Training For Corporate Minutes And Resolutions

Attention: All Department Heads, Division Leaders And Associates

Feel like you don’t have enough hours in a day? Feeling overwhelmed and overworked in your workload, but still needing to maintain your corporate records? Burning extra hours on payroll just to try to keep up? Tied up in meetings with staff, associates and clients? Tired of receiving calls from legal and the compliance department? Fearing an audit, but unsure of how to find that extra time needed for paperwork?


Dear Management,

I have a very busy schedule and so many things to do.

I'm so busy! My plate is full with agendas.
I’m so busy! My plate is full with agendas.

My department/division have deadlines to meet on our projects. I have to…………(the list goes on and on and on………)






Well, good news!

Workshops are now available for you to sign up to learn how to maintain your paper trail in a more perfect manner.  We all understand how time consuming and en-cumbersome keeping your records and paper trail is to each of you. As your corporate structure changes and grows, so will your needs in maintaining your corporate records and paper trail. Well don’t get caught by an audit, sign up for our new training class below and you will be pleasantly surprised to learn how easy it really can become. See you at the training workshop!

Learning foundations
Learning essential foundations!
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