You can’t apply for bank credit cards for your business and expect approval if you don’t have a business credit profile. If you do apply and get approved, it will likely be on the merit of your personal credit. That means if something goes wrong, your ability to buy a house, a car, or anything else you may want to buy with consumer credit, goes down the drain.
Find Out Why Your Business Is Being Denied High Limit Bank Credit Cards and the Simple Changes that Can Lead to Approval
If you are applying for high limit credit cards in the name of your business are getting denial after denial, the likely culprit is a lack of business credit profile. Or, you have a business credit profile but a low business credit score.
The idea behind business credit is that the debt is in your business name. It is totally separate from you as the owner. This means it does not impact your personal credit score. As a result, since business credit tends to have higher limits, you can actually get more funding for your business.
The key to avoiding denials is to wait to apply until your business is fundable. This includes having a strong business credit score.
5 Tips for Applying for High Limit Bank Credit Cards for Your Business
1.Build Business Fundability First
If your business is not fundable, business credit will never be an option. It starts with how your business is set up. It has to be set up to be a fundable entity separate from you, the owner. How do you accomplish this? It starts with building a fundable foundation.
The Building Blocks of a Fundable Foundation
As you know, a foundation is only as strong as the materials you build it from. Here are the building blocks of a strong, fundable foundation for your business.
Contact Information
Your business should have its own phone number and a physical address.
You also need an EIN for your business. This is an identifying number for your business. It works similarly to how your SSN works for you personally. You can get one for free from theIRS.
Incorporating your business as an LLC, S-corp, or corporation is necessary to fundability. Talk to your attorney or a tax professional about which option might work best for your business.
Business Bank Account
You have to open a separate, dedicated business bank account. There are many reasons to do this. One of them is that many lenders require it before they will extend credit.
To be fundable, you must be a legitimate business. For a business to be legitimate, it has to have all of the necessary licenses it needs to run.
Spend the time and money necessary to ensure your website is professionally designed and works well. Furthermore, pay for hosting. Don’t use a free hosting service. Also, make sure your business has a dedicated business email address with the same URL as your website. Don’t use a free service such as Yahoo or Gmail.
More Fundability Secrets
Now, the foundation is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to fundability. In fact, there are well over 100 factors that affect the fundability of the business. However, they all fall into these broader categories.
Business credit reports
Business data agencies
Identification numbers
Business credit history
Congruence of business information
Financial Statements
Bureaus such as FICO and ChexSystems
Personal credit scores
The application process
Here is a visual that may help you better understand how complex and far reaching business fundability really is.
2. Try This Expert Trick to Get Out of the “Need Credit to Get Credit” Cycle
The next step is to get accounts reporting to your business credit profile. This is how you build a business credit score. High limit business bank credit cards will use your business credit score to make an approval decision.
The truth is, even if you do everything right to initially establish your business credit profile, there is no business credit score on your business’s credit report until accounts are reporting on-time payments.
With consumer credit, creditors automatically report payments. In contrast, to work intentionally to find creditors that will report your payments to your business credit profile. Surprisingly, not all of them do. In fact, only about 7% of companies that extend credit to businesses actually report accounts to business credit reporting agencies.
So, how do you find companies that will extend credit to your business without a good business credit score and report your payments? That’s the million dollar question, and it’s the trick to getting out of the “need credit to get credit cycle.”
First, the type of vendor that will extend credit to a business without a credit check is called a starter vendor. Despite not running a credit check, they do have various other factors that they look at to determine whether or not to extend credit. These vary between vendors, but they include fundability factors such as a business bank account, as well as income and time in business, among others.
Starter vendors typically will extend net terms on invoices rather than revolving credit. However, they will report your payment to the business credit reporting agencies. In turn, you build your business credit score. Yet, it is very difficult to determine which lenders will report your payments. That is where the secret weapon comes into play. That is, a business credit expert.
3. Don’t Try to Build Business Credit Without a Business Credit Expert
As for finding starter vendors that will report, a business credit expert can help. They know which accounts report and which ones you can qualify for right now. They also help you determine when the tie is right to apply for other accounts.
There are many more ways that a business credit expert can help, including helping you assess current fundability and improve it if necessary. Not only that, but they can also help you find funding that you can get while you are working on fundability and building your business credit score. Get an idea of what a business credit expert can do for you with a free consultation.
4. Apply for Store Credit
Soon, you will have an established business credit profile with multiple accounts reporting. These are credit cards that are restricted to use with the store that issues them. For example, an Office Depot card that you can only use at the store or on that store’s website. These cards typically start with fairly low limits. Yet,the limits will increase as you handle the credit responsibly. Your business credit expert can help you determine when the time is right to start this step, and guide you toward the right store cards for your business.
5. Fleet Credit
After you have several of these types of credit cards reporting on-time payments, you should be able to get approval with Fleet cards. These are cards that are more typically limited to the type of purchase you use them on. They are for automobile fuel and maintenance, but some do allow for certain other purchases as well. Again, your business credit expert will help you discern when the time is right to apply for fleet cards, and guide you toward the ones that will work best for your business.
Now The Sky’s the Limit for Your Business with High Limit Bank Credit Cards
After you work through each of these steps, responsibly and in order, you should have a well rounded business credit profile and strong business credit score. That is the time to apply for high limit bank credit cards. They include general business credit cards from Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and the like that are not limited by location of use or purchase type.
They generally have very high limits and favorable incentives. All you have to do is pick the ones with the best interest rates and the rewards programs that fit your business best. If you jump right in before establishing your business credit profile and business credit score, you will get denials from these types of cards every time.
Using a business credit expert to help you assess and improve fundability, find starter vendors that report, and guide you in knowing the right accounts to apply for at the right time to get approval makes the process much faster and easier. As a result, you will avoid wasting time with vendors that do not report, and move through the steps as fast as possible. Then, you can watch your business grow and thrive with high limit bank credit cards.
Are you missing out on traffic because people aren’t searching the way you think they are?
If your website isn’t optimized for voice search, then this could be the case. These six timely SEO strategies and resources for voice search will not only help you get more traffic from people using Siri and Alexa, but they will also become important pillars of your entire SEO strategy.
What Is Voice Search?
Voice search is a way of searching the internet through speech. Using artificial intelligence, a device can recognize your voice and put the query into a search engine.
Voice recognition has been around for a long time (since the early 1950s), but it wasn’t until 2011 when IBM’s Watson (you may remember it beating contestants on Jeopardy!) came out that it had practical real-world significance.
If you look in your pocket or on your desk right now (perhaps even on your hand), there’s a good chance you’ll find a voice search device. One reason voice search is so popular is because the technology is in almost every device we use, making it super easy to access.
Here are some of the most popular voice search devices and the search engines they use:
Google Home: Google
Amazon Echo/Alexa: Bing
Google Assistant: Google
iPhone/Siri: Safari
Android phones and devices: Google
Microsoft Cortana: Bing
This means whether it’s your phone, TV, portable speaker, or any other device, it’s got the ability to search the internet through speech.
How Does Voice Search Affect SEO?
When you type a query into Google, what do you want it to do?
First, it’s got to understand what you mean by your query (helping it to understand the type of results you want to see), and then show you the best results that match your search query.
The way we type queries into Google is quite different from the way we talk to our voice assistants. For example, if you’re looking for a local restaurant to dine in, your searches might look a little like this:
typed: “Restaurants near me”
voice: “What are some good restaurants in my local area?”
When we type, we tend to use very keyword-based searches, but when we use voice search, our searches become much more conversational. This means search engines have had to become very good at semantics: understanding the meaning behind words.
The way we use language is complicated, and it’s not easy for machines to understand the meaning behind words (just think how many words have multiple meanings). Voice search has forced search engines to get much better at this though, and Google has led the way with key updates like Hummingbird.
This update and other previous ones have changed SEO, taking the focus away from keywords (in the early days, people would simply stuff keywords into their articles) and much more toward user experience.
Voice search has played a part in this shift, and it continues today, with a consistent focus on experience, rather than just keywords.
6 Ways to Optimize for Voice Search
Voice search is here to stay. Everywhere you look, there are voice search-enabled devices, and the percentage of voice searches as a share of total searches continues to grow (usage grew by eight percent between September 2018 and early 2019).
The good news is you don’t have to tear up your current SEO strategy to optimize for voice search. Voice search plays into the overall trend of matching user intent and providing the best possible user experience, so the tactics you use to optimize for voice search will benefit your SEO in general.
1. Optimize for Local Search
Many voice searches are for local information; they are three times more likely to be local searches than text-based ones.
If you think about it, this makes sense. When you’re out and about, and want a quick answer to your question, it’s easy to get out your mobile device and ask a question. This means it’s important you focus on the local element of your SEO.
For many businesses, local SEO is a fundamental part of digital marketing anyway. Local searches make up around 46 percent of total searches, and these are extremely engaged buyers. Local people are the people who will drop into your store and make a purchase there and then, and this means showing up in the local search pack is essential, especially if you’re a brick and mortar business.
Local SEO follows the same principles as regular SEO, and the key thing (that many websites neglect) is consistently telling people you’re a local business. Make sure you’re creating content that’s relevant to your local area and integrating local keywords into your copy.
Check out Ubersuggest to get local keyword ideas and make sure you’re answering the questions local people have:
phrases people use to describe the neighborhood around your location
“near me” in your title tags, meta description, internal links, and anchor text
landmarks around your business location
the titles of local institutions that are relevant to your business
The days of stuffing your content with keywords simply to please crawlers are long gone. To be successful with SEO, you’ve got to be authentic, use language naturally, and offer valuable content.
Essentially, you have to be human (we all are, so this shouldn’t be a problem).
Voice search typifies this because when people search through speech, they tend to talk in a more natural way than they do when they’re typing a query into the search engines. Your content should match the conversational way people ask questions to their voice assistants, but not just for voice search reasons.
Today’s rankings are user-experienced-focused. The pages that answer people’s questions in the best way while sharing the best experience, will rise to the top of the rankings.
To do this, you’ve got to give people quick access to the information they need (being concise) and do it in an enjoyable way (natural, conversational language). When you’re doing this, you’re not just matching the language people have used in their voice search (user intent), but you’re also driving engagement through your authentic brand voice.
3. Use Structured Data
Ask your voice-controlled device this question: “Who was the first President of the United States of America?”
What happens?
Chances are your device will start reading out an answer about George Washington.
This information is taken from a long page about George Washington though, so how does it know which bit of text to read? The answer probably lies in structured data.
Search engines look at a bunch of factors besides content to determine a page’s relevance and position in their search results. Professional SEOs leverage these additional factors to further optimize their content for search engines.
Schema markup, also known as structured data, is one such factor. It does not affect the rankings directly, but it can give you an edge over your competitors, particularly when it comes to voice search.
Essentially, it is metadata: data about the information on your site. It goes into your site’s source code. The visitors don’t see it, but microdata helps search engines to organize and classify your content. It is an underutilized strategy because it requires work.
Do you want an example?
The following markup classifies your contact details page as containing contact information.
Now, let me guess your next question: How is microdata relevant to voice search?
When users search for local businesses, they often look for operational hours, contact information, address, directions from highways, and the like.
You can use microdata to ensure that search engines classify this information.
Let’s search for the population of Dubai.
Google quickly retrieved the figure because of a markup.
Need another reason to work on your structured data?
A study found that over 40 percent of voice results were pulled from the featured snippet. Just like with voice search, featured snippets need to pull the exact information you’re looking for, so it’s likely they look at structured data to decide what information should be shown.
Your Google My Business Listing is an essential part of local SEO and voice search.
Because voice searches are often used to find out important details about your business, such as contact number, address, and opening hours, Google must have accurate information on these details.
Your website and structured data go a long way in making sure Google has the right information about your business, but Google wants to be super accurate, and the way it does this is by looking at your Google My Business listing.
This will give Google all the information it needs to understand what your business does, who it’s for, when it opens, where it is, and much more. This is the exact information voice searches are asking for, so it’s a quick way to get accurate results to people’s questions.
5. Be Mobile Friendly
How are most voice searches made?
You want to show up in results through mobile devices, and you’ve got to offer a good mobile experience. This is a key part of Google’s algorithms, but there are still websites out there that aren’t optimized for mobile.
If this is the case with your website, people are going to click on your site and leave immediately because the page doesn’t work properly on their device. This is a big sign for Google that your page isn’t worthy of ranking, and it’s going to hurt you for both voice search and traditional queries.
I mentioned modern SEO is all about user experience and with the majority of traffic (and virtually all voice traffic) coming from mobile devices, this is something you have to be on top of.
6. Create Content Answering Your Audience’s Frequently Asked Questions
People tend to use questions when making voice searches.
The great thing about this is Google gives you a great insight into the questions people are frequently asking.
Type a question that relates to your website, and take a look at the results. The chances are, you will see a box titled “people also ask.” The FAQ’s feature displays for many queries, and it shows you the questions your target audience is regularly asking.
With a clear picture of the questions people are using to search for information, you can start creating amazing content that answers those questions. As I’ve said throughout this article, it’s all about user experience, and the first thing you need if you’re going to give someone the right experience is valuable content.
Answer people’s questions, help solve their pain points and make it enjoyable. If you can do this better than all the other websites, then it’s going to give you an excellent chance of ranking.
Voice Search FAQ’s
What is voice search SEO?
Voice search SEO is the practice of optimizing your website to show up in search engine results pages for voice searches.
Does voice search impact SEO?
Voice search has had an impact on SEO. It’s all about understanding the meaning behind words, and this is a fundamental part of all SEO.
Why is voice search important for SEO?
Devices with voice search capabilities are everywhere. This has led to huge growth in voice searches. If you’re not optimizing, you might be missing out on a big chunk of your audience.
What percentage of searches are voice searches?
Google has suggested 27 percent of mobile searches are voice searches.
Voice Search Conclusion
If you want to grow your organic traffic, then you should be aiming to rank well for voice searches. Not only are there a huge number of voice searches happening every day, but the techniques you use to optimize for these queries are a fundamental part of modern SEO.
Voice search has changed the way people search for information, and search engines have responded with updates to their algorithms. You need to respond as well, and by matching searcher intent and providing the right user experience, you can make sure you’re getting more organic traffic through voice search.
With close to 3 billion active monthly users, Facebook is the biggest social media platform on the planet. That makes it a valuable channel for driving your business goals. After all, the key to successful marketing is to define your target audience and meet them on their favorite platforms.
While not everyone is on Facebook, one thing is certain, it still is the world’s most popular platform. Whether you’re in B2B or B2C, you definitely should leverage Facebook’s multitude of features to market your brand and products. One Facebook marketing feature in particular that yields a good return is the Facebook contest feature.
Why Should You Create a Facebook Contest?
Facebook contests have been around for some time, but they’re still one of the best methods to grow an active audience and build meaningful engagement with your brand. Here are a few reasons why you should consider creating a Facebook contest:
1. Extend Your Reach and Increase Followers
One of the most significant benefits you’ll reap from running Facebook contests is that they’re an excellent way of extending your reach. Creating a contest your target audience engages with results in your contest and brand being shown to their networks. With the extended reach comes the added benefit of you gaining more followers.
2. Increase Brand Awareness
Another reason you must incorporate Facebook contests in your social media marketing strategy is that they are a great way to increase brand awareness. Whether you promote your Facebook contest organically, use paid promotion, or both it’s inevitable that you’ll reach people you couldn’t have otherwise reached. As a result, more people will become aware of your brand and product.
3. Get More Engagement
Facebook contests get more engagement than average posts for the simple reason that they’re a much-loved form of interactive content. People prefer interactive content over static content with 66 percent of marketers citing increased engagement rates after employing interactive content in their campaigns.
4. Provides a Data Collection Avenue
Effective marketing campaigns are data-driven. That’s because data enables you to gain a better understanding of your target audience, allowing you to create more personalized campaigns.
Running a Facebook contest is helpful in this regard as it provides an opportunity to collect data about your audience. Whether the contest is in the form of a quiz or simply an engagement-based contest, you still come out with a goldmine of data at the end of the day.
With these and more benefits, there’s no reason why you should ignore Facebook contests. They’re an excellent way to drive engagement and build an active audience for your business. Of course, they’re also an excellent way to raise brand and product awareness and thus drive sales.
How to Create an Effective Facebook Contest
Now that you’ve seen the value of Facebook contests, let’s quickly dive into how to create an effective one. Not all Facebook contests are created equal. Knowing how to create one that your audience will participate in is essential to the success of your campaign. Here are a few pointers to help you:
1. Determine Your Goals and How to Measure Results
The first step to creating an effective Facebook contest is to define your goals for the contest.
What do you want to achieve with your Facebook contest?
You can achieve a lot of business and marketing goals with a contest, a few of which can include:
market research
brand awareness
data collection
crowdsourcing product development
launch a new product
build an email list
drive sales
gather user-generated content
Determining the goal of your contest is essential as it will help you design one that’s best suited to help you succeed. It also helps you know which key performance indicators (KPIs) you should use to measure your contest’s success. Examples of KPIs you can use include:
number of participants
new followers gained
number of clicks on your contest
email sign-ups
With your goals and KPIs determined, you’re ready to start designing your Facebook contest.
2. Select the Type of Contest You Want to Run
You’ve determined the reason for running a Facebook contest. Now the next step is to choose the type of Facebook contest that will help you achieve said goals. There are three main types of contests you can run on Facebook:
These are the simplest Facebook contest type and, as the name suggests, involve giving away a prize to the lucky participant(s) who enter the contest. Most giveaway contests require a participant to engage with a post (like, comment, or share) to enter.
Photo Contests
Photo contests are an excellent way of driving engagement and collecting user-generated content for your other marketing efforts. These usually involve picking a theme for your contest and asking your audience to post photos (preferably while using your product) in line with that theme.
Referral Promotions
Referral promotions require a bit more work to design and manage but they’re one of the best ways to generate leads for your business. Participants have to share (or refer) your contest with a friend or people in their network to enter the contest.
An effective Facebook contest aligns your marketing goals with the right type of content. To aid your decision, you must understand your audience and the type of contests they prefer.
3. Determine the Contest Rules and How You’ll Run It
Every contest needs rules to govern how participants enter. As you design your Facebook contest, you must pay careful attention to how you determine yours.
For example:
What actions must participants take to enter?
Will you allow multiple entries?
Is the contest open to all countries?
What can constitute grounds for disqualification?
Are there any age restrictions?
Remember, you’re not running a contest just for the fun of it. You’re running your contest to benefit your business. As such, the rules you set for your contest must help you with that. They must be aligned with your goals.
The rules of your Facebook contest will also determine how you will run it and the kind of data you will collect. Examples of how you could run your contest include:
Designing a funnel that requires participants to submit their email addresses or other data.
Using a Facebook messenger bot to lead users to an opt-in page where they perform the required action to enter the contest.
Using engagement as a means to declare their participation in your contest. This could be anything from tagging friends to following your account and everything in between.
Besides setting rules for entering the contest, you must also determine how the winning participants will redeem their prize.
4. Choose the Right Prize
One of the fundamental pillars of an effective Facebook contest is the prize you’re offering. Hallmarks of the perfect prize include:
Personalized. Your offer must be something that your target audience is interested in. It must not appeal to people who aren’t your target audience.
Product-related. To ensure your contest helps boost your business, your prize must be tied to your core business. For example, if you’re a dentist, offering cutlery as a prize won’t help you reach your ideal customer.
Pain point specific. Understand your ideal customer’s pain points and tailor an offer designed to address one of them. Doing so will help direct participants to your other product offerings.
Choosing the right prize for your contest is crucial to ensuring higher engagement rates. It also ensures most participants fit your ideal customer profile (ICP).
5. Design Your Facebook Contest Page
With so much content being published on Facebook, it can be easy for people to miss your contest as they scroll through their feeds.
To improve the chances of your contest being seen, your design must be optimized for visibility. Here are a few tips to help you do that:
Write an Attention-grabbing Headline
The headline is the first thing users will see. Make it stand out by using descriptive language. Also, ensure it paints a picture of the benefits of winning the prize.
Invest In Professional Images
Invest in professional eye-catching images. Images play a great role in stopping users from scrolling. They’re also helpful in quickly conveying your message.
Write a Brief but Detailed Description
Give users all the information they need to get excited about the contest. Your description must also explain how to enter the contest. The best way to format your description is to use bullet points.
Use a Simple Form
Make it as easy as possible for your interested parties to enter your contest. If you’re using forms, make them simple—don’t ask for too much information. Complicating the sign-up form will negatively impact your conversions. The only exception to this rule is if you’re offering a huge prize that’s worth the effort.
Design a Prominent Call-to-action
Your call-to-action (CTA) must not only be prominent but it must be clear what the next step to be taken is.
Besides these best practices for designing an effective Facebook contest page, you can also consider other optimization options. A typical example would be to use a countdown timer to add urgency.
6. Promote Your Contest
Your Facebook contest’s main goal is to grow your audience and increase engagement with your brand. To do that, it must reach as wide of an audience as possible.
That’s why part of your Facebook contest creation process must include a promotion strategy.
A few Facebook content promotion tips you can employ include:
Paid ads: Organic reach can only get you so far. To reach a wider audience, leverage Facebook ads to promote your contest. You can also use retargeting to advertise your contest to people who’ve viewed your content.
Share it with your email list: Promote your Facebook contest to your email list to ensure maximum participation. It also helps you keep your subscribers engaged.
Spread the word on other social media channels: Leverage your other social media platforms to spread the word about your contest.
With your contest in front of the right audience, you can expect high participation rates.
7. Choose and Announce the Winner
All good things come to an end, including your exciting Facebook contest. You need to wrap it up by picking and announcing the winner. You have two options when it comes to picking a winner:
Randomly picking a name: Randomly picking a name is the best way as it’s impartial. Use tools like Random Name Picker or Comment Picker to make it easy.
Selecting the best candidate: This works best if you set specific criteria for your contest. However, make sure to explain how you came up with the winner and why.
Once you’ve picked your winner, you must announce them on your Facebook business page and other channels you promoted the contest on. Bonus points if you can make it a Facebook Live event.
8. Follow Up After the Contest
Picking the winner of your Facebook contest is not the end game. The end game is growing your business. That’s why you must have a follow-up strategy. One of the best ways to do this is to send out an email to participants offering them a discount on your products as an appreciation for participating in your contest. Nurture a relationship with the people who participate in your contest and you’ll be able to turn them into loyal customers.
Facebook Contest: FAQs
How do I increase engagement on my Facebook contest?
People love personalized content. To increase participation, ensure you know your target audience and create a contest tailored to them.
How do I know if my Facebook contest is a success?
Always set goals for your contests and determine the KPIs you’ll use to gauge the effectiveness of your contests.
Are Facebook contests worth the effort?
Executed well, a Facebook contest is a cost-effective way to achieve many business and marketing goals. Yes, they’re definitely worth it.
How can I ensure my Facebook contest reaches a large audience?
Promoting your Facebook contest is a critical part of running a successful contest. Make sure to promote it on all your other channels and platforms.
Facebook Contest Conclusion
Looking for interactive content that will help you grow your audience and drive engagement with your brand?
Then you must consider running a Facebook contest. With added benefits like lead generation, a boost in sales, and much more, including them in your online marketing strategy is a no-brainer.
Executed well, your Facebook contest is an excellent way of getting ahead of your competition.
What has been your experience with Facebook contests as a marketing strategy?
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You can’t apply for bank credit cards for your business and expect approval if you don’t have a business credit profile. If you do apply and get approved, it will likely be on the merit of your personal credit. That means if something goes wrong, your ability to buy a house, a car, or anything … Continue reading Warning: Don’t Apply for Bank Credit Cards For Your Business Before You Read This
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