New comment by xelxebar in "Ask HN: Who wants to be hired? (August 2019)"

  Location: Obihiro, Japan
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Résumé/CV: Upon request
  Proficient Languages: POSIX shell (dash), bash, C (gcc), Plain/AMS TeX, make, dc (GNU bc implementation), sed
  Hobby Languages: x86_64 (GNU as), Haskell, Guile scheme, Lua
  Technologies: ELF binaries, linker (ld), loader (, shellcheck, bats, gawk, valgrind, readelf, Hakyll, objdump, git, fail2ban, snort, nginx, postfix, openkim, opendmarc, dovecot, tor, znc, prosody, gnuplot

I just exited a Ph.D. program in algebraic geometry, looking at performing differential geometry over discrete “manifolds”. In particular, I was interested in porting General Relativity to a discrete differential geometry realm. Now, I’m looking for remote work.

In broad strokes, my talents lie in three main domains. Relaying what I hear from my peers: 1) my ramp-up time on technical subjects is fast, 2) my analysis is deep and careful, and 3) my explanations of highly technical material are lucid and helpful. Words are words though, so I hope to find a team with lots of opportunities for growth, and where my natural talents are useful and appreciated.

On the DevOps side, I have a relatively comprehensive understanding of Linux as an OS, having used Linux primarily since middle school. These days, I pretty much live in the command line and (finally) have the background to rely primarily on man/info pages and source code for my documentation needs, without resorting to blogs or wiki pages.

Finally, I love math. I find it beautiful, exhilarating, not to mention useful. Regardless of day job, I find myself spending a good bit of my free time studying algebra, geometry, and their intersection. This interest spills over into languages like Haskell and Scheme, hardware execution models, and even the Linux kernel.

I would flourish in R&D or any position that can use an overabudance of curiosity and a scrutinizing eye.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Get a Look at Instant Approval Business Credit Cards

Check Out Instant Approval Business Credit Cards We looked at a lot of instant approval business credit cards, and did the research for you. So here are our picks. Per the SBA, small business credit card limits are a whopping 10 – 100 times that of personal credit cards! This reveals you can get a … Continue reading Get a Look at Instant Approval Business Credit Cards

New comment by cpruijsen in "Ask HN: Freelancer? Seeking Freelancer? (August 2019)"

SEEKING FREELANCER | Front end developer | Full-time | Remote only | $6-8k USD / month As a new business unit at SiFive (Series D semiconductor startup) we are working on an online learning platform which will make RISC-V computer architecture courses accessible to universities, engineering bootcamps and corporations worldwide. Looking for a mid-level (3+ … Continue reading New comment by cpruijsen in "Ask HN: Freelancer? Seeking Freelancer? (August 2019)"

BizSource and TrueSearch: Meet the Experian Business Credit Team

What Your Need to Know about the New Experian Business Credit Mighty Duo

There are three major players in the game of business credit reporting. They are Dun & Bradstreet, Experian, and Equifax. Often, Dun & Bradstreet gets all the glory. Experian business credit has recently stepped up their game however.  The addition of two new team members, BizSource and TrueSearch, was a bold move. Who are these players, and how are they changing the game of business credit?

Meet BizSource: The Experian Business Credit Information Database

Experian combines its 30 years of database management experience with comprehensive commercial data to create a business intelligence database like no other. Its goal to be the number one source of business credit information, making BizSource the perfect name. It’s poised to become a heavy hitter in the game of business credit.

Meet TrueSearch: The Perfect BizSource Partner

TrueSearch is the new search and match technology that gives BizSource its power. Business credit reports differ from consumer reports in many ways, one of which is completeness. Credit reports for businesses tend to become spotty and hard to understand as companies change names, ownership, and affiliations. Throw in an address change now and then and it is a wonder any business can have a complete credit picture.

TrueSearch provides BizSource with complete, up to date information on businesses as reported.  This makes sure the database has the most up to date, complete credit picture available for 19 million United States businesses. It also drops inactive trade lines after 36 months.

Hit the jackpot with our best webinar and its trustworthy list of seven vendors who can help you build business credit.

How Does TrueSearch Work Its Magic?

It all starts with the assigning of the BIN (Business Identification Number) that remains the same even with changing ownership and locations. Similar to a DUNS number from Dun & Bradstreet, it allows for consistent tracking over time. If there are multiple BINs assigned for some reason, they can combine into one business view to show the overall credit worthiness of the single company.

TrueSearch technology also combines variations of the business name and address into one record. Since it tracks variations over time, its matching technology provides depth of data and a more complete credit profile and score that has not previously been available from Experian. Regardless of the variation entered into the search, it will match up to the current record.  The result is more useful information.

How Does this Experian Business Credit Team Change the Game?

Their powers combined, BizSource and TrueSearch are able to provide users with so much more. They can see more inquiry matches, more data, and improvement in data depth and accuracy. Another huge plus with these two on the team is the ability to put together data from more than one source into one file.  In addition, it has the ability to blend both consumer and commercial data for small businesses.

The Rules of the Game

If you are not a regular spectator or participant in the business credit game, you can’t understand how any of this matters. You have to first understand the rules of the game.  Then you can see how new players up the ante. If you don’t know anything about business credit, you are likely swimming in questions.

What is business credit? Why do I need business credit? Do I have business credit? How do I get business credit? Let’s start at the beginning.

What is Business Credit?

Business credit is a credit score for your business separate from your personal credit score. It is not associated with your personal finances at all.

Why Do I Need Business Credit?

Experian business credit credit suite2

If you borrow money for your business based on your personal credit, then your business finances will affect your personal credit score. You may think that is no biggie because you intend to handle your debts responsibly and make on time payments.

First, anything can happen. More than that however, making payments on time to business creditors does not keep your business finances from harming your personal credit. Business expenses are very large, and they can fill up a credit card fast. Cards connected to personal credit typically have lower limits than cards obtained with business credit. Business expenses can max out personal cards quickly.

Even if you pay them on-time, being at your max limit will lower your ratio of debt to your available credit. This ratio is a player in the credit score formula. If this number is too high, it will negatively affect your credit score despite on-time payments.

Also, if you already have poor personal credit, business credit can allow you to access the funds you need for your business anyway. If you have business credit, you will not need to rely on your personal credit to fund your business. Your business will be fundable on its own merit.

Do I Have Business Credit?

Now, if you are reading this as a business owner that has never thought of business credit before, you may be asking yourself if you have business credit. That depends. Let’s go through the steps necessary for establishing and building business credit and go from there.

Get in the Game: How to Establish Experian Business Credit (or Business Credit at All)

These steps will not only help you establish Experian business credit, but they will also help you establish business credit with other business credit reporting agencies.

Hit the jackpot with our best webinar and its trustworthy list of seven vendors who can help you build business credit.

Guard Your Man

This step is easier if done from the beginning, but it is possible to do it at any point. The goal is to separate your business from yourself. The first step to doing this is to incorporate. If you are operating as a sole proprietor or a partnership, you and your business are basically one and the same in the eyes of creditors. If your business owes money, you owe money, and vice versa. That means all payments on credit accounts get reported to your personal credit report.

By incorporating, you not only get some liability protection, but you also ensure that your business account payments get reported to your business credit report. You can choose to incorporate as a corporation, S-corp, or LLC. The level of protection and cost of each vary, but they all work the same for the purpose when it comes to establishing business credit.

Set Up the Shot

For the purposes of establishing and building business credit with all three reporting agencies, including Experian business credit, you have a few more things you need to do.

  • Get an EIN. You can do this for free at This is an identifying number that works similar to an SSN, but for your business. It will eliminate the need for you to use your SSN when applying for business credit. You may still need to provide it for the purposes of ensuring identification for fraud prevention.
  • Your business address and phone number should not be the same as your personal address and phone number. The phone number should be through a toll-free exchange, and you need to have both listed in the directories under the business name.
  • In today’s world, you cannot go without a business website. One that is unprofessional and poorly put together is just as bad as not having one at all. Use some marketing dollars to make sure your business website is well designed and user friendly.

Stay On Target

  • Have a separate business email that is not from a free service such as Gmail or Yahoo. It should have the same URL as the company website.
  • Open a separate business bank account. This not only helps separate your business for business credit purposes, but will help you keep your business finances separate from personal finances. The amount of time this saves come tax time is priceless.
  • Apply for a DUNS number with Dun & Bradstreet. It is free on the Dun & Bradstreet website. They will try to sell you other services. You don’t need them and the number is free. Unlike Experian and Equifax, you cannot have a business credit score with Dun & Bradstreet without a DUNS number.

Get Off the Bench: Building Experian Business Credit, or Any Business Credit

To begin building business credit, you have to have timely payments on accounts reporting to the business credit agencies. If the account reports to Experian, your Experian business credit report opened with the first reported payment. Of course, it takes a little while to establish a pattern of on-time, consistent payments.  After a bit however, your credit score will be established and start to grow.

The heck of it is, to get credit accounts that the creditors will report the payments on, you have to have good business credit, right? In general, yes, but we happen to know a few players to have on your team that can help you around this hurdle.

Hit the jackpot with our best webinar and its trustworthy list of seven vendors who can help you build business credit.

The Vendor Credit Tier

You definitely need the vendor credit tier on your team. It includes starter vendors that will extend net 30 invoice terms without a credit check, then report payments on those invoices to the credit reporting agencies. They do not all report to all agencies, so you need to work with several of them to get your credit established with each agency.

There are dozens of these “starter vendors” out there, but the easiest to get started with include:


Quill sells general office supplies that any business can use at pretty much any time. They may require you to make some initial purchases, but they will typically extend net invoice terms. Quill reports to Dun & Bradstreet. There is a $50 minimum payment to report.


Uline is a vendor of packing and janitorial supplies. They work much the same way as Uline, except they report to D&B and Experian business credit, so here is how to get your credit information listed with BizSource. They also require a $50 minimum to report.


Grainger sells industrial and outdoor supplies, including tools. Every business can use a hammer and a screwdriver, right? They report to D&B and require a $50 minimum product purchase to report. If you do not have established business credit, you may need to submit business financials.

There are many others in addition to these, but this is a good start. Some require a minmum length of time in business.  Others look for a particular amount of annual income. These three are easy to get started with right away, until you can meet the requirements for more in the vendor credit tier.

Experian Business Credit: Beyond the Vendor Credit Tier

You cannot build a whole business on credit from the vendor credit tier alone. To build your business credit higher and stronger, you will need to continue through the other credit tiers.

Retail Credit Tier

This tier includes store cards such as Amazon, Best Buy, Office Depot, and more. Once you have 5 to 7 vendor credit tier accounts reporting on-time payments, you should be able to qualify for some of these.

Fleet Credit Tier

The cards in the fleet credit tier pay for gasoline and automobile repairs. They come from companies such as Shell, Fuelman, and WEX. You can start applying for these after you have 10 or so accounts reporting from the retail credit tier.

Cash Credit Tier

This is the top tier that some consider elusive. It doesn’t have to be if you work through the other tiers first however. These are the standard Mastercard, Visa, and American Express cards that are not attached to a store. After you have enough accounts reporting from the fleet credit tier, you can apply for them. Cards in the cash credit tier often have higher limits and better rewards programs. Just be sure to continue paying on time to keep from ruining all your hard work.

With the Right Team Players, Anyone Can Build Business Credit

Just as Experian business credit has added BizSource and TrueSearch to their team, business owners have to put together a winning business credit building team. Once you have your business established as separate from your personal finances, you are ready to play the game.

Start recruiting in the vendor credit tier, and as soon as you start winning a few, you will see it is much easier to recruit new and stronger players. Before you know it, you will be able to taste victory.


The post BizSource and TrueSearch: Meet the Experian Business Credit Team appeared first on Credit Suite.

Get a Look at Instant Approval Business Credit Cards

Check Out Instant Approval Business Credit Cards

We looked at a lot of instant approval business credit cards, and did the research for you. So here are our picks.

Per the SBA, small business credit card limits are a whopping 10 – 100 times that of personal credit cards!

This reveals you can get a lot more funds with small business credit. And it also means you can have personal credit cards at stores. So you would now have an extra card at the same stores for your company.

And you will not need collateral, cash flow, or financial data in order to get business credit.

Instant Approval Business Credit Cards: Benefits

Perks can differ. So, make sure to pick the benefit you would prefer from this array of alternatives.

Instant Approval Business Credit Cards: Ironclad Secured Credit Cards

Wells Fargo Business Secured Credit Card

Take a look at the Wells Fargo Business Secured Credit Card. It charges a $25 yearly fee per card (up to 10 employee cards). It also requires a minimum security deposit of $500 (up to $25,000) and it is designed to help cardholders build or rebuild their credit.

Pick this card if you want to get 1.5% per dollar in purchases without any limits or earn one point for every dollar in purchases. You also get 1,000 bonus points for every month your company makes $1,000 in purchases on the card.


Also, you get free FICO scores every month. There are no foreign transaction fees. It is possible to upgrade to unsecured credit. Your account is regularly reviewed. And you may become eligible for an upgrade to an unsecured card with responsible use over time. Approval is not guaranteed and depends on factors including how you manage this and your other accounts.

APR is the current prime rate plus 11.90%. There is no introductory APR period and no sign-up bonus. This is not a card for balance transfers.

Get it here:

Instant Approval Business Credit Cards for Average Credit

Capital One® Spark® Classic for Business

For average credit, we like the Capital One Spark Classic for Business. It has no yearly fee. There are cash-back rewards. The card gets an unlimited 1% cash back on all purchases. There is an annual fee of $0.

With this card, you will get benefits including an auto rental collision damage waiver, and purchase security. And you also get extended warranty coverage. And you get travel and emergency assistance services.

But BEAR IN MIND: the ongoing APR is 24.74% variable APR. And the penalty APR is even higher, 31.15%. Also, there is no sign-up bonus.

Get it here:

Establish business credit fast with our research-backed guide to 12 business credit cards and lines.

Instant Approval Business Credit Cards for Credit Building

Discover it® Student Cash Back

Make sure to check out the Discover it® Student Cash Back card. It has no annual fee. The credit card also has a six-month introductory period of 0% APR on purchases. And there is an APR of 14.99 – 23.99% variable on all purchases after that period.

One special feature is that it provides an incentive for scholars to maintain good grades with a $20 statement credit. If scholars earn a GPA of 3.0 or better each school year, the card will award the $20 statement credit annually for up to five years.


Use this card to build personal credit. While this is a personal card versus a business credit card, for new credit users, their FICO scores will matter. And this credit card offers an excellent way to raise FICO while also getting rewards.

You can get 5% cash back at different places each quarter like grocery stores, gas stations, restaurants or up to the quarterly maximum. After that, this credit card offers unlimited 1% cash back on all purchases.

In the first year, all cash back rewards are matched 100%.

Downsides include a cash advance fee of either $10 or 5% of the amount of each cash advance, whichever is greater. And though they waive the first late payment fee, a fee of up to $37 applies on all other late payments. There is also a returned payment fee of up to $37.

Get it here:

Instant Approval Business Credit Cards for Low APR/Balance Transfers

Discover it® Cash Back

Take a look at the Discover it® Cash Back card. There is a 10.99% introductory APR for six months from date of first transfer. So, this is for transfers under this offer which post to your account by January 10, 2019.

After the introductory APR expires, your APR will be 14.99% to 23.99%. So, this is based on your creditworthiness. Your APR will vary with the market, which is based on the Prime Rate.


You can earn 5% cash back at different places every quarter. So, these are establishments like gas stations, grocery stores, restaurants,, or wholesale clubs. But this is up to the quarterly maximum each time you activate. Additionally, automatically earn unlimited 1% cash back on all other purchases.

You will earn an unlimited dollar-for-dollar match. This is for all the cash back you have gotten at the end of your first year, automatically.

Get it here:

Instant Approval Business Credit Cards with 0% APR – Pay Absolutely Nothing!

Capital One® Quicksilver® Card

Take a look at the Capital One® Quicksilver® Card. It features flat-rate rewards of 1.5% on all purchases. There are no limits how much in cash back rewards that cardholders can attain. Also, the card has a $0 yearly fee.


New cardholders have a 0% APR on purchases and balance transfers for the first 15 months after opening the account. And then they have a 14.74 – 24.74% (variable) APR after that. A cash bonus of $150 goes to those who make a minimum of $500 on purchases. So this is in 3 months of account opening.

Also, cash back rewards do not expire for the life of the account. And there is no limit to how much you can earn.

Moreover, there is a cash bonus of $150 is available to cardholders. This is if you make a minimum of $500 on purchases within 3 months of account opening.

The card also offers travel accident insurance. And you can get an auto rental collision damage waiver. There are no foreign transaction fees. And there is extended warranty coverage.

Downsides are the flat reward rate, not allowing for any more than that. And then there’s the higher APR after the initial 15 months.

Get it here:

Bank of America® Business Advantage Travel Rewards World Mastercard® Credit Card

The Bank of America® Business Advantage Travel Rewards World Mastercard® credit card has no yearly fee and comes with a 0% introductory APR on purchases for the initial nine months. After that, the card has a 13.24 – 23.24% variable APR

Earn 3 points/dollar spent when you book travel with the Bank of America Travel Center and 1.5 points/dollar on all other purchases. You can earn unlimited points and points will never expire.


There is a 25,000-point sign-up bonus when you spend $1,000 in the initial 60 days of opening up the account. Cardholders get travel accident insurance, and lost luggage reimbursement.

They additionally get trip cancellation coverage, trip delay reimbursement and other benefits.

There is no introductory rate for balance transfers. Also, bonus categories are limited.

Get it here:

JetBlue Plus Card

Have a look at the JetBlue Plus Card for an additional offer of a 0% introductory APR

Earn six points/dollar on JetBlue purchases, two points/dollar at eating establishments and grocery stores. And get one point/dollar on all other purchases.


Spend $1,000 in the first 90 days and pay the yearly fee, and earn 40,000 bonus points. New cardholders receive a 12 month, 0% initial APR on balance transfers made within 45 days of account opening.

Thereafter, the variable APR on purchases and balance transfers is 17.99%, 21.99% or 26.99%, based on creditworthiness. Benefits include a free first checked bag and 50% savings on in-flight purchases.

There is a $99 yearly fee for this card.

Get it here:

Establish business credit fast with our research-backed guide to 12 business credit cards and lines.

Instant Approval Business Credit Cards with No Annual Fee

Uber Visa Card

Check out the Uber Visa Card. Uber is the very first ride-sharing service to offer a credit card, in a partnership with Visa and Barclays.

The card offers 4% back per dollar spent at restaurants, takeout and bars, including UberEATS. Also, earn 3% back on hotel, airfare and vacation home rentals. And get 2% back on online purchases.

So, this includes retailers and subscription services like Uber and Netflix. And get 1% back on all other purchases. Each percent/point has a value of 1 cent. Redeem points for cash back, gift cards or Uber credits directly in the app.

By spending at least $500 in the initial 90 days, users can earn a $100 sign-up bonus. Cardholders spending at least $5,000 per year are eligible to receive a $50 credit toward online subscription services.


Pay your cell phone bill with this card, and get insurance up to $600 for cellphone damage or theft.

Cardholders are eligible for exclusive access to specific events and offers. Uber expects most of these offers to be available in major cities. These are places like New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago and DC. There is no foreign transaction fee.

But there is no introductory rate. The APR is a variable 16.99%, 22.74% or 25.74%, based on your creditworthiness. Cardholders with less than stellar credit will be on the higher end of the range.

Also, there are restrictions on Uber credits. To redeem points as credits within the Uber app, accumulate at least 500 points, or $5. Cardholders can convert a maximum of 50,000 points, or $500, in a given day.

Get it here:

Costco Anywhere Visa® Business Card by Citi

Not taking Uber? Then you’ll want to fill your gas tank somehow. Why not do so with the Costco Anywhere Visa® Business Card by Citi?

This credit card earns cash back with every purchase. Get 4% cash back on the first $7,000 spent on eligible gas purchases annually (1% after that). Get 3% cash back at restaurants and on eligible travel purchases. Also, earn 2% cash back at Costco and And earn 1% cash back on all other purchases.

Keep in mind: the $0 annual fee is only for Costco members. And an active Costco membership is required. Cardholders will get access to damage and theft purchase protection, extended warranty coverage and travel accident insurance.

Also, there is no sign-up bonus available with this card.

Get it here:

Ink Business Cash℠ Credit Card

Look at the Ink Business Cash ℠ Credit Card. Companies can get cash back with each purchase. Spend $3,000 in the initial three months from account opening. And you’ll get a $500 bonus cash back.

There is a $0 annual fee with a 0% introductory APR for 12 months on purchases and balance transfers. After that, the APR is a 15.24 – 21.24% variable.

The card comes with travel and purchase coverage benefits. So, this includes an auto rental collision damage waiver and extended warranty protection.


Earn additional cash back on business categories. So, these include office supply stores, telecommunications, gas stations and restaurants.

Note: this card has a balance transfer fee. Pay 5% of the amount transferred or $5, whichever is greater. Also, there is a foreign transaction fee of 3%.

Get it here:

United MileagePlus Explorer Business Card

Get a good look at the United MileagePlus Explorer Business Card.

Get 2 miles/dollar with United and at restaurants, filling stations and office supply stores. All other purchases earn 1 mile/dollar. Earn a 50,000-mile sign-up bonus after spending $3,000 in the initial three months from account opening.

Benefits include priority boarding, a free first checked bag for you and a companion on the same reservation.


Also, get two United Club passes annually. And get hotel and resort perks including upgrades. Additionally, get early check-in and late checkout. And get an auto rental collision damage waiver.

Also, get baggage delay insurance, lost luggage reimbursement, trip cancellation and interruption insurance. Finally, get trip delay reimbursement, purchase protection, price protection and concierge service.

After the first year, the card has an annual fee of $95. APR of 17.99% – 24.99%, based on creditworthiness.

Get it here:

Starwood Preferred Guest® Business Credit Card from American Express

Another option is the Starwood Preferred Guest Business Credit Card from American Express.

This card is for those who stay at Starwood Preferred Guest and Marriott hotels often. Earn six points per dollar of eligible purchases at participating SPG and Marriott Rewards hotels.

And get four points per dollar at US restaurants, American gas stations, and on American purchases for shipping.

Also, earn four points to the dollar on wireless telephone services purchased directly from US service providers. For all other eligible purchases, get two points per dollar.


Get 75,000 bonus points when you spend $3,000 in the initial three months of account opening. Benefits include free in-room premium internet access, Sheraton Club lounge access, and purchase protection.

Plus you get car rental loss and damage insurance. And you get baggage insurance. There is also a global assistance hotline. And there is a roadside assistance hotline. And get travel accident insurance and extended warranty coverage.

The most significant issue is the annual fee. There is a $0 introductory annual fee for the first year, then it’s $95 afterwards. Plus there is no 0% introductory APR. Instead, there is a 17.74 – 26.74% variable APR

Get it here:

Instant Approval Business Credit Cards for Cash Back

SimplyCash Plus Business Credit Card from American Express

Look at the SimplyCash Plus Business Credit Card from American Express. There is a $0 yearly fee. And there is a 0% APR on purchases So this is for the first 15 months an account is open.

But when the introductory period ends, the APR for purchases is 14.24 to 21.24%. So, this is variable and based on creditworthiness.


This credit card has various benefits. These include purchase protection, car rental loss and damage insurance. And they also include a baggage insurance plan, extended warranty coverage and a global assist hotline.

Also, earn 5% cash back at US office supply stores and on wireless phone services. So, these must be purchased from American service providers. But this pertains to the initial $50,000 of annual spending. Then, you get 1% cash back.

You also earn 3% cash back on spending category of your choice. So, this is from eight distinct categories. They include airfare, gas, advertising and computer purchases. But it applies to the first $50,000 of annual spending. Then, you earn 1% cash back.

Cash-back bonuses are automatically credited to the customer’s billing statement.

Note: you cannot use this card for balance transfers. There is a foreign transaction fee of 2.7%. The card charges up to $38 in late fees. And the returned check fee is also $38. The penalty APR is 29.99%.

And, it kicks in if you have two or more late payments within 12 months. It can also apply if you fail to make the minimum payment on time or have a returned payment.

Get it here:

Establish business credit fast with our research-backed guide to 12 business credit cards and lines.

The Perfect Instant Approval Business Credit Cards for You

Your absolute best instant approval business credit cards hinge on your credit history and scores.

Only you can choose which features you want and need. So be sure to do your homework. What is outstanding for you could be catastrophic for other people.

And, as always, make certain to establish credit in the recommended order for the best, fastest benefits.



The post Get a Look at Instant Approval Business Credit Cards appeared first on Credit Suite.

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Get a Look at Instant Approval Business Credit Cards

Check Out Instant Approval Business Credit Cards

We looked at a lot of instant approval business credit cards, and did the research for you. So here are our picks.

Per the SBA, small business credit card limits are a whopping 10 – 100 times that of personal credit cards!

This reveals you can get a lot more funds with small business credit. And it also means you can have personal credit cards at stores. So you would now have an extra card at the same stores for your company.

And you will not need collateral, cash flow, or financial data in order to get business credit.

Instant Approval Business Credit Cards: Benefits

Perks can differ. So, make sure to pick the benefit you would prefer from this array of alternatives.

Instant Approval Business Credit Cards: Ironclad Secured Credit Cards

Wells Fargo Business Secured Credit Card

Take a look at the Wells Fargo Business Secured Credit Card. It charges a $25 yearly fee per card (up to 10 employee cards). It also requires a minimum security deposit of $500 (up to $25,000) and it is designed to help cardholders build or rebuild their credit.

Pick this card if you want to get 1.5% per dollar in purchases without any limits or earn one point for every dollar in purchases. You also get 1,000 bonus points for every month your company makes $1,000 in purchases on the card.


Also, you get free FICO scores every month. There are no foreign transaction fees. It is possible to upgrade to unsecured credit. Your account is regularly reviewed. And you may become eligible for an upgrade to an unsecured card with responsible use over time. Approval is not guaranteed and depends on factors including how you manage this and your other accounts.

APR is the current prime rate plus 11.90%. There is no introductory APR period and no sign-up bonus. This is not a card for balance transfers.

Get it here:

Instant Approval Business Credit Cards for Average Credit

Capital One® Spark® Classic for Business

For average credit, we like the Capital One Spark Classic for Business. It has no yearly fee. There are cash-back rewards. The card gets an unlimited 1% cash back on all purchases. There is an annual fee of $0.

With this card, you will get benefits including an auto rental collision damage waiver, and purchase security. And you also get extended warranty coverage. And you get travel and emergency assistance services.

But BEAR IN MIND: the ongoing APR is 24.74% variable APR. And the penalty APR is even higher, 31.15%. Also, there is no sign-up bonus.

Get it here:

Establish business credit fast with our research-backed guide to 12 business credit cards and lines.

Instant Approval Business Credit Cards for Credit Building

Discover it® Student Cash Back

Make sure to check out the Discover it® Student Cash Back card. It has no annual fee. The credit card also has a six-month introductory period of 0% APR on purchases. And there is an APR of 14.99 – 23.99% variable on all purchases after that period.

One special feature is that it provides an incentive for scholars to maintain good grades with a $20 statement credit. If scholars earn a GPA of 3.0 or better each school year, the card will award the $20 statement credit annually for up to five years.


Use this card to build personal credit. While this is a personal card versus a business credit card, for new credit users, their FICO scores will matter. And this credit card offers an excellent way to raise FICO while also getting rewards.

You can get 5% cash back at different places each quarter like grocery stores, gas stations, restaurants or up to the quarterly maximum. After that, this credit card offers unlimited 1% cash back on all purchases.

In the first year, all cash back rewards are matched 100%.

Downsides include a cash advance fee of either $10 or 5% of the amount of each cash advance, whichever is greater. And though they waive the first late payment fee, a fee of up to $37 applies on all other late payments. There is also a returned payment fee of up to $37.

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Instant Approval Business Credit Cards for Low APR/Balance Transfers

Discover it® Cash Back

Take a look at the Discover it® Cash Back card. There is a 10.99% introductory APR for six months from date of first transfer. So, this is for transfers under this offer which post to your account by January 10, 2019.

After the introductory APR expires, your APR will be 14.99% to 23.99%. So, this is based on your creditworthiness. Your APR will vary with the market, which is based on the Prime Rate.


You can earn 5% cash back at different places every quarter. So, these are establishments like gas stations, grocery stores, restaurants,, or wholesale clubs. But this is up to the quarterly maximum each time you activate. Additionally, automatically earn unlimited 1% cash back on all other purchases.

You will earn an unlimited dollar-for-dollar match. This is for all the cash back you have gotten at the end of your first year, automatically.

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Instant Approval Business Credit Cards with 0% APR – Pay Absolutely Nothing!

Capital One® Quicksilver® Card

Take a look at the Capital One® Quicksilver® Card. It features flat-rate rewards of 1.5% on all purchases. There are no limits how much in cash back rewards that cardholders can attain. Also, the card has a $0 yearly fee.


New cardholders have a 0% APR on purchases and balance transfers for the first 15 months after opening the account. And then they have a 14.74 – 24.74% (variable) APR after that. A cash bonus of $150 goes to those who make a minimum of $500 on purchases. So this is in 3 months of account opening.

Also, cash back rewards do not expire for the life of the account. And there is no limit to how much you can earn.

Moreover, there is a cash bonus of $150 is available to cardholders. This is if you make a minimum of $500 on purchases within 3 months of account opening.

The card also offers travel accident insurance. And you can get an auto rental collision damage waiver. There are no foreign transaction fees. And there is extended warranty coverage.

Downsides are the flat reward rate, not allowing for any more than that. And then there’s the higher APR after the initial 15 months.

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Bank of America® Business Advantage Travel Rewards World Mastercard® Credit Card

The Bank of America® Business Advantage Travel Rewards World Mastercard® credit card has no yearly fee and comes with a 0% introductory APR on purchases for the initial nine months. After that, the card has a 13.24 – 23.24% variable APR

Earn 3 points/dollar spent when you book travel with the Bank of America Travel Center and 1.5 points/dollar on all other purchases. You can earn unlimited points and points will never expire.


There is a 25,000-point sign-up bonus when you spend $1,000 in the initial 60 days of opening up the account. Cardholders get travel accident insurance, and lost luggage reimbursement.

They additionally get trip cancellation coverage, trip delay reimbursement and other benefits.

There is no introductory rate for balance transfers. Also, bonus categories are limited.

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JetBlue Plus Card

Have a look at the JetBlue Plus Card for an additional offer of a 0% introductory APR

Earn six points/dollar on JetBlue purchases, two points/dollar at eating establishments and grocery stores. And get one point/dollar on all other purchases.


Spend $1,000 in the first 90 days and pay the yearly fee, and earn 40,000 bonus points. New cardholders receive a 12 month, 0% initial APR on balance transfers made within 45 days of account opening.

Thereafter, the variable APR on purchases and balance transfers is 17.99%, 21.99% or 26.99%, based on creditworthiness. Benefits include a free first checked bag and 50% savings on in-flight purchases.

There is a $99 yearly fee for this card.

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Instant Approval Business Credit Cards with No Annual Fee

Uber Visa Card

Check out the Uber Visa Card. Uber is the very first ride-sharing service to offer a credit card, in a partnership with Visa and Barclays.

The card offers 4% back per dollar spent at restaurants, takeout and bars, including UberEATS. Also, earn 3% back on hotel, airfare and vacation home rentals. And get 2% back on online purchases.

So, this includes retailers and subscription services like Uber and Netflix. And get 1% back on all other purchases. Each percent/point has a value of 1 cent. Redeem points for cash back, gift cards or Uber credits directly in the app.

By spending at least $500 in the initial 90 days, users can earn a $100 sign-up bonus. Cardholders spending at least $5,000 per year are eligible to receive a $50 credit toward online subscription services.


Pay your cell phone bill with this card, and get insurance up to $600 for cellphone damage or theft.

Cardholders are eligible for exclusive access to specific events and offers. Uber expects most of these offers to be available in major cities. These are places like New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago and DC. There is no foreign transaction fee.

But there is no introductory rate. The APR is a variable 16.99%, 22.74% or 25.74%, based on your creditworthiness. Cardholders with less than stellar credit will be on the higher end of the range.

Also, there are restrictions on Uber credits. To redeem points as credits within the Uber app, accumulate at least 500 points, or $5. Cardholders can convert a maximum of 50,000 points, or $500, in a given day.

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Costco Anywhere Visa® Business Card by Citi

Not taking Uber? Then you’ll want to fill your gas tank somehow. Why not do so with the Costco Anywhere Visa® Business Card by Citi?

This credit card earns cash back with every purchase. Get 4% cash back on the first $7,000 spent on eligible gas purchases annually (1% after that). Get 3% cash back at restaurants and on eligible travel purchases. Also, earn 2% cash back at Costco and And earn 1% cash back on all other purchases.

Keep in mind: the $0 annual fee is only for Costco members. And an active Costco membership is required. Cardholders will get access to damage and theft purchase protection, extended warranty coverage and travel accident insurance.

Also, there is no sign-up bonus available with this card.

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Ink Business Cash℠ Credit Card

Look at the Ink Business Cash ℠ Credit Card. Companies can get cash back with each purchase. Spend $3,000 in the initial three months from account opening. And you’ll get a $500 bonus cash back.

There is a $0 annual fee with a 0% introductory APR for 12 months on purchases and balance transfers. After that, the APR is a 15.24 – 21.24% variable.

The card comes with travel and purchase coverage benefits. So, this includes an auto rental collision damage waiver and extended warranty protection.


Earn additional cash back on business categories. So, these include office supply stores, telecommunications, gas stations and restaurants.

Note: this card has a balance transfer fee. Pay 5% of the amount transferred or $5, whichever is greater. Also, there is a foreign transaction fee of 3%.

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United MileagePlus Explorer Business Card

Get a good look at the United MileagePlus Explorer Business Card.

Get 2 miles/dollar with United and at restaurants, filling stations and office supply stores. All other purchases earn 1 mile/dollar. Earn a 50,000-mile sign-up bonus after spending $3,000 in the initial three months from account opening.

Benefits include priority boarding, a free first checked bag for you and a companion on the same reservation.


Also, get two United Club passes annually. And get hotel and resort perks including upgrades. Additionally, get early check-in and late checkout. And get an auto rental collision damage waiver.

Also, get baggage delay insurance, lost luggage reimbursement, trip cancellation and interruption insurance. Finally, get trip delay reimbursement, purchase protection, price protection and concierge service.

After the first year, the card has an annual fee of $95. APR of 17.99% – 24.99%, based on creditworthiness.

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Starwood Preferred Guest® Business Credit Card from American Express

Another option is the Starwood Preferred Guest Business Credit Card from American Express.

This card is for those who stay at Starwood Preferred Guest and Marriott hotels often. Earn six points per dollar of eligible purchases at participating SPG and Marriott Rewards hotels.

And get four points per dollar at US restaurants, American gas stations, and on American purchases for shipping.

Also, earn four points to the dollar on wireless telephone services purchased directly from US service providers. For all other eligible purchases, get two points per dollar.


Get 75,000 bonus points when you spend $3,000 in the initial three months of account opening. Benefits include free in-room premium internet access, Sheraton Club lounge access, and purchase protection.

Plus you get car rental loss and damage insurance. And you get baggage insurance. There is also a global assistance hotline. And there is a roadside assistance hotline. And get travel accident insurance and extended warranty coverage.

The most significant issue is the annual fee. There is a $0 introductory annual fee for the first year, then it’s $95 afterwards. Plus there is no 0% introductory APR. Instead, there is a 17.74 – 26.74% variable APR

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Instant Approval Business Credit Cards for Cash Back

SimplyCash Plus Business Credit Card from American Express

Look at the SimplyCash Plus Business Credit Card from American Express. There is a $0 yearly fee. And there is a 0% APR on purchases So this is for the first 15 months an account is open.

But when the introductory period ends, the APR for purchases is 14.24 to 21.24%. So, this is variable and based on creditworthiness.


This credit card has various benefits. These include purchase protection, car rental loss and damage insurance. And they also include a baggage insurance plan, extended warranty coverage and a global assist hotline.

Also, earn 5% cash back at US office supply stores and on wireless phone services. So, these must be purchased from American service providers. But this pertains to the initial $50,000 of annual spending. Then, you get 1% cash back.

You also earn 3% cash back on spending category of your choice. So, this is from eight distinct categories. They include airfare, gas, advertising and computer purchases. But it applies to the first $50,000 of annual spending. Then, you earn 1% cash back.

Cash-back bonuses are automatically credited to the customer’s billing statement.

Note: you cannot use this card for balance transfers. There is a foreign transaction fee of 2.7%. The card charges up to $38 in late fees. And the returned check fee is also $38. The penalty APR is 29.99%.

And, it kicks in if you have two or more late payments within 12 months. It can also apply if you fail to make the minimum payment on time or have a returned payment.

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The Perfect Instant Approval Business Credit Cards for You

Your absolute best instant approval business credit cards hinge on your credit history and scores.

Only you can choose which features you want and need. So be sure to do your homework. What is outstanding for you could be catastrophic for other people.

And, as always, make certain to establish credit in the recommended order for the best, fastest benefits.



The post Get a Look at Instant Approval Business Credit Cards appeared first on Credit Suite.

The post Get a Look at Instant Approval Business Credit Cards appeared first on Buy It At A Bargain – Deals And Reviews.

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