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Want to apply for YC W24? We’re opening some last-minute spots

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Apply for a Business Loan Without Getting Denied for Fraud Concerns

Many business owners apply for a business loan and end up being denied, never knowing why. Surprisingly, one of the most common reasons for denial has more to do with the actual application than the creditworthiness of the company. A lot of applicants never make it to the financial review process simply because their application triggers fraud concerns with the lender. 

Apply for a Business Loan Without Fraud Concerns: Consistency is Key

Discrepancies of any kind set off red flags for lenders. When something doesn’t add up, they don’t look too far for answers. In contrast, they simply deny. 

Application denials for this are common because inconsistencies reek of fraudulent activity. Just the appearance of fraud, any inkling, is enough for most lenders to deny. 

Consistent Business Information

Your business name and other information must be consistent. If you list it one way on your application and it is different anywhere else, denial is imminent. That means, even an ampersand in one place and the word “and” in another can mean denial.

Information Must Be Verifiable

When you apply for a loan, the information you put on it must be verifiable. Lenders might search with the Secretary of State to verify ownership. As you can imagine, if the business information on the application does not match the Ssecretary of Sstate records, they may very well deny it automatically. 

If they decide to investigate further, they may ask for tax returns, even if they already have financials. The catch is, even if they originally ask only to verify information, due diligence dictates that they look at all of it. This may not work in your favor. 

The more you make, the more you pay. As a result, businesses do not want to show they make money.  Yet, if your tax return shows a large loss, it results in a denial. If your information is verifiable in the first place, it may not be necessary to give lenders tax returns. 

Verifying Income

Do yourself a favor and don’t try to lie about income.  There are plenty of ways to verify, and credit providers will do that. You can be sure they can and will verify everything. Not just income either. The truth is, this goes for any information. That includes ownership percentage, date of opening, and of course financial information.

Personal Information Matters

Some are surprised to find out that personal information comes into play when you apply for a business loan. It has to be verifiable as well. Resist the thought that you may be able to fudge on personal information when you apply for a business loan. They will know. 

Do  Not Buy a Credit Privacy Number (CPN) to Try to Hide Bad Credit

A legitimate CPN is available by working with an attorney to file a claim with the Social Security Administration. That is, if you have a compelling claim. Bad credit is not a compelling claim. 

Some claim a CPN will offer fresh credit history. As a result, companies use sketchy ways to get numbers to sell. Unfortunately, these 9-digit numbers may be dormant social security numbers or numbers that belong to children. By purchasing one, you could unknowingly end up in an identity theft scam. 

Also, using any number other than a Social Security number where an SSN is called for is a violation of two federal laws.

Your best bet is to resist the temptation to use a CPN.

Apply For a Business Loan the Right Way

It’s not hard to avoid denial if you just apply for a business loan the right way. First, make sure all of your information is consistent everywhere. Then, ensure that when you provide information on a loan application, it is verifiable. Last, be honest. Don’t use numbers other than your Social Security Number or EIN. In the end, this is your best chance at getting your application through the initial process and to the financial review. The best part?  This is just one of the business loan secrets we can share with you. 

The post Apply for a Business Loan Without Getting Denied for Fraud Concerns appeared first on Credit Suite.

How to Apply for a Business Loan and How it Affects Fundability

There are at least 125 factors that affect the fundability.  They can be broken down into 4 main categories. One of them is the Application Process.  It is important to understand how to apply for a business loan in order to have the best chance of approval. To do that,  you have to understand how the application process affects fundability.

Business Loan Application Process and Fundability

Did you know that even the way you apply for a loan affects your chances of loan approval? This is because the application process is a fundability factor. If you aren’t careful, you could be denied before you get started all because of a flub in the application process. Here is how to apply for a business loan to ensure that doesn’t happen.

Find out why so many companies use our proven methods to get business loans.

How to Apply for a Business Loan: The 8 Factors of Fundability in the Application Process

The Application Process principle breaks down into 8 factors. They include:

  • Timing
  • Lender negotiations
  • Application format
  • Lending product selected
  • Application Process and Fundability
  • Lender selection
  • Verifiable business ownership
  • Ability to verify business address
  • Ability to verify business name

Let’s break down each one and talk about exactly how they affect the fundability of your business.

Timing and Fundability

The first fundability factor under the application process principle is timing. This has to do with when you apply for the loan. For example, you may have just paid off a lot of credit card debt. You are looking to do some expansion work on your business building, and you go to apply for a business loan.

The problem is, the payoff will not show up on your credit report immediately. Even if you wait a couple of weeks the balances may still be on your report. To the lender, it will look like you have a lot more debt than you actually do.

The same is true of UCC filings, liens, bankruptcy, and anything else that may be on your credit report. Even if you know it is time for it to come off, it can take awhile. If it is still there when the lender looks, it could cause denial.

This is why it is vital to monitor your business credit and personal credit reports. Then, you can know exactly what is on them, and what is not. This will allow you to better time your application for credit.

Lender Negotiations

This is where having a good relationship with a lender that is familiar with your business and its industry is important. Applying for a loan with an institution you already do business with is helpful. A prior relationship can allow you insight to understand if you can negotiate with the lender.  For example, say you apply for a loan and get initial approval for $6000.  However,  you have a couple of credit card companies that you know are willing to extend substantially higher amounts. You may be able to share this with the lender and get approval for more.

Application Format

In this digital age, it may seem like applying online is always the way to go. It is certainly easier and faster. However, sometimes there are substantial differences in what is available if you apply in person or with a paper application.

For example, some lenders require a personal guarantee if you apply online. However, they have a paper application that does not necessarily require one. That’s just one example. There are any number of possibilities.

Find out why so many companies use our proven methods to get business loans.

Lending Product Selected

Choosing the right lending product for your business needs is vital. If you have a large project you want to complete, a business loan may be best. But, if you have a lot of smaller expenses and you just need to manage cash flow,  a credit card or line of credit may work better. When making a product choice, consider if you will pay off the balance monthly. If so, take note that a line of credit begins charging interest immediately.   In contrast, if you pay off a credit card before the billing cycle is up, you will not pay interest.

Lender Selection

The lending industry ebbs and flows, but not all lenders ebb and flow on the same wavelength. Some lenders may loosen their belts and lend more around the end of the year.  Eventually, they will tighten up again.  Chances are when they do, another group of lenders will decide it is time to increase lending. Knowing which lenders are lending more at the time of application can greatly increase your chances for approval.

Verifiable Information

The last three factors deal with verifiable business information on the application, such as:

  • Business Name
  • Business Address
  • And Business Ownership

When you apply for credit, you have to include your business name and address on the application. The lender will then search with the Secretary of State to make sure you are the owner.  Then, they will make sure your business phone number and business address match what is on file with the Secretary of State.

If they cannot find your business or verify the information, they may automatically deny. Alternatively, they may ask for tax returns.  That is, if they have not already. Even if they originally ask only to verify information, due diligence dictates that they look at the entire return.

The thing about tax returns is, businesses do not want to show they make money. Because of course, the more you make the more you pay. So, if your return shows a large loss, that could result in denial. This may not have been an issue if your information had been verifiable in the first place. They may have used other ways to verify profit, and tax returns may have not come into the picture. Still, if they have them for any purpose, they have to analyze them for everything.

How to Apply for a Business Loan:  Getting the Information You Need

The question now becomes, how do you know where you stand when it comes to these factors? How do you know which credit providers are lending more at the moment?How do you know what is still showing on your credit report? Can you find out if there are different options based on the application format?

Find out why so many companies use our proven methods to get business loans.

How to Apply for a Business Loan: Getting Help

Generally speaking, most borrowers can’t know without help. There are some things you can work on, like paying attention to your personal credit reports. Those are easy enough to monitor for free. But, what about business credit reports? Those aren’t free, though some monitoring options are cheaper than others.

Yet, lending trends, choosing the best lending product, and thinking of all the things that need to be consistent and verifiable for a lender to not deny you are much harder to determine on your own. Those are all things you definitely need help with.

This is where the business credit specialists at Credit Suite can really help. We are in a unique position to be able to see the big lending picture throughout the year. Our finger is always on the pulse of the industry, so we can help direct you toward lenders that are lending the most at the moment. We are able to see what options people are getting with various lenders based on how they apply.

And we can help you set your business up in a way that your information is verifiable and consistent. Then credit providers can see your business the way they need to see it for approval, and inconsistent details will not have to cost you funding.

How to Apply for a Business Loan: Fundability Matters

There are so many things that affect your fundability. It can be very difficult to keep track. Worse yet, credit providers will not usually tell you why you were denied. So, you might never know what the problem is. The best thing is to continually work on building and maintaining strong fundability.

The post How to Apply for a Business Loan and How it Affects Fundability appeared first on Credit Suite.

Warning: Don’t Apply for Bank Credit Cards For Your Business Before You Read This

You can’t apply for bank credit cards for your business and expect approval if you don’t have a business credit profile. If you do apply and get approved, it will likely be on the merit of your personal credit.  That means if something goes wrong, your ability to buy a house, a car, or anything else you may want to buy with consumer credit, goes down the drain. 

Find Out Why Your Business Is Being Denied High Limit Bank Credit Cards and the Simple Changes that Can Lead to Approval

If you are applying for high limit credit cards in the name of your business are getting denial after denial, the likely culprit is a lack of business credit profile. Or, you have a business credit profile but a low business credit score. 

The idea behind business credit is that the debt is in your business name.  It is totally separate from you as the owner. This means it does not impact your personal credit score. As a result, since business credit tends to have higher limits, you can actually get more funding for your business. 

The key to avoiding denials is to wait to apply until your business is fundable. This includes having a strong business credit score. 

Check out how our reliable process will help your business get the best business credit cards.

5 Tips for Applying for High Limit Bank Credit Cards for Your Business

1.Build Business Fundability First

If your business is not fundable, business credit will never be an option. It starts with how your business is set up.  It has to be set up to be a fundable entity separate from you, the owner.  How do you accomplish this? It starts with building a fundable foundation. 

The Building Blocks of a Fundable Foundation 

As you know, a foundation is only as strong as the materials you build it from. Here are the building blocks of a strong, fundable foundation for your business. 

Contact Information

Your business should have its own phone number and a physical address. 


You also need an EIN for your business.  This is an identifying number for your business.  It works similarly to how your SSN works for you personally.   You can get one for free from the IRS.


Incorporating your business as an LLC, S-corp, or corporation is necessary to fundability.  Talk to your attorney or a tax professional about which option might work best for your business. 

Business Bank Account

You have to open a separate, dedicated business bank account.  There are many reasons to do this. One of them is that many lenders require it before they will extend credit.


To be fundable, you must be a legitimate business.  For a business to be legitimate, it has to have all of the necessary licenses it needs to run.  


Spend the time and money necessary to ensure your website is professionally designed and works well.  Furthermore, pay for hosting. Don’t use a free hosting service.  Also, make sure your business has a dedicated business email address with the same URL as your website.  Don’t use a free service such as Yahoo or Gmail.

More Fundability Secrets

Now, the foundation is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to fundability.  In fact, there are well over 100 factors that affect the fundability of the business. However, they all fall into these broader categories. 

  • Business credit reports
  • Business data agencies
  • Identification numbers
  • Business credit history
  • Congruence of business information
  • Financial Statements
  • Bureaus such as FICO and ChexSystems
  • Personal credit scores
  • The application process

Here is a visual that may help you better understand how complex and far reaching business fundability really is. 

2. Try This Expert Trick to Get Out of the “Need Credit to Get Credit” Cycle

The next step is to get accounts reporting to your business credit profile. This is how you build a business credit score.  High limit business bank credit cards will use your business credit score to make an approval decision. 

The truth is, even if you do everything right to initially establish your business credit profile, there is no business credit score on your business’s credit report until accounts are reporting on-time payments.  

With consumer credit, creditors automatically report payments.  In contrast, to work intentionally to find creditors that will report your payments to your business credit profile. Surprisingly, not all of them do. In fact, only about 7% of companies that extend credit to businesses actually report accounts to business credit reporting agencies. 

So, how do you find companies that will extend credit to your business without a good business credit score and report your payments?  That’s the million dollar question, and it’s the trick to getting out of the “need credit to get credit cycle.” 

Check out how our reliable process will help your business get the best business credit cards.

The Secret Weapon

First, the type of vendor that will extend credit to a business without a credit check is called a starter vendor.  Despite not running a credit check, they do have various other factors that they look at to determine whether or not to extend credit. These vary between vendors, but they include fundability factors such as a business bank account, as well as income and time in business, among others. 

Starter vendors typically will extend net terms on invoices rather than revolving credit. However, they will report your payment to the business credit reporting agencies.  In turn, you build your business credit score. Yet, it is very difficult to determine which lenders will report your payments.  That is where the secret weapon comes into play. That is, a business credit expert. 

3. Don’t Try to Build Business Credit Without a Business Credit Expert

As for finding starter vendors that will report, a business credit expert can help. They know which accounts report and which ones you can qualify for right now.  They also help you determine when the tie is right to apply for other accounts.  

There are many more ways that a business credit expert can help, including helping you assess current fundability and improve it if necessary.  Not only that, but they can also help you find funding that you can get while you are working on fundability and building your business credit score.  Get an idea of what a business credit expert can do for you with a free consultation. 

4. Apply for Store Credit 

Soon, you will have an established business credit profile with multiple accounts reporting.  These are credit cards that are restricted to use with the store that issues them. For example, an Office Depot card that you can only use at the store or on that store’s website.  These cards typically start with fairly low limits.  Yet,the limits will increase as you handle the credit responsibly.  Your business credit expert can help you determine when the time is right to start this step, and guide you toward the right store cards for your business. 

  1. 5. Fleet Credit

After you have several of these types of credit cards reporting on-time payments, you should be able to get approval with Fleet cards. These are cards that are more typically limited to the type of purchase you use them on.  They are for automobile fuel and maintenance, but some do allow for certain other purchases as well.  Again, your business credit expert will help you discern when the time is right to apply for fleet cards, and guide you toward the ones that will work best for your business. 

Check out how our reliable process will help your business get the best business credit cards.

Now The Sky’s the Limit for Your Business with High Limit Bank Credit Cards

After you work through each of these steps, responsibly and in order, you should have a well rounded business credit profile and strong business credit score. That is the time to apply for high limit bank credit cards. They include general business credit cards from Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and the like that are not limited by location of use or purchase type.  

They generally have very high limits and favorable incentives. All you have to do is pick the ones with the best interest rates and the rewards programs that fit your business best. If you jump right in before establishing your business credit profile and business credit score, you will get denials from these types of cards every time. 

Using a business credit expert to help you assess and improve fundability, find starter vendors that report,  and guide you in knowing the right accounts to apply for at the right time to get approval makes the process much faster and easier.  As a result, you will avoid wasting time with vendors that do not report, and move through the steps as fast as possible.  Then, you can watch your business grow and thrive with high limit bank credit cards.

The post Warning: Don’t Apply for Bank Credit Cards For Your Business Before You Read This appeared first on Credit Suite.

Warning: Don’t Apply for Bank Credit Cards For Your Business Before You Read This

You can’t apply for bank credit cards for your business and expect approval if you don’t have a business credit profile. If you do apply and get approved, it will likely be on the merit of your personal credit.  That means if something goes wrong, your ability to buy a house, a car, or anything … Continue reading Warning: Don’t Apply for Bank Credit Cards For Your Business Before You Read This

Rock Solid: You Can Apply for a Business Credit Card with Bad Credit in a Recession

Apply for a Business Credit Card with Bad Credit in a Recession the Foolproof Way

Do you want to apply for a business credit card with bad credit in a recession which you think will drag you down? Not to worry. And that is still true despite the emergence of COVID-19.

According to the SBA, business credit card limits are 10 – 100 times those of personal cards! This shows you can get a lot more cash with business credit.

And it also means you can have personal credit cards at retail stores, and now have an additional card at the same shops for your business. And you won’t need collateral, cash flow, or financial information to get company credit.

Apply for a Business Credit Card with Bad Credit in a Recession

Brex Card for Startups

Take a look at the Brex Card for Startups. It has no annual fee.

You will not need to provide your Social Security number to apply. And you will not need to provide a personal guarantee. They will take your EIN.

Nonetheless, they do not accept every industry.

Also, there are some industries they will not work with, and others where they want more paperwork. For a list, go here: https://brex.com/legal/prohibited_activities/.

To determine creditworthiness, Brex checks a business’s cash balance, spending patterns, and investors.

You can get 7x points on rideshare. Get 4x on Brex Travel. Also, get triple points on restaurants. And get double points on recurring software payments. Get 1x points on everything else.

You can have bad credit scores (even a 300 FICO) to qualify.

Find it here: https://brex.com/lp/startups-higher-limits/

Check out how our reliable process will help your business get the best business credit cards, even during a recession.

Apply for a Business Credit Card with Bad Credit in a Recession – Fair Credit? No Problem!

Capital One® Spark® Classic for Business

Check out the Capital One® Spark® Classic for Business. It has no annual fee. There is no introductory APR offer. The regular APR is a variable 24.49%. You can earn unlimited 1% cash back on every purchase for your business, with no minimum to redeem.

While this card is within reach if you have average credit scores, beware of the APR. Yet if you can pay in a timely manner, and completely, then it’s a bargain.

Find it here: https://www.capitalone.com/small-business/credit-cards/spark-classic/

Apply for a Business Credit Card with Bad Credit in a Recession with a 0% Introductory APR – Pay Zero!

Blue Business® Plus Credit Card from American Express

Check out the Blue Business® Plus Credit Card from American Express. It has no yearly fee. There is a 0% introductory APR for the first one year. Afterwards, the APR is a variable 14.74 – 20.74%.

Get double Membership Rewards® points on everyday company purchases like office supplies or client suppers for the first $50,000 spent per year. Get 1 point per dollar afterwards.

You will need great to exceptional credit to qualify.

Find it here: https://creditcard.americanexpress.com/d/bluebusinessplus-credit-card/

American Express® Blue Business Cash Card

Also take a look at the American Express® Blue Business Cash Card. Note: the American Express® Blue Business Cash Card is identical to the Blue Business® Plus Credit Card from American Express. However its rewards are in cash instead of points.

Get 2% cash back on all qualified purchases on up to $50,000 per calendar year. After that get 1%.

It has no yearly fee. There is a 0% introductory APR for the initial one year. Afterwards, the APR is a variable 14.74 – 20.74%.

You will need great to exceptional credit scores to qualify.Business Credit Card with Bad Credit in a Recession Credit Suite

Find it here: https://creditcard.americanexpress.com/d/business-bluecash-credit-card/

Apply for a Business Credit Card with Bad Credit in a Recession and Even Get Luxurious Travel Points

Flat-rate Travel Rewards

Capital One® Spark® Miles for Business

Have a look at the Capital One® Spark® Miles for Business. It has an introductory annual fee of $0 for the first year, which after that rises to $95. The regular APR is 18.49%, variable due to the prime rate. There is no introductory annual percentage rate. Pay no transfer fees. Late fees go up to $39.

This card is fantastic for travel if your expenditures do not fall into common bonus categories. You can get unlimited double miles on all purchases, with no limits. Earn 5x miles on rental cars and hotels if you book via Capital One Travel.

Get an initial bonus of 50,000 miles. That’s the same as $500 in travel. Yet you only get it if you spend $4,500 in the first 3 months from account opening. There is no foreign transaction fee. You will need a great to excellent FICO rating to qualify.

Find it here: https://www.capitalone.com/small-business/credit-cards/spark-miles/

Bonus Travel Categories with a Sign-Up Offer

Ink Business Preferred℠ Credit Card

For a terrific sign-up offer and bonus categories, have a look at the Ink Business Preferred℠ Credit Card.

Pay an annual fee of $95. Regular APR is 17.49 – 22.49%, variable. There is no introductory APR offer.

Get 100,000 bonus points after spending $15,000 in the initial 3 months after account opening. This works out to $1,250 towards travel rewards if you redeem through Chase Ultimate Rewards.

Get 3 points per dollar of the first $150,000 you spend with this card. So this is for purchases on travel, shipping, internet, cable, and phone services. Plus it includes advertising purchases made with social media sites and search engines each account anniversary year.

You can get 25% more in travel redemption when you redeem for travel with Chase Ultimate Rewards. You will need a great to exceptional FICO score to qualify.

Find it here: https://creditcards.chase.com/business-credit-cards/ink/business-preferred

No Yearly Fee

Bank of America® Business Advantage Travel Rewards World MasterCard® credit card

For no annual fee while still getting travel rewards, have a look at this card from Bank of America. It has no annual fee and a 0% introductory APR for purchases during the initial 9 billing cycles. After that, its regular APR is 13.74 – 23.74% variable.

You can earn 30,000 bonus points when you make a minimum of $3,000 in net purchases. So this is within 90 days of your account opening. You can redeem these points for a $300 statement credit towards travel purchases.

Earn unlimited 1.5 points for each $1 you spend on all purchases, everywhere, every time. And this is no matter how much you spend.

Also get 3 points per every dollar spent when you reserve your travel (car, hotel, airline) with the Bank of America® Travel Center. There is no limit to the number of points you can earn and points do not expire.

You will need excellent credit to get this one (as in, 700s or better).

Find it here: https://www.bankofamerica.com/smallbusiness/credit-cards/products/travel-rewards-business-credit-card/

Hotel Credit Card

Marriott Bonvoy Business™ American Express® Card

Take a look at the Marriott Bonvoy Business™ Card from American Express. It has a yearly fee of $125. There is no introductory APR offer. The regular APR is a variable 17.24 – 26.24%. You will need good to outstanding credit scores to get this card.


You can get 75,000 Marriott Bonvoy points after using your card to make purchases of $3,000 in the initial three months. Get 6x the points for qualified purchases at participating Marriott Bonvoy hotels. You can get 4x the points at United States restaurants and gasoline stations. And you can get 4x the points on wireless telephone services purchased directly from US providers and on US purchases for shipping.

Get double points on all other eligible purchases.


Plus, you get a free night each year after your card anniversary. And you can earn another free night after you spend $60,000 on your card in a calendar year.

You get free Marriott Bonvoy Silver Elite status with your Card. Plus, spend $35,000 on eligible purchases in a calendar year and earn an upgrade to Marriott Bonvoy Gold Elite status through the end of the next calendar year.

Plus, each calendar year you can get credit for 15 nights towards the next level of Marriott Bonvoy Elite status.

Find it here: https://creditcard.americanexpress.com/d/bonvoy-business/

Apply for a Business Credit Card with Bad Credit in a Recession and Pay No Annual Fee

No Annual Fee/Flat Rate Cash Back

Ink Business Unlimited℠ Credit Card

Check out the Ink Business Unlimited℠ Credit Card. Beyond no yearly fee, get an introductory 0% APR for the first year. After that, the APR is a variable 14.74 – 20.74%.

You can get unlimited 1.5% Cash Back rewards on every purchase made for your business. And get $500 bonus cash back after spending $3,000 in the first 3 months from account opening. You can redeem your rewards for cash back, gift cards, travel and more using Chase Ultimate Rewards®. You will need excellent credit scores to qualify for this card.

Find it here: https://creditcards.chase.com/business-credit-cards/ink/unlimited

Apply for a Business Credit Card with Bad Credit in a Recession and Get Jackpot Rewards That Never Expire

Capital One® Spark® Cash Select for Business

Check out the Capital One® Spark® Cash Select for Business. It has no annual fee. You can get 1.5% cash back on every purchase. There is no limit on the cash back you can earn. And earn a one-time $200 cash bonus once you spend $3,000 on purchases in the first 3 months. Rewards never expire.

Pay a 0% introductory APR for 9 months. Then pay 14.49% – 22.49% variable APR afterwards.

You will need great to excellent credit scores to qualify.

Find it here: https://www.capitalone.com/small-business/credit-cards/spark-cash-select/

Check out how our reliable process will help your business get the best business credit cards, even during a recession.

Apply for a Business Credit Card with Bad Credit in a Recession and Get Cash Back

Flat-Rate Rewards

Capital One ® Spark® Cash for Business

Check out the Capital One® Spark® Cash for Business. It has an introductory $0 annual fee for the initial year. After that, this card costs $95 each year. There is no introductory APR offer. The regular APR is a variable 18.49%.

You can get a $500 one-time cash bonus after spending $4,000 in the initial 3 months from account opening. Get unlimited 2% cash back. Redeem any time without any minimums.

You will need great to exceptional credit to qualify.

Find it here: https://www.capitalone.com/small-business/credit-cards/spark-cash/

Flat-Rate Rewards and No Yearly Fee

Discover it® Business Card

Check out the Discover it® Business Card. It has no annual fee. There is an introductory APR of 0% on purchases for twelve months. After that the regular APR is a variable 14.49 – 22.49%.

Get unlimited 1.5% cash back on all purchases, with no category restrictions or bonuses. They double the 1.5% Cashback Match™ at the end of the first year. There is no minimum spend requirement.

You can download transactions| conveniently to Quicken, QuickBooks, and Excel. Note: you will need good to outstanding credit scores to get approval for this card.


Bonus Categories

Ink Business Cash℠ Credit Card

Have a look at the Ink Business Cash℠ Credit Card. It has no annual fee. There is a 0% introductory APR for the first year. After that, the APR is a variable 14.74 – 20.74%. You can get a $500 one-time cash bonus after spending $3,000 in the initial three months from account opening.

You can get 5% cash back on the initial $25,000 spent in combined purchases at office supply stores and on internet, cable, and phone services each account anniversary year.

Get 2% cash back on the initial $25,000 spent in combined purchases at filling stations and restaurants each account anniversary year. Get 1% cash back on all other purchases. There is no limitation to the amount you can earn.

You will need outstanding credit scores to get this card.

Find it here: https://creditcards.chase.com/business-credit-cards/ink/cash?iCELL=61GF

Boosted Cash Back Categories

Bank of America® Business Advantage Cash Rewards MasterCard® credit card

Take a look at the Bank of America® Business Advantage Cash Rewards MasterCard® credit card. Get an 0% introductory APR for the first 9 billing cycles of the account. After that, the APR is 13.74% – 23.74% variable. There is no annual fee. You can get a $300 statement credit offer.

Get 3% cash back in the category of your choice. So these are gas stations (default), office supply stores, travel, TV/telecom & wireless, computer services or business consulting services. Get 2% cash back on dining. So this is for the first $50,000 in combined choice category/dining purchases each calendar year. After that earn 1% after, with no limits.

You will need superb credit scores to qualify.

Find it here: https://promo.bankofamerica.com/smallbusinesscards2/

Check out how our reliable process will help your business get the best business credit cards, even during a recession.

Apply for a Business Credit Card with Bad Credit in a Recession with Flexible Financing

The Plum Card® from American Express

Check out the Plum Card® from American Express. It has an initial annual fee of $0 for the first year. After that, pay $250 per year.

Get a 1.5% early pay discount cash back bonus when you pay within 10 days. You can take up to 60 days to pay without interest when you pay the minimum due by the payment due date.

You will need good to exceptional credit scores to qualify.

Find it here: https://creditcard.americanexpress.com/d/the-plum-card-business-charge-card/

The Perfect Way to Apply for a Business Credit Card with Bad Credit in a Recession

Your absolute best way to apply for a business credit card with bad credit in a recession will hinge on your credit history and scores.

Only you can select which features you want and need. So make sure to do your homework. What is excellent for you could be catastrophic for others.

And, as always, make sure to develop credit in the recommended order for the best, speediest benefits. The COVID-19 situation won’t last forever.

The post Rock Solid: You Can Apply for a Business Credit Card with Bad Credit in a Recession appeared first on Credit Suite.

Apply for an Awesome Business Credit Card in an Economic Crisis

Apply for a business credit card now – even as our lives are on pause. This is actually an excellent time to get your business credit ducks in a row.

Yes, You Can Apply for a Business Credit Card, Even in an Economic Crisis

Apply for a business credit card today – yes, you can! We researched a considerable number of small business credit cards. We did the research for you. So here are our favorites. Applying for a business credit card is easy. You can do it even in an economic crisis.

Per the SBA, small business credit card limits are a whopping 10 – 100 times that of personal cards! So don’t use personal credit cards for business! Instead, use business only credit cards.

This means you can get a lot more cash with small business credit. And it also means you can have personal charge cards at stores. So you would now have a second card at the same shops for your business.

And you won’t have to have collateral, cash flow, or financials in order to get company credit.

Still asking yourself: what do I need to get a business credit card? And do I need a business credit card?

Recession Period Financing

The number of US banks and also thrifts has been decreasing gradually for a quarter of a century. This is from consolidation in the marketplace in addition to deregulation in the 1990s, lowering barriers to interstate banking. See: https://www.fundera.com/blog/happened-americas-small-businesses-financial-crisis-six-years-start-crisis-look-back-10-charts

Assets focused in ever‐larger financial institutions is troublesome for local business proprietors. Big banks are much less likely to make small loans. Economic recessions suggest financial institutions end up being much more cautious with lending. Thankfully, business credit does not depend on banks.

Get a Business Credit Card in an Economic Crisis: Card Benefits

Benefits vary, so make certain to choose the reward you prefer from this selection of options. It’s a great way to decide on applying for business credit card. This is how to get credit for a business.

We have the best business credit cards for new small business. But it’s beyond the best startup business credit card. And this will even work during an economic crisis.

Get a Business Credit Card in an Economic Crisis: Small Business Credit Cards with a 0% Introductory APR – Pay Zero!

Blue Business® Plus Credit Card from American Express

Take a look at the Blue Business® Plus Credit Card from American Express. It has no yearly fee. There is a 0% introductory APR for the first one year. Afterwards, the APR is a variable 14.74 – 20.74%.

Get double Membership Rewards® points on everyday company purchases like office supplies or client suppers for the initial $50,000 spent each year. Get 1 point per dollar afterwards.

You will need good to excellent credit to qualify.

Find it here: https://creditcard.americanexpress.com/d/bluebusinessplus-credit-card/

American Express® Blue Business Cash Card

Also take a look at the American Express® Blue Business Cash Card. Keep in mind: the American Express® Blue Business Cash Card is identical to the Blue Business® Plus Credit Card from American Express. But its rewards are in cash as opposed to points.

Get 2% cash back on all qualified purchases on up to $50,000 per calendar year. After that get 1%.

It has no annual fee. There is a 0% introductory APR for the initial twelve months. After that, the APR is a variable 14.74 – 20.74%.

You will need good to exceptional credit scores to qualify.

Find it here: https://creditcard.americanexpress.com/d/business-bluecash-credit-card/

Get a Business Credit Card in an Economic Crisis: Secure Company Credit Cards for Fair Credit

Capital One® Spark® Classic for Business

Take a look at the Capital One® Spark® Classic for Business. It has no annual fee. There is no introductory APR offer. The regular APR is a variable 24.49%. You can get unlimited 1% cash back on every purchase for your business, without minimum to redeem.

While this card is within reach if you have average credit, beware of the APR. But if you can pay on time, and completely, then it’s a good deal.

Find it here: https://www.capitalone.com/small-business/credit-cards/spark-classic/

 Exceptional Business Credit Cards with No Yearly Fee

No Yearly Fee/Flat Rate Cash Back

Ink Business Unlimited℠ Credit Card

Take a look at the Ink Business Unlimited℠ Credit Card. Past no yearly fee, get an introductory 0% APR for the initial one year. After that, the APR is a variable 14.74 – 20.74%.

You can earn unlimited 1.5% Cash Back rewards on every purchase made for your business. And get $500 bonus cash back after spending $3,000 in the initial 3 months from account opening. You can redeem your rewards for cash back, gift cards, travel and more via Chase Ultimate Rewards®. You will need excellent credit to get this card.

Find it here: https://creditcards.chase.com/business-credit-cards/ink/unlimited

Get a Business Credit Card in an Economic Crisis: Cards for Luxurious Travel Points

Flat-rate Travel Rewards

Capital One® Spark® Miles for Business

Have a look at the Capital One® Spark® Miles for Business. It has an introductory annual fee of $0 for the first year, which then rises to $95. The regular APR is 18.49%, variable due to the prime rate. There is no introductory annual percentage rate. Pay no transfer fees. Late fees go up to $39.

This card is excellent for travel if your costs don’t fall under typical bonus categories. You can get unlimited double miles on all purchases, with no limits. Get 5x miles on rental cars and hotels if you book with Capital One Travel.

Get an initial bonus of 50,000 miles. That’s the same as $500 in travel. Yet you only get it if you spend $4,500 in the initial 3 months from account opening. There is no foreign transaction fee. You will need a good to exceptional FICO rating to qualify.

Find it here: https://www.capitalone.com/small-business/credit-cards/spark-miles/

Bonus Travel Categories with a Sign-Up Offer

Ink Business Preferred℠ Credit Card

For an excellent sign-up offer and bonus categories, take a look at the Ink Business Preferred℠ Credit Card.

Pay an annual fee of $95. Regular APR is 17.49 – 22.49%, variable. There is no introductory APR offer.

Get 100,000 bonus points after spending $15,000 in the initial 3 months after account opening. This works out to $1,250 towards travel rewards if you redeem using Chase Ultimate Rewards.

Get three points per dollar of the initial $150,000 you spend with this card. So this is for purchases on travel, shipping, internet, cable, and phone services. Plus it includes advertising purchases made with social media sites and search engines each account anniversary year.

You can get 25% more in travel redemption when you redeem for travel with Chase Ultimate Rewards. You will need a great to superb FICO score to qualify.

Find it here: https://creditcards.chase.com/business-credit-cards/ink/business-preferred

Economic Crisis Recession Credit Suite

Learn more here and get started toward establishing business credit and qualifying for even better business credit cards, even during a recession.

No Yearly Fee

Bank of America® Business Advantage Travel Rewards World MasterCard® credit card

For no yearly fee while still getting travel rewards, have a look at this card from Bank of America. It has no yearly fee and a 0% introductory APR for purchases during the initial 9 billing cycles. Afterwards, its regular APR is 13.74 – 23.74% variable.

You can get 30,000 bonus points when you make a minimum of $3,000 in net purchases. So this is within 90 days of your account opening. You can redeem these points for a $300 statement credit towards travel purchases.

Get unlimited 1.5 points for each $1 you spend on all purchases, everywhere, every time. And this is regardless of how much you spend.

Also get 3 points per every dollar spent when you book your travel (car, hotel, airline) through the Bank of America® Travel Center. There is no limit to the number of points you can earn and points do not expire.

You will need superb credit scores to get this one (as in, 700s or better).

Find it here: https://www.bankofamerica.com/smallbusiness/credit-cards/products/travel-rewards-business-credit-card/

Hotel Credit Card

Marriott Bonvoy Business™ American Express® Card

Have a look at the Marriott Bonvoy Business™ Card from American Express. It has a yearly fee of $125. There is no introductory APR offer. The regular APR is a variable 17.24 – 26.24%. You will need good to excellent credit scores to get this card.


You can get 75,000 Marriott Bonvoy points after using your card to make purchases of $3,000 in the initial 3 months. Get 6x the points for qualified purchases at participating Marriott Bonvoy hotels. You can get 4x the points at US restaurants and filling stations. And you can get 4x the points on wireless telephone services bought straight from US providers and on US purchases for shipping.

Get double points on all other eligible purchases.


Also, you get a free night every year after your card anniversary. And you can earn an additional free night after you spend $60,000 on your card in a calendar year.

You get Marriott Bonvoy Silver Elite status with your Card. Also, spend $35,000 on qualified purchases in a calendar year and get an upgrade to Marriott Bonvoy Gold Elite status through the end of the following calendar year.

Plus, each calendar year you can get credit for 15 nights towards the next level of Marriott Bonvoy Elite status.

Find it here: https://creditcard.americanexpress.com/d/bonvoy-business/

Economic Crisis Recession Credit Suite

Learn more here and get started toward establishing business credit and qualifying for even better business credit cards, even during a recession.

Get a Business Credit Card in an Economic Crisis: Flexible Financing Credit Cards – Take A Look at Your Options!

The Plum Card® from American Express

Take a look at the Plum Card® from American Express. It has an introductory yearly fee of $0 for the first year. After that, pay $250 per year.

Get a 1.5% early pay discount cash back bonus when you pay within 10 days. You can take up to 60 days to pay without interest when you pay the minimum due by the payment due date.

You will need great to excellent credit to qualify.

Find it here: https://creditcard.americanexpress.com/d/the-plum-card-business-charge-card/

Get a Business Credit Card in an Economic Crisis: Reliable Credit Cards for Fair to Poor Credit, Not Requiring a Personal Guarantee

Brex Card for Startups

Look into the Brex Card for Startups. It has no yearly fee.

You will not need to provide your Social Security number to apply. And you will not need to provide a personal guarantee. They will take your EIN.

Nevertheless, they do not accept every industry.

Additionally, there are some industries they will not work with, and others where they want added documentation. For a list, go here: https://brex.com/legal/prohibited_activities/.

To determine creditworthiness, Brex checks a business’s cash balance, spending patterns, and investors.

You can get 7x points on rideshare. Get 4x on Brex Travel. Likewise, get triple points on restaurants. And get double points on recurring software payments. Get 1x points on everything else.

You can have poor credit scores (even a 300 FICO) to qualify.

Find it here: https://brex.com/lp/startups-higher-limits/

Get a Business Credit Card in an Economic Crisis: Terrific Business Credit Cards for Cash Back

Flat-Rate Rewards

Capital One ® Spark® Cash for Business

Have a look at the Capital One® Spark® Cash for Business. It has an introductory $0 annual fee for the initial year. Afterwards, this card costs $95 each year. There is no introductory APR deal. The regular APR is a variable 18.49%.

You can get a $500 one-time cash bonus after spending $4,000 in the first 3 months from account opening. Get unlimited 2% cash back. Redeem any time without any minimums.

You will need good to excellent credit to qualify.

Find it here: https://www.capitalone.com/small-business/credit-cards/spark-cash/

Flat-Rate Rewards and No Yearly Cost

Discover it® Business Card

Take a look at the Discover it® Business Card. It has no annual fee. There is an introductory APR of 0% on purchases for 12 months. After that the regular APR is a variable 14.49 – 22.49%.

Get unlimited 1.5% cash back on all purchases, with no category restrictions or bonuses. They double the 1.5% Cashback Match™ at the end of the first year. There is no minimal spend requirement.

You can download transactions| easily to Quicken, QuickBooks, and Excel. Keep in mind: you will need great to superb credit to get this card.


Bonus Categories

Ink Business Cash℠ Credit Card

Take a look at the Ink Business Cash℠ Credit Card. It has no yearly fee. There is a 0% introductory APR for the first 12 months. Afterwards, the APR is a variable 14.74 – 20.74%. You can get a $500 one-time cash bonus after spending $3,000 in the first three months from account opening.

You can get 5% cash back on the initial $25,000 spent in combined purchases at office supply stores and on internet, cable, and phone services each account anniversary year.

Get 2% cash back on the first $25,000 spent in combined purchases at filling stations and restaurants each account anniversary year. Earn 1% cash back on all other purchases. There is no restriction to the amount you can earn.

You will need outstanding credit scores to get this card.

Find it here: https://creditcards.chase.com/business-credit-cards/ink/cash?iCELL=61GF

Boosted Cash Back Categories

Bank of America® Business Advantage Cash Rewards MasterCard® credit card

Check out the Bank of America® Business Advantage Cash Rewards MasterCard® credit card. Get an 0% introductory APR for the first 9 billing cycles of the account. After that, the APR is 13.74% – 23.74% variable. There is no annual fee. You can get a $300 statement credit offer.

Get 3% cash back in the category of your choice. So these are filling stations (default), office supply stores, travel, TV/telecom & wireless, computer services or business consulting services. Earn 2% cash back on dining. So this is for the first $50,000 in combined choice category/dining purchases each calendar year. After that get 1% after, with no limits.

You will need excellent credit to qualify.

Find it here: https://promo.bankofamerica.com/smallbusinesscards2/

Economic Crisis Recession Credit Suite

Learn more here and get started toward establishing business credit and qualifying for even better business credit cards, even during a recession.

Get a Business Credit Card in an Economic Crisis: Unbeatable Cards for Jackpot Rewards That Never Expire

Capital One® Spark® Cash Select for Business

Take a look at the Capital One® Spark® Cash Select for Business. It has no annual fee. You can get 1.5% cash back on every purchase. There is no limit on the cash back you can earn. And earn a one-time $200 cash bonus when you spend $3,000 on purchases in the first three months. Rewards never expire.

Pay a 0% introductory APR for 9 months. Then pay 14.49% – 22.49% variable APR afterwards.

You will need good to outstanding credit to qualify.

Find it here: https://www.capitalone.com/small-business/credit-cards/spark-cash-select/

Get a Business Credit Card in an Economic Crisis: The Perfect Business Credit Cards for You

Your optimal company credit cards hinge upon your credit history and scores.

Just you can decide which advantages you want and need. So be sure to do your homework. What is excellent for you could be disastrous for someone else when you apply for business credit card.

And, as always, make sure to build credit in the recommended order for the greatest, fastest benefits. Apply for a business card and succeed in business. And while you’re at it – get business credit! The COVID-19 situation will not last forever.

The post Apply for an Awesome Business Credit Card in an Economic Crisis appeared first on Credit Suite.

Should You Apply for Temporary Jobs?

Should You Apply for Temporary Jobs?

Not every task hunter is able to land their desire task or also a long-term task if that. If you are having difficultly locating work, you may be in the procedure of taking a look at short-lived work, however are they right for you?

There are a number of crucial elements that you will certainly desire to take right into factor to consider when it comes to figuring out if you ought to use for short-term work. These elements can assist you make sensible work options. A few of the lots of variables that you will certainly intend to think about, when taking a look at short-lived work as well as momentary work, are detailed listed below for your comfort.

One of the numerous variables that you will certainly desire to take right into factor to consider, when analyzing short-term work, is your existing work condition. As you most likely currently recognize, momentary tasks can last for as little as one week or as lengthy as a couple of months. It is crucial to keep in mind that absolutely nothing is assured with momentary work.

In maintaining with your present work condition, if you are out of work, you might desire to put an emphasis on short-lived work and also momentary work. This additionally consists of analyzing short-lived tasks in your location. What is perfect concerning short-lived work is that many companies recognize that their short-term workers are browsing for even more long-term work.

While there are some variants, you will certainly locate that companies that are looking for short-term workers transform to staffing companies that specialize in short-term work. Depending on where you stay, you ought to have accessibility to one or 2 various short-lived work firms. The aid of a momentary company must be totally free of fee; nevertheless, you might additionally be needed to pay a tiny regular monthly solution charge, depending on the firm that you pick to look for support from.

One more one of the several elements that you will certainly desire to take right into factor to consider, when checking out whether or not short-lived work is appropriate for you, is wellness insurance coverage. If you do and also if you are not able to obtain health and wellness insurance policy via your partner, must you have one, you might desire to take into consideration holding off on looking for short-lived work. This is since nearly all momentary companies do not provide wellness insurance policy to their short-term workers.

The above stated variables are simply a few of the numerous variables that you will certainly intend to think about, when checking out momentary work. Obviously the choice is your own to make, yet, essentially, you will certainly locate that short-lived work is suitable for those that are presently out of work as well as require cash as soon as possible.

If you are having difficultly locating work, you may be in the procedure of taking a look at short-lived work, yet are they right for you?

A few of the numerous aspects that you will certainly desire to take right into factor to consider, when analyzing momentary work and also short-term work, are laid out listed below for your comfort.

In maintaining with your existing work standing, if you are jobless, you might desire to put an emphasis on short-term work as well as short-lived tasks. What is optimal concerning short-lived work is that a lot of companies recognize that their short-lived staff members are browsing for even more long-term work. While there are some variants, you will certainly discover that companies that are looking for short-term workers transform to staffing companies that specialize in short-term work.

The post Should You Apply for Temporary Jobs? appeared first on ROI Credit Builders.

Should You Apply for Temporary Jobs?

Should You Apply for Temporary Jobs?

Not every task hunter is able to land their desire task or also a long-term task if that. If you are having difficultly locating work, you may be in the procedure of taking a look at short-lived work, however are they right for you?

There are a number of crucial elements that you will certainly desire to take right into factor to consider when it comes to figuring out if you ought to use for short-term work. These elements can assist you make sensible work options. A few of the lots of variables that you will certainly intend to think about, when taking a look at short-lived work as well as momentary work, are detailed listed below for your comfort.

One of the numerous variables that you will certainly desire to take right into factor to consider, when analyzing short-term work, is your existing work condition. As you most likely currently recognize, momentary tasks can last for as little as one week or as lengthy as a couple of months. It is crucial to keep in mind that absolutely nothing is assured with momentary work.

In maintaining with your present work condition, if you are out of work, you might desire to put an emphasis on short-lived work and also momentary work. This additionally consists of analyzing short-lived tasks in your location. What is perfect concerning short-lived work is that many companies recognize that their short-term workers are browsing for even more long-term work.

While there are some variants, you will certainly locate that companies that are looking for short-term workers transform to staffing companies that specialize in short-term work. Depending on where you stay, you ought to have accessibility to one or 2 various short-lived work firms. The aid of a momentary company must be totally free of fee; nevertheless, you might additionally be needed to pay a tiny regular monthly solution charge, depending on the firm that you pick to look for support from.

One more one of the several elements that you will certainly desire to take right into factor to consider, when checking out whether or not short-lived work is appropriate for you, is wellness insurance coverage. If you do and also if you are not able to obtain health and wellness insurance policy via your partner, must you have one, you might desire to take into consideration holding off on looking for short-lived work. This is since nearly all momentary companies do not provide wellness insurance policy to their short-term workers.

The above stated variables are simply a few of the numerous variables that you will certainly intend to think about, when checking out momentary work. Obviously the choice is your own to make, yet, essentially, you will certainly locate that short-lived work is suitable for those that are presently out of work as well as require cash as soon as possible.

If you are having difficultly locating work, you may be in the procedure of taking a look at short-lived work, yet are they right for you?

A few of the numerous aspects that you will certainly desire to take right into factor to consider, when analyzing momentary work and also short-term work, are laid out listed below for your comfort.

In maintaining with your existing work standing, if you are jobless, you might desire to put an emphasis on short-term work as well as short-lived tasks. What is optimal concerning short-lived work is that a lot of companies recognize that their short-lived staff members are browsing for even more long-term work. While there are some variants, you will certainly discover that companies that are looking for short-term workers transform to staffing companies that specialize in short-term work.

The post Should You Apply for Temporary Jobs? appeared first on ROI Credit Builders.