Your Business Credit Report

Many small business owners don’t realize that business credit scores are distinctly separate from personal credit scores. Your business credit score has no impact on your personal credit score, and vice versa.

Business credit reflects your company’s image to potential lenders and business partners. Yet, unlike personal credit — which can be viewed only with the permission of the report holder — business credit scores are made available to the public. Anyone can view your business credit score for any reason.

Furthermore, business credit is expressed with a different numerical range than personal credit. Business credit scores provide a quick view of a company’s risk potential based on a scale of 1 to 100 — the higher the score, the lower the risk.

Score Range Risk Class Risk Description
76-100 1 Low
51-75 2 Low-Medium
26-50 3 Medium
11-25 4 Medium-High
1-10 5 High

Score Range Risk Class Risk Description 76-1001 – Low 51-752 – Low-Medium – 26-503 – Medium 11-254 – Medium-High 1-105 – High
Review your Business Credit Report Today 

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Your Business Credit Report

Many small business owners don’t realize that business credit scores are distinctly separate from personal credit scores. Your business credit score has no impact on your personal credit score, and vice versa.

Business credit reflects your company’s image to potential lenders and business partners. Yet, unlike personal credit — which can be viewed only with the permission of the report holder — business credit scores are made available to the public. Anyone can view your business credit score for any reason.

Furthermore, business credit is expressed with a different numerical range than personal credit. Business credit scores provide a quick view of a company’s risk potential based on a scale of 1 to 100 — the higher the score, the lower the risk.

Score Range Risk Class Risk Description
76-100 1 Low
51-75 2 Low-Medium
26-50 3 Medium
11-25 4 Medium-High
1-10 5 High

Score Range Risk Class Risk Description 76-1001 – Low 51-752 – Low-Medium – 26-503 – Medium 11-254 – Medium-High 1-105 – High
Review your Business Credit Report Today 

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The post Your Business Credit Report appeared first on ROI Credit Builders.

5 Amazing Ways You Can Get a Free Credit Score for Business

Get a Free Credit Score for Business – We Show You 5 Easy Ways to Do It

You can get a free credit score for business. There are 5 that entrepreneurs should understand.

Keeping your credit scores high is essential, so be sure you don’t miss any of these. You need to be proactive to get and improve any free credit score for business.

1. Free Credit Score for Business: Dun & Bradstreet’s PAYDEX

A PAYDEX Score from Dun & Bradstreet ranges from 0 to 100. This score has a basis in payment data which is on report to the bureau. Or it is on report to data-gathering companies partnering with the CRA.

D & B uses this data, along with a credit score and Financial Stress Score, so as to advise how much credit a loan provider should extend to your business.

Obtaining a Free Credit Score for Business from D&B’s PAYDEX

To get a PAYDEX score, you need to apply for a D-U-N-S number by using Dun & Bradstreet’s website. The number is at no cost. Plus the CRA will require to have reports of your payments with four or more merchants.

Your firm’s PAYDEX score reveals if your payments are usually made promptly or ahead of schedule. As you may expect, a higher number is better.

PAYDEX Score Information

The scores break down as follows:

  • 80 – 100: A low risk of late payments
  • 50 – 79: A medium risk of late payments
  • 0 – 49: A high risk of late payments

D&B Business Credit Scores

Your company’s credit rating ranges from 1 to 5. 1 is the best score. This matches your business with other companies with comparable payment histories. The score shows just how often those firms tend to pay without delay.

This information can actually help loan providers to identify your company’s standing. Yet it does not really show every one of the payment records from your business.

Financial Stress Score

The Financial Stress Score also runs from 1 to 5. It matches your business with other companies sharing comparable financial and company characteristics.

These resemblances are in areas such as size or amount of time in business. This score shows just how regularly those businesses have a tendency to pay on time. As before, 1 is the very best score. This score is a more comprehensive examination of the business landscape, versus an analysis of your company’s real payment history.

An amazing PAYDEX score for your company is 80 – 100.

Find out why so many companies are using our proven methods to improve their business credit scores.

2. Free Credit Score for Business: Experian Credit Scores

Experian’s scoring system is called Intelliscore Plus.

What is the Intelliscore Plus Free Credit Score for Business?

The Intelliscore Plus credit score is a statistically based credit-risk assessment. The essential purpose of Intelliscore Plus is to aid companies, investors, and possible future loan providers make wise judgments regarding who they should or should not do business with.

Like an automobile dealer makes use of a customer’s FICO score to swiftly identify just how much of a credit risk a potential customer may be, the Intelliscore Plus credit score can offer insight on just how much of a credit risk a business or business owner might be.

Intelliscore Plus Credit Score Range

The Intelliscore scores vary from 1 to 100. So the higher your score, the lower your risk class. The chart below details each Intelliscore Plus credit score range as well as its associated meaning.

Score Range/Risk Class

  • 76 – 100 Low
  • 51 – 752 Low – Medium
  • 26 – 503 Medium
  • 11 – 254 High – Medium
  • 1 – 105 High

Computing an Intelliscore Plus Credit Score

In the credit world, Intelliscore Plus is regarded one of the most dependable tools in effectively forecasting risk. Among the ways Intelliscore Plus maintains this claim to fame is by acknowledging the significant variables that show if a business is likely to pay their debts.

Though there more than 800 business and owner variables constituting an Intelliscore Plus credit score, the variables can be broken down into these essential elements:

Payment History

The bureaus call this recency however in the real world, it’s nothing more than your current payment status. This includes the number of times your accounts become delinquent, the number of accounts that are currently delinquent, and your overall trade balance.


Similar to payment history, frequency make up the quantity of times your accounts have been sent to collections, the quantity of liens as well as judgments you may have, and any bankruptcies connecting with your business or personal accounts.

Frequency can also include information connecting to your payment patterns. Were you regularly slow or tardy with payment? Did you begin paying expenses late, yet over time, stopped doing so? These variables will certainly all be taken into consideration.


This particular facet focuses on exactly how you use credit. As an example, just how much of your offered credit is presently in use? Do you have a high proportion of delinquent equilibrium in comparison with your credit line?

If you’re about to begin a company or are rather new to this game, the checklist above may appear a bit overwhelming. If you haven’t begun or don’t have a lengthy history of company-based purchases, exactly how will Intelliscore Plus rate you?

Intelliscore Plus handles these situations by using a “blended model” to develop your score. This implies that they take your consumer credit score right into consideration when determining your company’s credit score.

Find out why so many companies are using our proven methods to improve their business credit scores.

3. Free Credit Score for Business: Equifax Business Credit Scores

The Equifax Credit Risk Score originates from a model which they use to place specific risks. Equifax uses these details in its calculations, consisting of the depth of the credit details Experian can obtain the length of your company’s credit history, as well as your firm’s payment delinquency history.

Equifax then sectors some five separate scorecards together, by using statistical analysis. In order to enhance their precision, Equifax suggests combining their Credit Risk Score with their exclusive Equifax Bankruptcy Navigator Index.

The Bankruptcy Navigator Index helps forecast the likelihood of your business declaring bankruptcy in the next 24 months. Equifax bases its predictive model on over 270 million different accounts.

Equifax shows three separate company determinations on its business credit reports. These are the Equifax Payment Index, your business’s Credit Risk Score, and its Business Failure Score.

Equifax Payment Index

Comparable to the PAYDEX rating, Equifax’s Payment Index, which has its measurement on a scale of 100, shows how many of your firm’s payments were made punctually. These include both data from credit providers and suppliers.

However it’s not indicated to forecast future habits. That is what the other two scores are for.

Equifax Credit Risk Score

Equifax’s Credit Risk Score analyzes just how likely it is your business will become severely overdue on payments. Scores vary from 101 to 992, and they examine:

  • Available credit limit on revolving credit accounts, e. g. credit cards
  • Your business’s size
  • Proof of any kind of non-financial transactions (e. g. vendor invoices) which are delinquent or were on charge off for two or more payment cycles
  • Length of time since the opening of the earliest financial account


Find out why so many companies are using our proven methods to improve their business credit scores.

Equifax Business Failure Score

Finally, Equifax’s Business Failure Score looks at the risk of your company closing. It ranges from 1,000 to 1,600, assessing these aspects:

  • Total balance to total current credit limit average utilization in the previous three months
  • How much time since the opening of the oldest financial account
  • Your business’s worst payment status on all trades in the previous 24 months
  • Documentation of any non-financial transactions (e. g. supplier invoices) which are past due or have gotten on fee off for two or more billing cycles.

Equifax Scoring Analysis

For the credit risk as well as business failure scores, a rating of 0 means bankruptcy.

An amazing Equifax score for your firm is as follows:

  • Payment Index 0 – 10
  • Credit Score 892 – 992
  • Business Failure Score 1400 – 1600

4. Free Credit Score for Business: FICO Business Credit Scores

FICO uses its SBSS (Small Business Scoring Service) Score to integrate consumer bureau, economic, application, and business bureau data. FICO then validates their SBSS models for transactions such as Line of Credit transactions, Term Loans, and Commercial Card obligations which go up to $1 million. Their idea is to examine how your company pays back all kinds of loans.

Business credit providers make use of the FICO SBSS score as a tool to determine whether they should authorize a loan to your business at all.

The SBA uses this score too, to authorize or approve company loans. It has a basis in your company and consumer credit history as well as not simply your business’s financial health.

The score factors in the evaluation of the risks inherent in your company’s credit applications. With SBSS, lenders make their determinations in a matter of hours, instead of days. Lenders are more confident in their lending judgments, and your company gets quicker decisions on your loan applications.

The SBA’s Participation

The FICO Small Business Score or SBSS score is the main figure that the SBA thinks about while figuring out to approve a loan, especially when it involves the SBA’s 7(a) loans.

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Computing a FICO SBSS Score

The FICO SBSS Score shows the likelihood or probability of you, the candidate, covering your month-to-month bills in a timely manner. The score runs from 0 to 300. A higher score means lower risks and commonly generates more favorable credit terms. The score originates from your company as well as personal history of credit use together with your company’s financial data. Variables also include your company’s age, and its years or complete time in business.

Since 2014, all SBA 7(a) loans must go through a business credit score pre-screen, as well as for SBA loans, you could perhaps not get an approval if you had a score less than 140. However the cutoff was typically set to 160, and frequently, a score below 160 meant a rejection. A lot of lending institutions will only accept scores over 160 or 180, to lend as much as $1 million. But a rating lower than 160 or 180 can still qualify you for a smaller loan.

The formula for the FICO SBSS Score is as follows:

  • The last year of PAYDEX scores from Dun & Bradstreet
  • Amounts and types of any judgements against your firm
  • The amounts and kinds of any liens against your company’s real or personal property.
  • Your firm’s available resources
  • Your company’s profit
  • Plus other, less distinct monetary information

If you have no document of company credit and had a modest or short time in your business, then the possible greatest FICO SBSS score you can possibly anticipate is 140.

Usage and Sorts of SBSS Model Lenders

A FICO SBSS rating includes the choice to opt for certain models which are market-specific for enhanced and better decision making. As an example, one model is an agricultural leasing and lending model. Another model was made especially for Canada. Additionally, the insights of the SBSS score provide support for the SBRI (Small Business Risk Insight, from Dun & Bradstreet) and the SBFE (Small Business Financial Exchange) information repositories.

Validating the SBSS models is necessary for credit lines, commercial cards, as well as term loans of as much as one million dollars. If you are asking for one million dollars or less from bank financing, then there are chances that your SBSS score will be under review.

The Kind of Information in the Score

The SBSS provides the credit issuers of businesses different information blends to make sure that they can analyze your company’s credit risks. For instance, a specific issuer of credit can choose only to assess a concept proprietor’s application data, or the credit issuer can choose to consist of one or multiple business bureaus’ information.

Or the credit issuer can only decide to prioritize one element over another. This intelligent rating originates from various business bureaus on an automated basis, in any type of order or whatever priority the issuer of the credit chooses. As a result, if the loan provider chooses the score of Dun & Bradstreet’s PAYDEX as its default, the SBSS will pull that set of data.

SBSS Credit Offer Index: Just How It Works and Why It Is Important

The Credit Index is an aspect of the FICO SBSS Credit Score for your small business, made to aid credit issuers understand your capacity. It works as the standards against all businesses with comparable profiles.

The SBSS Credit Offer Index includes economic application details, business bureau documents, and credit bureau information for consumer. It provides a percentile ranking of the present against other smaller companies with identical or similar features and total requested money from all those businesses.

The Updated SBSS

Reporting agencies like Experian power the newer FICO SBSS Score model. The SBFE data might be used to prepare for charge-offs, bankruptcy, or three plus cycles overdue or misbehavior over a duration of two years.

5. Free Credit Score for Business: SBA Credit Scoring

The SBA’s tool has a basis in FICO. Their idea is to speed up their credit decisions for loan approvals. The tool uses several information sources and over one hundred combinations of company and consumer analytical models. They use a designated cutoff.

Their general stats on their over $60 billion profile show that companies with ratings at, or above the assigned cut-off will have excellent payment history. So in a way, this isn’t a free credit score for business – it’s more of a score derived from other scores.

Just How Do You Enhance Your Business Credit Scores?

The big question has arrived, and while there is no golden solution, these concepts can definitely assist you increase your rating.

Make Your Payments on Schedule

Your payment patterns and history are a driving force in your overall credit score. Over time, paying your bills promptly will help establish your company as one that pays their financial obligations. This will inevitably help push your rating up as well as show other firms you are a low risk.

Keep Your Debt-to-Income Ratio in Check

The more debt you have on your plate, the more invoices you have, and the less disposable income you have. If your total debt approaches or exceeds your income level, then you’re more than likely to be seen as high-risk.

Keep your financial obligations in check and consistently pay them off to keep a healthy balance between what you make and what you owe.

Use Your Credit

Keeping your financial obligations low remains sound advice. Still, opening and sensibly benefiting from business credit accounts can help you broaden your available credit and improve your credit score.

Maintain a Healthy Personal Credit Profile

By now, you know that your own personal credit is fair game when it involves your Intelliscore Plus rating. Running a company is difficult work, however don’t let your personal finances suffer. Make certain that you remain on top of your individual monthly bills, stay clear of unnecessary credit inquiries, and refrain from compromising your personal credit for business needs.

Check Your Credit Reports

Regardless of what your credit score is, it is critical that you continue to be attentive and evaluate your personal and business credit reports. This can help you locate possible problems and stay educated by yourself credit profile.

Free Credit Score for Business: Takeaways

When you recognize where to check your free credit score for business, you have a much better chance of getting on top of it, and staying there.



The post 5 Amazing Ways You Can Get a Free Credit Score for Business appeared first on Credit Suite.

Get Business Credit Card Offers

Get the Best Business Credit Card Offers

We took a look at a bunch of company credit cards, and did the research for you. So here are our top picks for business credit card offers.

Per the SBA, company credit card limits are a whopping 10 – 100 times that of consumer credit cards!

This shows you can get a lot more cash with small business credit. And it also shows you can have personal credit cards at retail stores. So you would now have an added card at the same stores for your business.

And you will not need collateral, cash flow, or financials in order to get business credit.

Business Credit Card Offers and Advantages

Perks can differ. So, make certain to pick the perk you would prefer from this choice of options.

Business Credit Card Offers with 0% APR – Pay Nothing!

Bank of America® Business Advantage Travel Rewards World Mastercard® Credit Card

The Bank of America® Business Advantage Travel Rewards World Mastercard® credit card has no annual fee. And it comes with a 0% introductory APR on purchases for the first nine months. Thereafter, the card has a 13.24 – 23.24% variable APR

Earn 3 points/dollar spent when you book travel via the Bank of America Travel Center. And get 1.5 points/dollar on all other purchases. You can get unlimited points and points never expire.


There is a 25,000-point sign-up bonus when you spend $1,000 in the first 60 days of opening up the account. Cardholders get travel accident insurance, and lost luggage reimbursement.

They likewise get trip cancellation coverage, trip delay reimbursement and other advantages.

There is no introductory rate for balance transfers. Also, bonus categories are limited.

Get it here:

JetBlue Plus Card

Take a look at the JetBlue Plus Card for yet another offer of a 0% introductory APR

Get six points/dollar on JetBlue purchases, two points/dollar at eateries and grocery stores. And get one point/dollar on all other purchases.


Spend $1,000 in the first 90 days and pay the yearly fee, and get 40,000 bonus points. New cardholders receive a 12 month, 0% initial APR on balance transfers made in 45 days of account opening.

Thereafter, the variable APR on purchases and balance transfers is 17.99%, 21.99% or 26.99%, based on creditworthiness. Benefits include a free first checked bag and 50% savings on in-flight purchases.

There is a $99 annual fee for this card.

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Remarkable Business Credit Cards with No Annual Fee

Uber Visa Card

Check out the Uber Visa Card. Uber is the very first ride-sharing service to offer a credit card, in a partnership with Visa and Barclays.

The card offers 4% back per dollar spent at restaurants, takeout and bars, including UberEATS. Also, earn 3% back on hotel, airfare and vacation home rentals. And earn 2% back on online purchases.

So, this includes retailers and subscription services like Uber and Netflix. And get 1% back on all other purchases. Each percent/point has a value of 1 cent. Redeem points for cash back, gift cards or Uber credits directly within the app.

By spending at least $500 in the initial 90 days, users can earn a $100 sign-up bonus. Cardholders spending a minimum of $5,000 yearly are eligible to receive a $50 credit toward online subscription services.


If you pay your cell phone bill with this card, know what happens? You are insured up to $600 for cellphone damage or theft.

Cardholders are eligible for exclusive access to specific events and offers. Uber anticipates most of these offers to be available in major cities. This is cities like New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago and DC. There is no foreign transaction fee.

But there is no introductory rate. The APR is a variable 16.99%, 22.74% or 25.74%, based on your creditworthiness. Cardholders with less than stellar credit will be on the higher end of the range.

Also, there are restrictions on Uber credits. To redeem points as credits within the Uber app, accrue at least 500 points, or $5. Cardholders can convert a maximum of 50,000 points, or $500, in a given day.

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Costco Anywhere Visa® Business Card by Citi

Not taking Uber? Then you’ll want to fill your gas tank someway. Why not do so with the Costco Anywhere Visa® Business Card by Citi?

This credit card earns cash back with every purchase. Earn 4% cash back on the first $7,000 spent on eligible gas purchases annually (1% after that). Get 3% cash back at restaurants and on eligible travel purchases. Also, earn 2% cash back at Costco and And earn 1% cash back on all other purchases.

Keep in mind: the $0 yearly fee is only for Costco members. And an active Costco membership is required. Cardholders will get access to damage and theft purchase protection, extended warranty coverage and travel accident insurance.

Also, there is no sign-up bonus available with this card.

Get it here:

Ink Business Cash℠ Credit Card

Look at the Ink Business Cash ℠ Credit Card. Small businesses can earn cash back with every purchase. Spend $3,000 in the initial three months from account opening. And you’ll earn a $500 bonus cash back.

There is a $0 annual fee with a 0% introductory APR for 12 months on purchases and balance transfers. After that, the APR is a 15.24 – 21.24% variable.

The card features travel and purchase coverage benefits. So, this includes an auto rental collision damage waiver and extended warranty protection.


Earn additional cash back on business categories. So, these include office supply stores, telecommunications, gas stations and restaurants.

Note: this credit card has a balance transfer fee. Pay 5% of the amount transferred or $5, whichever is greater. Also, there is a foreign transaction fee of 3%.

Get it here:

United MileagePlus Explorer Business Card

Get a good look at the United MileagePlus Explorer Business Card.

Get 2 miles/dollar with United and at restaurants, filling stations and office supply stores. All other purchases get 1 mile/dollar. Earn a 50,000-mile sign-up bonus after spending $3,000 in the initial three months from account opening.

Benefits include priority boarding, a free first checked bag for you and a companion on the same reservation.


Also, get two United Club passes annually. And get hotel and resort perks including upgrades. On top of that, get early check-in and late checkout. And get an auto rental collision damage waiver.

And also, get baggage delay insurance, lost luggage reimbursement, trip cancellation and interruption insurance. Finally, get trip delay reimbursement, purchase protection, price protection and concierge service.

After the first year, the card has an annual fee of $95. APR of 17.99% – 24.99%, based on creditworthiness.

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Starwood Preferred Guest® Business Credit Card from American Express

Another choice is the Starwood Preferred Guest Business Credit Card from American Express.

This card is for those who stay at Starwood Preferred Guest and Marriott hotels often. Earn six points per dollar of eligible purchases at participating SPG and Marriott Rewards hotels.

And get four points per dollar at US restaurants, US gas stations, and on US purchases for shipping.

Also, earn four points to the dollar on wireless telephone services purchased directly from US service providers. For all other eligible purchases, earn two points per dollar.


Get 75,000 bonus points when you spend $3,000 in the first three months of account opening. Benefits include free in-room premium internet access, Sheraton Club lounge access, and purchase protection.

Plus you get car rental loss and damage insurance. And you get baggage insurance. There is also a global assistance hotline. And there is a roadside assistance hotline. And get travel accident insurance and extended warranty coverage.

The most significant issue is the annual fee. There is a $0 introductory annual fee for the first year, then it’s $95 afterwards. Plus there is no 0% introductory APR. Instead, there is a 17.74 – 26.74% variable APR

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Secure Business Credit Cards for Average Credit

Capital One® Spark® Classic for Business

For fair credit, we like the Capital One Spark Classic for Business. It has no annual fee. There are cash-back rewards. The card earns an unlimited 1% cash back on all purchases. There is an annual fee of $0.

With this card, you will get benefits including an auto rental collision damage waiver, and purchase security. And you also get extended warranty coverage. And you get travel and emergency assistance services.

But BEAR IN MIND: the ongoing APR is 24.74% variable APR. And the penalty APR is even higher, 31.15%. Also, there is no sign-up bonus.

Get it here:

Biz Credit Card Offers Credit Suite

Establish business credit fast with our research-backed guide to 12 business credit cards and lines.

Small Business Credit Cards for Luxurious Travel Points

Capital One® Spark® Miles for Business

Be sure to check out the Capital One® Spark® Miles for Business card. With this card, you can earn 2 miles per dollar on all purchases. When you spend $4,500 within the first 3 months of opening an account, you can earn 50,000 miles. So, that is worth $500 in travel.

Benefits for cardholders include an auto rental collision damage waiver, and purchase security. And they also include extended warranty coverage. And you get travel and emergency assistance services.

Cardholders will pay $0 introductory for the first year. But they will pay $95 after that for the annual fee.

There is no 0% APR for purchases or balance transfers with this card. The APR is 18.74% (variable).

Get it here:

The Business Platinum® Card from American Express OPEN

Check out the Business Platinum® Card from American Express OPEN if you’re comfortable with an exorbitant annual fee. This card earns 5 points per dollar on flights and prepaid hotels booked on the American Express Travel website.

It also gets 2 points per dollar on travel purchases booked on the American Express Travel website.

Furthermore, it earns 1.5 points per dollar on purchases of $5,000 or more. So, this is with up to one million additional points per calendar year. All other eligible purchases get one point per dollar.


With this card’s welcome offer, you can get 50,000 bonus points when you spend $10,000. And get another 25,000 points when you spend an additional $10,000 in that same period.

Cardholder benefits include global lounge access and a $200 airline fee credit. And you get a fee credit for Global Entry or TSA Precheck.

Benefits also include complimentary Wi-Fi hotspot internet access, privileges including early check-in and daily breakfast at participating hotels and resorts. Plus, the card offers travel accident insurance and roadside assistance.

This card does not offer bonus point earnings in other categories such as gas, office supplies or advertising. Additionally, all of these benefits do not come cheap. Note: the card has a yearly fee of $450!

Get it here:

Business Credit Card Offers Credit Suite

Establish business credit fast with our research-backed guide to 12 business credit cards and lines.

Chase Sapphire Reserve®

For travel points, check out the Chase Sapphire Reserve® card. You can get 3 points/dollar on travel and dining at restaurants and 1 point/dollar on other purchases.

Spend $4,000 in the initial 3 months, and you will get 50,000 bonus points. This card offers a $300 annual travel credit. And you get airport lounge access, perks at luxury hotels and resorts including upgrades.

It also provides a fee credit for Global Entry or TSA Precheck, early check-in and late checkout. And it provides trip cancellation and interruption insurance, an auto rental collision damage waiver.


Plus lost luggage reimbursement, trip delay reimbursement, and purchase protection. Finally, it also has return protection and extended warranty protection.

This card also offers cardholders a 25% higher points value when redeemed for travel through Chase Ultimate Rewards. With this card, points are worth 50% more when redeemed for travel through Chase Ultimate Rewards.

The most significant issues are the yearly fee of $450 and $75 per authorized user. Another point to consider should be that the card has a 17.99 – 24.99% variable APR.

So, think about this one carefully and be sure to read the small print.

Get it here:

IHG ® Rewards Club Premier Credit Card

Have a look at the IHG ® Rewards Club Premier Credit Card. it gets hotel rewards worldwide. For each dollar spent at participating IHG hotels, earn 10 points. Get two points per dollar spent at gas stations, grocery stores and restaurants.

Plus all other purchases earn one point. New cardholders can earn an 80,000-point sign-up bonus when they spend $2,000 in the first three months of account opening.


This card offers a free one-night hotel stay per year. Plus there is a range of benefits like travel and purchase coverage and an upgrade to Platinum Elite status with the IHG Rewards Club. The club offers complimentary room upgrades when available and guaranteed room availability.

The most significant issue is that the card does not offer a zero percent APR introductory rate. And the standard APR is 17.99 – 24.99% variable. Also, the yearly fee is $89.

Get it here:

Marriott Rewards® Premier Plus Credit Card

This credit card earns six points/dollar spent at participating Marriott and SPG hotels. And get two points/dollar on all other purchases.

Spend $3,000 in the first three months from account opening and earn two free night awards (each worth up to 35,000 points).

Cardholders get access to perks including a free one-night stay annually after account anniversary. Also get travel and purchase protection. So, this includes free standard in-room Wi-Fi and priority late checkout.


Perks include baggage delay reimbursement, and lost luggage reimbursement. There is also trip delay reimbursement. And there is purchase protection. Plus there are concierge service and automatic Silver Elite status, which includes a 20% bonus on points.

Spend $35,000 each account year, and be upgraded to Gold Elite status. So, that includes a complimentary room upgrade, free daily breakfast and 4 PM late checkout.

There is an annual fee of $95. The APR is a 17.99– 24.99% variable.

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Business Credit Card Offers: Reliable Low APR/Balance Transfers Business Credit Cards

Discover it® Cash Back

Check out the Discover it® Cash Back card. There is a 10.99% introductory APR for six months from date of first transfer. So, this is for transfers under this offer which post to your account by January 10, 2019.

After the introductory APR expires, your APR will be 14.99% to 23.99%. So, this is based on your creditworthiness. Your APR will vary with the market, which is based upon the Prime Rate.


You can get 5% cash back at different places every quarter. So, these are establishments like gas stations, grocery stores, restaurants,, or wholesale clubs. But this is up to the quarterly maximum each time you activate. Also, automatically get unlimited 1% cash back on all other purchases.

You will get an unlimited dollar-for-dollar match of all the cash back you have gotten at the end of your first year, automatically.

Get it here:

Business Credit Card Offers for Credit Building – Make Your Credit Surge!

Discover it® Student Cash Back

Make sure to check out the Discover it® Student Cash Back card. It has no yearly fee. The card also has a six-month introductory period of 0% APR on purchases. And there is an APR of 14.99 – 23.99% variable on all purchases after that period.

One special feature is that it provides an incentive for scholars to maintain good grades with a $20 statement credit. If students earn a GPA of 3.0 or higher each school year, the card will award the $20 statement credit annually for up to five years.


Use this card to build personal credit. While this is a personal credit card versus a business credit card, for new credit users, their FICO scores will be vital. And this card provides an excellent way to raise FICO while also getting rewards.

You can get 5% cash back at different places each quarter like grocery stores, gas stations, restaurants or up to the quarterly maximum. After that, this credit card offers unlimited 1% cash back on all purchases.

In the initial year, all cash back rewards are matched 100%.

Downsides include a cash advance fee of either $10 or 5% of the amount of each cash advance, whichever is more. And even though they waive the first late payment fee, a fee of up to $37 applies on all other late payments. There is also a returned payment fee of up to $37.

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Business Credit Card Offers: Terrific Cards for Cash Back

SimplyCash Plus Business Credit Card from American Express

Look at the SimplyCash Plus Business Credit Card from American Express. There is a $0 annual fee. And there is a 0% APR on purchases So this is for the first 15 months an account is open.

But when the introductory period runs out, the APR for purchases is 14.24 to 21.24%. So, this is variable and based on creditworthiness.


This credit card has several benefits. These include purchase protection, car rental loss and damage insurance. And they also include a baggage insurance plan, extended warranty coverage and a global assist hotline.

Also, earn 5% cash back at US office supply stores and on wireless telephone services. So, these must be bought from United States providers. But this pertains to the initial $50,000 of annual spending. Then, you get 1% cash back.

You also earn 3% cash back on spending category of your choice. So, this is from eight distinct categories. They include airfare, gas, advertising and computer purchases. But it applies to the first $50,000 of yearly spending. Then, you earn 1% cash back.

Cash-back bonuses are automatically credited to the customer’s billing statement.

Note: you cannot use this credit card for balance transfers. There is a foreign transaction fee of 2.7%. The credit card charges up to $38 in late fees. And the returned check fee is also $38. The penalty APR is 29.99%.

And, it applies if you have two or more late payments within 12 months. It can also apply if you fail to make the minimum payment on time or have a returned payment.

Get it here:

Capital One® Quicksilver® Card

Take a look at the Capital One® Quicksilver® Card. It offers flat-rate rewards of 1.5% on all purchases. There are no limits to the amount of cash back rewards which cardholders can earn. Also, the card has a $0 yearly fee.

New cardholders have a 0% APR on purchases and balance transfers for the first 15 months after opening the account. And then they have a 14.74 – 24.74% (variable) APR after that.

A cash bonus of $150 is on offer for those who make at the very least $500 in purchases within 3 months of account opening.


Also, cash back rewards do not expire for the life of the account. And there is no limit to how much you can earn.

This card also offers travel accident insurance. And you get an auto rental collision damage waiver. There are no foreign transaction fees. And there is extended warranty coverage.

Downsides are the flat reward rate, not allowing for any more than that. And the higher APR after the first 15 months.

Get it here:

Business Credit Card Offers: Ironclad Secured Credit Cards

Wells Fargo Business Secured Credit Card

Have a look at the Wells Fargo Business Secured Credit Card. It charges a $25 yearly fee per credit card (up to 10 employee cards). It also requires a minimum security deposit of $500 (up to $25,000). And it is meant to help cardholders set up or rebuild their credit.

Choose this card if you want to earn 1.5% per dollar in purchases with no limits or earn one point for every dollar in purchases. You also earn 1,000 bonus points. So this is for every month your company makes $1,000 in purchases on the card.


Also, you get free FICO scores every month. There are no foreign transaction fees. It is possible to upgrade to unsecured credit. Your account is regularly reviewed. And you may become eligible for an upgrade to an unsecured card with responsible use over time. Approval is not guaranteed and depends on factors including how you manage this and your other accounts.

APR is the current prime rate plus 11.90%. There is no introductory APR period and no sign-up bonus. This is not a card for balance transfers.

Get it here:

Business Credit Card Offers: Unbeatable Cards for Jackpot Rewards

Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card

Take a look at the Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card for travel points.

You can earn two points per dollar spent on travel and dining at restaurants. And you can get one point per dollar on all other purchases. Points can be redeemed for cash back, gift cards, or travel.

The card’s benefits include trip cancellation insurance, travel and emergency assistance services. They also include an auto rental collision damage waiver, purchase protection and extended warranty protection.

When you spend $4,000 in the initial 3 months from account opening, you will get 50,000 bonus points. These points are worth $625 if you redeem them for travel through Chase Ultimate Rewards.


You can earn an unlimited two points per dollar for travel and dining at restaurants. And then get one point per dollar for all other purchases. Points will transfer equally to 13 leading frequent travel programs with partners. So these include British Airways, Southwest Airlines, United, and Marriott.

There is no 0% introductory APR on purchases or balance transfers. The card’s standard APR is 17.74 – 24.74% variable. Also, the card has an annual fee of $0 introductory for the first year. And then it skyrockets to $95.

Get it here:

Ink Business Preferred ℠ Credit Card

Get a look at the Ink Business Preferred Credit Card from Chase. Cardholders earn 3 points for every dollar spent on travel, shipping, internet, cable, phone and qualifying advertising with the card. So, this is up to $150,000 each year. And all other purchases earn an unlimited one point per dollar spent.

This is a Visa card.

Cardholders get benefits like purchase protection, trip cancellation or interruption insurance. They also get cellphone protection. And they get extended warranty coverage. And they get an auto rental collision damage waiver.


Get 80,000 bonus points when you spend $5,000 in the initial 3 months from account opening. There is an annual fee of $95. You can add employee credit cards at no additional cost.

This card only offers 3 points per dollar to a limit of $150,000 a year. So, this is for travel, shipping, internet, cable, phone and qualifying advertising. All other purchases earn an unlimited flat rate of one point per dollar. And there is no introductory APR

Get it here:

Business Credit Card Offers Credit Suite

Establish business credit fast with our research-backed guide to 12 business credit cards and lines.

Hilton Honors American Express Ascend Card

Have a look at the Hilton Honors American Express Ascend Card, which earns hotel rewards points. Earn up to 12 points per dollar of eligible purchases at participating Hilton hotels or resorts.

Automatically get Hilton Honors Gold status. And this includes room upgrades when available. Plus a 5th night free when you book a rewards stay of 5 nights or more.

And get free internet access and late checkout. It also includes a 25% bonus on base points earned with Hilton Honors.

This credit card has a variable purchase APR of 17.74 – 26.74%. There is an annual fee of $95.


Cardholders can earn a 125,000-point welcome offer after making $2,000 in eligible purchases in 3 months from account opening. Get a free weekend night award after making $15,000 in eligible purchases on your card in a calendar year.

Benefits include purchase protection. And there is extended warranty coverage. They also include car rental loss and damage insurance and travel accident insurance.

Spend $40,000 on eligible purchases with the card within a calendar year. Then you can earn Hilton Honors Diamond status. So that’s through the end of the next calendar year. This status includes all of the benefits of Gold status.

It also includes a 50% bonus on base points earned with Hilton Honors. And get exclusive floor lounge access at select properties. But that is awfully high spending required for elite status. Only you can decide if that’s worth it.

Get it here:

The Perfect Business Credit Card Offers for You

Your outright best business credit card offers are going to hinge on your credit history and scores.

Only you can select which features you want and need. So make sure to do your homework. What is outstanding for you could be catastrophic for somebody else.

And, as always, make sure to develop credit in the recommended order for the best, quickest benefits.



The post Get Business Credit Card Offers appeared first on Credit Suite.

Break in to the Credit Circle: 6 Easy Approval Business Trade Lines

Everything Starts with Something: Business Credit Starts with Business Trade Lines

Everything has to start somewhere, with something.  A flower starts with a seed.  A book starts with the first letter typed, a house begins with the first nail hammered, and a move begins with the director’s word.  When it comes to business credit, it all starts with business trade lines.

You have heard the adage you have to have money to make money.  You have probably heard you have to have credit to get credit.  While both of these are true to a point, seemingly catching us in a vicious circle, it isn’t entirely true with business credit.

A circle has no clear beginning.  Business credit however, does.  Just not very many people know about it, and it can be difficult to find. We know the secret though, and we are willing to share.

The Prep Work for Business Trade Lines

Of course, we all know that a lot of work goes in a house, a book, a garden, and a movie before that actual first nail, letter, seed, or director’s word.  This prep work lays as solid foundation for the final masterpiece.  There is a way to lay a solid foundation for business credit as well, before you even consider looking into business trade lines.

Research is how a book or movie starts, and any construction starts with clearing the area and dirt work.  A garden spot must be tilled and fertilized before seeds can be planted.  Something similar is necessary to establish and build business credit.  You have to build a solid foundation for that credit to sit on.  Now, that foundation is not necessarily your business.  Your business and your business credit will grow together.  You can start the prep work at the same time you are starting your business.

To be clear, if your business is already up and running you can still establish business credit.  The foundation can still be built.  In this way it is different than a building or a book.  However, as with any first steps, it is much easier to take them in the beginning.

How to Form the Foundation for Business Credit

Before you consider business trade lines, you need to consider how your business is set up.  For many new business owners, starting a business just kind of happens.  You have something you do that you love, and you decide its time to use it to make money.  You may find a location or start from your home.  Likely you simply mingle funds in your personal bank account.  You have a business name but the business address, email, and phone number are all the same as your personal contact information.  It is sort of a natural progression.

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If you want to establish business credit, you have to be purposeful to set up your business separate from yourself.  This means doing a few things differently.

How to Establish Your Business as a Separate Entity

First, you have to incorporate.  Running as a DBA, sole proprietorship, or partnership really won’t cut it.  You can choose from running as a corporation, S-corp, or LLC based on your specific needs, but it needs to be one of these three. Each one comes associated with a different cost and varying levels of protection, but each will serve the purpose of separating your business from yourself.

Next, establish separate contact information for your business.  You need a business address, email, and phone number that is different from your personal address, email, and phone number.  The phone number should be from a toll-free exchange, and your email address should be associated with your professional website. Do not use a free service such as Gmail or Yahoo, and don’t ignore the professional website part.  These days, a poorly put together website can ruin a business.

Pick Your Numbers

After these first steps are complete you need to play the numbers game.  In order to establish business credit, your business has to have two numbers associated with it.  The first is an EIN.  This is an identifying number for a business, similar to a social security number.  You can get one for free on the IRS website.

The next is a DUNS number.  This is a number assigned by Dun & Bradstreet, the largest and most commonly used business credit reporting agency.  To have a business credit file with them, you must have a DUNS number.  You can apply for it for free on their website, but note that they will definitely try to sell you other services. Be strong.  The number is free and the other services are not necessary.

Separate the Finances to Get Business Trade Lines

Open a separate bank account for your business.  This is the account through which all business financial transactions should run.  If your business is already up and running, it may take you some time to get everything switched over, but it will be worth it.  Not only will is help separate your business from your personal credit, but it will also help tremendously when it is time to do your taxes.

Plant the Seed, Hammer the Nail: The Magic of Business Trade Lines

Okay, so these steps ensure that your business is on record as a business at all the right places.  As soon as something credit related is reporting, it will have a place to go.  How do you get something reported though?  You need accounts that will report your on-time payments.  Lenders will not even consider extending you credit however, if you don’t have a credit score, or if your credit score is bad.  How do you break into the circle?

You can find a tiny crack with business trade lines.  These are vendors that sell things you use in the everyday course of business, and they are vital to building business credit.  Here’s how it works.  They will extend net30 terms on invoices, without a credit check, and then report your invoice payments to the business credit reporting agencies.

For most of these vendors, you will have to make a few initial purchases before they will extent net30 terms.  Some want to see a minimum time in business or a certain revenue level as well.  We have compiled a list of six easy approval business trade lines to help you get started.

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Newegg Business

If you need computers or other electronics, this is the place to start.  Newegg Business offers tons of electronic products, so there is something that pretty much any business can use.  To open an account with net30 terms, you’ll need a DUNS number and a bank reference.  Net30 accounts range from $500 to $1,000, and they report to Dun & Bradstreet.

Strategic Network Solutions

This company sells eBooks, software, and even office supplies.  You do have to register to see their products, but the process if fast and easy.  You will have to make a $60 or more initial purchase to be eligible for a net30 account of up to $2,000.  They report to Experian and Credit Safe.

Grainger Industrial Supply

Granger industrial supply sells industrial equipment for outdoors as well as standard tools, and more. To gain net 30 approval you will need a business license, a DUNS number, and bank reference.  Their net 30 accounts range from $500 to $1,000 and they report to Dun & Bradstreet.

Summa Office Supplies

Another office supply provider, you can order anything from paper to staples, pens to printer ink, and pretty much anything you can think of in between from Summa.  They require a $60 initial purchase, and will approve up to $2,000 on net 30 terms.  They report to Dun & Bradstreet.

Quill Office Supplies

Quill also sells standard office supplies.  You will need to make an initial purchase.  They’ll usually put you on a 90 day prepay scheduled, but after ordering for 3 months in a row, they’ll typically approve net 30 term.  They report to Dun & Bradstreet.


Uline sells a lot of things, but they specialize in packing and shipping equipment and janitorial supplies. You’ll need to place an initial order, and they do ask for a bank reference and two other references.  They report to Dun & Bradstreet, so you’ll of course need a DUNS number too.

If you open accounts and get net 30 approval with each of these, you could have between $5,000 and $10,000 in accounts reporting to the credit agencies pretty quickly.  Make your payment consistently, and that seed you planted with these easy approval business trade lines will sprout to the point you will be ready for the next step in building business credit before you know it.

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What Comes After Business Trade Lines?

These business trade lines are all part of the vendor credit tier.  After you have a few of these accounts reporting, you can apply for accounts in the retail credit tier, then the fleet credit tier, then the cash credit tier.  Here’s what you need to know about each tier, and what happens when you get to the top.

The Retail Credit Tier

This would be relatable to the editing stage of writing a book or a movie, the weeding stage of planting a garden, or the sheetrock stage of building a house.  You’ve done the prework of research or preparing the ground, you have planted that first seed, banged out that first word, or hammered that first nail.  So now, it is time to move on.

In building business credit, after you have enough business trade lines reporting, this means moving on to the retail credit tier.  These are credit cards issued by specific retailers such as Amazon, Office Depot, and Best Buy.  Apply for these accounts, purchase things you need in the everyday course of running your business, and make your payments on-time.  Your business credit score will grow stronger by the day.

The Fleet Credit Tier

This is where you head into publication, start prescreens, water the garden daily, and start getting the inside of that house ready for move in with paint and appliances.  These cards are issued by fleet companies such as Shell and Fuelman.  They can be used to purchase gasoline or for automobile maintenance and repairs.  Once you have enough of these accounts reporting, it’s time for the last tier.

Business Trade Lines Credit Suite2

The Cash Credit Tier

The cash credit tier is the finished product.  Your book or movie is out there for the public to enjoy, your garden is ready for harvest, and you can sleep comfortably in that house each night.  The cash credit tier consists of the traditional Visa, Master, and American Express cards not associated with a specific store. Use this wisely, continue to make consistent, on-time payments, and your business credit will be rock solid.

Why Business Credit?

You may be asking yourself the question, why bother?  You may have personal credit that will allow you to get what you need to run your business without needing to work with business trade lines.   It can take time, and better prices may be available elsewhere.  What’s the point?  Why do you need business credit?

The fact is, its never a good idea to have your business transactions on your personal credit report.  There are a few reasons for this.  First, if your personal credit takes a hit, it can affect your ability to run your business.

Also, business credit cards based on personal credit often have a lower credit limit, and business transactions are often very large.  If you get close to your limit, your score will take a hit even if you make your payments like you should due to the high debt-to-credit ratio.

By having cards based on your business credit, you can get higher limits, and your personal credit will not be affected by business transactions.  This way, you do not have to worry about business transactions keeping you from applying for personal credit you may need to purchase a car or make home improvements.

Business Trade Lines are the Beginning of Great Business Credit

Regardless of your personal credit score, you really do have to work with business trade lines to start your business credit.  After you establish your business and prepare the way for your business transactions to be reported to your business credit profile, you will need accounts to report.  Most credit cards will not extend credit to a business with no credit, or bad credit.  Working with business trade lines that do not do a credit check is a way around that.  You can start building business credit in your business name without your personal credit score ever being involved.  So it’s a win/win for you and for your business.


The post Break in to the Credit Circle: 6 Easy Approval Business Trade Lines appeared first on Credit Suite.

How to Get and Read Your FREE Business Credit Reports and Understand Your Score

And How to Understand Your Score

Most people know they have a personal credit score.  Many business owners do not know, however, that they may have a business credit score.  This is a score very similar to your personal FICO, but it is related to your business financial transactions only. It is not connected to your personal finances at all.  In fact, free business credit reports are not even connected to your social security number.

The problem is, unlike your personal credit reports, it can be difficult to determine what business credit reports have one them.  It is easy to get a copy of your FICO report for free.  It is not so easy to do the same with business credit reports.

Where Do Your Free Business Credit Reports Come From?

Just as there are credit reporting agencies for your personal credit score, there are also business credit reporting agencies.  The largest one, and the one lenders use most often, is Dun & Bradstreet.  However, there are actually several others.  The other two most common are Experian and Equifax.

They do not just give out credit reports for free however.  In fact, the prices for reports directly from the top 3 most commonly used credit reporting agencies are pretty steep.  For example:

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  • Dun & Bradstreet reports range in price from $61 to $229 per report.
  • Experian reports are $49.95 per report.
  • Equifax is $99.95 per report.

The prices range so broadly due to the varying complexity and detail of the information provided in each report.  For example, Dun & Bradstreet has multiple types of scores and a report for each one.

How to See Your Credit Report for Free

The only real way to get a free copy of your credit report is if you are denied a loan based on your business credit.  There are ways to see what is on it, one time, for free however.


Nav is a service that will let you see a summary of your credit reports from all three of the major credit reporting agencies.  However, these are only summaries, not full reports.  Generally, that means you can see your score, and maybe the accounts you have listed.  While this will help you see where you stand, it will not suffice for the purpose of correcting mistakes or even to show you what you need to do to improve your score. You do have the option to pay for more information though. does not offer ongoing free business credit reports, you can access a free trial.  There is no credit card required, and after you pull the report, you have 30 days to check it out. This means at least once you can get a totally free look at your report, because there is no fear of missing a cancelation deadline and having to pay anyway.


This is a lesser known credit reporting agency that will let you see your credit report for free before you pay for an ongoing subscription.  Unlike Nav or, they are actually calculate their own score similar to the big 3 (Experian, Equifax, and Dun & Bradstreet.)  They strive to be totally transparent and to make their reports easy to understand.


You do have to pay for an ongoing subscription to CreditSafe, but they will give you a free credit report to get you started.  It will only include Dun & Bradstreet, but it is a good taste of what you can see with a full subscription.  It is also another option for a free copy of your business credit report. If you do subscribe, they have a number of reports that are unique to them.  This means you are getting something that you may not get with the other monitoring services or even the standard reports from the Dun & Bradstreet, Experian, or Equifax.

Business Loan Denial

As mentioned before, you can get a free copy of your business credit reports if a lender denies you for a business loan. This is the less fun way to see your business credit reports for free. After denial, you will receive a letter in the mail from the agency that provided the lender with your report.  You will have the opportunity to request a free copy of the report that the lender saw, so that you can see why the result was denial. You have 90 days to submit your request.

How To Read Your Free Business Credit Reports

Each reporting agency offers different types of reports and information, but they all contain the same general data.

Dun & Bradstreet

Dun & Bradstreet offers several different types of business credit reports.  In fact, there are six different reporting options in all.  They all offer different information related to credit worthiness, and it takes all of them to get the whole picture.  The price range listed above is dependent on which reports you want to order.

The report most use is the PAYDEX.   This is likely because it is the easiest to understand, due to it being the most like the consumer FICO score.  It measures how quickly a customer makes payments and ranges from 1 to 100.  Scores of 70 or higher is acceptable.   For example, a score of 100 shows payments are made in advance, and a score of 1 indicates that they are 120 days late, or more.

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The other Dun & Bradstreet Credit Reports include:

  • Dun and Bradstreet Delinquency Predictor Score

The delinquency predictor score measures how likely it is that the company will not pay, will be late paying, or will fall into bankruptcy.  The scale is 1 to 5, and a 2 is good.

  • Financial Stress Score

The financial stress score is measures pressure on the balance sheet.  It shows how likely the company is to shut down within a year.  These scores range from 5 to 1, with a score of 2 being “good.”

  • Supplier Evaluation Risk Rating

This rating ranks the odds of a company surviving 12 months.  The minimum score is a 9 and the maximum is 1.  A “good” score is 5.

  • Credit Limit Recommendation

The credit limit recommendation reflects a business’s borrowing capacity.  It is a recommendation for how much debt a company can handle. Typically, creditors use this to determine how much credit to extend.

  • D&B Credit Rating

This one ranks overall business risk on a scale of one to four.  A score of 2 is good.  The rating is given in conjunction with letters, the combination of which indicate a company’s net worth.

Even if there isn’t enough information on a business to assign a regular rating, Dun and Bradstreet will assign what they call a Credit Appraisal Score.  This is based on number of employees. Another option is an alternative rating based on what data is actually available.


Experian’s uses what it calls Intelliscore as its credit ranking.  There are more than 800 different factors that they use to predict a company’s credit risk. With Intelliscore, a score of 76 or higher indicates a low risk of default or late payment. If a score falls between 51 to 75, it indicates a low to medium risk.  Scores from 26 to 50 are medium risk, and from 25 down to 1 is medium high to high risk.

Here is where Experian gets tricky. Intelliscore is a blended score of both the business and business owner’s personal information.  That means it offers insights into a business’s public record findings, collections, and payment trends, as well as overall business background. Experian is also unique in that it does not ask businesses to self-report.  Instead, they collect all the information themselves. You will have to give permission for a lender to view this report, due to it containing personal information.


Equifax collects information similar to Dun and Bradstreet, including: information from public records, financial data from the business, and payment history from creditors.  Credit utilization is also a factor, which accounts for how much credit you are using versus the amount of credit you have available to use.

The information is used to calculate various scores, including the business credit risk score and the business failure score. The first measures how likely it is that a business will become 90 days or more delinquent on bills over the next year.  The score ranges from 101 to 992.  The second ranges from 1,000 to 1610 and predicts how likely it is that the business will file for bankruptcy over the next 12-month period.  A lower score indicates higher risk.

They also calculate what they call the business payment index.  This is the Equifax version of Dun & Bradstreet’s PAYDEX.  It even runs on the same scale of 0 to 100.  This is an indicator payment history over the past year.  It is different from the PAYDEX, however, in that you must to reach a score of 90 or higher for it to be a “good” score.

In addition, Equifax offers business identity reports to confirm a company actually exists. It verifies details such as the company’s tax ID, number of employees, and yearly sales.

Equifax does not allow business owners to request reports on their own company.  They decide themselves when to start a credit file on a specific company.

A Note on CreditSafe

business credit reports Credit Suite2

CreditSafe offers reporting options based on your Dun & Bradstreet score.  They offer 3 packages, Standard, Plus, and Premier.  The problem is, they do not list their prices on their website.  You have to request a quote to determine what your pricing would be, as they also allow you to purchase individual products as well.

Since their reporting is based on information from Dun & Bradstreet, they are not technically a credit reporting agency themselves.  However, since they do have their own reports, they are a little different from a straightforward credit monitoring company as well. They are quickly growing in popularity. No doubt that is partly due to the subscription service it offers, which allows easy insight into your own company’s credit report. The free trial allows for test driving, which sweetens the deal even more.

Their main score, the CreditSafe rating, works on a scale of 1-100.  It predicts the likelihood that payment performance will become 90 plus days beyond terms within the next 12 months or that the business will go bankrupt.  They offer a variety of other scores and reports that provide a ton of information however.

CreditSafe Free Business Credit Reports

  • International Score

This score is derived from the Creditsafe rating. It allows for a comparison of credit risk between companies that are registered in different countries.

  • Credit Limit

The Creditsafe recommended credit limit uses information from the business payment records and those of similar companies to calculate a dollar amount recommendation of the maximum amount of credit a company should receive at any one time.

  • Days Beyond Terms (DBT)

Compares how many days late a business pays its bills in comparison to other companies in the industry.

  • Derogatory Legal

This is a report on the number and value of tax liens and judgements that have been filed in the past 6 years and 9 months.  It also includes bankruptcies filed in the last 9 years and 9 months

  • Payment Trend

A report designed to highlight at a glance substantial changes in how a company is paying its bills.

  • Business Spend Trend

Let’s you know whether the total annual business spending is going up or down when compared to the previous year.

Subscription packages come in levels, and the prices are dependent completely on your business’s individual needs.  You will have to speak to a consultant to get a quote.

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Seeing Your Free Business Credit Reports is Necessary to Taking the Pulse of Your Business

It’s true, a solid business credit score does not always indicate a healthy bottom line.  What it does indicate, however, is the propensity for growth. If your business credit reports don’t look so hot, you are going to have a hard time getting funding to expand and grow. Stagnant businesses are doomed to die, meaning your business credit reports could very likely be your lifeline.  Knowing how to access them for free is important.  However, it is important enough to know what is on your business credit reports that for most, they are actually worth paying for.







The post How to Get and Read Your FREE Business Credit Reports and Understand Your Score appeared first on Credit Suite.

Success in financing… $36,000.00 in Business Revenue financing!

The financing our client and his company received opened up many new doors for his company. His company was able to continue to succeed.  We are glad he didn’t miss this opportunity Click Here to see how much funding you can get for your business. The post Success in financing… $36,000.00 in Business Revenue financing! …

How to Get and Read Your FREE Business Credit Reports and Understand Your Score

And How to Understand Your Score Most people know they have a personal credit score.  Many business owners do not know, however, that they may have a business credit score.  This is a score very similar to your personal FICO, but it is related to your business financial transactions only. It is not connected to … Continue reading How to Get and Read Your FREE Business Credit Reports and Understand Your Score

3 Common Sense Ways to Get Start Up Business Loans for Women

And a Bonus Secret that Will Help Get Start Up Business Loans for Women More Easily

There is a storm brewing in the distance.  Can you see the clouds building?  Can you hear the thunder rolling? There is electricity in the air.  Animals are acting strange.  They know the tide is turning.  Women are taking the business world by storm as more and more women owned businesses are starting up each year.  As a result, more and more are looking into start up business loans for women.

The problem is, despite the growth in women owned businesses, females still seem to get an unfair slice of the funding pie.  For some reason, women and women owned businesses are seen as a greater funding risk than men and businesses owned by men.

How then are female entrepreneurs ever supposed to get up and running?  While we cannot erase a sexist system overnight, a lot can be said for being completely prepared when going to apply for a startup loan.  If the choice is between a female applicant that has all her ducks in a row and a male applicant that just threw things together, then the female applicant at least has a better chance than she would otherwise.  Consequently, it pays to be prepared.

Here are 3 Common Sense Ways to Get Start Up Business Loans for Women

There are a lot of things that any borrower can do to make their odds of loan approval higher.  Here are just a couple:

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1.      Get Your Finances in Order

Every lender is going to need to see a number of things related to finances to ensure you are able to repay the loan.  Most noteworthy are the following:

  • All income sources
  • Balances of all bank accounts
  • Any other assets, income producing or not
  • Tax returns for the past three years

Certainly, if you are planning on getting a secured loan, they will need all the information on whatever assets you intend to use for collateral.  That means titles, liens, registrations, etc.  Having these things ready to go can be very beneficial to you during the application process.  It can make things go much smoother.

2.      Have an Awesome Business Plan

This often gets missed, even though it is vitally important.  You can’t just throw it together, even more so when looking for start up business loans for women. Sometimes an application will have a series of questions or a template to fill out meant to act as a business plan, but this is not what you want to use.

A professional small business development plan should include:

The Overview

  • An Executive Summary – This is a complete summary of the business idea.
  • Description – The description goes into further detail than the summary, describing the business. What type of business is it? What product or service will it offer? This is where you work to get others excited about your business.
  • Strategies – Lay out your plan for getting started. Do you have a marketing plan, area in mind for location, or idea of how many employees you will start with? What is your ramp up plan?

The Plan

  • Market Analysis – This actually includes two parts. All that market research you did goes here:

o Analysis of audience: What need will your business fill, and for who? How will your business fill the need? This is where you will include that information.

o Competitive Analysis: Is there a business already filling this need? Is there room for more? What makes your business better than theirs?

  • Plan for Design and Development – How is all of this going to play out, from start to finish. Step by step, what are you going to do? This section includes more detail than the strategies section.
  • Plan for Operation and Management – Who will own the business and who will handle daily management? This could just a statement that you are the only owner and the manager, or it could be a complete plan for a partnership plan or board or directors’ format. It depends on how you intend for your business to work. Will you be the hire a manger? This is you would say that.

Show Them the Money

  • Financial Information – A lot of new business owners get lost here. How do you have financial information if there is not a business yet? This is where you detail your funding plan. How much money do you have? Where did it come from? How much more do you need? How will you use the funds? A complete set of financial projections will go here also, typically for out to at least five years in the future. If possible, it is best to have an accountant compile your projections.

To get ahead of the competition even further, hire a professional business plan writer if you can. They can work with you to gather all the necessary information and compile it into the traditional, acceptable format. As someone trying to get start up business loans for women, you need every advantage you can get.

If you cannot hire a business plan writer however, there are a number of resources that can help you. The Small Business Administration offers a template, and your local small business development center can help as well.

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 3.Get Certified as an Official Woman-Owned Small Business

This tip is unique to women owned businesses, meaning it is another advantage you can have over businesses run primarily by male entrepreneurs.  While this certification does not mean you are guaranteed anything in the realm of start up business loans for women, it could be a determining factor depending on what variables the lender may be working with.

How to Get Certified

There are two options for businesses who wish to qualify as a certified woman-owned small business (WOSB).  The Federal Contract Program will let business owners self-certify.  The other option is to work with one of the four SBA approved third party certifiers. There is no advantage of one over the other, except that it is free to self-certify, while there is a fee for a third-party certification.

What is Required to Self-Certify?

The first step is to look over the requirements for eligibility.  Number one is that a business must have one or more women who are U.S. Citizens in control through ownership (at least 51%) and management.  They cannot just be an owner but the primary manager be male, nor can the primary manager be a female but the owner be a male.  This ownership must be direct and non-conditional.   The day to day of the business has to be handled by a woman, and a woman must make the long-term decisions related to the business.  In addition, the female must hold the highest position of office and cannot be employed outside of the business.  This woman must also work full time during business hours to qualify.

What Does Certification Get You?

The certification program is designed to make women owned businesses more visible as such.  It doesn’t afford these businesses any sort of special treatment and it is not a charity program.  It can, however, make them stand out to those contractors and lenders who are working to reach goals specific to certain types of businesses, including those owned by women.

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Where are These Loans?

Okay, so if you are looking for start up business loans for women, you probably think a traditional bank is your only option. It’s really not.  In fact, depending on your situation, it may not even be your best option.

The thing about traditional loans from standard lending institutions is that you generally need to have security, a lot of income, and a stellar personal credit score.  If you have all that, great!  However, many entrepreneurs looking for start up business loans for women do not have all three of these things.  That can make getting loans from a regular bank difficult.

Non-traditional Lenders

These are lenders that generally function online only.  In addition to faster processing and approval times, meaning you get your funds faster, they also often have less stringent credit and income requirements.  It is actually often easier to get start up business loans for women from a non-traditional lender.

The thing to remember is few lenders offer loans specifically for women.  The key is to overcome the gender gap in business loan approvals as a whole.

Where Are the Best Places to Look for Start Up Business Loans for Women?

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You need to shop around for the best options for your specific business, but this list is a great place to start.


Microloans are a great option for start up business loans for women, and Grameen is one of the few lenders that offers microloans specifically for women.  The loan amounts range from $2,000 to $15,000, and they also offer financial training and support.

Payments are reported to Equifax and Experian, meaning these loans help borrowers build their credit.

SBA Partner Lenders

These are going to be traditional lenders that partner with the Small Business Administration to offer loans to those that may not typically qualify.  The SBA does not offer loans themselves, but rather they secure loans for borrowers with partner banks, thus allowing for a little more wiggle room when it comes to income and credit score.

That doesn’t mean these loans are easy mind you.  While interest rates are typically lower, and the minimum credit score is somewhat lower than what a bank would typically require, the application process is notably lengthier and more complex.  The reduced interest rate and lower credit minimum makes it a good option for start up business loans for women however.

SBA Loan Programs

There are multiple loan programs available through the SBA.  The best option for many women as far as startup loans is the SBA microloan program. Similar to Grameen, it offers smaller amounts of money, up to $50,000, for micro businesses and startups.

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Kiva is a rare bird. They offer loans to businesses, but their platform is much different than that of traditional or even nontraditional lenders.  It is a breed of its own.  Rather, it is sort of a cross breed between crowdfunding and lending.  They offer loans with a 0% interest rate. Even though you have to pay it back, it is absolutely free money. They do not run a credit check either. The only requirement is that you have to get at least 5 family members or friends to donate money for your business, and you yourself have to give at least a $25 loan to another business on the platform.

Bonus!  Use All Available Resources

Since we already gave you three ways to get start up business loans for women, I’ll offer up a bonus tip.  Use all the resources available to help you find all the funding you need.  There are a ton of places to find support, networking, and even money to help you get your business off the ground and growing.

This agency helps female entrepreneurs by offering programs that SBA district offices coordinate. These programs include counseling, federal contracts, business training, and access to capital and credit.

These centers seek to level the playing field for all women entrepreneurs, who still face unique obstacles in the business world.

This is a federal advisory council that is non-partisan in nature.  It serves as a source of advice and counsel to the Small Business Administration, Congress, and even the President.  It is the government’s only independent voice for female business owners.

All it Takes to Find Start Up Business Loans for Women Is a Little Common Sense

Here is what it boils down to.  There are not a ton of startup loans specifically for women, but there are some ways that women can increase their chances of loan approval with just a little common sense.

  • Know what lenders are looking for and be prepared.
  • Have a killer business plan that is both complete and professional looking.
  • Get certified as a woman owned small business.
  • Bonus! Use all the resources available to you.

Of course, business credit can do a lot to boost your chances as well.  And find out more about building business credit.








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