How to Create Ultimate Guides to Drive Leads, Traffic, and Conversions

Ultimate guides are everywhere. You’ve probably read your fair share, and maybe you’ve even written a couple.

They can be a great way to get traffic, build links, and increase your authority, but they’re far from easy to create. The issue most people run into is the sheer amount of content out there nowadays. How do you create an ultimate guide if there are already tons of posts on your chosen subject?

In this post, we’ll look at the steps to creating the ultimate guide on just about anything.

What Is an Ultimate Guide?

What turns a lengthy blog post into an ultimate guide? Well, there are a few things that almost every in-depth guide has in common:

  • It goes very deep into a pretty broad topic.
  • It contains several chapters that look at the topic from a variety of angles.
  • An industry expert or researcher writes it.

Apart from that, what you put in your ultimate guide and how you design it is up to you.

ultimate guide advanced SEO

Why You Should Create an Ultimate Guide

If you didn’t know how powerful ultimate guides are already, here’s why you should start creating them right now.

Rank for Many Keywords

The length, depth, and authority that go into ultimate guides make them a fantastic weapon in your SEO arsenal. The fact that they are so detailed means they should rank for a huge number of keywords. Including internal links to your other blog posts boosts their rankings, too.

Get Backlinks

A big, in-depth resource like an ultimate guide can be a fantastic source of links. Not only can you use it to go out there and request a backlink as part of your link-building process, but other sites naturally start linking to an authoritative resource, too. So much so that your ultimate guide can continue to attract links for years to come.

Build Your Authority

There are few pieces of marketing collateral better at positioning your brand as an authority in your industry than an ultimate guide. This is your opportunity to showcase how much you know about your subject to the world and go above and beyond what has previously been written about your topic.

How to Pick Topics for Your Ultimate Guide

Picking a topic can be a huge stumbling block for many aspiring writers. Don’t get bogged down overthinking it, though. Here’s how you can find the perfect topic quickly.

Choose a Topic You Know About

This first point is obvious, but it needs to be said. You need to know your topic inside and out if you want to write an excellent guide. That doesn’t mean you can’t use a freelance writer to help you out, but you should give them a thorough brief and create the outline of the guide yourself.

Choose a Topic With High Search Traffic

Not every guide needs to be written with the express purpose of ranking in Google, but it can seriously help drive traffic and generate customers. That’s why I recommend you enter your topic ideas into a tool like Ubersuggest to see the keyword volumes of the main topic and the volumes of every other related keyword.

Don’t just pick the topic that has the main keyword with the highest search volume, however. You may find another topic has so many more related keywords that it could actually generate more traffic overall.

Choose a Topic That’s Trending

Ultimate guides are successful when they’re written about trending topics. When people are excited about a topic, they want to consume all the information they can find about it. Your guide should be a part of that, too.

That’s not the only reason you want to focus on what’s trending, though. The newer your post is, the better it might do in search results if someone is searching by posts made within the last week, month, and so on.

How to Create an Ultimate Guide

With your topic picked, it’s time to get to work creating your guide. Here’s how I recommend you go about it.

1. Consume as Much Content as You Can

Even if you’re an expert in your field, you’ll still want to read blog posts on your topic before you start writing. Doing so will help you understand the level of content currently out there, the common threads writers pull, and the things you need to mention.

Pay attention to the results that Google serves up, too. You’ll find that specific formats are more popular than others, and you’ll want to try to mirror these when it comes to writing your content.

2. Identify What’s Missing

While you’re reading other people’s content, make a note of everything that’s missing from the posts. If you’re writing a how-to post, be sure to go through the steps yourself after reading posts by others.

Then, jot down things you notice during the process that others might have missed or not explained thoroughly. It also might help to sit down with someone who is unfamiliar with your topic and see what questions they come up with.

3. Do Research

You can write an ultimate guide off the back of your expertise alone—but you can make it stand head and shoulders above everyone else’s content if you conduct your research.

For some, this is a case of canvassing their colleagues and contacts for their opinion on a certain topic. Others might want to commit to more detailed research and partner with a market research company that’ll carry out a study on their behalf.

The more effort you put into the research, the more valuable and link-worthy your ultimate guide will become.

4. Put It All Together

To create your ultimate guide, simply combine the basics plus the additional details you found were missing from other posts and your research. This way, people coming across your guide as the first piece of content they have read about a topic will get all of the basic information, and people who have read many other guides will be wowed by all of the missing pieces that you included.

5. Promote, Promote, Promote

An ultimate guide is no good if no one reads it. Considering the amount of time and energy you have spent on your ultimate guide, you owe it to yourself and your readers to promote it well. Do so by:

  • Sharing it on all of your social networks: Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn are the best. Promote it on your personal and business accounts, if possible.
  • Sharing it in groups on social networks: LinkedIn, for example, has some great groups on particular topics. Facebook has some as well, although many are full of spammers who are just there for their promotions. This will expand your guide’s exposure from just your network to all of the members of the groups you select.
  • Emailing your list: If you have a mailing list, let them know about your latest and greatest piece of content.
  • Repurposing your content: If you can turn your ultimate guide into an infographic, video, slide presentation, or PDF document, you can spread it on even more networks.

4 Tips to Create an Awesome Ultimate Guide

If you want to take your ultimate guide to the next level, bear in mind these four tips when writing.

Write Clearly and Format Appropriately

You don’t have to be Hemingway to write a great ultimate guide, but take a lesson from Ernest regarding clarity. Short, clear, punchy sentences win out here, especially when writing thousands of words on your topic. Long, convoluted paragraphs may help you get your message across, but they’ll only cause the reader’s mind to wander.

Formatting will also help in this regard. Clearly labeled titles and subheadings will make your guide much more digestible. Short paragraphs will, too. Don’t forget that most of your audience will be reading your advice on a screen, so consider how they might skim it for the information they’re looking for.

Include Images and Screenshots

One thing I sometimes find missing from other ultimate guides is good screenshots. Take yours using your account of the topic as opposed to generic stock photos. This will make it easier for others to follow along and visualize the process.

Use Real-Life Examples

Once you have the basics and missing pieces down for your ultimate guide, look for some good examples of your tips in action. If you’re talking about creating great timeline cover photos, then include some examples from pages in different industries.

If you’re talking about using Pinterest to drive traffic, then link to top Pinterest users who are doing things right. Think about your target audience and find examples that they can easily relate to so they feel they must follow your advice to be successful.

Don’t Break Up Your Hard Work

There is a lot of advice out there suggesting you should take long posts and break them up into a series, so you can get people to come back to your website over and over again. However, I find that if someone hits a piece of content that says 101 Tips on ___, and the post only includes steps 1–20 with the promise of more to come, they move on to find everything they’re looking for elsewhere.

People want to consume information now, not wait for it. When they read the words ultimate guide, they’re going to expect to get everything in one chunk, so unless you are planning to write 5,000+ words on a topic, keep it in one piece.

Examples of Great Ultimate Guides

There are a lot of great ultimate guides out there, but here are some of my all-time favorites.

The Ultimate Guide to Startup Marketing

Examples of Great Content Guides - Neil Patel

If you’re looking to grow your startup, I’m pretty sure you’ll get a huge amount of value out of my ultimate guide on the topic.

How to Design a Logo: The Ultimate Guide

Examples of Great Content Guides - How to Design a Logo

With 12 chapters and virtually every angle covered, there’s no reason to read another guide before creating your logo.

The Ultimate Guide to Cart Abandonment

Examples of Great Content Guides - Cart Abandonment

If you’ve ever wondered why shoppers are leaving your website at checkout, this mammoth guide by VWO will answer all your questions.

The Ultimate Guide to Writing & Illustrating Your First Children’s Book

Examples of Great Content Guides - Guide to Writing Your First Children's Book

Ultimate guides don’t have to be about marketing, as this guide by Eevi Jones proves.

How to Pick a Career

Examples of Great Content Guides - How to Pick a Career

While Tim Urban hasn’t called this an ultimate guide, you’re unlikely to find a more thoughtful or detailed blog post on picking a career anywhere online.

Further Resources on Ultimate Guides

This blog post isn’t exhaustive by any means. If you want to dive deep into creating high-quality long-form content, then check out these five resources:

  1. How to Create an Ebook From Start to Finish by HubSpot
  2. The Ultimate Guide Template by Copyhackers
  3. Your Ultimate Guide on How to Write an Ultimate Guide (Infographic) by Express Writers
  4. The Ultimate Guide to Creating a True ‘Ultimate Guide’ by Search Engine Journal
  5. The Ultimate Guide To Content Promotion by Marketing Insider Group

How to Create Specs for an Ultimate Guide

You don’t have to write your ultimate guide yourself. If you’re hiring a freelance writer to write your guide for you, here’s how you can create a spec they can follow with ease.

  1. Give an overview.

    A top-level overview can help a writer quickly get to grips with the topic and goals of the ultimate guide.

  2. Create a clear structure.

    Take the initiative and write an outline that includes all of the major points you want the writer to talk about. This makes sure all of the gaps you identified in other pieces of content get covered.

  3. Include keyword research.

    If improved rankings are one of your main goals, then highlight the keywords you’re aiming to rank for.

  4. Note or record your expertise.

    Where appropriate, make notes for the writer to help guide them. Alternatively, you can record yourself talking about the topic.

  5. Provide additional resources.

    Highlight a handful of top-quality resources your writer can turn to for inspiration.

  6. Set a deadline

    Expect an ultimate guide to take a fair bit longer to write than a standard blog post.

Ultimate Guide Frequently Asked Questions

How long should my ultimate guide be?

There isn’t a defined length for an ultimate guide, but most are at least 3,000 words in length.

How do I distribute my ultimate guide to my target audience?

You can use social media and email to get your ultimate guide in front of your target audience.

Should I create more than one ultimate guide for my website?

Absolutely. Ultimate guides offer a lot of value in terms of SEO and building your authority, so you should write as many as you can.

At what part of the funnel are ultimate guides most useful?

Ultimate guides can be used at any part of your funnel, but they’ll be most useful towards the top. They are great at attracting users into your funnel and converting them to email subscribers.

“@context”: “”,
“@type”: “FAQPage”,
“mainEntity”: [
“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “How long should my ultimate guide be?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “There isn’t a defined length for an ultimate guide, but most are at least 3,000 words in length.”
, {
“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “How do I distribute my ultimate guide to my target audience?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “You can use social media and email to get your ultimate guide in front of your target audience.”
, {
“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “Should I create more than one ultimate guide for my website?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “Absolutely. Ultimate guides offer a lot of value in terms of SEO and building your authority, so you should write as many as you can.”
, {
“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “At what part of the funnel are ultimate guides most useful?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “Ultimate guides can be used at any part of your funnel, but they’ll be most useful towards the top. They are great at attracting users into your funnel and converting them to email subscribers.”

How to Create Ultimate Guides Conclusion

Ultimate guides are an incredibly valuable marketing resource. I’ve used them to generate huge levels of traffic, build my reputation as an authority in the industry, and improve my site’s SEO.

Follow the advice I’ve given above, and you’ll be on your way to achieving your content goals while sharing valuable insights about your chosen topic.

Have you created an ultimate guide on your website or blog? What other tips would you add to making your ultimate guide a success?

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30 Ways to Become a More Successful Entrepreneur

Whether you’re just starting out or are an old pro, who doesn’t want to be a more successful entrepreneur?

Owning a business gives you a sense of freedom and empowerment. You can build things and watch them grow.

Entrepreneurs make decisions for themselves, realize their creative visions, and develop lasting relationships with other entrepreneurs, customers, and vendors.

It’s a great way to live. That’s why I’ve founded so many companies — I can’t get enough.

I’ve put together these tips to help you to become more successful, too.

1. Get Gritty

Grit is perseverance. Grit is the go-get-’em attitude that we expect of entrepreneurs. Grit is the ability to keep working when everyone tells you that you should give up.

If you want to be a successful entrepreneur, you have to be gritty.

Honestly, without hard work and perseverance, you’re not going anywhere in the entrepreneurial world.

image of key skills need to become a successful entrepreneur

2. To Become a Successful Entrepreneur, You Must Challenge Yourself

If you want to be a successful entrepreneur, you have to challenge yourself. No one else is going to push you, so it’s up to you to do it.

Challenges keep entrepreneurs nimble and on their toes. If you’re constantly looking for the next challenge, you’ll always be prepared for what comes your way.

Challenges you may face to become a successful entrepreneur

Consider this example:

You’re going to the gym to build your upper body strength. You start doing bicep curls with a 10-pound weight. It feels pretty heavy at first. As you build up your strength, it gets easier.

Would you stop there? No!

Then it’s time to do bicep curls with a 20-pound weight. Once you’ve done bicep curls with a 20-pound weight, going back to a 10-pound weight will feel easy.

Challenging yourself with new and difficult tasks will make your other tasks seem even simpler. As an entrepreneur, you always have to be looking for the next big challenge.

3. Successful Entrepreneurs Are Passionate about Their Work

If you don’t love what you do, don’t do it. I truly believe it’s as simple as that.

As an entrepreneur, you’re going to have to put in long hours and make sacrifices for your business.

When you’re passionate about what you do, putting in the long hours won’t feel like a sacrifice anymore.

If you’re not passionate about what you do, you’re not going to have the motivation to keep going when you’re stressed and tired.

Have you ever noticed those entrepreneurs who never seem to get tired? Those entrepreneurs who get that gleam in their eye when they talk about what they do? That’s passion.

why people choose to try to become successful entrepreneurs

If you’re passionate about what you do, being an entrepreneur gets just a little bit easier.

4. To Become a Successful Entrepreneur, You Must Take Risks

Humans are generally risk-averse, but part of being an entrepreneur is recognizing the risks that you should take.

Successful entrepreneurs take risks. It’s part of the job.

Successful entrepreneurs also know which risks to take and which they shouldn’t. Learn to recognize the risks that will benefit your business and take them.

Taking risks has a dangerous side, but the opportunities they present often far outweigh the potential dangers.

Learn how to identify which risks are worth taking and you’ll likely become a more successful entrepreneur.

5. Trust Yourself

If you don’t believe in yourself, who will?

Being a successful entrepreneur means that you’ve learned to listen to your intuition and rely on your wisdom when making decisions.

Your ability to trust and believe in yourself will show your confidence. People are more likely to follow and trust confident leaders.

Trusting in your own skills will also take some of the pain of uncertainty out of being an entrepreneur.

When you feel uncertain, remember how much experience and knowledge you have. Most entrepreneurs start their business after years of experience working for someone else.

how much experience entrepreneurs have before they become successful entrepreneurs

There’s nothing wrong with asking for help when you need it or turning to a mentor for advice, but you also have to learn to trust yourself and your own judgment without input from others.

Learn to trust yourself and you’re already starting down the path of entrepreneurial success.

6. Reduce Fear

Fear stops action. Entrepreneurs have to be able to pivot and quickly take action when they see an opportunity or recognize a mistake.

With fear riding on your shoulder, you won’t be a successful entrepreneur.

As an entrepreneur, if you let fear be your guide, you won’t be able to listen to your intuition, you’ll be afraid to take the necessary risks, and your judgment will be clouded by emotion.

If you can find ways to reduce and manage your fear and you’ll be a much more successful entrepreneur.

Keep in mind that fear has to do with your perspective. For example, studies have shown that the more true crime you consume, the more scared you are of crime.

Successful entrepreneurs can manage their fears a few ways.

My favorite tip for managing fear as an entrepreneur is to do confidence-building exercises.

For me, I like to take a few moments at night to think of the decisions I made that day that had a successful outcome.

Thinking each day about the decisions that you made that benefited you, others, or your business will help you to quickly build your confidence and reduce fear.

7. Successful Entrepreneurs Visualize their Goals

This tip is less abstract than you might think, so bear with me.

When I recommend that entrepreneurs visualize their goals, I don’t intend for them to close their eyes and see the goal in front of them.

What I want you to do to visualize your goal is to define it so clearly that it’s real and tangible.

For example, which of these is a more accomplishable:

  1. I want to become a successful entrepreneur.
  2. I will become a successful entrepreneur by starting a business that solves a problem for this specific niche of my audience.

The second one, right?

When you can clearly articulate and visualize your goal, it becomes more achievable.

There are many ways to visualize your goal if you aren’t sure how to start. You can write it down or draw it out.

Visualizing business goals to become a successful entrepreneur

You can tell someone, such as a friend or business partner, or take photographs that represent your goal. Go with your strengths.

When you ask a successful entrepreneur what their goal is, they can tell you in great detail what it is that they’re working to achieve.

8. Hire Great Partners to Help You Become a Successful Entrepreneur

I’ll admit that this one might be a little bit obvious.

Successful entrepreneurs aren’t successful within a vacuum. We all have a great team and support network behind us.

When I recommend hiring great partners, I don’t just mean someone who can do the job you’re hiring them for. You should seek partners who have great character and whom you like and respect.

You and your partners will be working long hours together and making stressful decisions. If you don’t respect your partner(s), your team won’t last long.

Fill your team with people who have great character and you’re well on your way to success.

When choosing your partners and team members, always remember that you can teach skills, but you can’t teach character.

9. To Become a Successful Entrepreneur, You Must Act Fast

Talk only delays action.

Successful entrepreneurs act.

It’s easy to get wrapped up in planning, considering potential failures, discussing funding, and talking in meetings with board members. If all you do is talk, you’ll get nothing done.

At some point, you have to halt the talking and make something happen.

10. Successful Entrepreneurs Spend Time on Important Tasks and Are Patient to See Results

Do you think that there’s such a thing as an overnight success? I recommend that you take a closer look.

Upon examination, the people and businesses that became “overnight sensations and successes” actually worked really hard and long for their achievements.

When you think you’ve found an overnight success, check again and examine closely the hours, days, and years that went into their success.

Take a look at their life, the things they learned, and how many times they failed.

Successful entrepreneurs take the time that’s required to reach success. And many of them have failures along the way.

If you think it’s taking too long to find success, give yourself a break.

Keep plugging along, putting in the hours, and before long, you’ll be a successful entrepreneur.

Just imagine looking back at all the hard work and knowing it paid off. Keep that image in your head to motivate you forward through the long, slogging hours.

11. Plan Your Finances

Startups and entrepreneurial businesses need money. It’s just a part of the lifestyle.

Many entrepreneurs spend too much time looking for money and not enough acting, but that doesn’t mean that you can leap into the abyss without a plan.

There are a few ways you can fund your business.

Decide which is best for you, and plan out your finances in the beginning. Try to stick to your budget, but know that the plan will have to be adapted along the way.

12. Who’s Your Customer? Successful Entrepreneurs Know the Answer

One of the most common reasons that entrepreneurial businesses fail is that there isn’t a customer.

If you start a business or make a product but don’t know who will buy it, that person might not actually exist.

Before you make a financial plan, raise capital, or even choose a name, make sure that there’s a customer who would buy your product or use your services.

Without a customer, you don’t have a business.

Successful entrepreneurs know who their customers and target market are.

13. Successful Entrepreneurs Listen to Complaints

This is one of the tips that I think is the most important for entrepreneurs to learn.

Your customer’s complaints are how you identify your business’s weaknesses.

Similarly to the last tip, without customers, you can’t have a successful business. There’s another possible scenario, though.

You might have customers who are interested in your product or service, but if you don’t listen to their complaints, you soon will have no customers.

Take your customers seriously, treat their complaints with respect, and listen.

You might think you’re giving them value, but they may not agree.

successful entrepreneurs listen to customer complaints

Your customers know what they want, and they’re going to tell you what they think.

A smart and successful entrepreneur listens to those complaints and uses that information to fix the business’s weaknesses.

14. Exceed Everyone’s Expectations

If you deliver more than you promised, you’re sure to have satisfied customers, investors, and business partners.

Making promises and not delivering is a quick way to lose your business.

In contrast, successful entrepreneurs exceed expectations.

15. Manage Risks to Become a Successful Entrepreneur

Remember when I said that you should take risks? You should, though you shouldn’t take every risk that presents itself. Instead, manage your risks.

As a successful entrepreneur, you need to learn how to identify which risks to take but also when to take these risks.

Be sure to recognize where you are in the entrepreneurial cycle when calculating which risks to take.

16. Read Case Studies

As an entrepreneur, you’ll be inundated with your business, needing to take care of it all the time. When you get home and have some leisure time, you might be tempted to read fiction or books for entertainment.

Instead, I encourage you to read case studies. Read biographies of successful entrepreneurs. Read everything you can get your hands on about those who have already been successful.

There’s always something to learn from those who have already done it.

I especially think it’s important to learn from the mistakes of others. If you learn from their mistakes, you won’t have to make those mistakes yourself.

And if you do make mistakes yourself, definitely learn from those.

The more you learn from their mistakes and successes, the faster you can grow your business and become a successful entrepreneur.

17. Successful Entrepreneurs Self-Promote

Many people don’t want to self-promote or talk about their business too much for fear of sounding like an egomaniac; but if you don’t promote your business, who will?

Egotistical self-promotion and self-promotion can be differentiated.

Know your business, know some key stats, and have your 15-second elevator pitch polished and ready to go. Then, when someone asks you about your business, you can promote it factually and quickly.

Another way to self-promote without sounding cocky is to know what your customers say about your business. When someone asks how your business is going, you can tell them your customer feedback.

Don’t forget to provide some of the bad as well as the good.

18. Successful Entrepreneurs Set and Oversee a Positive Company Culture

There may have been a time when company culture wasn’t important, but with social media and the 24-hour news cycle, your company and employees are always under scrutiny.

Set a positive company culture from day one and you’ll be more likely to work with people you enjoy and who inspire you as well as attract great customers.

Many entrepreneurs are working with family, from home, and even across borders. It’s important to set and know what you want your company culture to look like.

importance of company culture to become a successful entrepreneur

19. Network, Network, Network

There is no such thing as too much networking (well unless it’s getting in the way of building your business, of course).

What I mean to say is that you shouldn’t ever stop networking because you never know where your next lead will come from.

Chances are, if you network with enough people, you’ll bump into another entrepreneur who might have the ideas and connections you need.

You might find a new connection while grabbing a beer at the airport bar, you might meet your next business partner in an elevator on your way to a meeting, and you just never know who’s sitting next to you on the bus.

Meet everyone you come into contact with and have a short chat. You never know who you’re sitting next to and what connections or resources they might be able to offer you.

20. Learn and Create

The successful entrepreneur mindset is that of learning and creation. As an entrepreneur, you always want to be taking in new information and creating.

This type of mindset can be draining and tiring, but without it, you’re not going anywhere.

a growth mindset is crucial if you want to be come a successful entrepreneur

To stay in the learner and creator mindset, stay away from TV, social media, and movies. These types of entertainment cause us to be passive and just take in information.

Pursue everything in moderation, but in general, these activities are time-wasters for entrepreneurs. Limiting your entertainment time is a sacrifice that must be made to become a successful entrepreneur.

Instead of watching TV and movies, read case studies and meditate. Take care of your mind and body in constructive, healing ways.

It may “feel good” to watch TV, but it’s not actually a rejuvenating way to relax.

To be a successful entrepreneur, find relaxing activities that help to restore your learner and creator mindset.

21. Successful Entrepreneurs Deliver, Not Sell

Honestly, no one likes to be sold to. I mean seriously, who enjoys going to the car lot and buying a new car? We all know what we’re getting ourselves into and dread it.

Instead of selling to your potential customers, deliver. Offer them a free trial and deliver a great product.

When your company delivers a great product or service, you’ll build customer loyalty faster than you can say, “successful entrepreneur.”

22. Take Baby Steps to Become a Successful Entrepreneur

Building a successful entrepreneurial business can seem daunting, and that’s okay. Building a business from the ground up is a massive undertaking.

Luckily I have a foolproof tactic: break it down.

Any problem that seems insurmountable, break it down into baby steps.

Once you’ve broken it down into baby steps, take them one at a time. Before you know it, just by placing one foot in front of the other, you’ll be halfway up the mountain.

With grit and perseverance, baby steps will get you far toward becoming a successful entrepreneur.

23. Put Everything on Your Calendar

You think I’m kidding, but I’m not. Put every single thing on your calendar.

Think something doesn’t need to be on your calendar? It does.

Put your meetings, quiet work periods, time with friends, happy-hour business meetings, kids’ soccer games, workouts, meal times, and anything else that you do on your calendar.

Once something is on your calendar, then everyone who needs to meet with you knows that time isn’t available.

An additional benefit is that once everything is on your calendar, there aren’t excuses for not getting things done.

I want to also draw your attention to one of the items I included: quiet work time. That is time when you can work, solve problems, or think creatively without being interrupted.

Everyone needs these periods of time. To be a successful entrepreneur, guard your quiet work times with your life. The success of your business may depend upon them.

24. Exercise to Become a More Successful Entrepreneur

Did you know that sitting down all day long is bad for your health? It is.

Being a successful entrepreneur doesn’t just mean running a profitable business. Run yourself too ragged managing that business and you might not be around to enjoy its success.

You must take care of yourself as well as your business. One of the many self-care tasks that I recommend is exercise.

taking care of yourself and getting exercise is important for successful entrepreneurs

Make sure to book time in your calendar to get in some exercise and get out of your chair.

Maybe you go to yoga, walking meetings, climb the stairs instead of taking the elevator, or simply go to the gym.

Build time into your calendar every week (dare I hope for every day?) to be physically active and take care of your body as well as your business.

A sick or unhealthy entrepreneur isn’t a successful entrepreneur.

25. Successful Entrepreneurs Stay Focused

The life of a successful entrepreneur can feel scattered and disjointed, but it’s important to limit your time spent multitasking.

Research has shown time and time again that multitasking doesn’t work. Humans aren’t capable of it.

And yes, multitasking includes being distracted by your phone and email tabs. Close them and put them away.

Learn to focus and take time to do just one task. Giving one task your full attention will mean that you’re more likely to get it done and do it well.

It’s also important to know that too many tasks on your to-do list can make you ineffective and distracted.

Learn to focus your to-do list on the tasks that you’re capable of finishing in the amount of time you’ve allotted for them.

For example, each night, set the three tasks that you’ll complete the following day. Each month, set the overarching goal for your company that you want to achieve in the next 30 days.

These techniques can help you to learn how to focus and more effectively manage your business.

26. Take Time Off

We finally made it to the tip that I think it the toughest for successful entrepreneurs to put into practice.

I really mean that you need to take time off. Americans don’t do it enough.


You might not need time off every day or every week, but you do need to take time off. If all you do is work, you’ll burn out. Fast.

I think this is the most challenging for entrepreneurs because they often see themselves as invincible or believe that they must be invincible. This just isn’t true; we’re all humans and we need time off.

Time off allows your brain to roam, to rest, and to think. Ever wonder why you think of so many ideas in the shower? It’s because your brain has free range to just think and roam.

Even the most successful entrepreneurs don’t work all the time. Everyone needs time off, so don’t shame yourself for being human and normal.

When you do take time off, notify your staff ahead of time and let them know why it’s important to you.

Teaching your staff the importance of time off will help them to respect your time away and to recognize when they need time off.

By the way, you should allow your staff time off too. They also are human and will occasional breaks.

Take time off before you need it and recognize that it’s important for healing, creating, and becoming a more successful entrepreneur.

27. Successful Entrepreneurs Ask Questions

You don’t know everything. No one does.

You should ask for help, advice, mentors, and everything else you need as you get your business set up and running. Asking questions is a valuable skill to have as an entrepreneur.

The more information you have, the more you will know and be able to take into consideration.

Asking questions also helps you to remain in a learner mindset, ready to accept advice and information.

Learners and those who ask questions are more likely to become successful entrepreneurs.

28. Learn From Your Failures

Failure is an option.

Better to accept it now then later. You will fail at some point. It’s how you adjust to these failures that will make or break your business.

Failure is an aspect of becoming a successful entrepreneur, so you’d better get used to it now.

If your first business does fail, keep in mind that you can create another with the lessons you learned from your first.

29. Get Inspired

Being an entrepreneur is a creative pursuit. As an entrepreneur, you have to make connections, solve problems, and create new things that no one has thought of before.

Creators and creatives need to be inspired.

Successful entrepreneurs take time for the things that inspire them.

traits of a successful entrepreneur

Maybe your inspiration comes from being in an art museum, maybe it’s reading books, maybe it’s doodling —whatever it is that inspires you, do it. It’s good for your business.

Successful entrepreneurs are inspired. Don’t let that magic slip for too long. Whenever you can, and definitely when you’re feeling burned out, get out there and get inspired.

Inspiration is the spark for ideas. Ideas make successful entrepreneurs.

30. Successful Entrepreneurs Lend a Helping Hand

Entrepreneurs are busy, so this tip sometimes trips them up. It’s easy to think, “I don’t have time to help anyone else! I’m so busy already!”

However, helping others can be inspiring and massively beneficial. It makes you feel good.

Furthermore, as an entrepreneur, you have a network with whom you can share your expertise and jobs you can hire people for. Why wouldn’t you help out when you can?

When you help someone, they will likely find a way to help you. It might not be today or tomorrow, but somewhere in the future, they will be there to help you when you need it.

Helping others is also a great way to build a loyal and supportive network around you.


Succeeding in business doesn’t come overnight. It takes a lot of planning, preparation, creativity, grit, and patience to become a successful entrepreneur.

The 30 tips I provided in this guide will help you with a long-term strategy and build it in baby steps until your business becomes a success.

If you need help defining and implementing a digital strategy as you start to build your business, let us know if we can assist you. We even offer custom packages for businesses on a strict budget!

What makes you a successful entrepreneur?

The post 30 Ways to Become a More Successful Entrepreneur appeared first on Neil Patel.

New comment by rsvpdd2 in "Ask HN: Who wants to be hired? (September 2020)"

Location: Boston, MA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes but only to NYC or Denver

Technologies: Python (Pandas, Numpy, PyTorch, sklearn, Tensorflow, Flask), GCP (GCS, GKE, BigQuery, Pub/Sub, AI Platform), AWS, Terraform, SQL, Docker/Kubernetes, Airflow



Looking for data scientist and ML engineer roles. Specialty is in time series forecasting but have also done a fair amount of work in NLP. I have designed ML solutions from data gathering stage all the way to deployment and beyond. Additionally, I have exposure to many different roles in the data ecosystem (DE, DS, MLOps) and have led small teams of data scientists to create effective ML powered solutions.

The Best CRM Software (In-Depth Review)

Disclosure: This content is reader-supported, which means if you click on some of our links that we may earn a commission.

Without customers, your business wouldn’t exist. 

I guess it could… but you wouldn’t last long without a stream of revenue helping you keep the lights on. Because of that, it’s critical to understand how your customers behave and what they want from you. 

Doing so makes their experience better. And helps you generate more money. 

The best CRM software helps streamline, simplify, and improve your business processes to create better experiences for the one thing your business revolves around — your customers. 

But today, your biggest challenge is choosing the right one. 

With countless options to choose from, it’s easy to feel paralyzed. So, to help you out, I reviewed the top CRM software available and put together an extensive list of what to consider before making your final decision. 

The top 5 options for the best CRM software

  1. Hubspot – Best free CRM software
  2. Salesforce – Best CRM software for versatility
  3. Zoho CRM – Best for small to midsize businesses
  4. Freshsales – Best CRM for sales teams
  5. Creatio CRM – Best enterprise-grade CRM solution

How to choose the best CRM software for you

With so many options and types to choose from, finding the best CRM software for your business can feel impossible. 

So, let’s talk about what to consider as you go through the process. 

Business size

The size of your business plays a role in which CRM software is best for you. If you have separate departments for marketing, sales, IT, and customer service, you need more advanced functions than a business with five employees. 

Furthermore, you need to consider who’s going to manage the software. Choosing and paying for software isn’t the same as using it to its full potential. 

You have to set it up and take advantage of its features for the investment to be worth it. 

For small teams, it may be a collaborative effort of everyone pitching in. However, large teams may have dedicated employees to set everything up and maintain the software moving forward. 

The size of your business also plays a role in how much the software is going to cost. The more user seats you need, the more expensive the software. 

So, take this into consideration. 

Your use cases

Before you decide, it’s essential to consider what systems you want to streamline and improve. It may help to think about current inefficiencies and how a CRM can help. 

Typically, CRM software helps with sales, marketing, IT, and customer service. Which of those do you want to improve, and do you have the capacity to set everything up and maintain it?

Furthermore, there are specific CRM solutions for particular industries. And you may benefit from choosing a CRM that offers something specific to your industry. But keep in mind that these may be more expensive. 

Basic CRM features

Most CRMs include a basic set of standard features. And the CRM you choose should include them as well. While the specifics of each feature vary from software to software, there should be a system in place to help you handle things like:

  • Contact and lead management
  • Document sharing and storage
  • Workflow automation
  • Interaction tracking
  • Mobile access

Look for these core CRM features before making any final decisions. 

Advanced CRM features

It’s also important to consider the advanced CRM features you need. Oftentimes, these are only available on high-tier plans. So, this plays a role in which pricing plan you choose, and it can significantly impact your budget. 

It may help to outline your current processes. 

This can help identify areas that need improvement and the specific CRM features you need to make it happen. You can then use your list to narrow down your options. 

Third-party integrations

To really streamline and automate your business processes, your CRM tool needs to play well with the tools you’re already using to run your business. Make a list of the tools you use and double-check to make sure your CRM integrates with them. 

Don’t forget to consider your:

  • Email platforms
  • Social media tools
  • Internal communication software
  • Customer service tools
  • Calling/video chat software
  • Shopping cart (for ecommerce)
  • Contract/proposal software
  • Connectors (i.e., Zapier)
  • Analytics tools
  • Calendar

Once you have your list, you can use it to narrow down your choices to the right CRM software. You can also use it when speaking with a sales team to make sure they offer everything you need. 

The different types of CRM software

There are three different types of CRM software. The most common type is operational. And thankfully, companies are integrating more features from the other types of software into operational CRM systems. 

Doing so helps minimize the need for businesses to have three separate pieces of software. 

Before diving into my top recommendations, let’s talk about these different types and what they mean. 


Operational CRMs help businesses of all sizes handle business processes and enhance the lead generation systems they have in place. The idea is that streamlining your operational processes helps your business provide better customer experiences. 

There are four types of operational CRMs, including:

  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • Customer Service
  • IT

These are traditionally what people think of when they hear CRM. So, all of the recommendations on this list fall under this category. 


Analytical CRMs help businesses gather, analyze, and leverage data collected from their customers. Essentially, this type of CRM software helps turn large data sets into valuable information you can use to improve the customer experience. 

The recommendations on this list include a few basic analytical features.

But there are certainly more robust CRM tools out there for collecting and analyzing customer data, especially for enterprise businesses with a lot of customer information. 


Collaborative CRMs make it easy for businesses to share everything they learn about their customers using operational and analytical CRM software. 

Essentially, this type of software lets team members quickly pass along lead, contact, and customer information from one department to another. 

Doing so helps track interactions between customers and your business as well as identify your customers’ preferred communication channels. 

Both of those things combined help improve customer experiences. 

Most of the recommendations on this list offer multiple operational CRM solutions that seamlessly integrate, making this type of collaboration easy. 

However, there are better systems out there if you’re looking for something more powerful. 

#1 – Hubspot Review — The best free CRM software

If you’re in the sales or marketing industry, you’ve probably read Hubspot’s blog or taken one of their free certification courses. However, they also offer a robust and free CRM software to streamline your customer relationship management process. 

With Hubspot, you can gain unprecedented insight into how your audience behaves. 

Need to monitor when contacts open your emails so you can optimize your open rates? No problem. Maybe you want to see how a contact behaves on your website. With Hubspot, it’s easy. 

Furthermore, they offer a wide variety of solutions, depending on your role within your company. 

These position-specific solutions include sales, marketing, customer service, operations, and owners. 

The free CRM plan includes a robust set of features, including:

  • Contact management
  • Email scheduling
  • Deal pipelines
  • Meeting scheduler
  • 1-1 live chat
  • Contact website activity
  • Store, track, and manage tasks
  • Document sharing
  • VoIP calling

These features are hard to beat on any other free plans on this list. However, Hubspot’s paid plans are well worth their price as well. 

The Starter Plan starts at $40 per month, paid annually. However, if you want to bundle all of Hubspot’s CRM software, you can get starter access to all four for $50 per month if you commit to a 12-month contract. 

So, for $10 extra dollars a month, you also get software specialized for marketing, sales, and customer service.  

However, keep in mind these prices are based on 1,000 contacts. The price increases for every additional 1,000 contacts you have. 

Sign up for a free plan to get started with Hubspot today.

#2 – Salesforce Review — The best CRM software for versatility

Whether you’re a small business owner or a sales, marketing, IT, or customer support team, Salesforce has the perfect CRM solution. Known for its versatility, they offer specialized software that adapts to meet your needs. 

More than 150,000 businesses, including T Mobile, Adidas, and Yeti, rely on Salesforce to help them build strong relationships with their customers. 

They also offer specialized solutions for 14 different industries, including:

  • Financial services
  • Healthcare
  • Manufacturing
  • Consumer goods
  • Energy
  • Communications
  • Nonprofits

The system is so versatile because you can pick and choose which apps you need to build a complete CRM solution customized to match your business. 

From marketing automation and ecommerce sales to call-center software and self-service portals, Salesforce is dedicated to providing everything you need for unprecedented customer relationships. 

Their business plans include:

  1. Essentials — $25/user per month (basic sales and support)
  2. Sales Professional — $75/user per month (complete sales solution)
  3. Support Professional — $75/user per month (complete service solution)
  4. Pardot Growth — $1,250 per month for up to 10,000 contacts (marketing automation)

However, you can add additional features and applications depending on what you need. They also offer other plans for sales, customer service, commerce, and marketing CRM packages with varying features. 

Start your free trial to take Salesforce for a test drive today.

#3 – Zoho CRM Review — The best for small to midsize businesses

Unlike the other options on this list, Zoho CRM is an all-in-one solution. There aren’t additional modules to look through for different departments or anything like that. This makes it an excellent option for small to midsize businesses.

They also have an extensive network of 40 other business tools. So, if you’re using Zoho software already, integration with Zoho CRM is seamless. 

Plus, they have a worldwide network of over 150,000+ customers (including Netflix and Bose) in 180 countries, so you know you’re in good hands. 

Furthermore, Zoho offers a free forever plan with up to three users. It includes essential features like lead management, document sharing, task management, workflow rules, and a mobile application. 

However, their paid plans are affordable as well, and they include advanced CRM features like:

  • Real-time sales signals and customer notifications
  • Blueprint business management for both on and offline processes
  • Prospect scoring capabilities
  • Unique sales pipelines
  • Mass emails
  • Inventory management
  • An AI assistant
  • Advanced customizations

The cheapest paid plan starts at $12 per user per month, making it extremely affordable for small businesses. 

Sign up for a free 15-day trial to see if Zoho CRM is right for you. 

Note: Zoho also recently launched a sales-centric CRM specifically for small businesses. It’s called Bigin, and it includes a robust free plan if you’d like to try it out. Bigin’s paid plans are $7 per user per month. 

#4 – Freshsales Review — The best CRM for sales teams

Unlike the other options on this list, Freshsales is specifically built for sales teams and lead management. From cold leads to customers, Freshsales helps you make better relationships while saving time with automation. 

Furthermore, this CRM helps you find the best leads, get in touch with them via their preferred method, and close the sale. 

And Freshworks includes a built-in email and phone system to help simplify the process. 

They have a customer base of over 40,000 businesses, including some big names like Dyson and Best Western. So, despite being newer to the industry, they’re not inexperienced by any means. 

With Freshworks, you get powerful sales-based features, including:

  • Lead, contact, account, and deal management
  • Tasks and appointment management
  • Merge or clone records
  • Advanced conversation views
  • Lead scoring
  • Time-based workflows
  • Sales pipelines
  • Team inboxes and email forwarding
  • Email scheduling, templates, and alerts
  • Website visitor tracking
  • iOS and Android mobile apps

Aside from an impressive set of features, they also offer industry-specific solutions for 15 different industries, including retail, ecommerce, manufacturing, logistics, healthcare, and more. 

Their free forever plan includes access for an unlimited number of users with limited features. However, it’s a great way to try it out before investing. 

Freshsales’ paid plans are more robust, yet still affordable for businesses of all sizes. Their premium plans include:

  1. Blossom — $12/user per month (for small teams)
  2. Garden — $25/user per month (for growing teams)
  3. Estate — $45/user per month (for large teams)
  4. Forest — $79/user per month (for enterprises)

Sign up for a free 21-day trial to see if Freshsales is right for you and your sales team today.

#5 – Creatio Review — The best enterprise-grade CRM software

While some of the other CRM software on this list includes an enterprise plan, you may find them limiting if you’re managing a large operation. However, Creatio is an enterprise-grade CRM software built with businesses like yours in mind. 

They offer specific CRM solutions for sales, marketing, and customer service teams.

Marketing Creatio gives enterprise businesses everything they need to streamline their multichannel marketing campaigns and manage incoming leads. It includes features like:

  • Visual campaign designer
  • Website behavior tracking and segmentation
  • Advanced trigger campaigns
  • Personalized email marketing
  • Event tracking and response management

Pricing depends on the number of contacts and the number of emails per contact. 

Sales Creatio is perfect for large sales teams taking over after marketing hands them over. It’s an end-to-end sales management platform built to simplify the process and save you time. 

It includes a wide range of features, including:

  • Opportunity management
  • Customer profiles and buying behavior insight
  • Field sales management
  • Performance and operations

Pricing starts at $30 per user per month. 

Lastly, Service Creatio is for customer service teams interested in streamlining their processes and creating excellent customer experiences from start to finish. It includes features, like:

  • Account and contact management
  • Case and knowledge management
  • Omnichannel communications
  • Service catalog
  • Contact center

Pricing starts at $45 per user per month. 

You can bundle all three CRM solutions if you need to. And you can use their online pricing calculator to estimate the total cost. 

Get started with a free trial to see if Creatio is right for you. 


Hubspot, Salesforce, and Zoho CRM are my top recommendations for most businesses. Each one offers a wide range of features suitable for teams from all departments, including sales, marketing, and customer service. 

Furthermore, they’re all affordable, easy to set up, and easy to use.

However, the best CRM software for you depends on your business’s size and the features you need. So, use the criteria we talked about above as you go through the process of making your final decision. 

Which CRM software do you use?

The post The Best CRM Software (In-Depth Review) appeared first on Neil Patel.

New comment by comertcimen in "Ask HN: Freelancer? Seeking freelancer? (September 2020)"

SEEKING WORK | Remote or Onsite Location: Turkey Remote: Yes, but onsite is also okey Willing to relocate: Yes Resume/CV: Technologies: HTML, CSS, SASS, Bootstrap, Javascript, Python, React, Node.js, Express.js, SQL, Git, Docker, Linux Hello, I am looking for Frontend, Backend or Full Stack job. Email: Github:

The post New comment by comertcimen in “Ask HN: Freelancer? Seeking freelancer? (September 2020)” first appeared on Online Web Store Site.

The post New comment by comertcimen in "Ask HN: Freelancer? Seeking freelancer? (September 2020)" appeared first on Business Marketplace Product Reviews.

The post New comment by comertcimen in "Ask HN: Freelancer? Seeking freelancer? (September 2020)" appeared first on Buy It At A Bargain – Deals And Reviews.

Stock exchange dangers: Is my cash actually worth it?

Securities market dangers: Is my cash actually worth it?

Conserving your cash in a financial institution does not tempt you, seeing it use also little development capacity. You transform to the supply market.

Wait! Are the threats associated with purchasing the stock exchange worth my cash? Spending is a great device to raise you cash, however you need to recognize and also maintain an open mind what to search for.

It goes without saying, purchasing supplies is a danger. There are some dangers that thankfully, you can regulate.

Real, some obtain rich in spending in “warm” supplies such as the “dot-com” bubble in the 1990s, however when the first buzz around these supplies start to move, so does your financial investment. If you actually require to spend in these supplies, you have to maintain a continuous eye on them and also attempt to offer them when they begin to level off or decline.

Essentially, it implies getting a little bit of a whole lot of various kinds of bonds and also supplies. In that means, if one supply obtains down, one more one of your supply could be up and also will certainly aid you recuperate some of your losses.

There are additionally business that use “security supplies”. It will certainly be an audio choice to have numerous shares of firms such as this in your profile. This is due to the fact that such supplies seldom vary and also usually provide a stable and also sluggish development, hence providing you a guarantee in your financial investments.

Spending in these supplies could provide you a greater return yet in the lengthy run, these supplies will certainly simply offer you concerns. Check Out the Wall Street Journal or see the supply records on information networks to understand even more regarding your supplies.

Are the threats included in spending in the supply market worth my cash? Real, some obtain well-off in spending in “warm” supplies such as the “dot-com” bubble in the 1990s, however when the first buzz around these supplies start to move, so does your financial investment. In that method, if one supply obtains down, an additional one of your supply could be up and also will certainly aid you recoup some of your losses. Spending in these supplies may offer you a greater return however in the lengthy run, these supplies will certainly simply provide you fears. Review the Wall Street Journal or view the supply records on information networks to recognize even more regarding your supplies.

The post Stock exchange dangers: Is my cash actually worth it? appeared first on ROI Credit Builders.

The post Stock exchange dangers: Is my cash actually worth it? appeared first on Buy It At A Bargain – Deals And Reviews.

Get the Best Visa Cards for Your Business

We’ve got the best Visa cards for your business right here! You can get great perks – these are, after all, the best Visa cards.

Check out the Best Visa Cards for Business

We looked into the best Visa cards for you – and more. So, here are our favorites.

Per the SBA, company credit card limits are a massive 10 – 100 times that of personal credit cards!

This shows you can get a lot more financing with corporate credit cards. And it likewise reveals you can have personal credit cards at stores. So, you would now have an extra card at the very same stores for your business.

And you will not need collateral, cash flow, or financials to get small business credit.

The Best Visa Cards: Benefits

Benefits can vary. So, make certain to choose the benefit you would prefer from this selection of alternatives.

The Best Visa Cards with No Yearly Fee

No Annual Fee/Flat Rate Cash Back

Ink Business Unlimited℠ Credit Card

Have a look at the Ink Business Unlimited℠ Credit Card. It is one of the best Visa cards. Past no yearly fee, get an introductory 0% APR for the first one year. After that, the APR is a variable 14.74 – 20.74%. 

You can earn unlimited 1.5% Cash Back rewards on every purchase made for your company. And get $500 bonus cash back after spending $3,000 in the initial 3 months from account opening. You can redeem your rewards for cash back, gift cards, travel and more via Chase Ultimate Rewards®. You will need superb credit to receive this card.

Find it here: 

Best Visa Cards Credit Suite

Establish business credit fast with our research-backed guide to 12 business credit cards and lines.

The Best Visa Cards for Cash Back

Bonus Categories

Ink Business Cash℠ Credit Card

Have a look at the Ink Business Cash℠ Credit Card. It is one of the best Visa cards and has no yearly fee. There is a 0% introductory APR for the initial year. Afterwards, the APR is a variable 14.74 – 20.74%. You can get a $500 one-time cash bonus after spending $3,000 in the initial 3 months from account opening.

You can earn 5% cash back on the initial $25,000 spent in combined purchases at office supply stores and on net, cable, and phone services each account anniversary year.

Get 2% cash back on the first $25,000 spent in combined purchases at gas stations and restaurants each account anniversary year. Get 1% cash back on all other purchases. There is no limit to the amount you can earn.

You will need excellent credit to receive this Visa card.

Find it here:

Compare to the next few similar cards and see which one you prefer.

Flat-Rate Rewards

Capital One ® Spark® Cash for Business 

Take a look at the Capital One® Spark® Cash for Business. It has an introductory $0 annual fee for the initial year. Afterwards, this card costs $95 each year. There is no introductory APR deal. The regular APR is a variable 18.49%.

You can get a $500 one-time cash bonus after spending $4,000 in the initial three months from account opening. Get unlimited 2% cash back. Redeem any time without any minimums.

You will need good to exceptional credit scores to qualify.

Find it here: 

Best Visa Cards Credit Suite

Establish business credit fast with our research-backed guide to 12 business credit cards and lines.

Flat-Rate Rewards and No Annual Cost

Discover it® Business Card

Have a look at the Discover it® Business Card. It has no yearly fee. There is an introductory APR of 0% on purchases for year. After that the regular APR is a variable 14.49 – 22.49%.

Get unlimited 1.5% cash back on all purchases, with no category restrictions or bonuses. They double the 1.5% Cashback Match™ at the end of the first year. There is no minimum spend requirement.

You can download transactions| quickly to Quicken, QuickBooks, and Excel. Note: you will need great to outstanding credit to get approval for this card.

Boosted Cash Back Categories

Bank of America® Business Advantage Cash Rewards MasterCard® credit card

Check out the Bank of America® Business Advantage Cash Rewards MasterCard® credit card. Get an 0% introductory APR for the first 9 billing cycles of the account. Afterwards, the APR is 13.74% – 23.74% variable. There is no yearly fee. You can get a $300 statement credit offer.

Get 3% cash back in the category of your choice. So these are gasoline stations (default), office supply stores, travel, TV/telecom & wireless, computer services or business consulting services. Get 2% cash back on dining. So this is for the first $50,000 in combined choice category/dining purchases each calendar year. Then get 1% after, with no limits.

You will need outstanding credit scores to qualify.

Find it here: 

Irresistible Cards for Jackpot Rewards That Never Expire

Capital One® Spark® Cash Select for Business

Check out the Capital One® Spark® Cash Select for Business. It has no yearly fee. You can get 1.5% cash back on every purchase. There is no limit on the cash back you can get. Also earn a one-time $200 cash bonus once you spend $3,000 on purchases in the first 3 months. Rewards never expire.

Pay a 0% introductory APR for 9 months. Then pay 14.49% – 22.49% variable APR after that.

You will need great to excellent credit scores to qualify.

Find it here: 

The Best Visa Cards for Lavish Travel Points

Bonus Travel Categories with a Sign-Up Offer

Ink Business Preferred℠ Credit Card

For a wonderful sign-up offer and bonus categories, check out the Ink Business Preferred℠ Credit Card. It is one of the best Visa cards out there!

Pay a yearly fee of $95. Regular APR is 17.49 – 22.49%, variable. There is no introductory APR offer.

Get 100,000 bonus points after spending $15,000 in the initial three months after account opening. This works out to $1,250 toward travel rewards if you redeem through Chase Ultimate Rewards.

Get 3 points per dollar of the first $150,000 you spend with this card. So this is for purchases on travel, shipping, internet, cable, and phone services. Plus it includes advertising purchases made with social media sites and search engines each account anniversary year.

You can get 25% more in travel redemption when you redeem for travel with Chase Ultimate Rewards. You will need a good to superb FICO score to qualify.

Find it here: 

Compare this Visa to the next cards and see which you prefer.

Flat-rate Travel Rewards

Capital One® Spark® Miles for Business

Have a look at the Capital One® Spark® Miles for Business. It has an introductory annual fee of $0 for the first year, which then rises to $95. The regular APR is 18.49%, variable due to the prime rate. There is no introductory annual percentage rate. Pay no transfer fees. Late fees go up to $39.

This card is wonderful for travel if your expenditures don’t fall into common bonus categories. You can get unlimited double miles on all purchases, with no limits. Get 5x miles on rental cars and hotels if you book via Capital One Travel.

Get an initial bonus of 50,000 miles. That’s the same as $500 in travel. Yet you only get it if you spend $4,500 in the first 3 months from account opening. There is no foreign transaction fee. You will need a good to superb FICO rating to qualify.

Find it here:

great Visa Credit Suite

Establish business credit fast with our research-backed guide to 12 business credit cards and lines.

No Annual Fee

Bank of America® Business Advantage Travel Rewards World MasterCard® credit card

For no annual fee while still getting travel rewards, check out this card from Bank of America. It has no yearly fee and a 0% introductory APR for purchases during the first nine billing cycles. After that, its regular APR is 13.74 – 23.74% variable.

You can get 30,000 bonus points when you make at least $3,000 in net purchases. So this is within 90 days of your account opening. You can redeem these points for a $300 statement credit towards travel purchases.

Get unlimited 1.5 points for every $1 you spend on all purchases, everywhere, every time. And this is despite how much you spend.

Likewise get 3 points per every dollar spent when you book your travel (car, hotel, airline) via the Bank of America® Travel Center. There is no limit to the number of points you can get and points don’t expire.

You will need superb credit scores to get this one (as in, 700s or better).

Find it here:

Hotel Credit Card

Marriott Bonvoy Business™ American Express® Card

Have a look at the Marriott Bonvoy Business™ Card from American Express. It has a yearly fee of $125. There is no introductory APR offer. The regular APR is a variable 17.24 – 26.24%. You will need good to exceptional credit scores to get this card.


You can get 75,000 Marriott Bonvoy points after using your card to make purchases of $3,000 in the initial three months. Get 6x the points for eligible purchases at participating Marriott Bonvoy hotels. You can get 4x the points at US restaurants and filling stations. And you can get 4x the points on wireless telephone services bought straight from American providers and on American purchases for shipping.

Get double points on all other qualified purchases.


Plus, you get a free night every year after your card anniversary. And you can earn another free night after you spend $60,000 on your card in a calendar year.

You get free Marriott Bonvoy Silver Elite status with your Card. Also, spend $35,000 on qualified purchases in a calendar year and get an upgrade to Marriott Bonvoy Gold Elite status through the end of the next calendar year.

Also, each calendar year you can get credit for 15 nights towards the next level of Marriott Bonvoy Elite status.

Find it here:

The Very Best Small Business Credit Cards for You

Your outright best Visa cards for your business will always depend upon your credit report and scores. And you may find these similar cards we found end up being better for your needs.

Just you can choose which features you want and need. So, ensure to do your homework. What is outstanding for you could be catastrophic for another person.

And, as always, make certain to develop credit in the advised order for the best, fastest benefits.

The post Get the Best Visa Cards for Your Business appeared first on Credit Suite.

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