Taking Dictators Literally and Seriously

Putin told us for years what he’d do. The West didn’t listen. Will we now listen to the world’s other threatening autocrats?

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How to Get More Organic Traffic Without Doing Any SEO (Seriously)

all know SEO is a long-term game… at least when it comes to Google.

And yes, who doesn’t want to be at the top of Google for some of the most competitive terms? But the reality is, we don’t all have the budget or time.

then, what should you do?

Well, what if I told you there were simple ways to get more organic traffic and, best of all, you don’t have to do one bit of SEO?


what is it? And how can you get more organic traffic?

this story will help explain it…

old days

I first started my journey as an SEO, I got really good at one thing.


Now to be fair, this was back in 2003 when it wasn’t that hard to rank on Google (or any other search engine for that matter).

Stuff some keywords into your page, your meta tags, and build some spammy rich anchor text links and you were good to go.

could literally see results in less than a month.

SEO wasn’t too complicated back then. So much so, that I even started an SEO agency and created a handful of sites.

I was starting to rank my sites at the top of Google but they didn’t make a dollar. Literally, not a single dollar.

In fact, I was actually losing money on them because I had to pay for the domain registration expenses and hosting.

So, one day I decided that I was tired of losing money and I was going to do something about it. I took the keywords that I was ranking for and started to type them into Google to see who was paying for ads for those terms.

I hit up each of those sites and tried to get a hold of the owner or the person in charge of marketing.

I asked them how much they were paying for ads and offered them the same exact traffic for a much lower price. I was able to do this because I already had sites that ranked for those keywords.

In other words, I offered to rent out my website for a monthly fee that was a fraction of what they were paying for paid ads.

Next thing you know I was collecting 5 figures in monthly checks and my “renters” were ecstatic because they were generating sales at a fraction of the costs compared to what they were spending on paid ads.

So, what’s the strategy?

Well, it’s simple. Back in the day, I used to rent out my websites… the whole site.

days I’ve learned how to monetize my own site, so I don’t rent them out.

But you know what, most of the sites that rank on Google are content-based sites. Over 56% of a website’s organic traffic is typically going to their blog or articles.

So why not rent a page on someone else’s site? From there, modify that page a bit to promote your products or services?

know this sounds crazy, but it works. I have one person that just reaches out
to site owners asking if we can rent out a page on their site. We do this for
all industries and verticals… and when I look at how much we are spending
versus how much income we are generating, it’s crazy.

Here are the stats for the last month:

fees: $24,592

Outreach costs: $3,000

costs: $580

and monetization costs: $1,500

monthly cost: $29,672 

guess what my monthly income was?

was $79,283.58.

too bad.

your cost on this model won’t be as high as mine because you can do your own
outreach, monetize the page you are renting on your own, and you probably don’t
need a lawyer.

And don’t be afraid of how much I am spending in rental fees as you can get away with spending $0 in the first 30 days as I will show you exactly what to do.

Remember, it’s also not what you are spending, it’s about profit and what you are making. If it won’t cost you any money in the first 30 days and you can generate income, your risk is little to none.

are the exact steps you need to follow:

#1: Find the terms you want to rank for

you already know the terms you want to rank for, great, you can skip this step.

If you don’t, I want you to head to Ubersuggest and type in a few of your competitors’ URLs.

over to the top pages report and look at their top pages.

click on “view all” under the estimated visits column to see a list of
keywords that each page ranks for.

I want you to create a list of all of the keywords that contain a high search volume and have a high CPC. Keywords with a high CPC usually mean that they convert well.

with a low CPC usually mean they don’t convert as well.

you are making a list of keywords, you’ll need to make sure that you have a
product or service that is related to each keyword. If you don’t then you won’t
be able to monetize the traffic.

#2: Search for the term

time to do some Google searches.

for all of the pages that rank in the top 10 for the term you ideally want to
rank for.

waste your time with page 2.

I want you to look for is:

  • Someone who isn’t your competitor. Your competition isn’t likely to rent out a page on their site to you.
  • A page that isn’t monetized. Not selling a product or service. (If the page has ads, don’t worry.)
  • A site owned by a smaller company… a publicly-traded company isn’t likely to do a deal. A venture-funded company isn’t likely to do a deal either (Crunchbase will tell you if they are venture-funded).

#3: Hit up the website

Typically, through their contact page, they should have their email addresses or phone number listed. If they have a contact form, you can get in touch that way as well.

you can’t find their details, you can do a whois
to see if you can find their phone number.

you want to do is get them on the phone. DO NOT MAKE YOUR PITCH OVER EMAIL.

just doesn’t work well over email.

you can’t find their phone number, email them with a message that goes
something like this…

Subject: [their website name]

Hey [insert first name],

Do you have time for a quick call this week?

We’ve been researching your business and we would like to potentially make you an offer.

Let me know what works for you.


[insert your name]

[insert your company]

[insert your phone number]

want to keep the email short as I have found that it tends to generate more

Once you get them on the phone, you can tell them a little bit about yourself. Once you do that, tell them that you noticed they have a page or multiple pages on their website that interest you.

out the URL and tell them how you are interested in giving them money each
month to rent out the page and you wouldn’t change much of it… but you need
some more information before you can make your offer.

At this point, you’ll want to find out how much traffic that page generates and the keywords it ranks for. They should have an idea by just looking at their Google Analytics (you’ll find most of these sites don’t use Google Search Console).

you have that, let them know that you will get in touch with them in the next
few days after you run some numbers.

Go back, try to figure out what each click is worth based on a conservative conversion rate of .5%. In other words, .if 5% of that traffic converted into a customer, what would the traffic be worth to you after all expenses?

want to use a conservative number because you can’t modify the page too
heavily or else you may lose rankings.

you have a rough idea of what the page is worth, get back on the phone with
them and say you want to run tests for 30 days to get a more solid number on
what you can pay them as you want to give them a fair offer.

most people don’t have an issue because they aren’t making money from the page
in the first place.

#4: Monetize the page

you are selling a product, the easiest way to monetize is to add links to the
products you are selling.

example, if you are selling a kitchen appliance like a toaster, you can add
links from the article to your site.

like this article

The easiest way to monetize a blog post is to add links to products or services you are selling.

Don’t delete a lot of the content on the page you are modifying… adding isn’t too much of an issue but when you delete content sometimes you will lose rankings.

for a service-based business, linking out to pages on your site where people
can fill out their lead information is great.

Or you can just add lead capturing to the page you are renting out. Kind of like how HubSpot adds lead forms on their site.

I’ve actually found that they convert better than just linking out to your site.

When monetizing the page you are renting, keep in mind that you will need disclaimers to let people know that you are collecting their information for privacy purposes. You also should disclose you are renting out the page and nofollow the links.

Once you are monetizing the page for a bit, you’ll have a rough idea of what it is worth and you can make an offer on what you’ll page.

I recommend doing a 12-month contract in which you can opt-out
with a 30-day notice.

The reason you want a 12-month agreement is that you don’t want to have to keep renegotiating. I also include the 30-day opt-out notice in case they lose their rankings, you can opt-out.

And to clarify on the op-out clause, I have it so only I can opt-out and they are stuck in the agreement for a year.


SEO isn’t the only way you can get more organic traffic.

Being creative, such as renting pages that already rank is an easy solution. Best of all, you can get results instantly and it’s probably cheaper than doing SEO in the long run.

The only issue with this model is that it is really hard to

If I were you, I would do both. I, of course, do SEO on my own site because it provides a big ROI. And, of course, if you can rent out the pages of everyone else who ranks for the terms you want to rank for, it can provide multiple streams of income from SEO.

The beauty of this is model is that you can take up more than one listing on page 1. In theory, you can take up all 10 if you can convince everyone to let you rent their ranking page.

So, what do you think of the idea? Are you going to try it out?

The post How to Get More Organic Traffic Without Doing Any SEO (Seriously) appeared first on Neil Patel.

How to Get More Organic Traffic Without Doing Any SEO (Seriously)

You all know SEO is a long-term game… at least when it comes to Google. And yes, who doesn’t want to be at the top of Google for some of the most competitive terms? But the reality is, we don’t all have the budget or time. So then, what should you do? Well, what if …

Ubersuggest 5.0: Generate 1 Million Keyword Suggestions in 7 Seconds (Seriously)

Ubersuggest started out as a tool that provided suggestions through Google Suggest.

And although that’s great, everyone these days is using
Google Suggest to come up with keyword ideas.

There have to be more keyword ideas out there that get more search volume and aren’t competitive, right?

Well, there are, and now with the new Ubersuggest, you’ll get access to them.

Here are the 2 big changes I am making with this release…

Introducing a new keyword database

Because we have results in our database for more than a billion different keywords, I thought it would be fun to tap into it and provide you with even more keyword suggestions.

Now when you perform a search on Ubersuggest for any keyword, you’ll see a “related” tab with even more suggestions.

And each tab shows you how many keywords are in that group.

As you can see for the term “digital marketing”, just in the United States there are over 30,000 keyword recommendations.

And for terms like “dog”, there are over 1 million keyword recommendations.


Don’t worry though, results from Google Suggest are still there under the “suggestions” tab but you can now see even more search terms if you click on “related”.

What’s cool is that you can even export all of the keywords via CSV.

And if you want to leverage the filters to fine-tune the results, you can easily do so.


For example, I used the filters setting to find keywords with a minimum search volume of 400 searches a month and a maximum SEO difficulty of 50. Ubersuggest then fine-tuned the results to 489 keywords related to “digital marketing” that I should consider target instead of me having to manually go through 30,000 plus recommendations.

And with the CSV report, it adjusts as the settings with the filters change. So you can export the keywords that you want and ignore the keywords you aren’t planning to target.

Ubersuggest now has local search

Another big change that we made to Ubersuggest is that we
introduced local keyword research.

You can now pull up keyword stats and ideas on any city, county, region, or country.

For example, if I want to know the search volume and keyword
recommendations for West Hollywood, California, I can now do so.

From there, Ubersuggest shows keyword search volume, keyword recommendations, and even content ideas for a blog post.

On top of that, when you head over to the “keyword ideas” report, you’ll also notice that the SERPs results, which shows all of the sites that rank for that term, are now adjusted to also show the ranking sites within that region.

So, what’s next for Ubersuggest?

Well, speaking of keyword research, you’ll start seeing keyword recommendations based on questions, comparisons, and prepositions like Answers the Public within a month.

And, of course, as I promised earlier, next Tuesday I am releasing the rank tracking and dashboard features on Ubersuggest.

If you haven’t already, head on over to Ubersuggest to give the new keyword database a try.

And if you are trying to use the local SEO features, you may find that they only work once you are in the app.

I haven’t been able to make the changes to the main
Ubersuggest landing page yet, but once you type in a keyword and test it out,
you can then switch your location to any city.

So, what do you think of the changes?

PS: Make sure you test Ubersuggest out.

The post Ubersuggest 5.0: Generate 1 Million Keyword Suggestions in 7 Seconds (Seriously) appeared first on Neil Patel.

How to Generate 100 Content Ideas in 60 Seconds (Seriously)

I have a question for you…

How do you figure out what you should blog about?

If I had to take a guess, you probably come up with ideas based on one of two strategies.

The first is to use tools like Ubersuggest to come up with a list of keywords.

keyword overview

But once you find popular keywords, you have to brainstorm topic and titles ideas.

What a drag, right?  

Now, the second way you probably come up with ideas is by using tools like Buzzsumo.

You type in a keyword and it shows you the most popular blog posts that have performed well in the past based on social shares.


But there’s an issue… actually a few issues:

  1. Buzzsumo only shows you 10 ideas… unless you pay them $99 a month.
  2. And just because a blog post has a ton of social shares, it doesn’t mean it will get consistent traffic like you would through SEO. Social shares typically provide a boost in traffic for only a few days and that’s it.
  3. Tools like Ubersuggest show you popular keywords, but it’s not easy to come up with titles based on those keywords.

There must be a better way to find topics you should blog about, right?

There will be in 30 days with your help!

Content marketing made simple

A few weeks ago I made an upgrade to Ubersuggest: I added a free backlink checker called Backlinks.

But why stop there?

I now plan to release a new feature on Ubersuggest that will provide data similar to what you would find on Buzzsumo, but I need your help to do so.

Let’s say you are interested in creating content that gets a lot of traffic.

What’s the process you use?

Well, you probably head over to Ubersuggest and type in a keyword. You’ll see a report that looks something like this:

keyword ideas

You then pick a few keywords and create articles about them. Now sure, at least with this approach you are writing content about keywords that have decent search volume.

But what about the title?

Here’s an interesting stat for you… 8 out of 10 people will read your headline, but only 2 out of 10 will click through and read the rest of your article.

So how do you come up with that title or headline? One that grabs attention.

What if I made that easy for you?

What do you think of the idea of seeing a list of blog articles that have done well anytime you type in a keyword into Ubersuggest? Something that looks like this.

content ideas

*The screenshot has fake data… the real version would show real data with real-time results.

It would list out all of the articles that people have written in the past that contain the keywords you researched in both the title and meta description.

The results would then be sorted by:

  1. Social shares – which content got the most shares on social sites like Facebook and Pinterest.
  2. Estimated visits – how many visits is each article receiving from Google? And what are the keywords that each article ranks for?
  3. Backlinks – how many people are linking to each article? What are the URLs, their domain score, and even page score?

What if I showed you all of that in this “Content Ideas” report that I’m going to add to Ubersuggest?

Here are some more screenshots that’ll help describe what I am trying to create for you… this one shows keywords that a blog post ranks for.


And here is one that shows the web pages linking to a blog post.


Would it help you come up with better content topics to write about?

Why should you want this new Ubersuggest report?

When you write any type of content, as a marketer, you want to ensure that it gets the most amount of traffic.

The current tools will either show you how many social shares a similar article received in the past or how people shared content with specific keywords.

But that’s the problem… you aren’t presented with enough data, which means you are more likely to write content that doesn’t perform well.

See, social algorithms are much harder than they were in the past, which means you probably won’t get as many social shares as some of the other articles that have done well.

And SEO is also harder than what it was in the past, which means it won’t be as easy to get rankings.

By seeing content broken down by social share count, estimated visits (organic monthly Google traffic), and backlinks you will have the data you need to pick the right topic to write about. Because if you are picking topics that have a lot of all 3, the chances are that the topic is worth writing about and will do well.

Social shares will provide you that quick influx of traffic at the beginning. Backlinks will help you with referral traffic and over time help you boost your search engine rankings. And estimated visits shows you which keywords to focus on for that article.

And best of all, you’ll see over 100 content (topic) ideas so you’ll have a lot to choose from. I don’t know how long it will take to show you 100 ideas per keywords, but I do know I can do it well under 60 seconds. 🙂

Competitor analysis

I don’t know if you knew this but I already have half of what you can get from Buzzsumo built into Ubersuggest. This part is already live.

Did you know that you can enter a URL into Ubersuggest?

Then when you click on the “Top Pages” navigational button you can then see a list of all of the top articles and pages on your competitor’s site.

top pages

The results are broken down based on estimated visits a page receives from Google on a monthly basis, the backlink count, and the number of social shares each page has.

Just click “view all” under “estimated visits” and you will see all of the top keywords that drive traffic to that page.

top pages keywords

And under backlinks, if you click “view all” you can see all of the sites linking to that page.

top pages links


What do you think of this new content ideas report that I am trying to create?

In other words, something similar to Buzzsumo, but I will show you more results as well as show you who is linking to each of those articles and how many visits each article is generating from Google each month?

My goal is to make it easier to find ideas for your next blog post. And of course, increase the odds of you creating content that actually gets traffic and backlinks.

So, what do you think, should I release this free feature within the next 30 days?

And if you think I should do it, what other features would you want me to release?

The post How to Generate 100 Content Ideas in 60 Seconds (Seriously) appeared first on Neil Patel.