The Ultimate Guide to Guest Blogging

We’ve discussed how you can build authority in your industry through blogging. Today, we are going to look at exactly how you can get guest blogging opportunities and make the most out of them.

Determine Your Guest Blogging Goals

Before we begin, your first task is to decide what your goal for guest blogging is. Knowing this goal ahead of time is key in determining the right kind of blogs to submit guest posts to. Typically there are three main goals for guest blogging.

  1. Positioning yourself as an authority and well-known name in the industry.
  2. Getting exposure (traffic) back to your website.
  3. Building backlinks to your website (though this should never be the main focus, as Google frowns on this).

With the right kind of content on the top blogs, you can do all three of these things.

If you are trying to accomplish either #1 or #2, then you will want to find blogs that have a wide and engaged audience.

If you are just trying to accomplish #3, you need to pinpoint blogs with strong root domain authority. You can check this for free using tools like Ubersuggest.

Knowing your goals in advance will help you in determining which blogs will be the best for you to submit guest posts to.

How to Find Guest Blogging Opportunities

The first thing you will want to do is find guest post opportunities. When looking for places to guest post, your main goal is to find sites relevant to your niche or industry. You are looking for blogs that fit the following criteria:

  • the content is focused on your niche/industry
  • the audience of the blog will be interested in your industry
  • the blog has engaged readership (posts have been shared socially and commented upon)
  • the blog owner is active on social media (so you know that they will be promoting your work on their site)

If you are selling plant seeds, for example, you will want to find gardening blogs with an engaged audience of gradeners. The following should help you find the right kind of guest post opportunities

Google Searches

Google is a great place to start in the search for guest posting opportunities. You can use any of the following keyword searches to find blogs that accept guest posts. Just replace keyword with keywords from your industry.

  • keyword “submit a guest post”
  • keyword “guest post”
  • keyword “guest post by”
  • keyword “accepting guest posts”
  • keyword “guest post guidelines”

These searches should lead you to a blog’s guest post guidelines page, guest post submission page, or actual guest posts by other writers.

Prolific Guest Bloggers

Know of any prolific guest bloggers in your industry? If you read enough blogs in your industry (which you should), you’ll know some of the same names that repeatedly pop up in guest bogs.

Just as few of the top influential marketing guest bloggers include Neil Patel, Jeff Bullas, Mark Traphagen, Tony Right, Jenny Halasz, Brian Harnish, Kevin Indig, Adam Riemer, Robyn Johnson, Benji Acciola, Kevin Rowe, Anna Crow, and Kirk Williams.

Using Google search, search for the name of prolific guest bloggers in your industry plus the phrase “guest post by”. This will reveal all of the sites that these guest bloggers have posted upon. They should be good places for you to guest post upon as well. A bonus would be if you actually know a guest blogger in your industry that can make an introduction for you to the owners of blogs they have guest posted upon.

Competitor Backlinks

If you (or your online marketing agency) have ever pulled up a backlink analysis of a competitor while working on your SEO campaign, chances are one or more of your competitors have backlinks from guest posts they have done.

If you have access to tools like Open Site Explorer, you can look at the backlinks of your competitors and spot any of the blog posts they have written.

If you don’t find any, you can do a Google search. “guest post” (replacing with your competitor’s domain) which should reveal sites that a competitor has written for.

Example: “guest post”

Social Searches

A lot of bloggers and guest posters will share their latest guest posts on social networks. Since the easiest one to search is Twitter, you should try running a Twitter search for the keyword “guest post” to get the latest tweets about guest posts in your industry. Just follow the links to see which blogs are accepting the guest posts.

Seek Guest Blogging Opportunities

Need more keyword search ideas or just a list with lots of different guest posting opportunities?

Check out this post on 14 additional ways to syndicate your content.


Last, but definitely not least, is My Blog Guest, a community of guest bloggers. Sign up for free and search for blogs accepting guest posts. Better yet, post your own information to say that you are looking to write guest posts on a particular topic so blog owners can find you!

Preparing to Pitch a Guest Blogging Post

Notice that we don’t just jump from finding guest blogging opportunities to contacting the blogs. That’s because there are a few things you need to do before you propose a guest post for a site you’ve just found.

Get to Know the Blog’s Content

Getting to know your target blog’s content is key. Sure you know they have content about the keyword you searched for while looking for guest post opportunities. But you need to know even more about that content such as…

  • What level of audience are they writing for (beginners, intermediate, advanced)?
  • What type of audience are they writing for? If your business is B2B, then you will want the blog audience for your guest post to be businesses, not general consumers.
  • What type of content do they write? Is it mostly general concepts or specific, detailed tutorials? Do they like lists?

See How Other Guest Posts Do

While a blog may have guest posts, the question is do the guest bloggers do well? Do guest blog posts on the site get as many comments and social sharing as blog posts by the owner? Some sites might accept guest posts, but if the audience is only tuning in for the blog owner, then you won’t do so well if your goal is to build authority or get traffic back to your website.

See Who the Guest Bloggers Are

Some blog owners are more likely to accept guest posts by certain types of people over others. Peruse a few guest blogger bios on the blog to see if they are fellow bloggers, freelancers, consultants, business owners, and so forth. This will be important when you introduce yourself to the blog owner for your pitch. You can read more about the success rates of guest posting outreach in this study on SEOmoz.

Find Out What Posts Do the Best

To ensure that your guest post gets accepted, you will want to pitch the blog owner with topics that will do well with their audience. To get some good ideas of topics that will work with the blog’s audience, use the following sites to see what posts have been popular on social media.

  • Oktopus: Oktopus tracks and reports on your social media performance.
  • Digg: This will show you the \blog posts that have received the most amount of Digg votes.
  • Buzzer: Buzzer schedules your social media posts and provides data and analytics.

Become a Familiar Face in the Blog Community

To increase your chances of getting accepted as a guest blogger, you will want to get some recognition from the blog owner first. The best way to do this is to take a week or two and comment on their latest posts. You’ll get bonus points for sharing those posts on Twitter too – just be sure to include the blog owner’s @username on Twitter. This way, when you pitch your guest post, you won’t be a complete stranger.

The Best Times to Pitch a Guest Blogging Post

You won’t always have a golden opportunity to pitch a guest post, but there are certain things to take advantage of when they arise. These include the following.

  • when a blog mentions you in one of their posts or on social media (Twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc.)
  • when the blog lists you, your business, or your product in one of its posts
  • when the blog specifically advertises they are looking for guest posts
  • when the blog publishes another guest post

Basic Pitch Best Practices

The following are absolute musts when pitching a guest blog post to another blog owner.

Read the Guidelines

The last thing you need to do before contacting the blog owner is read the guest posting guidelines, if applicable, and follow them closely. Does the blog owner want you to pitch an idea or actually submit a full post? What format do they want it in? Do they want you to create an account and enter it into WordPress? These are all things to know ahead of time before you contact the blog owner.

Personalize Your Email

As a blogger who receives daily guest post pitches, nothing turns me off more than an email starting with “Dear Sir or Madam,” “Dear Webmaster,” “To the owner of,” or simply “Hi.”

Somewhere on the blog, there should be the name and contact information for the owner of the blog you are targeting for your guest post.

You might have to ferret around for it on the about page or on one of the blog’s social media accounts, but it is more than likely out there. Find it, and use it to start the email.

Who Are You?

Remember the part about seeing who guest bloggers are on your target blog? Some blog owners are particular about only allowing other bloggers to submit guest posts on their sites.

If you noticed that most guest bloggers are bloggers themselves, then you might want to introduce yourself as a blogger at [insert your personal or business blog here]. You can always be a business owner on the side; just focus on your blogging skills first.

Why You Should Be a Guest Blogger

In your pitch, be sure to include why you should be a guest blogger. Add a few links to posts you have published elsewhere, including your own blog. Preferably go with posts that have a good bit of social engagement so the blog owner will see your potential value with their audience.

How to Pitch a Guest Post Idea

If the guest post guidelines ask you to submit a topic idea, then (based on your research of previously popular posts), pitch a few different ideas so the blog owner has some to choose from.

How to Submit a Great Guest Post

One of the common questions about guest blogging is whether you should be using your best content for your own blog or for your guest posting. It really depends on the quality of the blog you are submitting your content to.

If the blog has nothing but 900+ word posts with lots of screenshots, then your post should be similar. If the blog has nothing but posts with 500 words or less with only one image, then your posts (again) should be similar. The following are other good tips for making your guest post as awesome as possible.

It’s Not About You

The first thing to remember about a great guest post is that it is not about your business, your products, or your services. Guest posts should be valuable sources of information; not advertisements.

Any information about your business and related items should be reserved for the author bio. Occasional mentions, stories, or examples are okay to illustrate a point, but the majority of the post should be focused on something other than your business.

Format Posts Like the Ones on the Site

Take a look at posts on your target blog. Do they use lots of headers, bolded text, images, quotes, or other special formatting? Make sure that your post has similar elements to match other posts on the site.

Include Internal and Source Links

Show the blog owner that you know their content by including a few internal links back to some of their posts. The easiest way to do this is to do a Google search for intitle:keyword.

This will get you their top posts on a particular keyword so you can link that post to the keyword in your post. Also, if you mention any specific products, books, etc., be sure to link to those too (assuming it’s not self-promotional).

Include a Call to Action for Comments

At the end of your amazing guest post, be sure to include a call to action for comments. The more discussion your post generates, the better!

How to Craft a Great Guest Bio

The most important part of guest blogging (for you) will likely be your guest post bio. This is usually the only place you should include self-promotion links back to your website, blog, product, service, book, etc. What you write in this section will depend on your guest blogging goals.

  • If your goal is to get good backlinks, make sure your bio includes a link back to your website with your target anchor text and you are all set.
  • If your goal is to get traffic back to your website, then you might want to consider where you want that traffic to go. Depending on the subject of your guest post and the audience of the blog you place it upon, you might want to send traffic to a custom landing page or page about a specific product/service.
  • If your goal is to increase followers of your social accounts, do this by adding a line to the end of your bio that says something like, “Follow me on (insert your top social network and link here).”

How to Be the Best Guest Blogger

If you’re aiming to become a regular contributor to a blog, or simply want the blog owner to brag about what a great guest blogger you are, then be sure to do your best to promote your post to throughout your own audience. The blog owner will love it if you send new readers their way.

Also, be sure to reply to comments or questions that people leave on your post. That will go a long way if you are working to build authority in your industry.

Tracking Your Results

When the goal is traffic, the results of your guest blogging should definitely be measured. The best way to do this is to create an Advanced Segment in Google Analytics.

You can learn how to set up an Advanced Segment in this post on how to find out which online marketing strategy drives the best traffic. All you need is one segment using the source dimension with multiple statements for each domain that you have guest blogged for. This can be up to 20 per Advanced Segment. Mine looks like this:

google analytics guest blogging advanced segment

Using this, you can view all of your Google Analytics data based on referrals from your guest posts. This can help you determine the success of your overall guest blogging strategy in terms of getting traffic and making conversions.

If you’re not sure how to track conversions, see this post on getting actionable data to learn how to set up goals.

How to Get Guest Bloggers for Your Blog

Finally, don’t forget that guest blogging can be a two-way street. It’s tough to maintain your own blog content while guest posting on a lot of other blogs.

Be sure to open an invitation for the blog you wrote for to write a guest post for you as well. This keeps your content fresh content on your own blog, which can help gain perspective on your audience, and hopefully get new readers from your guest blogger’s community. It’s a win-win situation!


Guest blogging on reputable sites is a great way to leverage the success of blogs that are already popular in your industry. To get the spot for a guest blog, you need to send engaging pitches that show your worth.

Guest blogging is just one of many strategies to incorporate in your content marketing campaigns. If you need help shaping or tracking your content marketing methods, our agency is here for you.

Do you use guest blogging as part of your online marketing strategy? What other things would you suggest for a business looking to increase their guest blogging success?

10 E-Commerce Examples of the Best Instagram Bios

If you run an e-Commerce brand, there’s a good chance you have an Instagram account. How much time do you spend on your Instagram bio, though? You probably spend far more time crafting great-looking posts and engaging stories. 

How long should E-commcerce companies spend writing their best Instagram bios? 

It’s important to have an excellent bio since it’s one of the first things a user sees when they visit your Instagram profile. Often, however, it’s often an afterthought for brands that care more about their posts than their profile as a whole. 

That’s a mistake. Bios aren’t user’s first impressions of your brand and set the tone of the whole account. Your brand’s bio needs to grab the user’s attention and get your core USPs across as quickly as possible. 

Doing so is far from easy, however. That’s why I’ve drawn up a list of 10 of the best Instagram bios so you can see how it’s done. 

10 Best Instagram Bios for E-commerce Businesses

When in doubt, I find it best to look at what’s working for the top brands in the industry. As they say, good artists copy, great artists steal. 

Below, I’ve compiled some of the best ecommerce Instagram bios out there right now and highlighted what makes them so effective.

1. BarkBox

Instagram bios- barkbox example

BarkBox is a monthly subscription box of dog treats and toys serving over one million dogs across the country. You knew that already, though, from their very descriptive Instagram bio. 

That’s one of the reasons this bio is so good. Even if you’ve never heard of BarkBox before, you know exactly what they sell as soon as you read the first line. 

That’s not the only reason I love it. BarkBox also does a great job of pointing consumers to other profiles they might like. Parent company Bark gets a shoutout, as does Super Chewer, the company’s extra tough toys. It’s topped off by a hashtag that shows users how they can get involved by posting their own content. 


Best Instagram Bios for E- commerce Businesses - MVMT

MVMT sells premium yet affordable, American watches, sunglasses, and other accessories. They have a big Instagram following, and for a good reason. Not only do the brand’s posts look cool, but almost all of them are shoppable with the click of a button. 

MVMT begins its bio with an emotive call to action that sums up what the brand stands for. Like BarkBox, MVMT uses hashtags to encourage audience engagement and point users to a sister brand. Most important of all is the call to action at the end of the bio, which tells users about their brand new watch range. 

3. Pela Case

Best Instagram Bios for Ecommerce Businesses - Supply

Pela Case makes the world’s first compostable phone case, along with several other accessories like sunglasses, watch straps, and AirPod cases. 

Sustainability is key for this brand, and they use the globe and seedling emojis to make that point very clear. They also use emojis to highlight their CTA link as well as bullet points to give the bio a clear layout. 

The succinct way that Pela sum up their USPs also makes this bio stand out. The most important facts about the brand are made clear in the first two lines. If that weren’t enough, they also update the bio regularly. In the screenshot above, for instance, they’ve got an International Women’s Day-related CTA. 

4. Supply

Best Instagram Bios for E-commerce Businesses - Supply

Supply is a razor and grooming company that was featured on Shark Tank. Humor is the order of the day for Supply. Their bio lists a series of real-life reviews by well-known organizations and ends with a self-deprecating one-liner that shows the brand doesn’t take itself too seriously. 

Supply doesn’t stop there, however. Their CTA also uses humor and intrigue to increase the likelihood that users click on their URL significantly. This brand knows their target audience loves this kind of humor, and they execute it perfectly. 

5. Who Gives a Crap

Best Instagram Bios for Ecommerce Businesses - Who Gives a Crap

Who Gives a Crap sells bamboo and recycled toilet paper. It also donates 50 percent of its profits to improve sanitation in the developing world. 

Who Gives a Crap is another brand that uses emojis to grab user’s attention and structure their bio. In doing so, they’re able to get across a huge amount of information in a small space. You know what they do, why they do it, and the product’s USPs. You even know where they ship, too. It’s not even a struggle to read it!

6. Brooklinen

Best Instagram Bios for Ecommerce Businesses - Brooklinen

Brooklinen is a DTC brand selling luxury bedding. They put comfort and quality before everything else and that shines through in their stylish bio and account. 

At first glance, Brooklinen’s bio may not look particularly special. There are no emojis, for instance, but that’s because they aren’t on brand. Instead, there is a very specific call to action, which is to visit their store in person. 

This is what makes Brooklinen’s Instagram bio so good, in my opinion. While other brands focus on driving you to their online store, they show they aren’t just an ecommerce store—you can see their products in person, too. 

7. Haus Laboratories

Best Instagram Bios for E-commerce Businesses - Haus Laboratories

Haus Laboratories is the beauty brand from Lady Gaga and that’s not something they hide in their Instagram bio. That’s a good thing since it’s probably the brand’s biggest selling point. 

Next, the brand sends a powerful and emotive message to readers, showing they aren’t just a faceless make-up brand. Finally, they use emoji to capture Lady Gaga’s tone of voice and point users in the direction of their CTA. A Gaga-reat job all around.

8. MeUndies

Best Instagram Bios for Ecommerce Businesses - MeUndies

MeUndies sells what they claim to be the most comfortable underwear in the world. Their branding is fun, bold, and colorful, and they make a point of getting that across in their Instagram bio. 

A clever pun in the first line gets the bio off to a great start and is quickly followed up by a cheeky peach emoji. The heart emoji is in an on-brand color and highlights the fact that a new design is on sale (a common feature of MeUndies). If that weren’t enough, another emoji points users in the direction of the CTA link where users can shop. Peachy. 

9. The Sill

Best Instagram Bios for Ecommerce Businesses - The Sill

The Sill sends indoor potted plants directly to your door. Their offering is all about making your home look great and their branding reflects the elegance plants can add to your home. 

Their Instagram bio drives that brand promise home in the first line. Selling “the best looking plants on the internet” is a bold claim, but it’s the kind of claim that will make users spend time browsing their posts to find out. That’s a win right there.

The Sill also uses a hashtag to let consumers browse user-generated content for added social proof and uses an emoji to break up the copy. A beautiful job all around. 

10. American Giant

Best Instagram Bios for Ecommerce Businesses - MeUndies

American Giant is an American clothing brand that aims to make better clothes right here in the U.S.A. This belief in making better quality products, with better materials, and better techniques is one of its core USPs.

No wonder their tagline is mentioned in the very first line of the bio. They reinforce that tagline with a crystal clear message about making high-quality clothing in the U.S. and back that up with an American flag emoji, in case there was any doubt. 

The bio is topped off with call-to-action encouraging users to create their own content with the brand’s hashtag and a link to their store. 

How to Create the Best Instagram Bio for Your Ecommerce Business

You’ve seen how the biggest brands in the industry do it; now it’s time to create your own. Here are a few tips to help you get it right. 

1. Include a Call to Action

Is it a piece of marketing material if it doesn’t have a call to action? I don’t think so, and your Instagram bio definitely is one. 

Instagram followers shouldn’t land on your profile and ask “now what?” Instead, give them a clear and obvious action to take. It’s even more important on Instagram because your bio is the only place in your profile where you can place an outbound link. Don’t waste it!

Calls to action for E-ommerce brands could be to visit your store, shop your profile or sign up for your email list. You don’t have to stop at one CTA, either. You could recommend users follow your sister brand’s account (like BarkBox), visit your store (Brooklinen), or get in touch with support (The Sill). 

2. Incorporate a Brand Hashtag

Hashtags are a great way to encourage user-generated content (UGC).  Encouraging UGC should be one of your top goals on Instagram. User posts featuring your products are great at generating buzz and providing much-needed social proof

Adding a hashtag also gives consumers a way to quickly search your own and other users’ posts about your brand, which is great for users who aren’t familiar with who you are and what you sell. 

2. Be Creative

Trust me, when you look at dozens of Instagram profiles a day, the creative ones really shine through. The more your bio stands out from the crowd, the more likely users are to stick around, view your posts, and maybe even hit follow. 

It could be how you layout your profile, what you say, how you say it, or the emojis you use. While you should definitely learn lessons from the brands above, please don’t copy them completely. Forge your own path. 3.

3. Show Your Brand’s Personality

One of the best ways to be creative is to let your brand’s personality shine through in your bio. You’ve worked hard to develop your brand’s unique tone of voice, so make sure you use it when crafting your copy. 

It won’t just give new users insight into the kind of brand you are, it will make regular customers feel at home. 

4. Be Concise

You only have 150 characters to work within an Instagram bio, so brevity is essential. Don’t waste time explaining who you are. That’s what your name and profile image are for. The focus should be on the what and the why. 

You need to explain what sets you apart from competitors and what your brand stands for if you want users to hit follow. If it’s not obvious to users, they won’t waste time trying to work you out. 

6. Make It Readable

While you may not have many characters to use in your Instagram bio, you do have plenty of space to play with. Make sure you use it. 

Rather than write two or three sentences in a row (however witty or concise they are), try adding line breaks or emojis into your bio to make it as easy to read as possible.

A bullet point list of short, punchy sentences is much easier to read. Don’t forget to prioritize your layout for mobile devices, either. Very few people, if any, will be looking at your Instagram page on a laptop or desktop computer. 

7. Use Emojis

Emojis are a great hack to make your bio both readable and concise. They may not say one thousand words, but they can save a few dozen characters when used well. 

They are also a great way to break up your copy and help users see what your brand is about. 

Emojis don’t work for every brand, however, especially if you sell serious or business-orientated products. Even brands that don’t rely on humor (like American Giant) can use specific emojis in a subtle way. 

8. Add Keywords

I can feel you raising your eyebrows about using keywords on Instagram, but hear me out. While your profile name and handle help people to find you, Instagram will also use what you write in your bio to determine what your page is about. 

That makes it essential to have your most important keywords in there somewhere. Look at BarkBox, as an example. They have “toys, treats, and chews” in their bio for that reason. Pela Case has “compostable phone case” too.  

The good news is if you create a succinct and concise bio, you’ve probably included keywords already. If not, pick the one or two that are most important and include them in your first line. 


Instagram is probably the most valuable social media platform for E-commerce brands, but bios are regularly left as an afterthought.

Not your brand, though.  

You’ve seen some of the best Instagram bios and understand what features make their bios stand apart from the rest. Now it’s time to craft your own powerful bio that captures users’ attention and directs them to your store. 

Be concise, show your brand’s personality, and don’t forget to include a clear call to action. 

If you need help for developing your social media strategy (and content marketing and SEO), reach out. We can help you!

What steps are you going to take to improve your Instagram bio?

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Small Business Inventory Loans

What are Small Business Inventory Loans? 

You may have heard the term small business inventory loans. But do you really know what it is all about? We break it all down for you right here. This form of funding just might be perfect for your business. It’s also called inventory financing.

According to a definition from Investopedia – “Inventory financing is a revolving line of credit or a short-term loan that is acquired by a company so it can purchase products for sale later. The products serve as the collateral for the loan.” See

You can get a low rate credit line. And all you need to do is use your current inventory as collateral. Inventory is valuable! It is perfect for collateral for small business inventory loans.

Check out these Credit Line Details

Keep in mind that your inventory must be worth $500,000 or higher. You can get approval for a line with low rates, regardless of your personal credit quality.

You can get approval for a line of credit for 50% of inventory value. Rates are usually 5 – 15% depending on type of inventory. And you can get funding within 3 weeks or less. It can’t be lumped together inventory, like office equipment.

With inventory financing, there may be restrictions on the type of inventory you can use. This can include not allowing cannabis, alcohol, firearms, etc., or perishable goods. And there can be revenue requirements. There may also be minimum FICO score requirements.

Let’s look at Qualifying for Small Business Inventory Loans

You will not need financials, or good personal credit. Your business must have existing inventory now that is valued over $500,000. Lender will also check the quality of your inventory management system.

The inventory might be of supplies, retail merchandise. materials used to produce your product, or other non-obsolete inventory. The lender will review your existing inventory. If you have inventory that qualifies you can get approval quickly with just a review of your inventory records.

You Can Get Fast Funding with Inventory Financing

After the lenders review your inventory summaries, you can get your initial approval and funding in 3 weeks or less. And you can get a working capital credit line to use for whatever purposes you need.

But What if You Have Credit Issues? 

This program is perfect for business owners with credit issues. Lenders are not looking for, nor do they require good credit to qualify. You can even get approval for a credit line with low rates, even with severely challenged personal credit and low credit scores.

You can get approval regardless of personal credit quality. So this is even if you have recent derogatory items and major collections on your credit report. This is one of the best and easiest business financing programs in existence that you can qualify for. And you can get really good terms even with severe personal credit problems.

Demolish your funding problems with 27 killer ways to get cash for your business.

What are the Benefits of Inventory Financing?

Get 24 hour preapproval and get secure financing of 50% of your inventory value. It is just an easy inventory review for approval. And you will pay no application fees.

You can get approval even with poor credit. Go from application to funding in 3 weeks or less. You can get approval with no revenue requirements. This is low rate financing. Enjoy credit line amounts range up to $500,000.

What are the Approval Amounts? 

You can get up to $500,000, and bad credit is accepted. Your inventory serves as your collateral. No financials are necessary.

Let’s Look at Qualifying for Inventory Financing from Credit Suite

You will need over $300,000 in inventory. So, this means no jewelry, apparel, highly seasonal items, or high tech items subject to rapid obsolescence.

What do the Approval Amounts Depend on? 

You can get approval for $150,000 or more. The approval amount is based on the actual value of the inventory. You can get approval for financing up to 50%.

What are the Interest Rates? 

Interest is very low. It is typically as low as 2% monthly. And you can get approval in 3 weeks or less.

What if Small Business Inventory Loans are Impossible to Get Now? 

There are other ways to get financing for your business. Your business – and you – have assets beyond inventory. And you can tap these assets as collateral. You can use a 401(k) or IRA, accounts receivable, or stocks or bonds. Did you know that the 401(k), stocks, or bonds do not even have to be yours? You can work with a partner with these kinds of assets.

Check out Securities-Based Financing

So you can use existing stocks as leverage to get business financing. Borrow as much as 90% of their value. You continue to earn interest on the stocks pledged as collateral. And closing and funding takes less than 3 weeks.

Take a Look at 401(k) Financing

You can use your existing 401(k) or IRA as collateral for business financing. This program uses IRS proven strategies, called ROBS. And you will pay no tax penalties.

You still earn interest on your 401(k). Pay low rates, often less than 5%. And you can close and fund in less than 3 weeks. You can usually get up to 100% of what is “rollable” within your 401(k).

Note: your 401(k) has to be with a company that is no longer employing you.

Demolish your funding problems with 27 killer ways to get cash for your business.

What about Accounts Receivable Financing? 

You can use your outstanding account receivables for financing. In this instance, you can get as much as 80% of receivables advanced ongoing in less than 24 hours. The remainder of the accounts receivable are released as soon as the invoice is paid in full. And closing takes 2 weeks or less. Pay factor rates as low as 1.33%. These are accounts receivable credit line with rates of less than 1% with no consumer credit requirement.

The receivables should be with the government or another business. If you also have purchase orders, you can get financing to have those filled. And you will not need to use your cash flow in order to do so.

Check Out what OnDeck has to Offer

OnDeck offers inventory loans and business lines of credit. Term loans run $5,000 to $250,000, with 12-month terms, paid back daily or weekly.

Their lines of credit run from $6,000 to $100,000. Pay back over 12 months, with automatic weekly payments. Find them online at

Or how about an Amazon Corporate Credit Line? 

Do you have an online business? Then you can get a revolving credit line from Amazon. Make minimum payments or pay in full monthly. Pay 12.99% purchase APR (minimum interest charge is $1). You get an option to apply as a personal guarantor to build business credit. And you will enjoy 24/7 Customer Service.

Consider Amazon Lines of Credit and Working Capital Loans

If your business is eligible, you will see funding options when you log into Seller Central. Currently, lines of credit are offered by Marcus by Goldman Sachs. Loans come from Amazon Lending – specific terms are tailored to the business. Get access to loan funds within 5 days. Learn more at

Demolish your funding problems with 27 killer ways to get cash for your business.

Small Business Inventory Loans: Takeaways

Your inventory is a valuable business asset. You can leverage it to get business funding. Get approval with excellent terms, even if your personal credit is not so hot. And consider alternatives like 401(k) financing or OnDeck and more if you can’t get small business inventory loans right now.

The post Small Business Inventory Loans appeared first on Credit Suite.

Japan's Nomura Says U.S. Client Owes it $2 Billion; Shares Fall 15%

The bank didn’t name the client, but its disclosure followed turbulent trading on Wall Street involving forced sales of stockholdings by a large, low-profile U.S. investment firm.

The post Japan’s Nomura Says U.S. Client Owes it $2 Billion; Shares Fall 15% first appeared on Online Web Store Site.

New comment by WilliamSteen in "Ask HN: Who is hiring? (March 2021)"

Federato | Head of Software architecture | Senior SWE | Remote |Full-time |

We are an impact driven startup helping insurance companies optimize their portfolio through reinforcement learning and dynamic optimization. We’re an early stage startup backed by VC’s in the Bay area.

We’re looking for:

Head of software architecture: has experience designing software architectures to be scalable and robust. 5+ years in software and will be key in building out our software team.

Senior software engineer: full stack software engineer with 2+ years of experience. React, Javascript and Python are a must.

Some interesting points:
– We work very closely with top-notch ML/RL researchers at Stanford University.
– We’re informal, give unlimited PTO and work in a fast paced environment.
– We work on an important problem that makes financial security unaffordable for a fast increasing number of people.

If you’re interesting in learning more, please contact me at