’s take a look at each of these common 5 myths about credit scores and clear up a few things. 

5 Credit Score Myths: If You Have Business Debt, You Have a Business Credit Score

This may well be the most common of these 5 myths about credit score.  A lot of business owners have some vague idea that a credit score for their business is a thing, but they totally miss the boat on how it actually works. They know they have a personal credit score because they have personal debt. They know that their credit score depends on how well they handle that personal debt, and how much they have.  As a result, most believe business credit builds the same way. This could not be further from the truth. 

Building Business Credit

You do not automatically have a business credit profile. You have to intentionally set up your business properly to establish a business credit profile. Then, your business credit accounts do not automatically report your payments to the business credit reporting agencies. That means, you do not necessarily have accounts reporting positive payment history, even if you are handling your business credit responsibly. You have to seek out accounts that will report.

Keep your business protected with our professional business credit monitoring.

This makes building a strong business credit score a little trickier than building a strong personal credit score.  A business credit expert is a great resource to help you make sure your business is set up properly, establish your business credit profile, and find accounts that will report your on-time, consistent payments.  Don’t leave it to luck. It won’t happen.

5 Credit Score Myths: If Your Personal Credit Score is Good, You Do Not Need a Business Credit Score

Because you can get a business loan with a good personal credit score, a lot of business owners think they don’t need to worry about their business credit score.  However, there are a number of reasons to work on building a strong business credit profile regardless of your personal credit report. For example:

  • Having separate business credit keeps some business accounts from affecting your personal credit report. This can keep you from running into trouble buying a home or car if your business struggles.
  • Separate business credit opens more funding opportunities so that you can access more money for your business.
  • Even when lenders rely on your personal credit score, a strong business credit score can help you get better rates and terms than you would otherwise.

While it is possible to fund a business totally on the merits of a good personal credit history, it is not efficient or wise, and it will lower your personal credit score. 

5 Credit Score Myths: Personal Credit Score Doesn’t Affect Business Credit Score

Your business credit profile, if set up properly, is all together separate from your personal credit profile. Handled the right way, business accounts do not show up on or affect your personal credit report. However, the reverse is not necessarily true.

In some cases, your personal credit score may be used in the calculation of your business credit score.  Not only that, but it is always a consideration when it comes to the overall fundability of your business. This means that even if you have a solid business credit history, you can’t ignore your personal credit score. 

5 Credit Score Myths: You Can Monitor Business Credit for Free

It makes sense. I mean, you can get a free copy of  your business credit report. There are a ton of free apps that let you peek at your personal score throughout the year.  Why wouldn’t you be able to do this with business credit?

Keep your business protected with our professional business credit monitoring.

There are no free business credit monitoring services, though you may be able to get a peek or a sample one time for free. The business credit reporting agencies offer some options for a fee, but Credit Suite can help you monitor your business credit score for a fraction of the price.

5 Credit Score Myths: You Don’t Need Anyone to Help You Build Your Business Credit Score

Credit repair companies are abundant when it comes to personal credit. Many of them are simply trying to make a buck. It’s almost always a scam. The only sure fire way to fix your personal credit score without ending up worse off in the long run is to pay your bills consistently on-time.

This is not necessarily true when it comes to your business credit score. A business credit expert can help you in a number of ways.  They have relationships with vendors, lenders, and other knowledge that can be extremely valuable as you work to establish and build a strong business credit profile. 

Analyze Fundability

A business credit expert can help you analyze and assess the overall fundability of your business.  While it may technically be possible to do this yourself, it is a huge job. It takes a lot of time, and there are so many factors to consider it can be easy to miss something. Furthermore, it can be difficult to access some of the information.  A business credit expert will have the contacts and expertise necessary to talk to the right people at the right place to get things done.

Keep your business protected with our professional business credit monitoring.

Properly Set Up Business Foundation

As mentioned earlier, your business has to be set up properly before you can even establish a business credit profile, let alone build a business credit score.  A business credit expert can work with you to determine if your business foundation is set up as it needs to be. If not, they can help you fix that. 

Get Accounts Reporting

Even with a business credit profile, there is no credit score until you have accounts reporting. The thing is, not all business accounts report payments to the business credit reporting agencies. In fact, very few of them do.  What’s worse, is most companies do not make it clear to customers whether or not they report payments.

A business credit expert has relationships with specific vendors that they know report payments. You don’t have to rely on trial and error.  Doing that, you could go months thinking you are building your credit score and really, nothing at all is happening. Working with an expert ensures you get on the right track and head down it as quickly as possible. 

Your Business Credit Score is Not Found at the End of the Rainbow

When it comes to building strong fundability with the best business credit profile and highest business credit score possible, strategy trumps luck every time.  You have to be intentional and follow the process.  Once business owners know this, most are willing.  The problem is, it is difficult to navigate these waters alone.  Lenders and vendors do not always offer up the information needed easily.  Also, few average Joe business owners know where to look or what to look for to evaluate fundability.  This is where a business credit expert is priceless.  They have the knowledge and skills needed to speed up the process exponentially.  This not only saves time, but in the long term it also saves money. Get your free consultation with a Credit Suite business credit expert today.

The post What’s Luck Have to Do With It? 5 Credit Score Myths About Your Business appeared first on Credit Suite.

What Is the YouTube Measurement Program (YTMP)?

Every now and then Google and YouTube provide us with a little insight into what they’re thinking. This small glimmer of hope shows us that we, too, can have success on the platform with the right steps. The YouTube Measurement Program is one of these little glimmers.  YTMP provides a clear list of all the …

The post What Is the YouTube Measurement Program (YTMP)? first appeared on Online Web Store Site.

New comment by beautypiehiring in "Ask HN: Who is hiring? (December 2020)"

BeautyPie | Remote – United Kingdom only | Full-time |
Full Stack Software engineers/developers React Node Javascript

up to 100k GBP

We are using the latest progressive and native web technologies, alongside headless e-commerce tools and systems, to create a shopping experience nothing like what people experience today. Technologies include Next.js and React, GraphQL, deployed with Terraform on cloud services including AWS, GCP and Vercel.


BeautyPie | Remote – United Kingdom only | Full-time |
DevOps Engineer

up to 90k GBP

Demonstrable experience cloud based infrastructures, building (ideally Serverless)
Demonstrable experience of Site Reliability Engineering
Experience with Terraform and AWS
Knowledge of continuous delivery and testing automation
Experience with version control (ideally Git & GitHub)


How Pinterest Story Pins Can Improve Your Marketing

Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat tend to dominate the social media marketing discussion. Pinterest, it seems, is tired of being underestimated.

They’ve recently launched a new feature that has the opportunity to change the world of Pinterest marketing. So, what is it, and what do you need to know about the latest Pinterest feature?

Whether you’re a seasoned Pinterest veteran or new to the social media platform, Pinterest Story Pins offer an exciting opportunity to interact with your audience and gain more exposure for your brand.

Story Pins allow you to offer more value to your followers, inspire action, and, more importantly, drive traffic to your website.

This new feature will soon be commonplace on the platform, so here are some tips to help you get the most out of Pinterest Story Pins.

What Are Pinterest Story Pins?

Story Pins are the latest feature from Pinterest that allows brands to create the “inspirational” content your followers want. As opposed to a regular pin, which is just the one image or video with a description and link, Story Pins allow you to incorporate multiple pages of images, videos, text, and links.

Made up of between five and 20 slides, Pinterest Story Pins give you the chance to tell a story and engage your audience in much greater depth. Unlike Instagram and Facebook stories, they don’t expire after a set period of time.

Story Pins also allow users to publish unique content directly in Pinterest, rather than just distribute content published elsewhere.

This provides the perfect platform to showcase content that’s longer and more in-depth than your regular pins and leads people to your website content.

Here’s an example of a Story Pin for a luggage review:


They can also be used for travel guides, like this one from Edinburgh Insider Guide:

pinterest story pins example2

For businesses, Story Pins represent an excellent opportunity to showcase expertise and engage people with valuable content.

With the ability to include more multimedia, more text, and more links, you can grab people’s attention, get them engaged, and then get them clicking to your website.

Who Can Use Pinterest Story Pins?

Pinterest Story Pins are still gradually rolling out, so it’s not available in all countries yet.

Many creators in the US were invited to get an early look at the Story Pin feature, but if you don’t have access yet, you can submit a request on the Pinterest website.

pinterest story pins screenshot from website

The request takes a few seconds to fill out, and you will find out if you can get access to Pinterest Story Pins in five to seven working days.

Early access will allow you to look at this exciting new feature and understand how it can work for your business before everyone else starts seeing the benefits, so it’s well worth the effort.

Once you’ve been granted access to Story Pins on Pinterest, then you’re free to get your creative juices flowing and see just what great content you can fit into 20 pages!

How to Prepare Your Business for the Rollout of Pinterest Story Pins

While you’re waiting to hear back from your request to unlock the Story Pins feature, there are plenty of things you can be doing to get ready. Story Pins might be a new feature to Pinterest, but at the end of the day, it’s still Pinterest, so you have a good idea of what works and what doesn’t.

Before you jump headfirst into Story Pins for Pinterest, make sure you’ve got a clear plan of how you will use them. Here’s how to get started.

Understand Your Audience

Pinterest allows you to reach a vast audience, but this is only valuable if you’re reaching the right people with the right message. If you’re going to engage the right people, you need to understand what your audience looks like, and what kind of content they want.

If you have an established business, you already have access to a massive audience data, so make the most of your analytics. Use your Pinterest analytics, other social analytics, and your website data to better understand your audience and the content they’re looking for.

Before you get started with your Pinterest Story Pins, make sure you can answer these six questions about your audience:

  1. Who are they?
  2. What are their greatest difficulties/problems/desires?
  3. Where do they find the information they need?
  4. What are the benefits of your product for them?
  5. What negatively draws their attention?
  6. Who do they trust?

Get Your Multimedia Ready

With Story Pins, Pinterest actively encourages fresh new content, so give them what they’re looking for by getting all your images and videos ready. Low-quality multimedia doesn’t do well on Pinterest (or any social platform,) so make sure you’re investing in high-quality photos and videos.

Keep your audience in mind when you’re shooting your images and video and giving them something that will inspire them into action.

You’ve got so much freedom now that you can use up to 20 slides, so use your creativity to make your new Story Pins stand out.

Make Use of Pinterest Analytics

Pinterest has ramped up their analytics in recent years, and you can find extremely helpful insights here. Story Pins might be a new feature, but the things that made your old pins successful in the past are still working today.

Use Pinterest Analytics to find out which pins have been successful for you in the past.

To view analytics, sign in to your Pinterest Business account, and click on Analytics.

pinterest story pins how to see analytics

From there, you’ll be able to see which Pins get the most views and engagement.

pinterest story pins analytics example1

Once you see what Pins are most popular, think of ways to successfully transition them into Story Pins. For example, can you turn a DIY post into a Story Pin with detailed instructions?

This is a great way to expand on some of your most popular content and give it a chance to reach a broader audience.

It might be your first time using Pinterest Story Pins, but you can make sure you hit the ground running by leveraging content that is already working well.

Why Should Your Business Use Pinterest Story Pins?

Pinterest Story Pins are still in their infancy, which means there’s not a great deal of data to act upon at the moment.

However, similar features have been a huge hit on other social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, with millions of active daily users. Pinterest has put a lot of effort into creating its own version.

This suggests Pinterest will push the story feature (like Instagram did) and ensure Story Pins get a lot of attention.

Aside from the fact that Pinterest is invested in Story Pins —  they’ve been trialing them in different markets for over a year now — these new pins seem to have plenty of business benefits.

With regular pins, you don’t have much time to earn someone’s click – your image, video, or a short piece of text have to do all the hard work for you. However, with a story pin, you’ve got so much to keep your audience engaged with.

You can also include multiple links, which gives you a much better chance of driving your audience to your website. From here, you control the customer journey, and you’re in an excellent position to achieve your goals.

Long story short: You want to get clicks to your website, and to do this, you need to engage your followers with valuable content; Story Pins are an excellent opportunity to do this.

When Should You Use Pinterest Story Pins?

Regular Pinterest pins are ideal for traditional Pinterest content like recipes and DIY tips. However, Story Pins are a brilliant resource for “how-to guides,” which you can do in any niche.

For example, a story on “How to Create Perfect Pinterest Story Pins” is ideal, with videos and text showing the steps to create engaging Story Pins.

This is an excellent opportunity to rework some of your blog posts and turn them into easy to consume social posts. If you’ve got how-to guides, recipes, list posts, longer DIY guides, travel tips, or even detailed reviews, then you have the makings of a great Pinterest Story Pin.

You’re still going to want to produce regular pins, with short, snappy, actionable messages, but use Story Pins to go into more detail.

Story Pins are like a bridge between your regular pins and your full-blown content, and it’s a great way to push your audience over to your website to consume more content.

How to Create a Pinterest Story Pin

You’re all ready for Pinterest Story Pins, you’ve narrowed down your audience, got your creatives ready, and you’ve just been granted access, so how do you create your first story pin?

From your Pinterest business account, you can create Story Pins on desktop or mobile.

Create Pinterest Story Pins On Desktop

  1. Click the Create button in the top left-hand corner and select Create Story Pin.
  2. Add up to 20 images or videos.
  3. Design your pages. You can change the layout, add text overlay, adjust/resize your image, and add more pages.
  4. Add extra text to help inspire your audience.
  5. Select your story pin title, choose which board you’re going to pin to, and add tags to help people find your pin.
  6. Click publish.

Create Pinterest Story Pins On Mobile

  1. Click the + button at the bottom of the screen and select Story Pin.
  2. Decide what your pin is about; choose from “recipe,” “crafts + DIY,” or “something else.”
  3. Select your photos and videos from your library.
  4. Get creative with your design by selecting your cover photo, resizing images, and adding text overlay to bring your Story Pin to life.
  5. Add the finishing touches by coming up with a title for your Story Pin, choosing which board to pin to, adding extra details, and making your story pin discoverable with tags.
  6. Click publish.

What Makes a Successful Pinterest Story Pin?

A successful Pinterest Story Pin is all about engagement. Pinterest stories give you the ability to hold people’s attention for longer, giving you more time to inspire them to take the action you want them to take.

Your Pinterest analytics will give you a lot of insights into how your Story Pins are performing, but so can your website. You want your pins to do well on Pinterest and get lots of impressions and link clicks, but we can track this further and see how people interact with our website when they come from Pinterest.

If you’re creating amazing Story Pins that inspire people with your message, it should result in people clicking to your site and spending a good amount of time engaging with the content.

Track this in your Google Analytics by going to Acquisitions, then Social Channels, and Clicking on Pinterest.

pinterest story pins how to check traffic

Through a combination of your Pinterest analytics and your website data, you can get a good feel for how well your new Story Pins are performing.

Tips on Creating Pinterest Story Pins

The big aim with Story Pins is engagement, but how exactly can you go about achieving this? You have the opportunity to grab people’s attention and hold it, but there are several things your Story Pins need to accomplish this:

  • Have high-quality visuals
  • Draw people in with catchy titles
  • Deliver on people’s expectations
  • Go more in-depth than the average pin
  • Supplement visuals with helpful text
  • Ooze creativity
  • Inspire action

You’re telling a story through your Story Pins, and like any good story, there are lots of different aspects that need to come together. By combining great visuals with catchy titles, informative text, and plenty of creativity, your pins are going to stand out and encourage your audience to take the actions you want them to take.


Pinterest Story Pins are a great new feature to help businesses engage better with their target audience. Although the new feature is still rolling out, you can request access and get ahead of the competition.

With Story Pins, you have another way to grab people’s attention and get them engaging with your content. In many ways, they’re even more effective at doing this than regular pins, so make sure you’re taking advantage of it.  

Pinterest is the latest social media platform to bring out a story feature, and the chances are this format is very much here to stay. Story pins will become a big part of the Pinterest platform, so you might as well start mastering them now by giving your followers the fantastic, in-depth content they’re looking for.

Have you started to use Pinterest Story Pins yet?

The post How Pinterest Story Pins Can Improve Your Marketing appeared first on Neil Patel.