What is Video Search and How Can it Help Your Business?

Studying how people use video search to find the content they want is an essential but often neglected area of marketing. When we understand how video search engines work, we can begin to devise marketing strategies around this traffic source. When you understand your audience’s search intent and properly optimize your videos, you unlock new … Continue reading What is Video Search and How Can it Help Your Business?

How Can iPaaS Help Your Digital Marketing?

If there’s one thing you need from your digital marketing toolbox, it’s efficiency. You need access to real-time data so you can quickly make the most effective decisions and convert those all-important leads into paying customers.   You can start by deploying iPaaS, or “Integration Platform as a Service”. It’s a little tricky to understand at … Continue reading How Can iPaaS Help Your Digital Marketing?

Trump's Fair Banking Rule

Pushing back against the left’s red-lining of unpopular industries.

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