Warning: Don’t Apply for Bank Credit Cards For Your Business Before You Read This

You can’t apply for bank credit cards for your business and expect approval if you don’t have a business credit profile. If you do apply and get approved, it will likely be on the merit of your personal credit.  That means if something goes wrong, your ability to buy a house, a car, or anything else you may want to buy with consumer credit, goes down the drain. 

Find Out Why Your Business Is Being Denied High Limit Bank Credit Cards and the Simple Changes that Can Lead to Approval

If you are applying for high limit credit cards in the name of your business are getting denial after denial, the likely culprit is a lack of business credit profile. Or, you have a business credit profile but a low business credit score. 

The idea behind business credit is that the debt is in your business name.  It is totally separate from you as the owner. This means it does not impact your personal credit score. As a result, since business credit tends to have higher limits, you can actually get more funding for your business. 

The key to avoiding denials is to wait to apply until your business is fundable. This includes having a strong business credit score. 

Check out how our reliable process will help your business get the best business credit cards.

5 Tips for Applying for High Limit Bank Credit Cards for Your Business

1.Build Business Fundability First

If your business is not fundable, business credit will never be an option. It starts with how your business is set up.  It has to be set up to be a fundable entity separate from you, the owner.  How do you accomplish this? It starts with building a fundable foundation. 

The Building Blocks of a Fundable Foundation 

As you know, a foundation is only as strong as the materials you build it from. Here are the building blocks of a strong, fundable foundation for your business. 

Contact Information

Your business should have its own phone number and a physical address. 


You also need an EIN for your business.  This is an identifying number for your business.  It works similarly to how your SSN works for you personally.   You can get one for free from the IRS.


Incorporating your business as an LLC, S-corp, or corporation is necessary to fundability.  Talk to your attorney or a tax professional about which option might work best for your business. 

Business Bank Account

You have to open a separate, dedicated business bank account.  There are many reasons to do this. One of them is that many lenders require it before they will extend credit.


To be fundable, you must be a legitimate business.  For a business to be legitimate, it has to have all of the necessary licenses it needs to run.  


Spend the time and money necessary to ensure your website is professionally designed and works well.  Furthermore, pay for hosting. Don’t use a free hosting service.  Also, make sure your business has a dedicated business email address with the same URL as your website.  Don’t use a free service such as Yahoo or Gmail.

More Fundability Secrets

Now, the foundation is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to fundability.  In fact, there are well over 100 factors that affect the fundability of the business. However, they all fall into these broader categories. 

  • Business credit reports
  • Business data agencies
  • Identification numbers
  • Business credit history
  • Congruence of business information
  • Financial Statements
  • Bureaus such as FICO and ChexSystems
  • Personal credit scores
  • The application process

Here is a visual that may help you better understand how complex and far reaching business fundability really is. 

2. Try This Expert Trick to Get Out of the “Need Credit to Get Credit” Cycle

The next step is to get accounts reporting to your business credit profile. This is how you build a business credit score.  High limit business bank credit cards will use your business credit score to make an approval decision. 

The truth is, even if you do everything right to initially establish your business credit profile, there is no business credit score on your business’s credit report until accounts are reporting on-time payments.  

With consumer credit, creditors automatically report payments.  In contrast, to work intentionally to find creditors that will report your payments to your business credit profile. Surprisingly, not all of them do. In fact, only about 7% of companies that extend credit to businesses actually report accounts to business credit reporting agencies. 

So, how do you find companies that will extend credit to your business without a good business credit score and report your payments?  That’s the million dollar question, and it’s the trick to getting out of the “need credit to get credit cycle.” 

Check out how our reliable process will help your business get the best business credit cards.

The Secret Weapon

First, the type of vendor that will extend credit to a business without a credit check is called a starter vendor.  Despite not running a credit check, they do have various other factors that they look at to determine whether or not to extend credit. These vary between vendors, but they include fundability factors such as a business bank account, as well as income and time in business, among others. 

Starter vendors typically will extend net terms on invoices rather than revolving credit. However, they will report your payment to the business credit reporting agencies.  In turn, you build your business credit score. Yet, it is very difficult to determine which lenders will report your payments.  That is where the secret weapon comes into play. That is, a business credit expert. 

3. Don’t Try to Build Business Credit Without a Business Credit Expert

As for finding starter vendors that will report, a business credit expert can help. They know which accounts report and which ones you can qualify for right now.  They also help you determine when the tie is right to apply for other accounts.  

There are many more ways that a business credit expert can help, including helping you assess current fundability and improve it if necessary.  Not only that, but they can also help you find funding that you can get while you are working on fundability and building your business credit score.  Get an idea of what a business credit expert can do for you with a free consultation. 

4. Apply for Store Credit 

Soon, you will have an established business credit profile with multiple accounts reporting.  These are credit cards that are restricted to use with the store that issues them. For example, an Office Depot card that you can only use at the store or on that store’s website.  These cards typically start with fairly low limits.  Yet,the limits will increase as you handle the credit responsibly.  Your business credit expert can help you determine when the time is right to start this step, and guide you toward the right store cards for your business. 

  1. 5. Fleet Credit

After you have several of these types of credit cards reporting on-time payments, you should be able to get approval with Fleet cards. These are cards that are more typically limited to the type of purchase you use them on.  They are for automobile fuel and maintenance, but some do allow for certain other purchases as well.  Again, your business credit expert will help you discern when the time is right to apply for fleet cards, and guide you toward the ones that will work best for your business. 

Check out how our reliable process will help your business get the best business credit cards.

Now The Sky’s the Limit for Your Business with High Limit Bank Credit Cards

After you work through each of these steps, responsibly and in order, you should have a well rounded business credit profile and strong business credit score. That is the time to apply for high limit bank credit cards. They include general business credit cards from Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and the like that are not limited by location of use or purchase type.  

They generally have very high limits and favorable incentives. All you have to do is pick the ones with the best interest rates and the rewards programs that fit your business best. If you jump right in before establishing your business credit profile and business credit score, you will get denials from these types of cards every time. 

Using a business credit expert to help you assess and improve fundability, find starter vendors that report,  and guide you in knowing the right accounts to apply for at the right time to get approval makes the process much faster and easier.  As a result, you will avoid wasting time with vendors that do not report, and move through the steps as fast as possible.  Then, you can watch your business grow and thrive with high limit bank credit cards.

The post Warning: Don’t Apply for Bank Credit Cards For Your Business Before You Read This appeared first on Credit Suite.

How Much Do Snapchat Ads Cost?

Creative advertising gives you more bang for your buck, and Snapchat is a perfect channel to showcase this; but how much do Snapchat ads cost? Here’s the thing about advertising on social media channels such as Snapchat: you’re in control of the costs. You can constantly tweak your approach to improve your ROI. Snapchat may …

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Replit (YC W18) is hiring to make computing more accessible

Article URL: https://blog.repl.it/seriesa

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Brutal! 5 Ways You Can Get Denied for a Business Loan in a Recession –Your Banker Won’t Tell You About These!

Need a business loan in a recession? Beyond the SBA’s PPP program, you should also be looking at lenders outside the SBA’s purview. And you need to make it easier for them to approve your application.

We Smuggled out these Secrets: The 5 Ways You Can Get Denied for a Business Loan in a Recession – Your Banker Will Never Tell You About These

Did you know there are 5 ways you can get denied for a business loan in a recession? And let’s face it, your banker won’t tell you about ANY of them. It is, unfortunately, pretty easy to get a bank loan denial. This is particularly true in recessions. Bank loan money is always tighter.

And not everyone knows how it happens. So read on, and learn the secrets!

A Look at Bank Credit vs. Business Credit

Before going any further, do you know the difference between bank credit and business credit? Business credit is the full and complete amount of money that your small business can get from creditors. This includes leasing companies. It is also suppliers, under what’s called vendor credit.

Bank credit is the full amount of borrowing capacity which a small business can get from the banking system only.

What are Bank Credit Scores?

Even during a recession, a small business can get more business credit quickly, so long as it has two things.

One, it must have at least one bank reference. And two, it has to have an average daily account balance of at least $10,000. And that has to be for the most recent three month time period.

This set up will yield a bank rating of a Low-5. And that means it is an Adjusted Debt Balance of from $5,000 to $30,000.

Lower Ratings

A lower rating, like a High-4, or balance of $7,000 to $9,999 will not necessarily reject the small business’s loan application. However, it will slow down the approval process (in a recession, it could grind to a screeching halt). And a Low-5, we know, is far more likely to be necessary for an approval.

A bank credit rating is the average minimum balance a company maintains in a business bank account over a three month long period.

Hence a $10,000 balance will rate as a Low-5. And a $5,000 balance will rate as a Mid-4. By the same token, a $999 balance will rate as a High-3, etc.

A small business’s chief goal should always be to maintain a minimum Low-5 bank rating. So that means an average $10,000 balance. And they will need to do so for at least three months.

This is because, without at least a Low-5 rating, the majority of banks will operate under the assumption that the business has little to no ability to repay a loan or a business line of credit.

But here is one thing to keep in mind. You will never actually see this number. The bank will just keep this number in its back pocket.

Check out our professional research on bank ratings, the little-known reason why you will – or won’t – get a bank loan for your business during a recession.

The Rating Ranges

The numbers work out to the following ranges:

  • High-5 – account balance of $70,000 to $99,999
  • Mid-5 –$40,000 to $69,999
  • Low-5 –$10,000 to $39,000 (your small business needs this level bank score or better to get loans)
  • High-4 – $7,000 to 9,999
  • Mid-4 – $4,000 to $6,999
  • Low-4 – $1,000 to $-3,999

Bank Credit Problems that can Get Your Business a Denial

There are several ways to get a denial when you want a business loan. Here are the top five.

#1 Way You Can Get Denied for a Business Loan in a Recession

You’ll get a denial if you don’t maintain a minimum balance for at least three months. Since every bank credit cycle is based on the previous three months, a continually seesawing balance should damage your bank credit.

How You Can Fix It

So, what is the remedy? Keep cash in your account, by any means you can. This can be tough in a recession, but it is not impossible.

#2 Way You Can Get Denied for a Business Loan in a Recession

Looking to get a denial? Then don’t bother to assure that your business bank accounts are reported exactly the same way all of your business records are. And they would also have to be with the exact same physical address and phone number.

Sow confusion in this area by changing one and not another, or not correcting an error if there is one. And use a post office box!


How You Can Fix It

So, what is the remedy? Keep your records consistent. Copy and paste whatever you can. Do not chance it by retyping. And as for your location, if you do not want or need a physical office, go with a virtual one. We particularly like Regus and Alliance.

Can’t find any virtual office space nearby or within your budget? Then talk to other area business owners. And find out who they work with.

Check out our professional research on bank ratings, the little-known reason why you will – or won’t – get a bank loan for your business during a recession.

#3 Way You Can Get Denied for a Business Loan in a Recession

To go along with #2, you’ll get a denial if you don’t keep consistent, congruent records. That is, to make sure that every credit agency and trade credit vendor, every record keeper, lists the business name and address the exact same way.

These include record keepers for financial records, income tax, web addresses and e-mail addresses, directory assistance, etc.

No lender is going to stop to consider all of the ways that a business might be listed. That will not happen when they look into the business’ creditworthiness.

Therefore, if they are unable to find what they need easily, they will just deny the application. Or your carefully cultivated credit won’t report to the business credit reporting agencies. So if you want a denial, make sure your records are a mess!

No. Don’t do this.

How You Can Fix It

So, what is the remedy? Again, keep your records as consistent as possible. And if you need to hire someone to help you with this, then be sure to do so. It will be well worth it to get some peace of mind this area.

#4 Way You Can Get Denied for a Business Loan in a Recession

This one happens if you never manage your bank account responsibly. It means that your small business should not avoid writing non-sufficient funds (NSF) checks at all costs.

NSFs will decimate bank ratings.

Non-sufficient-funds checks are something which no business can afford to let happen.

But balancing checkbooks and accounts is so dull anyway. And you’ve got enough money without even making sure, right?


How You Can Fix It

So, what is the remedy? Carefully balance your books and make sure you have enough funds for your transactions.

So this might mean you hire someone with a bookkeeping or accounting background to help you. And that’s a great idea!

Beyond taking care of your business bank accounts, such an employee should be able to help you with the tax implications of pretty much everything that you do. All businesses will have to pay taxes. There are no exceptions to this rule! So why not legally and ethically pay less?

Check out our professional research on bank ratings, the little-known reason why you will – or won’t – get a bank loan for your business during a recession.

#5 Way You Can Get Denied for a Business Loan in a Recession

To add to #4, you’ll get a denial if you don’t add overdraft protection to your bank account as soon as possible, in order to avoid NSFs. But why bother thinking ahead or planning for the future? Everything is going to be great forever, right?


How You Can Fix It

So, what is the remedy? Overdraft protection is a valuable feature. So make sure you can get it. That might mean going to a bank that isn’t right around the corner from you. Or it might mean maintaining a specific minimum balance.

And if it does, then that’s even better. You’ll kill two birds with one stone and also address #1, above.

Bonus: #6 Way You Can Get Denied for a Business Loan in a Recession

Want to get a denial? Then don’t let your business show a positive cash flow. A positive free cash flow is the amount of revenue left over after your company has paid all of its expenses.

So if you really want to get a loan denial from your bank credit, go ahead and treat yourself. And buy whatever’s expensive for your business. And make sure your expenses outstrip your profits.

Because doesn’t every factory deserve plush carpeting in the loading dock?

Wrong.COVID-19 and biz lending in a Recession Credit Suite

How You Can Fix It

So, what is the remedy? The cash coming in and leaving your company’s bank account should reflect a positive free cash flow.

When an account shows a positive cash flow it indicates your business is generating more revenue than is used to run the company. That means the bank will feel your business can pay its bills.

Can’t afford to add a lot at a time? That’s okay – long as you are adding something.

In a recession, it’s obviously harder to keep adding to a business bank account. Just … try.

Bonus: #7 Way You Can Get Denied for a Business Loan in a Recession

Banks are highly motivated to lend to a business with consistent deposits. And a business owner must also make regular deposits. So this is in order to maintain a positive bank rating.

The business owner must make a lot of consistent deposits, more than the withdrawals they are making. This is the best way to have and maintain a good bank rating.

If they can do that, then they will have a good bank credit score.

But consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, right?

Hence depositing whatever, whenever has got to be the best way to handle your company’s bank deposits, right?


How You Can Fix It

So, what is the remedy? Consistency! Showing your bank is dependably and regularly adding funds will go a long way to assuring your bank that your business is credible.

And it’ll assure them that if they loan you money, that you’ll be able to pay them back.

And you’ll maintain your ethics and do so.

There are Many Ways You Can Get Denied for a Business Loan in a Recession

Yes, you can wreck your bank credit these five seven ways. So don’t! If you wreck your bank credit, then you may as well throw in the towel. And in a recession, you just plain can’t afford that.

This is because you’ll also tank your business. And no one wants to see that happen.

Particularly now, in the age of COVID-19, you need to help your business in any way you can.

The post Brutal! 5 Ways You Can Get Denied for a Business Loan in a Recession –Your Banker Won’t Tell You About These! appeared first on Credit Suite.

Discover Money Market Investing For Increasing Your Wealth

With today’s financial problems, several individuals are looking for various means to spend their cash. If you are looking for various choices, you could desire to think about cash market investing, as it has some benefits.

Just what is cash market investing? Cash market investing is utilizing your funds in temporary financial obligation financial investments. Cash market funds are classified according to the sort of financial obligation they buy; federal government cash market funds, or cash funds, buy United States federal government safety and securities; business, or nongovernment cash funds, purchase organisations; tax-free cash market spending includes cash funds that purchase local rate of interests.

Unlike a cash market account, which is truly simply a financial institution financial savings account that often tends to generate a greater rate of interest price than a normal cost savings strategy. Cash market funds bring no such defense. Threat is restricted, nonetheless, by the SEC guideline that calls for that the ordinary maturation of funds in a cash market fund to grow in ninety or less days.

The percent return quote is typically determined as a seven-day return instead than the common yearly portion return (APY) since the term is so brief for cash market investing. The benefits of cash market spending consist of:

– They are brief term.
– They are taken into consideration fairly secure.
– They commonly supply the opportunity of greater returns than a CD.
If you acquire tax-free funds, – They might supply tax obligation benefits.
– They come to smaller sized, less-experienced capitalists.
If essential, – They can supply simplicity of access.
– They can function as short-term holding areas for cash while you think about various other financial investment choices.
– They are conveniently offered by brokers, at common fund firms, as well as at some financial institutions.

The threats related to cash market spending consist of:
– The opportunity of shedding cash exists despite the fact that it is much less than various other types of investing.
– The absence of insurance coverage from the FDIC or any kind of various other federal government company.
– The variable nature of the prices. Your price can rise or below month to month.
– The longer you purchase cash market funds, the a lot more that rising cost of living can gnaw at your revenues, given that long-term returns are much less than long-term rois that bring higher threat.

If you have an interest in relocating your financial investment cash to a fairly risk-free setting that has a bit much better price than an interest-bearing account, you might intend to think about short-term cash market investing. Consult your financial investment specialist for so great suggestions for our specific circumstance and also objectives.

Cash market investing is utilizing your funds in temporary financial debt financial investments. Cash market funds are classified according to the kind of financial debt they acquire; federal government cash market funds, or cash funds, spend in United States federal government protections; business, or nongovernment cash funds, spend in companies; tax-free cash market spending includes cash funds that spend in metropolitan rate of interests.

Unlike a cash market account, which is truly simply a financial institution cost savings account that often tends to generate a greater rate of interest price than a normal financial savings strategy. Cash market funds bring no such defense. Danger is restricted, nonetheless, by the SEC law that calls for that the typical maturation of funds in a cash market fund to develop in ninety or less days.

The post Discover Money Market Investing For Increasing Your Wealth appeared first on ROI Credit Builders.

New comment by zach_keiser in "Ask HN: Who is hiring? (December 2019)"

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If you prefer to re-skin WordPress site, no need to apply, but if you are looking to challenge yourself as a developer this is the place for you.

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Human Interest (YC S15) is not hiring 10x engineers

You may have recently seen a VC on Twitter talk about what makes a “10x engineer”: https://twitter.com/skirani/status/1149302828420067328 We at Human Interest couldn’t disagree more. In fact, if those tweets describe the way you like to work, we’d prefer you not apply to work with us. The engineers at our Human Interest are eagerly collaborative, and …

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Email Marketing Success

Email marketing Success Nowadays, there are numerous methods to market something, and also there are a great deal of various tools to select from. Possibly, since it is taken into consideration brand-new or possibly as a result of the opportunity of e-mails you send out being checked out as spam, e-mail advertising and marketing has … Continue reading Email Marketing Success

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