Learn About Your Equifax Credit Report

Did You Want to Learn About Your Equifax Credit Report?

It is time to learn about your Equifax credit report.

But let us start with some definitions and background on business credit.

Business Credit

This is credit in the name of a business. It is not tied to the creditworthiness of its owner or owners. Instead, business credit scores are going to depend on how well a company can pay its bills. Hence consumer and business credit scores can vary dramatically.

Business Credit Benefits

There are no demands for a personal guarantee. You can quickly get business credit regardless of personal credit quality. And there is no personal credit reporting of business accounts. Business credit utilization is not going to affect your consumer FICO score. Plus the business owner is not going to be personally liable for the debt the business incurs.

Business Credit Details

Being accepted for business credit is not automatic. Building business credit requires some work. Some of the steps are intuitive, and some of them are not.


Fundability is the current ability of our business to get funding. Some factors are within your control. Others (like your time in business) are not. Your online presence and data are one area which is at or close to 100% with your control.

Business Credit, Fundability, and Business Funding Applications

The better your business credit and fundability are, the more likely you will get approval for business financing. Today, let us concentrate on your Equifax report.

Build Fundability on Business Credit Applications to Avoid Denials

Keep your business looking fundable (legit) with:

  • A professional website and email address
  • A toll-free phone number
  • List your phone number with 411
  • A business address (not a PO box or a UPS box)
  • Get all necessary licenses for running your business

Fundability: Industry Alignment

If your business is over the road trucking, then it needs to be listed that way. Pro tip: when your industry can be called several different names, like long distance trucking, mention those other phrases on your website.

There are Three Main Credit Bureaus – But What Differentiates an Equifax Credit Report?

What distinguishes Equifax reports from reports from the other two main credit bureaus? And can you use that information to your advantage?

Business Credit Reporting Agencies

There are three different credit bureaus for business: Dun & Bradstreet, Experian, and Equifax. FICO SBSS and CreditSafe are also players.

In the business world Equifax and Experian are up there, but it is Dun & Bradstreet which is the major player.

Dun and Bradstreet has more than 10 times the records of the next closest reporting agency. For more information, see dnb.com/about-us/company.html. It makes sense to start with Dun and Bradstreet, even when looking at your Equifax credit report. This is because you are going to have to start the business credit building process with them anyway.

Dun & Bradstreet

Dun and Bradstreet is the oldest and largest credit reporting agency. Go to Dun and Bradstreet’s website and look for your business, at dnb.com/duns-number. But what happens if you are unable to find it? Then get a free D-U-N-S number. You will always need a D-U-N-S number to start building business credit. Go here to get a D-U-N-S number: dnb.com/duns-number/get-a-duns.html.

A D-U-N-S number is how Dun and Bradstreet gets your company into their system. And a D-U-N-S number plus 3 payment experiences leads to a PAYDEX score. A payment experience is a record of a purchase from a business which reports to a credit reporting agency. In this case, Dun and Bradstreet. Once you are in Dun and Bradstreet’s system, search Equifax and Experian’s sites for your business. You can do so at creditsuite.com/reports.

Keep your business protected with our professional business credit monitoring.

Your Equifax Credit Report

But your Equifax credit report is going to be different. The company gets its data from:

  • A data sharing agreement with the Small Business Exchange
  • Net 30 type industry trade credit information from a wide variety of suppliers
  • These suppliers provide products and services to businesses on an invoice basis

Equifax scores answer one basic question. How likely is a business to go severely delinquent in its payments? The score is an indication of whether a company is likely to make late payments.

You can check out a sample Equifax credit report for small business at https://assets.equifax.com/assets/usis/small_business_sample_credit_report.pdf.

Here’s what’s in that report.

Company Identifying Information

The first section is devoted to identifying information about your company, namely your business name and address and telephone number. This section will also include your Equifax ID. An Equifax ID is how Equifax can tell your business from similarly-named businesses.

Credit Risk Score

The next section is about the Credit Risk Score. This score runs from 101 to 992. Higher numbers are better. This section also shows key factors.

Key factors are positives and negatives about your business, such as how old your oldest account is, and whether you have any charge-offs, and the size of your business.

Credit Utilization

The next section shows credit utilization. This is shown as a pie chart. It graphically shows which percent of your available credit line you are using. It also has identifying labels to show how much each percentage truly is. But it is only for your financial accounts.

Payment Index

The next part is your Payment Index. The score runs from 0 to 100. Higher numbers are better. It also shows Industry Median.

There is also a table explaining the numbers:

  • 90+: Paid as Agreed
  • 80-89: 1-30 days overdue
  • 60-79: 31-60 days overdue
  • 40-59: 61-90 days overdue
  • 20-39: 91-120 days overdue
  • 1-19: 120+ days overdue

Days Beyond Terms

This is a line graph. It shows the average days beyond terms by date reported. It is for non-financial accounts only. Plus it shows any recent trends, so if you’ve improved your payment habits, it will show up here.

Business Failure Score

The next piece is on your Business Failure Score. This score runs from 1000 to 1880. It shows its own key factors, like recent balance information.


The next section is devoted to inquiries. It shows the date, and whether it was an inquiry on a financial or non-financial account. This is a rather short part of the report.

Bureau Messages

The bureau messages part, appears to be a free form field. It seems its purpose is to add notes to a profile. These can be notes on the number of locations, or business aliases.

Bureau Summary Data

The bureau summary data section contains a wealth of information. It shows:

  • The number of financial and non-financial accounts
  • Date the credit became active
  • Number of charge offs
  • Total dollars past due
  • Most severe status in 24 months
  • Single highest credit extended
  • Total current card exposure
  • Median balance
  • Average open balance

It also shows Recent Activity, which includes:

  • The number of accounts delinquent
  • New accounts opened
  • Inquiries and
  • Accounts updated

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Public Records

The public records section has information on:

  • Type Status:
    • Bankruptcy
    • Judgments
    • Whether judgments are satisfied or not
    • Liens filed and opened, or released
    • Number
    • Dollar and
    • Most recent date filed

If there are none reported, then the date field will indicate as much.

Additional Information

The final section appears to contain somewhat miscellaneous information, which probably doesn’t fit in well anywhere else. such as alternate company Names and DBAs.

It also contains:

  • Owners and Guarantor Names (name, type, date reported)
  • Business and Guarantor Comments (seems to be another freeform field) and
  • Report Details (this shows the date the report was generated)

Improving Your Equifax Report

Now that you know what goes into it, you can see that some of the more important pieces of data Equifax looks into are:

  • public records
  • credit usage
  • and how you handle your financial and nonfinancial accounts

Improve your Equifax score by:

  • Clearing your debts as quickly as possible and not going delinquent
  • Keeping credit utilization within reason, as that makes it easier to pay your bills
  • And avoiding late payments

Whatever improves your Equifax report is bound to improve your reports at D&B and Experian. Paying off accounts pays dividends, as does avoiding bankruptcies.

Disputing Issues with Your Equifax Report

Equifax will not change your scores without proof. They are starting to accept more and more online disputes. But include proofs of payment with it. These are documents like receipts and cancelled checks.

Fixing credit report errors also means you specifically spell out any charges you challenge. Make your dispute as crystal clear as possible. If you need to snail mail anything in, then use certified mail so that you will have proof that you sent in your dispute. Correct Equifax issues at: equifax.com/small-business-faqs/#Dispute-FAQs. Be specific about the concerns with your report.

Monitoring Equifax Credit Report Scores

At Equifax, you would use Equifax Complete. It currently costs $19.95 per month, after an offer of 30 days for $4.95. See equifax.com/equifax-complete/Equifax.

Keep your business protected with our professional business credit monitoring.

Monitoring Your Equifax Credit Report and Other Business Credit Reports

But add together monitoring for the three biggest credit reporting agencies for a year and the cost is staggering. It costs $468 for Dun and Bradstreet, $189 for Experian, and $224.40 for Equifax (with a special). For a grand total of $881.40!

Monitoring Your Dun and Bradstreet, Experian, and Equifax Credit Report and Scores

You can monitor your business credit at Dun and Bradstreet, Equifax, and Experian through Credit Suite, for considerable savings over what it would cost you at those different credit bureaus. And all in one place! Credit Suite offers monitoring through the Business Finance Suite (through Nav). See what credit issuers and lenders see so you can directly improve your scores and get the business credit and funding you need. See suitelogin.com and creditsuite.com/monitoring.

Your Equifax Credit Report: Takeaways

Equifax gets much of its data from the Small Business Financial Exchange.

Monitoring all of your business credit reports is always going to be expensive. But you can save 90% by monitoring your Dun and Bradstreet, Experian, and Equifax scores through Credit Suite.

The post Learn About Your Equifax Credit Report appeared first on Credit Suite.

Learn About Your Equifax Credit Report

Did You Want to Learn About Your Equifax Credit Report? It is time to learn about your Equifax credit report. But let us start with some definitions and background on business credit. Business Credit This is credit in the name of a business. It is not tied to the creditworthiness of its owner or owners. … Continue reading Learn About Your Equifax Credit Report

How To Get an Auto Loan With Bad Credit

Buying a car can be an exhilarating experience, especially if it’s your first car, first new car or the first car you’re buying without help from your family.  Unless you can buy your car with cash, you’ll probably need an auto loan. Before any auto lender decides to give you a car loan, they’re going…

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The post How To Get an Auto Loan With Bad Credit appeared first on Buy It At A Bargain – Deals And Reviews.

WARNING: Do Business Credit Cards Affect Personal Credit? They Can… UNLESS You Take These Important and Easy Steps …

Do business credit cards affect personal credit? They can, and in fact most do. But, they don’t have to.  There are steps you can take to make sure they don’t. The key is to build your business credit score, and choose the right business credit cards.

Do Business Credit Cards Affect Personal Credit? It Depends

If you are asking yourself “Do business credit cards affect personal credit?” you are obviously trying to fund a business. And yes, most high limit business credit cards report to your consumer credit report.  In fact, some report to both your personal credit and your consumer credit.  There are even some business cards that will report negative payment information, but will not report anything if the account is in good standing. If you are trying to keep your business accounts from affecting your personal credit score, you need cards that will not report to personal credit bureaus. 

Do Business Credit Cards Affect Personal Credit? Does it Even  Matter? 

Yes, it matters. Here’s why. You know that if an account, business or personal, is not in good standing, it can be detrimental to your personal credit if reported. Yet, did you know that even if an account is in good standing, it is possible that it may still damage personal credit. 

Check out how our reliable process will help your business get the best business credit cards.

This is due to one of the fundamental differences in business credit vs. personal credit. Your personal credit score is affected by your debt-to-credit ratio. That’s a measure of how much debt you have, relative to how much credit you have available. A high debt-to-credit ratio can negatively impact your personal credit score. This is further complicated by the fact that many business credit cards stay at or near their limit, even if you are making regular payments. It is a function of the fact that business expenses are typically much higher than personal expenses. 

As a result, if those accounts are on your personal report, they can bring your credit score down even if they are not delinquent. The question then becomes, how do you make sure this doesn’t happen? There are two key parts to this. 

Do Business Credit Cards Affect Personal Credit? Make Sure They Don’t

First, if you are getting business credit cards with a personal guarantee, you have to make sure they will not report to your personal credit report. There are a handful that will not, even though they do ask for a personal guarantee. It is important to note that a personal guarantee means there will be a personal credit check. That will create an inquiry that may affect your personal credit for a bit. However, if the account does not report payment information to your personal credit report, the impact will be minimal.  

A Few Examples of Business Credit Cards that Will Not Report to Personal Credit

If you have bad personal credit, the Wells Fargo Business Secured Credit Card is a good option. 

You can get approved with a credit score as low as 580 currently, but that can change of course. 

You do have to make at least a $500 deposit.  Also, they do not report to consumer credit agencies, but they DO report to Dun & Bradstreet. That is, assuming you have your D-U-N-S number. 

That means it can help you build business credit even with a bad personal credit score. They also report to the Small Business Finance Exchange. While the SBFE does not issue credit reports, they do share information with certain lenders, vendors, and credit agencies. 

Wells Fargo will review your account periodically, and they may move you up to an unsecured account if you are eligible, based on a number of factors, including FICO. 

If you have good credit, you have even more options for credit cards that will not report to personal credit.  A few include: 

CitiBusiness® / AAdvantage® Platinum Select® World Mastercard®

Costco Anywhere Visa® Business Card (have to be a Costco member) 

Wells Fargo Business Platinum Credit Card

Remember, even though these cards do not report to your personal credit report, they do require a personal guarantee.   That means they will do a personal credit check, and that inquiry will affect your score for a bit. 

Do Business Credit Cards Affect Personal Credit? Business Credit Cards That Will Not Affect Personal Credit Scores Without a Personal Guarantee

Using a personal guarantee to begin building your credit portfolio is okay to start with. The goal, however, is to get as much as you can without a personal guarantee.  To do this, you need to lay the groundwork before you apply for any cards. After all, they cannot report to your business credit profile if there is not one to report to.

Check out how our reliable process will help your business get the best business credit cards.

Do Business Credit Cards Affect Personal Credit? They Do if You Do Not Establish a Business Credit Profile

In contrast to a personal credit profile, you have to intentionally build a business credit profile.  While a personal credit builds passively, business credit scores do not. With consumer credit, all you have to do is get credit accounts and they almost all end up on your consumer credit report. 

How Do You Establish a Business Credit Profile?

First, you have your business up to be fundable. This includes a number of factors, some of which include: 

You can get your EIN on the IRS website for free, and apply for the D-U-N-S number on the Dun & Bradstreet website, also for free.  This is vital, because if you do not have that D-U-N-S number, accounts will not be able to report your payments to Dun & Bradstreet, because you will not have a profile there for them to report to.

The EIN is what you will use when you apply for business credit instead of your social security number. You may have to provide your SSN for identification purposes, but it will not be used to determine approval. This is one way you ensure your business credit accounts are not reporting to your personal credit report. 

Do Business Credit Cards Affect Personal Credit?  How to Get Business Credit Cards That Do Not Affect Personal Credit

Once your business is set up in the right way so that you have a business credit profile, you need accounts that report to that profile. However, if you start applying for high limit credit cards using your business credit profile right away, you are going to get denied. 

You have to find accounts that will extend credit to your business without any sort of credit check. You don’t yet have a business credit score, and you are trying to avoid personal credit all together. To do this, you start with starter vendors

These are accounts that will extend net terms and report payments, but they will approve you based on factors other than your credit score. These factors  may include time in business, revenue, average balance in your  business bank account, or other factors. 

How to Find Starter Vendors

The trick is, these types of vendors are not easy to find. They do not advertise themselves as “starter vendors.” They do not make it easy to find out whether or not they report payments to business credit profiles. Business owners need help finding this information. 

Here are a few options to get you started: 




Still, you need more accounts than this reporting before you can build a strong enough business credit score to apply for higher limit accounts. 

Check out how our reliable process will help your business get the best business credit cards.

Do Business Credit Cards Affect Personal Credit? They Don’t Have To

How to Build a Strong Business Credit Portfolio With Minimal Effect on Personal Credit

The secret to building a strong business credit profile as fast as possible and with minimal effect on your personal credit, is to work with a business credit expert. A business credit expert makes this whole process faster and easier. 

They can help ensure you have your business set up the right way, and guide you toward those starter vendor accounts that will help you initially build your business credit score. They will help you know when you have enough accounts reporting to start applying for higher limit accounts and be approved. 

In addition, our business credit experts have the knowledge and expertise to help you find the best accounts to flesh out your business credit portfolio. There is more to this than just building strong business credit with accounts that report. An expert can guide you toward the best vendor accounts for your specific business, whether they report or not. 

The best way to start this process with no risk is to have a free consultation with a business credit expert. They can help you figure out where you stand now, and where you need to start so that you can build your business credit portfolio in the most effective and efficient way possible.

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How To Use Business Credit Wisely to Help With Sound Cash Flow Management … So Your Cash Flow is Always Strong and Never a Headache

Cash flow management is essential to running a successful business.  This is true for a number of reasons. Some of the reasons are obvious, and some are more subtle.  

5 Steps to Building a Cash Pool for Better Cash Flow Management 

First, you need to understand exactly what cash flow is. Investopedia says:

Cash flow is the net amount of cash and cash equivalents being transferred into and out of a business.”

But what does that mean practically for your business? Basically, cash flow relates to the actual, liquid cash flowing in and out of your business. Strong, positive cash flow allows you to have the funds you need ready and available. You can use them at any given time to do the things you need to do to run your business effectively and efficiently.  Why is this important? Because you need cash to: 

  • Pay the bills
  • Pay salaries
  • Buy supplies and stock 
  • To be able to take advantage of growth opportunities

None of these things are possible without cash.  You need a cash flow management strategy.

Check out our best webinar with its trustworthy list of seven vendors to help you build business credit. 

Step 1: Understand Profit is Not the Same as Cash

This is one of the most common misconceptions when it comes to cash flow management. Many think  if you have a strong bottom line, you have cash.  Some business owners are surprised when they find their business can be doing quite well, but they still struggle to pay the bills.  This is because sales do not automatically convert to cash. It can take time to collect payments from customers. Also, if you run a seasonal business, certain times of the year are going to find your business shorter on cash than others. Even non-seasonal businesses have times when they aren’t making as much money.

Step 2: Knowing Why Just Enough is Not Enough

It’s possible that you may have all the cash you need for day to day business operations, but you still need more. For example, if you  have an investment opportunity, like a bulk wholesale deal on inventory, or a growth opportunity, you need to be able to act fast. The more cash you have immediately available, the faster you can act on these opportunities with confidence. A sensible cash flow management system will take this into account. 

Step 3: Develop a Plan for Building a Cash Pool for Cash Flow Management

A cash pool can help you manage your cash flow effectively. It’s a way to make sure you have access to the cash you need, when you need it. A cash pool is an aggregate collection of three different types of cash.  

It includes cash on hand, cash available to spend on vendor accounts, and cash available to spend on business credit cards. How do you build a cash pool for your business? How do you do so and keep business expenses off your personal credit accounts? You need to build business credit. Using business credit to build a cash pool is key to cash flow management.

Cash Reserves and Vendor Accounts

Cash reserve is simply cash on hand. This is the money you have in your business bank accounts that you can spend. Vendor accounts are accounts that you have with vendors that allow your purchases on credit. These are typically net accounts rather than revolving. Net accounts have to be paid off completely within 30, 60, or 90 days, depending on what terms you get with that lender.

Cash Available on Business Credit Cards

This is the total of all available credit you have on business credit cards. Business credit cards can serve your business well in a number of ways. First, they can help protect your business by limiting exposure when making purchases online. This is because most credit card companies have fraud protocols. These protect you from having to pay for fraudulent charges on your account. 

In contrast, if you use a debit card connected to your business bank account and it gets hacked, you could easily lose all of your available cash with potentially very few options for recovery. 

Check out our best webinar with its trustworthy list of seven vendors to help you build business credit.

Step 4: Start the Process by Building a Fundable Foundation

It sounds easy, and essentially it is. However, you can’t just go out and apply for vendor accounts and business credit cards and expect to get credit that is only related to your business and does not affect your personal credit report. 

This is the tricky part. There are specific steps that you have to take in a specific order to build a separate business credit profile and score. It starts with how your business is set up. It has to have a foundation of fundability. Then, you have to get accounts reporting initially, which can get interesting. 

If your business isn’t set up right and you don’t apply for the right types of accounts in the beginning, you will be denied every time. 

How to Build a Fundable Foundation

The first step is to make sure your business has a fundable foundation. The includes a number of things such as:

  • Having a physical business address where you get mail
  • A P.O. Box or something similar will not work
  • You need to incorporate as an LLC, S-corp, or corporation
  • An EIN is essential  (get yours from the IRS)
  • A D-U-N-S number from Dun & Bradstreet
  • You need a separate, dedicated business bank account

This is only the beginning, but it is a good start. 

5: Get Accounts That Report

Once you have a fundable foundation, you can start applying for business accounts. The key is, you have to start small by applying with starter vendors first. These are vendors that will not do a personal or business credit check. Rather, they will extend net terms to your business based on other factors.

These factors may include:

  • Time in business
  • Revenue
  • Average balance in business bank account
  • And a lot of other things

Vendors may look at one, all, or any combination of these factors to verify the creditworthiness of your business. Then, they will report your payment on these accounts to the business credit reporting agencies

This brings up another issue. Unlike personal credit accounts where pretty much all creditors report your payment to your personal credit profile, only about 7% of business credit accounts actually report payments.  Of course, the other 93% will not hesitate to report defaulting payments. 

As a result, it can be difficult to find vendors that will both extend credit without a credit check and report payments. They do not make this information easy to find. Still, having accounts that report is vital to building a strong business credit score. Without that, you will not be able to get the accounts you need to build your cash flow pool.

Getting Started

We have a list of vendors that we know do both of these things. They include vendors like Uline and Grainger, among many more. Start building your credit pool with these and other starter vendors by applying for accounts, and buy things like packaging, cleaning products, and office supplies that you will use in the course of your business anyway. 

Once you get enough of these accounts reporting, you will be able to apply for more vendor accounts and business credit cards and get approval.

Of course, you need more than just a few vendor accounts to build a strong business credit score.  The next steps include applying for credit with increasingly harder to meet requirements. If you do things in the right order, you will have no problem getting approval.  That is, assuming you handle all accounts responsibly.

You can apply for accounts like Quill and Office Depot that are a little harder to get, but apply with starter vendors first.  That way, you’ll be closer to meeting their requirements. 

Keep the Ball Rolling

After that, you just have to keep the ball rolling.  You should be well on your way to building your cash flow pool. You can apply for higher limit cards with more rewards. Remember to keep using all of your accounts responsibly, as It does no good to build a cash flow pool if you have no cash available on any of your accounts. 

Bonus: A Top Secret Tip to Help You Get Started

It is not easy to start the ball rolling on your own. It is much faster, cheaper, and easier in the long run to get expert help to build your cash flow pool. A business credit expert can help you evaluate your current fundability. Then, they can get you on the right path to building and improving fundability if necessary. Furthermore, they can point you toward those initial business credit accounts that will open the door to many more, 

With a business credit expert, you will not waste time applying for accounts you do not qualify for. You won’t waste time and money on accounts that do not report to the business credit reporting agencies. You will know exactly what step you are on and what needs to be done to move on to the next step in the process, so you can build your cash flow pool effectively and efficiently.

Check out our best webinar with its trustworthy list of seven vendors to help you build business credit.

Once your business credit is strong, a business credit expert can guide you toward even more accounts that may be great additions to your specific credit pool.  These may not be accounts that report, but rather may be more suitable for the type of business you run. Once your business credit profile is strong, you can use non-reporting accounts to continue to grow your business long into the future. 

What Does This Mean for Cash Flow Management? 

It means you can run your business without worrying about cash flow gaps. You can take advantage of wholesale deals when they come along.  It will be possible to apply for larger jobs, knowing you can get the tools and equipment you need to get the job done without depleting cash reserves.

You will be able to quickly take advantage of investment and growth opportunities with confidence, knowing you have the cash available to do what you need to do.  In addition, you can limit your exposure to fraudulent charges when making online purchases. That is sensible cash flow management.

The post How To Use Business Credit Wisely to Help With Sound Cash Flow Management … So Your Cash Flow is Always Strong and Never a Headache appeared first on Credit Suite.

Warning: Don’t Apply for Bank Credit Cards For Your Business Before You Read This

You can’t apply for bank credit cards for your business and expect approval if you don’t have a business credit profile. If you do apply and get approved, it will likely be on the merit of your personal credit.  That means if something goes wrong, your ability to buy a house, a car, or anything else you may want to buy with consumer credit, goes down the drain. 

Find Out Why Your Business Is Being Denied High Limit Bank Credit Cards and the Simple Changes that Can Lead to Approval

If you are applying for high limit credit cards in the name of your business are getting denial after denial, the likely culprit is a lack of business credit profile. Or, you have a business credit profile but a low business credit score. 

The idea behind business credit is that the debt is in your business name.  It is totally separate from you as the owner. This means it does not impact your personal credit score. As a result, since business credit tends to have higher limits, you can actually get more funding for your business. 

The key to avoiding denials is to wait to apply until your business is fundable. This includes having a strong business credit score. 

Check out how our reliable process will help your business get the best business credit cards.

5 Tips for Applying for High Limit Bank Credit Cards for Your Business

1.Build Business Fundability First

If your business is not fundable, business credit will never be an option. It starts with how your business is set up.  It has to be set up to be a fundable entity separate from you, the owner.  How do you accomplish this? It starts with building a fundable foundation. 

The Building Blocks of a Fundable Foundation 

As you know, a foundation is only as strong as the materials you build it from. Here are the building blocks of a strong, fundable foundation for your business. 

Contact Information

Your business should have its own phone number and a physical address. 


You also need an EIN for your business.  This is an identifying number for your business.  It works similarly to how your SSN works for you personally.   You can get one for free from the IRS.


Incorporating your business as an LLC, S-corp, or corporation is necessary to fundability.  Talk to your attorney or a tax professional about which option might work best for your business. 

Business Bank Account

You have to open a separate, dedicated business bank account.  There are many reasons to do this. One of them is that many lenders require it before they will extend credit.


To be fundable, you must be a legitimate business.  For a business to be legitimate, it has to have all of the necessary licenses it needs to run.  


Spend the time and money necessary to ensure your website is professionally designed and works well.  Furthermore, pay for hosting. Don’t use a free hosting service.  Also, make sure your business has a dedicated business email address with the same URL as your website.  Don’t use a free service such as Yahoo or Gmail.

More Fundability Secrets

Now, the foundation is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to fundability.  In fact, there are well over 100 factors that affect the fundability of the business. However, they all fall into these broader categories. 

  • Business credit reports
  • Business data agencies
  • Identification numbers
  • Business credit history
  • Congruence of business information
  • Financial Statements
  • Bureaus such as FICO and ChexSystems
  • Personal credit scores
  • The application process

Here is a visual that may help you better understand how complex and far reaching business fundability really is. 

2. Try This Expert Trick to Get Out of the “Need Credit to Get Credit” Cycle

The next step is to get accounts reporting to your business credit profile. This is how you build a business credit score.  High limit business bank credit cards will use your business credit score to make an approval decision. 

The truth is, even if you do everything right to initially establish your business credit profile, there is no business credit score on your business’s credit report until accounts are reporting on-time payments.  

With consumer credit, creditors automatically report payments.  In contrast, to work intentionally to find creditors that will report your payments to your business credit profile. Surprisingly, not all of them do. In fact, only about 7% of companies that extend credit to businesses actually report accounts to business credit reporting agencies. 

So, how do you find companies that will extend credit to your business without a good business credit score and report your payments?  That’s the million dollar question, and it’s the trick to getting out of the “need credit to get credit cycle.” 

Check out how our reliable process will help your business get the best business credit cards.

The Secret Weapon

First, the type of vendor that will extend credit to a business without a credit check is called a starter vendor.  Despite not running a credit check, they do have various other factors that they look at to determine whether or not to extend credit. These vary between vendors, but they include fundability factors such as a business bank account, as well as income and time in business, among others. 

Starter vendors typically will extend net terms on invoices rather than revolving credit. However, they will report your payment to the business credit reporting agencies.  In turn, you build your business credit score. Yet, it is very difficult to determine which lenders will report your payments.  That is where the secret weapon comes into play. That is, a business credit expert. 

3. Don’t Try to Build Business Credit Without a Business Credit Expert

As for finding starter vendors that will report, a business credit expert can help. They know which accounts report and which ones you can qualify for right now.  They also help you determine when the tie is right to apply for other accounts.  

There are many more ways that a business credit expert can help, including helping you assess current fundability and improve it if necessary.  Not only that, but they can also help you find funding that you can get while you are working on fundability and building your business credit score.  Get an idea of what a business credit expert can do for you with a free consultation. 

4. Apply for Store Credit 

Soon, you will have an established business credit profile with multiple accounts reporting.  These are credit cards that are restricted to use with the store that issues them. For example, an Office Depot card that you can only use at the store or on that store’s website.  These cards typically start with fairly low limits.  Yet,the limits will increase as you handle the credit responsibly.  Your business credit expert can help you determine when the time is right to start this step, and guide you toward the right store cards for your business. 

  1. 5. Fleet Credit

After you have several of these types of credit cards reporting on-time payments, you should be able to get approval with Fleet cards. These are cards that are more typically limited to the type of purchase you use them on.  They are for automobile fuel and maintenance, but some do allow for certain other purchases as well.  Again, your business credit expert will help you discern when the time is right to apply for fleet cards, and guide you toward the ones that will work best for your business. 

Check out how our reliable process will help your business get the best business credit cards.

Now The Sky’s the Limit for Your Business with High Limit Bank Credit Cards

After you work through each of these steps, responsibly and in order, you should have a well rounded business credit profile and strong business credit score. That is the time to apply for high limit bank credit cards. They include general business credit cards from Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and the like that are not limited by location of use or purchase type.  

They generally have very high limits and favorable incentives. All you have to do is pick the ones with the best interest rates and the rewards programs that fit your business best. If you jump right in before establishing your business credit profile and business credit score, you will get denials from these types of cards every time. 

Using a business credit expert to help you assess and improve fundability, find starter vendors that report,  and guide you in knowing the right accounts to apply for at the right time to get approval makes the process much faster and easier.  As a result, you will avoid wasting time with vendors that do not report, and move through the steps as fast as possible.  Then, you can watch your business grow and thrive with high limit bank credit cards.

The post Warning: Don’t Apply for Bank Credit Cards For Your Business Before You Read This appeared first on Credit Suite.

Warning: Don’t Apply for Bank Credit Cards For Your Business Before You Read This

You can’t apply for bank credit cards for your business and expect approval if you don’t have a business credit profile. If you do apply and get approved, it will likely be on the merit of your personal credit.  That means if something goes wrong, your ability to buy a house, a car, or anything … Continue reading Warning: Don’t Apply for Bank Credit Cards For Your Business Before You Read This

Get Business Trade Credit the Right Way

Are You Looking for Business Trade Credit?

Business trade credit is a line of credit extended by a merchant to a business. Often the terms are Net, which means there’s a set time to pay, and you can’t carry the balance, like you can with what’s called revolving credit. One common term is Net 30 – which means you have 30 days in which to pay.

Legit Business Trade Credit

A business gets goods or services and agrees to pay for them at a later date. Trade lines are often established between a business and a vendor. This is as opposed to a line of credit offered by a bank. Trade lines can help businesses build credit since the loans are frequent and the turnaround quick. They can also help rapidly build positive credit experiences.

Working with Starter Vendor Credit

When you use tradelines that report, then you’ll have an established credit profile. You’ll get a business credit score. And with an established business credit profile and score you can begin to get credit for numerous purposes, and from all sorts of places.


To kick off your business credit profile properly, get approval for vendor accounts that report to the business credit reporting agencies. When that’s done, you can then use the credit. Then pay back what you used. And then the account is on report to Dun & Bradstreet, Experian, or Equifax.

Vendor Credit – It Helps

Not every vendor can help in the same way true starter credit can. These are merchants that grant approval with very little effort. You also need them to be reporting to one or more of the big three CRAs: Dun & Bradstreet, Equifax, and Experian. As you get starter credit, you can also start to get credit from retailers. Since over 90% of all vendors don’t report, it helps to work with a company that knows the ins and outs of which vendors report, and how to work with them.

Business Trade Credit from Uline

Uline is a true starter vendor. They offer shipping, packing, and industrial supplies and more. They report to D&B and Experian. Over 99% of their products ship same day, with no back orders. They will ask for your business bank information. Your company address must be uniform everywhere.

You need:

  1. Entity in good standing with Secretary of State
  2. EIN number with IRS
  3. Business address- matching everywhere
  4. D-U-N-S number
  5. Business license(s) if applicable
  6. A business bank account
  7. Business phone number listed in 411

Here’s how to apply with them. You will need to create an account first. Then place an order and select Net 30 terms. Their credit dept. will review the account. Your application may be approved for net 30 at time of order. Upon final review, their credit department may change to a few prepaid orders before a Net 30 is granted.

Business Trade Credit from Marathon

Marathon Petroleum Company provides transportation fuels, asphalt, and specialty products throughout the United States. Their product line supports commercial, industrial, and retail operations. This card reports to Dun & Bradstreet and Experian. Before applying for multiple accounts with WEX Fleet cards, make sure to have enough time in between applying so they don’t red-flag your account for fraud.

To qualify, you need:

  1. Entity in good standing with Secretary of State
  2. EIN number with IRS
  3. Business address- matching everywhere.
  4. D-U-N-S number
  5. Business license (if applicable)
  6. And a business bank account
  7. Business phone number listed on 411

Your SSN is necessary for informational purposes. If concerned they will pull your personal credit talk to their credit department before applying. You can give a $500 deposit instead of using a personal guarantee, if in business less than a year. Apply online or over the phone. Terms are Net 15.

Business Trade Credit from Grainger Industrial Supply

Grainger Industrial Supply sells hardware, power tools, pumps and more. They also do fleet maintenance. And they report to Dun & Bradstreet. Apply online or over the phone.

To qualify, you need the following:

  1. A business license (if applicable)
  2. An EIN number
  3. A company address matching everywhere
  4. A business bank account
  5. A D-U-N-S number from Dun & Bradstreet
  6. Your corporate entity must be in good standing with the applicable Secretary of State

If your business does not have established credit, they will require additional documents. These are items like accounts payable, income statement, balance sheets, and the like.

For even more starter vendors, check out our starter vendor research – and for the most up-to-date information, always be sure to go directly to vendors’ websites.

Business Trade Credit: Some Misconceptions

Since you have heard about how business tradelines can help you build business credit, you may think, I’ll just buy a few things and then I’ll be done, and then I can move onto what I really want to buy from where I really want to shop. You may feel trade credit is just a steppingstone to the good stuff. But here’s a tip, vendor credit is a great end unto itself.

Discover our business credit and finance guide, jam-packed with new ways to finance your business without emptying your wallet

Beyond Business Credit – What Starter Vendors Can Do for Your Business

Don’t just throw stuff in a cart willy-nilly! There’s a lot to buy from starter vendors. It’s things you will need now, and later in the life of your business. Starter vendors sell more than boxes.

For example, Grainger sells computer supplies like mice, screen filters, and cables. You can get your next laptop carrying bag or flash drives from them. Get your next desk chair from Uline (ergonomics are really important – your back will thank you). You can even get disinfecting wipes from them – remember when those were an incredibly HOT commodity in 2020?

At Marathon, you can fill up with your business credit card and earn points. Use your points for everything from 7 cents off per gallon, to Southwest Airlines travel points. And buy gasoline at hundreds of stations in much of the continental US and near parts of our borders with Mexico and Canada. A fill-up in Cadillac, Michigan could get you Target or Petco gift cards – and a cool 5 cents off per gallon.

Business Trade Credit: The Dark Side

But you should be aware that sometimes it’s not all gift cards and a good PAYDEX score. There’s a dark side when it comes to tradelines. You may have seen ads where you can buy them. Or a fellow businessperson may have suggested buying tradelines to you as a shortcut. That person is not doing you any favors.

There Are No Shortcuts in Life or Business. This is very true about building business credit. Yet some people try for a shortcut all the time. The top three areas where they try to game the system are:

  1. Buying trade lines
  2. CPNs (credit privacy/profile numbers) and
  3. Buying shelf corporations

Getting caught doing any of these will hobble your funding efforts. Let’s touch on a terrible idea – buying trade lines.

Buying Business Trade Lines

Many companies online promise to sell ‘seasoned’ trade lines. A business with poor or little credit, can, for several hundred or several thousand dollars, be piggybacked onto the account of someone with established excellent credit. New business owners seem more creditworthy than they really are. Does this sound unethical? Of course it does – because it is.

What is Piggybacking a Trade Line?

‘Piggybacking’ trade lines is a practice involving seasoned trade lines. A creditworthy borrower’s accounts are used to improve the credit of an unrelated third party. A creditworthy borrower adds the third party as an authorized user of his lines of credit. But he or she does not actually provide the third party with materials (credit cards or account numbers, etc.) to let the third party make charges against that account. Hence, the authorized user never actually uses the credit.

How does Piggybacking Benefit Anyone?

The benefit to the third party is an improved credit rating. It ‘shows’ they are already approved for higher limit revolving accounts. In theory, showing you already have credit is supposed to make you more creditworthy for higher limit accounts. Many companies claim to be able to secure $100,000 – 250,000 credit lines once these accounts are reporting. This is dishonest.

How do Piggybacking Companies Work?

A company offering the piggybacking service maintains a network of creditworthy ‘card holders’ or ‘vendors’. They will add strangers to their accounts as authorized users  for a fee. A third party, looking to increase their credit score, contacts the company. The company then offers a selected trade line to the client and charges the client a fee per account. The FBI has found that the trade line company can be a fake, and the primary card holder can be a stolen identity in these kinds of scams.

The client pays anywhere from $500 to $2,000 per trade line. The company submits the order to the card holder. Once the trade line reports, the company pays the card holder their fee. This is runs from $50 to $250 per authorized user. The company retains the remaining funds as its revenue.

Discover our business credit and finance guide, jam-packed with new ways to finance your business without emptying your wallet

What Federal Agencies Say About Buying Business Tradelines

The Federal Reserve says:

“The potential distortions in credit scores that piggybacking credit may introduce suggest that a reconsideration of existing regulations, industry practices, or both may be warranted to preserve the predictiveness of credit scoring models.”

Credit Where None is Due? Authorized User Account Status and “Piggybacking Credit”, Robert B. Avery, Kenneth P. Brevoort, Glenn B. Canner (Federal Reserve Board, March 5, 2010)

The FBI says:

When commenting on a 2013 bust of a fraud ring, “A second kind of tradeline is the “authorized user” tradeline, where a credit card holder adds another, so-called “authorized user,” to a credit card account. This raises the credit score of the authorized user, who inherits some of the primary user’s credit history.

Some defendants created and sold fake lines of credit for false identities made up by other defendants. These fraudulent primary tradelines were then used to increase the credit limits on fraud cards, so that the defendants could reap even larger profits. Defendants used the authorized user tradelines to create new identities.”

The leader of the scam ring was sentenced to 80 months (that’s over 6 1/2 years!) in prison in 2016.

FICO, Equifax, and Experian

FICO says:

“A  shadier version of piggybacking has been promoted by some CROs who offer to “rent” to their credit-challenged customers the trade lines of established accountholders, in an effort to boost their customers’ credit profiles and scores.”

Equifax says:

“ authorized user abuse occurs when low-risk primary card owners “rent” their tradelines with extensive credit histories, high credit limits and solid repayment profiles to others – most times, knowingly, to fraudsters.”

Experian says:

“Buying tradelines may be viewed as deceptive by lenders and credit reporting agencies, and could even put you in danger of committing bank fraud.

If you pay money to improve your credit scores without doing any of the work or even getting a card to use, you could be falsely representing your creditworthiness to potential lenders.”

Unethical Methods Are Bad News

Lenders and CRAs know all the unethical methods out there. They know what to look for, and they will always be looking. When they see a new authorized user on a card, they will dig deeper.

Discover our business credit and finance guide, jam-packed with new ways to finance your business without emptying your wallet.

It Will Catch Up to You

Sooner or later, D&B in particular will determine you bought tradelines. If a tradeline sales company performs an inquiry into your credit report, then D&B is tipped off. And any time you buy a tradeline, the seller will check your credit. Because they want to be sure they get paid.

D&B Methodology

Shutting down tradeline(s) is just the start. D&B will red flag your entire profile. They will flag legitimate trades alongside the illegitimate ones. You will lose whatever time you think you gained. Plus, you’re out the cost of the tradelines.

Years Later

When a company is known to be a tradeline seller, then that company will be flagged. Any new inquiries by that flagged tradeline seller harm buyers. And so will older tradeline sales. There is no Statute of Limitations on this. That’s because it’s not through the courts system. If you bought a tradeline 50 years ago, D&B could still find out.

Personal Credit is Different

Consumer trades as an authorized user are considered legitimate. A person with poor credit can use this strategy legally. Hence if you know someone with great credit. Ask if you can become an authorized user on their card. You never need to use the card, yet it can still help to raise your personal credit scores. But never do this to jack up your BUSINESS credit scores.

Getting Business Trade Credit the Right Way: Takeaways

Working with starter vendors isn’t just a means of building business credit. It’s also a great way to get products and supplies that your business truly needs. It’s not a waste of time or money. All you need to do is search on any vendor’s website to find what they have to offer.

Business tradelines are perfectly legitimate IF you do not pay for them and build them properly and naturally. Buying business tradelines will sink your business credit building effort. It’s dishonest and potentially part of a larger theft ring, SO DON’T DO IT!

The post Get Business Trade Credit the Right Way appeared first on Credit Suite.

Establish and Maintain Rock-Solid Business Credit When You Have No Business Credit. Check Out 3 Well-Known Starter Vendors for Business Credit That Will Happily Extend Credit to New and Established Businesses

Building The Perfect Business Credit Portfolio with Starter Vendors for Business Credit

A perfect business credit portfolio means working with starter vendors for business credit. Starting with vendor credit accounts is a proven way to start building business credit. But we don’t include vendors just because they report to the business credit reporting agencies. We include them and we talk about them because they have quality products that you can use, and great customer service. They are not just a means to an end!

Vendor Credit Cards

Vendor credit cards will kick off business credit building for your business. First, add payment experiences from three vendors. Then they must report to business CRAs like Dun & Bradstreet. And then you can start qualifying for store credit, and fleet credit as well. Make sure business credit cards don’t report on your personal credit.

Every step and every credit provider works to help your business. The idea is to help you qualify for business credit cards that you will actually use. This isn’t building for the sake of building, and it isn’t just to increase a number. These credit providers are going to have what your business needs to succeed.

Business Credit with Starter Vendors for Business Credit

Keep in mind, business credit is independent of personal. Applying for it won’t harm your personal credit scores. Building this asset can only help your business. You can help your future business right now.

Business credit doesn’t just happen. You have to actively build it. It all starts with starter vendors. They will approve your business for credit with little fuss.

Use your credit. Pay on time, just like you should with personal credit. These vendors will report to the business credit reporting agencies. And you’ll build a good business credit score.

How to Build Business Credit

Having an EIN doesn’t mean you have established credit. If you go to a bank to try and get bank credit cards using your EIN with no credit established, you’ll get denials. That is unless you have good personal credit and use it to get approvals while supplying your personal guarantee. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

You can’t start with high limits. First you must build starter trade lines that report (vendor credit). Then you’ll have an established credit profile. Then you’ll get a business credit score. With an established business credit profile and score you can start getting high credit limits.

Establish business credit fast with our research-backed guide to 12 business credit cards and lines

What is Starter Vendor Credit?

These trade lines are creditors who will give you initial credit when you have none now. These vendors typically offer terms such as Net 30, instead of revolving. So if you get approval for $1,000 in vendor credit and use it all, you must pay that money back in a set term. That is, within 30 days on a Net 30 account. But there are some revolving accounts which we still consider to be starter vendors.

You must pay net 30 accounts in full within 30 days. And you must pay net 60 accounts in full within 60 days. Unlike with revolving accounts, you have a set time when you must pay back what you borrowed or the credit you used.

Getting Started

To start your business credit profile the RIGHT way, get approval for vendor accounts that report to business CRAs. Once accomplished, you can then use the credit. Pay back what you used, and the account is on report to Dun & Bradstreet, Experian, or Equifax.

Once reported, then you have trade lines, an established credit profile, and an established credit score. Using a newly established business credit profile and score, you can then get approval for more credit under your EIN. For vendor credit, you can leave your SSN off the application. Then the credit issuer then pulls your EIN credit, sees a solid profile and score. They can then approve you for more credit.

Building Business Credit – What You Really Need to Know

Not ALL retailers will approve you just because of your credit profile and score. Some sources can also have a time in business requirement. You may need to be in business 1-3 years to get credit not requiring a personal guarantee. Some sources might require you meet certain revenue requirements for as well. But many starter vendors will approve you without these requirements.

But Keep in Mind

You won’t get a Visa or a MasterCard (bank credit cards) right away. And you need to have credit to get more credit. You need to start building trade lines to get the big payoff. Getting initial credit is the hardest part. Over 97% of trade vendors who issue credit don’t report it to the business reporting agencies. So, you MUST find sources which actually report. 

Establish business credit fast with our research-backed guide to 12 business credit cards and lines.

There are Benefits to Starter Vendors for Business Credit

Vendor credit is an important step in building business credit. Vendor credit is easier to get than retail or fleet credit. It can lead to more retail and fleet credit. Establishing credit will lead to lenders approving you.  And best of all, this process is PROVEN to work! Just like for all credit, be responsible and pay on time.

More Benefits of Starter Vendors for Business Credit

You MUST have 3 or more vendor accounts reporting to move onto retail credit, and more are even better. It will take 30-90 days for those accounts to report. It’s 60 days on average. Do NOT apply for retail credit without having 3 or more accounts first.

Getting Starter Vendors for Business Credit to Pull Credit Under your EIN

There is no Social Security requirement for starter vendor credit. This is unlike bank loans and bank cards. So leave the field blank. Don’t fill in any other number, as that’s a violation of two Federal laws. A blank field will force them to pull your business credit under your EIN. Also, if there is a credit check, then it is perfectly permissible to provide the company’s EIN. You can use an EIN, rather than your Social Security Number and date of birth.

Using Business Credit

Check out FOUR of our favorite starter vendors for business credit:

  • Grainger
  • Uline
  • Marathon
  • Supply Works

Grainger Industrial Supply

They sell hardware, power tools, pumps and more. They also do fleet maintenance

Grainger will report to Dun and Bradstreet. If a business doesn’t have established credit, they will want to see more documents. These include accounts payable, income statement, balance sheets, etc. Terms are Net 30, Net 45, Net 60, or Net 90.

Qualifying for Grainger Industrial Supply

You need:

  • Entity in good standing with Secretary of State
  • EIN number with IRS
  • Business address (matching everywhere)
  • D-U-N-S number
  • Business License (if applicable)
  • Business Bank account
  • And your business must be registered to Secretary of State (SOS) for at least 60 days

Apply online or over the phone.


They sell shipping, packing and industrial supplies. They report to Dun & Bradstreet and Experian. You MUST create an account with Uline before starting to build business credit with them. Terms are Net 30.

Qualifying for Uline 

You need:

  • Entity in good standing with Secretary of State
  • EIN number with IRS
  • Business address (matching everywhere)
  • D-U-N-S number
  • Business License (if applicable)
  • Business Bank account
  • And a business phone number listed in 411
  • You must have a D&B PAYDEX score of 80 or better

Application may get approval for net 30 at time of order. Upon final review, Credit Department may change to a few prepaid orders, before granting Net 30.

Establish business credit fast with our research-backed guide to 12 business credit cards and lines.


Marathon Petroleum Company provides transportation fuels, asphalt, and specialty products throughout the United States. Their product line supports commercial, industrial, and retail operations. This card reports to Dun & Bradstreet and Experian. Before applying for more than one account with WEX Fleet cards, make sure to have enough time between applying. This is so they don’t red-flag your account for fraud.

Qualifying for Marathon

You need:

  • Entity in good standing with Secretary of State
  • EIN number with IRS
  • Business address- matching everywhere.
  • D-U-N-S number
  • Business license (if applicable)
  • And a business bank account
  • Business phone number listed on 411

Your SSN is necessary for informational purposes. If concerned they will pull your personal credit talk to their credit department before applying. You can give a $500 deposit instead of using a personal guarantee, if in business less than a year. Apply online or over the phone. Terms are Net 15.

Supply Works

Supply Works is a part of Home Depot. They offer integrated facility maintenance supplies. But they will not accept virtual addresses. They will report to Experian. Terms are Net 30. Apply online or over the phone.

Qualifying for Supply Works

You need:

  • Entity in good standing with Secretary of State
  • EIN number with IRS
  • Business address (matching everywhere)
  • D-U-N-S number
  • Business License (if applicable)
  • Business Bank account
  • Trade/Bank references
  • There is no minimal time in business requirement

Extra BONUS Vendor: Wex Fleet

They report to Experian and D&B. They offer universal fleet cards, heavy truck cards, and universally accepted business fleet cards. Their cards have features supporting a small business. This includes a rewards program. Before applying for more than one account with WEX Fleet cards, make sure to have enough time between applying. This is so they don’t red flag your account for fraud.

If you don’t get an approval on the basis of business credit history, or been in business 1 year, then a $500 deposit is necessary or a Personal Guarantee. You can apply online or over the phone. Terms are  Net 15 (Wex Fleet Card), Net 22, or revolving (Wex FlexCard).

Qualifying for Wex Fleet

You need:

  • Entity in good standing with Secretary of State
  • EIN number with IRS
  • Business address (matching everywhere)
  • D-U-N-S number
  • Business License (if applicable)
  • Business Bank account
  • And a Business Phone Number Listed in 411

Starter Vendors for Business Credit: Takeaways

Starter vendors are a PROVEN way to get the business credit ball rolling. They will approve you with minimal fuss. Certain requirements repeat. These include needing to have EIN and D-U-N-S numbers. And having proper licensing (if your industry requires that). Hence getting those details squared away is a smart step to take first. Want more help with building business credit? Ask us how we can help you – including our access to literally HUNDREDS of vendors. Let’s take the next steps together

The post Establish and Maintain Rock-Solid Business Credit When You Have No Business Credit. Check Out 3 Well-Known Starter Vendors for Business Credit That Will Happily Extend Credit to New and Established Businesses appeared first on Credit Suite.

Business Credit Builder: Avoid Major Credit Blunders with this Simple Tool

Credit is a complicated creature. The second you think you have it figured out, it turns on you.  Truly, if you don’t handle it just right, it can morph from powerful ally to mortal enemy in a flash.  This is especially true if you are trying to run a business.  Thankfully, the Business Credit Builder can help in a big way. 

Get our business credit building checklist and build business credit the fast and easy way. 

3 Major Credit Blunders and How the Business Credit Builder Can Help

Across the ages, one major problem business owners face is funding. Funding is an issue that cuts across all industries, all owner experience levels, and all business entity types. 

One reason business owners may have trouble finding funding is, they do not realize there are actually two types of credit.  Not only is there personal credit, but there is also business credit. Once this simple revelation comes to light, the trajectory of the business can begin to change for the better. Personal finances do not have to suffer. 

What is Business Credit? 

Business credit is credit in the name of your business only. It is based on how likely the business is to repay bills, not the owner.

As a result, business credit accounts do not show up on your personal credit report.  In fact,  they do not affect your personal credit score at all.  In addition, the business is responsible for repayment, not the owner. 

Why Do You Need Business Credit? 

Few business owners understand all the benefits of business credit. 

Some of these include: 

  • Liability protection
  • Lower debt-to-credit ratio on your personal report
  • And higher credit limits

How the Business Credit Builder Can Help

So, how do you build business credit? How do you get accounts that are not connected to your personal credit?  With the Business Credit Builder of course! It sounds simple, but here is the thing. While building business credit is not necessarily hard, there are a lot of steps. It can be overwhelming without guidance.

This is where the business credit builder comes in.  It can help guide you through the process.   Even better, it can help you avoid these three major credit blunders, among others.

Blunder 1: Ruining Personal Credit with Business Debt

This is a huge problem. So many business owners do not know that they can get business credit without a personal guarantee. These are credit accounts that will not affect your personal credit profile should your business not be able to pay. 

Of course, being personally on the line for business debt can cause a lot of issues.  For an extreme example, consider the case of West Virginia Governor Jim Justice. He personally guaranteed over $700 million in loans for his coal company, Bluestone Resources.  The loans were through Greensill Capital, which is now defunct.  The downfall is due to an insurance carrier choosing to no longer underwrite funds for the popular finance company.  As you can imagine, the domino effect is vast and far reaching. 

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Currently the impact on the Governor’s personal finances remains to be seen.  However, it’s not hard to imagine the devastation something like this could wreak on a small business owner. Fortunately, working to build business credit with the Business Credit Builder can help you avoid this type of credit blunder and protect your personal finances. 

Blunder 2: Ignoring Fundability Factors

Fundability is the overall ability of a business to get funding. There are over 100 factors that affect it.  That makes it difficult for the average small business owner to navigate and assess the fundability of their business on their own.  

The first part of this is what you will work through in Step 1 of the Business Credit Builder. It walks you through the process of building a foundation of fundability.  After all, you wouldn’t build a house on a shaky foundation.   You shouldn’t try to build business credit without a strong, fundable foundation either. 

Blunder 3: Accounts Not Reporting

The only way to get a business credit score is to get accounts that will report to the business credit reporting agencies

Honestly, this is tricky.  With consumer credit, pretty much all accounts report payment history to your personal credit report.  In contrast, only about 7% of companies that issue business credit report payments to business credit reports.  Without this payment history, you do not have a business credit score. 

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What makes it harder is the fact that most companies that do report do not make that fact common knowledge. In fact, the only way to build business credit payment history on your own is through trial and error. You have to guess at which vendors will report your payments.  And of course, there is the fact that you have to get accounts that will not only report, but that will extend business credit before you actually have a business credit score so that you can get started. 

How the Business Credit Builder Helps You Get Accounts Reporting

Step 2 helps you establish your initial business credit profile, so that accounts have something to actually report to. 

Then, in Step 3 of the Business Credit Builder, you will get exclusive access to starter vendors that will issue net invoices without checking credit. Then, they report your payments on those invoices to the business credit reporting agencies. We remove the need for trial and error and show you the exact accounts you can get to get the business credit score process going.

After enough of these types of accounts are reporting payments, you will qualify for more types of accounts.  

Step 4 addresses this by showing you how to get copies of your business credit reports and see which accounts are reporting.  You will also have the opportunity to review these reports with one of our expert advisors to learn more about what it says and how to address issues and mistakes. 

How do you know when you have enough accounts reporting? How do you know which accounts to apply for next?  Fortunately, the Business Credit Builder can guide you.  In fact, this is your all-in-one tool for business business credit. 

Steps 5-7 take you through the process of adding accounts to continue to build credit.  As you gain enough accounts in each step, you will unlock access to vendors that will both approve you at your current step in the process and report your payments.  

Other Benefits of the Business Credit Builder

In addition to all of this, there are a number of other benefits to the program. For example, you will get free, unlimited use of a business valuation tool. This will allow you to see what your business is worth right now, and monitor its growth into the future. 

You’ll also have the opportunity to save up to 90% on business credit monitoring, and have access to expert help. You’ll get a whole year of business advisor support and 5 years of finance officer support, all included!

Are You Ready to Get Started? 

Honestly, the best way to start is get a free consultation with a business credit expert. This is someone who can help you determine where your business stands now, help you find financing, and help you determine if the Business Credit Builder is right for you.

The post Business Credit Builder: Avoid Major Credit Blunders with this Simple Tool appeared first on Credit Suite.