10 Preventable SMB Lending Deal Killers

What is SMB Lending?

SMB lending is small and midsize business lending. This can be through banks, credit unions, online alternative lenders, private lenders, and others. But like every other form of business financing, SMB lending it’s far from a sure thing.

Your business needs money (all businesses do). And you’re ready to sign on the dotted line and take out a loan. But then the verdict comes back – denial! What do you do? And, more importantly, how do you prevent such an issue from cropping up again?

Basic Issues with Loan Denials

Your lender wants to be assured that you can and will pay them back. Essentially, if you don’t have business credit, they are looking for one or more of these three characteristics of you and/or your business:

  • Collateral
  • Personal Credit (yours or a guarantor’s)
  • Cash Flow

It all comes down to fundability


Fundability is your business’s ability to get funding. You can make it harder or easier for your business to get money. A lot of the power is in your hands. So choose wisely.

Build for Fundability

A business starts with no credit profile. Therefore, what’s on an application is all that’s reviewed for approvals, so your application must be very strong. Half of all companies fail in their first 5 years, and 2/3 in the first 10. As a result, new businesses don’t seem fundable to lenders. You can change that.

SMB Lending Deal Killer #1: Your Business Seems to be Too Risky

Many entrepreneurs put the name of their industry in their business name. But this is a mistake that can lead to denials. Keep the name of a high-risk or restricted industry out of your business name. There is nothing underhanded about this – it is above board and honest.

Some restricted industries include:

  • oil trading or energy
  • finance companies and pawn shops
  • ammunition or weapons manufacturing
  • bail bonds, check cashing agencies
  • political campaigns
  • X-rated products or entertainment

If your business name shows you’re in one of these industries you may get a denial.

Fix #1: Keep the Name of a High Risk Industry Out of Your Business Name

Many lenders automatically decline if a business name indicates a high risk industry. But your business doesn’t have to be called Jennifer’s Check Cashing. It can be called simply Jennifer’s. While this won’t guarantee success, at least it will get your business past an initial denial based on your business name containing a red flag.

Demolish your funding problems with 27 killer ways to get cash for your business.

SMB Lending Deal Killer #2: Records Inconsistency

One of the most common reasons for loan and credit card application denials is the lender can’t easily locate a business online. The business name, address, etc. on your application should be the exact same as what’s listed online and with your Secretary of State. This even means hyphens and abbreviations. Inconsistencies spell fraud to lenders, no matter what your ethics and intentions are.

Fix #2: Keep Your Records Consistent Everywhere

Make sure your business information is exactly the same on corporation papers, licenses, utility statements, and bank statements. Also make sure the business name and all other information is the same on as many online listings you can find. And keep in mind that a full business name should include any recorded DBA filing in use. But consider a DBA a short stop on the way to incorporating.

SMB Lending Deal Killer #3: Issues with Your EIN, SIC and NAICS Codes, Corporate Entity, and Licenses

To get financing or credit for your business you must have a business entity. A corporation or LLC gives you more credibility in many cases. It also helps you reduce your liability. And it separates you from your business. It makes the business a separate legal entity. Make sure your entity is set up in the same state as your business address. Choose your entity at the IRS website.

Fix #3: Settle Your EIN, SIC and NAICS Codes, Corporate Entities, and Licenses

Your corporation must have a Federal Tax ID number (EIN). Just like you have a Social Security Number, your business has an EIN. You use your Tax ID number to open a bank account and to build a business credit profile. Take the time to verify all agencies, banks, and trade credit vendors have your business listed with the same Tax ID number.  Also make sure your address with the IRS is the same as listed everywhere else.

The IRS website is where you choose SIC and NAICS codes. Industries are categorized by 2 kinds of codes. SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) and NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) – you chose these codes. Be honest when you choose yours. But there’s no reason to choose the riskiest code if a less risky one might apply.

Fix #3: Get Your Licenses

Make sure you have the proper licensing for your corporation. Make sure the address on your licenses is the same as all other documents. Contact State, County, and City Government offices, see if there are any required licenses and permits to operate your type of business. Being licensed also builds credibility in your business, and that can help you get more customers.

Demolish your funding problems with 27 killer ways to get cash for your business.

SMB Lending Deal Killer #4: Business Address Issues

Your business address has to be a real brick and mortar building. It must be deliverable physical address. For a retail establishment, this should not be a residential address or a PO Box. Don’t use UPS mailing addresses. Some lenders will not approve and fund unless you meet this criterion.

Fix #4: Take Care of Your Business Address Issues

Lenders check with USPS and places like Google Maps to see if you’re using a residential address. If you are, and yours is a retail business, you could get an immediate decline. For a retail business, do NOT use a residential address on your application! Not even if your company is just you. But you can often use a virtual address. We like Regus, Davinci, and Alliance. But keep in mind, not every vendor will accept a virtual address.

SMB Lending Deal Killer #5: Not Paying Attention to Business Phone Numbers, and a 411 Listing

Lenders can see an 800 Number or toll-free phone number as a sign of business credibility. Even if you’re a single owner with a residence-based business, a toll-free number provides the perception that you are an even bigger company. It’s incredibly easy and inexpensive to set up a virtual local phone number or a toll free 800 number.

Fix #5: Pay Attention to Business Phone Numbers, and a 411 Listing

A cell or residential phone number as your main business line could get you flagged as un-established – but VOIP is okay. Do not give a personal cell phone or residential phone as the business phone number. Your phone number must be listed with 411 for most credit issuers and lenders to approve you. Check your record to see if you have a listing. Make sure your information is accurate. No record? Then use ListYourself.net to get a listing. Business phone number should be toll-free (800 exchange or comparable).

SMB Lending Deal Killer #6: Non-Professional Website and Email

Lenders will research your corporation on the internet. It is best if they learned everything directly from your corporate website. Not having a company website can severely hurt any chances of getting loans. Use places like TemplateMonster.com and Upwork.com and get a site up cheap and fast.

Fix #6: Set Up a Professional Website and Email

You need a professional website, more than a listing on Yelp. Buy a domain from a place like GoDaddy. Your domain should be your business name, if possible.

You need a company email address for your business. This email must be on the same domain as your website. Use a professional email address like yourname@yoursite.com. This usually comes with a website domain provider like GoDaddy. It is not just professional it also greatly helps your chances of getting approval from a lender. Do not use AOL, Gmail, or similar kinds of email.

SMB Lending Deal Killer #7: Business Bank Account Carelessness

When first opening up and working with your business bank account, you always need to be looking to the future. That future is bank loans. Set your business up for bank loan approval success. Being careful with your business bank account is the key.

Fix #7: Take Care of Your Business Bank Account

Your business banking history is vital! It lead directly to your success, or failure is securing larger business loans. The longer your business banking history, the better your borrowing potential is.

You must have a bank account devoted strictly to your business. This helps at tax time. The IRS does not want you commingling funds. Make accounting easier and reduce the risk of audit. Keep personal and business funds separate. The simplest and best way to do this is with a separate account.

Open Your Business Bank Account ASAP

The date you open your business bank account, is the day that lenders consider your business to have started. So if you incorporated your business 10 years ago, but just opened the business bank account yesterday, then your business started yesterday.

Keep a Great Bank Ratings with Your Business Bank Account

Your bank rates you on your balances and more. Higher rated businesses get loans, lower rated businesses do not. When applying for a bank loan, maintain $10,000 on average in your bank account for at least 3 months.

A $10,000 average balance for 3 or more months gives you what’s called a Low-5 rating. With a Low 5 rating, most conventional banks see your corporation as fundable. If you don’t have a Low-5, you can still get corporate credit and alternative loans, but you would not be able to get a conventional loan. Bank ratings measure how responsible the account owner is with funds.

You can also help your business’s bank rating with:

  • Using more bank products (like certificates of deposit)
  • Consistent deposits
  • Rising balances

Demolish your funding problems with 27 killer ways to get cash for your business.

SMB Lending Deal Killer #8: Not Getting Your Personal Financial House in Order

Personal credit quality is often helpful for getting funding. So if personal credit is not in order, get it straightened out and improve it. Don’t neglect this piece.

Fix #8: Get Your Personal Financial House in Order

For a business loan at a conventional bank you need good personal, business, and bank credit. While you want to build good business credit, having good personal credit can get you started. Good personal credit will open doors, and it will open them earlier.

Personal credit scores are based on:

  • Payment history – so pay your bills on time and pay down your balances
  • Utilization/Amounts Owed – so don’t max out your cards
  • Credit Mix – so carry more than one type of credit card
  • Length of Credit History/New Credit – so don’t close older accounts, and don’t constantly shop for new cards

SMB Lending Deal Killer #9: No Business Credit

Your business has its own credit, just like you do. It’s a measure of how well your business can pay its bills. But without building that credit, your scores will be low/nonexistent. This will kill any business loan deal.

Fix #9: Set Up for Business Credit and Get Your Business Identification Numbers

Go to D&B’s website and look for your business. Can’t find it? Then get a free D-U-N-S number. Your D-U-N-S plus 3 payment experiences gets you a PAYDEX score. Once you are in D&B’s system, search Equifax and Experian’s sites for your business. You can do so via Credit Suite.

Another ID number is the BIN (Business Identification Number) number. Experian’s BizSource assigns a BIN. A business must be listed with CRAs to establish business credit. You can also be denied funding if you don’t have a credit score or a low credit score with D&B, Experian, or Equifax.

SMB Lending Deal Killer #10: Poor Business Credit

It’s not enough to just get your ID numbers. You need to actively build business credit – it doesn’t just happen. But you can’t start off with Visa and Mastercard. Instead, you can get started at vendors like Uline.

Fix #10: Build Business Credit

Get the most favorable funding by paying all bills on time. This gets you:

  • A PAYDEX score of 80
  • Equifax Credit Risk Score of 90 or better
  • And a good FICO SBSS score – it is driven (in part) by on-time payments and business credit history
  • For Experian, historical behavior (payment history) = 5-10% of total score

Your business’s payment performance matters more than anything else.

Fix #10: Start Business Credit Monitoring

Keep your business credit scores high and your reports accurate with credit monitoring. We offer it for less. Check all listings with the business CRAs for accuracy and completeness. You want to be sure any info they have is accurate. See creditsuite.com/reports.

Preventable Lending Deal Killers: Takeaways

You can help avert these lending deal killers in 10 separate ways. Setting up your business properly, with a good name and professional address, phone, etc. will help. So will getting a proper EIN, SIC and NAICS codes, and all required licensing. Responsibly handle your bank account and business and personal credit, too. Monitoring helps you keep your business credit scores high, and we offer it for less.

The post 10 Preventable SMB Lending Deal Killers appeared first on Credit Suite.

How to Advertise on Walmart Marketplace

If a company counted roughly half of the U.S. population as customers, you’d be pretty eager to use that platform to advertise your business, right?

Well, that’s exactly what Walmart Marketplace allows you to do. It gives you the ability to reach a huge market of highly targeted, engaged consumers, so why doesn’t it get as much attention as other platforms such as Amazon?

If you’re not on Walmart Marketplace already, then chances are you should be. Here’s how you can use advertising to get the most out of it.

What Is Walmart Marketplace?

Walmart Marketplace is where third-party sellers can upload, manage, and sell their products on Walmart’s website. 

As the largest retailer in the world, it was only a matter of time before Walmart started to flex its muscles in e-commerce, and in recent years, it’s seen tremendous growth thanks in part to Walmart Marketplace. With a large audience and millions of engaged shoppers, Walmart Marketplace could be a necessity for any online retailer in the same way that Amazon is. 

Getting your products on Walmart Marketplace is a great step to take, but to maximize your sales, you should consider how you advertise. Marketplace offers lots of useful ways to reach your target customer, and you may find they can provide a very good return on ad spend (ROAS.) 

Why You Should Advertise on Walmart Marketplace 

Understanding your customers is the only marketing strategy you need. A big part of this is reaching your customers where they hang out. For 150 million Americans a week, that’s at Walmart. 

The stats behind Walmart are significant, and just by looking at the numbers, you can get a sense of why it’s important to be on Walmart Marketplace:

  • the largest retailer in the United States
  • 90 percent of Americans shopped at Walmart in the past year
  • 150 million customers visit Walmart in-store or online each week
  • 90 percent of Americans live less than 10 miles away from a Walmart store

Walmart isn’t just about its physical stores, though. It’s also got a large e-commerce presence, and many of its shoppers are engaging with it. The buyer journey is truly omnichannel in the modern world, with 35 percent of Walmart shoppers researching products on Walmart.com before they go to a physical store. 

Amazon might have a bigger profile in the online world, but this doesn’t mean Walmart Marketplace is some hidden gem where you can achieve easy success. There’s a huge amount of competition on Marketplace, and while growing your profile organically is important, you’ve also got to make the most of the advertising options available to you. 

These options may look very similar to other large online marketplaces, but there are some unique features on Walmart Marketplace you can use to your advantage. 

Walmart Marketplace Features

In recent years, Walmart Marketplace has been rapidly growing and improving the seller experience. If you’re familiar with Amazon Seller Central, then you will notice a lot of similarities, but some features differ slightly. 

On Walmart Marketplace, you can:

  • upload your products
  • optimize your listings
  • choose your pricing
  • decide on your fulfillment method
  • assess your advertising

Every step in this process is important, so your Marketplace account is a key place you will visit regularly. Small details make a big difference when it comes to selling online, so it’s important you write great product descriptions, choose the right price points (Walmart is quite sensitive about this, so be sure to read all the terms and conditions), and come up with an effective fulfillment plan. 

Like with Amazon, you can send your products to a Walmart fulfillment center, but this feature works very differently, with sellers having a lot more control over the shipping process.

To get the most out of these features, you must understand your own business well and create a business plan for how you’re going to maximize your sales on Walmart Marketplace. 

Walmart Advertising: Sponsored Products

Advertising isn’t one-size-fits-all. People go through a complicated customer journey when buying your products, so you need to be able to reach them in a variety of different ways. 

Walmart advertising is particularly good at this, offering advertisers many different tools to help them reach their target audience.

With six different ad types, it allows you to reach customers at the awareness, consideration, and decision stages of the buyer process, establishing your brand in people’s minds and driving sales. 

To set up each type of ad, simply:

  1. Log in to your Walmart Ad Center account.
  2. Select “Create New Campaign” from the “Campaigns” tab.
  3. Choose manual or automatic targeting.
  4. Set your budget.
  5. Choose your placement type (if you selected manual targeting).
  6. Select bid multipliers (this gives you extra control over which ad formats you use).
  7. Create an ad group and add the products you want to advertise.
  8. Enter your keywords (for manual campaigns only; if you choose automatic, Walmart will do this for you).

Walmart Advertising Ad Type 1: Search In Grid

When we think of search engines, we think of Google, Bing, and Duck Duck Go. We don’t think of social media platforms or big e-commerce platforms like Walmart Marketplace or Amazon. 

That’s exactly what these platforms are, though. They’re search engines that allow people to find and buy products. This means the types of Walmart advertising you use probably look very similar to the PPC ads you run on Google

Search in grid Walmart ads allow your products to be featured when a customer types a certain query into the search bar. For example, if your keyword is “nuts,” your product will show in the search grid when people type that query. 

walmart advertising search in grid example

Like with traditional search engines, it takes time to build your organic presence on Marketplace, so search in grid Walmart advertising gives you the ability to feature at the top of the results more quickly. 

To set one of these ads, your products must fulfill several requirements:

  • be in stock
  • win the buy box
  • be in the top 128 organic search results (top 3 pages) 
  • same category as the search query 
  • same product type as at least one top 20 organic result

Once you meet all these requirements, then search in grid ads are an ideal way to get your products in front of your target audience. 

Walmart Advertising Ad Type 2: Brand Amplifier

Whereas search in grid ads are all about getting a certain product in front of your audience, brand amplifier ads are about showcasing your brand. 

You might have a whole range of exciting products that people want to try, and in this case, a brand amplifier may be the right form of Walmart advertising for you. Rather than your product appearing in the search results, a brand amplifier shows a banner with your brand name and a selection of your products above the results. 

Walmart advertising - brand amplifiers

This is a great way to boost brand recognition and get people to engage with your products. 

With an eye-catching logo, a customizable headline, and up to three of your products shown, this can help you grab people’s attention and encourage them to explore your brand further. 

Walmart Advertising Ad Type 3: Product Carousel 

Sometimes people shop online and know exactly what they want, but in many cases, they want to compare products to find the best one. To help people do this, Walmart places product carousels that show customers different product options on search, category, and product pages.

Walmart advertising - example of product carousel

Some of the results on the product carousel appear organically, but some are paid ads. 

This is another opportunity to reach a targeted audience with your products. If someone is already looking at a product page and comparing their options, chances are they’re motivated to buy, and this is an excellent time to bring them to your product pages. 

Walmart Advertising Ad Type 4: Buy Box 

These different forms of Walmart advertising might seem very similar, but they each have their benefits. Another great option is the Buy Box. 

The Buy Box appears on product pages and offers your product as an alternative to the one they’re looking at, which makes it a great place for your product to appear. If the customer has any issues with the product they’re considering, then the next option they’re presented with is to check out your product. 

Walmart advertising - buy box

With the Buy Box, customers can quickly compare two products, so it’s a perfect place for your ad to appear. It puts your product in the mind of the buyer and establishes it as a viable alternative. 

Getting your product noticed at this late stage in the buyer’s journey is a great tool to have. 

Walmart Advertising Display Ads

Walmart advertising isn’t limited to result-based product ads; it also offers options for more content-based advertising through its display ads. 

Just as Google allows advertisers to display ads that pop up on websites across the internet, Walmart offers a similar feature. They allow you to reach customers at many different stages of the customer journey, whether they’re on Walmart-owned properties or third-party websites. 

Walmart Display Ad Type 1: Onsite Display 

Onsite display ads are content-based ads that allow you to advertise across all of Walmart’s platforms, including Walmart.com and Walmart apps. 

Display ads are prominent features across the web, and they’re a chance to grab people’s attention and earn their clicks. To do this, you’ve got to be creative with your ads, and it’s no different on Walmart. 

One advantage you have with Walmart is that you benefit from the huge amount of data it has on people’s shopping habits. This enables you to choose your ideal Walmart customer to target and make sure you’re getting your ads in front of the right people. 

With onsite display, your ads become truly omnichannel, reaching people however they interact with Walmart and allowing you to see your results all in one place. 

Walmart Display Ad Type 2: Offsite Display

Just because someone has clicked away from your product page doesn’t mean they won’t purchase in the future. 

They may have been doing some initial research and are thinking about coming back to your product later. When someone leaves your product page, you want to make sure your brand remains fresh in their mind. 

Offsite display ads can be the perfect way to make sure people don’t forget about your products. 

Through retargeting, you can reach targeted Walmart customers across the internet. These display ads can show on social media platforms and third-party websites, making sure your product stays in the mind of your audience, and they’re able to quickly go back and make a purchase. 

Retargeting can be an extremely efficient use of your budget if you’re using the right strategies, and Walmart gives you all the tools you need to do this. 


To succeed in marketing, you need to make sure you’re advertising on the platforms your customers are using. For 150 million Americans, Walmart is that platform. Of course, to make the most of your audience, you also need the right tools. With a rapidly growing online presence, that’s precisely what Walmart can offer you. 

Boosting your organic presence is a crucial part of being on any marketplace, but Walmart advertising also offers you an excellent platform to sell more products. If you can be targeted and creative with your use of Walmart advertising, you could expand your reach and boost sales quickly. 

As ever with advertising, it’s about finding the strategies that work best for you, and Walmart gives you more than enough tools to do this. Your customers are spending money at Walmart every week, so when are you going to start taking a piece of the pie?

Have you advertised on Walmart Marketplace? What was your experience?

3 Recession Factors that Can Devastate a New Business Credit Score

Did You Know These Recession Factors Can Devastate a New Business Credit Score?

These are three ways you can devastate a new business credit score. Do not let anything like this happen to you! These are easily preventable. Save your business credit scores!

Uh, oh. You tried to build a commercial credit score without truly thinking it through and taking into consideration what affects small business credit rating. Let’s take a look at 3 factors that can devastate your business credit scores. And how to fix them.

And you do have to fix them, because this is what affects a business credit rating.

In particular, this is an issue during economic downturns.

Recession Era Financing and COVID-19

As the novel coronavirus continues to transform our economy, it becomes more imperative than ever to keep your business credit scores high. It’s no time to make preventable errors – like these three.

Devastate a New Business Credit Score: 3. You Used More Credit Than Your Company Could Handle

Credit can be intoxicating. Take a look at all that free cash! Look at all the important things your company needs!

Wait; wait, whoa, time out!

It is not free cash. It’s a loan, really. All credit is whether it’s commercial or consumer. If you have gone on a wild credit spree, your credit rating is going to be affected. How? Delinquency.

When you are that much in hock, it may be tricky to stay on top of the payments. Late payments will directly and adversely impact your business credit score. So be responsible with credit. This isn’t gambling; it’s your livelihood and the livelihood of anyone who works for you.

Devastate a New Business Credit Score: 2. You Didn’t Stay on Top of Your Credit Scores or Dispute CRA Mistakes

While credit reports aren’t exactly page turners, you should still be staying on top of them.

Don’t have time to read through credit reports? Then use a monitoring service. Experian offers Business Credit Advantage. PAYDEX has Credit Reporter. And Equifax has Business Credit Monitor. If you prefer a free version for credit alerts, you can try CreditSignal.

Fix Your New Business Credit Score Now!

The point of all of that monitoring is to spot errors and fix them. If any one of your credit reports has mistakes, then you must get on top of that, without delay. Disputing credit report errors generally means you send a paper letter with copies of any proofs of payment with it.

These are documents like receipts and cancelled checks.

Details of How to Fix a New Business Credit Score

Never send the originals. Always send copies and retain the originals. Precisely detail any charges you dispute. Make your dispute letter as crystal clear as possible. Use certified mail so that you will have proof that you sent in your dispute.

Contesting an error quickly means your credit reports will be corrected more quickly.

Find out why so many companies are using our proven methods to improve their business credit scores, even during a recession.

Devastate a New Business Credit Score: 1. You Didn’t Separate Your Company and Individual Credit (or You Didn’t Do So Quickly)

The longer and more intimately your personal and business finances are entangled, the more likely it is that credit reporting agencies will take your consumer credit into account when looking at your company.

This doesn’t give your company a chance to make its own credit ‘name’, as it were. When you examine your company credit score vs personal credit score, they should be different.

You Can Change a New Business Credit Score

Paying off your business’s charges with personal charge cards or checks; not getting a separate IRS EIN number for your company; and not putting your business’s bills in the company’s name can all aggravate this problem.

And the Internal Revenue Service will probably have something to say about your business not having its own identification number.

Fix a New Business Credit Score Now!

So to repair this, your mission is as follows:

  • Get an EIN first. You can apply online after you determine your eligibility. That is, if your business is located within the US, etc.
  • Visit your local bank and open a small business banking account
  • Contact local vendors and get your company’s bills put into the company’s name. While you’re at it, see if you can start to build trade credit with them
  • Always pay the business’s bills with your business accounts or credit

Get a Great New Business Credit Score Bad Economy Credit Suite

Bonus – Business Credit Building

Factors that can devastate your business credit scores include not building business credit in the proper manner. So here’s how to do that. Corporate credit is credit in a small business’s name.

It isn’t attached to an owner’s individual credit, not even when the owner is a sole proprietor and the solitary employee of the business. Therefore, an entrepreneur’s business and individual credit scores can be very different.

The Advantages

Because business credit is detached from consumer, it helps to safeguard an entrepreneur’s personal assets, in the event of a lawsuit or a business bankruptcy. Also, with two distinct credit scores, an entrepreneur can get two separate cards from the same merchant.

This effectively doubles buying power.

Another advantage is that even startup businesses can do this. Heading to a bank for a business loan can be a recipe for disappointment. But don’t worry. Building small business credit, when done correctly, is a plan for success.

Personal credit scores rely on payments but also various other considerations like credit usage percentages. But for business credit, the scores actually just depend on whether a small business pays its bills in a timely manner.

The Process

Building Small Business Credit is a process, and it does not occur automatically. A business must proactively work to build corporate credit. Nonetheless, it can be done readily and quickly, and it is much quicker than establishing personal credit scores. Merchants are a big part of this process.

Undertaking the steps out of order will cause repeated rejections. Nobody can start at the top with corporate credit. For instance, you can’t start with store or cash credit from your bank. If you do you’ll be turned down 100% of the time.

Company Legitimacy

A business needs to be legitimate to lenders and vendors. As a result, a corporation will need a professional-looking web site and e-mail address, with site hosting purchased from a supplier such as GoDaddy. Plus company telephone and fax numbers ought to be listed on 411. com. Also the company telephone number should be toll-free (800 exchange or comparable).

A corporation will also need a bank account dedicated purely to it, and it needs to have all of the licenses required for operating. These licenses all have to be in the precise, appropriate name of the corporation, with the same company address and telephone numbers.

Note that this means not just state licenses, but possibly also city licenses.

Find out why so many companies are using our proven methods to improve their business credit scores, even during a recession.

Dealing with the IRS

Visit the Internal Revenue Service web site and get an EIN for the small business– they’re free. Choose a business entity like corporation, LLC, etc.

A small business can start off as a sole proprietor but will probably want to switch to a kind of corporation or partnership to reduce risk and take full advantage of tax benefits.

And a business entity will matter when it comes to tax obligations and liability in case of a lawsuit. A sole proprietorship means the owner is it when it comes to liability and taxes. No one else is responsible.


If you operate a small business as a sole proprietor at least file for DBA (‘ doing business as’) status. If you do not, then your personal name is the same as the corporate name. Consequently, you can end up being personally liable for all company debts.

Also, per the IRS, by having this arrangement there is a 1 in 7 possibility of an IRS audit. There is a 1 in 50 probability for incorporated businesses! Avoid confusion and considerably lower the chances of an Internal Revenue Service audit at the same time.

And see a DBA as a stepping stone to incorporating. It shouldn’t be your final destination for your choice of business entity.

Kicking Off the Business Credit Reporting Process

Begin at the D&B web site and obtain a free DUNS number. A DUNS number is how D&B gets a small business in their system, to generate a PAYDEX score. If there is no DUNS number, then there is no record and no PAYDEX score.

Once in D&B’s system, search Equifax and Experian’s sites for the company. You can do this at https://www.creditsuite.com/reports/. If there is a record with them, check it for accuracy and completeness. If there are no records with them, go to the next step in the process.

By doing so Experian and Equifax will have activity to report on.

Vendor Credit

First you need to build trade lines that report. This is also known as vendor credit. Then you’ll have an established credit profile, and you’ll get a business credit score. And with an established business credit profile and score you can begin obtaining revolving store and cash credit.

These sorts of accounts tend to be for the things bought all the time, like shipping boxes, outdoor work wear, ink and toner, and office furniture.

What is Trade Credit?

But first of all, what is Trade Credit? These trade lines are creditors who will give you preliminary credit when you have none now. Terms are normally Net 30, as opposed to revolving.

Hence if you get approval for $1,000 in vendor credit and use all of it, you must pay that money back in a set term, such as within 30 days on a Net 30 account.

Net 30 accounts need to be paid in full within 30 days. 60 accounts have to be paid fully within 60 days. Unlike with revolving accounts, you have a set time when you must pay back what you borrowed or the credit you used.

Start Building Business Credit

To kick off your business credit profile the proper way, you should get approval for vendor accounts that report to the business credit reporting bureaus.

As soon as that’s done, you can then make use of the credit, repay what you used, and the account is reported to Dun & Bradstreet, Experian, or Equifax.

Vendor Credit Helps!

Not every vendor can help in the same way true starter credit can. These are merchants that will grant an approval with nominal effort. You also want them to be reporting to one or more of the big three CRAs: Dun & Bradstreet, Equifax, and Experian.

You want 3 of these to move onto the next step, which is revolving store credit.

Uline Shipping Supplies

Uline Shipping Supplies is a true starter vendor. Find them online at uline.com. They sell shipping, packing, and industrial supplies, and they report to D&B.

You must have a DUNS number. They will request 2 references and a bank reference. The initial few orders may need to be prepaid to initially get approval for Net 30 terms.

Quill Office Supplies

Quill Office Supplies is an additional true starter vendor. Find them online at quill.com. They sell office, packaging, and cleaning supplies, and they report to D&B and Experian.

Place an initial order first unless the D&B score is developed. Normally they’ll put you on a 90 day prepayment schedule.

If you order items each month for 3 months, they will commonly approve you for a Net 30 Account.

Grainger Industrial Supply

Grainger Industrial Supply is also a true starter vendor. Find them online at grainger.com.

They sell safety equipment, plumbing supplies, and more, and they report to D&B. You will need to have a business license, EIN, and a DUNS number. For less than $1000 credit limit they will approve virtually any person with a business license.

Find out why so many companies are using our proven methods to improve their business credit scores, even during a recession.

Accounts That Do Not Report

Non-Reporting Trade Accounts can also be helpful. While you do want trade accounts to report to at the very least one of the CRAs, a trade account which does not report can nevertheless be of some worth.

You can always ask non-reporting accounts for trade references. And also credit accounts of any sort will help you to better even out business expenses, thereby making financial planning less complicated. These are providers like PayPal Credit, T-Mobile, and Best Buy.

Retail Credit

Once there are 3 or more vendor trade accounts reporting to at least one of the CRAs, move onto revolving store credit. These are companies like Office Depot and Staples. These companies are more likely to have items you need.

Use the corporation’s EIN on these credit applications.

Fleet Credit

Are there more accounts reporting? Then move onto fleet credit. These are businesses such as BP and Conoco. Use this credit to buy, repair, and maintain vehicles. Make sure to apply using the small business’s EIN.

If you already have adequate trade lines, you can get an approval.

Cash Credit

Have you been sensibly managing the credit you’ve up to this point? Then move to more universal cash credit. These are businesses such as Visa and MasterCard. Keep your SSN off these applications; use your EIN instead.

These are commonly MasterCard credit cards. If you have more trade accounts reporting, then these are attainable.

Monitor Your Business Credit

Know what is happening with your credit. Make certain it is being reported and take care of any mistakes as soon as possible. Get in the practice of checking credit reports and digging into the specifics, and not just the scores.

We can help you monitor business credit at Experian and D&B for 90% off.

At Equifax, you can monitor your account at: equifax.com/business/business-credit-monitor-small-business.

Fix a New Business Credit Score Now!

Update the info if there are inaccuracies or the information is incomplete. At D&B, you can do this at: https://iupdate.dnb.com/iUpdate/viewiUpdateHome.htm.

For Experian, go here: experian.com/small-business/business-credit-information.jsp.

Equifax: equifax.com/business/small-business.

Contesting Errors Which Can Devastate a New Business Credit Score

What’s all this monitoring for? It’s to contest any mistakes in your records. Errors in your credit report( s) can be taken care of. But the CRAs often want you to dispute in a particular way.

Get your small business’s PAYDEX report at: dnb.com/about-us/our-data.html.

You can get your company’s Experian report at: businesscreditfacts.com/pdp.aspx?pg=SearchForm.

And get your Equifax business credit report at: equifax.com/business/credit-information.


Disputing credit report mistakes normally means you mail a paper letter with copies of any evidence of payment with it. These are documents like receipts and cancelled checks. Never mail the original copies. Always mail copies and keep the originals.

Disputing credit report mistakes also means you precisely detail any charges you contest. Make your dispute letter as crystal clear as possible. Be specific about the concerns with your report. Use certified mail so that you will have proof that you mailed in your dispute.


Also, dispute your or your corporation’s Equifax report by following the instructions here: equifax.com/small-business-faqs/#Dispute-FAQs.

Dispute inaccuracies on your or your small business’s Experian report by following the directions here: experian.com/small-business/business-credit-information.jsp.

So, D&B’s PAYDEX Customer Service contact number is here: dandb.com/glossary/paydex.

Also, always use credit responsibly! Don’t borrow more than what you can pay off. Track balances and deadlines for payments. Paying punctually and fully will do more to increase business credit scores than virtually anything else.

Factors That Can Devastate a New Business Credit Score – Takeaways

Building corporate credit pays. Good business credit scores help a corporation get loans. Your lending institution knows the corporation can pay its financial obligations. They know the company is for real.

The corporation’s EIN links to high scores, and creditors won’t feel the need to ask for a personal guarantee.

Save your business credit scores! Learn more here and get started toward getting rid of these factors that can devastate a new business credit score.

The post 3 Recession Factors that Can Devastate a New Business Credit Score appeared first on Credit Suite.

The Secret To Protecting Your Business Assets

The Secret To Protecting Your Business Assets

No matter the kind of company you carry out, there is a considerable danger of being filed a claim against in our litigious culture. Legal actions can vary from insurance claims of oversight to faulty items to disagreements with workers. Including is a way of defending against these prospective hazards.

Solitary Incorporation – Protecting Your Personal Assets

Including your organisation is a technique for producing a lawful wall surface in between your individual possessions as well as organisation. If a judgment is provided versus your company, the service possessions are as excellent as gone.

Dual Incorporation Strategy – Protect Your Business Assets

If you integrate your service, it is all well and also great that your individual possessions are not at threat. Simply integrating your company will certainly not secure these possessions since they are had by the company entity. Because an effective suit would certainly result in a judgment versus the service entity, all possessions of the service can be taken as component of the judgment.

As the name recommends, the dual consolidation approach entails the development of 2 organisation entities. The initial is your “at danger” service that engages with your customers or clients. The 2nd entity, a “holding company”, is after that developed to have the important properties of your organisation.

Lots of people understand that a company entity can be utilized to produce a safety guard for their individual possessions. Currently you can utilize this dual consolidation method to safeguard those properties as well if your service has high worth possessions.

Including your organisation is an approach for developing a lawful wall surface in between your individual possessions and also service. If a judgment is provided versus your company, the service properties are as excellent as gone. Just including your service will certainly not shield these properties since they are possessed by the company entity. Given that an effective suit would certainly result in a judgment versus the organisation entity, all possessions of the service can be taken as component of the judgment. The 2nd entity, a “holding company”, is after that developed to have the useful possessions of your service.

The post The Secret To Protecting Your Business Assets appeared first on ROI Credit Builders.

Understanding More About Cord Blood Banking

Understanding More About Cord Blood Banking

When the umbilical cable has actually been disposed of after the child’s birth, after that you will certainly shed the possibility of being able to acquire priceless cells that the cable consists of which are a specific suit with your child and also that you can have protected. By maintaining your child’s stem cells with cable blood financial, your child will certainly be guaranteed to have actually an assured resource for flawlessly matched cells that can assist your kid throughout the unfavorable occasions (like a life harmful ailment).

Stem cells that are maintained due to the cable blood financial can in fact assist a youngster be treated of the adhering to serious diseases: leukemia, lymphoma, bust cancer cells, Hodgkin’s condition, aplastic anemia, numerous other cancers cells, sickle cell anemia, blood conditions, hereditary/genetic problems as well as different immune system problems. Solitary cell transplants that can be brought around by cable blood financial can additionally be made use of for the therapy of ling cancer cells, AIDS, lupus, numerous sclerosis as well as several various other hereditary illness.

Due to the fact that you might have just one youngster undertake the cable blood financial procedure, you might additionally be asking yourself if cable blood financial can in fact be useful to all of your children. Well in cable blood financial, your child will certainly be well made sure that the stem cells will certainly be an ideal suit for him or her in addition to when it comes to having a twin.

If one more kid that has actually not gone with the cable blood financial procedure is in fact requiring some stem cells to aid deal with off a dangerous illness, it is very crucial to keep in mind that they can additionally be made use of for a brother or sister because it will perhaps a close suit for them. There is the 1:4 opportunities for the cable blood financial to be confirmed as useful for the various other youngster. Family members or various other buddies that have not experienced cable blood financial might additionally gain from the stem cells that can be originated from cable blood financial if as well as just if they will certainly position a close suit with the cable blood financial contributor’s stem cells.

Well, the collection procedure for cable blood financial will in fact take area right after the distribution of a child where the cable has actually currently been divided from the newborn baby. The going to doctor or registered nurse or also midwife will certainly be the one to gather the cable blood for the cable blood financial by using it in a clean and sterile package which will certainly be offered by the Cord Partners Blood. The accumulated cable blood will certainly after that be secured in a specifically made bundle for cable blood financial and also will certainly after that be supplied to the cable blood financial lab for the screening as well as the handling.

One more issue by mommies when it concerns cable blood financial is just how risk-free will certainly cable blood financial be for the child along with for the mommy; if there will certainly be any kind of discomfort or pain associated with the entire cable blood financial procedure. The initial top priority will certainly constantly be the well being of the infant when it comes to cable blood financial.

The stem cell removal for the chilly financial procedure will really be really secure both for the child in addition to for the infant’s mom due to the fact that the blood for cable blood financial will certainly be accumulated right after the umbilical cable has actually currently been divided from the infant. Later on, blood will certainly likewise be removed from the mommy for the cable blood financial procedure. The child, in addition to the mommy will certainly not truly experience any type of discomfort or pain when it pertains to cable blood financial.

Family members or various other close good friends that have not gone via cable blood financial might likewise profit from the stem cells that can be obtained from cable blood financial if as well as just if they will certainly present a close suit with the cable blood financial benefactor’s stem cells.

Well, the collection procedure for cable blood financial will really take area right after the shipment of an infant in which the cable has actually currently been divided from the newborn baby. The participating in medical professional or registered nurse or also midwife will certainly be the one to accumulate the cable blood for the cable blood financial by using it in a sterilized package which will certainly be given by the Cord Partners Blood. The accumulated cable blood will certainly after that be secured in a particularly made bundle for cable blood financial and also will certainly after that be supplied to the cable blood financial lab for the screening as well as the handling. The stem cell removal for the chilly financial procedure will in fact be extremely risk-free both for the infant as well as for the infant’s mommy due to the fact that the blood for cable blood financial will certainly be gathered right after the umbilical cable has actually currently been divided from the infant.

The post Understanding More About Cord Blood Banking appeared first on ROI Credit Builders.

Are Unicorns Real? The Myth of Start Up Business Loans for Women

The True Story of Start Up Business Loans for Women and More Resources for Female Business Owners Studies show that forty percent of new entrepreneurs in the United States are women. In addition, the number of businesses owned by women is growing at twice the rate of those owned by men, according to Kauffman. We … Continue reading Are Unicorns Real? The Myth of Start Up Business Loans for Women

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