Bounce Rate: What Is It and What Is a Good Number? 

It’s common knowledge that a high bounce rate is bad, and a low rate is good.

Every time you log into your Google Analytics account, it’s right there waiting for you.

Seeing that number creep up makes you wonder what is going wrong.

The problem is, those numbers can be misleading.

After all, how high is too high, really?

This post will show you how to fully measure and analyze your bounce rate. That way, you’ll know if it’s actually too high for your industry or if it’s perfectly normal.

I’ll also share strategies to audit your bounce rate and understand what’s driving it up.

I’ll also tell you some of my secrets for lowering your bounce rate.

But first, let’s talk about exactly what a bounce rate is and why you should care.

What is a Bounce Rate and Why Does it Matter?

A “bounce” occurs when someone visits your website and leaves without interacting further with your site. Your bounce rate shows the percentage of your visitors who bounce off your site.

What do we mean by “interacts further?” By default, Google counts people who only visit one page on your site as a bounce. If they visit at least two pages, you’re good!

The bounce rate in the overview report on Google Analytics is your site-wide bounce rate.

Google Analytics screen showcasing the bounce rate.

Note: Google is sunsetting this version of Google Analytics (now called Universal Analytics). As of July 1, 2023, it will stop processing new data, so make sure you’ve set up GA4 to start gathering data now.

It’s the average number of bounces across all your pages divided by the total number of visits across all those pages within the same period.

You can also track the bounce rate of a single page, segment, or section of your site.

Once we start looking at the different segment reports, I’ll show you how to see this info.

The bounce rate of a single page is exactly what it sounds like. It’s the total number of bounces divided by the total number of visits on a page.

This infographic answers the most-asked questions about bounce rates and tips to help you improve your bounce rate.

Infographic showing what a bounce rate is.

No matter your site type, you may want to implement a segmented bounce rate.


Your blog posts may have a very different average bounce rate than your product pages, demo pages, or even your About page.

We’ll get into the details later; just know that segmenting can help you better understand your website bounce rate.

So, why is bounce rate important?

In 2017, Semrush reported that bounce rate was Google’s fourth most important ranking factor.

Bounce rate is google's 4th most important factor.

However, Google does not currently use bounce rate in its algorithm metrics, according to Google’s Gary Illyes.

Google’s algorithm may not directly take bounce rate into account, but it does indicate whether the user found your information helpful.

If a user clicks on your page and leaves without any interaction, that could signal to Google that your site isn’t what they’re looking for.

It looks like your result doesn’t match the searcher’s intent well. As a result, Google thinks, “Maybe this page shouldn’t be so high in the results.”

Can you see how these connect?

Understanding bounce rates can tell you if your marketing strategy is effective and if your visitors are engaging with your content.

The key is understanding your “target” and breaking down your bounce rate in a way that provides meaning.

What is a Good Bounce Rate?

Many different variables determine what a “good” bounce rate is.

Things like your business type, industry, country, and the types of devices your visitors are using all influence what a good average bounce rate would be for your site.

For instance, the average bounce rate across industries is around 47 percent. However, bounce rate varies by device, with mobile having an average bounce rate of 51 percent.

If you’re still unsure about the bounce rate you should target, Google Analytics can help you figure it out.

Google Analytics provides a quick visualization of the average bounce rate for what it believes is your industry. It does this by benchmarking.

First, you need to set up benchmarking in Google Analytics.

Under the admin section, click to view the property you want to see the bounce rate for. Then Open reports and select Audience > Benchmarking.

The sidebar of google analytics with the real time button highlighted

Now you can compare industry averages.

Just navigate to your behavior reports. Click on “Site Content” and then “Landing Pages.”

You’ll immediately see the average, site-wide bounce rate.

Statistics from google analytics

Of course, a site-wide average can be too broad to be a valuable benchmark.

You can drill down further to view bounce rate by channels, location, or devices.

Statistics from google analytics

For example, you can now compare the industry average for your blog or product pages.

In the “Audience” section of Google Analytics, go under “Behavior” then “Benchmarking.” Then, select “Channels.”

Now you can choose your vertical and compare whichever period you want to review.

This should give you a better idea of your website’s bounce rate performance compared to the average by channel.

Ultimately, a “good” bounce rate will be different for every site. It may even be different for every page on your site.

I suggest you focus on your bounce rate trends over time and how you can improve the highest ones to boost conversions.

The focus should be on using this metric to find weaknesses in your site. Don’t worry about hitting a magic number.

Now, let’s look at how you can improve your bounce rates.

How to Analyze Bounce Rates

Your site-wide bounce rate is too broad to be anything but a vanity metric.

To really understand your bounce rate, you need to narrow it down and group it by different variables.

You won’t be able to start lowering your bounce rate until you really understand what’s causing it to be high.

You can modify the bounce rate metric you see in Google Analytics in a couple of ways.

As I already mentioned above, the first way is by segmenting your bounce rate.

We’ll look at nine segment options to help you assess and improve your bounce rate.

Segment Bounce Rate by Age

There are plenty of different demographics that Google Analytics tracks, which allows you to better segment and analyze your site traffic.

One of these is the age range of your visitors.

To look at bounce rate by age range, look under “Audience” and then “Demographics” on the left-hand sidebar. Then, click the “Age” option.

.bounce rate by age google analtyics

The resulting report should look something like this.

Statistics from google analytics.

Now you can easily see if your bounce rate is higher within a certain age range.

You can see in the example above that seniors (65+) have a much higher bounce rate than the rest of this site’s visitors.

If seniors are part of your ideal target market, make sure that you structure your web pages properly for marketing to them.

For example, avoid using jargon, trendy language, and slang.

Segment Bounce Rate by Gender

The “Gender” option is just below “Age” on that left-hand menu.

The sidebar from Google Analytics.

This report tells you your bounce rate for males and females.

Statistics from google analytics broken into male and female.

You can now easily see if your site retains one gender over the other better.

If you have a higher website bounce rate with one gender, ensure you’re not accidentally creating the perception that you’re only targeting the other sex.

Segment Bounce Rate by Affinity

The next option in the “Audience” section is under “Interests” and then “Affinity Categories.”

The sidebar from Google Analytics with the affinity categories button highlighted.

This group’s bounce rate is based on visitor interests.

Statistics from google analytics broken into affinity categories.

Check out which affinity categories have the highest bounce rates to see if you’re losing out on key marketing groups.

You can see in the example above that this site engages best with business professionals and shutterbugs.

Engagement with music lovers, movie lovers, and green living enthusiasts is the poorest.

This knowledge can help you target those groups with your imagery and content.

Segment Bounce Rate by Location

Stay in “Audience,” and move to “Interests,” to find the “Geo” section. Within that, you can click on “Location” for another segment report.

The sidebar of Google Analytics with the location button highlighted.

First, you’ll see a color-coded map showing where most of your visitors come from.

Below that, you’ll see the table version breaking down your visitors by geographic region.

Statistics from google analytics broken into locations.

This gives you your bounce rate by country.

The example above shows Australia and the UK have much higher bounce rates than the other countries.

You can drill further into it to see if certain provinces are engaging worse than others. Then, you can adapt your marketing strategy to target areas where you want to see improvement.

Segment Bounce Rate for New Visitors

A good segment to check out is the “New Vs. Returning” breakdown. It’s also in the “Audience” section under “Behavior.”

The sidebar from Google analytics with the new vs returning button highlighted.

Now you can see if your new visitors are bouncing more than returning visitors.

Statistics from google analytics broken into user type.

I would expect your new visitors to have a higher rate.

You can view the acquisition source as a secondary dimension to get more value out of this segment.

Just click on the “Secondary Dimension” drop-down list at the top of the table and select “Source” from the list that appears below.

We’ll talk more about acquisition below.

Segment Bounce Rate by Browser

The browser breakdown report is a good way to see if technical issues cause your visitors to bounce.

In the “Audience” section under “Technology,” select “Browser & OS.”

The sidebar of Google Analytics with the browser and OS button highlighted.

The report should look like this:

Statistics from google analytics broken into browser.

If one browser has a higher website bounce rate, it might indicate that you haven’t configured your site well for that browser.

You also need to consider versions of browsers.

If one has a noticeably higher bounce rate, your site might have bugs or UX issues with that browser.

Even if it’s an outdated browser, you will want to fix the issue if the browser is still bringing you traffic.

Segment Bounce Rate by Device

Underneath the “Technology” section, (still under Audience), you will see the “Mobile” section. Select “Overview” to see your bounce rate across devices.

The sidebar from Google Analytics with the overview button highlighted.

This will give you a bounce rate comparison between desktop, mobile, and tablet.

Statistics from google analytics broken into device category.

If you find your bounce rate is significantly higher on mobile or tablet, it may indicate that you haven’t properly optimized your site for those devices.

You can also view the “Devices” report. This further breaks it down by mobile brand and operating system.

Statistics from google analytics broken into mobile type.

For example, if you find Apple users are bouncing at a higher rate than Android users, you might have some design issues.

Segment Bounce Rate by Acquisition

Now, let’s look at segmentation by acquisition rather than by audience.

Go to “Acquisition,” then “All Traffic,” and then “Source/Medium” in the left-hand menu.

The sidebar of Google Analytics with the source/medium button highlighted.

The table at the bottom of your screen should look like this.

Statistics from google analytics broken into source category.

It will show you a breakdown of where your traffic is coming from and the associated bounce rates.

Take a look at the sources with the highest bounce rates to see if there’s a trend.

Here’s an example where you can see paid advertising campaigns have a much higher bounce rate:

Statistics from google analytics broken into source categories.

Either your advertising targeting is too broad, or your landing pages are not lining up very well with your ads, resulting in a higher bounce rate.

How To Create Adjusted Bounce Rates in Google Analytics

You can adjust what Google Analytics considers an interaction, which directly impacts your bounce rate.

For example, you might feel that a visitor has interacted on your site if they watched a video.

In Google Analytics, you have the option to set an event like playing a video, clicking a button, or completing a download as an interaction.

Then, users who complete these “events” will no longer count toward your bounce rate.

However, you need to be careful with this. Make sure that automated events don’t skew your results.

If you’ve set up your videos to play automatically, you don’t want to count video views as interactions.

The simple way to modify how Google records interactions is by sending events into your Google Analytics that tell you when a user spends a certain amount of time on a page, scrolls through a certain percentage of a page or sees a specific element on the page.

You can send events from Google Tag Manager:

2. Adjust Your Bounce Rate Through the Timer Function

You can also decide that Google should consider a visit to have interacted on a page if they spend a minimum amount of time on it.

Create a new tag and give it a name, such as “UA — Adjusted Bounce Rate — Timer.”

The timer function page of Google Analytics.

You can choose the length of time that you want to start with. I suggest starting with 30 seconds.

To do this, add a new trigger and name it “Timer — 30 seconds”.

Setting a custom timer through Google Analytics.

The interval is in milliseconds. So, for 30 seconds, you need to enter “30000.”

Select a limit of one. Then, in the conditions section, set it for “Page URL matches RegEx*.”

This will make it so that Google Analytics includes all of your pages in the tracking.

Make sure you save, preview, and debug before publishing.

How to Decrease Your Bounce Rate

The main cause of a high bounce rate is users don’t find what they need. Here are several ways to improve your site and decrease website bounce rates.

Review Top Exit Pages

Exit pages are the pages people visit right before they leave your site.

The sidebar of Google Analytics with the exit pages button highlighted.

This will show you who’s landing directly on that page and bouncing versus who’s arriving there from an internal link and exiting.

It can help you narrow down where you should spend your time testing and improving your site.

View Page Timings

Your pages may have high abandonment because they’re too slow.

You can check this with the Page Timings report.

In the “Behavior” section of the left-hand menu, click “Site Speed” and then “Page Timings.”

The sidebar of Google Analytics with the page timings button highlighted.

The report will tell you how fast each page on your site is loading.

Statistics from google analytics broken into exit page categories.

You can sort by number of page views and average page speed. That way, you can improve your pages with the highest traffic yet slowest load times first.

It also shows you your overall site average speed.

Statistics from google analytics with the total site average of exit pages highlighted.

Since Google’s Speed Update, site speed is becoming increasingly important—but it can also have a massive impact on bounce rate.

For example, the average page speed above means that our bounce rate is 123 percent higher than it could be.

page load time impact on bounce rate

You can check out the other Site Speed reports for further analysis and options for improving your site speed.

The sidebar of Google Analytics with the speed button highlighted.

The Speed Suggestions report will indicate potential issues and give you useful advice on resolving them, such as deleting unused Java or using smaller image sizes.

You can also use Google’s PageSpeed Insights for more strategies for improving site speed.

Utilize A/B Testing

These reports will help you pinpoint specific areas you need to target for improvement.

However, knowing which changes will improve your bounce rate the most can be hard.

For instance, you may have identified a weak landing page. But what do you need to do to improve it?

Do you need to make it longer? Do you need a different call to action? What will increase your conversion rate?

A/B testing is a great way to test your improvement strategies.

It allows you to test different call-to-action wording, landing page designs, and target audiences.

A/B testing makes it easy to see what’s working and what isn’t since it allows you to show one version of your website to half of your visitors and another version to the other half.

You can also use a significance calculator to better understand your A/B test results.

A/B testing significance calculator.

Make Your Pages Easy to Read

It’s easy to forget such a simple aspect of your pages, but readability is important.

Many free tools allow you to check your content’s readability and your website, like the Yoast plugin for WordPress or WebFX’s free readability tool.

Start by making sure the headline is big and bold. After that, be sure to use bullet points and subheadings to make the article easier to read.

Here are a few other ways to make your content easier to read:

  • Add subheadings, so content is easier to scan when reading.
  • Add bullet point lists (like this one) to make important information easier to find.
  • Include images, infographics, and charts to share important information.
  • Bold keywords a few times (don’t overdo this.)
  • Ask questions in your content, to give readers an invitation to participate.
  • Include an actionable conclusion that tells readers what to do next.

Also, be mindful of your font size and type, your sentence and paragraph length, and the amount of white space on the page.

Consider other elements on your page that might be distracting, like your color choices and ad placements.

Include Clear CTAs and Consider Their Placements

A great way to get people to engage and convert is by using compelling calls-to-action.

A call-to-action should compel someone to do something, such as sign up for a newsletter or purchase a product.

There are many ways to improve your call-to-action buttons. Consider your copy, color, button size, and page placement.

Example of a CTA.

Apple suggests ensuring all CTA buttons are at least 44 pixels tall.

Apple's suggestion for CTA sizes.

Use Videos and Images to Engage Your Audience

Humans are visual creatures.

We love imagery. We also retain information better from images.

If you hear something or read something, the chances are good that you’ll only remember 10 percent of it. However, if you see a picture, you’re likely to remember 80 percent of the content.

Adding images and videos is a great way to engage your audience with your content.

Short, catchy videos are increasing in popularity and can boost engagement.

Use videos to increase engagement.

Infographics are also effective at drawing your visitors in.

In fact, over 41 percent of marketers say infographics were their most engaging form of visual content.

If you find that your audience isn’t engaging with a certain page, you may simply need to add more images, videos, and infographics.

Offer Live Chat Support

Live chat is the fastest method for offering customer service support.

If people come to your page and don’t immediately find exactly what they want, live chat can help engage them before they give up and try the next site.

There are lots of platforms out there today that can help you set up live chat services, such as Intercom.

improve bounce rate with live chat support

Live chat is one of the best tools you can implement on your website this year to decrease bounce and boost conversions.

Target Keywords With High-Value Traffic

Just writing content isn’t going to drive your conversions up or improve bounce rate; it’s just going to attract random traffic that won’t convert.

When it comes to bounce rate, keywords are your best friend. The simplest way to improve bounce rate is to target high-traffic, high-value keywords.

Ideally, you’ll want to target terms with high traffic and low competition—but that isn’t always possible. If you can’t rank for those terms, look for traffic that shows buyer intent.

These keywords will put you in front of those high-value customers.

Attract the Right Visitors

More content isn’t always better.

In many cases, a high bounce rate happens when you attract the wrong traffic from the start.

If your content strategy isn’t working, the issue might be your targeting, not just your content.

It’s essential to create powerful content that reaches your audience, including a content strategy that considers each stage of the buying cycle.

Many content marketers mistakenly attribute a high bounce rate to poor quality content. But, the idea of “quality” is relative. Your definition of “quality” might not be the same as mine.

For example, you may see that higher bounce, but it’s attributed to the wrong content.

Let’s talk about lengthy articles (usually 2000+ words). In the digital marketing world, these are considered high quality. Why? Generally, they address every question or concern of the target audience.

On the other hand, this might not be true for industries like health, entertainment, and finance, where shorter articles tend to perform better.

Keep this in mind when creating content or greater campaigns.

It’s a chain reaction. If you create the right content and have proper channels for its distribution, to distribute it, you’ll put it in front of an audience that is interested in what it offers. The end result? You’ll see a better bounce rate.

Write Better Meta Descriptions

Some companies don’t take the time to optimize meta descriptions for their search users. This leads to a declining click-through rate over time.

It may not be important in their eyes, but it should be.

Meta descriptions are short descriptions that show up in the search results page and tell users what to expect when they click on a link.

Example of a meta description of a google results page.

Aim to keep your meta between 150 and 160 characters (including spaces) in length. Longer metas will end in an (….) and can increase bounce rate because readers feel the content doesn’t match what they were looking for.

Before creating an attractive meta description, you’ve got to understand search results in and the description’s specific role.

So, how do you write an attractive meta description?

Let’s start with these tips:

  • Include the target keyword for the page. This shows users the page covers the topic they care about and entices them to click.
  • Use power words like fast, extra, value, and now to encourage clicks and conversions.
  • Include a CTA: Tell users what to do or what they will learn.

The Future of Bounce Rates

This post covered bounce rates as they appear in Universal Analytics, even though UA will be sunset next year.

That’s because the vast majority of my clients are still in the process of switching over to GA4.

It’s also worth noting that in GA4, bounce rate is considered the inverse of engagement. You don’t really need to understand how it works right now (especially if you’re still using the old version of Google Analytics); just understand that how it’s calculated will change.

Don’t worry; I’ll be here to update you with new strategies when the switch occurs!


What tools can I use to measure bounce rate?

The most popular tool to measure bounce rate is Google Analytics. 

What is bounce rate?

Bounce rate is the percentage of users to a site who leave (or “bounce”) after visiting just one page.

What is a good bounce rate?

A bounce rate of about 25 to 40 percent is considered excellent.

How do I improve bounce rate?

You can improve bounce rate by creating engaging content types, adding internal links, targeting the right keywords, and creating a site navigation that’s easy to use.


Analyzing and improving your bounce rate can be intimidating. But improving your bounce rate means a more engaged audience and more conversions. If you follow the steps I’ve outlined in this post, your bounce rate will decrease in no time.

First, understand a “good” bounce rate and narrow down your analysis to pinpoint exactly what your bounce rate metrics are telling you.

Remember, site-wide bounce rate is simply a vanity metric. It’s too broad to provide actionable information.

Focus on the different segment reports like your top exit pages, page timings, and speed reports to understand what might be causing your bounce rates to be high.

To help people engage with your content, be sure to improve your site’s readability, add imagery, optimize your CTAs, and use live chat.

Do some A/B testing to see what works best for you and your audience.

Finally, monitor your reports with each change to see where and how you’re improving.

Remember: There is no magic number to hit. Aim to keep improving and offering your customers a better, more engaging experience.

What tools and tricks do you use to monitor and improve your bounce rate?

How to Get an EIN Number

What is an EIN? EIN stands for Employer Identification Number. As a result, referring to it as an EIN number isn’t exactly correct. Despite the redundancy however, the terms EIN and EIN number are used interchangeably by the general public. The important thing is, having one for your business is vital to building a Fundable™ Foundation. It’s like a Social Security Number for your business. You can get one for free from the IRS. But, what exactly does this entail? Here is how to get an EIN, step-by-step. 

How to Get an EIN Number Step-by-Step

Here’s a quick and dirty rundown. 

  1. Go to 
  2. Fill out the online application.
  3. Submit
  4. Get your number.

Sounds easy enough, right? Still, sometimes walking through the process and actually seeing it is a little easier. 

How to Get an EIN Number: IRS.Gov

It’s easy to say “go to the IRS website.” However, it is a big site with links to what seems like an endless number of topics. So, specifically the first step to getting an EIN is to go here. You’ll see this: 

Read this page closely. Make sure you are eligible. If you are, you can continue to the online application by clicking the “Apply Online” button. 

How to Get an EIN Number: Apply Online

After you click the button you’ll go to the application. It starts like this. 

Read it, and if you are continuing, click “Begin Application.” 

Next, you’ll see a screen asking you to choose your legal structure. 

Choose Your Legal Structure

For Fundability purposes, you’ll want to incorporate. Hopefully, by this point you have already done so and you’ll choose “corporation.”

Then, you’ll be asked which type of corporation your business is. 

Choose Your Business’s Corporation Type

Before you apply for an EIN, discuss with your attorney or tax professional which type of corporation is best for the specific budget and liability needs of your business. 

After choosing, you will be asked to confirm what you just entered. Then, the next screen will ask why you are requesting an EIN. If you enter “starting a new business,” you’ll be taken to a screen to enter your personal information. 

Enter Your Personal InformationEnter Your Business Address

After you enter your personal information and your affiliation to the business, you’ll have to enter your business address. 

Let’s pause here for a minute. This is important. For Fundability™, you MUST have a consistent, physical business address where you can receive mail. That may be your home, a virtual office, or another location. However, It should not be a P.O. Box or an UPS box. Consequently, if you ever change it, be sure you update the business address your EIN is linked to. The address needs to be consistent in all places.

The next screen asks for address verification. Sometimes, they will find your address listed slightly different in the database. Just choose how you want it listed. If the database is correct, I suggest using that one for the consistency mentioned earlier. 

Lastly, enter the rest of your business details. 

Enter Your Remaining Business Details

After that, you will get your EIN confirmation, if everything checks out. 

When Can You Use Your EIN?

According to the IRS it can be used immediately for most of your business needs. These include:

  • Opening a bank account
  • Applying for business licenses
  • Filing a tax return by mail.

Yet, it will take up to two weeks before it is part of the IRS’s permanent records. Until then you cannot:

  • File an electronic return
  • Make an electronic payment
  • Pass an IRS Taxpayer Identification Number matching program.

It’s Not Hard

As you can see, the online process of applying for an EIN is pretty straightforward and fast. If you do not want to do it online, for whatever reason, there is a paper application that you can download, fill it out, and send in. 

Of course, you can apply for an EIN anytime, but there are a few things that you can do first to make it easier to build fundability. For example:

  • Settle business contact information so it will already be correct when associated with your EIN
  • Ensure your business information is the same as it is everywhere else, down to the smallest ampersand
  • Incorporate, or at least choose your legal structure

If something changes, just be sure you change it everywhere. Want to know more about the steps to building Fundability™, starting with a Fundable™ Foundation? Get a free business finance assessment now!

The post How to Get an EIN Number appeared first on Credit Suite.

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The Number Of Dollar Checks Do You Want To Receive?

The Number Of Dollar Checks Do You Want To Receive? Associate Marketing is without a doubt, among the simplest methods to generate income online. It is an income sharing organisation connection in between the associate that consents to advertise the solutions or items, as well as the vendor that provides them. The associate promotes the …

The Number Of Affiliate Checks Do You Want To Receive?

The Number Of Affiliate Checks Do You Want To Receive?

Associate Marketing is without a doubt, among the simplest means to earn money online. It is a profits sharing organisation connection in between the associate that accepts advertise the solutions or items, as well as the vendor that uses them.

The associate markets the seller’s solutions and also items and also obtains a compensation for every effective recommendation. Every time a consumer is referred to the vendor’s website, with the associate’s initiatives, as well as makes an acquisition, the associate obtains a share of the revenue.

Associate Marketers can make a couple of dollars to thousands of bucks with associate programs. The chance to make in associate advertising and marketing can just be restricted by the associate’s approach, imagination as well as decision.

There are numerous manner ins which an associate marketing expert can do to optimize their revenues. They will certainly most likely desire to obtain as lots of as feasible if you ask any type of associate online marketer exactly how lots of associate checks they would certainly desire to get. Some associate checks are little, totaling up to absolutely nothing greater than $25.
Over time, these associate checks might develop up to an actually outstanding quantity. Making a ton of money in associate advertising and marketing is not instantaneous.

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The finest method to accomplish several streams of earnings is to focus on one associate program. Select an item or solution that you can advertise passionately. The ideal solutions and also items to advertise are those that you utilize directly.

As quickly as your initial associate program is making a sensible revenue after that you can continue to signing up with an additional associate program and also repeat the procedure. “Too a lot, prematurely” is a typical mistake in associate advertising. Signing up with a lot of associate programs all at once in the hopes of having numerous streams of revenue merely does not function.

Emphasis initially on one associate program as well as job on it so that it makes a great earnings. The inquiry needs to not be exactly how numerous associate checks you desire to get, however just how lots of “high-paying” associate checks can you obtain.

If you ask any type of associate marketing professional just how lots of associate checks they would certainly desire to get, they will certainly most likely desire to obtain as lots of as feasible. Many associate marketing professionals will enthusiastically respond that they desire to obtain as numerous associate checks as feasible. Does signing up with several associate online marketers assure even more associate checks that actually amount to something? Since, it is really simple to sign up with associate programs as well as there is actually absolutely nothing to shed, associate online marketers are attracted to sign up with as numerous programs they can obtain their hands on. The inquiry needs to not be just how lots of associate checks you desire to get, however exactly how numerous “high-paying” associate checks can you get.

The post The Number Of Affiliate Checks Do You Want To Receive? appeared first on ROI Credit Builders.

The Number Of Affiliate Checks Do You Want To Receive?

The Number Of Affiliate Checks Do You Want To Receive?

Associate Marketing is without a doubt, among the simplest means to earn money online. It is a profits sharing organisation connection in between the associate that accepts advertise the solutions or items, as well as the vendor that uses them.

The associate markets the seller’s solutions and also items and also obtains a compensation for every effective recommendation. Every time a consumer is referred to the vendor’s website, with the associate’s initiatives, as well as makes an acquisition, the associate obtains a share of the revenue.

Associate Marketers can make a couple of dollars to thousands of bucks with associate programs. The chance to make in associate advertising and marketing can just be restricted by the associate’s approach, imagination as well as decision.

There are numerous manner ins which an associate marketing expert can do to optimize their revenues. They will certainly most likely desire to obtain as lots of as feasible if you ask any type of associate online marketer exactly how lots of associate checks they would certainly desire to get. Some associate checks are little, totaling up to absolutely nothing greater than $25.
Over time, these associate checks might develop up to an actually outstanding quantity. Making a ton of money in associate advertising and marketing is not instantaneous.

The majority of associate marketing experts will enthusiastically respond that they desire to get as lots of associate checks as feasible. Does signing up with lots of associate online marketers ensure even more associate checks that actually amount to something? Since, it is extremely simple to sign up with associate programs as well as there is actually absolutely nothing to shed, associate marketing experts are attracted to sign up with as several programs they can obtain their hands on.

The finest method to accomplish several streams of earnings is to focus on one associate program. Select an item or solution that you can advertise passionately. The ideal solutions and also items to advertise are those that you utilize directly.

As quickly as your initial associate program is making a sensible revenue after that you can continue to signing up with an additional associate program and also repeat the procedure. “Too a lot, prematurely” is a typical mistake in associate advertising. Signing up with a lot of associate programs all at once in the hopes of having numerous streams of revenue merely does not function.

Emphasis initially on one associate program as well as job on it so that it makes a great earnings. The inquiry needs to not be exactly how numerous associate checks you desire to get, however just how lots of “high-paying” associate checks can you obtain.

If you ask any type of associate marketing professional just how lots of associate checks they would certainly desire to get, they will certainly most likely desire to obtain as lots of as feasible. Many associate marketing professionals will enthusiastically respond that they desire to obtain as numerous associate checks as feasible. Does signing up with several associate online marketers assure even more associate checks that actually amount to something? Since, it is really simple to sign up with associate programs as well as there is actually absolutely nothing to shed, associate online marketers are attracted to sign up with as numerous programs they can obtain their hands on. The inquiry needs to not be just how lots of associate checks you desire to get, however exactly how numerous “high-paying” associate checks can you get.

The post The Number Of Affiliate Checks Do You Want To Receive? appeared first on ROI Credit Builders.

How to Get a Business Phone Number to Build a Fundable Business

Why Do You Need a Business Phone Number to Be Fundable?

When you start a new business, it is vitally important for that business to have separate contact information from yourself.  This includes a dedicated business address, phone number, and email address.  When you first tell a new business owner this, there are a ton of questions.  Why does it matter?  Why can’t I just use my own contact information?  If I need separate contact data, how do I do that?  How do I get a business phone number and address anyway?  Do I have to have a separate phone line and location for my business? I mean, I was going to run my business out of my home.  How does this all work?

We are going to try to answer each of these questions right now.  The first question to answer is the one about how to get a business phone number and address if you are running your business out of your home or virtually.  Many new small businesses are run from anywhere the owner can access the internet.  Local coffee shops, libraries, etc. can all act as a business location if the business is run online.

Even if you never meet a customer in person, your business has to have a dedicated business address and phone number.   The question of how to do this becomes much more complicated however, when your business exists solely on your cell phone and computer.  The answer to your question is no, you do not have to have a separate cell phone, a land line, or even a building to get a business phone number.

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What Are My Options to Get a Business Phone Number?

When it comes time to get a business phone number, you have a few options and many decisions to make.  For example, you’ll need to decide first if you are going to use a landline or a cell phone.  Next, you’ll need to determine if you want a local number, a toll-free number, a vanity number, or a regular number.  How do you choose?

Get a Business Phone Number: Landline vs. Cell Phone

If you get a traditional landline with a business number, the process is as simple as calling out the telephone company.  That’s where the simplicity ends however.  A business landline is considerably more expensive than a residential one.  It is also a kind of invasive process to have a landline installed.

You are probably thinking it is much more expensive to get an extra cell phone.  The truth is, however, that you do not even have to do that.  There are many services now that will offer a business number and forward it to any number you want using the internet.

They offer other services as well, including transfers, multiple numbers, vanity numbers and even live receptionist.  Of course, the more bells and whistles you choose the more they cost, but generally speaking these services are super easy to get started with.  Some even offer base packages for free.

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Local vs. Traditional Toll-Free vs. Vanity

Usually, you need a toll-free number regardless.  If you cater to a local market as well, having a local number could also be useful.  A vanity number can be nice for ease of remembering.  What’s a vanity number? Those are the numbers that go along with your business, for example, 1-800-55-Pizza for a pizza joint.  This type of number is not necessary, but it can help with branding.  They are easy to acquire with the new virtual business telephone companies out there. You simply request your number, if it is available, it’s yours!

Is it Better to Get a Business Phone Number Online?

It seems like new options are popping up daily for getting a business phone number using the internet.  Known as VoIP, these services are gaining popularity for business phone service.  Here are just a few reasons why.

First, they are by far the best value.  You can get all the features you need for a fraction of what it would cost with a traditional landline.

Most small businesses simply do not have the budget to set up and handle on an ongoing basis a complicated PBX system with a receptionist and extensions for each desk. When you choose the right VoIP package, you have all of this and more built right in to a low flat rate each month. The following are just a few of the features you will find available with most VoIP companies.

  • Internet Faxingjust in case you need to deal with someone who is still faxing.
  • Automatic Call Recordingso you can have a record of all calls coming in and going out, if needed.
  • Conferencingallows you to give clients a number to call that will allow everyone to be on the same conference line.
  • Call Forwardingallows calls to ring on all your devices, and even more than one phone, at once.  In addition, you can set for calls to forward only during certain hours.
  • Auto-Receptionistscan make your business sound more professional.
  • Extensionslet you use a single main number to reach everybody.
  • Voicemail and voice to textwill send you emails with the voicemail, and can even put them into text form if needed.

Where to Get a Business Phone Number Online

While there are many companies that offer VoIP telephone services for business, and new ones are coming into the picture each day, these are a few of the most popular currently.


Grasshopper is a business service that uses the mobile phone you have already.  Many others use an office VoIP setup. You can get a business phone number, receive calls from that number using your phone, and set up as many users as you want with custom extensions.

In addition, service from Grasshopper includes:

  • Queuing of calls
  • Call scheduling
  • Conference calls
  • Call routing/ auto-assistant
  • Voicemail to email

Because it is mobile, it provides more features than other VoIP providers.  Be aware however, that some users say the quality isn’t that great. For each one that is unhappy it seems, there are many that have been very pleased, so don’t let that be your sole decision maker.  Also, like most VoIP mobile apps, minutes are charged not only by Grasshopper, but also by your mobile carrier.

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If you do a lot of conference calls, you need to know that you are charged for minutes for each caller on the conference.  Meaning if a call only lasts 5 minutes, but you have 5 callers on, then you are charged for 25 minutes. There are other carriers that offer a conference call bridge, meaning you are only charged for the one call. is a great in-between option for multiple users.  It provides a VoIP solution without the requirement of a traditional phone, and has solid basic features.  You can make and receive calls from your business number as well as view call logs and your address book when you have an internet connection. From your computer you can:

  • Que calls
  • Set up auto-receptionist
  • Schedule calls
  • Send and receive faxes

Ring Central

RingCentral has all of the features you would expect or need, and plans start at one $20 a month.  They also offer a free trial, but so do a few others.  It does require an upgrade to get a 1-800 number.  They also offer upgrades that will allow you to integrate with Dropbox, Zendesk, Salesforce and more.

As I said, these are the only players in a relatively new game, but they are some of the most popular at the moment.  The thing you need to remember is, do your research.  Try to consider not only what you need right now, but what you may end up needing in the future.  You need to find a service that will offer everything you could need going forward.

If you simply go with the free or cheapest service for right now and do not consider future needs, you could end up having to change in the future.  That’s not only a pain, but it could mean changing your number, which means printing all new materials and updating directories.  That is all doable, but much easier to avoid if possible.

What Types of Things Should You Consider when You Get a Business Phone Number?

So when you are choosing a company to go with, what should you consider?  Well first, current budget is obviously important.  If you cannot pay for it, it won’t do you any good.  After that, consider what you need currently.  Once you have a few options narrowed down based on these needs, narrow it down further based on what you think you may need in the future.

For example, are you going to remain small, with any other employees being local?  You may not ever need conference calling ability. Is it possible you could need to add extensions or need a live receptionist option in the future?  Then be sure you get a business phone number with a company that offers these options.

What Does a Business Phone Number Have to Do with Being Fundable?

There’s the big question, right?  What does having a business phone number have to do with fundability?  Well, it can help to understand what fundability is and why it matters. To get business funding, your business needs to appear to be a separate, fundable entity to lenders.  For this to be the case, a business has to stand on its own apart from its owner.  This means it:

  • Is formally incorporated as a Corporation, S-corp, or LLC
  • Has an EIN
  • Already has a dedicated business telephone number, address, and email address
  • Has a dedicated business bank account
  • Uses a professionally put together, user friendly, business website
  • Has a D-U-N-S number

In addition to helping a business appear fundable to lenders, having these things in place provides the separation from owner necessary to start building business credit. When you think of it that way, not having a business phone number can do a lot of damage.

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How Does a Business Phone Number Help You Build Business Credit?

Before you ever make it to a lender that wants to see your business as fundable before giving you money, you have to build business credit.  It is virtually impossible to do this without a business telephone number or any of the other things mentioned above.  Here’s why.  To establish business credit where there is none, or to begin to repair poor business credit, you are going to have to establish tradelines with starter vendors.

These are vendors in the vendor credit tier that will extend net terms on invoices without a credit check.  They do, however, check other information before they will extend these terms.  This includes several different things, and many like to see a business number listed in the directories.

To find out more about starter vendors in vendor credit tier and how the business credit building process works, go here.

What Else Do You Need to Do to Build Business Credit?

After you have set your business up to appear fundable to lenders, and after you establish trade lines with starter vendors, you need to continue the process. After enough tradelines are reporting to your business credit report, you can begin to apply for credit cards in the subsequent credit tiers. These include the retail credit tier, the fleet credit tier, and the cash credit tier.

The retail credit tier is made up of those cards that are directly tied to a store, such as Home Depot or Best Buy.  The fleet credit tier includes cards from companies like Fuelman and Shell that can help manage fuel costs, as well as costs related to fuel and auto maintenance.  The cash credit tier is the main goal, and includes cards that are not related to specific retailers or costs.

The key is to get enough accounts reporting from each tier to sufficiently build your score so that you can move on to the next tier.  The vendor credit tier is the beginning.  Some vendors will not extend net terms if there is no business number.  If you do you use your personal number, you run the risk of payments being reported to your personal credit rather than your business credit, which defeats the whole purpose.

You Need to Get a Business Phone Number, Start Now!

If you do not already have a business number, start by considering exactly what your budget is and what you need. Then, do some research.  Find out who has what you need for what you can afford right now, with the option to add on anything you may need in the future.  That should narrow now your choices significantly.  Whatever you do, do not use your personal number.  That will not help you when it comes to running and growing your  .

Looks great, nice job!

The post How to Get a Business Phone Number to Build a Fundable Business appeared first on Credit Suite.