Location: Buffalo, NY, US
Remote: Yes
Willing to relocate: Yes
• PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES: Python 3, Java, C, Shell Script
• LIBRARIES: Pybullet, Scikit-Learn, NumPy, Pandas, TensorFlow, Keras, Django(API development), Flask
• DATA MANAGEMENT: MySQL, Hadoop, MongoDB, Apache Cassandra, AWS
• WEB TECHNOLOGIES: HTML5, CSS3, XML, PHP, Bootstrap, JavaScript (Native | Meteor | Socket)
• OTHERS: Git, Apache SOLR
Résumé/CV: send an email (or) ask me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/abhinavkavuri/
Email: akavuri@buffalo.edu
Portfolio: https://abhinavkavuri.github.io/
Entry-level Developer with prior internship experience of 6-8 months. Currently looking for a summer internship and eventually a perfect & challenging full-time job. Strong background in Machine Learning and Web development.
Open to relocation anywhere in the US.
Think we should work together? I’d love to hear from you at akavuri@buffalo.edu
Thank you.