YC founders for open eng roles at over 500 YC-funded startups

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Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27830451

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Tara AI (YC W15) Is Hiring Senior Front End Engineers

Article URL: https://www.ycombinator.com/companies/tara-ai/jobs/C4NDUTD-senior-front-end-engineer

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How to Create, Launch, and Grow a Membership Site and Community

If you’ve found yourself reading this blog, you’re probably interested in the idea of a membership site. These sites are not to be confused with paid subscriptions, which refer exclusively to a financial model that binds users to its pages.

Netflix, for example, is the classic example of a subscription website: a platform that users gain access to via a recurring fee. On the other hand, membership sites refer to platforms that offer gated content only accessible through, you guessed it, membership. 

These sites can be paid, free, or operate on a tiered basis, depending on the site’s intent as a whole. 

In this blog post, we’ll break down the benefits of membership sites, share how to build out gated content for members’ eyes only, and share our top three favorite membership sites. 

Why Should You Create a Membership Site

There are many benefits to creating a membership site, including building your community and monetizing your content. 

Below, we break down the three biggest benefits of building a membership site structure. 

1. Establish Yourself as an Expert

Everyone wants to be considered an expert in their field. At times, however, achieving this can be much easier said than done. 

One surefire way to establish yourself as an expert is to offer invaluable content that fills holes in your industry’s general knowledge base. These assets can come in the form of white papers, infographics, blogs, podcasts, and any other form of consumable content. 

When these content assets are available via a membership-only relationship, you not only drive demand for your content, but you also firmly establish yourself as an industry expert, given consumers’ willingness to engage with your gated site. 

2. Foster Your Community

When you commit to building a membership site, you’re not just building a transactional environment; you’re building a community

Your audience has agreed to participate in your membership site given their shared interest in your product or topic. 

Foster this community by providing them with unique offerings and benefits, as well as giving them a place to interact with one another. Whether your membership site is paid or free, you have a unique group of active members with shared interests ready to engage.

This community-building also serves you in the long run, as you’ve created a base of followers with whom you’ve built trust and goodwill, making them that much more likely to interact with your products and offerings in the future.

3. Increase Your Overall Value

With each new member and content asset, your website becomes increasingly valuable. The more content you create, the more you have to offer to prospective community members. 

While traditional digital models will operate on one-off sales of products or services, your membership site has the potential to acquire cumulative value that increases over time. 

How to Create a Membership Site

If we’ve convinced you of the benefits of the membership site, the next step is breaking down how to actually build one. This section will discuss the three steps for building a membership site that keeps users coming back for more. 

1. Establish Your Membership Model

Before delving into the actual work of building out a membership site, you need to establish your membership model. In this step, you must first decide if you’re charging your members. If you are, you must determine how much and at what frequency. 

This assessment of pricing should include researching how much competitors are charging and what they are offering. Sometimes, forgoing the fee may be worth the lost revenue as it provides a slew of qualified leads. 

After establishing pricing, look to your buyer personas to establish what would drive value for your consumers. These value drivers don’t necessarily have to fall into the realm of content; they can include offerings like free shipping or points for purchase. Regardless of which route you choose, ensure that your offerings align with what your audience finds valuable. 

2. Create Members-Only Content 

If you’re offering exclusive content through any model, it better be just that: exclusive. When potential members hand over a fee or offer up their personal information, they better receive something of value in return. 

Here, revisit your buyer personas to determine what content assets need to be created to ensure that your members find value in your site. 

3. Choose the Right Membership Platform for Your Needs 

Now that you’ve established your membership model and built out your members-only content, it’s time to find the right platform to make your site a success. If you’ve built your existing site on WordPress or Squarespace, there are plug-ins that can make this step super easy. 

If you’re not using these platforms, you can choose a third-party provider to enable the membership site for you. 

Regardless of which platform you use, your membership site should include the following features:

  • Membership management: This function allows you to create different tiers of memberships and add and manage members.
  • User registration and member profiles: This refers to front-end functionality that allows users to sign up and access their profiles.
  • Content restriction: We’ve talked a lot about gated, so you want to be sure that your site has the functionality to hide those valuable assets from non-member audiences.

3 Examples of Successful Membership Sites 

While there are a lot of membership sites out there, we’ve broken down a few examples that really hit the mark. These include both recognizable names and lesser-known membership sites that provide value to their respective audiences.

1. Scott’s Cheap Flights 

Everyone wants to spend less to go further–and that’s what this membership site lets members do. With curated flight offers, this membership site enables users to score flights on the cheap, opening their horizons and closing their wallets.  

scott's cheap flights membership site

Offering members up to 90% off flights, the big takeaway from this membership site is the customizable offerings. By providing each member with flights that align with their respective travel interests, Scott’s Cheap Flights creates a personalized experience for members they can’t help but return to. 

2. International Gem Society

If agate doesn’t leave your jaw agape, this site may not be for you. If rocks rock your socks, this membership site should be bookmarked in your browser. Members subscribe to a paid model for certification courses, articles, and a thriving forum.

membership site guide example gem enthusiasts

Here, too, much can be learned about growing a membership site, particularly within a niche market. By offering their members content that speaks specifically toward the needs and interests of a specific group, the International Gem Society keeps their members coming back for more.

3. Food Blogger Pro 

This membership site is for all the would-be food bloggers out there, as the name suggests. Powered by the expertise of two successful food bloggers, this membership site offers users a forum, as well as course content. 

food blogger pro membership site

If you’re considering building a membership site, take notes on this forum. Lively and interactive, a community truly is formed on the discussion page of this membership site. 

Membership Site FAQs

Should my membership site model be paid or free?

Determining whether your membership site should be paid or free depends on your goals. If you aim to monetize your content, you should subscribe to a paid model. However, if you’re simply attempting to gain credibility and establish yourself as an expert and thought leader in your field, a free subscription may be right for you.

What content should I include on my membership site?

The content you build on your membership site should be specific to your audience. Provide content that of value to your target audience, offering them assets they can’t live without. 
These offerings can include infographics, white papers, blogs, podcasts, and other assets that fill holes in your industry’s knowledge base or offer utility to your members. Again, constantly return to the question: What will my members truly value?

How do I build a membership site?

Building your membership site doesn’t mean you have to be an expert coder. Sites like WordPress and Squarespace offer plug-ins that can help you migrate your existing site to a membership model. If your platform doesn’t offer plug-ins to streamline this process, consider hiring a developer to help you include a members-only section of your site. 

Why should I consider a membership site?

The benefits of membership include creating income, building a community, establishing yourself as an expert, and monetizing your content.

Membership Site Conclusion

Whether you’re looking to monetize your content or simply solidify yourself as an expert in your field, creating a membership site can add inherent value to your brand. 

For a truly successful membership site, however, you must have a clear understanding of your audience. By establishing who you’re trying to reach, you can better identify what they’re trying to reach by subscribing to your membership site. 

From there, build out a reserve of content that you can serve up to members at a predetermined cadence to ensure that your offerings live up to their expectations. By setting a cadence, you establish a reliable exchange, further building trust in your site and ideally growing your base. 

What’s the best example of a member site you’ve seen?

Link Building Strategies and Resources for Busy Marketers

In the past, link building focused on quantity, not quality.

Today? Link building is a different ball game.

If you’re building a link building strategy, it’s important to know that it won’t be instant. It’s a gradual process—at least, if you do it right.

The pages where you build links, specifically the quality and authority of those pages, play a key role in determining how high you’ll rank in search engine results.

This is where blogging comes in. You’ll get 434 percent more indexed pages when you blog consistently, and your inbound links will grow by 97 percent.

Beyond blogging, though, there are other proven ways to build the best links and raise your ranking in the SERPs.

This blog post will show you 13 fool-proof link building strategies you can put to work today. They’re especially helpful for busy marketers who have a lot on their plate and want to stay mindful of their standing with search engines.

Why Is Link Building so Important?

Link building is important for search engine optimization (SEO). It’s one of the major factors search engines use to determine rankings, meaning who gets the first-page search result.

When deciding how to rank your website, Google, Bing, Yahoo, and other search engines look at how many links lead to your site (and the quality of those links).

The more high-quality, trustworthy, and authoritative sites linking to you, the higher your blog posts and sales pages will appear on search result pages.

Beyond that, links to your website help users find your site and can increase traffic and trust. After all, users are more likely to trust you if other sites think you know what you are talking about.

13 Link Building Strategies for Marketers

So, how do you get high-quality links from other websites? By following my link building strategies.

These are the strategies I’ve used over the last ten years to build up Neil Patel Digital and become an authority in the digital marketing space.

Experiment and find a strategy or strategies that work best for you and your business.

1. Use Strategic Guest Blogging

Is guest blogging dead? Yes and no.

The old way of mass guest blogging just for links is dead. You don’t want to post an article on a site that’s not relevant to your niche and has zero authority just to get a backlink.

That style of guest blogging won’t cut it. The search engines are smart and can see you’re not guest blogging to add value.

If you want to reap the rewards of guest blogging, you need to be strategic and authentic. Make sure you’re creating a unique piece of content for the other site (for example, a case study) and that the site is relevant, authoritative, and attracts your audience.

When you guest blog selectively, you’ll reap the rewards of higher rankings, increased traffic, and qualified leads.

2. Create and Distribute Infographics

Infographics still work today and can play a vital role in your link building strategy.

The good thing about infographics is you’ll continually generate organic traffic to your blog and earn quality links without even asking for them. 

I found that articles with infographics earn 178 percent more links. This makes creating infographics a link building tactic that you can’t afford to ignore. 

Link Building Strategies for Marketers - Create and Distribute Infographics

If you’re ready to create and promote your infographic, see the links below:

3. Get Active on Social Media

Social media networks have revolutionized marketing and can be a huge boon for your link building plan and guest post efforts. If you’re not active on social media, then you’re doing your brand a disservice.

Become active by sharing new posts, images, and updates. Help your fans find what they want to see by sharing it in more places using social media.

When you get active on social media, you can easily boost engagement, even if you’re new to it. Consequently, you’ll expose your brand and site to more people who could share your best posts with their target audience.

This will improve your link profile and bolster your visibility overall.

See also:

4. Use Resource Links From Trusted Sites

It’s time to start using resource links from trusted sites. A resource is like a guide that you create or compile for your target audience.

Some authority sites and blogs like Forbes, Entrepreneur, Huffington Post, Jeff Bullas, Social Media Examiner, and Copyblogger have resource pages that you could tap into as you’re creating yours.

If a leading site in your niche has compiled a list of blogs in your industry, their visitors can more easily find what they’re looking for.

Here’s an example from Copyblogger. 

If you can create an even bigger resource article than the one above, you’ll get more backlinks. You can expand yours to 25, 50, or more.

Here are some fresh headline ideas that you can model for your resource:

  • 25 Copywriting Blogs That Will Make You More Money
  • 50 Copywriting Blogs You Didn’t Know Existed
  • 27 Copywriting and Content Marketing Blogs That Will Send You Free Traffic

This kind of resource can be a great tool for a marketing team. After it’s written, get links through email outreach. Send a simple email to all of the people whose blogs you included.

I once sent emails to 30 bloggers whom I referenced in my resource post. Twelve of them linked to my resource page within ten days, and I got lots of social love.

Email outreach tends to work better than the typical broken link or link request email because you’ve linked to them first.

You’ve established a certain level of trust, and you’ve shown some appreciation to them as well. They’ll be more inclined to reciprocate your generosity by linking to your web page.

5. Leverage the Broken Links Strategy

The broken link strategy may be the best way to go if you’re too busy to write content for your blog or a guest post.

As a busy marketer, I know you’ve got limited time to write content. That’s one reason why a large number of B2C content marketers struggle to create engaging content for their customers.

How does broken link building work?

This link building strategy is simple: Find pages on blogs with dead links (links that no longer work) and suggest replacing the broken link with a link to similar content on your own site.

If I linked to a particular web page from my Neil Patel blog and found the links to be dead, I could easily replace it with another relevant and high-value resource. If that high-value page belongs to you, that’s both search engine optimization juice and a valuable link.

There are several in-depth guides to help you understand the concept of broken link building and how to get it right the first time. You’ll find these resources really helpful:

6. Grow Your Personal Brand

One of the top link building strategies is growing your brand. Your brand evolves from your thoughts, then begins to express itself externally.

When it comes to link building that works, recognize that people will naturally link to you as your personal brand grows.

What do I mean by that? Let’s pause for a moment here.

While different definitions might circle through the marketing world, a natural link is a link that’s a) editorially earned, and b) organic in the context it appears.

It’s not part of a sponsorship or paid in any way. Often, a natural link gives credit where credit’s due, and it’s something every pro blogger should be after.

I’ve watched how powerful a natural link can be. Whenever I publish a new blog post, within 24 hours, I usually see new links from authority blogs.

Earning that comes back to the quality of your content and your brand. In a sense, your brand represents you. My definition of a brand is “your representative when you’re not there.”

I’ve been marketing online for over a decade. Throughout this time, one of the most effective strategies I used to grow my personal brand was consistent blogging. When you blog consistently, you get more attention.

If link building is part of your strategy, get serious about blogging. You’ll get 97 percent more inbound links, and that will also improve your search engine rankings.

Link Building Strategies for Marketers - Grow Your Personal Brand

7. Check Competitors’ Backlinks

If your competitors are ranking higher than you in the search engines, they may be on the right track. You can be there, too.

There’s nothing as powerful as spying on your competitors to know where their links are coming from.

Spying on your competitors helps you see what keywords they’re ranking for, where their best links are coming from, and what they’re currently doing that helps them succeed is called “competitive analysis.”

So how do you check your competitor’s backlinks?

Follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Go to Ubersuggest and type in your competitor’s domain into the search bar.
Link Building Strategies for Marketers - Check Competitors' Backlinks
  • Step 2: On the results page, click on the backlinks box.
Link Building Strategies for Marketers - use Ubersuggest to Check Competitors' Backlinks
  • Step 3: Scroll down to see a list of sites linking to your competitor.
Link Building Strategies for Marketers - Use Ubersuggest to Check Backlinks

When you know which sites your competitors are generating their backlinks from, you’ve won half the battle—now you can focus on sites that are yielding results instead of reinventing the wheel.

8. Replicate Your Competitor’s Best Links

Now that you know where your competitors got their links, you need to answer the next question: How can you replicate their success?

For example, if you find several links are from related blogs, especially on the author profile, it’s obvious that guest blogging is working for them.

If their links are from corporate sites, your competitors are probably getting links through outreach and networking.

On the other hand, if their links are from high-value sites such as Entrepreneur, Forbes, CNN, Huffington Post, and the like, then you should know that a columnist or editor is likely involved, and this might be a paid placement.

Use Ubersuggest to help you focus on the links with a high domain and page authority. You want natural links from websites that Google (and the rest of your industry) already view as a thought leader.

9. Create Link Building Roundups

If you want the right links, you’ve got to give first. Don’t be selfish with your posts by linking to your internal pages only. Learn to link out to other useful blog posts.

Link roundups are a powerful method of networking and a great link building strategy. All you need to do is create a list of blog posts from other bloggers.

How do you create link roundups?

First, find blog posts that are relevant to your topic. For example, if you want to compile a list of 50 blogs that deal with headline writing, you’d simply go to Google and try this search string:

intitle: roundup “YOUR KEYWORD”

You also want to pay attention to your traffic and current link profile. More blogs in your industry may be linking to your posts. When writing your roundup posts, start with the blogs that have sent you traffic.

Remember when you do a roundup post, don’t link solely to your internal pages. Site owners may not be inspired to link back to you because you didn’t use the principle of reciprocity.

Link to their posts, and they’ll be more likely to reciprocate by linking to your resource page.

10. Keep Track of Your Backlinks

Most people spend time and money to get new links, but they don’t track their status.

If you don’t track your backlinks, how will you know whether to build more or pause? You may have over 800 links pointing to your web pages right now, but when you check it after 30 to 60 days, some of the links might be gone.


You don’t have control over the blogs and authority sites that link to you. The site owners can easily remove your link from their post or resource page without notifying you.

This is why it’s important to monitor your backlinks.

If you’re not sure of the number of backlinks your site currently has, here’s how to find out.

  • Step 1: Visit Ubersuggest, type in your site’s URL, and click on “search.”
  • Step 2: Click on the backlinks box.
  • Step 3: Scroll down, and you’ll see a graph detailing links you’ve gained and lost.
Link Building Strategies for Marketers - Keep Track of Your Backlinks

Besides seeing who is linking to you, the backlinks tool also shows each site’s anchor text, DA, and page authority.

There’s also a graph showing your backlinks over time. This is useful to see if your link building strategies are paying off or if it’s time to try something new.

Link Building Strategies for Marketers - Keep Track of Your Backlinks with Ubersuggest

11. Establish Content Pillars

If you want people to take your content seriously, then you’ve got to write things that make people think. Create useful content, content that actually helps them do something, and the links will follow.

Content is the lifeblood of your online business. Whether you’re selling information products, like e-books or software, or you’re into physical products, like digital cameras and hard copy books, you’ve got to give people a reason to publicize you.

The challenge of creating content is frequency.

How often should you publish new content for your target audience?

Constantly bombarding them with one blog post after another may not be helpful, as it generally leads to information overload.

The real challenge is when and how often you need to publish new content for your prospects and customers. Some customers don’t mind if you posted daily, but it seems like a boatload of work to others.

This leaves you with two options:

  • ask your customers questions
  • create pillar content once in a while

You’ll likely get different responses from your email subscribers, blog readers, prospects, and customers if you follow the first option. This ends up complicating things.

The second option is a lot better. Instead of regularly creating and publishing new content, you can save yourself the hassle and create pillar content regularly.

What is pillar content?

According to Yaro Starak it is: 

“A pillar article is usually a tutorial style article aimed to teach your audience something. Generally they are longer than 500 words and have lots of very practical tips or advice…This style of article has long term appeal, stays current (it isn’t news or time dependent) and offers real value and insight.”

When you start creating pillar content, you’ll no longer struggle to write and publish new posts every day of the week, yet your traffic will grow.

Instead, you’ll bring in traffic from users and other sites that are interested in the valuable content you’ve created.

If you want to increase conversion rate, generate organic and referral traffic and improve your search rankings, spend more time creating pillar content. It’s a great way to improve your link profile. 

You could format your content pillar using the “how-to” style, as in this example from Yaro Starak:

Link Building Strategies for Marketers - Establish Content Pillars

Alternatively, you could make your post a top list, like this one from Wordtracker.com:

link building guide - pillar post example

12. Reclaim Links Through Social Mentions

Link reclamation is a popular topic in search engine optimization and the social media world. You can reclaim broken 404 links and name drops that don’t link to your blog.

Check your Google Analytics for 404 pages that people link to, then point them to another active and relevant page while you fix the 404 pages. 

Alternatively, you could just go ahead and fix your broken page to reclaim your links.

However, we’re particularly concerned about link reclamation through social mentions.

If you’ve been monitoring your brand and social media mentions using Google Alerts and not taking advantage of those mentions, then you’ve been making a mistake.

When you publish infographics with an attribution code below the graphic, your goal is to get people to embed the code on their blogs and link back to you.

How many of these people use your code or link back to the primary source?

I design and promote lots of helpful infographics. A lot of sites may decide to publish my infographics for their readers to enjoy.

They’re supposed to credit my blog, but what if they saved the graphic and just uploaded it to their blog post? How do I reclaim what rightfully belongs to me, the link?

Follow these simple steps:

  • Step 1: Use Google Images Search. Do a keyword search for the complete title of your infographic.
  • Step 2: Click your infographic and visit the page. Check whether your link is attributed correctly or not.
Link Building Strategies for Marketers - Reclaim Links Through Social Mentions

You can see that Tomer Harel linked to my infographic page on QuickSprout.

Beyond infographics, you may want to know who is mentioning your blog URL. You can ask for the link once you discover that your name or URL was mentioned but not linked to your web page.

13. Earn Editorial Links

Editorial links don’t happen by chance. You create them by providing value. This is what Google has been after since the first Google Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird, and Mobile-geddon updates.

Editorial links are the most valuable and sought-after links because they’re freely given by sites that aren’t looking for anything in return.

The nature of editorial links is this: your content must be compelling before people link to it.

If all of your links are acquired or built manually, you’ll struggle to retain all of them, and Google may penalize you because you can’t be that careful all of the time. To avoid wasting time and effort, why not focus on producing great content?

Yes, I know that I’ve said it over 50 times in the past 30 days, but if it weren’t important, I’d have ignored it. I create high-quality content every day, and thousands of people link to it. My link profile thanks me for it.

To earn editorial links, you can start blogging with a strategy. Write content that will help people move from Point A to Point B. Create more tutorials and pillar content and make sure that you include accurate data in all of your content.

Read this guide on how to create better content that will earn you editorial links. 

Link Building FAQs

Is link building dead?

No. It’s changed from focusing on the number of backlinks to the quality of backlinks.

What is a link building strategy?

The practice of gaining links back to your website to improve your authority and search engine rankings. Common link building strategies include creating infographics and guest posting.

Do I need permission to backlink to another site?

No, you do not need permission to link to another site.

What’s the most common link building strategy?

Guest blogging is one of the most popular link building strategies. It’s all about creating quality content people want to link back to.

What’s the best way to find the authority of a website that gives you a backlink?

Use a tool like Ubersuggest to find the Domain Authority for websites that give you backlinks.

Link Building Strategies Conclusion

Your website’s link profile is one of the most crucial factors in ranking in search engine results. Remember, Google doesn’t care so much about how many links point to your pages, but rather about the experience you create for users.

Be smart and strategic about blogging, social media marketing, search engine optimization, and any other marketing techniques you use to build links.  

Your real challenge isn’t link building, but earning quality, trusted, and natural links. That’s because it’s no longer about the number of links—it’s the quality that matters. 

Follow these fool-proof link building strategies, and you’ll be on your way to building a successful blog that both users and Google will love.

Which of these link building best practices have you used?

Looking for an Online Business Loan? Read this Become.co Review Before You Do Anything Else

Become.co, once known as Lending Express, claims to help businesses get funding even when they have gotten denials elsewhere. But can they do what they say?

An All In Become.co Review

First as Lending Express, and now as Become, this is a company that claims to be able to help businesses get funding when they have not otherwise been able to do so.  What is their secret, and does it really work? We dug deep in order to find out.

Become.co Review: What is Become?

First things first. This is not a lender. Rather, they are more of a lender and borrower dating service.  They collect information from potential borrowers and send it to partner lenders. The lenders then decide whether or not they want to make a financing offer to the would-be borrower. The company spins it as lenders competing for the opportunity to fund the borrower’s business.  In some cases, this may well be how it turns out.

Find out why so many companies use our proven methods to get business loans.

Become.co Review: Types of Business Loans

The lenders that work with Become offer a broad range of lending products.  They include:

  • Startup business loans
  • Commercial vehicle loans
  • Asset based loans
  • SBA loans
  • Merchant cash advances
  • Lines of credit
  • Invoice financing
  • And unsecured business loans

Become.co Review: How Does it Work?

First, you fill out an application with Become.  Then, the company technology analyzes the application and matches you with the best lenders for your business from among their partners.

Application Process

  1. Select how much you need under “loan amount” and then “Get Loan Offer”’
  2. Fill out the information asked for, which includes time in business, industry, revenue etc.
  3. Select up to 3 different lenders.
  4. Then, you will have to connect your business’s checking account to be analyzed.
  5. After that, you wait for the offers to roll in.
  6. After reviewing offers, select the lender you wish to go with.
  7. Funds will be deposited into your business checking account.

The process takes about 15 minutes and involves a soft pull on your credit report.  It will not affect your credit.

Rates and Terms

Typically, the minimum amount available from partner lenders is $5,000.  The  maximum is up to $500,000.  Flexible repayment is available based on monthly turnover. Loan terms are from 3 to 36 months.

Also, repayments do not use “interest rates.”  Rather, you are given a payback amount, which is agreed on upfront. It is based on your business type and your loan term.

They claim this  structure is beneficial for your business cash flow, because you will know your total costs upfront.  While not untrue, it would be wise to calculate an effective interest rate for comparison purposes.  For example, if your loan amount is $5,000 and your repayment amount is $5,500, your effective interest rate is 10% over the life of the loan.

This is important information to know, so that you can make sure you are getting the best deal possible for your business.


Any business owner can apply.  If you do not qualify, you will still be assigned a dashboard explaining the reason why, along with tips to help you improve your chances. At a minimum, you should have an average revenue of $5,000 per month, ideally.  You also need to have been in business for at least 3 months if you are a U.S. business and at least 6 months if you are in Australia.

As for credit score, while it is important, some of their partners do not deny based on a low credit score.  Instead, their decision is based on the overall health of your business as determined by a number of factors. These may include revenue, time in businesses, average balance in business bank accounts, and more.

Clearly, the more of these factors you have in your favor, the better your chances are going to be for getting funding from Become.

Required Documents

You must have a business checking account.  Become will analyze the statements for the past 3 to 6 months. Other document requirements will be up to the lender you end up applying to.  Some examples of documents they may require include merchant statements, tax returns, and financing projections. It will never hurt to have a business plan.

Find out why so many companies use our proven methods to get business loans.

Become.co Review: How Are They Different?

Become uses technology and advanced algorithms to help match business borrowers to alternative lenders. The process is free, and unlike others, they do more than just match borrowers to lenders. They also function as a credit profiler.

Their proprietary technology renders a unique LendingScore™ for each business.  This is a financing profile that is intended to help the company improve funding possibilities, access new opportunities, and find the best funding solutions.

Find out why so many companies use our proven methods to get business loans.

Become.co Review: Reputation

They do not seem to have a  Better Business Bureau profile, at least not under the name Become. There is a company with the same name that uses the URL “Become.com.” Become.com appears to be an online shopping portal, wholly unrelated to Become. Co. Since both companies are in the state of California, this could be quite confusing.

They do, though, have a very good rating on Trustpilot. The rating is 4.8 stars.  There are over 500 reviews, and over 90% of them are excellent.

Become.co Review: Are They All That They Claim to Be?

It seems that they do a great job.  They have a lot of happy customers, and Trustpilot is a trusted review source. That said, it’s unfortunate that they chose a name that requires a .co URL.  This may make them hard for many to find when looking for small business loans.  Alos, the name “Become” doesn’t exactly reflect who they are or what they do, further complicating the ability of business owners to find them. It is a very generic word which most people would not relate to business funding.

Another potential area of concern is the fact that they want access to your business bank account. It sounds as if they want to access it electronically. Still, online lenders are doing this more and more these days.  Given the number of great reviews, it may not be an issue.  That is a decision you will have to make for yourself.

Is Become the End of the Road if You Do Not Qualify?

If you fill out an application with Become and you do not qualify for funding with any of their lenders, your dashboard will contain the reasons why and ideas to help you qualify in the future. This can be helpful in the long term. But, what if you need funding right now?

A business credit expert can help walk you through the process of building a business credit profile.  This is separate from your personal credit profile, and will open up new funding opportunities.  They can also analyze the current fundability of your business, and help you find ways to improve it.

In addition, they can help you find the funding you need right now with products like 401K financing and the Credit Line Hybrid.  Get a free consultation today.

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