Abraham Lincoln And Lessons For A Divided America

As Donald Trump’s presidency deepened social, racial and political divides in the country, people began to look to the Civil War era for lessons on how to move forward.

Pulitzer prize–winning author Jon Meacham was one of those people. In his new book, “And There Was Light: Abraham Lincoln and the American Struggle,”  Meacham chronicles the life of Abraham Lincoln, and the evolution of his moral principles and political leadership.

Digging into history is a familiar exercise for Meacham. He has previously written about presidents Andrew Jackson and George H.W. Bush, and his 2018 book, “The Soul of America” traced pivotal moments of struggle in our country’s history — and argued we have always come through the darkness to a better place.

Diane spoke with Jon Meacham about the similarities between the state of democracy in the 1800s and today, and what the era of Lincoln can teach us about contemporary politics.

The post Abraham Lincoln And Lessons For A Divided America appeared first on Buy It At A Bargain – Deals And Reviews.

7 Marketing Lessons Learned from Billion Dollar Companies You’ve Never Heard Of

You’ve heard of Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, Google, and even Amazon. It doesn’t matter where you live in the world, the chances are you have heard of those companies.

But have you ever heard of Danaher, Fortive, AmerisourceBergen, Centene, or Archer Daniels Midland?

I bet you haven’t heard of any of those companies.

These companies aren’t small either. Here’s how much revenue each of them generates a year:

  • Danaher – $29.45 billion
  • Fortive – $5.25 billion
  • AmerisourceBergen – $213 billion
  • Centene – $118 billion
  • Archer Daniels Midland – $85.25 billion

Now that’s a lot of revenue. These companies didn’t get to where they are by accident either. And although they might not be as “sexy” as Nike or Apple, they still generate a lot of cash.

We don’t work with all the brands that I mentioned above at my ad agency, but we do work with some of them as well as dozens of other billion-dollar companies you have never heard of.

And although our primary objective is to help our clients (which we do, hence we were awarded agency of the year and the 21st fastest growing company by Inc Magazine), we also learn a lot by consulting with over a hundred publicly traded companies.

Here are some of the marketing insights that you aren’t thinking about that billion-dollar companies leverage on a regular basis.

Lesson #1: The riches are not in the niches

Marketers always talk about finding a niche and how it is easier to market in a niche.

That is totally wrong. It’s not easier to market in a niche.

Think of it this way… what’s easier to do… rank number 1 for the term “credit cards” or “heatmap analytics tool”.

It of course is easier to rank for terms like “heatmap analytics tool”, which funny enough is what one of my former companies does.

But what happens if very few people ever search for terms like heatmap analytics? Sure you’ll get high rankings so you could claim it is easier to do marketing for that product, but if you barely get any traffic and sales from that term does it really matter?

See, rankings don’t mean much. All that really matters is are your marketing efforts paying off.

To keep it simple, are your marketing efforts driving you revenue profitably?

And although niche industries aren’t as competitive, it is harder to generate sales or even traffic. But if you go broad and you go after industries that are applicable to everyone, such as health insurance, it’s much easier to get traffic.

Sure you probably won’t get anywhere near the amount of traffic as the competition, but even if you get 1/100th of the traffic you can still build a big business.

That’s why I don’t go after niches. I go after massive TAMs (Total Addressable Market).

And yes health insurance isn’t sexy but United Health Care, a company most people don’t think about, generates $287 billion dollars a year in revenue.

The bigger the market, the more customers, and the easier it is to make some money. Now, it will be harder for you to win and be the top dog within that industry but hey you don’t have to win in order to generate enough income to be happy.

A prime example of this is one of my friends used to have a best man speech website where he sold speeches to people. He ranked at the top of Google, was the most popular site within the space and he couldn’t figure out how to generate more than $200,000 a year.

Good income nonetheless, but when he put the same effort into the education space, he was nowhere near the most popular site, heck people took him for granted… but he was generating millions a year in profit with the same effort.

As Rich Barton (founder of Expedia and Zillow) once said, it takes the same effort to swing a home run as it does to hit a single or a double. So might as well swing for the fences every time.

Lesson #2: Easier to market multiple products

Similar to lesson number 1, your market size keeps expanding as you continually introduce more products.

The familiar big brands that you know of have many products.

Amazon has ecommerce, streaming, cloud computing, grocery stores, etc.

Google has search, android, self-driving cars, Nest, etc

Apple has phones, laptops, iPads, computers, headphones, etc.

But it isn’t just the well-known brands that have multiple products.

Look at how many business units Danaher has. Same with Fortive, they have tons of business units.

I can’t think of one multi-billion dollar company that I know that doesn’t have multiple products or services.

And if you can think of one, I bet they will have multiple product offers, it is just a question of when. It’s how successful companies continually grow. You have no choice but to expand.

So if you want to grow your traffic or sales, think about what other products you can start offering that your current customers would want.

You can then cross-sell, which should help on the revenue end. But you can also expand your marketing. Just think about all the new paid media or SEO campaigns you can kick off the moment you have more products to sell.

It’s one of the simplest ways to scale your growth.

Lesson #3: The best marketing is word-of-mouth marketing

I first started out in marketing learning SEO and become good at it (or at least I think I am decent at it).

I then got into social media marketing with Digg, which doesn’t really exist in its old form, but it used to drive 20,000 plus visitors to your site in a day if you got on the homepage.

Then I started to learn conversion optimization, email marketing, paid ads, and pretty much all forms of online marketing.

I always thought that you build big business through marketing. And to do well with that you have to take an omnichannel approach.

And although it helps it’s not how you grow into a billion-dollar business.

Luckily from working with some of these unknown multi-billion dollar companies, I’ve gotten to know many CMOs as well as CEOs of some of these companies.

When I ask them what’s their number one marketing channel, do you know what they all tell me?

It’s word-of-mouth marketing or variations of it. In essence, other people telling others about your company, your product, your service… it is how you win.

So then I went on to ask these people, how do you generate more word-of-mouth marketing? When I took all of their responses and aggregated the data, here is what people said were the top 3 ways of getting more word of mouth:

  1. Be in business for a long time – no matter what you are selling and no matter how great it is, word-of-mouth marketing doesn’t happen overnight. People need to be patient and give it 10 plus years for it to fully kick in.
  2. Have an amazing product or service – if your product is great you will have more word-of-mouth marketing. And if it is terrible you will either have little to no word-of-mouth marketing or even worse, you will have it but it will be people talking negatively about you.
  3. Build a big organization – having thousands of people work for you is marketing. Whether it is people listing your company on their LinkedIn or your employees telling other people about your company, having a big labor force working for you is a great way to spread your brand out to the masses.

Lesson #4: Ugly is sexy

Do you need a new pair of shoes? It would be nice to have the latest Jordan shoes, but do you really need them?

Do you need the new iPhone? Again it would be nice to have it, but I bet your old iPhone lets you order food, send text messages, make calls or even check your emails well enough.

Maybe the camera isn’t as good as the new phones, but I bet you don’t use your phone for high-end photography and more so just use it to take selfies… so the new camera isn’t really needed.

But what about industries like payroll? Do you think a business can just stop using its payroll provider?

Well if they do stop, their employees won’t be paid and they won’t have a business.

That’s why companies like Ceridian are so popular. Again, you probably haven’t heard of them but they generate $1.02 billion a year.


Because they provide payroll services. Businesses can’t just stop using them unless they want to have their employee go unpaid and be pissed at them.

And even if you choose not to use Ceridian for payroll, the chances are whoever you use, pays them for their tax infrastructure as they are one of two companies who help calculate tax information for payroll in the United States.

And building a system that helps calculate payroll tax payments in the United States is complicated. If you get it wrong there are penalties, which is a big liability for any company.

When building that system, you have to think about each state within the United States as well as each county and city as they all have their own tax rules which also constantly change.

In other words, there is a lot of money in building ugly businesses that people need.

You don’t see kids growing up talking about building software to help with payroll taxes. Instead, they talk about creating a new fashion brand or getting paid to be an influencer.

Lesson #5: the United States is not the center of the world

I live in the United States and love this country.

Yes, it has issues, but all countries have problems…

But the United States is by no means the center of the world. The majority of the 7.7 billion people in this world don’t live in the United States. They actually live in other countries.

At my ad agency NP Digital we have people who work with us all over the world. And we have offices in places like India, Brazil, Canada, Australia… and the list goes on and on.

We don’t have these offices for outsourcing as many people would assume. We have these offices to help people out with their marketing within those regions.

For example, why would companies like Cisco want to market to people in India? It’s a booming market.

Even my CEO, he was the president of a division within a publicly traded company. That division had over 4000 employees. And can you guess what percentage of their revenue came from the United States?

Roughly 26%. That means roughly 3/4 of their revenue was coming from regions outside of the United States.

Going global makes it easier for you to get more traffic because there is a bigger pool of people for you to target and in many cases, it is less competitive.

That was one of the instrumental strategies for our fast growth at NP Digital, in which we expanded globally (and we are still adding more regions).

We did this using this strategy. As it helped us get leads and traffic from countries all around the world.

Lesson #6: Your marketing is only as good as your team

Years ago I created a startup called KISSmetrics that failed.

It was a web analytics company that raised $16.4 million from investors.

I had an investor who sat on our board named Phil Black from True Ventures. Overall awesome guy and I loved him as a board member.

I remember him continually giving one piece of advice…

As an entrepreneur you don’t have to figure everything out or do everything on your own, instead you need to hire amazing people. People who have done what you are looking to accomplish and have done it before in your exact industry.

In other words, Phil kept pushing us to hire amazing people for every role.

For example, if you are an ad agency and you need to do better with sales, hire the head of sales from one of your competitors who you know is crushing it. It may cost you a lot of money, but there is a higher chance that they will know exactly what you need to do in order to succeed.

Versus just hiring a head of sales from a random industry because they won’t know your industry and what they need to do in order to succeed.

I wish I understood the power of what Phil was trying to teach to me when we founded the company in 2008. Because if I truly understood it, I would be much further along in my career.

With NP Digital we took that advice to the extreme. Our CEO was the President of iProspect, the largest performance marketing agency (aka a competitor).

Our head of client services came from there as well.

Our COO was in charge of all performance marketing fulfillment at Dentsu, which meant she was in charge of over $1 billion in revenue.

My co-founder and I continually look for the best people. As that is the way to really grow fast.

That’s what large corporations do.

You need to also do that with your marketing. From the person running your marketing division to each individual player such as your SEO or paid media manager.

Do they have industry experience? If not, they may not perform that well.

Did they continually get promotions at their previous jobs? If they didn’t then they may not be as great as they claim to be. It doesn’t matter how good people claim to be, if they didn’t continually get promotions at their previous jobs it means that others didn’t find them as valuable as they claim to be.

These are 2 things to consider when hiring marketers or any role for that matter of the fact. Yes, you want people who are a cultural fit, but you also want people who worked for competitors and continually got promotions and raises in the past because it usually means they did a good job.

Lesson #7: You have to build a brand to do well in the long run

What do you think the most popular search term is on Google within the United States?

Common, take a guess…

It’s actually the term “Facebook”.

Guess what the second most popular search term is?

It’s the term “YouTube”.

The 3rd most popular search term is Amazon. The 5th is Google, 6th is Walmart, and the 7th is Gmail.

Notice a trend here?

The most popular search terms, not just in the United States, but globally tended to be brands.

Just look at the brand Nike. In the United States, it is searched 6 million times a month. And the term shoes is only searched 1.2 million times a month. In other words, Nike gets more searches for the brand each month than the whole category of shoes.

Now, what do you think my most popular search term is that drives traffic to my business?

It’s actually not Neil Patel, it’s Ubersuggest.

Our second most popular term is another brand that we own… Answer the Public.

And the third most popular search term for us is my personal brand, Neil Patel.

To build a big business you need to build a brand.

SEO will only get you so far. Paid ads will only get you so far. To win people must love your product or service if you expect your brand to be big and do well.

If you are struggling to build a brand keep in mind that it just takes time. Don’t expect the world of results in the first 3 years. You’ll have to give it 5 plus years for your brand to start taking off.

Here is an article that I wrote that can help you build a brand and here is a video that can also help you out.


Learning from brands like Apple is great. They are an amazing company. Heck, I’m writing this blog post on a Macbook.

But it’s hard for people to replicate the magic Apple has with their business and even marketing.

On the flip side, it’s much easier for you to replicate the marketing strategies that these unknown multi-billion companies are leveraging because they work for all business types and they aren’t tough strategies to implement.

So, what other strategies have you learned from companies that many of us aren’t familiar with?

Tyrus shares lessons from new memoir: You will be 'attacked on both sides no matter what'

Fox News contributor Tyrus imparted wisdom from his new memoir Saturday on “One Nation.”

Super Bowl Lessons and Super-duper-star Steph 2.0 With Kevin Clark and Logan Murdock

The Ringer’s Bill Simmons is joined by Kevin Clark to discuss the Buccaneers’ Super Bowl victory, Tampa Bay’s coaching, upcoming free agents, the NFL salary cap, the QB carousel, and more (3:00). Then Bill talks with The Ringer’s Logan Murdock about Steph Curry, Logan’s time covering the Kevin Durant Warriors, the Warriors’ playoff chances this year, and more (45:30). Finally, Kevin Clark rejoins the podcast to discuss Boxing and MMA (1:25:30).

Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

The post Super Bowl Lessons and Super-duper-star Steph 2.0 With Kevin Clark and Logan Murdock appeared first on Buy It At A Bargain – Deals And Reviews.

How to Go Viral & the Science of Virality – Marketing Lessons from Internet Cats & Memes

We marketers would like to believe we dominate the web, but we secretly admit to ourselves that cats and memes are the true rulers. It can be frustrating to pour hours of work and money into content, only to watch the next Evil Kermit or Sponge Bob meme pull more traffic. Is there a way … Continue reading How to Go Viral & the Science of Virality – Marketing Lessons from Internet Cats & Memes

How to Go Viral & the Science of Virality – Marketing Lessons from Internet Cats & Memes

How to Go Viral & the Science of Virality - Marketing Lessons from Internet Cats

We marketers would like to believe we dominate the web, but we secretly admit to ourselves that cats and memes are the true rulers. It can be frustrating to pour hours of work and money into content, only to watch the next Evil Kermit or Sponge Bob meme pull more traffic. Is there a way to learn from the memes without pandering?

As it happens, a cottage industry is popping up. Specialists like Matthew Inman and Jack O’Brien are approaching viral content and how to go viral as a product in and of itself. Meanwhile, researchers like Jonah Berger are studying the science of virality and uncovering what makes memes tick. Leveraged properly, this knowledge can propel you to “the front page” of the web.

But beware. Make a wrong move and you could become the web’s next sacrificial lamb.

Meet Jonah Berger, Viral Scientist

how to go viral - Jonah Berger

Image by The Wharton School University of Pennsylvania

Professor Jonah Berger researches marketing at the University of Pennsylvania. But he’s not studying the science of advertising or market research. He’s asking a more modern question: “What makes ideas viral and products spread contagiously?”

Even New York Times writers assumed that, of course, the answer would be “to write anything about sex,” or “to title articles ‘How Your Pet’s Diet Threatens Your Marriage,’ and ‘Why It’s Bush’s Fault.’”

But when Jonah Berger and his colleagues analyzed New York Times articles sent via email for three months, they uncovered some unexpected results. While these three traits of viral content shouldn’t be all that shocking:

  1. surprising
  2. interesting
  3. intense

The next two discoveries might be a bit more eye-catching:

  1. positive
  2. actionable (practically useful)

Remember, this was an analysis of a news website, where the headlines are all doom and gloom and the stories are about other people, not us. While the intensity of emotions had a lot to do with whether the content was going to get shared, the most shareable content elicited strong positive emotions, like awe, and offered practical advice.

In fact, the power of awe was so overwhelming that one type of article outperformed all the others, to everybody’s amazement: science articles.

As Berger told the New York Times:

We anticipated that people would share articles with practical information about health or gadgets, and they did, but they also sent articles about paleontology and cosmology. You’d see articles shooting up the list that were about the optics of deer vision.

While stories that evoked intense feelings of anger or anxiety were more likely to be shared, stories that evoked feelings of sadness were not.

But the power of awe was one of the most measurable differences between viral content and non-viral content. Awe was distinct from surprise in the sense that “it involves the opening and broadening of the mind.” And it beat equivalent levels of anger and anxiety every time.

Jonah Berger isn’t the only one to suggest this. Will Natha is a former developer at BuzzFeed. Will Nathan didn’t perform any kind of study, but at WMILESN, he shared his sudden insight that viral content “represent[s] or uncover[s] something pleasurable that we could never have conceived with our own minds.”

But what is perhaps most interesting about all of this is that the most emailed articles actually tended to be longer than average. Berger was careful to caution that this could have been because the topics were more engaging in the first place, but it certainly flies in the face of the “everything above the fold” mentality prominent on the web.

How to Go Viral According to Matthew Inman, Creator of The Oatmeal

In 2009, Matthew Inman created a webcomic called The Oatmeal. By 2010, the comic was receiving four million unique visitors each month. In 2012, the site netted him $500,000. But the comic, quiz, and story site wasn’t how Inman got his start. Inman learned how to attract attention online a few years earlier, when he launched a dating site called Mingle2.

Inman’s dating site grew from zero to 2 million page views in 6 months. His secret? Viral marketing.

The site was instantly scooped up by a competitor, but he continued to market the site for them. In the first year, it was bringing in 40 million page views each month, with over a million registered users. How did he do it? With quizzes like this:

how to go viral - cannibal quiz

Inman’s quirky quizzes were designed to appeal to social news sites like Digg (now replaced by the larger descendent: Reddit). They spread like wildfire, and with badges that linked back to his dating site, they also skyrocketed it to the top of Google.

Inman’s linking tactics were eventually seen as underhanded by Google, and many of the sites he did work for were penalized. Inman doesn’t recommend using this spammy tactic, but the implications are clear. Viral content, executed properly, can build massive exposure.

The Oatmeal is evidence of this. The site uses none of Inman’s underhanded link-building tactics, relying instead on its ability to continue replicating through emails and social networks. What was the secret to his content’s success? Inman has called it “basically just comedy 101.” His slide show for Gnomedex explained:

Find a common gripe

Pick things everyone [your target influencers, anyway] can relate to

Create easily digestible content

  1. lots of visuals
  2. not too text heavy
  3. top 10 lists
  4. read crappy magazines (How to get six pack abs by exercising only 5 seconds a day!)

Create an infographic

Talk about memes and current events

Incite an emotion

But, in my opinion, the real gem of the presentation was this:

how to go viral - noun formula

Which results in things like this:

how to go viral - pig lightning socks

This formula may sound like it’s reserved for the comedians of the internet, but consider the work of New Yorker writer Malcolm Gladwell, the influential writer behind Blink and The Tipping Point. While Gladwell doesn’t abstain from humor, his articles are far more serious. But they often point out bizarre connections between subjects we might think of as unrelated. His article “Offensive Play: How different are dogfighting and football?” and his wildly popular TED video “Choice, Happiness, and Spaghetti Sauce” have a similar ring to them.

Inman’s tactics seem more akin to what we think of as viral. In contrast with Jonah Berger’s research results, he emphasizes short content, audience rapport, and visuals. But we can’t ignore the elements of surprise and positive emotion (humor). Inman’s work sometimes even goes so far as to elicit interest, discuss science, go on at length, and maybe even inspire awe.

So are we kidding ourselves and insulting the intelligence of our audience when we assume things need to be short and simple?

How to Go Viral According to Jack O’Brien’s, Founder of Cracked

Many people are aware of Cracked, which used to be one of the most popular humor sites on the web. What many people may not realize is that Cracked’s articles are, for the most part, and for lack of a better phrase to describe them, “guest posts.”

The site, which ranks in the top 1 percent of traffic on the web (according to Alexa), is built around a simple idea. Get enough people suggesting topic ideas, and some of them will be interesting. Weed out the chaff, put it into a list format, cite your sources, and make it hilarious.

Why the list format? According to Jack, “When a piece of content gets shared on a social media site, or forwarded in an email, the title is usually the only thing the reader has to go on when deciding whether or not to click. The lists say ‘here is what you’re going to get, and here’s how many of them you’ll be getting.’”

In line with Jonah Berger’s research, Cracked articles can actually be quite informative. Consider 6 Ridiculous Myths About the Middle Ages Everyone Believes. From this piece we learn that:

  1. Scientific progress wasn’t dead.
  2. They were perhaps too into bathing.
  3. Knights were so out of control even the Church had trouble controlling them.
  4. Prostitution was legal.
  5. When it came to household duties, men and women were equals by default.
  6. People who lived through birth could be expected to reach the age of 50 rather easily.

The post is about 2,500 words long, which is fairly typical for the site.

It has been viewed about 1.5 million times, and it’s been liked on Facebook about 17.8 thousand times.

Here again, we see the same properties. Humor. Surprise. Mind-expansion. Interest.

You might think a site like Cracked would have fairly loose guidelines, asking for little more than “make sure it’s funny.” But their Writer’s Workshop actually has very rigorous guidelines; guidelines that have made the site one of the most successful on the web. Some of the takeaways include:

  • Keep the structure simple, like “What You Think You Know” “But Actually.”
  • Read the article out loud.
  • Read your sources and don’t say something that they didn’t say.
  • Use trustworthy sources, not personal blogs, Yahoo Answers, or Wikipedia for anything but general knowledge.
  • The editors will likely update the article to make it funnier and easier to read.
  • Mine the sources for the most incredible information and ditch everything else.
  • Spell check.
  • Aim for 2000 to 3000 words.
  • Start the intro with a joke or something clever. Don’t waste time introducing the subject.
  • Keep biases out.
  • Don’t be time sensitive.
  • Don’t use other people’s jokes.

Notice that Cracked starts with things like interest and authoritative sources before emphasizing humor. Humor is merely a spice to dress an already interesting concept and make it even more shareable. Once again, we’re seeing the theme of awe. Start with a concept that will blow people’s minds, then find a way to make it even more interesting.

We’re seeing definite themes here. Viral content isn’t always short, it’s often actually very informative, and in many ways it’s not what we expect it to be. So, what about the memes? The amateur cat photos, the badly drawn recycled comics, the completely ridiculous videos? The things on the web like…

How to Go Viral According to Eric Nakagawa, Creator of I Can Has Cheezburger?

In 2007, a software developer named Eric Nakagawa posted a photo of a fat cat he found on the internet to his site. He attached a caption: “I can has cheezburger?” It was meant as a joke, and he went on to post similar cat photos with captions over the following weeks. As soon as he transformed the site into a blog, allowing people to leave comments, the site went viral.

how to go viral - i can has cheezburger meme

He started in January. In March, he saw 375,000 hits. By May, the figure was 1.5 million. Investors acquired the site for $2 million in 2007. The site is now a component of the Cheezburger Network, which also includes the wildly popular FAIL Blog (which popularized FAIL as an exclamation) and Know Your Meme.

Cheezburger’s success was as much a surprise to Nakagawa as it would be to anybody. The cause of the success apparently remains a mystery to him, but he has argued that the reason for its sustained success was community building. Readers rate and comment on posts, as well as create them through a user interface that allows people to make their own memes.

What was the cause of Cheezburger’s success? A hint at the answer comes from the underground internet forum 4chan, a place where the “I can has cheezburger” baby/internet-speak clearly drew its inspiration.

According to a study by Christian Bauckhage of the Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems, this probably isn’t uncommon. After analyzing the history of 150 internet memes, collecting data from Google Insights, Delicious, Digg, and StumbleUpon, he concluded that internet memes spread through homogeneous online communities and social networks, not the internet at large.

It’s worth pointing out that what we tend to consider “social networks” don’t necessarily play a big part in the creation of memes. Memes become popular on sites like 4chan, Reddit, StumbleUpon, Imgur, and of course, YouTube.

All of these sites share a common theme: they are more or less anonymous for the majority of the users.

And this, perhaps, is a crucial part of what makes memes tick. They don’t start out on Facebook, where they would quickly spread through a tight-knit group of friends and then die. They start in online communities, where they are shared with large anonymous groups of people who share a common “internet culture.”

How to Go Viral According to Limor Shifman

But this isn’t all that makes a meme. According to a study of YouTube videos by Limor Shifman, memes often have:

  • a focus on ordinary people
  • flawed masculinity
  • humor
  • simplicity
  • repetitiveness
  • “whimsical” content

Shifman argues that these traits make memes seem “incomplete,” which, paradoxically, demands further dialogue and mimicking. Like this:

Original Video

how to go viral - Chocolate Rain mimic


Memes are viral, but aren’t quite the same as “viral content.” A piece of viral content is shared. A meme is mimicked, emulated, and reproduced. Memes are a source of creative outlet for online communities, and their message and content can’t be controlled.

Resolving the Relevancy Paradox

It’s impossible to use a meme to target consumers because consumers control the message of a meme. And how relevant can viral content be if it needs to fit the restrictions of being hilarious, surprising, and awe-inspiring? Is it possible to resolve virality and relevancy, or are the two forever at odds?

We’ll get to that, but first we need to ask a controversial question.

Is Targeting Overrated?

The answer to this question depends on who you ask, how you define targeting, and the product you’re selling. Here, when I’m talking about targeted content, I’m talking about sales messages intended for people already interested in buying a product like yours. Here are some cases where targeting can be especially important:

  • Consumers don’t think they need the product until, suddenly, they do, and they make a purchase very soon after this realization.
  • Consumers need to buy the product only once, and retention is unimportant.

Without a doubt, targeting should play a part in any marketing effort. But there are reasons why less targeted efforts can sometimes be more fruitful:

  • The audience is larger, so you can reach the people who don’t know they need the product yet.
  • To the majority of people, highly targeted content is spam. While you should build a sales page around targeted content, building a brand around it is a mistake that will make most of your potential customers unreachable.
  • Audience retention is virtually impossible with targeted content. Most people will not subscribe to a blog about a specific kind of product, even if the product is exceptional. Very few people are that obsessed.

So perhaps it’s okay to broaden things out a bit and appeal to a wider audience. If pure content sites like Gawker, Mashable, and The Wall Street Journal can earn a profit with advertisements, surely your business can earn a profit by selling products that you own.

When you’re on a tight budget, it makes sense to spend a small amount on a very targeted campaign, as opposed to a lot more on a mass-media campaign. The great thing about viral content, though, is that it can reach a wide audience with the same investment as a targeted audience, if it’s done right.

But surely there’s something to be said for relevancy. There’s no point in attracting an audience of followers who would never have any interest in your products or in chasing virality without any branding considerations.

How to Go Viral: Creativity Meets Relevancy

To produce relevant content that has any chance of going viral, you’ll need to get creative. Remember, viral content tends to be:

  • Surprising
  • Interesting
  • Intense (ideally awe-inspiring)
  • Positive
  • Actionable

How can we address all of these and stay within the bounds of what could reasonably be called relevant? Let’s go down the list, shall we?

How to Go Viral: Surprise

Remember the Oatmeal noun formula? Suppose your topic of interest was shoes. What might we come up with if we combined it with some random nouns?

  • What role did shoes play in the invention of the fire hydrant?
  • 15 reasons shoes are better than peanut butter
  • What would happen if jackrabbits wore shoes?

These ideas probably won’t lead to anything substantial, but tossing two or more ideas together and seeing what comes out is a tremendous creative exercise. In fact, according to some definitions, that is precisely the definition of the creative spark: finding concrete connections between seemingly disconnected ideas.

Obviously, if you know of anything about your own topic that would surprise people, you must share it. But if you want to be surprising on a consistent basis, you’ll need to distance yourself from your own subject of expertise every now and then. Seek knowledge from other disciplines, and think about how it might relate. Mix and match. That is where surprise comes from.

You probably don’t need to hear this, but you can go overboard with this. Mix and match excessively, and your content will come across with all the quality of a Mad Libs exercise. The ideas above may be funny, but you’ll be appreciated more if you find concrete connections between the unexpected.

How to Go Viral: Interest

What makes a subject interesting? It’s harder to answer that question than to answer a similar and more actionable one. How can you make a subject interesting? And the answer to that question is simple: ask interesting questions about it.

You can start with the five “W”s (and “How?”):

  • Who chooses to wear what kinds of shoes?
  • What can we learn about a person from the kind of shoes they wear?
  • When did humans decide that they needed to start wearing shoes?
  • Where do shoes come from? Where do they go when we throw them out?
  • Why does our brand of shoe say more about us than our brand of t-shirt?
  • How do shoe designers come up with their design ideas?

And we can make things more interesting by matching these up a bit:

Who cares about shoes so much that they buy dozens of pairs? What compels them to do so? When did this start, or has it been happening since the dawn of time? Where do they get the money to afford them? Why is this obsession a problem, or is it? How can somebody curb their shoe buying behavior?

Interesting questions may also be a bit controversial:

  • Can you guess a man’s performance in bed by his shoe size?
  • Does a bad pair of shoes say anything about you as a person?
  • Is an obsession with shoes superficial?
  • Is it really possible for shoes to “look gay?”

Rely on this too much, and you’ll be seen as a shock doctor, alienated from most of your target audience (though quite possibly loved by a small and rabid fan base). But avoiding controversial questions altogether will probably make you uninteresting.

I also think it’s important to mention that, while I’m going out of my way to demonstrate that it’s possible to make a subject like “shoes” interesting, I strongly believe that you should expand the topic of your content into broader categories like “fashion,” “sports,” “skateboarding,” or other topics that your target audience is likely to care about.

How to Go Viral: Intensity and Positivity

Viral content elicits emotion. The more intense that emotion, the more viral it is. If the emotion is positive, even better. Let’s take a look at some of the ways you can give posts an emotional spin:

Tell Stories

Transforming a post idea into a story idea is a great way to “emotionalize” your content. Stories are about people who face problems, struggle with them intelligently, and overcome them (or fail tragically). If your post doesn’t have a human element, personify your subject. Write about an organization or a subject as though it were a human. This isn’t always possible, but you’d be surprised how often it is.

Write in the Active Voice

Write your sentences about the nouns that are taking action, not the nouns that are being affected by actions. “James pounded out the website in less than a day,” is more engaging than “the website was pounded out by James in less than a day.” Content excites people when you write it this way.

Be Funny

Explaining humor in a single bullet point is next to impossible, but it’s closely related to surprise. Humor is often a form of surprise that occurs when you make nonsensical connections, which is one reason why the “Oatmeal noun formula” works so well. Furthermore, if somebody says something familiar to you in a surprising way, there’s a good chance you’ll laugh. Exaggerated content has a way of doing this as well. Finally, offensive or uncomfortable content can also be hilarious, but things can go south fast.

Get Outraged

Find a creative way to articulate something that angers you and your target audience. Combine this with humor for added effect.


Write about an imminent threat or tell a scary story. Don’t go overboard with this. Fear has a way of turning into sadness, which isn’t associated with viral activity. Besides, fear is all over the news and people are increasingly desensitized to it.

Build Suspense

This is closely related to fear, but I’m separating it for a reason. I love what Lee Child has written on the subject. Asking how to build suspense isn’t like asking how to bake a cake, it’s like asking how to make your family hungry. You delay gratification. You ask a question, build a mystery, and then solve it.

You do this with the structure of your entire layout, the structure of each section, and to some extent, the structure of each paragraph. (Less helpful for guides, obviously. At the same time, since guides are built to answer a question, suspense is almost built-in, to some extent). In short, suspense is much better than outright fear, because it keeps people reading to the end.

Be Cute

There’s a reason the internet loves cats, and this is a huge part of it. What’s better than a cute picture? A cute story.

Be Awe-Inspiring

As we’ve said, awe appears to be the most viral emotion out there, at least according to New York Times sharing behavior. When a piece of content blows your mind and changes your perspective, you almost have to share the experience.

How can you inspire awe? With a mixture of intense research and an open mind. You need to approach your subject from as many perspectives as possible and pull in insights from other fields in order to stumble upon that sudden burst of insight that can genuinely be called awe. Seek out new paradigms, and explain your topic in a way that most, if not all, of your readers haven’t heard before.

How to Go Viral: Actionable

Finally, shareable content is often actionable, practical, and personally useful. Most content marketers are already well aware of this, so I won’t go into extensive detail. Suffice it to say:

  • Solve problems for your readers.
  • Do your research and make sure you know the topic.
  • Explain how the reader can use this information in their own life.
  • Try to avoid ambiguity.
  • Point readers to other resources for elaboration.
  • Again, solve problems for your readers.

And that about wraps up this section.

The Role of Relationships in Viral Content

When we discussed memes, we pointed out that they tend to spread through more or less isolated online communities, rather than the web at large. And the fact of the matter is most online communities are actually fairly small: a network of friends, a forum, a blog, etc.

We like to think that viral content will actually spread the way a virus does, passing between strangers who don’t exchange words. In reality, it spreads only through the channels that connect people together.

Memes tend to propagate through the largest strictly online communities, the ones that can actually be identified as belonging to “internet culture.” Reddit, StumbleUpon, 4chan, and similar sites make up large communities of people who, while they are mostly anonymous, tend to share a common language. When a meme goes viral, it reaches the entire community, but it tends to stop there. There is spillover onto Facebook and the web at large, but at this point it’s no longer “viral.”

Marketers should, for the most part, avoid playing the meme game. The message of a meme can’t be controlled, and the marketer who tries to seem trendy by attaching a corporate message to an existing meme will almost always be vilified. Dos Equis may have seen an uptick in sales as a result of “The Most Interesting Man in the World,” but they clearly have no control over what the internet has done with him:

how to go viral - the most interesting man in the world meme

And things are almost certainly better that way. I can’t image the backlash that would result if Dos Equis hijacked its own meme and tried to use it to sell beer. Marketers who did the same with a community meme would find themselves in a world of hurt.

Viral content is different. It’s not necessarily designed for internet culture. It’s designed to be shared with people who care, or would care, about the subject matter. And that means you don’t necessarily want to start with the relationships between anonymous people in wildly popular internet forums and social news sites.

Launch your content in the online community that will love it most.

We aren’t as connected as we think. Remember the Milgram experiment that supposedly demonstrated how everybody was connected within 6 degrees of separation? That statement is an outright myth. In the real experiment, when the message got through, it was within 6 degrees on average. But the message made it through only 30 percent of the time. Seventy percent of the time, the message never even got through.

Even an intrinsically viral piece of content won’t go viral unless it reaches somebody influential. The easiest way to make that happen is to be connected with those influential people.

Relationship building deserves a guide of its own, but here are a few tips to make it work:

  • Search Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, forums, Google+, and more for people with a large following.
  • Google your topic and find the most influential bloggers on the subject.
  • Identify a need that these influencers have, and figure out how you can help them with that need.
  • Contact the influencer directly with a solution to their problem.
  • Be helpful, but don’t conceal your motives, or you will appear manipulative.
  • Flattery can help, but save it for after the reason you contacted them. Everybody knows you have an agenda of some kind, and they’d rather hear it upfront.
  • Draw attention to your similarities and point to some of your previous work.
  • Don’t be too formal and stiff. Don’t craft the email like an advertisement. Talk to them like a human being in the same manner they speak with other people online.
  • Work on projects that are helpful for both of you.
  • Involve influencers in the production of your viral content and give them credit.
  • Stay in touch.

Do all of this on a regular basis with several influencers. The more influencers you work with, the more opportunities your content has to spread virally through as many communities as possible.

What a Minute, What About the Memes?

Did I waste an entire section on the nature of memes, only to tell you in this section that marketers should never get involved with them? Not quite. Instead, it’s crucial to understand that memes are a community phenomenon. I Can Has Cheezburger may have taken off because of a viral meme, but it kept moving because the site opened up and let other people share their own versions of the meme. Remember the key aspects of a meme?

  • a focus on ordinary people
  • flawed masculinity
  • humor
  • simplicity
  • repetitiveness
  • “whimsical” content

Memes demand to be mimicked because they are open-ended and easily adapted. They also tend to be created by ordinary people.

Most brands shouldn’t bother trying to create memes of their own, but they should make it easy for their surrounding community to create memes. They can also cultivate this type of audience by sharing memes they like but did not create themselves. Consider the success of QuickMeme. The site doesn’t create its own memes, but it makes it incredibly simple for visitors to create their own.

QuickMeme is one of the top 1,000 sites on the web according to Alexa.

What can brands learn from memes? They can build an online community by giving visitors the tools to create something of their own without too much effort. This encourages participation and keeps people coming back.

How to Go Viral Frequently Asked Questions

What are some of the top ways to create viral content?

Some of the top methods for creating viral is creating content that is useful, credible, humorous, and interesting.

Should marketers use memes to try to go viral?

Marketers should focus more on viral content than on trying to create viral memes. This is because the nature of memes means they are controlled by audiences and not brands.

Where should marketers post and share content they hope to go viral?

Marketers should post their content to social media channels, but they should also try to get their content in front of online niche communities that relate to their brand/the brand they’re trying to promote.

What qualifies as viral content?

Viral content is content that is shared widely and quickly in internet communities or on social media.

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“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “What are some of the top ways to create viral content?
“acceptedAnswer”: {
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Some of the top methods for creating viral is creating content that is useful, credible, humorous, and interesting.

, {
“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “Should marketers use memes to try to go viral?
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: ”

Marketers should focus more on viral content than on trying to create viral memes. This is because the nature of memes means they are controlled by audiences and not brands.

, {
“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “Where should marketers post and share content they hope to go viral?
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: ”

Marketers should post their content to social media channels, but they should also try to get their content in front of online niche communities that relate to their brand/the brand they’re trying to promote.

, {
“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “What qualifies as viral content?
“acceptedAnswer”: {
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“text”: ”

Viral content is content that is shared widely and quickly in internet communities or on social media.


How to Go Viral: the Science of Virality Conclusion

Memes and viral content are not the same thing. Viral content is shared, while memes are mimicked. Viral content is surprising, intense, positive, interesting, and actionable, often because it is awe-inspiring and hilarious. Memes, on the other hand, are amateur, simple, funny, flawed, repetitive, and whimsical. Brands can take advantage of these two kinds of virality by learning the skills that make content shareable and by cultivating communities that create memes.

The path to mastery demands creativity, research, and curiosity. It’s not an easy path, but the financial costs are low. The payoff goes deeper than short-term ROI, offering companies an opportunity for long-term success.

Anything to add? Let’s hear it in the comments. And pass this along if you learned something new. Thanks for reading.

About the Author: Carter Bowles’s love for data is powering him through a degree in statistics while he contributes to Northcutt’s inbound marketing blog, and his own science blog. He lives in Idaho, of all places, with his beautiful wife and daughter.

4 Content Marketing Lessons Bob Ross’ “Happy Little Trees” Can Teach You

People who grew up in the 1980s and 1990s can’t possibly not know who Bob Ross is. His trademark afro hair and his “happy little trees” were all the rage, turning the “Joy of Painting” …

The post 4 Content Marketing Lessons Bob Ross’ “Happy Little Trees” Can Teach You appeared first on Paper.li blog.

7 Marketing Lessons from Eye-Tracking Studies

With the ability to take a lot of guesswork out of conversion rate optimization, eye-tracking software and heat maps can reveal some startling insights into increasing conversions (and avoiding sales killers) that can benefit every business.

Here are 7 important eye-tracking studies that give a sneak peek into common browsing patterns and elements of human behavior that all marketers need to know.

1. Eye Tracking Shows We Must Avoid “Dead Weight” Visuals

You don’t have to be an expert in UX (user experience) to understand the importance of Fitts’s law.

While seemingly complicated at first glance, one of the fundamental lessons Fitts’s law communicates is that object “weight” (in the visual hierarchy) is a big determinant in what attracts eyes and mouse clicks.

Consider this recent case study from TechWyse that examined the homepage of a truck service with a heat map:

tow truck case study 7 Marketing Lessons from Eye-Tracking Studies
eyes all over the place | 7 Marketing Lessons from Eye-Tracking Studies

As you can see from the first test, the non-clickable “NO FEES” button was hogging a lot of attention, but it is not a call-to-action and its information isn’t the most important on the page.

That’s no good.

Also, it is right next to one of the most important CTAs on the page (the phone number) and it stands out so much that it actually is drawing people away from other more important elements.

Take a look at the changes they made to alleviate this problem.

tow truck case study improvement | 7 Marketing Lessons from Eye-Tracking Studies
tower | 7 Marketing Lessons from Eye-Tracking Studies

Much better!

The “Call Now” button clearly is getting a lot of attention over every other section on the page, which is great because it is how customers get started contacting the business!

Lesson learned: When you are assembling a persuasive landing page, be sure the elements that “pop” are the ones that matter, and that you aren’t giving too much weight to visuals that don’t encourage customers to take action.

2. Eye Tracking Shows The Effect of Video on Search Results

Most marketers have seen those SERP (search engine results page) heat maps that show the top 3 rankings hogging all of the action… But what role do visual elements play in holding visitor attention?

In an interesting heat map study published on Moz, videos were shown to be particularly powerful in capturing eyeballs through eye tracking, even when they weren’t the #1 result.

As you can see below, both direct video results (such as a hosted YouTube video) and embedded video results (videos embedded on a webpage) commanded more attention than a regular search listing, especially if they were near the top of the results.

direct video | 7 Marketing Lessons from Eye-Tracking Studies

Why video?

Video is usually is interpreted as a product video. However, instead of assuming, test to see if it impacts your search traffic for top keywords.

Lesson learned: If you want to stand out at the top of some competitive search results, you may want to test an embedded video rather than authorship for product pages.

3. The Power of Directional Cues’ Eye Tracking

Using visual cues to guide visitors to key areas of your site is nothing new, but just how effective is it?

According to studies such as the aptly named Eye Gaze Cannot be Ignored, it is incredibly effective. Human beings have a natural tendency to follow the gaze of others, and we have been coached since birth to follow arrows directing us to where we should be looking and going.

Consider the following eye tracking heat map example that included a page with a baby and a compelling headline for taking care of the baby’s skin.

baby face website study | 7 Marketing Lessons from Eye-Tracking Studies

It’s obvious that the baby’s face is drawing a lot of attention. (As a matter of fact, faces of babies and pretty women draw the longest gazes from all visitors.)

Unfortunately, from a marketing standpoint, this is a problem because the copy isn’t commanding enough attention.

Now look at the browsing patterns when an image of the baby facing the text was used.

baby face eye tracking | 7 Marketing Lessons from Eye-Tracking Studies

As you can see from the eye tracking heat map, users focused on the baby’s face again (from the side) and directly followed the baby’s line of sight to the headline and opening copy. Even the area of text that the baby’s chin was pointing to was read more!

Lesson learned: Visuals are an important part of a site’s overall design, but most pages can be optimized by including images that serve as visual cues for where visitors should look next.

4. Eye Tracking Studies Show The F-Pattern Works Across the Board

According to this study from the Nielsen Group, all across articles, e-commerce sites, and search engine results, people almost always browse in an F-shaped pattern that heavily favors the left side of the screen.

F pattern website reading | 7 Marketing Lessons from Eye-Tracking Studies

This coincides with additional research that shows people tend to view the left side of the screen overall far more than the right.

pixels from left edge | 7 Marketing Lessons from Eye-Tracking Studies

It is important to note all of these studies were conducted with English speaking (and reading) participants. The opposite was true for those users whose languages read from right to left.

Is it any wonder that some of the most tested websites in the world (like Amazon) have placed a clear priority on the left sides of their homepages?

amazon on the left | 7 Marketing Lessons from Eye-Tracking Studies

Lesson learned: Web users tend to browse sites based on their reading habits. For English speaking people (and languages with similar reading patterns), the left side of the screen is heavily favored, and all sites tend to be browsed in an F-pattern.

5. Eye Tracking Shows “The Fold” isn’t That Important

Relying on the screen above “the fold” to do all of the heavy lifting is one of the biggest usability mistakes you can make. The idea that it is the only place web users will browse is a complete myth.

Multiple tests (including this one and this other one) have shown that users have no problem scrolling down below the fold. Surprisingly, they will browse even further down if the length of the page is longer.

1the fold isnt that important | 7 Marketing Lessons from Eye-Tracking Studies

KISSmetrics conducted an interesting A/B test on his homepage and found that a page with 1,292 words beat a page with 488 words by 7.6%. And it didn’t end there. The leads from the long-form version of the page were higher in quality than the leads from the variation.

Another great test from the folks at ContentVerve showed that moving the call-to-action far below the fold actually boosted conversions by 304 percent.

moving call to action | 7 Marketing Lessons from Eye-Tracking Studies

Lesson learned: Although it’s dependent on the page you are testing, you shouldn’t be afraid of placing important elements below the fold (and testing them there), because it gives people time to read your copy before they take action.

6. Eye Tracking Proves That Newsletters Should Be Short and Sweet

Who’d have thought that eye tracking and email marketing could be best of friends?

According to this eye tracking study conducted by the Nielsen Group, people scan emails very quickly, and the only areas they give any appreciable amount of time to at all are the initial copy and headlines.

keep newsletters short | 7 Marketing Lessons from Eye-Tracking Studies

From the study:

Users are extremely fast at both processing their inboxes and reading newsletters. The average time allocated to a newsletter after opening it was only 51 seconds.

This means that you need to get to the point in your emails in under a minute. The message should be as compelling as that of an online article, but you don’t have as much time to capture attention as you might in an article.

This coincides with a study from MarketingSherpa that shows people prefer short, clear, and un-creative headlines for their emails. (Creative headlines can seem mysterious, and mystery in an inbox may equal spam.)

Truly a situation where the KISS principle applies!

Lesson learned: Once you’ve earned the right to appear in a prospect’s inbox, be sure to keep that privilege by crafting emails that are clear and get to the point quickly. You don’t have as much time to broadcast your message as you would in an online article.

7. Eye Tracking Proves The Power of Pre-Sale Prices

If you’ve ever seen this video by Dan Ariely, you know that sometimes seemingly “useless” price points actually are quite important for increasing conversions.

One common pricing element that fits the bill here is the “pre-sale” price. It isn’t literally used by customers because they don’t pay that price… But is it still “used” to evaluate the new price?

In an effort to answer this question, Robert Stevens of THiNK Eye Tracking conducted a test that examined how people look at prices and products on shelves.

price products on shelves | 7 Marketing Lessons from Eye-Tracking Studies

In the initial test, results weren’t too surprising. Most people spent time looking at prices and product packaging.

But if the pre-sale price was included, would people look at it?

pre sale price included | 7 Marketing Lessons from Eye-Tracking Studies

They did!

Better yet, Stevens also tested perception of the sale price to see if viewing the pre-sale price played a role.

These were his findings:

After consumers selected the smoothie of their choice, I asked them if their purchase was a good value for the money on a 7 point “like” scale (with 1 being very good value for the money and 7 being not very good value for the money).

Consumers who saw only the promotional item gave a mean score of 2.4. Consumers who saw the promotional item next to a full-price premium offer gave it 1.7, even though they purchased the same item!

Basically, humans are pretty bad at evaluating price without contextual clues (as argued by Ariely in this TED talk). We find it much easier to make decisions when we have something to base them on.

That’s why people often view a sale price as a better value when they can see what they really are saving. Without that contextual clue, the sale price is hard to evaluate because they don’t know what the product usually sells for.

Lesson learned: Sometimes “useless” prices like pre-sale prices can be used by customers to evaluate the value of a potential purchase.

About the Author: Gregory Ciotti is the marketing strategist for Help Scout, a Zendesk alternative made for small businesses that want help desk software with a personal touch. Get more data-driven content from Greg by downloading his free guide on converting more customers (with psychology).

The post 7 Marketing Lessons from Eye-Tracking Studies appeared first on Neil Patel.

30 Lessons After 30 Million SEO Visitors

As you can see from the screenshot above, I’ve driven 30 million visitors to my website from SEO. Technically it’s more, but who’s counting. What’s funny, though, is I barely look at my traffic, even as Google continually rolls out algorithm updates. I know that sounds contradictory because if you are an SEO, why wouldn’t …

30 Lessons After 30 Million SEO Visitors

As you can see from the screenshot above, I’ve driven 30 million visitors to my website from SEO.

Technically it’s more, but who’s counting.

What’s funny, though, is I barely look at my traffic, even as Google continually rolls out algorithm updates.

I know that sounds contradictory because if you are an SEO, why wouldn’t you obsess about traffic, right?

Well, it’s because I’ve learned some hard lessons over the year… mainly because I’ve made a lot of mistakes.

So today, I wanted to share them with you so that you can learn from my mistakes… so here goes:

Lesson #1: Don’t obsess over rankings, obsess over conversions

I used to check my rankings every single day. Literally.

On top of that, I would log into Google Analytics 4 to 5 times a day and continually check my traffic.

That’s all I cared about back in the day… boosting my organic traffic.

But here is the thing: As my rankings and traffic went up over the years, my revenue didn’t go up proportionally.

For example, during one quarter in 2017, my SEO traffic went up 39.52%, but my revenue from SEO went up only 4.29%.

I quickly learned that traffic isn’t everything. If you can’t convert the traffic into revenue it doesn’t matter.

That taught me that you need to focus on the right keywords that drive conversions and continually optimize your site for conversions.

An easy first step for you to take is to install Crazy Egg and run a heatmap to see where people click so you adjust your design and copy to get more sales.

Lesson #2: The easiest way to grow your SEO traffic is international expansion

You already know that I get a lot of SEO traffic, but do you know what country drives most of my traffic?

If you guessed United States, you are wrong.

Brazil is my most popular region, followed by India.

International SEO is the easiest way to expand and grow your traffic. Here are a few posts that you should read before you expand your SEO globally:

Lesson #3: Keywords are very, very, very, very important

When I used to write my content, I didn’t obsess about the keywords when I should have.

My team actually proved me wrong on this.

I used to focus on writing content for humans and didn’t worry about search engines. My team, on the other hand, obsesses about keywords.

Just look at the growth of our traffic in Brazil because of our obsession with the right keywords.

One simple thing I do before writing that has really helped is I head over to Ubersuggest and type in a few of the keywords that I want to go after.

Once it loads, you’ll see a report like the one above. I want you to then click on “Keyword Ideas” in the left-hand navigation.

You’ll see a report that contains a list of keywords that you could potentially be targeting.

Make sure you click on the “Related” tab, as well as “Questions” and “Comparisons” … scroll through the list. You’ll see hundreds of keywords. Pick all of the ones that are relevant and ideally have a high cost per click (CPC). These are the keywords that’ll not only drive traffic but revenue as well.

Whenever I write a blog post, I go through this step. Every single time.

Lesson #4: AMP pages can drive more SEO traffic

AMP pages load faster on mobile devices than non-AMP pages.

If you aren’t familiar with the AMP framework, read this.

What most people won’t tell you about AMP pages is that:

  • In regions like the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, countries with decent Internet infrastructure, you won’t see much of an increase in traffic.
  • In regions with poor Internet infrastructure, like Brazil, you’ll see a 10 to 15% lift in mobile SEO traffic by having AMP pages.
  • AMP pages don’t convert visitors into customers as well as normal responsive web design. So, you’ll have to work on testing your AMP pages so you can boost your conversion rates.

Lesson #5: SEO will never convert as well as paid ads

When I started off with SEO, I would run projections on how much the traffic would make me.

But the numbers were always off, even if I was able to get the rankings.

Here’s the main reason: If you are bidding on terms like auto insurance through ads, you can drive people to a landing page that looks like this:

But if you want to rank organically, you’ll have to do it through content. So, your page that ranks well will look more like this and convert less…

It doesn’t mean SEO is bad. In reality, it’s much cheaper in the long run than paid ads and will produce a better ROI. But don’t just assume that if you get 100 visitors from paid ads and 3 purchases that you’ll have the same conversion rate with your SEO traffic.

Chances are it will be significantly lower by maybe 2 or 3x, but because SEO is cheaper, it will be much more profitable.

Lesson #6: Remarketing is one of the best ways to generate an ROI from SEO

If you get a ton of traffic from SEO, there is a simple strategy you can implement to boost your conversions.

Remarket everyone on Facebook, Google, and YouTube.

That way people come to your site, read your content, and build trust with you and your brand.

Then you remarket them throughout the web with ads that prompt your products or services and send them to a landing page that will drive sales.

I’ve been doing this for years, just look at my old remarketing ad…

For the regions I use remarketing in, it is responsible for 46% of my leads.

Lesson #7: Don’t forget to update your old content

I publish one new blog post a week. I’m working on increasing this as I get more time, but for now, it is one a week.

Can you guess how many blog posts I update on a daily basis? Technically it is 0 (me at least), but my team focuses on updating at least 3 old blog posts per day. That’s roughly 90 a month.

Once you have a few hundred pages, make sure you focus on updating your old content or else your traffic will quickly drop.

You can use this content decay tool to see which posts you should update first.

This will help you continually grow your SEO traffic instead of hitting plateaus or seeing your traffic take massive drops.

Lesson #8: Don’t forget to optimize your title tags

One of the easiest ways to grow your rankings is to optimize your title tags.

If you can write persuasive copy and get more clicks, you’ll quickly move up on Google.

In Brazil, we spend more time doing this than we do in the United States.

We get a similar amount of impressions in Brazil, but we have more people focusing on improving our title tags and testing. Hence, we get 95% more SEO traffic in Brazil.

If you want tips on boosting your clicks, check out this article.

Another simple hack is to use the “Content Ideas” report in Ubersuggest.

On the right side of that report, you can see social share counts from Facebook and Pinterest. And on the left side, you see titles of articles.

Typically, if people like a title they share it more. So, look for titles that have a lot of shares as it will give you ideas on what you can use on your website to get more clicks and boost your rankings.

Lesson #9: Don’t put dates in your URL

I used to put dates in my URLs like:


This causes search engines to assume that your content is related to a specific date. And after that date gets old, search engines assume your content is irrelevant and outdated.

The moment I removed the date from my URLs, I grew my SEO traffic by 58% in 30 days.

If you have dates in your URL, make sure you 301 redirect your old URLs to your new ones once you make that change, or else your rankings will drop.

Lesson #10: Don’t be afraid to use popups

Don’t you hate popups? Well, who doesn’t?

But people use them because they work.

The majority of your pages that will rank are blog-related content. And blog posts tend to drive fewer direct conversions because people are on your site to read the content.

In order to maximize your conversions from SEO, you should consider using exit popups so you can convert more of those visitors into customers as they leave.

When you leave this site in most cases, you’ll see a popup that looks like:

And it drives you to this quiz, which allows me to convert SEO visitors into customers.

You can easily copy me by using Hello Bar. It works for all industries including B2B and ecommerce and even lead generation sites.

Lesson #11: Brand queries affect rankings

Everyone talks about how you need links to boost rankings.

But very few people talk about brand queries.

As Google’s ex-CEO and ex-head of web spam both emphasized how brands are important.

One of the big reasons for my growth in SEO traffic is the growth in my brand. I’ve seen a direct correlation in which the more people who find me from my name, the more SEO traffic I get.

Just look at my brand growth over time:

I’ve received over 1.9 million visitors over the last 16 months from people typing in variations of my name in Google.

Lesson #12: Don’t waste your money on paid links

I’ve been doing SEO since I was 16 years old. That’s a long time…

When I started off as a kid, I dabbled in paid links and I used to dominate Google for terms like online casino, online poker, web hosting, auto insurance, and even credit cards.

And I was making a killing off of affiliate income from these sites.

But it was all short lived.


Because I bought links. And eventually Google penalized all of those sites.

If I never purchased links, those sites would have taken longer to rank, but they would have been around today, and I would have generated more income overall.

Don’t buy links, it’s bad and shortsighted.

Lesson #13: Guest post to build a brand, not to build links

I already covered the importance of branding above.

A great way to build your brand and indirectly boost your SEO traffic is through guest posting.

But don’t use guest posting to build links.

Most sites that offer guest posts, nofollow them (which they should), and Google is smart enough to know what a guest post is, hence they ignore guest post links from sites like Forbes.

It’s pretty easy to spot a guest post for both a human and algorithm…

But if you are using it to build a brand, great. Focus on the content quality and not links.

Lesson #14: Don’t forget to interlink

Do you know what some of my highest ranked pages are?

The ones that are interlinked.

It takes anywhere from 6 months to a year for many of the interlinks to kick in, but it is still effective none-the-less.

Every time I wrote content, I used to make sure I link out to my older pieces of content when it made sense. But I made a big mistake… I wasn’t going into my older pieces of content and then adding links to my newer pieces of content.

That one change was game-changing for me. It took time to see the results but it worked exceptionally well.

It’s how I rank high for terms like “email marketing”.

Lesson #15: Google isn’t the only game in town

Although Google is the most popular search engine, it isn’t the only one you need to focus on.

Did you know that YouTube is the second most popular search engine?

Even Bing gets a lot of traffic.

If you want to rank high on Bing, follow this.

Or if you prefer video, watch this:

As for YouTube, this guide will teach you YouTube SEO. It works really well, just look at my YouTube SEO traffic:

Over the last 28 days, I received 429,501 video views through YouTube SEO.

Lesson #16: Speed is everything

The faster your server and the more optimized your site, the more traffic you’ll get.

Years ago, my friend Otis added more servers to his site GoodReads.

Within a month, his SEO traffic went up over 20%.

Speed is part of Google’s algorithm, so optimize it for both web and mobile.

A quick way to see your site’s speed is to enter your URL here.

You’ll see a report that breaks down your mobile and desktop load times as well as what you can do to improve them.

Lesson #17: Quality over quantity

SEO used to be a game of quantity over quality.

That isn’t the case anymore. With over a billion blogs, Google has its fair share of sites to choose from.

Just look at About.com. Eventually they renamed it Dotdash and changed their strategy.

They took all of their About.com content and moved it over to 6 vertical based sites and deleted 900,000 pages of junk content.

This grew their traffic and revenue by a whopping 140%.

Focus on writing high-quality content. It’s why I blog less and try to make my content amazing.

Lesson #18: Tools are better than content marketing

I used to focus all of my energy on content marketing because it drove a lot of links and SEO traffic.

But over time, I realized that creating free tools builds more natural links than anything else I have ever tested.

Just look at Ubersuggest. I spent years creating it and look at how many links it has generated…

30,603 backlinks! That’s a lot of links.

If you don’t have the resources to build a custom tool like me, you can always start with buying a white label tool from Code Canyon for $10 or $20. They literally have tools for almost all industries.

Lesson #19: Don’t rely only on SEO

When I first got started in SEO, all I could think about was SEO.

To me, it was the best marketing channel out there because it allowed me to compete with large companies.

Even to this day, I still love SEO more than any other channel.

But it doesn’t stop me from leveraging other marketing channels.

See, years ago you could build a business off of one marketing channel.

Yelp was built through SEO. Dropbox through social media referrals. Facebook through email invites…

Those days don’t exist anymore. You can’t just build your traffic from one channel.

Although you should do SEO, you should also try paid ads, social media marketing, email marketing, push notifications, and anything else that comes out.

Diversify your traffic sources and don’t just rely solely on SEO.

Lesson #20: People love linking to data

Spending money and time to gather your own unique data is an easy way to build links.

Check out my posts on content marketing trends and social media trends.

I’ve added tons of unique data, stats, and charts to each of those posts.

The end result? Extra backlinks. 🙂

The content marketing trends post received 447 backlinks.

If you don’t have the time to gather custom data you can always find someone on Upwork to help you out.

Lesson #21: Don’t forget about Infographics

One of my favorite SEO strategies that still works well today is infographics.

I have tons of them on the NeilPatel.com blog.

I didn’t start off with infographics here… I used to do them on my old blog Quick Sprout and KISSmetrics.

Here’s an interesting stat for you when I used to crank out infographics on KISSmetrics.

Within a two-year period, from 2010 to 2012, 47 infographics generated 2,512,596 visitors and 41,142 backlinks from 3,741 unique domains. They also generated 41,359 tweets and 20,859 likes.

If you don’t have money to hire a designer, you can use Infogram or Canva to create one on your own.

Lesson #22: Google doesn’t penalize for duplicate content

You don’t want to post tons of duplicate content on your site as it’s not the best user experience, but keep in mind that Google doesn’t penalize you for duplication.

They may not just rank the duplicate content as well.

So, if you spend all of this time producing amazing, unique content, why not publish it FIRST on your own website.

Then after a few hours or days if you want to be safe, take that exact content and publish it on Facebook, LinkedIn, and anywhere else that will accept your content.

Literally, take all of the words and paste them onto those social channels.

It will get you extra awareness and branding. Plus, the content should already be indexed on your site, so Google knows it came from your first… and I doubt you care if the duplicated version on LinkedIn ranks. That’s still great branding.

In other words, don’t be afraid to repurpose your content even if it causes duplication.

Just look at this post, for example. I’m also repurposing it into a 4-part podcast series.

Lesson #23: Don’t recreate the wheel

I used to spend hours a week doing keyword research trying to figure out what new terms to rank for.

Eventually, I figured out an easier and better way to find new content topics and keywords to go after.

Go to Ubersuggest, type in your competitor’s domain name and hit search.

In the left-hand navigation click on Top Pages.

You’ll see a report that shows you all of the popular pages on your competition’s website. This will give you ideas for the type of pages you should create on your website.

Then I want you to click “View All” under Est. Visits (estimated visits). This will show you all of the keywords that drive traffic to that page.

You now have a list of topics and keywords for each topic to go after.

Lesson #24: Don’t pick a generic domain name

Remember how in Lesson 11 I talked about brand queries and how they helped rankings?

After I learned that, I decided to go buy exact match domain names where the domain name was the keyword.

That way I would get lots of brand queries without trying.

Well, there’s an issue… even if you rank high, what you’ll find is you will have a low click-through rate in most cases.

If you have a low click-through rate, it tells Google your brand isn’t strong and people don’t prefer it, which can hurt your ranking.

So instead of focusing on exact match domains, unless you have millions to spend on branding like Hotels.com, focus on building a memorable brand.

Pick something that is unique, easy to spell, and easy to remember.

Lesson #25: Learn from blackhat SEOs, but don’t go over to the dark side

Blackhat SEOs come up with some interesting data and experiments.

Many of them don’t work for long, but they are interesting none-the-less.

Although I don’t recommend practicing blackhat SEO, I do recommend following them.

The easiest way you can learn from them is by reading Blackhat World.

People there share some interesting insights, especially every time there is a major Google algorithm update.

Again, I don’t recommend practicing blackhat SEO, but following them may help you uncover “white hat” techniques that can increase your rankings. Not everything they do is bad… many of them use legitimate tactics as well.

Lesson #26: Short URLs rank better than long ones

My URLs used to be the title of my blog post.

For example, with this post I would have used this URL in the past…


Eventually I switched to short URLs.

Google just prefers them. And I’ve seen it firsthand. That’s why I use short ones now.

URLs at position #1 are on average 9.2 characters shorter than URLs that rank in position #10. So, keep them short.

Lesson #27: The power’s in the list

If you want your content to rank high on Google, you need more people to see it.

Whether it is from social shares, or from push notifications or email blasts… the more people that see your content, the more engagement it will get, and the more people that will link to it.

I used to do a ton of manual outreach every time I published a new blog post and I would email people asking them to link to me.

And it works, it’s just time consuming and a pain.

These days, I have a better strategy… send out an email blast every time I publish a new post.

I can now get anywhere from 20,000 to 50,000 clicks per email I send out.

Now of course you won’t get that from day one as it took me years to build up my email list.

But you can start today by collecting emails. You can easily do that through Hello Bar.

And as your list grows, so will the clicks to your blog and the number of links you get, which in turn will increase your rankings.

Lesson #28: Don’t let your foot off the peddle

This was one of the hardest lessons I learned.

It’s exhausting to continually blog and do your own SEO. Sometimes you just want a break.

With my old blog, Quick Sprout, I used to publish 12 blog posts a month and I did that consistently for 3 years.

One day I decided that I wanted to stop for a month. So, I took a 30-day break.

Guess what happened to my traffic?

It tanked by 32%.

So, then I started blogging again. And guessed what happened to my traffic after I started blogging?

It didn’t come right back.

It took me 3 months to get back to where I was.

When things are working for you, don’t slow down. Keep pushing harder, even if you are exhausted. Because the moment you stop, you’ll drop, and it is a lot of work to get back to where you were.

Lesson #29: The best SEO advice comes from conferences

The best SEO advice I have ever learned over the years has come from conferences.

And no, I don’t mean by sitting in on the sessions, although you can learn from those too.

The best SEO secrets and advice I learned came from networking. When you go to these conferences, hundreds if not thousands of other SEOs are there. And when you go to the bar after hours and mingle with people, you’ll quickly pick stuff up.

You’ll be shocked at what people tell you. It’s how I learned a lot of the good tactics that I still use today.

Lesson #30: Never stop learning

This one may sound obvious but when things are going well, people get complacent.

Google makes on average 3,234 updates per year and that count has been increasing over time.

Just think about that for a bit… that’s roughly 9 algorithm updates per day.

Because they are changing so quickly, you won’t survive if you don’t stay up to date.

Yes, the ideal strategy is to do what’s best for your users or visitors as in the long run, Google wants to promote those sites, but it doesn’t mean that you can ignore the changes happening in the industry.

Read all of the SEO blogs out there, attend conferences as I mentioned above… experiment on test sites… push yourself to be better.

That drive of always improving and always wanting to learn more has helped me tremendously. It’s one of the reasons for my growth in rankings over the years.


There are a lot of lessons that you will learn as your rankings grow and as you spend more time on SEO.

But hopefully, you don’t have to waste time and go through the same mistakes I made. You don’t want to learn these lessons the hard way.

That’s why I decided to share them. I want to save you the time and help you achieve your traffic goals faster.

Which SEO lessons have you learned?

The post 30 Lessons After 30 Million SEO Visitors appeared first on Neil Patel.