How to Recognize Predatory Practices in Business Loan Companies, and How to Get Help

The world of business loan companies is full of predatory lenders.  If you are desperate for business funding, it can be easy to take the bait and fall into their trap. You need to know how to tell predators from legit creditors, especially if you need to veer away from traditional financing.  You may think you know what to look for, but there are some predatory secrets that a lot of business owners are not privy to. 

How to Avoid Predatory Lenders When Looking for Business Loan Companies

It can be helpful to work with a business credit expert. Not only can they steer you toward responsible lenders, but they can also help you choose the type of funding that will work best for your needs.  A good one will help you build business credit at the same time.

Still, you need to know the signs of a predatory lender for yourself.  If you do not, you will not even be able to tell if you are working with a good business credit expert, or not.  

Signs of a Predatory Lender

Can you tell the difference between legit creditors and predatory lenders? 

According to Investopedia:

“Predatory lending benefits the lender and ignores or hinders the borrower’s ability to repay a debt. These lending tactics often try to take advantage of a borrower’s lack of understanding concerning loans, terms, or financial literacy.”

Predatory lending when it comes to business loans is becoming an increasingly prevalent problem

How do you keep yourself from wading off into shark infested waters?

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Avoid Business Loan Companies That Focus on Monthly Payment Rather Than Actual Loan Amount

They may insist on one large payment at the end of the term with only interest payments being made each month until that point. This is known as a balloon payment. In business lending, this can be useful if you are waiting on large sums of money at the end of the contract to repay the loan, so it isn’t necessarily a deal breaker. However, you do need to know that your payments are only paying interest and not reducing principal.

Recognize if this is really the type of loan that you need. Lenders should always be willing to disclose your total loan amount and terms. You should not have to beg for this or search for it. Lenders that focus only on the payment may be sketchy.

There are many things they can do to make a monthly payment lower, like extending the loan period, adding a large payment at the end (a balloon payment), or making adjustments to loan terms. All of these things can make your monthly payments look low, while in reality you are getting stuck with a bad loan. 

Note that while a balloon payment should be an automatic deal breaker, insistence on a balloon payment is an extra red flag. 

Good Business Loan Companies Will Not Add Unnecessary Extras Without Your Knowledge

Another common practice of predatory lenders is adding extras onto the loan. These are usually things the borrower does not need. Furthermore, the borrower will not even know they are there. The most common “extra” seems to be insurance products that do not offer any benefit.

Business Loan Companies and Confessions of Judgement

New York plays a unique role in the world of predatory lending. Understanding this can help you understand if you are about to become the prey. It all comes down to a confession of judgement. If a borrower signs a confession of judgement, they are basically agreeing to lose in a court battle if there is a dispute about repayment.  Many cash-advance companies, which make up a large faction of predatory lenders, have their borrowers sign one of these.

New York state law is friendly to this type of contract. Regardless of where a loan takes place, it may include a “New York confession of judgement.” 

This could also mean you are agreeing that any lawsuits will be handled in New York state. That could greatly increase expenses if you do not live near there.  If you see one of these in your loan documents, do not sign it.  It is of no benefit to you. It only benefits the lender.

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Don’t Accept Punishment for Early Payment

Prepayment penalties should definitely be a red flag.  Early payment is good, period.  Even though the lender may lose some interest, they should not be too opposed to early repayment. By itself, it should not be the reason you do not take a loan. But it should make you continue with caution and look for other red flags. 

Good Business Loan Companies Do Not Have to Seek the Weak 

Business loan companies that specifically seek out underserved populations, such as minorities and immigrants, and those with bad credit should be considered carefully. This may include contacting business owners that fit into these types of categories directly, or targeting them with marketing campaigns designed for them specifically.  If the focus is meant to make them think they are getting a great deal because they are in an underserved market, it could be sketchy.  While there are programs designed to help serve underserved populations, if something seems too good to be true, it likely is.

In fact, those that fall into these categories are more likely than others to fall prey, according to a 2015 Center for Responsible Lending Report.

A Good Business Loan Company Will Not Start With a Bad Deal

Some predatory lenders will try to earn trust by admitting they are offering a bad deal, then promising to fix it in the future. They claim they will allow for a refinance that will be a better option. Don’t fall for it. A bad deal is a bad deal.  Just walk away. 

Loan Flipping is a Classic Move for Predatory Business Loan Companies

This  is not the same as house flipping. Flipping a house can be very profitable. Loan flipping is actually a classic predatory lending tactic. When a predatory lender sees that you are struggling, they will offer a refinance. However, you end up paying points and fees again.  As a result, before it is over, you end up owing more than your original loan. Sometimes you may end up owing even more than your collateral is worth. It is a vicious cycle, and it can bury you quickly.

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The Responsible Business Lending Coalition

This is a network of nonprofit and for-profit lenders, investors, and small business advocates. They have a common commitment to innovation in the small business lending industry. They also have serious concerns about the increase of irresponsible small business lending. 

In 2015 they drafted the Small Business Owners Bill of Rights.  When searching for a small business lender, look for those that have signed this.  There are many members of the Small Business Lending Coalition.

Here are a few examples: 

What is the Easiest Way to Avoid Predatory Business Loan Companies? 

Look for help when you can find it. Working with a company that specializes in helping small businesses find the funds they need can help you avoid predatory lenders. For example, Credit Suite works only with reputable lenders. With our Credit Line Hybrid and many other products, we connect businesses with lenders that we know to be safe to work with.  Not only that, but we help you assess your fundablity at the same time, and work with you to figure out how to best fill in your business’s fundability weaknesses. If business credit is an issue, we can help you build that too!  The time to take action is now, before you look for business loan companies. Don’t take the chance of falling prey.

The post How to Recognize Predatory Practices in Business Loan Companies, and How to Get Help appeared first on Credit Suite.

Creditors and Predators: 10 Ways to Avoid Falling Prey to Predatory Lenders, and 6 Questions to Ask Before You Jump In

How to Tell the Difference Between Legit Creditors and Predators Out to Eat You Alive

Watch any animal reality show and you will see what happens between predators and prey.  In a similarly menacing way, some lenders actually prey on unsuspecting borrowers.  Not only do they leave finances in ruins, but often the trail of destruction trails across their entire lives.  They basically eat their prey alive.  How can you avoid falling victim to these devilish creatures?  We are going to show you how to tell the difference between legit creditors and predators, so that you can survive in the credit wilderness.

Know Thy Enemy: What is Predatory Lending

According to Investopedia: “Predatory lending benefits the lender and ignores or hinders the borrower’s ability to repay a debt. These lending tactics often try to take advantage of a borrower’s lack of understanding concerning loans, terms, or financial literacy.”

Basically, just like predators in the wild, predatory lenders take advantage of the weak.  They look for those that are unassuming, easily tricked into coming closer, and without suitable defenses.  Then they pounce.

In the wild, predators often disguise themselves as something else.  Consider the venus fly trap.  To the fly, it looks like a flower.  The fly saunters over to enjoy the beauty, and snap!  It’s gone before it even knows what hit it.  That is the peril of a predatory lender.  It looks great, inviting even. Before you know it, however, they trap you.  The best protection you can have is to know the difference between creditors and predators.  Don’t be fooled.  Learn the signs and build your defenses.  Know thy enemy.

Common Signs that a Creditor is Actually a Predator

The only way to tell the difference between creditors and predators is to know the signs of a predator.  They are not that hard to spot if you know what tricks to look for.

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Payment is King

If you are trying to get a loan and the “creditor” continues to emphasize what your payment will be, while downplaying how much the actual loan is, that creditor might be a predator.  While a monthly payment is obviously important for budgeting purposes, you need to know all the terms of the loan.

A lender can use many tactics to ensure your monthly payment is where you need it to be to fit your budget.  They can increase the loan period, adjust terms, and add balloons to make things look much better than they really are.  The result is that you get a really bad loan in exchange for a temporary lower payment.

Burst the Balloon

Speaking of balloon loans, those are also a common predatory lending practice.  They use them to provide unsuspecting borrowers with a low monthly payment for most of the loan.  Most borrowers do not realize that they are typically only covering the interest for each month.

In fact, usually the principle isn’t reduced at all by payments until the very end of the loan.  The final payment ends up being a large “balloon” payment that should pay off the entire principal of the loan all at once.  Most of the time borrowers are not prepared for this, and they end up either refinancing or defaulting.

Unpack the Packing:  Unnecessary Baggage

Packing is another practice that predatory lenders seem to lean towards.  It involves them adding extras onto the loan.  You do not need these extras, and they add them without your knowledge.  The most common culprits are insurance products that are not necessary for your situation.  You pay for them without realizing it, and they offer you no benefit.

Excessive Points and Fees

It’s not uncommon for lenders to charge points and fees on a loan.  It is a practice that some use to increase profits.  As a general rule, one point is worth one percent of the loan balance.

Asking for more points and higher fees than is normal for the type of loan you are getting can be a sign of predatory lending.  If you feel that is what is going on, dig deeper.

How do you know what is “normal” and what is excessive? As a general rule, three points, or 3% of the loan amount or less, is a decent deal.  This includes appraisals and title insurance, which are necessary.  Research to see what is normal for your area, but know this is a good rule of thumb.

The New York Connection: Of Creditors and Predators and Judgements and Confessions

New York plays a unique role in the predatory lending drama.  Knowing this can provide a pivotal clue when trying to determine if you are about to become prey. In New York, state law is friendly to confessions of judgement. Cash -advance companies, which are a huge faction of the predatory lending family, almost always make borrowers sign one of these as a loan condition.

If a borrower signs a confession of judgment, they are basically agreeing to lose in a court battle if a dispute arises about repayment. Regardless of where these types of loans take place, almost all of them contain a New York confession of judgement.  If you see one of these in your loan documents, run.

Punishment for Paying Early

If they are going to charge a prepayment penalty, you should be wary.  Early payment is a good thing, even though the lender loses some interest.  It isn’t a deal breaker, but it should definitely cause you to look for other red flags and proceed with caution.

Obviously Seeking the Weak

Senior citizens, those with no credit or bad credit, minorities, those considered low income are all easy targets.  They are more likely that others to get tangled up with predatory lenders, according to a 2015 Center for Responsible Lending report. Stay away from lenders that advertise in a way that targets these populations.

Language such as “bad credit doesn’t matter” is a definite sign.  In addition, lenders that initiate contact unprovoked and those that try to rush your decision are bad news.

It’s a Bad Deal Now, but They’ll Fix It

Lenders that are searching for prey may try to get borrowers to sign on to a bad deal by promising to make it better in a future refinance.  Do not fall for this.  A bad deal is a bad deal.  Just walk away.

Loan “Flipping” is NOT the Same a House “Flipping”

Flipping a house in real estate terms can actually be very profitable.  However, loan flipping is something else altogether, and predatory lenders are great at it.  When they see you struggling, they offer a refinance.  While it may lower your payments, you end up paying points and fees again.  Eventually you end up owing more than ever on your house, car, or whatever it is you used as collateral.

It is a vicious cycle that can bury you quickly.

Hit the jackpot with our best webinar and its trustworthy list of seven vendors who can help you build business credit.

The Payment Isn’t “All In”

This is typically and issue with predatory lending in mortgages.  Inquire from the beginning as to whether there will be an escrow account set up for your required tax and insurance payments.  Lenders that are not on the up and up will often make payments look super low because they do not include all the costs a borrower is responsible for.

What Are Some Questions I Can Ask to Help Discern Between Good Creditors and Predators?

Protecting yourself means recognizing these signs, they will not always be obvious.  Sometimes you need to look a little closer.  Asking these questions, whether to yourself or to the lender, can help you get to the root of the issue.

  • Is the offer too good to be true?

As with almost anything in life, if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

  • What does the product truly cost?

If the lender doesn’t spell it out for you, do the math yourself.  If you need help understanding it all, find someone you trust that can walk you through it.  You need to know exactly what this loan is going to cost you.  That means all fees, points, insurance, and taxes need to be clear before you can make an educated decision.

  • Does the lender check my ability to repay?

It is ridiculous to think you will get a loan without the lender ensuring you can repay.  It doesn’t have be a credit check. If they do not at least verify income or employment however, there is almost certainly a problem.

  • Does the lender help me build credit?

Not all lenders do this, but if they do help you build your credit score, it is a point in their favor.

  • Does the lender require electronic payments?

While there is nothing wrong with paying electronically, the requirement that electronic payments are the only way you can pay should throw up a red flag.

  • Have others complained about the lender?

Check out reviews online.  Look them up on the Better Business Bureau’s website at  Find out if others have had a good experience with the lender, or not.

Is Anyone Doing Anything to Separate Creditors and Predators?

In recent years there has be a push by legislators to put an end to predatory lending practices.  There have been safety nets in place for far longer however.  What is being done?  Does anyone care?  Actually, yes, they do.

The Truth in Lending Act

It really started way before now with the Truth in Lending Act of 1968.  This Act requires that lenders clearly communicate the sum of all payments, APR, and amount to be paid in interest and fees.  In addition, the total credit that is being extended must be made clear.  All of this has to be disclosed before a loan contract is signed.

Another component of the Truth in Lending Act is that a borrower has the right of rescission.  This means that with certain loans, borrowers have three days to cancel after signing.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

After the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau was born.  The goal of the CFPB is to help oversee federal laws that protect consumers financially.  They have resources that can help borrowers learn to decipher loan terms and risks, and also help them report and resolve any complaints they may have against lenders.

Hit the jackpot with our best webinar and its trustworthy list of seven vendors who can help you build business credit.

Signs of a Good Lender

Telling the difference between good creditors and predators means more than just knowing how to spot the bad guys.  There are things to look for that can clue you in as to whether a lender is actually good, or if they are just not a predator.  There is a gray area, and even reputable lenders can fall into poor practices.

Knowing that, keep in mind that legitimate lenders will always check your ability to pay.  They may rely on a credit check or some other means.  In addition, they will not pressure you.  The best will actually offer tools to help educate you financially so that you can better understand the details of the loan.

Also, a good lender will have few complaints.  Consumers will almost always complain liberally if they feel like they were ripped off.  In addition to, check out the CFPB Complaint Database and the Federal Trade Commission’s scam alertsWhile even good lenders get complaints occasionally, a long history of dissatisfied customers is a huge warning sign.

Other Ways to Protect Yourself

Like I said, the best way to know the difference between creditors and predators, and avoid becoming a predator’s prey, is to educate yourself.  Here are some additional sources for doing just that:

  • The Money & Credit page on the Federal Trade Commission’s website has tons of educational articles on a broad variety of topics including debt, credit and loans.
  • The Ask CFPB pageincludes answers to hundreds of questions related to personal finance, many of which you can apply to business finance as well.
  • The attorney general’s officein your specific state will be able to help if you need to submit complaints.  They can also help you understand consumer protections in your own area.

Learn the Difference Between Legit Creditors and Predators to Avoid Problems with Personal and Business Finance

Predatory lending is prevalent in the realm of personal finance, but that does not mean that business finances are unaffected.  Many business loans are dependent on personal credit scores, which a bad loan from a predatory lender can devastate.  This is one reason building business credit is so important.

The fact is, however, a bad loan is like a predatory parasite. It seeks out the weak, and once it attacks, it attaches itself to your finances and plagues every aspect of them, even slipping to the business realm if left unattended.  It can cause devastation that could last for years. Don’t let it happen to you.  Learn the signs, and make sure you can tell the difference between creditors and predators.





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Creditors and Predators: 10 Ways to Avoid Falling Prey to Predatory Lenders, and 6 Questions to Ask Before You Jump In

How to Tell the Difference Between Legit Creditors and Predators Out to Eat You Alive

Watch any animal reality show and you will see what happens between predators and prey.  In a similarly menacing way, some lenders actually prey on unsuspecting borrowers.  Not only do they leave finances in ruins, but often the trail of destruction trails across their entire lives.  They basically eat their prey alive.  How can you avoid falling victim to these devilish creatures?  We are going to show you how to tell the difference between legit creditors and predators, so that you can survive in the credit wilderness.

Know Thy Enemy: What is Predatory Lending

According to Investopedia: “Predatory lending benefits the lender and ignores or hinders the borrower’s ability to repay a debt. These lending tactics often try to take advantage of a borrower’s lack of understanding concerning loans, terms, or financial literacy.”

Basically, just like predators in the wild, predatory lenders take advantage of the weak.  They look for those that are unassuming, easily tricked into coming closer, and without suitable defenses.  Then they pounce.

In the wild, predators often disguise themselves as something else.  Consider the venus fly trap.  To the fly, it looks like a flower.  The fly saunters over to enjoy the beauty, and snap!  It’s gone before it even knows what hit it.  That is the peril of a predatory lender.  It looks great, inviting even. Before you know it, however, they trap you.  The best protection you can have is to know the difference between creditors and predators.  Don’t be fooled.  Learn the signs and build your defenses.  Know thy enemy.

Common Signs that a Creditor is Actually a Predator

The only way to tell the difference between creditors and predators is to know the signs of a predator.  They are not that hard to spot if you know what tricks to look for.

Hit the jackpot with our best webinar and its trustworthy list of seven vendors who can help you build business credit.

Payment is King

If you are trying to get a loan and the “creditor” continues to emphasize what your payment will be, while downplaying how much the actual loan is, that creditor might be a predator.  While a monthly payment is obviously important for budgeting purposes, you need to know all the terms of the loan.

A lender can use many tactics to ensure your monthly payment is where you need it to be to fit your budget.  They can increase the loan period, adjust terms, and add balloons to make things look much better than they really are.  The result is that you get a really bad loan in exchange for a temporary lower payment.

Burst the Balloon

Speaking of balloon loans, those are also a common predatory lending practice.  They use them to provide unsuspecting borrowers with a low monthly payment for most of the loan.  Most borrowers do not realize that they are typically only covering the interest for each month.

In fact, usually the principle isn’t reduced at all by payments until the very end of the loan.  The final payment ends up being a large “balloon” payment that should pay off the entire principal of the loan all at once.  Most of the time borrowers are not prepared for this, and they end up either refinancing or defaulting.

Unpack the Packing:  Unnecessary Baggage

Packing is another practice that predatory lenders seem to lean towards.  It involves them adding extras onto the loan.  You do not need these extras, and they add them without your knowledge.  The most common culprits are insurance products that are not necessary for your situation.  You pay for them without realizing it, and they offer you no benefit.

Excessive Points and Fees

Predatory Lenders Credit Suite

It’s not uncommon for lenders to charge points and fees on a loan.  It is a practice that some use to increase profits.  As a general rule, one point is worth one percent of the loan balance.

Asking for more points and higher fees than is normal for the type of loan you are getting can be a sign of predatory lending.  If you feel that is what is going on, dig deeper.

How do you know what is “normal” and what is excessive? As a general rule, three points, or 3% of the loan amount or less, is a decent deal.  This includes appraisals and title insurance, which are necessary.  Research to see what is normal for your area, but know this is a good rule of thumb.

The New York Connection: Of Creditors and Predators and Judgements and Confessions

New York plays a unique role in the predatory lending drama.  Knowing this can provide a pivotal clue when trying to determine if you are about to become prey. In New York, state law is friendly to confessions of judgement. Cash -advance companies, which are a huge faction of the predatory lending family, almost always make borrowers sign one of these as a loan condition.

If a borrower signs a confession of judgment, they are basically agreeing to lose in a court battle if a dispute arises about repayment. Regardless of where these types of loans take place, almost all of them contain a New York confession of judgement.  If you see one of these in your loan documents, run.

Punishment for Paying Early

If they are going to charge a prepayment penalty, you should be wary.  Early payment is a good thing, even though the lender loses some interest.  It isn’t a deal breaker, but it should definitely cause you to look for other red flags and proceed with caution.

Obviously Seeking the Weak

Senior citizens, those with no credit or bad credit, minorities, those considered low income are all easy targets.  They are more likely that others to get tangled up with predatory lenders, according to a 2015 Center for Responsible Lending report. Stay away from lenders that advertise in a way that targets these populations.

Language such as “bad credit doesn’t matter” is a definite sign.  In addition, lenders that initiate contact unprovoked and those that try to rush your decision are bad news.

It’s a Bad Deal Now, but They’ll Fix It

Lenders that are searching for prey may try to get borrowers to sign on to a bad deal by promising to make it better in a future refinance.  Do not fall for this.  A bad deal is a bad deal.  Just walk away.

Loan “Flipping” is NOT the Same a House “Flipping”

Flipping a house in real estate terms can actually be very profitable.  However, loan flipping is something else altogether, and predatory lenders are great at it.  When they see you struggling, they offer a refinance.  While it may lower your payments, you end up paying points and fees again.  Eventually you end up owing more than ever on your house, car, or whatever it is you used as collateral.

It is a vicious cycle that can bury you quickly.

Hit the jackpot with our best webinar and its trustworthy list of seven vendors who can help you build business credit.

The Payment Isn’t “All In”

This is typically and issue with predatory lending in mortgages.  Inquire from the beginning as to whether there will be an escrow account set up for your required tax and insurance payments.  Lenders that are not on the up and up will often make payments look super low because they do not include all the costs a borrower is responsible for.

What Are Some Questions I Can Ask to Help Discern Between Good Creditors and Predators?

Protecting yourself means recognizing these signs, they will not always be obvious.  Sometimes you need to look a little closer.  Asking these questions, whether to yourself or to the lender, can help you get to the root of the issue.

  • Is the offer too good to be true?

As with almost anything in life, if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

  • What does the product truly cost?

If the lender doesn’t spell it out for you, do the math yourself.  If you need help understanding it all, find someone you trust that can walk you through it.  You need to know exactly what this loan is going to cost you.  That means all fees, points, insurance, and taxes need to be clear before you can make an educated decision.

  • Does the lender check my ability to repay?

It is ridiculous to think you will get a loan without the lender ensuring you can repay.  It doesn’t have be a credit check. If they do not at least verify income or employment however, there is almost certainly a problem.

  • Does the lender help me build credit?

Not all lenders do this, but if they do help you build your credit score, it is a point in their favor.

  • Does the lender require electronic payments?

While there is nothing wrong with paying electronically, the requirement that electronic payments are the only way you can pay should throw up a red flag.

  • Have others complained about the lender?

Check out reviews online.  Look them up on the Better Business Bureau’s website at  Find out if others have had a good experience with the lender, or not.

Is Anyone Doing Anything to Separate Creditors and Predators?

In recent years there has be a push by legislators to put an end to predatory lending practices.  There have been safety nets in place for far longer however.  What is being done?  Does anyone care?  Actually, yes, they do.

The Truth in Lending Act

It really started way before now with the Truth in Lending Act of 1968.  This Act requires that lenders clearly communicate the sum of all payments, APR, and amount to be paid in interest and fees.  In addition, the total credit that is being extended must be made clear.  All of this has to be disclosed before a loan contract is signed.

Another component of the Truth in Lending Act is that a borrower has the right of rescission.  This means that with certain loans, borrowers have three days to cancel after signing.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

After the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau was born.  The goal of the CFPB is to help oversee federal laws that protect consumers financially.  They have resources that can help borrowers learn to decipher loan terms and risks, and also help them report and resolve any complaints they may have against lenders.

Hit the jackpot with our best webinar and its trustworthy list of seven vendors who can help you build business credit.

Signs of a Good Lender

Telling the difference between good creditors and predators means more than just knowing how to spot the bad guys.  There are things to look for that can clue you in as to whether a lender is actually good, or if they are just not a predator.  There is a gray area, and even reputable lenders can fall into poor practices.

Knowing that, keep in mind that legitimate lenders will always check your ability to pay.  They may rely on a credit check or some other means.  In addition, they will not pressure you.  The best will actually offer tools to help educate you financially so that you can better understand the details of the loan.

Also, a good lender will have few complaints.  Consumers will almost always complain liberally if they feel like they were ripped off.  In addition to, check out the CFPB Complaint Database and the Federal Trade Commission’s scam alertsWhile even good lenders get complaints occasionally, a long history of dissatisfied customers is a huge warning sign.

Other Ways to Protect Yourself

Like I said, the best way to know the difference between creditors and predators, and avoid becoming a predator’s prey, is to educate yourself.  Here are some additional sources for doing just that:

  • The Money & Credit page on the Federal Trade Commission’s website has tons of educational articles on a broad variety of topics including debt, credit and loans.
  • The Ask CFPB pageincludes answers to hundreds of questions related to personal finance, many of which you can apply to business finance as well.
  • The attorney general’s officein your specific state will be able to help if you need to submit complaints.  They can also help you understand consumer protections in your own area.

Learn the Difference Between Legit Creditors and Predators to Avoid Problems with Personal and Business Finance

Predatory lending is prevalent in the realm of personal finance, but that does not mean that business finances are unaffected.  Many business loans are dependent on personal credit scores, which a bad loan from a predatory lender can devastate.  This is one reason building business credit is so important.

The fact is, however, a bad loan is like a predatory parasite. It seeks out the weak, and once it attacks, it attaches itself to your finances and plagues every aspect of them, even slipping to the business realm if left unattended.  It can cause devastation that could last for years. Don’t let it happen to you.  Learn the signs, and make sure you can tell the difference between creditors and predators.





The post Creditors and Predators: 10 Ways to Avoid Falling Prey to Predatory Lenders, and 6 Questions to Ask Before You Jump In appeared first on Credit Suite.