Get Business Credit Cards with no Personal Guarantee in a Business Recession

Get Business Credit Cards with no Personal Guarantee and Beat the Business Recession

Do you know how to beat the business recession? You get business credit cards with no personal guarantee? We do, and we are here to show you how. This method will work no matter what is happening with COVID-19.

Normally, getting credit isn’t easy.

You know what I’m talking about. You looked around the big banks, and then the medium-sized banks and then the small ones. And you tried the banks where you do business. And you also tried the others suggested by your friends or business associates. But after your long quest, you were unable to acquire any kind of a small business credit card without a personal guarantee.

Recession Period Funding

The number of American banks as well as thrifts has been decreasing slowly for 25 years. This is from consolidation in the marketplace as well as deregulation in the 1990s, lowering barriers to interstate banking. See:

Assets focused in ever‐larger banks is problematic for small business proprietors. Big financial institutions are much less likely to make small loans. Economic declines mean banks become extra careful with lending. Fortunately, business credit does not count on financial institutions.

The Baddish News – in the Business Recession and Beyond

There are over 500 distinct business credit cards around but less than fifty of them grant credit to companies in the absence of a personal guarantee. Complicating matters, these cards are not marketed or granted to all interested clients.

You can identify with the banks’ viewpoint. They don’t like risk so they attempt to diminish it by securing a business credit card. They accomplish this by asking you, the business owner, to guarantee payments from your private finances. So, this is in the event of business default.

If worst comes to worst, and as a guarantor or co-signer you are not able to pay the financial obligation, then your individual assets will be executed. If you provide a personal guarantee and don’t pay your business credit card bills, the bank can seize your accounts, your vehicle, your residential property, and your stocks.

And they can seize whatever else you may have used to guarantee that card.

But your standpoint, of course, is that you need to have this card to run your company better.

Get Business Credit Cards with no Personal Guarantee in a Business Recession: What You Can Do

The first thing you can do, and it’s easier said than done, is to have patience, and grow creditworthiness for your small business in the same manner that you have established your personal credit history. For most companies, this means paying your debts punctually, plus staying in business for a while, to develop a record of creditworthiness.

To get rid of the sticking point of a personal guarantee, you will have to demonstrate to the bank that your small business is solid. And you have to show that it can produce consistent earnings, and it has a substantial cash flow.

And the business needs to have a flawless payment history. If all the above can be shown, it will be a lot easier to find small business credit cards with no personal guarantee.

This is how to start establishing business credit without personal guarantee.

Get Business Credit Cards with no Personal Guarantee in a Business Recession: Here are Measures You Can Take:

Get Business Credit Cards with no Personal Guarantee in a Business Recession: Step 1

Set apart yourself from your company. This means you can help your cause by incorporating or becoming a limited liability company (LLC). This is a separate entity from the owner(s). And it means you must register for a separate identification number with Internal Revenue Service.

If your business is already an LLC you can skip this step altogether.

Find out why so many companies are using our proven methods to improve their business credit scores, even during a recession.

Get Business Credit Cards with no Personal Guarantee in a Business Recession: Step 2

Get several company credit cards with personal guarantees. The ones with high spending limits will be better. This is because they are the only ones reported to the business credit agencies. And you definitely want business credit cards that do not report to personal credit.

Make sure when you buy these products, they have the personal guarantee removal feature baked right in. Keep your credit utilization at one third of your credit limit or less. Pay in a timely manner every time.

Make sure to use these small business credit cards to make your business’s large orders. These purchases, in combination with a low revolving debt and of course on time payment will all help.

These actions will demonstrate to the bank that your company can control its financial resources well. It will also persuasively show that the profit your business yields is enough to take care of financial obligations and more.

This can lead to an unsecured business credit card no personal guarantee.


Make certain that your personal credit history stays spotless. Eventually, you can file a personal guarantee removal request for these preexisting business credit cards. So, this is normally six months to one year.

The financial institution will hold an account review. But they could also consider your private credit report. If the bank approves your request then you have met your goal. If the bank says no, don’t lose hope. Just go to the next step.

No personal guarantee business credit cards can be yours.

Get Business Credit Cards with no Personal Guarantee in a Business Recession: Step 3

You can elect to make an application for third-party guaranteed lending. For example, this could be an SBA loan, for financing. Settling such a loan will help you develop your business credit score.

You can also make an application for a small business credit card from a particular retailer. These retail credit cards often do not require a personal guarantee. Chose a store where your company makes purchases often. And by all means do not forget about those prompt payments!

These retail credit cards, along with an SBA loan will raise your PAYDEX score from Dun and Bradstreet. If you are unfamiliar with the term, the quick version is that PAYDEX is for businesses what FICO is for people.

Retail credit cards will give you an extra advantage from the start. This is because they will decrease your personal liability for your company debt. These are business credit cards for new businesses without personal guarantee.

Ask the financial institution again to take off the personal guarantee clause. Or apply for new business credit cards without any personal guarantee. Yes, new business credit cards without personal guarantee are possible.

You can try this once you have gotten an 80 PAYDEX score under the above conditions. This is when your opportunity to get such credit cards will increase exponentially.

Another Technique to Get a Business Credit Card with no Personal Guarantee in a Business Recession

You can instead apply directly for those very few small business credit cards with no personal guarantees. You should apply for business credit card no personal guarantee. For example you can opt for Sam’s Club® Business MasterCard®  or the Bremer Bank Visa® Signature Business Company Card.

Each specific card of this type asks you, the business owner, to satisfy a set of conditions. But these conditions will differ from one card to another. For a Sam’s Club ® Business MasterCard ® you need your business to bring in over $5 million in yearly sales.

The Bremer Bank Visa ® Signature Business Company Card is available for businesses with annual revenues between $1 million and $10 million. But at the same time other company credit cards with no personal guarantee attached call for an open Dun & Bradstreet file. Plus there can be other requirements to be met.

Be sure to consult the card issuer. And read through all the specifics of the promotion carefully.

Business Credit Cards with no Personal Guarantee in a Business Recession: Build Business Credit

Increase your chances big time by building business credit!

Small business credit is credit in a business’s name. It doesn’t link to an owner’s individual credit, not even if the owner is a sole proprietor and the solitary employee of the company.

Accordingly, a business owner’s business and consumer credit scores can be very different.

The Advantages

Considering that small business credit is distinct from individual, it helps to protect a small business owner’s personal assets, in case of legal action or business insolvency.

Also, with two distinct credit scores, a business owner can get two different cards from the same merchant. This effectively doubles buying power.

Another benefit is that even new ventures can do this. Visiting a bank for a business loan can be a formula for frustration. But building company credit, when done properly, is a plan for success.

Individual credit scores rely on payments but also additional components like credit usage percentages.

But for business credit, the scores actually only hinge on whether a small business pays its debts promptly.

Get Biz Credit in an Economic Downturn Credit Suite

The Process

Establishing business credit is a process, and it does not happen automatically. A small business will need to actively work to develop small business credit.

Having said that, it can be done easily and quickly, and it is much speedier than establishing personal credit scores.

Merchants are a big part of this process.

Carrying out the steps out of sequence will cause repetitive denials. Nobody can start at the top with small business credit. For example, you can’t start with retail or cash credit from your bank. If you do, you’ll get a denial 100% of the time.

Starting with vendors is how to get easy business credit cards no personal guarantee.

Company Fundability

A business must be fundable to loan providers and merchants.

Hence, a company will need a professional-looking website and e-mail address. And it needs to have website hosting from a company like GoDaddy.

Plus, company telephone and fax numbers ought to have a listing on

In addition, the company telephone number should be toll-free (800 exchange or the like).

A small business will also need a bank account dedicated strictly to it, and it needs to have every one of the licenses essential for running.


These licenses all must be in the correct, appropriate name of the small business. And they need to have the same business address and phone numbers.

So keep in mind, that this means not just state licenses, but potentially also city licenses.

Working with the Internal Revenue Service

Visit the Internal Revenue Service website and obtain an EIN for the small business. They’re totally free. Select a business entity like corporation, LLC, etc.

A company can start off as a sole proprietor. But they will probably wish to switch to a kind of corporation or an LLC.

This is in order to minimize risk. And it will make the most of tax benefits.

A business entity will matter when it involves tax obligations and liability in case of a lawsuit. A sole proprietorship means the business owner is it when it comes to liability and tax obligations. No one else is responsible.

A corporate business card will be in the corporate name. Yes, that even includes corporate credit cards without personal guarantee. And it can even mean start up business credit cards without personal guarantee. This is how to get a credit card without credit.

Setting off the Business Credit Reporting Process

Begin at the D&B website and obtain a cost-free D-U-N-S number. A D-U-N-S number is how D&B gets a business in their system, to produce a PAYDEX score. If there is no D-U-N-S number, then there is no record and no PAYDEX score.

Once in D&B’s system, search Equifax and Experian’s web sites for the small business. You can do this at If there is a record with them, check it for correctness and completeness. If there are no records with them, go to the next step in the process.

In this way, Experian and Equifax will have something to report on.

Start with business credit cards without personal credit.

Vendor Credit

First you ought to build trade lines that report. This is also referred to as vendor credit. Then you will have an established credit profile, and you’ll get a business credit score.

And with an established business credit profile and score you can begin to get retail and cash credit.

These kinds of accounts have the tendency to be for the things bought all the time, like marketing materials, shipping boxes, outdoor work wear, ink and toner, and office furniture.

But first off, what is trade credit? These trade lines are credit issuers who will give you initial credit when you have none now. Terms are often Net 30, instead of revolving.

Therefore, if you get an approval for $1,000 in vendor credit and use all of it, you will need to pay that money back in a set term, such as within 30 days on a Net 30 account.

Soon, these will be business credit cards that do not require a personal guarantee.

Find out why so many companies are using our proven methods to improve their business credit scores, even during a recession.

Accounts That Don’t Report

Non-Reporting Trade Accounts can also be helpful. While you do want trade accounts to report to a minimum of one of the CRAs, a trade account which does not report can still be of some worth.

You can always ask non-reporting accounts for trade references. And also credit accounts of any sort should help you to better even out business expenditures, thus making financial planning simpler. These are providers like PayPal Credit, T-Mobile, and Best Buy.

These won’t start out as small business credit cards without personal guarantee. But in time, they can be credit cards for businesses with no personal guarantee.

Retail Credit

Once there are 3 or more vendor trade accounts reporting to at least one of the CRAs, then move to retail credit. These are businesses like Office Depot and Staples.

Fleet Credit

Are there more accounts reporting? Then move onto fleet credit. These are companies such as BP and Conoco. Use this credit to purchase fuel, and to fix, and maintain vehicles. Only use your SSN and date of birth on these applications for verification purposes. For credit checks and guarantees, make sure to apply for business credit card no personal guarantee using the small business’s EIN.

By now, you’ll get a business credit card no personal credit check.

Find out why so many companies are using our proven methods to improve their business credit scores, even during a recession.

Cash Credit

Have you been responsibly handling the credit you’ve up to this point? Then move onto more universal cash credit. These are companies like Visa and MasterCard. Just use your Social Security Number and date of birth on these applications for verification purposes. For credit checks and guarantees, use your EIN instead.

These are normally MasterCard credit cards. If you have more trade accounts reporting, then these are doable.

Make sure to use the business EIN to apply for business credit card without personal guarantee. Then you will get a business credit card no personal guarantee.

A Word about Business Credit Building in a Business Recession

Always use credit sensibly! Never borrow beyond what you can pay off. Monitor balances and deadlines for repayments. Paying in a timely manner and fully will do more to boost business credit scores than almost anything else.

Establishing small business credit pays off. Excellent business credit scores can help a business get a business loan no personal guarantee. Your lending institution knows the business can pay its financial obligations. They recognize the small business is authentic.

The company’s EIN links to high scores and loan providers won’t feel the need to request a personal guarantee.

Business credit is an asset which can help your business for many years to come. It’s really the only way to get a business credit card no personal guarantee required.

Get Business Credit Cards with no Personal Guarantee in a Business Recession – These Could be Yours

With patience and over time, you can get business credit cards with no personal guarantee. All you need to have is what the banks ask. That is, a dependable small business generating consistent profit, with a strong cash flow. And then, you will have what it takes.

This is how to get business credit card without personal guarantee. The COVID-19 situation will not last forever!

The post Get Business Credit Cards with no Personal Guarantee in a Business Recession appeared first on Credit Suite.

Don’t Let Bad Credit Sink Your Business: Recession Vendor Credit Can Pull You Out of the Quicksand

How Recession Vendor Credit Can Be a Lifeline Out of Mud and Muck

You’re trying to sleep but anxiety is creeping in.  You can’t shake the cold feeling in the pit of your stomach.  The recession hit and you are about to start sinking fast.  What can you do?  Is there any hope?  Your personal credit can only hold so much, and it won’t last for long the way things are going.  The business credit situation isn’t great either.  You need to find a vine so you can pull yourself out of this mess.  That is exactly what recession vendor credit can do, if you know how to use it.

Bad business credit is like quicksand.  It can pull you down and choke the life out of your business before you can think.  The more you struggle the deeper you sink.  How can you possibly pull your business out of this sticky situation?  Reach for the vine of recession business credit.  Not only can it help rebuild and repair damaged business credit, it can start you on the path to stronger business credit than you have ever had.  If you don’t have business credit, then recession vendor credit can help you establish it.

Learn more here and get started toward building business credit attached to your company’s EIN and not your SSN. Get money even in a recession! 

The vendor credit tier of business financing offers terms that count as credit, and reports payments to credit agencies.  This allows you to establish and build business credit that will get you out and keep you away from more business finance quicksand.

To fully understand the vendor credit tier however, you need to know what it is, and how it fits in to the other business financing tiers.

The Recession Vendor Credit Vine Hangs Low

If you are sinking in quicksand the first thing you have to do is stop struggling.  The more you struggle the faster you sink.  You do not reach for vines and branches that are too high.  The low hanging vine that is easy to get to is really the only option you have.  Recession vendor credit is easy to recognize because, unlike the other credit tiers, it is going to be easy to grab a hold of from right where you are.

Start Vendors

This is a low hanging vine that you need to grab to build your business credit. Even if you do not have business credit at all when you first start, it will still work. In fact, it may work better from the beginning.  However, this vine can pull you out of a bad credit mess as well.

Starter vendors are the businesses from which you purchase the things you use day to day in your own business. It may be inventory, raw materials, office supplies, or any number of things. They offer terms such as net 30, meaning you get 30 days from the date of purchase to pay for the items purchased.  Some vendors offer net 15, net 60, or even net 90.

In the end, they report your payments, or lack thereof, to credit agencies. The beauty is they do not require a credit check typically, meaning if you handle things properly, they offer an opportunity to build business credit from the ground up.

Store Credit

Once there are 3 or more vendor trade accounts reporting to at least one of the CRAs, you can start to reach for some of the higher vines, like store credit. These are service providers like Office Depot and Staples.

Only use your SSN and date of birth on these applications for verification purposes. For credit checks and guarantees, use the company’s EIN on these credit applications.

There are several options that report to various credit reporting agencies.  For example, Lowe’s reports to D&B, Equifax and Business Experian. They want to see a D-U-N-S and a PAYDEX score of 78 or more.  If you have handled your recession vendor credit properly, this will be no problem.

Fleet Credit

Are there more accounts reporting? Then you can reach for the next higher vine, fleet credit. These are companies like BP and Conoco. Use this credit to purchase fuel and vehicle maintenance. Just use your Social Security Number and date of birth on these applications for verification purposes. For credit checks and guarantees, make sure to apply using the company’s EIN.

Shell is an example of a company in this tier.  They report to D&B and Business Experian. They want to see a PAYDEX Score of 78 or more and a 411-business phone listing.

Shell might say they want a certain amount of time in business or revenue. However, if you already have adequate recession vendor credit, that won’t be necessary. You will still be able to get approval.

General Credit Cards

Have you been responsibly handling the credit you’ve gotten up to this point? Then keep reaching for higher vines and get yourself out of the muck for good.  General credit cards include businesses such as Visa and MasterCard. Only use your Social Security Number and date of birth on these applications for verification purposes. For credit checks and guarantees, use your EIN.


Learn more here and get started toward building business credit attached to your company’s EIN and not your SSN. Get money even in a recession! 

Additionally, they want you to have an established company.

How to Make Starter Credit Work for Your Business

Using recession vendor credit doesn’t help you at all if you are operating under your personal credit. You have to establish your business as its own entity before it can build its own credit. It’s much easier to stay out of the quicksand, but if you do fall in, knowing what to do is essential.  It also helps if you have been working out and have a solid core to help pull yourself up.  When it comes to business credit, these are the things you must do to build your core:

  • Incorporate your business (or at least begin operating under a DBA)
  • List separate business contact information in directories
  • Obtain an EIN and D-U-N-S number
  • Open a bank account in your business name and run all business expenses through that account.

These steps will help you establish your business as an entity with finances separate from your own. That means vendors will report credit information in your business name. Thus, your business credit will be born. This is the foundation of your strong core and what will help you begin the process of pulling yourself out of a sticky credit situation.

Now, who are these vendors that can save you?   We picked a few of the best to highlight, but the list isn’t exhaustive by any means.

Grainger Industrial Supply

Grainger sells power tools, pumps, hardware and other things. In addition, they can handle maintenance of your auto fleet. You need a business license and EIN number to quality, as well as a D-U-N-S number from Dun & Bradstreet.

Quill Office Supplies

Quill is the ultimate starter vendor . They sell office supplies as well as cleaning and packaging supplies. Products range from office furniture and printer ink to snacks and coffee.

Uline Shipping Supplies

Uline reports to Dun & Bradstreet and carries shipping boxes, trucks, dollies, janitorial supplies, and more. Initially, you may need to prepay. After that, they are likely to approve you for Net 30 terms.

Behalf is way of getting paid through an app, but they also offer funding. The more you have your customers pay you through Behalf, the more likely they are to offer you favorable terms when it comes to funding.

Avoid the Quicksand All Together

Once you are out of muck and safe, don’t jump right back in. Stay on solid ground and on top of your business credit. How do you do this when quicksand can sneak up on you so quickly?  It’s not as hard as it sounds.

If you are working with recession vendor credit, be certain to make payments on time or early. Then, monitor your credit. When you see things moving in the right direction, keep moving up the vines and building strong business credit.

Don’t become a victim of credit agency mistakes. If you see a problem on your report, signal for help. Let them know about the mistake in writing, give them the correct information, and provide documentation. Don’t send originals though. Be sure to make copies and keep the originals for yourself.

Learn more here and get started toward building business credit attached to your company’s EIN and not your SSN. Get money even in a recession! 

You should note that it is isn’t as easy to monitor business credit as it is to monitor personal credit. You can get a free personal credit report annually, and you can monitor your score and changes in your report through several free websites.  It costs money to monitor your business credit score.  There is no way around it.  However, we can help you monitor business credit at Experian and D&B for 90% less than it would cost you with the credit reporting agencies.  Find out how at

Grab the Recession Vendor Credit Vine: Don’t Let Bad Business Cause Your Business to Sink

If you know it’s there and are watching out for it, quicksand is totally avoidable. Unless, of course, you find yourself in a COVID-19 situation.  Then, you may very likely be pushed in before you even know what is happening. Bad business credit is also avoidable and fixable, even in a recession. It may take some time, but you can establish and build great business credit following the process, starting with recession vendor credit.

Start with starter vendors and work your way up to traditional financing.  If you trust the process, your business can thrive. Be careful not to move too fast. Start slow. If you move to quickly you could be sinking before you know it. When it comes to building business credit, slow and steady wins the race.

What does it mean to take it slow? Don’t bite off more than you can chew. Do not take on more credit than you can handle. Know your limits, and pay attention to the market. If you move to fast when trying to get out of quicksand you are just going to sink faster.  You have to stop struggling and move with slow, controlled movements. Any progress is progress toward where you want to be, meaning you are getting closer no matter how slowly you are moving.  Just keep moving in the right direction.

The same is true of building a business. You don’t have to move quickly, you just have to keep moving in the right direction.







The post Don’t Let Bad Credit Sink Your Business: Recession Vendor Credit Can Pull You Out of the Quicksand appeared first on Credit Suite.

How to Check Business Credit Score: Know What’s Going On

It is important to know how to check business credit score for a few reasons.  First, you just need to know what is going on with your business credit. Why does it matter?  Because business credit is one of many things that can affect the fundability of your business.  Do you know how to check business credit score reports? 

How to Check Business Credit Score: Your Fundability Will Thank You

Here’s the thing.  While a lot of things affect the fundability of your business, not all the things affect it equally.  Truly, there are many pieces to the puzzle. Business credit is like one big piece that fits right in the middle.  As a result, you have to know how to check it to get a feel for what is happening with your fundability.

Keep your business protected with our professional business credit monitoring.

How to Check Business Credit Score: What You Need to Know

How to Check Biz Credit Score Credit SuiteHowever, before we dive into how to check business credit, there are a few things you need to know.  For example, there are a lot of companies that issue a credit score for your business.  Next, each company offers more than one report.  Lastly, these reports contain much more information than just the credit score.  

Furthermore, there is no way to know which company a lender will use to check your business credit.  It could be all, one, or any combination. In addition, lenders actually apply their own formula to the information in the report to calculate a score that they feel is most useful to them.  As a result, they may not even use the score you see after you figure out how to check it.  

Honestly, all of these things are out of your control.  What you can control, to a point, is the information on the report.  Like, does it contain positive information?  Is the information on it accurate?  See, these are things you can work with. If the information lenders are seeing is both positive and accurate, you should be in good shape. Still, you cannot do anything about the information on the reports unless you know how to check your business credit score.  Then, you need to understand what it means, how it is calculated, and how lenders use it.  So here we go. 

How to Check Business Credit Score: Dun & Bradstreet

Basically, Dun & Bradstreet offers six different reports. For sure, the one utilized most often by lenders is the PAYDEX. Likely, this is due to the fact that it is the one most like the consumer FICO score. Similarly, it measures how quickly a company pays its debt on a scale of 1 to 100. Mostly, lenders like to see a score of 70 or higher.  To put it in perspective, a score of 100 reveals the firm makes payments ahead of time. A rating of 1 shows they pay 120 days late, or more.

Together with PAYDEX, they offer the following.

Delinquency Predictor Score

This rating determines the likelihood the company will not pay, will be late paying, or will come under bankruptcy. For scoring, the range is 1 to 5, with 2 being a good score.

Financial Stress Score

As you might imagine, this is a measurement of the stress on a firm’s balance sheet. It shows the possibility of shutting down within a year. The range is 1 to 5, and a 2 is good.

Supplier Evaluation Risk Rating

In contrast, this is a ranking that predicts odds of a firm surviving one year.  It ranges from 1 to 9, with a 5 being a good score.

Credit Limit Recommendation

As the name implies, this is a recommendation for the amount of debt a company can handle. Financial institutions usually use it to establish how much credit to extend.

D&B Credit Rating

This is an estimation of overall business risk on a scale of 4 to 1, where a 2 is considered good.  The smaller the number the better.  The rating is given in conjunction with letters, the combination of which shows a company’s net worth. 

Consequently, if there isn’t enough data on a company to give it  a rating, an alternative score is assigned. This is called a credit approval score.  It is based on the number of employees. They will use any data they have available to calculate this alternative rating.  That means, a company can control this to a point by ensuring D&B has all of the information they need.

Keep your business protected with our professional business credit monitoring.

Commercial Credit Score

Along with the PAYDEX, Dun & Bradstreet releases a commercial credit report.  It has three parts. Each shows how likely the business is to default on expenses or become seriously late on payments.

Commercial Credit Score

On a range of 101 to 670, the commercial credit score anticipates the likelihood of a firm making late payments. A rating of 101 indicates it is very likely that this will happen. Likewise, a score of around 500 is good.

Commercial Credit Percentile

For this, the scale goes from 0 to 100. It shows the chance of delinquency too. However, it determines this versus other companies in the Dun & Bradstreet system. A rating of 1 is the highest possible probability versus other companies. The majority of loan providers believe a rating of 80 or higher is good.

Commercial Credit Class

Basically, this is an way of dividing businesses into classes based on the chance of delinquency. Firms in class 1 are the least likely to be overdue. Likewise, if you are in class 2, that’s great.

How to Check Business Credit Score: Experian Business Credit Scores

Experian gathers data from a lot of the same sources as Dun & Bradstreet. As a result, their reports are similar.  There are a few key differences in sources, calculation, and also presentation however.

Intelliscore Plus

For example, Experian uses the Intelliscore Plus credit score.  It shows statistics-based credit risk. As a result, it is a highly predictive score that can help users make well-informed credit decisions. 

The Intelliscore scores range from 1 to 100, with a higher score indicating a lower risk class. 

Score Range Risk Class

Low Risk 76-100
Low-Medium Risk 51-75
Medium Risk 26-50
High-Medium Risk 11-25
High Risk 1-10


Experian’s Blended Score

The blended score is a one-page report.  It provides a summary of the business and its owner.  A combined business-owner credit scoring model works better than a business or consumer only model.  In fact, blended scores typically outperform consumer or business scores alone by 10 – 20%.

Experian Financial Stability Risk Score (FSR)

FSR predicts the potential of a business going bankrupt or not paying its debts.  Consequently, this score identifies the highest risk businesses by using payment and public records. They look at a number of variables, some of which include: 

  • high use of credit lines
  • severely late payments 
  • tax liens 
  • judgments 
  • collection accounts 
  • risk industries 
  • length of time in business 

How to Check Business Credit Score: The Equifax Service Credit Rating

Similarly, Equifax shows three different points on its corporate credit report. These include: 

Equifax Payment Index

Similar to PAYDEX, Equifax’s payment index is a measurement on a scale of 100. It shows how many of your small business’s payments were made on time. Like the others, it uses data from both creditors and vendors. However, it’s not meant to anticipate future behavior.  In fact, that is what the other two scores are for.

Equifax Credit Risk Score

This score shows the likelihood of your company becoming severely delinquent on payments. Scores range from 101 to 992 and include an evaluation of:

  • Available credit limit on revolving credit accounts, including credit cards
  • Company size
  • Proof of any non-financial transactions that are late or were charged off for two or more billing cycles
  • Length of time since the opening of the oldest financial account

Equifax Business Failure Score

Equifax’s business failure score takes a look at the risk of your business shutting down. It runs from 1,000 to 1,600 and bases its scoring on these factors:

  • Total balance to total current credit limit in the past three months
  • The amount of time since the opening of the oldest financial account
  • Your small business’s worst payment status on all trades in the last 24 months
  • Proof of any non-financial transactions (like merchant invoices) which are late or are on a charge off for two or more billing cycles

For the credit risk and the business failure scores, a rating of 0 means bankruptcy.

Equifax Scores

A positive Equifax score for your business is as follows:

  • Payment Index 0 to 10
  • Credit Risk score 892 to 992
  • Business Failure score 1400 to 1600

Are These the Only Agencies That Issue Business Credit Reports? 

In short, no.  Actually, there are a lot of other agencies that will issue a business credit score.  Furthermore, part of knowing how to check business credit score is knowing which company you need to check with.   These, however, are known as the big three.  If you want to view your whole report, including your score, you can pay for a credit report. Since these are the most commonly used, you need one from each of them. Still, there has been an increase in the use of another option recently.  It’s the FICO SBSS.

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How to Check Business Credit Score: FICO SBSS?

First, the FICO SBSS is the business variation of your personal FICO credit report. However, unlike your personal FICO, the SBSS reports on a scale of 0 to 300. The higher the score the better. Still, the majority of loan providers demand a rating of least 160.

Exactly how is the FICO SBSS Scored?

Surprisingly, it is significantly different from other business credit scoring designs. For example, the SBSS utilizes your corporate credit score and individual credit rating. In addition, it makes use of monetary details like business assets and income. As you can see, the goal is to give an overall financial picture with one rating.

Business owners cannot access their FICO SBSS by themselves. There is a proprietary formula for score computations. FICO does not make that information public. The result is, you go into lending institutions blind as to what your FICO SBSS credit rating might be. 

Furthermore, lenders can choose how certain factors are weighted in the computation of your score.  This means your FICO SBSS could actually be different from one lender to the next. For example, one lender could put more weight on your business payment history, while another could lean more on your personal credit score. 

What does all of this mean?  It means that you actually cannot check your business credit score from FICO SBSS yourself.  The best you can do is handle your credit responsibly and make sure the other aspects of fundability are in order.  If all you put out there going forward is positive information, your FICO SBSS should follow suit and be positive as anything negative drops off over time. 

How to Check Business Credit Score: Credit Monitoring

If you want to know how to check business credit score on an ongoing basis, credit monitoring is the answer. Typically, you can check your score at any time with a credit monitoring service.  Each of the big three has one, but you certainly save money with a third-party business credit monitoring option.  Also, you may be able to see your scores from more than one agency in one place. 

How to Check Business Credit Score: What’s Important

Honestly, you have to know how to check business credit score.  However, even more importantly, you need to know how it is calculated, what it tells lenders, and how to fix it if it isn’t good.  Generally, high scores result in easier approval. So, if you do not have a high score, pay for a copy of your report and figure out why. Then, have mistakes corrected.  If the probably is payment history, then start now paying your obligations on-time, regularly.  

Of course, if you have yet to set up your business as an entity separate from you as the owner, then you likely don’t even have an actual business credit report.  That’s right. Most likely everything is simply being reporting to your personal credit report.  If you and your business share contact information and a bank account, and if you are not incorporated, this is likely the case.  Get those things taken care of, and then you’ll be able to start the process of building business credit.

The post How to Check Business Credit Score: Know What’s Going On appeared first on Credit Suite.

Business Credit Card That Doesn’t Require Personal Guarantee

Are you looking for a business credit card that doesn’t require personal guarantee?

Get a Business Credit Card That Doesn’t Require a Personal Guarantee

We researched a ton of company credit cards for you. So, here are our top picks.

Per the SBA, business credit card limits are a whopping 10 – 100 times that of consumer credit cards!

This shows you can get a lot more funds with business credit. And it also shows you can have personal credit cards at retail stores. So, you would now have an additional card at the same shops for your small business.

And you will not need collateral, cash flow, or financial data to get small business credit.

Business Credit Card That Doesn’t Require a Personal Guarantee: Advantages

Benefits can differ. So, make certain to choose the benefit you would prefer from this choice of options.

Business Credit Card That Doesn’t Require a Personal Guarantee: 0% APR – Pay Nothing!

Bank of America® Business Advantage Travel Rewards World Mastercard® Credit Card

The Bank of America® Business Advantage Travel Rewards World Mastercard® credit card has no annual fee and comes with a 0% introductory APR on purchases for the initial nine months. Afterwards, the card has a 13.24 – 23.24% variable APR

Earn 3 points/dollar spent when you book travel via the Bank of America Travel Center and 1.5 points/dollar on all other purchases. You can get unlimited points and points never expire.


There is a 25,000-point sign-up bonus when you spend $1,000 in the initial 60 days of starting the account. Cardholders get travel accident insurance, and lost luggage reimbursement. 

They additionally get trip cancellation coverage, trip delay reimbursement and other benefits.

There is no introductory rate for balance transfers. Also, bonus categories are limited.

Get it here: 

JetBlue Plus Card

Consider the JetBlue Plus Card for an additional offer of a 0% introductory APR

Earn six points/dollar on JetBlue purchases, two points/dollar at restaurants and grocery stores. And get one point/dollar on all other purchases. 


Spend $1,000 in the first 90 days and pay the annual fee. So, then you can earn 40,000 bonus points. New cardholders receive a 12-month, 0% initial APR on balance transfers made within 45 days of account opening.

Thereafter, the variable APR on purchases and balance transfers is 17.99%, 21.99% or 26.99%, based on creditworthiness. Benefits include a free first checked bag and 50% savings on in-flight purchases.

There is a $99 annual fee for this card.

Get it here:  

Outstanding Business Credit Cards with No Annual Fee 

Uber Visa Card 

Check out the Uber Visa Card. Uber is the very first ride-sharing service to offer a credit card, in a partnership with Visa and Barclays.

The card offers 4% back per dollar spent at restaurants, takeout and bars, including UberEATS. Also, earn 3% back on hotel, airfare and vacation home rentals. And get 2% back on online purchases. 

So, this includes retailers and subscription services such as Uber and Netflix. And earn 1% back on all other purchases. Each percent/point has a value of 1 cent. Redeem points for cash back, gift cards or Uber credits directly in the app.

By spending a minimum of $500 in the initial 90 days, users can earn a $100 sign-up bonus. Cardholders spending a minimum of $5,000 per year are eligible to receive a $50 credit toward online subscription services. 


If you pay your cellphone bill with this card, you are insured up to $600 for cellphone damage or theft.

Cardholders are eligible for exclusive access to specific events and offers. Uber expects most of these offers to be available in major cities like New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago and DC. There is no foreign transaction fee.

But there is no introductory rate. So the APR is a variable 16.99%, 22.74% or 25.74%, based on your creditworthiness. Cardholders with less than stellar credit will be on the higher end of the range. 

Also, there are restrictions on Uber credits. To redeem points as credits within the Uber app, accumulate a minimum of 500 points, or $5. Cardholders can convert a maximum of 50,000 points, or $500, per day.

Get it here: 

Costco Anywhere Visa® Business Card by Citi 

Not taking Uber? Then you’ll need to fill your gas tank someway. Why not do so with the Costco Anywhere Visa® Business Card by Citi?

This credit card earns cash back with every purchase. Get 4% cash back on the first $7,000 spent on eligible gas purchases annually (1% after that). Get 3% cash back at restaurants and on eligible travel purchases. Also, get 2% cash back at Costco and And earn 1% cash back on all other purchases.

So keep in mind: the $0 annual fee is only for Costco members. And an active Costco membership is required. Cardholders will get access to damage and theft purchase protection, extended warranty coverage and travel accident insurance.

Also, there is no sign-up bonus available with this card.

Get it here:

Ink Business Cash℠ Credit Card

Check out the Ink Business Cash ℠ Credit Card. Companies can get cash back with every purchase. Spend $3,000 in the first three months from account opening. And you’ll earn a $500 bonus cash back.

There is a $0 annual fee with a 0% introductory APR for 12 months on purchases and balance transfers. Thereafter, the APR is a 15.24 – 21.24% variable. 

The card comes with travel and purchase coverage benefits. So, this includes an auto rental collision damage waiver and extended warranty protection.


Earn extra cash back on business categories. So, these include office supply stores, telecommunications, gas stations and restaurants.

Note: this credit card has a balance transfer fee. Pay 5% of the amount transferred or $5, whichever is greater. Also, there is a foreign transaction fee of 3%.

Get it here: 

United MileagePlus Explorer Business Card

Get a good look at the United MileagePlus Explorer Business Card.

Earn 2 miles/dollar with United and at restaurants, gas stations and office supply stores. All other purchases get 1 mile/dollar. Earn a 50,000-mile sign-up bonus after spending $3,000 in the initial three months from account opening. 

Benefits include priority boarding, a free first checked bag for you and a companion on the same reservation.


Also, get two United Club passes annually. And get hotel and resort perks including upgrades. Additionally, get early check-in and late checkout. And get an auto rental collision damage waiver. 

Also, get baggage delay insurance, lost luggage reimbursement, trip cancellation and interruption insurance. Finally, get trip delay reimbursement, purchase protection, price protection and concierge service.

After the first year, the card has an annual fee of $95. APR of 17.99% – 24.99%, based on creditworthiness.

Get it here: 

Starwood Preferred Guest® Business Credit Card from American Express

Another alternative is the Starwood Preferred Guest Business Credit Card from American Express. 

This credit card is for those who stay at Starwood Preferred Guest and Marriott hotels often. Get six points per dollar of eligible purchases at participating SPG and Marriott Rewards hotels.

And get four points per dollar at American restaurants, American filling stations, and on US purchases for shipping. 

Also, earn four points to the dollar on wireless telephone services purchased directly from US service providers. For all other eligible purchases, get two points per dollar.


Get 75,000 bonus points when you spend $3,000 in the initial three months of account opening. Benefits include free in-room premium internet access, Sheraton Club lounge access, and purchase protection. 

Plus, you get car rental loss and damage insurance. And you get baggage insurance. There is also a global assistance hotline. And there is a roadside assistance hotline. And get travel accident insurance and extended warranty coverage.

The most significant issue is the annual fee. There is a $0 introductory annual fee for the first year, then it’s $95 thereafter. Plus, there is no 0% introductory APR. Instead, there is a 17.74 – 26.74% variable APR

Get it here: 

Get Business Credit Card That Doesn’t Require a Personal Guarantee for Average Credit

Capital One® Spark® Classic for Business 

For fair credit, we like the Capital One Spark Classic for Business. It has no yearly fee. There are cash-back rewards. The card earns an unlimited 1% cash back on all purchases. There is an annual fee of $0.

With this card, you will get benefits including an auto rental collision damage waiver, and purchase security. And you also get extended warranty coverage. And you get travel and emergency assistance services.

But KEEP IN MIND: the ongoing APR is 24.74% variable APR. And the penalty APR is even higher, 31.15%. Also, there is no sign-up bonus. In addition, this card reports monthly to personal credit. It does report to business credit as well, but they generally require a personal credit check and will always report to personal credit.

Get it here: 

Business Credit Card That Doesn’t Require Personal Guarantee Credit Suite

Establish business credit fast with our research-backed guide to 12 business credit cards and lines.

Get a Business Credit Card That Doesn’t Require a Personal Guarantee for Luxurious Travel Points

IHG ® Rewards Club Premier Credit Card

Have a look at the IHG ® Rewards Club Premier Credit Card. it earns hotel rewards worldwide. For every dollar spent at participating IHG hotels, get 10 points. Get two points per dollar spent at gas stations, grocery stores and restaurants. 

Plus, all other purchases earn one point. New cardholders can earn an 80,000-point sign-up bonus when they spend $2,000 in the first three months of account opening.


This card offers a free one-night hotel stay each year. Plus, there is a variety of benefits like travel and purchase coverage and an upgrade to Platinum Elite status with the IHG Rewards Club. The club offers complimentary room upgrades when available and guaranteed room availability.

The most significant issue is that the card does not offer a zero percent APR introductory rate. And the standard APR is 17.99 – 24.99% variable. Also, the annual fee is $89.

Get it here: 

Marriott Rewards® Premier Plus Credit Card

This credit card earns six points/dollar spent at participating Marriott and SPG hotels. And get two points/dollar on all other purchases. 

Spend $3,000 in the initial three months from account opening and get two free night awards (each valued up to 35,000 points). 

Cardholders get access to perks including a free one-night stay yearly after account anniversary. Also get travel and purchase protection. So, this includes free standard in-room Wi-Fi and priority late checkout.


Perks include baggage delay reimbursement, and lost luggage reimbursement. There is also trip delay reimbursement. And there is purchase protection. Additionally, there are concierge service and automatic Silver Elite status, which includes a 20% bonus on points. 

Spend $35,000 each account year and get an upgrade to Gold Elite status. So, that includes a complimentary room upgrade, free daily breakfast and 4 PM late checkout.

There is an annual fee of $95. The APR is a 17.99– 24.99% variable.

Get it here: 

Get a Low APR/Balance Transfer Business Credit Card That Doesn’t Require a Personal Guarantee

Discover it® Cash Back

Have a look at the Discover it® Cash Back card. There is a 10.99% introductory APR for six months from date of first transfer. So, this is for transfers under this offer which post to your account by January 10, 2019.

After the introductory APR expires, your APR will be 14.99% to 23.99%. So, this is based on your creditworthiness. Your APR will vary with the market, which is based upon the Prime Rate.


You can get 5% cash back at different places every quarter. So, these are places like gas stations, grocery stores, restaurants,, or wholesale clubs. But this is up to the quarterly maximum each time you activate. Additionally, automatically get unlimited 1% cash back on all other purchases.

You will earn an unlimited dollar-for-dollar match of all the cash back you have gotten at the end of your first year, automatically.

Get it here: 

Get a Business Credit Card That Doesn’t Require a Personal Guarantee With a Credit Builder Option

Discover it® Student Cash Back

Make sure to have a look at the Discover it® Student Cash Back card. It has no annual fee. The credit card also has a six-month introductory period of 0% APR on purchases. And there is an APR of 14.99 – 23.99% variable on all purchases after that period.

One distinct feature is that it provides an incentive for students to maintain good grades with a $20 statement credit. If students earn a GPA of 3.0 or better each school year, the card will award the $20 statement credit annually. So, this is for up to five years.


Use this card to build personal credit. While this is a personal credit card versus a company card, for new credit users, their FICO scores will be vital. And this credit card offers an outstanding way to raise FICO. This is while also getting rewards. Better personal credit can also, often, be the key to unlocking online lending.

You can earn 5% cash back at different places each quarter like grocery stores, gas stations, restaurants or So, that’s up to the quarterly maximum. After that, this credit card offers unlimited 1% cash back on all purchases.

In the first year, all cash back rewards are matched 100%.

Downsides include a cash advance fee of either $10 or 5% of the amount of each cash advance, whichever is more. And even though they waive the first late payment fee, a fee of up to $37 applies on all other late payments. There is also a returned payment fee of up to $37.

Get it here: 

Get a Business Credit Card That Doesn’t Require a Personal Guarantee for Cash Back

SimplyCash Plus Business Credit Card from American Express

Consider the SimplyCash Plus Business Credit Card from American Express. There is a $0 annual fee. And there is a 0% APR on purchases. So this is for the first 15 months an account is open. 

But when the introductory period ends, the APR for purchases is 14.24 to 21.24%. So, this is variable and based on creditworthiness.


This credit card has several benefits. These include purchase protection, car rental loss and damage insurance. And they also include a baggage insurance plan, extended warranty coverage and a global assist hotline.

Also, earn 5% cash back at US office supply stores and on wireless phone services. So, these must be bought from American service providers. But this applies to the initial $50,000 of yearly spending. Then, you earn 1% cash back.

You also get 3% cash back on spending category of your choice. So, this is from eight distinct categories. They include airfare, gas, advertising and computer purchases. But it applies to the first $50,000 of annual spending. Then, you earn 1% cash back.

Cash-back bonuses are automatically credited to the customer’s billing statement.

Note: you cannot use this credit card for balance transfers. There is a foreign transaction fee of 2.7%. The credit card charges up to $38 in late fees. And the returned check fee is also $38. The penalty APR is 29.99%. 

And, it applies if you have two or more late payments within 12 months. It can also apply if you fail to make the minimum payment on time or have a returned payment.

Get it here: 

Capital One® Quicksilver® Card 

Look at the Capital One® Quicksilver® Card. It offers flat-rate rewards of 1.5% on all purchases. There are no limits to the amount of cash back rewards which cardholders can earn. Also, the card has a $0 yearly fee.

New cardholders have a 0% APR on purchases and balance transfers for the first 15 months after opening the account. Then afterwards they have a 14.74 – 24.74% (variable) APR after that. 

A cash bonus of $150 is on offer for those who make at least $500 in purchases within 3 months of account opening.


Also, cash back rewards do not expire for the life of the account. And there is no limit to how much you can earn.

This card also offers travel accident insurance. And you get an auto rental collision damage waiver. There are no foreign transaction fees. And there is extended warranty coverage.

Downsides are the flat reward rate, not allowing for any more than that. And the higher APR after the first 15 months.

Get it here: 

Business Credit Card That Doesn’t Require Personal Guarantee Credit Suite

Establish business credit fast with our research-backed guide to 12 business credit cards and lines.

Get a Secured Business Credit Card That Doesn’t Require a Personal Guarantee

Wells Fargo Business Secured Credit Card

Have a look at the Wells Fargo Business Secured Credit Card. It charges a $25 yearly fee per credit card (up to 10 employee cards). It also requires a minimum security deposit of $500 (up to $25,000). And it is designed to help cardholders set up or rebuild their credit.

Select this credit card if you wish to get 1.5% per dollar in purchases without any limits. Or earn one point for every dollar in purchases. You also earn 1,000 bonus points for every month your company makes $1,000 in purchases on the card.


Also, you get free FICO scores every month. There are no foreign transaction fees. It is possible to upgrade to unsecured credit. Your account is regularly reviewed. And you may become eligible for an upgrade to an unsecured card with responsible use over time. Approval is not guaranteed and depends on factors including how you manage this and your other accounts.

APR is the current prime rate plus 11.90%. There is no introductory APR period and no sign-up bonus. This is not a credit card for balance transfers.

Get it here: 

Grab a Business Credit Card That Doesn’t Require a Personal Guarantee for Jackpot Rewards

Ink Business Preferred ℠ Credit Card

Get a look at the Ink Business Preferred Credit Card from Chase. Cardholders earn 3 points for every dollar spent on travel, shipping, internet, cable, phone and qualifying advertising with the card. So, this is up to $150,000 each year. And all other purchases earn an unlimited one point per dollar spent.

This is a Visa card.

Cardholders get benefits like purchase protection, trip cancellation or interruption insurance. They also get cellphone protection. And they get extended warranty coverage. And they get an auto rental collision damage waiver.


Earn 80,000 bonus points when you spend $5,000 in the initial 3 months from account opening. There is an annual fee of $95. You can add employee cards at no additional cost.

This credit card only offers 3 points per dollar to a limit of $150,000 a year. So, this is for travel, shipping, internet, cable, phone and qualifying advertising. All other purchases earn an unlimited flat rate of one point per dollar. And there is no introductory APR

Get it here: 

No PG Biz Credit Card Credit Suite

Establish business credit fast with our research-backed guide to 12 business credit cards and lines.

The Best Business Credit Card That Doesn’t Require a Personal Guarantee for You

Your absolute best business credit card that doesn’t require a personal guarantee will hinge on your credit history and scores.

Only you can select which features you want and need. So, be sure to do your homework. What is outstanding for you could be catastrophic for other people.

And, as always, be sure to develop credit in the recommended order for the best, quickest benefits.

The post Business Credit Card That Doesn’t Require Personal Guarantee appeared first on Credit Suite.

Get Great Startup Business Credit Cards with No Credit

Are you looking for startup business credit cards with no credit? Check out our top choices.

The Absolute Best Startup Business Credit Cards with No Credit

We researched a lot of business credit cards for you. So, here are our top picks.

Per the SBA, company credit card limits are a whopping 10 — 100 times that of consumer cards!

This shows you can get a lot more funds with small business credit. And it also means you can have personal credit cards at retailers. So, you would now have an additional card at the same shops for your company.

And you will not need collateral, cash flow, or financials to get business credit.

Startup Business Credit Cards with No Credit: Benefits

Perks can differ. So, make sure to choose the perk you prefer from this array of alternatives.

Startup Business Credit Cards with No Credit with 0% APR – Pay Zero!

Bank of America® Business Advantage Travel Rewards World Mastercard® Credit Card 

The Bank of America® Business Advantage Travel Rewards World Mastercard® credit card has no annual fee and comes with a 0% introductory APR on purchases for the initial nine months. Thereafter, the card has a 13.24 – 23.24% variable APR

Earn 3 points/dollar spent when you book travel through the Bank of America Travel Center and 1.5 points/dollar on all other purchases. You can get unlimited points and points never expire.


There is a 25,000-point sign-up bonus when you spend $1,000 in the initial 60 days of opening the account. Cardholders get travel accident insurance, and lost luggage reimbursement. 

They also get trip cancellation coverage, trip delay reimbursement and other advantages.

There is no introductory rate for balance transfers. Also, bonus categories are limited.

Get it here: 

JetBlue Plus Card

Check out the JetBlue Plus Card for yet another offer of a 0% introductory APR

Earn six points/dollar on JetBlue purchases, two points/dollar at dining establishments and grocery stores. And get one point/dollar on all other purchases. 


Spend $1,000 in the initial 90 days and pay the annual fee. So, then you can earn 40,000 bonus points. New cardholders get a 12-month, 0% introductory APR on balance transfers made in 45 days of account opening.

Afterwards, the variable APR on purchases and balance transfers is 17.99%, 21.99% or 26.99%, based on creditworthiness. Benefits include a free first checked bag and 50% savings on in-flight purchases.

There is a $99 annual fee for this card.

Get it here:  

Startup Business Credit Cards with No Credit for Low APR and Balance Transfers 

Discover it® Cash Back

Have a look at the Discover it® Cash Back card. There is a 10.99% introductory APR for six months from date of first transfer. So, this is for transfers under this offer which post to your account by January 10, 2019.

After the introductory APR expires, your APR will be 14.99% to 23.99%. So, this is based on your creditworthiness. Your APR will vary with the market, which is based on the Prime Rate.


You can get 5% cash back at different places each quarter. So, these are places like gas stations, grocery stores, restaurants,, or wholesale clubs. But this is up to the quarterly maximum each time you activate. Plus, automatically get unlimited 1% cash back on all other purchases.

You will get an unlimited dollar-for-dollar match of all the cash back you have gotten at the end of your first year, automatically.

Get it here: 

Startup Business Credit Cards with No Credit with No Annual Fee 

Uber Visa Card 

Check out the Uber Visa Card. Uber is the very first ride-sharing service to offer a credit card, in a partnership with Visa and Barclays.

The card offers 4% back per dollar spent at restaurants, takeout and bars, including UberEATS. Also, get 3% back on hotel, airfare and vacation home rentals. And get 2% back on online purchases. 

So, this includes retailers and subscription services like Uber and Netflix. And get 1% back on all other purchases. Each percent/point has a value of 1 cent. Redeem points for cash back, gift cards or Uber credits directly in the app.

By spending at least $500 in the first 90 days, users can earn a $100 sign-up bonus. Cardholders spending at least $5,000 per year are eligible to receive a $50 credit toward online subscription services. 


If you pay your cellular phone bill with this card, you are insured up to $600 for cellphone damage or theft.

Cardholders are eligible for exclusive access to specific events and offers. Uber anticipates the majority of these offers to be available in major cities like New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago and DC. There is no foreign transaction fee.

But there is no introductory rate. So, the APR is a variable 16.99%, 22.74% or 25.74%, based on your creditworthiness. Cardholders with less than stellar credit will be on the higher end of the range. 

Also, there are restrictions on Uber credits. To redeem points as credits within the Uber app, accrue a minimum of 500 points, or $5. Cardholders can convert a maximum of 50,000 points, or $500, per day.

Get it here: 

Costco Anywhere Visa® Business Card by Citi 

Not taking Uber? Then you’ll need to fill your gas tank somehow. Why not do so with the Costco Anywhere Visa® Business Card by Citi?

This card earns cash back with every purchase. Earn 4% cash back on the first $7,000 spent on eligible gas purchases annually (1% after that). Get 3% cash back at restaurants and on eligible travel purchases. Also, get 2% cash back at Costco and And earn 1% cash back on all other purchases.

So, note: the $0 yearly fee is only for Costco members. And an active Costco membership is required. Cardholders will get access to damage and theft purchase protection, extended warranty coverage and travel accident insurance.

Also, there is no sign-up bonus offered with this card.

Get it here:

Ink Business Cash℠ Credit Card

Consider the Ink Business Cash ℠ Credit Card. Companies can get cash back with each purchase. Spend $3,000 in the initial three months from account opening. And you’ll earn a $500 bonus cash back.

There is a $0 yearly fee with a 0% introductory APR for 12 months on purchases and balance transfers. Thereafter, the APR is a 15.24 – 21.24% variable. 

The credit card comes with travel and purchase coverage benefits. So, this includes an auto rental collision damage waiver and extended warranty protection.


Earn additional cash back on business categories. So, these include office supply stores, telecommunications, gas stations and restaurants.

Note: this credit card has a balance transfer fee. Pay 5% of the amount transferred or $5, whichever is greater. Also, there is a foreign transaction fee of 3%.

Get it here: 

United MileagePlus Explorer Business Card

Get a good look at the United MileagePlus Explorer Business Card.

Earn 2 miles/dollar with United and at restaurants, filling stations and office supply stores. All other purchases earn 1 mile/dollar. Earn a 50,000-mile sign-up bonus after spending $3,000 in the initial three months from account opening. 

Benefits include priority boarding, a free first checked bag for you and a companion on the same reservation.


Also, get two United Club passes annually. And get hotel and resort perks including upgrades. In addition, get early check-in and late checkout. And get an auto rental collision damage waiver. 

Plus, get baggage delay insurance, lost luggage reimbursement, trip cancellation and interruption insurance. Finally, get trip delay reimbursement, purchase protection, price protection and concierge service.

After the first year, the card has an annual fee of $95. APR of 17.99% – 24.99%, based on creditworthiness.

Get it here: 

Starwood Preferred Guest® Business Credit Card from American Express

Another choice is the Starwood Preferred Guest Business Credit Card from American Express. 

This card is for those who stay at Starwood Preferred Guest and Marriott hotels often. Earn six points per dollar of eligible purchases at participating SPG and Marriott Rewards hotels.

And get four points per dollar at US restaurants, American gas stations, and on American purchases for shipping. 

Also, earn four points to the dollar on wireless telephone services purchased directly from US service providers. For all other eligible purchases, get two points per dollar.


Earn 75,000 bonus points when you spend $3,000 in the first three months of account opening. Benefits include free in-room premium internet access, Sheraton Club lounge access, and purchase protection. 

Plus, you get car rental loss and damage insurance. And you get baggage insurance. There is also a global assistance hotline. And there is a roadside assistance hotline. And get travel accident insurance and extended warranty coverage.

The most significant issue is the annual fee. There is a $0 introductory annual fee for the first year, then it’s $95 afterwards. Plus, there is no 0% introductory APR. Instead, there is a 17.74 – 26.74% variable APR

Get it here: 

Startup Business Credit Cards with No Credit for Average Credit

Capital One® Spark® Classic for Business 

For average credit, we like the Capital One Spark Classic for Business. It has no annual fee. There are cash-back rewards. The card earns an unlimited 1% cash back on all purchases. There is an annual fee of $0.

With this card, you will get benefits including an auto rental collision damage waiver, and purchase security. And you also get extended warranty coverage. And you get travel and emergency assistance services.

But KEEP IN MIND: the ongoing APR is 24.74% variable APR. And the penalty APR is even higher, 31.15%. Also, there is no sign-up bonus. In addition, this card reports monthly to personal credit. It does report to business credit as well, but they generally require a personal credit check and will always report to personal credit.

Get it here: 

Startup Business Credit Cards with No Credit Suite

Establish business credit fast with our research-backed guide to 12 business credit cards and lines.

Startup Business Credit Cards with No Credit for Luxurious Travel Points

Capital One® Spark® Miles for Business 

Be sure to check out the Capital One® Spark® Miles for Business card. With this card, you can earn 2 miles per dollar on all purchases. When you spend $4,500 within the first 3 months of opening an account, you can earn 50,000 miles. So, that is worth $500 in travel.

Benefits for cardholders include an auto rental collision damage waiver, and purchase security. And they also include extended warranty coverage. And you get travel and emergency assistance services.

Cardholders will pay $0 introductory for first year. But they will pay $95 after that for the annual fee.

There is no 0% APR for purchases or balance transfers with this card. The APR is 18.74% (variable).

Get it here:  

IHG ® Rewards Club Premier Credit Card

Have a look at the IHG ® Rewards Club Premier Credit Card. it earns hotel rewards worldwide. For every dollar spent at participating IHG hotels, get 10 points. Get two points per dollar spent at gas stations, grocery stores and restaurants. 

And all, other purchases earn one point. New cardholders can earn an 80,000-point sign-up bonus when they spend $2,000 in the first three months of account opening.


This card provides a free one-night hotel stay annually. Plus, there is a variety of benefits like travel and purchase coverage and an upgrade to Platinum Elite status with the IHG Rewards Club. The club offers complimentary room upgrades when available and guaranteed room availability.

The biggest issue is that the card does not offer a zero percent APR introductory rate. And the standard APR is 17.99 – 24.99% variable. Also, the annual fee is $89.

Get it here: 

Marriott Rewards® Premier Plus Credit Card

This card earns six points/dollar spent at participating Marriott and SPG hotels. And get two points/dollar on all other purchases. 

Spend $3,000 in the initial three months from account opening and get two free night awards (each valued up to 35,000 points). 

Cardholders get access to perks including a free one-night stay every year after account anniversary. Also get travel and purchase protection. So, this includes free standard in-room Wi-Fi and priority late checkout.


Perks include baggage delay reimbursement, and lost luggage reimbursement. There is also trip delay reimbursement. And there is purchase protection. Plus, there are concierge service and automatic Silver Elite status, which includes a 20% bonus on points. 

Spend $35,000 each account year and get an upgrade to Gold Elite status. So, that includes a complimentary room upgrade, free daily breakfast and 4 PM late checkout.

There is an annual fee of $95. The APR is a 17.99– 24.99% variable.

Get it here: 

Startup Business Credit Cards with No Credit to Build Credit

Discover it® Student Cash Back

Make sure to have a look at the Discover it® Student Cash Back card. It has no yearly fee. The credit card also offers a six-month introductory period of 0% APR on purchases. And there is an APR of 14.99 – 23.99% variable on all purchases after that period.

One special feature is that it provides an incentive for scholars to maintain good grades with a $20 statement credit. If students earn a GPA of 3.0 or higher each school year, the card will award the $20 statement credit every year for up to five years.


Use this credit card to build personal credit. While this is a personal credit card versus a company card, for new credit users, their FICO scores will be vital. And this credit card provides an outstanding way to raise FICO while also getting rewards. Better personal credit can also, often, be the key to unlocking online lending.

You can earn 5% cash back at different places each quarter like grocery stores, gas stations, restaurants or up to the quarterly maximum. After that, this card offers unlimited 1% cash back on all purchases.

In the first year, all cash back rewards are matched 100%.

Downsides include a cash advance fee of either $10 or 5% of the amount of each cash advance, whichever is more. And even though they waive the first late payment fee, a fee of up to $37 applies on all other late payments. There is also a returned payment fee of up to $37.

Get it here: 

Startup Business Credit Cards with No Credit for Cash Back

SimplyCash Plus Business Credit Card from American Express

Check out the SimplyCash Plus Business Credit Card from American Express. There is a $0 yearly fee. And there is a 0% APR on purchases. So this is for the initial 15 months an account is open. 

But when the introductory period expires, the APR for purchases is 14.24 to 21.24%. So, this is variable and based on creditworthiness.


This credit card has several benefits. These include purchase protection, car rental loss and damage insurance. And they also include a baggage insurance plan, extended warranty coverage and a global assist hotline.

Also, earn 5% cash back at US office supply stores and on wireless phone services. So, these must be bought from United States providers. But this pertains to the initial $50,000 of yearly spending. Then, you earn 1% cash back.

You also get 3% cash back on spending category of your choice. So, this is from eight distinct categories. They include airfare, gas, advertising and computer purchases. But it applies to the first $50,000 of yearly spending. Then, you earn 1% cash back.

Cash-back bonuses are automatically credited to the customer’s billing statement.

Note: you cannot use this credit card for balance transfers. There is a foreign transaction fee of 2.7%. The card charges up to $38 in late fees. And the returned check fee is also $38. The penalty APR is 29.99%. 

And, it kicks in if you have two or more late payments within 12 months. It can also apply if you fail to make the minimum payment on time or have a returned payment.

Get it here: 

Capital One® Quicksilver® Card 

Look at the Capital One® Quicksilver® Card. It offers flat-rate rewards of 1.5% on all purchases. There are no limits to the amount of cash back rewards that cardholders can earn. Also, the card has a $0 yearly fee.

New cardholders have a 0% APR on purchases and balance transfers for the first 15 months after opening the account. And after that they have a 14.74 – 24.74% (variable) APR after that. 

A cash bonus of $150 is available for those who make at the very least $500 in purchases in 3 months of account opening.


Also, cash back rewards do not expire for the life of the account. And there is no limit to how much you can earn.

This credit card also offers travel accident insurance. And you get an auto rental collision damage waiver. There are no foreign transaction fees. And there is extended warranty coverage.

Downsides are the flat reward rate, not allowing for any more than that. And the higher APR after the first 15 months.

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Startup Business Credit Cards with No Credit Suite

Establish business credit fast with our research-backed guide to 12 business credit cards and lines.

Startup Business Credit Cards with No Credit (Secured)

Wells Fargo Business Secured Credit Card

Check out the Wells Fargo Business Secured Credit Card. It charges a $25 annual fee per card (up to 10 employee cards). It also requires a minimum security deposit of $500 (up to $25,000) and it is meant to help cardholders set up or rebuild their credit.

Pick this credit card if you want to get 1.5% per dollar in purchases with no limits or earn one point for every dollar in purchases. You also earn 1,000 bonus points for every month your company makes $1,000 in purchases on the card.


Also, you get free FICO scores every month. There are no foreign transaction fees. It is possible to upgrade to unsecured credit. Your account is regularly reviewed. And you may become eligible for an upgrade to an unsecured card with responsible use over time. Approval is not guaranteed and depends on factors including how you manage this and your other accounts.

APR is the current prime rate plus 11.90%. There is no introductory APR period and no sign-up bonus. This is not a card for balance transfers.

Get it here: 

Startup Business Credit Cards with No Credit for Jackpot Rewards

Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card

Have a look at the Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card for travel points.

You can earn two points to the dollar spent on travel and dining at restaurants. And you can get one point per dollar on all other purchases. Points can be redeemed for cash back, gift cards, or travel. 

The card’s benefits include trip cancellation insurance, travel and emergency assistance services. They also include an auto rental collision damage waiver, purchase protection and extended warranty protection.

When you spend $4,000 in the initial 3 months from account opening, you will get 50,000 bonus points. These points are worth $625 if you redeem them for travel through Chase Ultimate Rewards.


You can earn an unlimited two points per dollar for travel and dining at restaurants. Then afterwards get one point per dollar for all other purchases. Points will transfer equally to 13 leading frequent travel programs with partners. So, these include British Airways, Southwest Airlines, United, and Marriott.

There is no 0% introductory APR on purchases or balance transfers. The card’s standard APR is 17.74 – 24.74% variable. Also, the card has an annual fee of $0 introductory for the first year. And then it skyrockets to $95.

Get it here: 

Ink Business Preferred ℠ Credit Card

Get a look at the Ink Business Preferred Credit Card from Chase. Cardholders earn 3 points for every dollar spent on travel, shipping, internet, cable, phone and qualifying advertising with the card. So, this is up to $150,000 each year. And all other purchases earn an unlimited one point per dollar spent.

This is a Visa card.

Cardholders get benefits like purchase protection, trip cancellation or interruption insurance. They also get cellphone protection. And they get extended warranty coverage. And they get an auto rental collision damage waiver.


Earn 80,000 bonus points when you spend $5,000 in the initial 3 months from account opening. There is an annual fee of $95. You can add employee cards at no additional cost.

This card only offers 3 points per dollar to a limit of $150,000 a year. So, this is for travel, shipping, internet, cable, phone and qualifying advertising. All other purchases earn an unlimited flat rate of one point per dollar. And there is no introductory APR

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Startup Biz Cards with No Credit Suite

Establish business credit fast with our research-backed guide to 12 business credit cards and lines.

The Perfect Startup Business Credit Cards with No Credit for You

Your absolute best company credit cards hinge on your credit history and scores.

Only you can pick which features you want and need. So, make sure to do your homework. What is excellent for you could be disastrous for other people.

And, as always, make certain to establish credit in the recommended order for the best, quickest benefits.

The post Get Great Startup Business Credit Cards with No Credit appeared first on Credit Suite.

Get Great Startup Business Credit Cards with No Credit

Are you looking for startup business credit cards with no credit? Check out our top choices. The Absolute Best Startup Business Credit Cards with No Credit We researched a lot of business credit cards for you. So, here are our top picks. Per the SBA, company credit card limits are a whopping 10 — 100 … Continue reading Get Great Startup Business Credit Cards with No Credit

You Asked, We Answered: What is the Easiest Business Credit Card to Get?

We heard your question – what is the easiest business credit card to get?

What is the Easiest Business Credit Card to Get?

We researched a bunch of company credit cards for you. So, here are our favorites.

Per the SBA, company credit card limits are a whopping 10 – 100 times that of personal credit cards!

This reveals you can get a lot more funds with business credit. And it also means you can have personal credit cards at retail stores. So, you would now have an additional card at the same retail stores for your business.

And you will not need collateral, cash flow, or financials to get business credit.

What is the Easiest Business Credit Card to Get? Benefits

Benefits vary. So, make certain to choose the benefit you prefer from this choice of options.

What is the Easiest Business Credit Card to Get with 0% APR?

Bank of America® Business Advantage Travel Rewards World Mastercard® Credit Card 

The Bank of America® Business Advantage Travel Rewards World Mastercard® credit card has no annual fee and comes with a 0% introductory APR on purchases for the first nine months. Thereafter, the card has a 13.24 – 23.24% variable APR

Earn 3 points/dollar spent when you book travel via the Bank of America Travel Center and 1.5 points/dollar on all other purchases. You can get unlimited points and points will never expire.


There is a 25,000-point sign-up bonus when you spend $1,000 in the initial 60 days of opening up the account. Cardholders get travel accident insurance, and lost luggage reimbursement. 

They also get trip cancellation coverage, trip delay reimbursement and other benefits.

There is no introductory rate for balance transfers. Also, bonus categories are limited.

Get it here: 

JetBlue Plus Card

Consider the JetBlue Plus Card for yet another offer of a 0% introductory APR

Earn six points/dollar on JetBlue purchases, two points/dollar at eating establishments and grocery stores. And get one point/dollar on all other purchases. 


Spend $1,000 in the first 90 days and pay the yearly fee. So, then you can get 40,000 bonus points. New cardholders get a 12-month, 0% initial APR on balance transfers made in 45 days of account opening.

After that, the variable APR on purchases and balance transfers is 17.99%, 21.99% or 26.99%, based upon creditworthiness. Benefits include a free first checked bag and 50% savings on in-flight purchases.

There is a $99 annual fee for this card.

Get it here:   

What is the Easiest Business Credit Card to Get with No Annual Fee? 

Uber Visa Card 

Check out the Uber Visa Card. Uber is the first ride-sharing service to offer a credit card, in a partnership with Visa and Barclays.

The card offers 4% back per dollar spent at restaurants, takeout and bars, including UberEATS. Also, earn 3% back on hotel, airfare and vacation home rentals. And get 2% back on online purchases. 

So, this includes retailers and subscription services like Uber and Netflix. And get 1% back on all other purchases. Each percent/point has a value of 1 cent. Redeem points for cash back, gift cards or Uber credits directly within the app.

By spending a minimum of $500 in the initial 90 days, users can earn a $100 sign-up bonus. Cardholders spending at least $5,000 annually are eligible to receive a $50 credit toward online subscription services. 


If you pay your cellphone bill with this card, you are insured up to $600 for cellphone damage or theft.

Cardholders are eligible for exclusive access to specific events and offers. Uber expects most of these offers to be available in major cities like New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago and DC. There is no foreign transaction fee.

But there is no introductory rate. So, the APR is a variable 16.99%, 22.74% or 25.74%, based on your creditworthiness. Cardholders with less than stellar credit will be on the higher end of the range. 

Also, there are restrictions on Uber credits. To redeem points as credits in the Uber app, accrue a minimum of 500 points, or $5. Cardholders can convert a maximum of 50,000 points, or $500, per day.

Get it here: 

Costco Anywhere Visa® Business Card by Citi 

Not taking Uber? Then you’ll want to fill your gas tank somehow. Why not do so with the Costco Anywhere Visa® Business Card by Citi?

This card earns cash back with every purchase. Earn 4% cash back on the first $7,000 spent on eligible gas purchases annually (1% after that). Earn 3% cash back at restaurants and on eligible travel purchases. Also, get 2% cash back at Costco and And earn 1% cash back on all other purchases.

So, note: the $0 annual fee is only for Costco members. And an active Costco membership is required. Cardholders will get access to damage and theft purchase protection, extended warranty coverage and travel accident insurance.

Also, there is no sign-up bonus available with this card.

Get it here:

Ink Business Cash℠ Credit Card

Check out the Ink Business Cash ℠ Credit Card. Companies can get cash back with every single purchase. Spend $3,000 in the initial three months from account opening. And you’ll get a $500 bonus cash back.

There is a $0 annual fee with a 0% introductory APR for 12 months on purchases and balance transfers. After that, the APR is a 15.24 – 21.24% variable. 

The credit card includes travel and purchase coverage benefits. So, this includes an auto rental collision damage waiver and extended warranty protection.


Earn bonus cash back on business categories. So, these include office supply stores, telecommunications, gas stations and restaurants.

Note: this credit card has a balance transfer fee. Pay 5% of the amount transferred or $5, whichever is greater. Also, there is a foreign transaction fee of 3%.

Get it here: 

United MileagePlus Explorer Business Card

Get a good look at the United MileagePlus Explorer Business Card.

Earn 2 miles/dollar with United and at restaurants, filling stations and office supply stores. All other purchases earn 1 mile/dollar. Earn a 50,000-mile sign-up bonus after spending $3,000 in the initial three months from account opening. 

Benefits include priority boarding, a free first checked bag for you and a companion on the same reservation.


Also, get two United Club passes annually. And get hotel and resort perks including upgrades. In addition, get early check-in and late checkout. And get an auto rental collision damage waiver. 

Plus, get baggage delay insurance, lost luggage reimbursement, trip cancellation and interruption insurance. Finally, get trip delay reimbursement, purchase protection, price protection and concierge service.

After the first year, the card has an annual fee of $95. APR of 17.99% – 24.99%, based on creditworthiness.

Get it here: 

Starwood Preferred Guest® Business Credit Card from American Express

Another alternative is the Starwood Preferred Guest Business Credit Card from American Express. 

This credit card is for those who stay at Starwood Preferred Guest and Marriott hotels often. Earn six points per dollar of eligible purchases at participating SPG and Marriott Rewards hotels.

And earn four points per dollar at US restaurants, US filling stations, and on US purchases for shipping. 

Also, earn four points to the dollar on wireless telephone services purchased directly from US service providers. For all other eligible purchases, get two points per dollar.


Earn 75,000 bonus points when you spend $3,000 in the initial three months of account opening. Benefits include free in-room premium internet access, Sheraton Club lounge access, and purchase protection. 

Plus, you get car rental loss and damage insurance. And you get baggage insurance. There is also a global assistance hotline. And there is a roadside assistance hotline. And get travel accident insurance and extended warranty coverage.

The biggest issue is the yearly fee. There is a $0 introductory annual fee for the first year, then it’s $95 after that. Plus, there is no 0% introductory APR. Instead, there is a 17.74 – 26.74% variable APR

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What is the Easiest Business Credit Card to Get for Average Credit?

Capital One® Spark® Classic for Business 

For fair credit, we like the Capital One Spark Classic for Business. It has no annual fee. There are cash-back rewards. The card gets an unlimited 1% cash back on all purchases. There is an annual fee of $0.

With this card, you will get benefits including an auto rental collision damage waiver, and purchase security. And you also get extended warranty coverage. And you get travel and emergency assistance services.

But KEEP IN MIND: the ongoing APR is 24.74% variable APR. And the penalty APR is even higher, 31.15%. Also, there is no sign-up bonus. In addition, this card reports monthly to personal credit. It does report to business credit as well, but they generally require a personal credit check and will always report to personal credit.

Get it here: 

Establish business credit fast with our research-backed guide to 12 business credit cards and lines.

What is the Easiest Business Credit Card to Get Low APR and Balance Transfers? 

Discover it® Cash Back

Have a look at the Discover it® Cash Back card. There is a 10.99% introductory APR for six months from date of first transfer. So, this is for transfers under this offer which post to your account by January 10, 2019.

After the introductory APR expires, your APR will be 14.99% to 23.99%. So, this is based on your creditworthiness. Your APR will vary with the market, which is based upon the Prime Rate.


You can get 5% cash back at different places every quarter. So, these are places like gas stations, grocery stores, restaurants,, or wholesale clubs. But this is up to the quarterly maximum each time you activate. Also, automatically get unlimited 1% cash back on all other purchases.

You will get an unlimited dollar-for-dollar match of all the cash back you have earned at the end of your first year, automatically.

Get it here: 

What is the Easiest Business Credit Card to Get to Build Credit?

Discover it® Student Cash Back

Be sure to check out the Discover it® Student Cash Back card. It has no annual fee. The credit card also offers a six-month introductory period of 0% APR on purchases. And there is an APR of 14.99 – 23.99% variable on all purchases after that period.

One special feature is that it offers an incentive for scholars to maintain good grades with a $20 statement credit. If students earn a GPA of 3.0 or higher each school year, the card will award the $20 statement credit every year for up to five years.


Use this credit card to build personal credit. While this is a personal card versus a company credit card, for new credit users, their FICO scores will matter. And this card provides an excellent way to raise FICO while also getting rewards. Better personal credit can also, often, be the key to unlocking online lending.

You can earn 5% cash back at different places each quarter such as grocery stores, gas stations, restaurants or up to the quarterly maximum. After that, this credit card offers unlimited 1% cash back on all purchases.

In the initial year, all cash back rewards are matched 100%.

Downsides include a cash advance fee of either $10 or 5% of the amount of each cash advance, whichever is greater. And though they waive the first late payment fee, a fee of up to $37 applies on all other late payments. There is also a returned payment fee of up to $37.

Get it here: 

What is the Easiest Business Credit Card to Get for Luxurious Travel Points?

Capital One® Spark® Miles for Business 

Be sure to check out the Capital One® Spark® Miles for Business card. With this card, you can earn 2 miles per dollar on all purchases. When you spend $4,500 within the first 3 months of opening an account, you can earn 50,000 miles. So, that is worth $500 in travel.

Benefits for cardholders include an auto rental collision damage waiver, and purchase security. And they also include extended warranty coverage. And you get travel and emergency assistance services.

Cardholders will pay $0 introductory for the first year. But they will pay $95 after that for the annual fee.

There is no 0% APR for purchases or balance transfers with this card. The APR is 18.74% (variable).

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Establish business credit fast with our research-backed guide to 12 business credit cards and lines.

IHG ® Rewards Club Premier Credit Card

Check out the IHG ® Rewards Club Premier Credit Card. it gets hotel rewards worldwide. For each dollar spent at participating IHG hotels, earn 10 points. Earn two points per dollar spent at gas stations, grocery stores and restaurants. 

Plus, all other purchases earn one point. New cardholders can get an 80,000-point sign-up bonus when they spend $2,000 in the first three months of account opening.


This card offers a free one-night hotel stay annually. Plus, there is a variety of benefits like travel and purchase coverage and an upgrade to Platinum Elite status with the IHG Rewards Club. The club offers complimentary room upgrades when available and guaranteed room availability.

The most significant issue is that the card does not offer a zero percent APR introductory rate. And the standard APR is 17.99 – 24.99% variable. Also, the annual fee is $89.

Get it here: 

Marriott Rewards® Premier Plus Credit Card

This credit card earns six points/dollar spent at participating Marriott and SPG hotels. And get two points/dollar on all other purchases. 

Spend $3,000 in the first three months from account opening and get two free night awards (each worth up to 35,000 points). 

Cardholders get access to perks including a free one-night stay every year after account anniversary. Also get travel and purchase protection. So, this includes free standard in-room Wi-Fi and priority late checkout.


Perks include baggage delay reimbursement, and lost luggage reimbursement. There is also trip delay reimbursement. And there is purchase protection. In addition, there are concierge service and automatic Silver Elite status, which includes a 20% bonus on points. 

Spend $35,000 each account year and get an upgrade to Gold Elite status. So, that includes a complimentary room upgrade, free daily breakfast and 4 PM late checkout.

There is an annual fee of $95. The APR is a 17.99– 24.99% variable.

Get it here: 

What is the Easiest Business Credit Card to Get for Cash Back?

SimplyCash Plus Business Credit Card from American Express

Check out the SimplyCash Plus Business Credit Card from American Express. There is a $0 yearly fee. And there is a 0% APR on purchases. So this is for the initial 15 months an account is open. 

But when the introductory period expires, the APR for purchases is 14.24 to 21.24%. So, this is variable and based on creditworthiness.


This card has numerous benefits. These include purchase protection, car rental loss and damage insurance. And they also include a baggage insurance plan, extended warranty coverage and a global assist hotline.

Also, earn 5% cash back at US office supply stores and on wireless telephone services. So, these must be purchased from US providers. But this pertains to the initial $50,000 of annual spending. Then, you get 1% cash back.

You also earn 3% cash back on spending category of your choice. So, this is from eight distinct categories. They include airfare, gas, advertising and computer purchases. But it applies to the first $50,000 of yearly spending. Then, you get 1% cash back.

Cash-back bonuses are automatically credited to the customer’s billing statement.

Note: you cannot use this card for balance transfers. There is a foreign transaction fee of 2.7%. The credit card charges up to $38 in late fees. And the returned check fee is also $38. The penalty APR is 29.99%. 

And, it kicks in if you have two or more late payments within 12 months. It can also apply if you fail to make the minimum payment on time or have a returned payment.

Get it here: 

Capital One® Quicksilver® Card 

Check out the Capital One® Quicksilver® Card. It offers flat-rate rewards of 1.5% on all purchases. There are no limits to the amount of cash back rewards that cardholders can earn. Also, the card has a $0 annual fee.

New cardholders have a 0% APR on purchases and balance transfers for the first 15 months after opening the account. Then afterwards they have a 14.74 – 24.74% (variable) APR after that. 

A cash bonus of $150 is on offer for those who make a minimum of $500 in purchases in 3 months of account opening.


Also, cash back rewards do not expire for the life of the account. And there is no limit to how much you can earn.

This card also offers travel accident insurance. And you get an auto rental collision damage waiver. There are no foreign transaction fees. And there is extended warranty coverage.

Downsides are the flat reward rate, not allowing for any more than that. And the higher APR after the first 15 months.

Get it here: 

Establish business credit fast with our research-backed guide to 12 business credit cards and lines.

What is the Easiest Business Credit Card to Get Which is Secured?

Wells Fargo Business Secured Credit Card

Have a look at the Wells Fargo Business Secured Credit Card. It charges a $25 annual fee per card (up to 10 employee cards). It also requires a minimum security deposit of $500 (up to $25,000) and it is meant to help cardholders set up or rebuild their credit.

Select this card if you want to get 1.5% per dollar in purchases with no limits or get one point for every dollar in purchases. You also get 1,000 bonus points for every month your company makes $1,000 in purchases on the card.


Also, you get free FICO scores every month. There are no foreign transaction fees. It is possible to upgrade to unsecured credit. Your account is regularly reviewed. And you may become eligible for an upgrade to an unsecured card with responsible use over time. Approval is not guaranteed and depends on factors including how you manage this and your other accounts.

APR is the current prime rate plus 11.90%. There is no introductory APR period and no sign-up bonus. This is not a card for balance transfers.

Get it here: 

What is the Easiest Business Credit Card to Get for Jackpot Rewards?

Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card

Have a look at the Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card for travel points.

You can earn two points per dollar spent on travel and dining at restaurants. And you can get one point per dollar on all other purchases. Points can be redeemed for cash back, gift cards, or travel. 

The card’s benefits include trip cancellation insurance, travel and emergency assistance services. They also include an auto rental collision damage waiver, purchase protection and extended warranty protection.

When you spend $4,000 in the initial 3 months from account opening, you will earn 50,000 bonus points. These points are worth $625 if you redeem them for travel through Chase Ultimate Rewards.


You can get an unlimited two points per dollar for travel and dining at restaurants. And after that get one point per dollar for all other purchases. Points will transfer equally to 13 leading frequent travel programs with partners. So, these include British Airways, Southwest Airlines, United, and Marriott.

There is no 0% introductory APR on purchases or balance transfers. The card’s standard APR is 17.74 – 24.74% variable. Also, the card has an annual fee of $0 introductory for the first year. And then it skyrockets to $95.

Get it here: 

Ink Business Preferred ℠ Credit Card

Get a look at the Ink Business Preferred Credit Card from Chase. Cardholders earn 3 points for every dollar spent on travel, shipping, internet, cable, phone and qualifying advertising with the card. So, this is up to $150,000 each year. And all other purchases earn an unlimited one point per dollar spent.

This is a Visa card.

Cardholders get benefits like purchase protection, trip cancellation or interruption insurance. They also get cellphone protection. And they get extended warranty coverage. And they get an auto rental collision damage waiver.


Earn 80,000 bonus points when you spend $5,000 in the first 3 months from account opening. There is an annual fee of $95. You can add employee cards at no additional cost.

This card only offers 3 points per dollar to a limit of $150,000 a year. So, this is for travel, shipping, internet, cable, phone and qualifying advertising. All other purchases earn an unlimited flat rate of one point per dollar. And there is no introductory APR

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What is the Easiest Business Credit Card to Get for You?Get a Business Credit Card the Easy Way Credit Suite

Your outright best company credit cards hinge on your credit history and scores.

Only you can select which features you want and need. So, make sure to do your homework. What is outstanding for you could be disastrous for another person.

And, as always, be sure to build credit in the recommended order for the best, quickest benefits.

The post You Asked, We Answered: What is the Easiest Business Credit Card to Get? appeared first on Credit Suite.

Credit Line Hybrid: The Top Option for Unsecured Business Financing You Probably Don’t Know About

The introduction of COVID-19 into our world crashed the global economy.  The federal government has taken action to try and help business owners.  The Paycheck Protection Program Loans and Economic Injury Disaster Loans are both included in the CARES Act as help for small business owners.  What are the SBA loan requirements for each of these business funding programs, and do you qualify? Maybe. The money is pretty much already gone however.  They say more is coming, but when, and how much?  In the meantime, the credit line hybrid could be what gets you through.  

Get funding to help your business thrive right now.

Credit Line Hybrid Financing: The Top Option for Unsecured Business Financing You Probably Don’t Know About

Whether the economy is booming or in the depths of a recession, one thing never changes.  All businesses need funding.  What does change, are the funding options available. This is not because the options go away.  Rather, it is due to the fact that some businesses may lose their eligibility for certain business funding options during hard economic times. To know which one will work best for you in your current situation, you need to know about and understand all of them.  Here is a quick 101 on what is available, how you get it, and a bonus option you probably did not know about, the credit line hybrid.

It is hard to understand how awesome a credit line hybrid is if you do not understand the different types of funding out there.  Specifically,  it helps to understand what the government is offering, the pros and cons related to the government relief, and  the difference between secured and unsecured financing. 

Why Apply for a Credit Line Hybrid When There Is Government Covid-19 Relief

The Paycheck Protection Program is a business lending program.   It is designed to help businesses keep paying employees even when they are shut down due to the coronavirus pandemic.  Allowable uses of funds include: 

  • Payroll Expenses
  • Employee Salaries
  • Mortgage Interest
  • Rent and Utilities
  • Interest on debt incurred before February 15, 2020

The annual percentage rate for these loans is 4%.  You do not make any payments for the first 6 months.  However, interest does accrue during this time.  After that, you have 2 years to pay. These loans are up to 100% forgivable with approval.  

Loan Forgiveness

To request forgiveness, you will submit a request to the lender that is servicing the loan. It should include documents that verify the number of full-time employees and pay rates.  Also, you will need to verify the payments on eligible mortgage, lease, and utility obligations. You have to certify that the documents are true.  In addition, you will have to show that you used the forgiveness amount to keep employees.  If not, you will have to show the funds were used to make eligible mortgage interest, rent, or utility payments. The lender must make a decision on the forgiveness within 60 days.

First, the program is open through June 2020.  Not only does that not give you a lot of time, but you need to apply as soon as possible anyway.  There is a cap on the funding, and processing applications will take time.  Consequently, some lenders are limiting the number of applications they will accept in a single day.   

SBA Loan Requirements: Who Can Apply, When Can they Apply, and Where Can They Apply?

Existing SBA lenders started accepting applications on April 3, 2020 from small businesses and sole proprietorships with less than 500 employees.   Beginning on April 10, independent contractors and individuals that are self- employees can apply through SBA lenders. 

Other lenders besides those that are currently working with the SBA are able to get in on the fun as well.  In an effort to relieve some of the burden of processing, other lenders are able to enroll in the program and will be able to start accepting applications as soon as they get approval.   Additionally, many private lenders have joined a petition to be able to work with the SBA to process applications and distribute funds. 

SBA Loan Requirements: What Do You Need to Apply? 

It is pretty straight forward.  If you meet the SBA definition of a small business or contractor, you just have to make a few good faith certifications.  These include: 

  •  Current economic uncertainty makes the loan necessary to support your ongoing operations. 
  • You will use the funds to keep workers and maintain payroll or to make mortgage, lease, and utility payments. 
  • This is the only loan you have or will have under the program. 
  • You will provide all documentation necessary to verify the number of full-time employees on payroll and how much their payroll costs.  Also, you will provide any necessary documentation needed to verify mortgage interest payments, rent payments, and covered utilities for the eight weeks after getting this loan. 
  • Loan forgiveness will be available for the sum of documented payroll costs, covered mortgage interest payments, covered rent payments, and covered utilities.
  • All the information you provide in your application and supporting documents and forms is true and accurate. 
  • You realize that the lender will calculate the loan amount using the tax documents you submitted. You guarantee that the tax documents are identical to those you submitted to the IRS. 

SBA Loan Requirements: The Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program

These are funds you apply for directly from the SBA.  They can be used to cover the following expenses:

  • Payroll
  • Fixed Debts
  • Accounts Payable
  • Other expenses that cannot be paid because of the impact of the disaster.  In this case, the disaster being COVID-19. 

These loans are available up to $2 million dollars at an annual percentage rate of 3.75%.  The terms go up to 30 years.  These are not forgivable loans. 

Why Apply for a Credit Line Hybrid with Government COVID-19 Relief Available? 

New funding was recently allotted. But how long will it last this time around? And how soon can the funds come to a business?  The truth is, most business owners need money right now.  There are other options, and the credit line hybrid is at the top of the list. 

Credit Line Hybrid: Secured vs. Unsecured

Next, it can be helpful to fully understand the difference between secured funding and unsecured funding. The foundational difference is that secured funding uses collateral to lower the lender’s risk.  This allows the lender to offer lower interest rates and better terms.  Unsecured funding does not require collateral, but the lender’s risk is mitigated by higher interest rates. 

Credit Line Hybrid: Why Choose Unsecured?  

If unsecured financing has higher interest rates, why would you choose it?  First, if you do not have anything available to use as collateral, you do not have a lot of choice. Next, even if you do have assets you can use to secure the loan, you may not want to take that risk.  If you use your home or some other asset as security for debt, you’ll lose it if for some reason you cannot meet the obligation. 

By choosing an unsecured loan, you protect your personal assets, to a point.  You will not lose your business to the lender, or any other type of collateral, because there is no collateral.

Credit Line Hybrid: The Downside to Unsecured Financing 

Of course, every rose has its thorn.  While you will not be losing an asset directly because it secures the loan, you will still be liable for the debt.  This is especially true if the debt is based on your personal credit, meaning it is in your name and not the name of an incorporated business. 

Credit Line Hybrid: An Amazing Happy Medium

What if there were an option that allowed you to have an even better interest rate than a secured loan, and yet get the money faster and easier than any type of traditional funding.  What if you could get business funding without having to supply bank statements or credit stubs? Imagine that you could get funding in a few days rather than weeks without supplying any collateral or documents? This is exactly the credit line hybrid allows you to do. 

What is a Credit Line Hybrid? 

A credit line hybrid is basically revolving, unsecured financing.  It allows you to fund your business without putting up collateral, and you only pay back what you use.  

Credit Line Hybrid: Qualifications? 

How hard is it to qualify?  Not as hard as you may think.  You do need good personal credit.  That is, your personal credit score should be at least 685.  In addition, you can’t have any liens, judgments, bankruptcies or late payments.  Furthermore, in the past 6 months you should have less than 5 credit inquiries, and you should have less than a 45% balance on all business and personal credit cards.  It is also best that you have established business credit as well as personal credit. 

If you do not meet all of the requirements, it is okay. You can take on a credit partner that meets each of these requirements.  Many business owners work with a friend or relative to fund their business.  If a relative or a friend meets all of these requirements, they can partner with you to allow you to tap into their credit to access funding. 

What are the Benefits of a Credit Line Hybrid? 

There are many benefits to using a credit line hybrid.  First, it is unsecured, meaning you do not have to have any collateral to put up.  Next, the funding is what is referred to as “no doc”.  This means you do not have to provide any bank statements or financials.  

Not only that, but typically approval is up to 5x that of the highest credit limit on the personal credit report. Additionally, often you can get interest rates as low as 0% for the first few months, allowing you to put that savings back into your business. 

The process is pretty fast, especially with a qualified expert to walk you through it.  One other benefit is this.  With the approval for multiple credit cards, competition is created.  This makes it easier, and likely even if you handle the credit responsibly, that you can get interest rates lowered and limits raised every few months. 

How to Best Use the Funds Available Through a Credit Line Hybrid

Maybe you think you do not need funding.  Everything is bumping along just fine, and there is no reason to access any additional funds.  Even if you are not in a dire situation, there are a ton of ways to use additional funds to help your business continue to grow.  Here are some tips on how to use funds from a credit line hybrid to best benefit your business.  

Tips for Using a Credit Line Hybrid

  1. Pay off higher interest debt to lower monthly payments and increase credit score. Imagine using a 0% interest credit line to pay off a number of high interest credit cards.  You could literally save yourself hundreds of dollars a month that can then be put back into your business. 
  2. Bridge a cash gap due to slow collections or seasonal issues. You could never have to worry or stress about large invoices being paid slowly or slow business in the off season ever again.
  3. Cover bills during a global pandemic. Can you relate? COVID-19 turned the whole economy on its head.  Funds from a credit line hybrid can help you stay above water without waiting for or just hoping you can get government relief.
  4. Buy inventory in bulk to take advantage of promotional pricing. You know you’ve seen it happen.  Your best seller goes on sale with the wholesale company. But you can’t buy as much as you want at the discounted price because of cash flow. 
  5. Grow and expand your business by adding equipment, adding on to your building, or even opening a new location. 
  6. Fund updates and repairs. Do not let the little things, or big things, slide any longer because you can’t pay for it.  Get the repairs you need, do the updates that need doing, and watch your business thrive. 
  7. Nothing.  Leave it alone until you need it.  None of us can see into the future.  A safety net is always a good idea.

Bonus:  You can even use a credit line hybrid to help with the cost of starting a brand new business. 

A Credit Line Hybrid Can Help You Build Business Credit

Building business credit is vital to the success of your business, and a credit line hybrid can help you do just that.  The key is, a credit line hybrid includes approval for multiple business credit cards at once.  If your business is set up properly, they will report your on-time payments to the business credit reporting agencies.  These include Dun & Bradstreet, Experian, and Equifax mostly, though there are others. Not all of them report to all of the CRAs, but some of them report to at least one.  Each account reporting consistent on-time payments helps you build strong business credit. 

You Have to Set Your Business Up Properly to Build Business Credit with the Credit Line Hybrid

Your business has to be set up a certain way to build business credit, period.  If it is not, then payments on business accounts will simply report to your personal credit. Here is how to do it. 

Get Separate Contact Information Before You Apply for the Credit Line Hybridcredit hybrid Credit Suite

Really, all of these steps should be completed before you apply for any type of business credit.  First, make sure your business has its own phone number, fax number, and address.  Surprisingly, that does not mean you have to get a separate phone line, or even a separate location.  

In fact, you can get a business phone number and fax number that will work over the internet instead of phone lines.  In addition, the phone number will forward to any phone you want. You can just use your personal cell phone or landline.

For a business address, you can use a virtual office. This is not what you may think.  It is a business that offers a physical address for a fee.  Sometimes they even offer mail service and live receptionist services.  Some of them even offer space for face-to-face meetings.  

Apply for an EIN to Use on Credit Applications

The next thing you need to do is get an EIN for your business.  This is an identifying number for your business that works like  your SSN does for you personally.  You can get one for free from the IRS.

Be wary of using a CPN to try to fake good credit.  What is a CPN? It stands for Credit Protection Number, Credit Privacy Number, and a number of other similar terms. A CPN is a number that you can use in place of your social security number, in some situations. They are completely legal, if you get them the right way.  

The thing is, there are very specific rules about who actually qualifies for a legal CPN.  In addition, you have to go through an attorney to get a legal CPN.  However, there are some unscrupulous companies that will sell them claiming that you can use them to apply for credit, and thus elude your poor credit scores. 

Many of the numbers for sale come from children or dead people.  Once you use one, you have just committed identity fraud.  Also, it will not even really help you that much.  The only number you can use to apply for credit other than your SSN is an EIN.  Even then, you may have to give your SSN for identity purposes, even if it is not used to verify credit worthiness. 

Incorporate Your Business

Incorporating your business as an LLC, S-corp, or corporation is necessary. It officially separates your business from you as the owner. It also offers some protection from liability. 

Which option you choose does not matter as much for business credit as it does for your budget and needs for liability protection.  Talk to your attorney or a tax professional about that.  

Open a Business Bank Account

You have to open a separate, dedicated business bank account.  There are a few reasons for this.  First, it will help you keep track of business finances.  It will also help you keep them separate from personal finances for tax purposes. 

It is necessary to take care of all of these things before applying.  First, you need your EIN and your separate contact information on the application. Next, the fact that you are incorporated and your business has a separate, dedicated account will help solidify it as an entity separate from you personally. 

Why Does Building Business Credit Matter? 

Business credit is one piece of your business’s overall fundability. In fact, it is the biggest piece of fundability.  However, the other things that contribute to the fundability of your business are important as well.  Each one is needed, and the stronger each piece is the stronger your overall fundability is.  In contrast, one weak link can bring it all tumbling down.  Still, without strong business credit, none of it really works. 

Business credit allows you to access money for your business without putting your personal credit at risk.  If your business goes south and your business credit tanks, it will not impede your ability to buy a car or a house. 

Also, you can access more funds using business credit than with personal credit.  That is because credit limits on business credit cards are typically much higher than those on personal cards. 

Fundability, in the simplest terms, is the ability of your business to get funding. When lenders consider funding your business, does it appear to them to be a good idea to make the loan?  What do they look at to make that determination? What plays into fundability other than business credit? 

Credit Line Hybrid: Other Fundability Factors

It is a complicated web of data that creates business fundability.   Pretty  much, everything in the history of ever can affect the fundability of your business, but time is kind.  The more positive, recent information out there, the better off you are.  New positives allow older negatives to not matter as much, eventually.


For a business to be legitimate it has to have all of the necessary licenses it needs to run.  If it does not, red flags are going to fly up all over the place.  Do the research you need to do to ensure you have all of the licenses necessary to legitimately run your business at the federal, state, and local levels. 


I am sure you are wondering how a business website can affect your ability to get funding.  The thing is, these days you do not exist if you do not have a website.  However, having a poorly put together website can be even worse.  It is the first impression you make on almost everyone.  If it appears to be unprofessional it will not bode well for you with consumers or potential lenders. 

Spend the time and money necessary to ensure your website is professionally designed and works well.  Pay for hosting too. Do not use a free hosting service.  Along these same lines, your business needs a dedicated business email address.  Make sure it has the same URL as your Website.  And do not use a free service such as Yahoo or Gmail.

Information from Other Business Data Agencies 

In addition to the business credit reporting agencies that directly calculate and issue credit reports, there are other business data agencies that affect those reports indirectly.  Two examples of this are LexisNexis and The Small Business Finance Exchange. These two agencies gather data from a variety of sources, including public records.  This means they could even have access to information relating to automobile accidents and liens. While you may not be able to access or change the data the agencies have on your business, you can ensure that any new information they receive is positive.  As mentioned earlier, enough positive information can help counteract negative information from the past. 

Identification Numbers 

In addition to the EIN, there are identifying numbers that go along with your business credit reports.  You need to be aware that these numbers exist.  Some of them are simply assigned by the agency, like the Experian BIN.  One, however, you have to apply to get.  It is absolutely necessary that you do this. 

Dun & Bradstreet is the largest and most commonly used business credit reporting agency.  Every credit file in their database has a D-U-N-S number.  To get a D-U-N-S number, you have to apply for one through the D&B website

Business Information

On the surface, it seems obvious that all of your business information should be the same across the board everywhere you use it.  However, when you start changing things up like adding a business phone number and address or incorporating, you may find that some things get missed.

This is a problem because a ton of loan applications are turned down each year due to fraud concerns simply because things do not match up.  Maybe your business licenses have your personal address but now you have a business address.  That sets off red flags.  Perhaps some of your credit accounts have a slightly different name or a different phone number listed than what is on your loan application. Do your insurances all have the correct information?  

Financial Statements

This includes both personal and financial.  First, tax returns need to be in order.  Not only that, but you need to be paying your taxes, both business and personal. That is not all there is to it though.  

Business Financials

It is best to have an accounting professional prepare regular financial statements for your business. Having an accountant’s name on financial statements lends credence to the legitimacy of your business. If you cannot afford this monthly or quarterly, at least have professional statements prepared annually. Then, they are at the ready whenever you need to apply for a loan. 

Personal Financials

Often tax returns for the previous three years will be good enough.  Get a tax professional to prepare them.   This is the minimum you will need.  Other information lenders may ask for include check stubs and bank statements, among other things. 


There are several other agencies that hold information related to your personal finances that you need to know about.  Your personal FICO score needs to be as strong as possible. Almost all traditional lenders will look at personal credit in addition to business credit. 

In addition to FICO reporting personal credit, there is ChexSystems.  Basically, they keep up with bad check activity that can affect your bank score.  If you have too many bad checks, you will not be able to open a bank account.  

Personal Credit History

Your personal credit score from Experian, Equifax, and Transunion are all important to fundability.   If it is not  so great right now, get to work on it.  The number one way to get a strong personal credit score or improve a weak one is to make payments consistently on time. 

The Application Process

It is hard to imagine that even the very process of applying for funding can affect fundability. First, consider the timing of the application.  Is your business currently fundable?  If not, do some work first to increase fundability.  Next, ensure that your business name, business address, and ownership status are all verifiable.  Lenders will check into it.  Lastly, make sure you choose the right lending product for your business and your needs.  Is a credit line hybrid right for you?  It is pretty much right for everyone that either meets the requirements or have family or friends who do.  Would a working capital loan or expansion loan work best for your needs?  Choosing the right product to apply for can make all the difference. 

Get funding to help your business thrive right now.

Other Funding Options Besides a Credit Line Hybrid

The credit line hybrid really is a great option.  In fact in most cases, it is likely the best option.  However, it is not always enough.  What other business funding options are out there? 

SBA Loans

In addition to the SBA funding set up through the CARES Act, regular SBA programs are still out there.  SBA loans are guaranteed by the Small Business Administration.  Typically, they are issued by participating lenders, mostly banks. 

While they sound awesome, they are not as easy to get as you might imagine.  The process is certainly more complicated and lengthy than that of applying for a credit line hybrid.  Basically, SBA loans are traditional loans from traditional lenders, but they come with a government guarantee.  This means lenders can relax a little on credit score requirements.  Also, interest rates are lower.  However, there is still a lot of red tape and time involved.

SBA Loan Documentation

Here is what you’ll need to apply.  

  •  The SBA borrower loan information form
  •  Statement of personal history
  •  Personal financial statement
  •  Personal income tax returns for the previous 3 years
  •  Tax returns for the business for the previous 3 years
  •  Business certificate or license
  •  Business lease
  •  Loan application history
  • Good business credit helps also

It can take a considerable amount of time to finish the application process, and even longer to get your money. 

Once you have this general information together, you need to choose the program that will work best for your needs.  Note that each program may have additional requirements. 

7(a) Loans 

This is the Small Business Administration’s flagship loan program. It offers federally funded term loans up to $5 million. The funds can be used for expansion, purchasing equipment, working capital and more. Banks, credit unions, and other specialized institutions in partnership with the SBA process these loans and disburse the funds.  

The minimum credit score to qualify is 680, and there is also a required down payment of at least 10% for the purchase of a business, commercial real estate, or equipment. The minimum time in business is 2 years. In the case of startups, business experience equivalent to two years will fulfill this requirement.  

This is by far the most popular of the SBA loan programs, and the funds are available for a broad range of projects.  This program is great for working capital, refinancing debt, and even buying a new business or real estate. 

504 Loans 

These loans are also available up to $5 million and can buy machinery, facilities, or land. They are generally used for expansion, and private sector lenders or nonprofits process and disburse these SBA government loans. They work well for commercial real estate purchases especially.  

Terms for 504 Loans range from 10 to 20 years, and funding can take from 30 to 90 days. They require a minimum credit score of 680, and collateral is the asset it is financing. There is also a down payment requirement of 10%, which can increase to 15% for a new business.  

There is also a requirement you be in business at least 2 years, or that management has equivalent experience if the business is a startup. 


Microloans are available in amounts up to $50,000. They work for starting a business, purchasing equipment, buying inventory, or for working capital. Community based non-profits administer microloan programs as intermediaries.  Unlike most other SBA loans, financing comes directly from the Small Business Administration.  

Interest rates on these loans are 7.75% to 8% above the lender’s cost to fund.  The terms go up to 6 years. Microloans can take upwards of 90 days to fund, and the minimum credit score requirement is 640. Collateral and down payment requirements vary by lender. 

SBA disaster loans 

The disaster loan program is designed to help out in times of disaster, such as hurricanes and tornadoes. Recently, the program has been ramped up to provide COVID-19 relief as part of the CARES Act. 

Available in amounts up to $2 million, these loans are processed directly through the SBA. They are available to small-business owners that have been affected by natural disasters.  Terms go up to 30 years.  The maximum interest rate is 4%. Apply for disaster loans directly at 

The minimum credit score for disaster loans is 660. Collateral is necessary if the loan goes over a certain amount, usually $25,000, if it is available or when it becomes available. For a military economic injury disaster that amount is $50,000. A down payment is not necessary. 

SBA Express loans 

These loans top out at $350,000.  They have a maximum interest rate of 11.50%. Terms range from 5 to 25 years, and the SBA guarantee is less than with their other loan programs at 50%. To qualify, your credit score must be above 680, and you must have a debt to service ratio of 1.1 or higher. If the loan is greater than $25,000, collateral may be necessary depending on the lender.  

The turnaround for express loans is much faster, with the SBA taking up to 36 hours to give a decision. Necessary paperwork for application is less also, making express loans a great option for working capital, among other things, if you qualify. 


There are 4 distinct CAPline programs.  The differences between them relate mostly to the expenses they can fund. Each of them carries a maximum amount of $5 million and an interest rate that ranges from 7% to 10%. Funding can take 45 to 90 days.  

The four different programs are:  

  • Seasonal CAPLines -Financing for businesses preparing for a seasonal increase in sales. 
  • Contract CAPlines -Financing for businesses that need funding to fill a contract. 
  • Builder’s CAPLines -Financing for businesses taking on a real estate or construction project. 
  • Working capital CAPLines -Financing for businesses that are struggling with a short-term slump in sales. 

Credit score must be at least 680 to qualify, and there is no minimum time in business requirement unless you are getting a seasonal CAPline. That one carries a one year in business requirement.  

You may have noticed that the credit score requirements for the SBA loans are generally in the same range as what is required to qualify for a credit line hybrid. As a result, it is highly possible you could get both an SBA loan and a credit line hybrid, if you meet the qualifications for both.  This would greatly increase your business funding power. 

Private Lender Loans

These are term loans, but they are offered by private lenders rather than traditional financial institutions.  The appeal of these lenders is that they generally offer loans to those with much lower credit scores than what is offered by regular banks and credit unions.  Some will lend funds without even checking credit. 

Typically, you get the money very fast.  Sometimes you can have funding in your account in as little as a couple of days. 

There is a trade-off, however.  Private loans almost universally have higher interest rates and less favorable terms.


BlueVine offers invoice factoring and lines of credit. For invoice factoring, there are no reserves or minimums. The BlueVine system syncs with your accounting software and they connect to QuickBooks Online. They also work directly with FreshBooks and Xero. 

Bond Street

Bond Street offers term loans of $10,000 – $1 million. Terms are for 1 to 3 years. Bond Street will ask for both EIN and SSN.

Lending Club

Lending Club offers term loans. Business loans from $5,000 to $300,000. Loan terms 1 – 5 years.

Get a quote in less than 5 minutes. Funds are available in as little as 48 hours if approved. There are no prepayment penalties.  The good thing is the annual revenue requirement is not too high. Also, funds are available quickly. Still, the max interest rates are pretty high.


OnDeck offers short term loans and lines of credit. For short term loans: $5,000 – $250,000. Terms range from 3 to 24 months. 

You must have annual revenue of $100,000 or more. Personal FICO Score of 600 or better. You must be in business 3 years or more. There is an 8.5% – 79% APR.

For lines of credit: $5,000 – $100,000 available. There is a term of 6 months.

You must have annual revenue of $100,000 or more. Personal FICO Score of 600 or better. You must be in business 9 months or more. There is a 13.99% to 36% APR.

Advantages include the low FICO score requirement for term loans. There is some flexibility for term lengths. Disadvantages are the maximum APR for both term loans and lines of credit are extremely high. If your company cannot pay back a loan or line of credit, it could sink you financially.


Quarter Spot offers short term loans of $5,000 – $150,000. Terms range from 9 to 18 months. They will only do a soft credit check when you apply. Borrowers must own at least 50% of the business. Rates are 25% – 40%. 

Rapid Advance

Rapid Advance offers standard, select, and preferred loans. For standard loans amounts range from $5,000 to $1 million available. Terms range from 4 to 12 months.

Benefits including a few choices for loan types and high maximum amount limits.   On the downside,  minimum bank balance requirements are fairly high. Annual revenue requirements are also high.

More on Invoice Financing

You may have noticed some of the online lenders mentioned above offer invoice factoring.  This is a form of business funding that uses open invoices as security.  Money comes fast, but interest rate and terms can vary depending on the age of the invoices. 

That of course, means that you must have open invoices to qualify.  Consequently, you must be extending credit to customers in some form.  Usually this involves invoices with net terms, such as net 30, 60, or 90.  

Then, you turn those invoices over to a factoring company.  They give you an agreed upon percentage of the total of the invoices, such as 80%.  You get this amount of money immediately.  When your customer pays, the factoring company keeps their agreed upon fee, and they send you the rest.  


This is different from selling invoices, in which you sell your invoices at a premium and do not collect anything else.  The buyer then tries to collect the full price from the customer and keeps it, profiting from the premium they were sold at. This is more typical with severely delinquent invoices. 

You can factor invoices on an ongoing basis to help with cash flow, or you can do it to aid in a one-time cash crunch.  It is quick, but it can be costly.  If you are an established business that has little problem collecting on invoices however, this funding option is easy to qualify for.  Since the funds are secured with the invoices, there is little worry about credit rating. 

Merchant Cash Advance

This is similar to inventory financing, except funding is based on average daily credit card sales.  Then, payment is made from future credit card sales, automatically. 

Lines of Credit

These come from all of the same types of lenders we’ve mentioned already, with the same general requirements.  However, this is revolving credit, more like a credit card.  Interest rates are typically lower than credit cards, and the application process is virtually exactly like that of a term loan at the corresponding lender. They are available through both traditional banks and private lenders.

Business Credit Cards

This is revolving credit that is usually easier to get than a line of credit.  However, the interest rate is almost universally higher, depending on your credit score.  In some cases, there are rewards that, in addition to easy access, make these a good option.

Examples of Business Credit Cards to Get You Started 

Benefits can vary. So, make certain to choose the card with the ones that will work best for your needs.

Brex Card for Startups

This Brex Card has no yearly fee.  You will not need to supply your Social Security number to apply. Also, you will not need a personal guarantee. However, This card  does not work for every  industry. 

To determine creditworthiness, Brex checks a company’s cash balance, spending patterns, and investors. Rewards include  7x points on ride share and 4x on Brex Travel. Also, you can get  triple points on restaurants and get double points on recurring software payments. Get 1x points on everything else.

Capital One® Spark® Classic for Business

The Capital One® Spark® Classic for Business is another to check out. It has no annual fee and there is no introductory APR offer. The regular APR is a variable 24.49%. However, you can get unlimited 1% cash back on every purchase for your company and there is no minimum to redeem.

While this card is within reach if you have fair credit scores, be aware of the APR. If you can pay promptly, and completely, it is a good deal.

Ink Business Unlimited℠ Credit Card

The Ink Business Unlimited℠ Credit Card has no annual fee and a 0% introductory APR. After that expires, the APR is a variable 14.74 to 20.74%. 

You can earn unlimited 1.5% Cash Back rewards on every purchase made for your company and get $500 bonus cash back after spending $3,000 in the initial 3 months from account opening. Rewards rewards for cash back, gift cards, travel and more using Chase Ultimate Rewards®. You will need superb credit to get approval for this card.

Blue Business® Plus Credit Card from American Express

The Blue Business® Plus Credit Card from American Express also has no  no annual fee and  a 0% introductory APR for the first year. After that, the APR is a variable 14.74 to 20.74%.

You can get double Membership Rewards® points on everyday business purchases like office supplies or client dinners.  This applies to the first $50,000 spent each year. You get 1 point per dollar after that.  You will need great to exceptional credit to qualify.

American Express® Blue Business Cash Card

Another one to look into is the American Express® Blue Business Cash Card. Note: the American Express® Blue Business Cash Card is identical to the Blue Business® Plus Credit Card from American Express. However its rewards are in cash instead of points. You get 2% cash back on all eligible purchases up to $50,000 per calendar year. After that, it is 1%.

There is  no yearly fee, and there is a 0% introductory APR for the first one year. Afterwards, the APR is a variable 14.74 to 20.74%.  You will need great to superb credit to qualify.

Capital One ® Spark® Cash for Business 

Check out the Capital One® Spark® Cash for Business. It has an introductory $0 annual fee for the initial year. After that, this card costs $95 per year. There is no introductory APR deal. The regular APR is a variable 18.49%.

You can get a $500 one-time cash bonus after spending $4,000 in the first 3 months from account opening. Get unlimited 2% cash back. Redeem any time without any minimums.  You will need great to outstanding credit scores to qualify.

Discover it® Business Card

Another one to check out the Discover it® Business Card. It has no yearly fee. There is an introductory APR of 0% on purchases for twelve months. After that is over,  the regular APR is a variable 14.49 to 22.49%. 

You get unlimited 1.5% cash back on all purchases, with no category restrictions or bonuses. Also, they double the 1.5% Cashback Match™ at the end of the first year. There is no minimum spend requirement either.

You can download transactions easily to Quicken, QuickBooks, and Excel. Note: you will need great to exceptional credit to get approval for this card.

Get funding to help your business thrive right now.


Crowdfunding sites allow you to inform thousands of micro investors about your business or business idea. Anyone who wants to can invest as much or as little as they want.  Investors pledge various amounts depending on the campaign and the platform in use. They may give $50, they may give $150, or they may give over $500. Pledges can even go as low as $5.

Though not always necessary, most offer rewards to investors for their giving. Typically, this comes in the form of the product the business will be selling. Different levels of giving result in different rewards. For example, a $50 gift may get you one incentive, and a $100 gift will get you an upgraded version of that incentive, or something different all together.

Where Do You Get Started with Crowdfunding? 

There are many crowdfunding sites, but the most popular are Kickstarter and Indiegogo. Many crowdfunding resources are geared toward aiding in success on these two platforms.  The two are similar, but there are some glaring differences. The most obvious is when you actually get the funds you raise. 

For example, with Kickstarter you have to reach your preset goal before you can receive the funds. If you set a goal to raise $12,000, investments have to reach that amount before you get your hands on any of the money. 

Indiegogo on the other hand lets you choose if you want to receive funds as they come in or wait until you reach your goal. In addition, they have the option for InDemand, which lets you continue to raise funds after your initial campaign is over.  There is no need to start a new campaign. 

Indiegogo also has a flexible funding option for those who may need it.

To make the choice for yourself, you need to figure out who your audience is, and which platform will best reach them. 

Angel Investors

According to Investopedia, this is what an angel investor is:“… [They] invest in small startups or entrepreneurs. Often, angel investors are among an entrepreneur’s family and friends. The capital angel investors provide may be a one-time investment to help the business propel or an ongoing injection of money to support and carry the company through its difficult early stages.”

These investors are usually only in for a one-time deal. Many do not lend to the same person twice, even if that person paid them back perfectly.  They choose to spread their risk out over many people and many businesses to ensure they get a safe return on their investment.

Angels tend to be a lot more informal than most types of funding. They can be people you know or connect with through networking or other means. Even  your mom can be an angel investor.

Angels are not covered by the Securities Exchange Commission’s (SEC) standards for accredited investors. But a lot of them are accredited investors anyway. 

Who Else Can be This Kind of Investor?

There are a number of angels who are not millionaires. They could be friends or colleagues sitting on home equity, or local professionals who are looking to invest. Consider people you know well and people you do not know so well. If you’re asking, where are angel investors near me, they could be people you grew up with or have done business with.

How Do You Find These Types of Investors?

The best way to find these kinds of investors is to ask. Try an angel investors website or an angel investors network. Also look online.  One site to try  is Gust, which used to be called Angel Soft. They keep a database of investors, companies, and programs. Startups can search for business plan competitions and more as well.

Gust gives the search for these kinds of investors more organization. But it is not the only way to find angels.

Other Ways to Find These Sorts of Investors

Entrepreneur Magazine suggests angel investors list sites like Funding Post and ACE-NET. They also suggest trying every possible investor because being turned down by 100 investors does not mean the 101st will turn you down. Entrepreneur notes that these kinds of investors will often start small. So, if you can prove your concept to them, and they start to see success, they might add more funding.

Credit Line Hybrid: Know Where You Stand

How do you know whether or not you qualify for any of these options?  How do you know if your personal credit score is at least 685 so you can access a credit line hybrid? What indicates your business credit is growing strong because accounts are reporting on-time payments? 

The secret is credit monitoring.  To be fair, business credit monitoring and personal credit monitoring are two totally different animals. The main difference is that with personal credit, you can monitor it for free.  You have the right to one copy of your complete credit report each year.  Also, there are numerous free services out there that will give you a peek at your score and some information on your report on an ongoing basis, also for free. All you have to do is answer some identifying questions and you are all set. 

Business Credit Monitoring

However, business credit monitoring is not so easy. First, it is never free, really.  There are a few ways to get a peek at your business credit for free one time, but that is it.  As a general rule you have to pay for business credit monitoring.  The question is, how do you get the most bang for your buck. 

Just as there are credit reporting agencies for your personal credit score, there are also business credit reporting agencies.  The largest one, and the one lenders use most often, is Dun & Bradstreet.  However, there are actually several others.  The other two most common are Experian and Equifax. 

They do not just give out credit reports for free however.  In fact, the prices for reports directly from the top 3 most commonly used credit reporting agencies are pretty steep.  For example: 

  • Dun & Bradstreet reports range in price from $61 to $229 per report. 
  • Experian reports are $49.95 per report. 
  • Equifax is $99.95 per report. 

The prices range so broadly due to the varying complexity and detail of the information provided in each report.  For example, Dun & Bradstreet has multiple types of scores and a report for each one.  

Or, you can monitor with Experian and D&B both for a fraction of the price. 

How to See Your Business Credit for Free

The only real way to get a free copy of your credit report is if you are denied a loan based on your business credit.  There are ways to see what is on it, one time, for free however.  


Nav is a service that will let you see a summary of your credit reports from all three of the major credit reporting agencies.  However, these are only summaries, not full reports.  Generally, that means you can see your score, and maybe the accounts you have listed.  While this will help you see where you stand, it will not suffice for the purpose of correcting mistakes or even to show you what you need to do to improve your score. You do have the option to pay for more information though. does not offer ongoing free business credit reports, you can access a free trial.  There is no credit card required, and after you pull the report, you have 30 days to check it out. This means at least once you can get a totally free look at your report, because there is no fear of missing a cancelation deadline and having to pay anyway. 


This is a lesser known credit reporting agency that will let you see your credit report for free before you pay for an ongoing subscription.  Unlike Nav or, they actually calculate their own score similar to the big 3 (Experian, Equifax, and Dun & Bradstreet.)  They strive to be totally transparent and to make their reports easy to understand. 

Credit Line Hybrid: What Can a Lender See on Your Business Credit Report?

Each reporting agency offers different types of reports and information, but they all contain the same general data.  

Dun & Bradstreet

Dun & Bradstreet offers several different types of business credit reports.  In fact, there are six different reporting options in all.  They all offer different information related to credit worthiness, and it takes all of them to get the whole picture.  The price range listed above is dependent on which reports you want to order. 

The report used most often is the PAYDEX.   Likely, this is  because it is the easiest to understand, due to it being the most like the consumer FICO score.  It measures how quickly a customer makes payments and ranges from 1 to 100.  A Score of 70 or higher is acceptable.   For example, a score of 100 shows payments are made in advance, and a score of 1 indicates that they are 120 days late, or more. 

The other Dun & Bradstreet Credit Reports include:

  • Dun and Bradstreet Delinquency Predictor Score

The delinquency predictor score measures how likely it is that the company will not pay, will be late paying, or will fall into bankruptcy.  The scale is 1 to 5, and a 2 is good.

  • Financial Stress Score

The financial stress score measures pressure on the balance sheet.  It shows how likely the company is to shut down within a year.  These scores range from 5 to 1, with a score of 2 being “good.” 

  • Supplier Evaluation Risk Rating

This rating ranks the odds of a company surviving 12 months.  The minimum score is a 9 and the maximum is 1.  A “good” score is 5. 

  • Credit Limit Recommendation

The credit limit recommendation reflects a business’s borrowing capacity.  It is a recommendation for how much debt a company can handle. Typically, creditors use this to determine how much credit to extend. 

  • D&B Credit Rating

This one ranks overall business risk on a scale of one to four.  A score of 2 is good.  The rating is given in conjunction with letters, the combination of which indicate a company’s net worth. 

Even if there is not enough information on a business to assign a regular rating, Dun and Bradstreet will assign what they call a Credit Appraisal Score.  This is based on the number of employees. Another option is an alternative rating based on what data is actually available. 


Experian uses what it calls Intelliscore as its credit ranking.  There are more than 800 different factors that they use to predict a company’s credit risk. With Intelliscore, a score of 76 or higher indicates a low risk of default or late payment. If a score falls between 51 to 75, it indicates a low to medium risk.  Scores from 26 to 50 are medium risk, and from 25 down to 1 is medium high to high risk. 

Here is where Experian gets tricky. Intelliscore is a blended score of both the business and business owner’s personal information.  That means it offers insights into a business’s public record findings, collections, and payment trends, as well as overall business background. Experian is also unique in that it does not ask businesses to self-report.  Instead, they collect all the information themselves. You will have to give permission for a lender to view this report, due to it containing personal information.


Equifax collects information similar to Dun and Bradstreet, including: information from public records, financial data from the business, and payment history from creditors.  Credit utilization is also a factor, which accounts for how much credit you are using versus the amount of credit you have available to use.

The information is used to calculate various scores, including the business credit risk score and the business failure score. The first measures how likely it is that a business will become 90 days or more delinquent on bills over the next year.  The score ranges from 101 to 992.  The second ranges from 1,000 to 1610 and predicts how likely it is that the business will file for bankruptcy over the next 12-month period.  A lower score indicates higher risk. 

More About Equifax

They also calculate what they call the business payment index.  This is the Equifax version of Dun & Bradstreet’s PAYDEX.  It even runs on the same scale of 0 to 100.  This is an indicator payment history over the past year.  It is different from the PAYDEX, however, in that you must reach a score of 90 or higher for it to be a “good” score.  

In addition, Equifax offers business identity reports to confirm a company actually exists. It verifies details such as the company’s tax ID number, number of employees, and yearly sales. 

Equifax does not allow business owners to request reports on their own company.  They decide themselves when to start a credit file on a specific company. 

A Note on CreditSafe

They offer 3 packages: Standard, Plus, and Premier.  The problem is, they do not list their prices on their website.  You have to request a quote to determine what your pricing would be, as they also allow you to purchase individual products. 

They are quickly growing in popularity. No doubt that is partly due to the subscription service it offers, which allows easy insight into your own company’s credit report. The free trial allows for test driving, which sweetens the deal even more. 

Their main score, the CreditSafe rating, works on a scale of 1-100.  It predicts the likelihood that payment performance will become 90 plus days beyond terms within the next 12 months or that the business will go bankrupt.  They offer a variety of other scores and reports that provide a ton of information however.

CreditSafe Business Credit Reports

  • International Score

This score is derived from the CreditSafe rating. It allows for a comparison of credit risk between companies that are registered in different countries.

  • Credit Limit

The Creditsafe recommended credit limit uses information from the business payment records and those of similar companies to calculate a dollar amount recommendation of the maximum amount of credit a company should receive at any one time.

  • Days Beyond Terms (DBT)

Compares how many days late a business pays its bills in comparison to other companies in the industry.

  • Derogatory Legal

This is a report on the number and value of tax liens and judgements that have been filed in the past 6 years and 9 months.  It also includes bankruptcies filed in the last 9 years and 9 months

  • Payment Trend

A report designed to highlight at a glance substantial changes in how a company is paying its bills. 

  • Business Spend Trend

This one lets you know whether the total annual business spending is going up or down when compared to the previous year. 

Subscription packages come in levels, and the prices are dependent completely on your business’s individual needs.  You will have to speak to a consultant to get a quote. 

Credit Line Hybrid: What if Your Business Credit Score is Bad, or Non-Existent? 

If you have never set your business up to build business credit as discussed above, then it is very likely there is no business credit report to check.  The steps we gave you to set your business up so a credit line hybrid could help build business credit help separate you from  your business. This means that your business accounts report to the business credit reporting agencies, no personal credit reporting agencies.

How can you get accounts in your business name however, without any business credit to begin with?  The secret is starter vendors.  A lot of business owners do not understand how starter vendors work, or how they help build business credit because what they do does not really seem like credit in the traditional sense.  


It is not like a credit card account or a charge account.  What starter vendors do is they offer invoices with net terms.  For example, net30.  That means you have to pay the invoice in full within 30 days.  They do two helpful things relating to this however.  First, they do not check your credit score.  There are typically some other criteria you must meet, but bad credit will not keep you from getting accounts with starter vendors.  

Next, when you pay those invoices, they will report those payments to one or more business credit reporting agencies. If you get enough starter vendors reporting positive payment history, your score will be strong enough to apply for credit from those credit issuers who will check your business credit score. 

How Do I Find Starter Vendors? 

They may not advertise themselves as such, but they are out there.  It is usually smart to get a little help finding enough to build your business credit score quickly.  Here are a few that are easy to get started with. 

Strategic Network Solutions

This company sells eBooks, software, and even office supplies.  You do have to register to see their products, but the process is fast and easy.  You will have to make a $75 or more initial purchase to be eligible for a net30 account of up to $1,000 for a new business.  The credit line can increase in increments of $500 if balances are paid in full and on-time. Strategic Network Solutions reports to Experian and Credit Safe.

Grainger Industrial Supply

Granger industrial supply sells industrial equipment for outdoors as well as standard tools, and more. To gain net 30 approval you will need a business license, a DUNS number, and bank reference.  They report to Dun & Bradstreet.

Summa Office Supplies

Another office supply provider, you can order anything from paper to staples, pens to printer ink, and pretty much anything you can think of in between from Summa.  They require a $75 initial purchase, and will approve up to $2,000 on net 30 terms.  They report to Eqifax and D&B.

Quill Office Supplies

Quill also sells standard office supplies.  You will need to make an initial purchase.  They’ll usually put you on a 90 day prepay schedule, but after ordering for 3 months in a row, they’ll typically approve net 30 terms.  They report to Dun & Bradstreet.


Uline sells a lot of things, but they specialize in packing and shipping equipment and janitorial supplies. You’ll need to place an initial order, and they do ask for a bank reference and two other references.  They report to Experian and Dun & Bradstreet, so you’ll of course need a D-U-N-S number too.

Now, a credit line hybrid does require a personal credit score of 685, as mentioned.  However, if your business is set up properly, payment can still be reported to business credit reporting agencies, thus building your business credit score even faster. 

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Credit Line Hybrid and Other Business Funding Options :Tying it All Together

So, which one of these options will be the best one for your business?  It depends on a huge number of factors.  First, you have to figure out what you qualify for.  That means knowing both your personal and business credit score.  

Then, you have to determine exactly how much you need, and how fast you need it. That will make a huge difference in the type of lender and the type of product you apply for.  Remember, a credit line hybrid will allow you to access a fairly large amount quickly. 

If you have the personal credit score, apply for a credit line hybrid now.  It is unsecured, no documents required, typically low introductory interest rates, and it works even for brand new businesses.  After that, if you still need more funding, you can look at other options such as SBA loans or credit cards. 

More Options

If your credit score is not the best, then consider private lenders.  At the same time, work with starter vendors to improve and grow your business credit.  Once you have your business and personal credit stronger, you can access financing from a variety of sources.  

Of course, get your free copy of your personal credit report and monitor your business credit report as well. By knowing what is on each report you can get a handle on what is causing your score to be lower than it needs to be and fix it.  

This may mean contesting mistakes.  If you do find a mistake, you need to request that it be removed in writing.  Send copies of all supporting documents as well.  Do not, for any reason, send originals. 

Credit Line Hybrid: This Could Be the Answer

The truth of the matter is that there are many options for business funding.  However, most business owners do not know about the credit line hybrid.  It can be a great option for low introductory rates and building business credit if your personal credit is okay.  Even if your personal credit is not so great, you can use a credit partner to help you access this funding option. 

Then, you can access the financing you need and build business credit at the same time.  You can also combine credit line hybrid funds with any of the other business funding options mentioned to bridge any gaps that may show up for whatever reason. As our global economy continues to change, you can still get funding for your business. Our hybrid credit line could be just what you need to survive and thrive – and come out of the COVID-19 crisis in an even better financial place than before.

The post Credit Line Hybrid: The Top Option for Unsecured Business Financing You Probably Don’t Know About appeared first on Credit Suite.

Equifax Business Credit and Overall Fundability

Business credit is just one of many factors that affects the fundability of your business.  Your Equifax business credit score, your D&B business credit score, your Experian business credit score, and any other agency your lender may pull a credit score from all have a huge impact on your ability to get funding for your business. 

They might use reports from any of these agencies or a combination.  Since you can’t know which reports they will look at, you have to understand each one.  You need to know what information it gives them and where that information comes from. It is important to understand Equifax business credit. 

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How Equifax Business Credit Can Affect the Overall Fundability of Your Business

In order to build and maintain strong fundability, you need to understand everything you can about the reports from each of the big three credit reporting agencies, and what they tell lenders about your business.

Equifax Business Credit Reports

Equifax collects information similar to Dun and Bradstreet, including data from the following sources. 

  • information from public records
  •  financial data from the business
  •  payment history from creditors
  • Credit utilization is also a factor, which accounts for how much credit you are using versus the amount of credit you have available to use.

The information is used to calculate various scores, including the business credit risk score and the business failure score. The first measures how likely it is that a business will become 90 days or more delinquent on bills over the next year.  It ranges from 101 to 992.  

The second, ranges from 1,000 to 1610.  Likewise, it predicts how likely it is that the business will file for bankruptcy over the next 12-month period.  A lower score indicates higher risk. 

They also calculate what they call the business payment index.  This is the Equifax version of the Dun & Bradstreet PAYDEX.  It even runs on the same scale of 0 to 100.  It’s an indicator of payment history over the past year. In contrast to the PAYDEX however, you must  reach a score of 90 or higher for it to be a good score.  

In addition, Equifax offers business identity reports to confirm a company actually exists. It verifies details such as the company’s tax ID, number of employees, and yearly sales. 

Equifax does not allow business owners to request a file be opened for their own company.  They decide themselves when to start a credit file on a specific company. 

Financial and trade data are combined, and they add in utility and telephone payment data.  Public records are also a source of information.  

Equifax Business credit scores include: 

The Small Business Credit Risk Score for Suppliers

It is scored on a scale of 1 to 100, with 90+ indicating that a business has paid its obligations as agreed.  An 80 to 89 means they are 1 to 30 days past due, 60 to 79 indicates they are 31-60 days overdue, 40 to 59 is 61 to 90 days past the payment date.  It  just goes down from there. 

Business Failure Risk Score

This score indicates the chance of a company paying its bills late on the following scale: 

  • 497 – 816: 25% or less chance of payment being overdue
  • 452 – 496: 26 – 50% chance of payment going overdue
  • 415 – 451: 51 – 74% chance of delinquent payments
  • 101 – 414: 75 – 100% chance of delinquent payments

Public Records Report

The purpose of this report is to list bankruptcies, judgments, and liens along with the amount, date of the most recent filing, and how they were satisfied. 

Credit Usage Report

This a pie chart that shows your company’s credit usage.  It gives a visual of what percent of your available credit you are using. That is known as your credit utilization ratio, and it has a pretty big impact on your overall credit score.

Credit Report Summary

The summary report shows the number of your business’s credit accounts, as well as the date each one became active. It also lists any amounts past due, along with your most severe status of the past 24 months. 

The highest amount of credit extended, the median balance, and the average open balance are included as well. 

Additionally, the report lists recent activity such as number of new accounts opened recently, delinquent accounts, number of updated accounts, and inquiries. 

Financial Account Highlights

This report shows details for the past 36 months, including credit accounts and leases. It lists the status, open and close date, original and current credit limits, and any past due amount for each.  In addition, the payment amount and frequency for each account, as well as whether or not it is secured are also noted.

Does Equifax Business Credit Really Matter? 

Yes, all business credit matters! Why do you need separate business credit? Here’s why. According to, small business owners who understand their business credit scores are 41% more likely to get approval when they apply for a business loan. You can’t understand it if you don’t have it. Right? 

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Also, if the unthinkable happens and your personal credit tanks, you need to be able to continue to run and grow your business. If your business credit is strong, you can still do that no matter what is happening with your personal credit. 

It’s true, a new business will not have any business credit.  However, it doesn’t have to stay that way. Building business credit is important, so that when the time comes, you can keep your personal credit separate and finance business growth using your business credit. 

How Can I Improve my Equifax Business Credit? 

What if your Equifax business credit isn’t so great?  Here are some simple things you can do to boost it. 

Add New Trade Lines

Don’t pay for them. There is no proof that buying tradelines actually helps.  If you do things the right way, it happens for free and it for sure works. There are a few ways to get it done. 

First, you can ask the vendors you already work with about starting a credit relationship.  Ask if they will extend you credit based on the merits of the business relationship. Then, ask if they will report the payments.  Even if you only get one or two reporting, your credit score will increase with every on-time payment recorded. 

Next, you can ask utilities, telephone companies, and internet companies to report the payments you already make to them on a regular basis. They don’t have to do it, but there is no harm in asking and it is an easy way to get more accounts reporting without actually opening new accounts.

Lastly, if you have a poor credit score, you can work with starter vendors in the vendor credit tier.  These are retailers that sell things you use everyday in your business anyway.  Often, they will extend net terms on invoices without a credit check and report your payment to the credit agencies.  

Ask to Delete Paid off Collections

Did you know that if you have an account that goes to collections, it will stay on your credit report even after you pay it off?  That’s right. The negative hit stays on your report even if you pay off the account in full. However, you can ask that they remove it. 

Ensure All Information is Correct and Up to Date

Take the initiative to notify credit agencies of changes in address, phone number, email addresses, etc.  In addition, monitor your business credit reports so you can dispute any mistakes.  

Update the details if there are errors or the information is incomplete. Do this for Equifax here: 

Ask for An Increase to Your Credit Limit 

Your credit utilization ratio is the amount of debt you have in relation to the amount of credit you have available to you. If you are using a ton of your available credit, your ratio will be high, and vice versa.  When people ask themselves how to increase business credit, they often realize this. The next step, for most, is to add accounts to increase the amount of credit available. 

However, this isn’t always the best option because the average age of all reporting accounts affects your credit score as well.  If you are adding new accounts, that average age decreases, which negatively affects your account.  

Another option, which works much better, is to ask your current accounts to raise your credit limit.  This way, you have more available credit, decrease your credit utilization ratio, and leave your average age of accounts unaffected. 

Make Payments on Time!

The number one way to increase Equifax business credit is to make consistent, on-time payments.  Here’s a bonus tip too. If you find that you need to stop carrying so many balances and have the means to pay a little extra on minimums, pick the balance with the highest interest rate and put all of your extra onto that balance.  

Once it is paid off, take the total payment amount and pay that amount extra on the balance with the next highest interest rate.  This will create a sort of snowball effect. As you see your balances getting paid down, you will see your business credit score increase. You’ll save money on interest also, since you are paying off the highest interest rate balance first. 

Monitor Your Business Credit Regularly

It’s important to monitor your Equifax business credit to know which accounts are reporting, which are not, and to catch any mistakes that may pop up.  Because you will catch mistakes faster, this could help you build business credit faster. 

You can purchase reports directly from Equifax.  Unfortunately, you can’t get a Equifax business credit report like you can a personal credit report. 

The only real way to get a free copy of your credit report is if you are denied a loan based on your business credit.  Of course, this is not a fun way to see your business credit reports for free. After denial, you will receive a letter in the mail from the agency that provided the lender with your report.  You will have the opportunity to request a free copy of the report that the lender saw, so that you can see why the result was denial. You have 90 days to submit your request. Note that if your lender did not use Equifax, you will not be getting a copy of your Equifax report.

Other than being denied for a business loan, here are a few other hacks to get you at least a sneak peek  of your business credit. 


Nav is a service that will let you see a summary of your credit reports from all three of the major credit reporting agencies.  However, these are only summaries, not full reports. Generally, that means you can see your score, and maybe the accounts you have listed.  While this will help you see where you stand, it will not suffice for the purpose of correcting mistakes or even to show you what you need to do to improve your score. You do have the option to pay for more information though. does not offer ongoing free business credit reports.  However, you can get a free trial. There is no credit card requirement either.  After you pull the report, you have 30 days to check it out. This means at least once you can get a totally free look at your report, because there is no fear of missing a cancelation deadline and having to pay anyway. 


This is a lesser known credit reporting agency that will let you see your credit report for free before you pay for an ongoing subscription.  Unlike Nav or, they are actually calculating their own score similar to the big 3 (Experian, Equifax, and Dun & Bradstreet.) They strive to be totally transparent and to make their reports easy to understand. Seeing your Scorely report will give you an idea of where you stand, but it will not help you know exactly what your Equifax business credit report says. 

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Your Equifax Business Credit Can Have a Huge Impact on FundabilityEquifax Biz Credit Report Credit Suite

Really, all business credit definitely has a huge impact on fundability.  I mean, in truth your scores from all of the big three should be similar because they are pulling information from the same general sources.  They will likely not be exact however, and there is no way to know which one a lender may pull. 

That is why it is important to understand each one and how they impact fundability.  Remember though, there are lots of factors that affect fundability. Even if your business credit score is stellar, you could still run into issues.  You need to take the whole picture into account. 

The post Equifax Business Credit and Overall Fundability appeared first on Credit Suite.

How Does Business Credit Fit into The Big Picture of Fundability?

The terms “business credit” and “fundability” get thrown around a lot.  The truth is, a lot of people think they are interchangeable. In fact, they are not.  Think of fundability as a puzzle, and all the pieces are different sizes. Business credit is a huge puzzle piece that goes right in the center.  

You Can’t Have Complete Business Fundability without Business Credit

Think about the puzzle analogy and you can see how it isn’t really possible to have complete fundability without business credit.  A huge piece of the picture would be missing. On the other hand, you could get a good idea of what the picture is if you have credit in your business name but not all the other pieces of the fundability puzzle.  That is how big this piece is. It is huge. You just wouldn’t have all the funding options that you would if you had all the puzzle pieces. Before we can go further, you need to understand what fundability is, and what business credit it.

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What is Fundability? 

Basically, fundability is the ability of your business to get funding. When lenders consider releasing funds for your business, does it appear to them to be a good idea to make the loan?  What do they look at to make that decision? 

When a lender considers lending to your business, they are wondering if you are high risk?  Do you seem like a business that can and will pay back the debt?  Lenders are in it for the money. They need to feel like they are making a good investment.  A high credit risk is not a wise lending choice.  

The harder question is how does a business get fundability? This is hard, because so many things affect fundability. Sure, a great credit score for your business is important.  In addition, many of the aspects necessary for a strong business credit score are necessary for fundability as well. 

A potential creditor needs to see that your business is legitimate and profitable.  Many loan applications are denied approval due to fraud concerns.  Others, simply because something didn’t match up and threw up a warning signal. Maybe the addresses or phone numbers didn’t match on a couple of reports and it just looks unprofessional.  

What is Business Credit and Why Do You Need It ?

Biz Credit SuiteWhy do you need separate credit for your business? First, if something bad happens and your personal credit goes down, you need to be able to continue to run and grow your business. If your business has its own strong credit, you can still do that regardless of what is happening with your personal credit. 

While it is true a new business will not have any credit of its own, it doesn’t have to be that way forever. There are ways to build credit for your business quickly so that when the time comes, you can keep your personal credit separate and finance business growth using your business credit.  Learning all you can about business credit is the first step in building it.

The great thing is, building credit for your business and building fundability both start the same way, with the foundation. 

The Setup Affects Both Business Credit and Fundability

You have to set up your business properly.  It has to have a fundable foundation to build separate credit and to build fundability as a whole. What makes up a fundable foundation?

Separate Contact Information

The first step in setting for  fundability is to ensure your business has its own phone number, fax number, and address.   That’s not to say you have to get a separate phone line, or even a separate location.  You can run your business from your home or on your computer. You don’t even have to have a fax machine.  

In fact, you can get a business phone number and fax number pretty easily.  They will work over the internet instead of phone lines.  In addition, the phone number will forward to any phone you want it too so you can simply use your personal cell phone or landline.  Whenever someone calls your business number it will ring straight to you. 

Faxes can be sent to an online fax service, if anyone ever happens to actually fax you.  This part may seem outdated, but it does help your business appear legitimate to lenders. 

You can use a virtual office for a business address. This doesn’t play out how you may think.  This is a business that offers a physical address for a cost. Sometimes they even offer mail service and live receptionist services.  In addition, there are some that offer meeting spaces for those times you may need to meet a client or customer in person. 

Get an EIN

The next thing you need to do is get an EIN.  It is an identifying number for your business that works similar to how your SSN works for you personally.   You can get one for free from the IRS.


Incorporating your business as an LLC, S-corp, or corporation is vital to fundability.  It helps your business appear legitimate, and also offers some protection from liability. 

You can incorporate as an LLC, S-corp, or full blown corporation.  Which option you choose does not matter as much for fundability as it does for your budget and needs for liability protection.  The best thing to do is talk to your tax person and your attorney.  You are going to lose any time in business that you have.  When you incorporate, you become a new entity. You basically have to start over. You’ll also lose any positive payment history you may have accumulated as well. 

This is why you have to incorporate as soon as possible.  Not only is it necessary for fundability and for building credit for your business, but so is how long you have been in business.  The longer you have been in business the more fundable you appear to be.  Time in business begins on the date of incorporation, regardless of when you actually started doing business.

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Business Bank Account

You have to open a separate, dedicated business bank account.  There are a few reasons for this.  First, it will help you keep track of finances.  It will also help you keep them separate from personal finances.  This is necessary for tax purposes anyway. 

In addition, there are several types of funding you cannot get without a business bank account.  Many lenders and credit cards want to see one with a minimum average balance.  Also, you cannot get a merchant account without a business bank account. Consequently, you cannot take credit card payments.  Studies show consumers tend to spend more when they can use a credit card.


For a business to be legitimate it has to have all of the necessary licenses it needs to run.  If it doesn’t, warning signs are going to go up everywhere.  Do the research you need to do to ensure you have all of the licenses necessary to legitimately run your business at the federal, state, and local levels. 


I am sure you are wondering how a business website can affect fundability.  Here’s the thing.  These days, you do not exist if you do not have a website. However, having a poorly put together website can be even worse.  It is the first impression you make on many, and if it appears to be unprofessional it will not bode well for you with consumers or potential lenders. 

Spend what you need to in an effort  to make sure your website is professionally designed and works.  Also, pay for hosting. Don’t use a free service.  Along these same lines, your business needs a separate business email address.  It should have the same URL as your Website.  Don’t use a free service such as Yahoo or Gmail.

What does all of this have to do with separate credit for your business?  Before your business can have its own credit, it has to be set up as an entity separate from the owner.  The fundable foundation is how you make that happen. 

How Does Business Credit Fit in to Fundability?

Now that you know what fundability is and how to set up your business to be fundable, you need to know how business credit fits in.  

Credit Reports

Business credit agencies issue reports much like your consumer credit report.  They detail the credit history of your business.  It helps lenders determine the creditworthiness of  your business.  

Where do these reports come from?  There are a lot of different places, but the main ones are Dun & Bradstreet, Experian, Equifax, and FICO SBSS.  Since you have no way of knowing which one your lender will choose, you need to make sure all of these reports are up to date and accurate. 

Other Business Data Agencies 

In addition to the reporting agencies that directly calculate and put out credit reports, there are other business data agencies that affect those reports indirectly.  Two examples of this are LexisNexis and The Small Business Finance Exchange. These two agencies gather data from a variety of sources, including public records.  This means they could even have access to information relating to automobile accidents and liens. While you may not be able to access or change the data the agencies have on your business, you can ensure that any new information they receive is positive.  Enough positive information can help counteract any negative information from the past. 

Identification Numbers 

In addition to the EIN, there are identifying numbers that go along with your business’s credit reports.  You need to be aware that these numbers exist.  Some of them are simply assigned by the agency, like the Experian BIN.  One, however, you have to apply to get. It is absolutely necessary that you do this. 

Dun & Bradstreet is the largest and most commonly used business credit reporting agency.  Every credit file in their database has a D-U-N-S number.  To get a D-U-N-S number, you have to apply for one through the D&B website

Business Credit History

Your credit history is the main piece of  your credit score. In turn, your credit score is a huge factor in the fundability of your business.  

Your credit history consists of a number of things including: 

  • How many accounts are reporting payments?
  • How long have you had each account? 
  • What type of accounts are they?
  • How much credit are you using on each account versus how much is available?
  • Are you making your payments on these accounts consistently on-time?

The more accounts you have reporting on-time payments, the stronger your credit score will be.

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Business Information

On the surface, it seems obvious that all of your business information should be the same across the board everywhere you use it.  However, when you start changing things up like adding a business phone number and address or incorporating, you may find that some things slip through the cracks. 

This is a problem because a ton of loan applications are turned down each year due to fraud concerns simply because things do not match up.  Maybe your business licenses have your personal address but now you have a business address.  You have to change it. Perhaps some of your credit accounts have a slightly different name or a different phone number listed than what is on your loan application. Do your insurances all have the correct information?  

The key to this piece of the business fundability is to monitor your reports frequently.  This way, you can see if any mistakes are affecting your credit, and get them fixed.

Fundability is to Business Credit as Turkey Is to a Turkey Sandwich

I know, I know, another analogy might be overdoing it.  But think about it, you can have a sandwich without turkey, but it’s not a turkey sandwich.  It’s something else. You can have all the pieces of fundability without business credit, but it won’t hit the spot. 

Without true business credit, even if every other part of fundability is in place, you’ll still be missing out on a ton of funding opportunities.  Definitely work on building strong credit for your business. It’s a huge part of fundability. However, don’t let the other facets of fundability slip.  You need the whole puzzle to see the big picture and get the big money.

The post How Does Business Credit Fit into The Big Picture of Fundability? appeared first on Credit Suite.