New comment by stereobit in "Ask HN: Who is hiring? (December 2020)"

Learnerbly | Software Engineer | Full Time | London, UK | ONSITE, REMOTE (limited to Europe) Learnerbly is a Workplace Learning Platform that enables people to be their best selves at work. We work with organisations to create a progressive learning culture that empowers their people to own their development via personal learning budgets, guides …

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University student Should Have A Student Credit Card

University student Should Have A Student Credit Card Pupil credit scores cards are additionally referred to as university credit rating cards, we will certainly utilize the identifier, trainee credit score card in this details launch. Generally, for a lot of university pupils, their trainee credit score card is their very first credit rating card and …

The post University student Should Have A Student Credit Card first appeared on Online Web Store Site.

The post University student Should Have A Student Credit Card appeared first on Buy It At A Bargain – Deals And Reviews.

Community Phone Company (YC W19) Is Hiring

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Cambly (YC W14) is hiring remote senior back-end engineers

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New comment by AndrewDavidJ in "Ask HN: Who wants to be hired? (December 2020)"

Location: Montreal, QC, Canada

Remote: Yes, Only

Willing to relocate: No


– Back-end: PHP, MySQL

– Front-end: HTML, CSS, Javascript (+ Vue)

– Game development: Unity, C#

– Brand/Web design: Photoshop

Résumé/CV: Available via email


Stop! Before You Borrow, Check Out Our Fundera Review for Better Recession Funding

Recession Age Funding The number of American banks as well as thrifts has been decreasing slowly for a quarter of a century. This is from consolidation in the marketplace in addition to deregulation in the 1990s, reducing barriers to interstate banking. See: Assets concentrated in ever‐larger banks is problematic for small business proprietors. Big … Continue reading Stop! Before You Borrow, Check Out Our Fundera Review for Better Recession Funding

How to Get Funding for Your Business

Need to know how to get funding for your business?  Of course, you do! There is so much to consider. For example, what stage your business is in and overall fundability each makes a difference.  Most people know that though. The big question is, what exactly is fundability? More than that, what exactly affects fundability? … Continue reading How to Get Funding for Your Business

New comment by BEACON_Hiring in "Ask HN: Who is hiring? (December 2020)"

MindBeacon | REMOTE |

MindBeacon began with CBT Associates – a team of therapists including Psychologists and Psychological Associates practicing across multiple locations in the Greater Toronto Area, and now providing virtual therapy through secure video or your favourite device!

BEACON was first introduced in 2016 as an in-clinic innovation to enhance delivery and measurement of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). One of Canada’s most purposeful digital start-ups, BEACON officially launched in 2017 as a fully digital experience providing treatment through digitally delivered CBT with the one-on-one support of a dedicated therapist. Founded by clinical and technology innovators, BEACON leverages existing and emerging cloud and machine learning technologies to advance the state of the art for mental health clinical capacity.

QA Engineer – Senior Level |

Data Analyst – Senior Level |

Please apply through links above – thank you for your interest and all the best in your search!

The post New comment by BEACON_Hiring in "Ask HN: Who is hiring? (December 2020)" appeared first on ROI Credit Builders.

How to Get Funding for Your Business

Need to know how to get funding for your business?  Of course, you do! There is so much to consider. For example, what stage your business is in and overall fundability each makes a difference.  Most people know that though. The big question is, what exactly is fundability? More than that, what exactly affects fundability? That’s getting a little ahead of things though.  You have to know what types of funds are available, and you need to know your fundability makes you eligible for whatever you need. 

All the Ways to Get Funding for Your Business and What You Need to Know About Each One

The first step is to figure out what type of funding will work best for you at this current stage in your business.  The next step? That would be to figure out whether you qualify, and if not, how to fix that. Here’s what you need to know.

Demolish your financing problems with 27 killer ways to get cash for your business

Types of Funding 

Before you can figure out what type of funding  you need, you have to know what type of funds are out there.

Traditional Term Loans 

These are loans from traditional banks and credit unions.  As a business, your business credit score can help you get some types of funds even if your personal score isn’t awesome.  That isn’t necessarily the case with this type of cash however. 

With a traditional lender term loan, you are almost always going to have to give a personal guarantee.  This means they will check your personal credit.  If your personal credit score isn’t in order, you’ll probably have trouble.

So how high does your credit score have to be?  If you have at least a 750 you are in pretty good shape. Sometimes you can get approval with a score of 700+, but the terms will not be as favorable. 

If you have really great business credit, your lender might be willing to be more flexible. However, your personal credit score will still weigh heavily on the terms and interest rate. 

These are the hardest types of funds to get, but they typically have the best rates and terms. 

SBA Loans 

SBA loans are traditional bank loans, but they have a guarantee from the federal government. The Small Business Administration, or SBA, works with lenders to offer small businesses financing solutions that they may not be eligible for based on their own credit history. Because of the government guarantee, lenders are able to be more flexible with personal credit score requirements. 

In fact, it is possible to get an SBA microloan with a personal credit score between 620 and 640. These are very small loans, up to $50,000.  They may require personal collateral as well. 

The trade-off with SBA loans is that the application process is lengthy. There is a ton of red tape connected with these types of loans. 

Business Line of Credit 

This is basically the traditional lender’s version of a business credit card. The credit is revolving, meaning you only pay back what you use, just like a credit card. Rates are typically much better than a credit card.  The application and approval process, however, is more similar to that of a traditional term loan. 

If you need revolving credit and can qualify for a term loan, this is the best of the available business money types for you. It is great for bridging cash gaps and covering short term expenses without the high credit card interest rates. 

There are no cash back rewards or loyalty points, though.  This makes some business owners prefer business credit cards in some cases.

Invoice Factoring 

If you are an established business with accounts receivable, invoice factoring is one type of financing that you have access to. This is where the lender buys your outstanding invoices at a premium, and then collects the full amount themselves. You get cash right away, without waiting for your customers to pay the invoices.

This is a good option if you need cash fast, or you do not qualify for other types of funds. The interest rate varies based on the age of the receivables.

Private Lenders 

These are lenders other than traditional banks and credit unions that offer terms loans.  Usually they operate online.  The difference between these guys and traditional lenders is that the loans have less strict approval requirements. In addition, the application process is usually much faster. Most often you can simply apply online, get approval in as little as 24 hours, and the funds are in your account within 24 to 48 hours after approval.

These are an option if your personal credit isn’t terrible and you need funds fast. 

Demolish your financing problems with 27 killer ways to get cash for your business


Crowdfunding is a newer option for finding investors. It is not always possible to find one or two large investors. With crowdfunding, you can literally have multiple investors fund your business $5 and $10 at the time. 

There are many crowdfunding sites, but the most popular are Kickstarter and Indiegogo. The platforms are similar but there are some important differences. The most obvious is when they release the funds raised..

Kickstarter requires you to set a goal, and you do not receive your funds until that goal is reached. For example, if you set a goal of $10,000 when you start your campaign, you will not receive any money that investors offer up until you reach that $10,000. 

Indiegogo requires a goal as well, but they offer the option to receive funds as you go if you want. They also have something called InDemand. This program allows you to continue raising funds after your original campaign is over without starting a whole new campaign. It is more of an extension of the first one.

There are other crowdfunding sites also.  These are not the only two. Different ones work better for certain businesses and vendors. To figure out which one you might have the most luck with, you will have to research. Keep in mind your type of business and the specific business each one appeals too. 


Generally, these are offered by professional organizations. There are some government grants available also. Competition can be stiff, but they are definitely worth a shot if you think you may qualify. 

While requirements vary from grant to grant, and most are only awarded to a certain number of recipients, they are worth looking into if you fall into one of these basic categories. 

  • Women owned business
  • Minority owned business
  • Businesses run by veterans
  • Businesses in low income areas

There are also some corporations that offer grants in a contest format that do not require anything really other than that you meet the corporation’s definition of a small business and win the contest. 

Business Credit Cards 

These get a bad rap.  However, if there isn’t another option, they can actually work well. The draw is that they are available much more readily even with a credit score that isn’t great. To be fair, the lower the credit score, the higher the interest rate. Also, there are limits on how low they will go with a credit score. 

Still, most of the general public is eligible for this type of financing. They do a credit check, but your credit doesn’t have to be as high as it would be to get approval for a traditional loan. 

The downside of business credit cards is that they typically have a high interest rate. The upside is that many of them offer rewards in the form of cash or points. 

Best Funding at Each Stage 

Which type of funds will work best for you depends on a lot of factors. The main two include which types you qualify for and what phase your business is in. Assuming you are eligible for all types of financing, here is what to consider at each stage. 

Startup Phase 

In the startup phase, there are a couple of things to think about when determining which business capital type might work best for you.  

If you fall into one of those categories that make grants an option, that is the best first stop. Grants are free and clear. That money is yours, without repayment, to use in your business. They usually do not rely on the success of the business or the credit worthiness of the owner. The business or proposed business only has to meet the requirements set forth to apply, and then win the grant. 

Crowdfunding is also a viable option here, but there has to be a backup plan in case the goal isn’t met.

Traditional term loans are a good idea for the startup phase also, if you qualify. The interest rates and terms are more favorable than other types of financing for those that meet the credit requirements. 

If you do not meet the credit requirements for traditional term loans, then non-traditional lenders are the next best option. They may have higher interest rates, but they get the job done.  Plus, they can help build your business credit score if you make your payments on time.

While not impossible, it is not usually a good idea to start a business using credit cards if you can help it.  Of course, invoice factoring is not an option because you have to already be in business to have the invoices necessary.

Demolish your financing problems with 27 killer ways to get cash for your business

Growth Phase 

There are several aspects of growth that can benefit from different funding options. 

Increase Inventory

If you see the growing demand and need to increase inventory, a revolving credit line is going to work best. 

If already in place, these are available as needed to accomodate a large inventory purchase.  They also allow for taking advantage of special pricing when possible. 

A business line of credit works well due to the lower interest rate, business credit cards will work in this situation also. In fact, if they have really great rewards attached to them, they could even be the better choice. It can’t hurt to have both available if you can so that you have options. 

If available, grants work well for growth projects as well. 


For large equipment, it is best to use traditional term loans if available. This is because they are typically longer term loans for larger amounts.  Lower interest rates and favorable repayment terms are key.  We all know, however, this isn’t always possible. In a pinch, other types can work for this. 

Grants may be an option if there is not a time crunch. If time is of the essence, it is possible to purchase equipment on credit cards, but you could run into problems with cost versus credit limit. 


If you want to add on to your current building or add another location, term loan financing is the best option. Whether it needs to come from a traditional or non-traditional lender will depend on your specific situation.

Working Capital 

Business Funds Credit SuiteWorking capital is the cash you have available to run your business. Everything from payroll to repairs, maintenance, seasonal cash gaps, and emergencies are all things working capital covers. 

It can come from various funding types. There are working capital loans available, but lines of credit and business credit cards can work in these situations too. Unless you already have a working capital loan before it is needed, you will likely have to access business credit cards or some form of non-traditional financing for this. 

In a pinch to cover a cash gap, a merchant cash advance or invoice factoring can work well. 

Your Ability to Get Funding is Directly Affected by Your Fundability

The main factor in whether or not you can get funding for your business is fundability.  The fundability of your business includes many things.  It has to do with how your business is set up, both personal and business credit, and even things you would never think about like parking tickets and outstanding liens.  The most controllable part of course, is business credit. If you work hard to keep that strong, it is possible to get the cash you need.

The post How to Get Funding for Your Business appeared first on Credit Suite.

Stop! Before You Borrow, Check Out Our Fundera Review for Better Recession Funding

Recession Age Funding

The number of American banks as well as thrifts has been decreasing slowly for a quarter of a century. This is from consolidation in the marketplace in addition to deregulation in the 1990s, reducing barriers to interstate banking. See: Assets concentrated in ever‐larger banks is problematic for small business proprietors. Big banks are much less likely to make small loans. Economic slumps indicate banks become more careful with lending. Luckily, business credit does not rely upon banks. That’s why we’re offering our Fundera review.

Looking for Funding? You Need to Read Our Fundera Review

Fundera is an online lending company. They offer small business loans with a variety of options. They also have SBA loans and equipment financing, among other financing options. We look at the specifics and drill down into the details of Fundera online lending.


Fundera is located online here: Their physical address is:

123 William Street, 21st Floor

New York NY 10038.

You can call them here: (800) 386-3372. You can email them at:  Fundera is financed by Khosla Ventures; SGE Susquehanna Growth Equity, LLC; Core Innovation Capital; First Round; and QED Investors.

Fundera Review: SBA Loans

Most companies approved had four or more years in business. Most business owners approved had 680 or better credit scores. And most companies approved had $180,000 in annual revenue. Loan amounts run from $5,000 – 5 million, with 5 – 25 year terms. You can get funding in as little as 2 weeks. However, they may require collateral.


Their interest rates start at 6%.

Fundera Review: Term Loans

Most companies approved had three or more years’ time in business. Most business owners approved had a credit score of 680 or better. And most companies approved had $300,000 or more in annual revenue. $25,000 – 500,000 is available. Terms are 1 – 5 years. It is as little as 2 days to approval.


Their interest rates range from 7 – 30%, and there are possible prepayment penalties.

Fundera Review: Equipment Financing

Most companies approved had been in business for two or more years. Most business owners approved had a credit score of 630 or better. And most companies approved had $130,000 or more in annual revenue. Your loan amount up is to 100% of equipment value. The term is the expected life of the equipment, and the equipment serves as the collateral. You can get approval in as little as 2 days.


Interest rates range from 8 – 30%. Equipment depreciation may be required; this cuts into tax deductions.

Fundera Review: Business Lines of Credit

Most companies approved had been in business for a year or more. Most business owners approved had a credit score of 630 or better. And most companies approved had  $180,000 or more in annual revenue. $10,000 to over $1 million in funding is available, with 6 months to 5 years terms. Approval is in as little as one day.


Interest rates range from 7 – 25%. However, they may require collateral. There are higher rates for lower credit scores.

Fundera Review: Invoice Financing

Most companies approved had been in business for one year or more. Most business owners approved had a credit score of 600 or better. And most companies approved had $130,000 or more in annual revenue. The maximum advance is equivalent to 100% of the total amount of invoice. Approval is in as little as one day.


Get a fast advance of about 85% of the value of invoices. Most of the other 15% is paid later. The factor fee is 3% + %/week outstanding. These fees are based on the time it takes for a customer to pay off the invoice.

Fundera Review: Advantages

Advantages include several flexible options. And some of them can get an approval with rather low minimum FICO scores. This choice makes Fundera an option for entrepreneurs who do not have stellar credit. You can also get some forms of funding with fairly low annual revenues. Companies with comparably low annual revenue could get approvals for startup loans and personal loans for business.

Fundera Review: Disadvantages

Disadvantages include your fees are based on how fast your customer pays, so any deadbeat customers will cost you.

An Alternative: Building Business Credit

Small business credit is credit in a small business’s name. It doesn’t attach to an entrepreneur’s personal credit, not even if the owner is a sole proprietor and the only employee of the business.

As a result, an entrepreneur’s business and individual credit scores can be very different. And it is vital in a poor economy.

The Benefits

Since small business credit is separate from personal, it helps to secure an entrepreneur’s personal assets, in case of a lawsuit or business bankruptcy.

Also, with two distinct credit scores, a business owner can get two different cards from the same merchant. This effectively doubles buying power.

Another advantage is that even startup businesses can do this. Going to a bank for a business loan can be a recipe for frustration. But building business credit, when done right, is a plan for success.

Consumer credit scores are dependent on payments but also additional factors like credit utilization percentages.

But for company credit, the scores really just hinge on whether a small business pays its debts in a timely manner.

Fundera Review for Better Recession Funding Credit Suite

Learn business loan secrets with our free, sure-fire guide. We can help you get money, even during a recession.

The Process

Growing small business credit is a process, and it does not occur without effort. A small business must proactively work to build business credit.

That being said, it can be done easily and quickly, and it is much quicker than establishing personal credit scores.

Vendors are a big aspect of this process.

Accomplishing the steps out of order will cause repetitive rejections. No one can start at the top with business credit. For instance, you can’t start with retail or cash credit from your bank. If you do, you’ll get a rejection 100% of the time.

Business Fundability

A business must be fundable to lenders and vendors.

That’s why, a small business will need a professional-looking website and e-mail address. And it needs to have website hosting bought from a supplier like GoDaddy.

In addition, company telephone  numbers must have a listing on

In addition, the business telephone number should be toll-free (800 exchange or the like).

A business will also need a bank account devoted strictly to it, and it has to have all of the licenses essential for operating.


These licenses all must be in the identical, correct name of the small business. And they need to have the same business address and telephone numbers.

So keep in mind, that this means not just state licenses, but possibly also city licenses.

Fundera Review for Better Recession Funding Credit Suite

Learn business loan secrets with our free, sure-fire guide. We can help you get money, even during a recession.

Working with the IRS

Visit the IRS web site and acquire an EIN for the business. They’re free. Choose a business entity like corporation, LLC, etc.

A small business can get started as a sole proprietor. But they will most likely want to change to a form of corporation or an LLC.

This is in order to decrease risk. And it will maximize tax benefits.

A business entity will matter when it pertains to tax obligations and liability in the event of a lawsuit. A sole proprietorship means the business owner is it when it comes to liability and taxes. Nobody else is responsible.

Sole Proprietors Take Note

If you operate a company as a sole proprietor, then at the very least be sure to file for a DBA. This is ‘doing business as’ status.

If you do not, then your personal name is the same as the small business name. Consequently, you can end up being personally responsible for all business financial obligations.

And also, per the IRS, using this arrangement there is a 1 in 7 probability of an IRS audit. There is a 1 in 50 chance for corporations! Prevent confusion and drastically decrease the odds of an Internal Revenue Service audit at the same time.

But never look at a DBA filing as ever being anything beyond a steppingstone to incorporating.

Instigating the Business Credit Reporting Process

Start at the D&B web site and get a totally free D-U-N-S number. A D-U-N-S number is how D&B gets a company in their system, to generate a PAYDEX score. If there is no D-U-N-S number, then there is no record and no PAYDEX score.

Once in D&B’s system, search Equifax and Experian’s websites for the business. You can do this at If there is a record with them, check it for accuracy and completeness. If there are no records with them, go to the next step in the process.

By doing this, Experian and Equifax will have something to report on.

Vendor Credit Tier

First you should establish trade lines that report. This is also known as the vendor credit tier. Then you’ll have an established credit profile, and you’ll get a business credit score.

And with an established business credit profile and score you can begin to obtain credit in the retail and cash credit tiers.

These kinds of accounts often tend to be for the things bought all the time, like marketing materials, shipping boxes, outdoor work wear, ink and toner, and office furniture.

But first of all, what is trade credit? These trade lines are credit issuers who will give you preliminary credit when you have none now. Terms are often Net 30, versus revolving.

Therefore, if you get approval for $1,000 in vendor credit and use all of it, you will need to pay that money back in a set term, such as within 30 days on a Net 30 account.


Net 30 accounts need to be paid in full within 30 days. 60 accounts have to be paid fully within 60 days. In contrast to with revolving accounts, you have a set time when you have to pay back what you borrowed or the credit you used.

To launch your business credit profile the proper way, you should get approval for vendor accounts that report to the business credit reporting agencies. When that’s done, you can then make use of the credit.

Then pay back what you used, and the account is on report to Dun & Bradstreet, Experian, or Equifax.

Vendor Credit Tier – It Makes Sense

Not every vendor can help like true starter credit can. These are vendors that will grant an approval with negligible effort. You also need them to be reporting to one or more of the big three CRAs: Dun & Bradstreet, Equifax, and Experian.

You want 5 to 8 of these to move onto the next step, which is the retail credit tier. But you may have to apply more than one time to these vendors. So, this is to demonstrate you are dependable and will pay in a timely manner.

Retail Credit Tier

Once there are 5 to 8 or more vendor trade accounts reporting to at least one of the CRAs, then move to the retail credit tier. These are companies like Office Depot and Staples.

Only use your SSN and date of birth on these applications for verification purposes. For credit checks and guarantees, use the small business’s EIN on these credit applications.

One instance is Lowe’s. They report to D&B, Equifax and Business Experian. They need to see a D-U-N-S and a PAYDEX score of 78 or more.

Fleet Credit Tier

Are there 8 to 10 accounts reporting? Then move onto the fleet credit tier. These are companies such as BP and Conoco. Use this credit to purchase fuel, and to repair, and take care of vehicles. Just use your SSN and date of birth on these applications for verification purposes. For credit checks and guarantees, make sure to apply using the company’s EIN.

One such example is Shell. They report to D&B and Business Experian. They want to see a PAYDEX Score of 78 or higher and a 411 business telephone listing.

Shell might claim they want a specific amount of time in business or profits. But if you already have adequate vendor accounts, that won’t be necessary. And you can still get approval.

Fundera Review for Better Recession Funding Credit Suite

Learn business loan secrets with our free, sure-fire guide. We can help you get money, even during a recession.

Cash Credit Tier

Have you been responsibly handling the credit you’ve up to this point? Then progress to the cash credit tier. These are businesses such as Visa and MasterCard. Only use your SSN and date of birth on these applications for verification purposes. For credit checks and guarantees, use your EIN instead.

One such example is the Fuelman MasterCard. They report to D&B and Equifax Business. They need to see a PAYDEX Score of 78 or higher. And they also want you to have 10 trade lines reporting on your D&B report.

Plus, they want to see a $10,000 high credit limit reporting on your D&B report (other account reporting).

In addition, they want you to have an established small business.

These are companies like Walmart and Dell, and also Home Depot, BP, and Racetrac. These are often MasterCard credit cards. If you have 14 trade accounts reporting, then these are in reach.

Monitor Your Business Credit

Know what is happening with your credit. Make certain it is being reported and deal with any inaccuracies as soon as possible. Get in the habit of taking a look at credit reports and digging into the particulars, and not just the scores.

We can help you monitor business credit at Experian and D&B for 90% less than it would cost you at the CRAs. See:

Update Your Data

Update the information if there are inaccuracies or the data is incomplete.

Fix Your Business Credit

So, what’s all this monitoring for? It’s to dispute any mistakes in your records. Mistakes in your credit report(s) can be taken care of. But the CRAs normally want you to dispute in a particular way.


Disputing credit report mistakes typically means you mail a paper letter with copies of any proofs of payment with it. These are documents like receipts and cancelled checks. Never mail the original copies. Always mail copies and retain the original copies.

Fixing credit report errors also means you specifically itemize any charges you challenge. Make your dispute letter as understandable as possible. Be specific about the problems with your report. Use certified mail so that you will have proof that you sent in your dispute.

A Word about Building Business Credit

Always use credit responsibly! Don’t borrow more than what you can pay off. Monitor balances and deadlines for repayments. Paying punctually and in full will do more to increase business credit scores than just about anything else.

Building small business credit pays. Excellent business credit scores help a company get loans. Your lending institution knows the small business can pay its financial obligations. They know the company is bona fide.

The small business’s EIN attaches to high scores and credit issuers won’t feel the need to request a personal guarantee.

Business credit is an asset which can help your company for years to come.


With fairly low annual revenue and minimum FICO score requirements, the Fundera online lender program is a good choice for newer businesses that haven’t quite gotten up to speed yet. However, because your company will be charged for deadbeat clients, even a startup will need to be certain their customers will pay on time.

And finally, as with every other lending program, whether online or offline, remember to read the fine print and do the math. Go over the details with care. Only you can decide if this option will be good for you and your company.

In addition, consider alternative financing options that go beyond lending. This includes building business credit. In a recession, you need to best decide how to get the money you need to help your business grow.

Today, we want to hear from our audience! Share your voice with us about your experiences with online lenders.

The post Stop! Before You Borrow, Check Out Our Fundera Review for Better Recession Funding appeared first on Credit Suite.