New comment by pknerd in "Ask HN: Freelancer? Seeking freelancer? (June 2021)"


Location: PK

Remote: Yes

Willing to Relocate: No

Technologies: Python(Scraping,Automation, ETL, Blockchain Integration), PHP Laravel, Code/Db Optimization, Go and Solidity Smart Contracts.



I have interest in working domains like Finance, Healthcare and Bioinformatics. I wrote a bit about each in my blog as well. Or just anything which is interesting and challenging.

Contact: kadnan @

New comment by pknerd in "Ask HN: Freelancer? Seeking freelancer? (June 2021)"

SEEKING WORK Location: PK Remote: Yes Willing to Relocate: No Technologies: Python(Scraping,Automation, ETL, Blockchain Integration), PHP Laravel, Code/Db Optimization, Go and Solidity Smart Contracts. Blog:- Resume: I have interest in working domains like Finance, Healthcare and Bioinformatics. I wrote a bit about each in my blog as well. Or just anything which is … Continue reading New comment by pknerd in "Ask HN: Freelancer? Seeking freelancer? (June 2021)"

New comment by mondd in "Ask HN: Freelancer? Seeking freelancer? (June 2021)"


  We are Mondd, a team of designers and developers looking for remote projects.
  Our four-member team has extensive experience in branding, UI/UX, frontend and backend development. The diverse skill set of our members ensures that the product we deliver will look and perform as it was intended.
  If you need a custom webapp, static website or looking to talk to someone about your product idea, please visit our website or send us an email!
  Technologies: React, Redux, Next, JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS/SCSS, Tailwind CSS, Chakra UI, .Net Core, Azure Functions, Azure, Netlify, Docker, Kubernetes, Adobe Creative Cloud, Axure, Sketch, Figma.

The post New comment by mondd in "Ask HN: Freelancer? Seeking freelancer? (June 2021)" appeared first on WE TEACH MONEY LIFE SELF DEFENSE WITH FINANCIAL GOALS IN MIND.

The post New comment by mondd in "Ask HN: Freelancer? Seeking freelancer? (June 2021)" appeared first on Buy It At A Bargain – Deals And Reviews.

New comment by perischepkemoi in "Ask HN: Freelancer? Seeking freelancer? (May 2021)"

Am a junior software developer with experience in HTML, CSS, BOOTSTRAP, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP and MySQL.
I also have skills in node.js, API and git

New comment by ag_user123 in "Ask HN: Freelancer? Seeking freelancer? (May 2021)"

SEEKING WORK | Remote | Part-Time 2days/week

I am a freelance full-stack web developer with over six years of experience delivering software. I have worked for clients all around the world in many different industries. I have delivered solutions for solo founders, startups, digital agencies and big companies, such as Apple. I have background in computer science and am able to create everything from small business websites to custom web applications.

Technologies: JavaScript, ES6+, React.js, Next.js, Gatsby, Apollo, GraphQL, Redux, Node.js, Express, data visualizations (D3.js, Mapbox, Leaflet), WordPress, React Native, Bootstrap, Material UI, Webpack, PostgreSQL, AWS, Heroku, Firebase, TypeScript, headless CMS (Contentful, Prismic, Strapi), and more.

I am available for part-time engagements 2 days/week.

Location: Europe

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Not at the moment


Email: mail[at]

Personal Website:



New comment by syrashid in "Ask HN: Freelancer? Seeking freelancer? (May 2021)"

SEEKING WORK | DC, Barcelona, Melbourne | 4-person remote agency w/ 6+ years exp.

We are a web app development and design agency that helps non-technical founders build their first MVPs and turn their dreams into working businesses. We use lean design principles and agile development to minimize time to product/market fit. We act as your technical implementation partner building robust MVPs with strong foundations; allowing you to focus on strategy, business development, and growing your user base with no worries.

What we’ve done lately:

  -PWA designed to perform car inspections by mobile mechanics, nationwide, 20K AUD MRR

  -End to end development of a mobile responsive moving services booking platform

  -Pro bono work to build an outreach platform with intelligent pdf parsing to provide support for gamblers in need

What we typically use:

  -Languages: Ruby, HTML, CSS, JS, SQL

  -Frontend: Stimulus, Vue, React

  -Backend: Rails

  -Testing: Rspec, Minitest, Jest

  -Design: Figma, Illustrator, Lightroom, Photoshop

Contact Us:



  -Let’s Schedule a Conversation:

New comment by Ratraaa in "Ask HN: Freelancer? Seeking freelancer? (May 2021)"

SEEKING WORK – Remote, Asia, usually used to work UTC+0 to UTC-8 but can easily adapt to other time zones

Remote: Yes (Working remotely for the last 1.5 years)
Willing to relocate: No

About: I’m a senior software engineer with 6+ years of experience building distributed applications. I have previously worked at Amazon. I consider myself a generalist and have helped startups to help them prototype and design their architecture to have their application deployed in production and in process helping them establish SDLC and CI/CD processes.

Technology: Java, Typescript, Javascript, AWS and Devops, Git, CI/CD

Availability: Flexible


New comment by guhsnamih in "Ask HN: Freelancer? Seeking freelancer? (May 2021)"

SEEKING WORK | NOIDA, India | REMOTE Only Skills: Python, Perl, JS, SQL Incompetencies: Frontend Development, Teamwork Résumé/CV:

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New comment by guhsnamih in "Ask HN: Freelancer? Seeking freelancer? (May 2021)"

SEEKING WORK | NOIDA, India | REMOTE Only Skills: Python, Perl, JS, SQL Incompetencies: Frontend Development, Teamwork Résumé/CV:

The post New comment by guhsnamih in “Ask HN: Freelancer? Seeking freelancer? (May 2021)” first appeared on Online Web Store Site.

The post New comment by guhsnamih in "Ask HN: Freelancer? Seeking freelancer? (May 2021)" appeared first on ROI Credit Builders.

New comment by ralfebert in "Ask HN: Freelancer? Seeking freelancer? (April 2021)"