Establish and Maintain Rock-Solid Business Credit When You Have No Business Credit. Check Out 3 Well-Known Starter Vendors for Business Credit That Will Happily Extend Credit to New and Established Businesses
Building The Perfect Business Credit Portfolio with Starter Vendors for Business Credit
A perfect business credit portfolio means working with starter vendors for business credit. Starting with vendor credit accounts is a proven way to start building business credit. But we don’t include vendors just because they report to the business credit reporting agencies. We include them and we talk about them because they have quality products that you can use, and great customer service. They are not just a means to an end!
Vendor Credit Cards
Vendor credit cards will kick off business credit building for your business. First, add payment experiences from three vendors. Then they must report to business CRAs like Dun & Bradstreet. And then you can start qualifying for store credit, and fleet credit as well. Make sure business credit cards don’t report on your personal credit.
Every step and every credit provider works to help your business. The idea is to help you qualify for business credit cards that you will actually use. This isn’t building for the sake of building, and it isn’t just to increase a number. These credit providers are going to have what your business needs to succeed.
Business Credit with Starter Vendors for Business Credit
Keep in mind, business credit is independent of personal. Applying for it won’t harm your personal credit scores. Building this asset can only help your business. You can help your future business right now.
Business credit doesn’t just happen. You have to actively build it. It all starts with starter vendors. They will approve your business for credit with little fuss.
Use your credit. Pay on time, just like you should with personal credit. These vendors will report to the business credit reporting agencies. And you’ll build a good business credit score.
How to Build Business Credit
Having an EIN doesn’t mean you have established credit. If you go to a bank to try and get bank credit cards using your EIN with no credit established, you’ll get denials. That is unless you have good personal credit and use it to get approvals while supplying your personal guarantee. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
You can’t start with high limits. First you must build starter trade lines that report (vendor credit). Then you’ll have an established credit profile. Then you’ll get a business credit score. With an established business credit profile and score you can start getting high credit limits.
Establish business credit fast with our research-backed guide to 12 business credit cards and lines
What is Starter Vendor Credit?
These trade lines are creditors who will give you initial credit when you have none now. These vendors typically offer terms such as Net 30, instead of revolving. So if you get approval for $1,000 in vendor credit and use it all, you must pay that money back in a set term. That is, within 30 days on a Net 30 account. But there are some revolving accounts which we still consider to be starter vendors.
You must pay net 30 accounts in full within 30 days. And you must pay net 60 accounts in full within 60 days. Unlike with revolving accounts, you have a set time when you must pay back what you borrowed or the credit you used.
Getting Started
To start your business credit profile the RIGHT way, get approval for vendor accounts that report to business CRAs. Once accomplished, you can then use the credit. Pay back what you used, and the account is on report to Dun & Bradstreet, Experian, or Equifax.
Once reported, then you have trade lines, an established credit profile, and an established credit score. Using a newly established business credit profile and score, you can then get approval for more credit under your EIN. For vendor credit, you can leave your SSN off the application. Then the credit issuer then pulls your EIN credit, sees a solid profile and score. They can then approve you for more credit.
Building Business Credit – What You Really Need to Know
Not ALL retailers will approve you just because of your credit profile and score. Some sources can also have a time in business requirement. You may need to be in business 1-3 years to get credit not requiring a personal guarantee. Some sources might require you meet certain revenue requirements for as well. But many starter vendors will approve you without these requirements.
But Keep in Mind
You won’t get a Visa or a MasterCard (bank credit cards) right away. And you need to have credit to get more credit. You need to start building trade lines to get the big payoff. Getting initial credit is the hardest part. Over 97% of trade vendors who issue credit don’t report it to the business reporting agencies. So, you MUST find sources which actually report.
Establish business credit fast with our research-backed guide to 12 business credit cards and lines.
There are Benefits to Starter Vendors for Business Credit
Vendor credit is an important step in building business credit. Vendor credit is easier to get than retail or fleet credit. It can lead to more retail and fleet credit. Establishing credit will lead to lenders approving you. And best of all, this process is PROVEN to work! Just like for all credit, be responsible and pay on time.
More Benefits of Starter Vendors for Business Credit
You MUST have 3 or more vendor accounts reporting to move onto retail credit, and more are even better. It will take 30-90 days for those accounts to report. It’s 60 days on average. Do NOT apply for retail credit without having 3 or more accounts first.
Getting Starter Vendors for Business Credit to Pull Credit Under your EIN
There is no Social Security requirement for starter vendor credit. This is unlike bank loans and bank cards. So leave the field blank. Don’t fill in any other number, as that’s a violation of two Federal laws. A blank field will force them to pull your business credit under your EIN. Also, if there is a credit check, then it is perfectly permissible to provide the company’s EIN. You can use an EIN, rather than your Social Security Number and date of birth.
Using Business Credit
Check out FOUR of our favorite starter vendors for business credit:
- Grainger
- Uline
- Marathon
- Supply Works
Grainger Industrial Supply
They sell hardware, power tools, pumps and more. They also do fleet maintenance
Grainger will report to Dun and Bradstreet. If a business doesn’t have established credit, they will want to see more documents. These include accounts payable, income statement, balance sheets, etc. Terms are Net 30, Net 45, Net 60, or Net 90.
Qualifying for Grainger Industrial Supply
You need:
- Entity in good standing with Secretary of State
- EIN number with IRS
- Business address (matching everywhere)
- D-U-N-S number
- Business License (if applicable)
- Business Bank account
- And your business must be registered to Secretary of State (SOS) for at least 60 days
Apply online or over the phone.
They sell shipping, packing and industrial supplies. They report to Dun & Bradstreet and Experian. You MUST create an account with Uline before starting to build business credit with them. Terms are Net 30.
Qualifying for Uline
You need:
- Entity in good standing with Secretary of State
- EIN number with IRS
- Business address (matching everywhere)
- D-U-N-S number
- Business License (if applicable)
- Business Bank account
- And a business phone number listed in 411
- You must have a D&B PAYDEX score of 80 or better
Application may get approval for net 30 at time of order. Upon final review, Credit Department may change to a few prepaid orders, before granting Net 30.
Establish business credit fast with our research-backed guide to 12 business credit cards and lines.
Marathon Petroleum Company provides transportation fuels, asphalt, and specialty products throughout the United States. Their product line supports commercial, industrial, and retail operations. This card reports to Dun & Bradstreet and Experian. Before applying for more than one account with WEX Fleet cards, make sure to have enough time between applying. This is so they don’t red-flag your account for fraud.
Qualifying for Marathon
You need:
- Entity in good standing with Secretary of State
- EIN number with IRS
- Business address- matching everywhere.
- D-U-N-S number
- Business license (if applicable)
- And a business bank account
- Business phone number listed on 411
Your SSN is necessary for informational purposes. If concerned they will pull your personal credit talk to their credit department before applying. You can give a $500 deposit instead of using a personal guarantee, if in business less than a year. Apply online or over the phone. Terms are Net 15.
Supply Works
Supply Works is a part of Home Depot. They offer integrated facility maintenance supplies. But they will not accept virtual addresses. They will report to Experian. Terms are Net 30. Apply online or over the phone.
Qualifying for Supply Works
You need:
- Entity in good standing with Secretary of State
- EIN number with IRS
- Business address (matching everywhere)
- D-U-N-S number
- Business License (if applicable)
- Business Bank account
- Trade/Bank references
- There is no minimal time in business requirement
Extra BONUS Vendor: Wex Fleet
They report to Experian and D&B. They offer universal fleet cards, heavy truck cards, and universally accepted business fleet cards. Their cards have features supporting a small business. This includes a rewards program. Before applying for more than one account with WEX Fleet cards, make sure to have enough time between applying. This is so they don’t red flag your account for fraud.
If you don’t get an approval on the basis of business credit history, or been in business 1 year, then a $500 deposit is necessary or a Personal Guarantee. You can apply online or over the phone. Terms are Net 15 (Wex Fleet Card), Net 22, or revolving (Wex FlexCard).
Qualifying for Wex Fleet
You need:
- Entity in good standing with Secretary of State
- EIN number with IRS
- Business address (matching everywhere)
- D-U-N-S number
- Business License (if applicable)
- Business Bank account
- And a Business Phone Number Listed in 411
Starter Vendors for Business Credit: Takeaways
Starter vendors are a PROVEN way to get the business credit ball rolling. They will approve you with minimal fuss. Certain requirements repeat. These include needing to have EIN and D-U-N-S numbers. And having proper licensing (if your industry requires that). Hence getting those details squared away is a smart step to take first. Want more help with building business credit? Ask us how we can help you – including our access to literally HUNDREDS of vendors. Let’s take the next steps together
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