Leveraging Content Marketing for Brand Success

In today’s world, setting up a company is not as easy as putting some money into an idea. It involves a ton of processes and back-breaking work. It is also no longer a matter of …

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6 Tools to Bring Your Content Marketing to the Next Level

Content marketing is not just the most effective forms of online promotion that you can take part in, it’s the foundation of pretty much any other form of digital marketing. It remains stable over time, …

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16 Hidden Facebook Marketing Tools That Will Increase Your Engagement by 154%

Facebook engagement is easier and more valuable than you ever imagined.

I found this out the hard way.

At one point, I was spending hundreds of thousands of dollars a month on Facebook Ads.

Sure, I was getting some huge successes. But I was also wasting a ton of money.

For example, I once spent $400,000 on Facebook fan page likes.

I still feel dumb for that one.

The engagement just wasn’t there. I had a large number of fans, but very little actual engagement.

I had no idea that hidden tools within Facebook’s apps, extensions, and insights (and a few external tools) could have made my Facebook ad spend 80 times more effective.

Facebook marketing is like an iceberg. Most people see the top part — Facebook ads. They spend their entire time optimizing that little bit of potential.

The real power is underneath. It’s hidden.

That’s why I created this list.

I want you to know exactly what those hidden Facebook marketing tools are and how you can increase your engagement by 154 percent, as I did.

Before we get started, for the first few hidden tools you need Mobile Monkey to utilize all of the tactics (it’s free).

Some of the hidden tools I’ll share are within Facebook; you just don’t know about them.

Hidden Facebook Tool #1: Facebook Messenger Marketing

This one is hiding in plain sight: Facebook Messenger marketing.

Hidden Facebook Marketing Tools That Will Increase Your Engagement

For some reason, not very many marketers are taking advantage of Messenger marketing, even though it’s the hottest opportunity in digital marketing today.

What does this mean for you? It means that you can gain first mover’s advantage.

Using Facebook Messenger for marketing is as simple as it sounds… you send messages to customers on Facebook Messenger.

What makes this channel different from other marketing methods like email marketing is the results.

Where else can you get engagement results like that?

I don’t know of any, and I’ve done quite a bit of online marketing.

The best way to get started with Facebook Messenger marketing is with MobileMonkey.

MobileMonkey is a powerful chatbot builder that I use personally. Chatbots are essential for scoring sky-high open rates, CTRs, and conversion rates.

And best of all, it’s free.

Hidden Facebook Tool #2: Comment Guard (Private Reply via Messenger)

A comment guard is a Facebook Messenger marketing feature that allows you to add new contacts to your contact list when they comment on your Facebook post.

Here’s how it works:

  1. You post something on Facebook as usual.
  2. People comment on your post.
  3. Anyone who comments on the post gets your automatic private reply in Messenger.
  4. When they engage with this reply, they are added to your Facebook Messenger contact list.

The mobile screenshot below displays exactly what happens.

Hidden Facebook Marketing Tools That Will Increase Your Engagement messenger tool

Say you post something on your Facebook page that has high engagement potential, such as a meme, a quiz, a contest, a question, whatever. All the comments aren’t just comments anymore; they’re warm leads.

You’ll need to use MobileMonkey in order to pull this off, but it’s really easy.

  1. Just click the “FB comment guard” button using the MobileMonkey app.
  2. Create an autoresponder message.
  3. Point them to your Messenger chat landing page.
  4. Add the comment guard to your selected Facebook post.
Hidden Facebook Marketing Tools That Will Increase Your Engagement comment guard from mobile monkey

Hidden Facebook Tool #3: Click to Messenger Ads

A Click-to-Messenger Ad is a normal Facebook ad with a twist. Instead of sending people to a landing page, you send them to a Facebook Messenger bot sequence.

It looks like this:

Hidden Facebook Marketing Tools That Will Increase Your Engagement messenger bot example

Once the person starts the Facebook Messenger sequence, they are a lead. Then, the chatbot takes over to bring them through the conversion funnel.

For example, you could have your chatbot ask users questions, and send them offers based on their responses.

It can be hard to manually respond to thousands of messages. Instead, you can direct those chat from your Messenger Ads directly to a MobileMonkey chatbot, which can ask qualifying questions and engage users at scale.

Facebook strategies messenger bot sequence

Check out this article, for step by step instructions on leveraging this strategy.

Hidden Facebook Tool #4: Chat Blaster

Chat blasting is a powerful method for getting your message in front of your entire Facebook Messenger list in minutes.

I’ve managed chat blasting campaigns that scored a 96.9 percent open rates in just sixty minutes.

facebook hidden strategies chat blasting

With MobileMonkey, you can schedule chat blasts, bulk send, develop interactive Messenger sequences, create special offers, and anything else that helps your marketing.

To start, just click “Chat Blaster” in the app.

facebook hidden tools chat blaster from mobile monkey

Chat Blaster also has the ability to segment audiences. Many of the campaigns I manage involve thousands of contacts, so I want to narrow down my contacts to just the right targets.

Creating segments is simple using MobileMonkey, which allows you to “Create Audience” with a click.

facebook hidden tools segment audience for chat blast

Your audience can perform self-segmentation when the chat blast sends.

example of audience segmentation mobile monkey chat blast hidden facebook tools

Hidden Facebook Tool #5. Warm Engaged Invites

One tactic that I’ve used to build my Facebook audience is by personally inviting people who engage with my Facebook page to become a page fan.

From your business Facebook page (desktop), find a post that has engagement.

hidden facebook tools facebook fan ask

Using this tool, you view the people who engaged with your post and can invite people to like the page.

The reason why this is valuable is that you’re able to target engaged fans. If you have a lot of Facebook fans, but not a lot of engagement, Facebook’s algorithm will punish you.

Instead, identify those people who will be engaged and manually invite them.

Hidden Facebook Tool #6: Send Personal Invites in Messenger

Another strategy is inviting your friends to like your business page, and also sending the invite in Messenger.

This allows you to personalize the message and give them two touches instead of just one.

Click on the “Community” button on your Facebook page, then click “Invite Friends to Like Your Page.”

Here, you can invite friends and create a personalized message. Be sure to check the box at the bottom to send the invite using Messenger.

invite friends to like your facebook page

Hidden Facebook Tool #7: Competitor Ad Espionage

I’m a huge fan of ethical espionage.

In the world of SEO, it’s not that hard.

Just plug in a URL to something like RankSignals.

hidden facebook tools rank checker

Boom, you have intel.

rank checker hidden facebook tools

A lot of this data is really helpful.

rank signals back link checker

With so many brands now spending millions of dollars on Facebook ads, how do you get a handle on that kind of information?

You will not be able to get your competitor’s targeting info and ad spend but you can find out where, how often, and what the competition is advertising.

Hidden Facebook Tool #8. View Competitor’s Ads

Ever wish you could see exactly what ads your competitors are running? Actually, you can — right in Facebook.

Let’s say I’m the competition and you want to spy on me. First, find my Facebook page and tap the “i” button. (It might be on the right or under the “Details” tab, depending on the device you’re using.)

I to spy on competitors Neil Patel facebook hacks.

On this page, you can find out if the page has ever changed names, when it was created, and where the page managers are located. This can be handy intel.

facebook hidden tool access ad library

Tap on “Go to Ad Library.”

If the page is (or has) run ads, you’ll be able to see them here. This means you can see the ads they are running now and see what they have run in the past.

Granted, you don’t have access to insights about how well ads performed, but you can see if they tend to use the same ad copy or types of images and use those strategies for your own page.

Hidden Facebook Tool #9:  Page Competition Gauge

I like to have a solid understanding of who my competition is and what they’re up to.

How do I know who my competition is? Thankfully, Facebook’s algorithm has figured it out for me.

To use this feature, go to your Facebook Page Insights. From Insights, scroll down until you see “Pages to Watch.”

hidden facebook tools pages to watch

By default, Facebook shows you five potential competitors, but you can view more by clicking “See More Suggested Pages.”

When you add a competitor to your watched pages, you’ll be able to keep up with their activity, growth rates, total likes, and the frequency of their posts.

This information will help you understand how you’re doing and what you might need to change.

Hidden Facebook Tool #10: Find Where Your Followers Are Coming From

It is important to figure out where your followers are coming from so you can know how to get more.

One helpful way to get this information is again through Page Insights.

facebook hidden tools insights
Then look for “Where your page follows happen.”
facebook hidden tools where your page follows happen

Facebook shows you follow quantities according to five locations:

  1. Uncategorized Desktop
  2. On Your Page
  3. Search
  4. Page Suggestions
  5. Ads

If a particular source shows large follow rates, try to reverse engineer what happened, then do it again.

Hidden Facebook Tool #11: Identify Audience Signals on Page Insights

One way that I use metrics to improve my targeting is to view my Facebook page insights, particularly the demographic information.

When viewing this information, I’m looking for strong positives — indications that my audience favors a particular demographic.

For example, this page demonstrates a strong positive for men and women between the ages of 25-44.

Facebook page insights demographics

If you’re 21, there’s only a small chance you’re going to be interested in my page. By contrast, if you’re a 30-year old male, there is a far stronger likelihood that you will have an interest in this page.

This information helps me know how, where, and upon whom to focus my marketing and advertising efforts.

Hidden Facebook Tool #12: Pull Email Addresses

Building an email list is tough these days. No matter how appealing your content upgrade, asking for someone’s email address is tantamount to asking for their social security number.

With Facebook Messenger marketing, that’s no longer the case.

You can create a Facebook Messenger chatbot that asks for an individual’s email address. Then, all they do is click a button to pre-fill their address.

Facebook does all the work for you.

Here’s what the bot looks like in MobileMonkey.

facebook hidden tools ask for email address

As long as you set the input type as email, Facebook will know to pull the user’s email address as they’ve entered it when creating a Facebook account. No typos, nothing.

facebook hidden tool use mobile monkey to ask for email addresses

This is another case of using two different channels to get information and engage your users. When you use a chatbot, it makes the process automatic and easy.

Hidden Facebook Tool #13: Pull Phone Numbers

If there’s one thing harder to get from a customer than their email address, it’s their phone number.

Again, powered by chatbots, it’s a cinch. Using input type “phone” in MobileMonkey means that you’re guaranteed to get the user’s primary phone number as they provided when and if they stored their phone number in Facebook.

facebook hidden tool get phone numbers with mobile monkey

It’s understandable that people are hesitant to enter their phone number on an unfamiliar platform

Understandably, people are hesitant to enter their phone number on an unfamiliar platform — a contact form on your website, for instance.

It’s quite a different comfort level when they are asked for a phone number in a familiar messaging app, and Facebook automatically adds the number.

All that your contact has to do is tap their phone number.

facebook hidden tool ask for phone number

Hidden Facebook Tool #14: Website Chat Widget

This one seems obvious, but again it’s surprising how few websites are putting the power of a website chat widget to work.

Check this out. If you go to MobileMonkey’s website, there is a chat widget on nearly every page.

facebook hidden tool chat widget

If you’ve logged into Facebook Messenger on that browser, all you have to do is click and you’re introduced to a Messenger sequence with MobileMonkey.

This sequence powered by a chatbot brings you further down the funnel.

One of the unique and powerful features of this funnel is that it is self-guided. You feel as if you’re in control — making choices and selecting options.

Regardless of your choices, however, you are making deeper connections with the brand and the marketing funnel.

Hidden Facebook Tool #15: Track Specific Facebook Conversions

The good thing about Facebook Ads Manager is that you have access to a ton of information.

The bad thing about Facebook Ads Manager is that you also have access to a ton of information.

Take conversions, for example.

If you’re tracking them, good for you. But which conversions are you tracking? Here are the options:

Hidden facebook tools conversions

I call this one “hidden” because true conversions are essentially in Ad Manager underneath a lot of other noise.

You have to narrow down your conversion tracking to just the conversions that you need to know about.

For one of my businesses, I only focus on five types of conversions.

facebook hidden tools ad conversions

Everything else is useless.

I’ve written about this before; when you get clarity on what to track, you’ll do a lot better at making real progress with your Facebook advertising.

Hidden Facebook Tool #16: Messenger Drip Campaigns

If you’ve been in internet marketing for any amount of time, you know how potent a good drip campaign can be.

Imagine increasing this potency by 10x.

That’s exactly what a Facebook Messenger drip campaign can do. Again, the power is in the chatbot builder.

MobileMonkey’s drip campaign feature just takes a click to get started.

hidden facebook tool drip campaign

Unlike an email drip campaign, which can take days or weeks to complete, a Facebook Messenger drip campaign can be completed in a matter of minutes or hours.

Plus, when you use a chatbot, the entire sequence can be interactive. You can create choices and engage the user on a far deeper level.

Facebook Hidden Marketing Tools FAQs

How can I use Facebook as a marketing tool?

You can use Facebook to run ads, create and promote your own Facebook business page, join groups related to your industry and post your promotional content there.

Why is Facebook a great marketing tool?

As of 2021, there are about 2.85 billion Facebook users, meaning you have access to an unbelievably huge audience.

What are some Facebook marketing tools?

Facebook offers content curation, ad builders and campaign building, A/B testing, campaign measurement and reporting, hashtag targeting, and more.

How do I start marketing on Facebook?

If you want to market on Facebook, your first step should be to perform competitor research. Look into how your competition uses it to market their products or services, and figure out what they are doing well, and go from there.

Hidden Facebook Marketing Tools Conclusion

There’s way more to Facebook than meets the eye.

There’s a reason why so many of the hidden marketing tools above focus on Facebook Messenger.

Facebook Messenger marketing has fundamentally changed the game, and it’s done so in two  areas where marketing rises or falls:

  • Interactivity and dialogue: Messenger marketing, even when powered by a bot, has a personal feel. Instead of bullhorn marketing — telling your audience to do buy, read, visit, or watch, you are opening up a conversation.
  • Speed of engagement: Unlike the glacial speed of email marketing (like drip campaigns), Messenger marketing has a much swifter cadence. Many people have a Pavlovian response to the crisp ding of their Messenger notifications. They want to see who’s sending them a personal message. This means your open rates and click through rates are shooting up.

It’s not going to last forever. Like the banner ads of decades past, Messenger marketing will lose its luster as people become accustomed to it.

By engaging Messenger marketing now, you’ll have a far stronger advantage.

What Messenger marketing tactics does your brand or business currently use?

How to Automate Your Instagram Marketing and Get 132% More Engagement

If you know me, you know I love Instagram. Why? Because it is one of the only social networks left that is truly “personable” and the engagement is still decent because of it. 

But just like any social network, it requires a lot of time and work.

Here’s the thing though, by automating your Instagram, you can deliver great content, and also spend less time doing it. 

Over the last three of four months, I have been using a few of the features in MobileMonkey (you can do it with a free account) to automate my Instagram marketing and the results have been great. 

Here’s what it produced:

  • 223 story mentions — more eyes on my brand
  • 431 page views — more followers
  • 1068 DMs — more leads for my ad agency

This adds up to 132 percent more engagement–without doing any extra work past the initial setup. 

What’s crazy is a lot of marketers don’t know how to automate their Instagram marketing beyond scheduling a few posts… which isn’t really much automation at all.

Now I did schedule posts, which does help, and I will talk about that in a bit, but it was the story automation mentions which really drove good results (I will go over that as well). 

So let’s dive into how I automated my Instagram marketing and how you can too…

Strategy #1: Get More Shares With Story Mention Automations  

Imagine you’re getting story mentions. Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could respond to them in masses without the manual labor of replying one by one?

And best of all, by responding to them (automatically and personalized), you will build a connection and it will cause you to get more story mentions which will grow your account faster.

Plus it helps you increase your followers and nurture relationships.

You can also use automated story mentions to:

  • Enter people in a contest if they mention you in their stories
  • Create promotional offers
  • Get more mentions

Personally, I use automated story mentions to respond to everyone who mentions me in their @story.

If you mention me in a story here is the response you will get from me.

instagram automation thanks for the story mention

I line up responses ready to go out whenever I get a mention. Although I’m not there manually answering everyone, the responses are much appreciated. 

People love the personal touch, and the ability to send automatic responses helps me build customer loyalty and further establish myself on Instagram.

Here’s how you set up story mentions in MobileMonkey:

  1. In order to automate messages on your Instagram account, you must first link it to a Facebook Business Page, then link it to MobileMonkey.
  2. Log in to your Mobile Money account and click on “Chatbot” and then “Chat starters” on the top bar.
  3. Click “Instagram story mentions” in the left bar and choose “Create Instagram story mention.”
 setup Instagram story mentions in MobileMonkey
  1. Choose “Instagram story mention” in the drop down to create a new, automated response. Thank them for mentioning you in their story, or link to a website you think they could enjoy reading. You can also add widgets like images, forms, SMS opt-ins or attachments.
 setup story mentions in MobileMonkey step 2
  1. Choose what your automated response will be depending if the user replies with text message, email, phone number or multiple responses (like yes or no). 
instagram automation story mentions
  1. Preview and send!

Strategy #2: Schedule Posts in Advance

A lot of people don’t realize it’s possible to schedule posts for Instagram in advance.

That’s because the post scheduler feature was banned for years. Now it’s hidden inside Instagram Creator Studio.

As Instagram puts it: “The Creator Account on Instagram gives you a set of tools that makes it easier to control your online presence, understand your growth and manage your messages.”

I love it because batch-scheduling posts for Instagram saves me so much time.

Creator Studio comes with:

  • Professional Dashboard: See your content performance and see educational content shared by Instagram.
  • Growth insights: Tools to help you understand what content you’re posting is growing your audience.
  • Advanced post scheduling: Fill up your content calendar in advance by scheduling posts for Instagram Feed and Instagram TV.
instagram creator studio Instagram automation

Creator Studio even has a calendar view so you can see all the content published and scheduled to publish, which is awesome for social media teams.

Once you use the Creator Studio Instagram post scheduler, you’ll never go back to the old way of posting one post at a time.

Strategy #3: Automate Direct Messaging Responses 

As you build your Instagram audience, you’re likely to see more direct messages. On one hand, that’s great because people want to talk to you. On the other hand, DMs can easily take up hours of your time, but with automation, you can cut down that time drastically.

Most people I know tend to just ignore the DMs but you shouldn’t do that. Seventy-five percent of consumers want to talk to brands via private messaging. Hence you ideally should try and respond when you can.

Best Instagram Automation Tools - MobileMonkey Instagram Automation tools survey graph image

Through the automated direct messaging feature you can: 

  • Line up automated welcome messages to new followers
  • Send automated replies to Instagram DMs based on keyword triggers
  • Create automated FAQ answers in DMs

Automated Direct Messaging (ADM) can be used for various purposes such as customer service, account management, and marketing campaigns.

The key with automated DMs is it needs to be triggered based on keywords. You don’t want to send out generic DMs to everyone or else it will look like spam and won’t be effective. This absolutely changes the way you add calls to action to Instagram post comments.

instagram automation direct message replies

For example, I would make a post on Instagram and tell people to leave a comment with a specific phrase or word if they wanted a free ebook. This helped me get more engagement, build a bigger audience and best of all generate leads for my ad agency.

Instagram automation tools MobileMonkey keyword feature image

Here’s how you do it: 

  1. In order to automate messages on your Instagram account, you must first link it to a Facebook Business Page, then link it to MobileMonkey.
  2. Log in to your MobileMonkey account and click on “Chatbot” and then “Chat starters” on the top bar.
  3. Click on “Instagram Welcomer” on the left bar and then create a new one. 
  4. Choose what message you want people to automatically receive when they DM you on Instagram. You can also add widgets like images, forms, sms opt-ins or attachments. Here’s one I created: 
automate instagram direct messages example
  1. Preview and send.

Strategy #4: Drip Campaigns in Instagram

You’ve heard of email drip campaigns, but did you know you can do it on Instagram, too? 

You can use the Instagram drip campaign feature that takes the standard automated DM response to the next level. 

Rather than just sending one DM, you can send several links to your blog or other channels over the course of several days.   

For example, you can: 

  1. Respond to their first message with educational content related to their message. 
  2. Send social proof a few days later, such as a case study or short review. 
  3. Once you’ve caught their attention, ask them to sign up for your email list or send a free trial or tool. 

Want to see it in action? DM “growth” to me on Instagram. 

Here are a few other ways to use Instagram drip campaigns: 

  • Kick off lead nurturing campaigns. 
  • Send onboarding messages with educational messages to engage followers.
  • Ask questions for list segmentation and retargeting.
  • Send upsell campaigns.
  • Send instant welcome messages to your new followers. 

Here’s how you set up the Instagram drip campaign:

  1. Click on “Campaigns” in the top bar and “Drip Campaigns” in the left bar. 
  2. Create a new Drip Campaign.
  3. Specify the social media platform. 
automate Instagram drip campaign
  1. Choose the audience(s) that should be sent the campaign. You can include or exclude your audiences.
choose the audience for drip campaigns instagram automation
  1. Choose a schedule during which your drip campaign messages will be sent. Then choose how long before the first message goes out. You can choose minutes, hours, days, weeks and months.
Schedule automated instagram drip campaign
  1. Create a dialogue and add as many follow up messages as you want up to 23 hours. If a user responds to any of your messages, the 24 hour clock starts over. 
Create first drip message automate instagram
automate instagram drip campaign message example 2

Strategy #5: Automate Comment Replies

Do you know what the best way to go viral on Instagram is?

It’s actually similar for most social networks…

It’s not about likes or shares, it’s actually comments. 

Anyone can like or share a post, but it takes a while for someone to leave a thoughtful comment and social networks know that. Hence the more comments you get the more views your content typically gets.

And the best way to encourage more comments is to reply to your comments.

Best of all you can do this in an automated way that is “personalized”.

Here’s how to set it up.

  1. First link it to a Facebook Business Page, then link it to MobileMonkey.
  2. Log in to your Mobile Money account and click on “Chat bot” and then “Chat starters” on the top bar. 
  3. Click on “Instagram comment guard” on the left bar and then create a new one. 
  4. Choose what the Comment Guard will work with, for example all posts and respond to all comments.
automate instagram comment responder
  1. Choose the frequency cap If a user posts more than one comment. 
set frequency of automated responder automate instagram
  1. Create a dialogue to send to users who comment on your Instagram post. You can also add widgets like images, forms, sms opt-ins or attachments.
instagram automation growth example
  1. Preview and send.

Want to see this in action? Comment “growth” on this post to see it in action.

Strategy #6: Use Instagram Guides

Instagram Guides are a relatively new Instagram feature designed to help users easily find recommendations, tips, and other content from their favorite Instagram accounts. 

Originally only for specific types of accounts, it was later expanded to allow all users to use it from anywhere. 

There are three main types of Guides: posts, places, and products, and they’re also shareable in stories, helping to give your content further reach.

While it’s not automation in the same sense as scheduling posts out in advance, Instagram Guides are advantageous to marketers for many reasons. 

First, the feature is ideal for those with a limited marketing budget. Guides is a free tool, and Instagram helps you design your brand pages and then guides you through content promotion.

Secondly, the curation style of Guides makes it an excellent format to automatically share informational content in an engaging way. You can then use the content to educate new customers and followers about what you do and how your products apply to their lifestyles.

Third, it’s a bit of a set it and forget it feature. You can create tons of great content, and it’s just sitting there waiting for users to engage.  

For example, here’s an Instagram Guide I posted at the beginning of last year: 

Instagram automation instagram guide example NP

It lives on my NP Digital Instagram page and is easily discoverable by users. 

Finally, Instagram Guides give you flexibility regarding the types of formats. For instance, you can write articles and turn them into slideshows with images and videos from tutorials. 

Or, you could create videos that walk viewers through task completion.

Strategy #7: Integrate With TikTok

Cross promoting on social media gets your content out in front of a wider audience, attracts more leads, increases brand awareness, and gets you more mileage from your content.

Instagram and TikTok integrate well, and you can connect your accounts with just a few steps.

To connect them, just:

  1. Go to TikTok and select “edit profile.”
  2. Select “Instagram” and enter your user name.
  3. Click connect.
  4. You’re done!

Now all you need to do is start sharing some content. Here are a couple of ideas to get you started.

Begin your story on TikTok and finish it up on Instagram or vice versa. What better way to get in front of two audiences?

This works well with decorating projects, makeovers, recipes, product testing. Anything where you have a starting place and a result. 

A further benefit is you’re not sharing the same content, so you avoid duplication.

You could also repost your Instagram Reels on TikTok, but remember to stick to both platforms’ guidelines and remove watermarks from your TikTok content. 

Whichever approach you take, keep your two audiences in mind, and ensure your content is right for both platforms.

Instagram Automation FAQs

Are tools for automating Instagram functions expensive?

Costs vary. There are some great tools out there that are free. Equally, some paid subscriptions offer a free trial period that you can make the most. Some apps are more expensive but offer an extensive range of features that are definitely worth the investment. Don’t just consider the cost – think of the return value, as well as the time an automation tool could free up for other vital areas of your work and how much this could be worth to your business.

MobileMonkey’s InstaChamp tool has two main packages: VIP Creator & Influencer and the platinum package, including Story Mentions, Q&A keywords, and DM autoresponder tools.

What features of Instagram can I automate?

Instagram tools allow you to automate many of the crucial elements of your account. This includes scheduling posts, responding to story mentions, liking and commenting on posts, and sending automatic responses to Instagram DMs.

Why should marketers automate Instagram functions?

Using Instagram automation is essential for many business owners who need to be more “hands-on” with their Instagram accounts by responding to other users. Still, they just don’t have the time or resources to do this themselves. 

Automating Instagram functions is a great way to save time and be more efficient. For example, you can set up your account to publish at certain times of the day. You can also automate your account, so when someone likes or comments on one of your posts, it will automatically follow them back.

How do I know what Instagram automated tools are best?

There are several ways to find out what Instagram automation tools are best for you. One way is to check the comments on the company’s website and see if they generate any helpful feedback. 

Another way is to check the customer reviews on their website – see what others have said about their experience with these tools, good or bad.

Finally, if the company’s offering a free trial, that’s an excellent way to test out the functions and see how a specific Instagram automation tool meets your needs.

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Costs vary. There are some great tools out there that are free. Equally, some paid subscriptions offer a free trial period that you can make the most. Some apps are more expensive but offer an extensive range of features that are definitely worth the investment. Don’t just consider the cost – think of the return value, as well as the time an automation tool could free up for other vital areas of your work and how much this could be worth to your business.

MobileMonkey’s InstaChamp tool has two main packages: VIP Creator & Influencer and the platinum package, including Story Mentions, Q&A keywords, and DM autoresponder tools.

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“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: ”

Instagram tools allow you to automate many of the crucial elements of your account. This includes scheduling posts, responding to story mentions, liking and commenting on posts, and sending automatic responses to Instagram DMs.

, {
“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “Why should marketers automate Instagram functions?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: ”

Using Instagram automation is essential for many business owners who need to be more “hands-on” with their Instagram accounts by responding to other users. Still, they just don’t have the time or resources to do this themselves. 

Automating Instagram functions is a great way to save time and be more efficient. For example, you can set up your account to publish at certain times of the day. You can also automate your account, so when someone likes or comments on one of your posts, it will automatically follow them back.

, {
“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “How do I know what Instagram automated tools are best?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: ”

There are several ways to find out what Instagram automation tools are best for you. One way is to check the comments on the company’s website and see if they generate any helpful feedback. 

Another way is to check the customer reviews on their website – see what others have said about their experience with these tools, good or bad.

Finally, if the company’s offering a free trial, that’s an excellent way to test out the functions and see how a specific Instagram automation tool meets your needs.


Instagram Automation Conclusion

Instagram automation is going to make your life easier. 

There are only so many hours in the day, and while being on social media sites like Instagram is essential to brand growth, it’s time-consuming and can take you away from other tasks like outreach and developing content.

With Instagram automation, you can manage the back-end and front-end tasks associated with running a social media account without employing a dedicated manager or virtual assistant to handle these tasks for you.

Additionally, by integrating Instagram automation into your routine, you’re more productive and you can build stronger community links while developing customer loyalty.

Do you use Instagram tools in your business? How do they benefit you?

9 AI Tools for Successful Marketing Funnels

Customer engagement has quickly become a widespread use for AI in the retail industry and beyond. With more customers expecting a hyper-personalized, real-time experience, the demand for AI technology in marketing has never been greater.

It makes sense, then, that so many marketing AI tools and software are targeting the conversion funnel. From lead generation to lead nurturing to conversion, funnel AI tools help marketers improve their strategy and streamline their processes.

Even small businesses need to adopt AI technology to keep up. The good news is there are many tools and software platforms available, so you are likely to find one that meets your needs.

Here is a deeper look at nine of the top AI tools for successful marketing funnels.

1. Systeme

Systeme offers an all-in-one sales funnel software that enables you to build and manage your funnel like a boss. From creating a landing page to teaching an online course to managing your affiliates, Systeme provides an array of tools.

The free plan only allows up to 1,000 contacts, so you’ll need to upgrade if you need more. Systeme also offers three paid plans, including:

  • Startup $27/month: Up to 5,000 contacts
  • Webinar $47/month: Up to 10,000 contacts
  • Enterprise $97/month: Up to 15,000 contacts

If you need more than 15,000 contacts, custom plans start at $147 per month.

If you are just starting out, you will be happy to know that all plans include:

  • unlimited emails
  • unlimited file storage space
  • unlimited membership site members
  • no transaction fees (Stripe and PayPal platform fees may apply)
  • affiliate programs
  • online support

For a truly all-in-one platform, Systeme stands out as both robust and affordable.

Who Should Use Systeme?

Marketers looking to consolidate their suite of marketing tools and processes and rely on one tool.

2. Exceed.ai

According to data from Sales Insights Lab, 50 percent of prospects aren’t a good fit for what you sell. Instead of using your salespeople to weed out the duds, Exceed’s personalization and lead qualification automation can do it for you in less time.

Use Exceed.ai in the lead nurturing and conversion stages of your funnel. With Exceed’s top-notch AI technology, engage your leads in human-like conversation. The platform can even schedule meetings for your reps and bring you that much closer to the sale.

You’ll need to request a quote from Exceed.ai to learn more about the package that fits your budget.

Who Should Use Exceed.ai?

Businesses and organizations that need the greatest help in their sales funnel’s lead nurturing and conversion stages.

3. Saleswhale

All too often, lukewarm leads are left to cool down. While you may have trouble allocating resources to less-than-enthusiastic leads, Saleswhale has your back.

Saleswhale is a SaaS product that uses AI to identify, engage, and convert neglected leads. Using automated follow-ups, referral handling, and interest qualification, Saleswhale’s AI assistants offer a best-in-class experience for you and your leads.

With the free plan, you can begin to nurture and convert up to 200 leads per month. For additional leads and active email campaigns, paid plans include:

  • Starter $495/month: Up to 500 leads/month, one active campaign
  • Plus $1,495/month: Up to 2,500 leads/month, three active campaigns
  • Professional $2,495/month: Up to 5,000 leads/month, 10 active campaigns

Who Should Use Saleswhale?

Companies strong in lead generation, but who need assistance in lead nurturing and conversion.

4. Appier

Similar to Systeme, Appier is an all-in-one sales tool with a full suite of AI services. This SaaS can help with prospecting to transaction with its robust data science platform.

Where Appier excels is in cross-advertising solutions. Using AI, Appier can effectively segment your audience to drive maximum lead conversions. You no longer need to create campaign after campaign hoping to hit the mark, as Appier will do the dirty work for you.

Appier’s pricing is not available on their website, so you’ll need to reach out to learn more about their tools and their potential fit with your business.

Who Should Use Appier?

Companies looking for a comprehensive suite of AI-powered marketing tools.

5. ClickFunnels

If you are looking for an end-to-end sales funnel solution, then consider ClickFunnels.

Utilizing AI sales models and neural sales data, ClickFunnels aims to improve the marketing experience for businesses of all sizes.

ClickFunnels enables you to easily create funnels, build websites, and manage affiliates. This means you can collect, nurture, and convert leads using just one platform. With more than 100,000 entrepreneurs using or having used the platform, it has undoubtedly made a name for itself in the industry.

While there are no free plans available, there are plans for almost any business’ budget. These include:

  • Basic $97/month: 20 funnels, 100 pages, three payment gateways, and three domains
  • Platinum $297/month: Unlimited funnels, unlimited pages, nine payment gateways, and nine domains
  • Two Comma Club $2,497/month: Unlimited funnels, unlimited pages, 27 payment gateways, and 27 domains

All plans come with chat support and video training.

Who Should Use ClickFunnels?

Companies who want an all-in-one solution that offers hand-holding and easy-to-use templates.

6. Data Studio

Previously known as BrightFunnel, Data Studio by Terminus is a funnel reporting tool that connects marketing platforms to deliver beautiful, insightful analytics.

When your sales funnel is fully implemented, it is crucial to evaluate it regularly. While many marketing tools and services provide their own data and reports, they may not be as robust as you need. With Data Studio, you can create custom reports for marketers, executives, and stakeholders.

Pricing is not readily available on the website, but you can schedule a demo to learn more about the platform.

Who Should Use Data Studio?

Marketing teams who need a cohesive analytics and insights platform to bring their sales funnel data to life.

7. Akkio

According to HubSpot, the top priority for marketers is generating leads. However, as any marketer can tell you, not all leads are created equal. You can spend your time manually poring over the data to determine your best path forward, or you can let Akkio take the reins.

Akkio is an AI marketing platform with tools to support every stage of the funnel. Where it excels, however, is in its augmented lead scoring and churn reduction technology. Using data-driven insights, Akkio aims to narrow in on the leads with the greatest chance of a conversion.

For as low as $50 per month, billed annually, you can give Akkio a try with very little risk. The features included in all plans are:

  • unlimited users
  • unlimited data
  • unlimited flows and deployments
  • integrations and API
  • model reports

Who Should Use Akkio?

Companies looking for a scalable, data-driven solution.

8. Bant.io

If you are hurting for qualified leads, you should know you’re not alone. According to HubSpot, 61 percent of marketers consider lead generation to be their top challenge. The good news is there are marketing AI tools, like Bant.io, that can help.

Bant.io offers an impressive array of lead generation tools and services. These run the gamut, including:

  • email
  • social outreach
  • pay per click ads
  • retargeting ads
  • sales chatbot

Unlike many one-size-fits-all options, Bant.io plans are customizable to meet your business’s needs. Just add the modules you need and leave the rest. The modules include:

  • Email outreach: $795/month
  • Social outreach: $495/month
  • Retargeting ads: $395/month
  • PPC ads: $395/month
  • Sales chatbot: $95/month

With Bant.io’s automated services at your fingertips, you will soon find yourself buried in qualified leads who are ready to take the next step.

Who Should Use Bant.io?

Marketers who favor a piecemeal approach to lead generation.

9. Funnel.io

It’s not enough to have a marketing funnel in place. You must evaluate every step of your funnel on a regular basis. While most funnel tools will have their own reporting, they may not always present you with the big picture. That’s where a reporting tool like Funnel.io comes in.

With 500+ data connections available, Funnel.io makes it easy to build reports that touch on all areas of your business.

Can’t find the data source you need? The team at Funnel.io will work with you to get it added to their platform.

There are a variety of plans available, including:

  • Essentials $399/month: Connects to 260 platforms, five seats, email support
  • Plus $999/month: Connects to 500+ platforms, unlimited seats, email and chat support
  • Enterprise $1,999/month: Connects to 500+ platforms, unlimited seats, priority email and chat support, and a Customer Success Partner

All plans are billed annually.

Who Should Use Funnel.io?

Marketers or agencies looking for a comprehensive and collaborative reporting platform.

Frequently Asked Questions About Marketing Funnel AI Tools

Do you have questions about funnel AI tools? Take a look at the most frequently asked questions below.

What Role Will AI Play in Marketing in the Future?

With increased expectations from both B2C and B2B customers, there will continue to be a need for AI tools in marketing and sales. This isn’t just within the retail industry, but healthcare, food services, technology, and beyond.

What Should I Look for in a Sales Funnel AI Tool?

First, you want to find a tool specializing in the sales funnel stage your business most needs help with (lead generation, lead nurturing, conversion, or all stages). Then consider how easily the tools available fit into your daily workflow so you can choose the right one for your business.

When Should I Consider an All-in-One Solution?

Whether you are just getting started or you would like to consolidate your marketing efforts, an all-in-one solution can be a smart option. The benefit is having all of your data in one place which can improve your ability to use it.

What Types of Businesses Benefit Most From Sales Funnel AI Tools?

With the explosive growth of marketing funnel tools utilizing AI technology, there are tools available for just about any budget. From small businesses to large corporations and marketing firms, just about any business can benefit from AI-driven sales funnel tools.

“@context”: “https://schema.org”,
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“mainEntity”: [
“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “What Role Will AI Play in Marketing in the Future?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: ”

With increased expectations from both B2C and B2B customers, there will continue to be a need for AI tools in marketing and sales. This isn’t just within the retail industry, but healthcare, food services, technology, and beyond.

, {
“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “What Should I Look for in a Sales Funnel AI Tool?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: ”

First, you want to find a tool specializing in the sales funnel stage your business most needs help with (lead generation, lead nurturing, conversion, or all stages). Then consider how easily the tools available fit into your daily workflow so you can choose the right one for your business.

, {
“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “When Should I Consider an All-in-One Solution?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: ”

Whether you are just getting started or you would like to consolidate your marketing efforts, an all-in-one solution can be a smart option. The benefit is having all of your data in one place which can improve your ability to use it.

, {
“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “What Types of Businesses Benefit Most From Sales Funnel AI Tools?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: ”

With the explosive growth of marketing funnel tools utilizing AI technology, there are tools available for just about any budget. From small businesses to large corporations and marketing firms, just about any business can benefit from AI-driven sales funnel tools.


AI Tools for Successful Marketing Funnels: Conclusion

Marketing automation and AI are here to stay. This is why companies big and small need to make the shift to using marketing AI tools sooner rather than later.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to marketing automation. Luckily for marketers, there are plenty of tools, platforms, and software to choose from.

Whether you choose an all-in-one solution or a platform that specializes in just one step of the funnel will depend on your needs. Whatever you choose, just know you are taking an important step in future-proofing your digital marketing processes.

Which of the above marketing funnel AI tools would be a beneficial addition to your business?