5 Things You MUST Know about Business Tradelines

Business tradelines are the accounts on your business credit report.  We are going to tell you everything you need to know about why you need them, how to get them, and how to use them to build strong business credit. And How to Get Them Without Already Having Business Credit Business tradelines, and terms like … Continue reading 5 Things You MUST Know about Business Tradelines

5 Things You MUST Know about Business Tradelines

Business tradelines are the accounts on your business credit report.  We are going to tell you everything you need to know about why you need them, how to get them, and how to use them to build strong business credit.

And How to Get Them Without Already Having Business Credit

Business tradelines, and terms like it,  are thrown around in the business world with the assumption that everyone knows what they mean.  However, these assumptions can cause problems when they are wrong. Then you run into issues with people using terms in ways they are not meant to be, to mean things they do not really mean.  As you can imagine, it can cause a lot of confusion. 

Our goal is to clear up that confusion.  We intend to lay out for you exactly what tradelines are, why you needed them, and what you don’t know about them that you definitely need to know.  

Check out our best webinar with its trustworthy list of seven vendors to help you build business credit.

What Are Business Tradelines?

The term in question, business tradelines, simply refers to accounts that report your payments to the business credit reporting agencies, or CRAs.  That could be vendor accounts, business credit cards, or a select few other things. Most often the term refers to vendor accounts. 

You buy stuff from these vendors, and they allow you to pay them at a later date. We call this net terms.  It is different than revolving credit, because you have to pay the whole balance by a certain date.  

That means they will bill you for the goods or services you buy from them, with the understanding you will pay within a certain amount of time.  Most often, it is 30 days, or net 30 terms. Occasionally they will extend net 60 or net 90 terms. 

If you know anything about tradelines, that is likely the extent of it.  Now, here is what you don’t know.  

5 Things You MUST Know About Business Tradelines That You Probably Don’t Know Already

This is the information that can get confused from source to source.  We’re going to clear it up for you. 

  1. Not all Business Tradelines are Good for Building Business Credit

Tradelines are only good for building business credit if they report your payments to the business credit reporting agencies, or CRAs.  These include Dun & Bradstreet, Experian, and Equifax. There are a few others as well, but these are the big three.  

The thing is, not all of them do report payments.  They are not required to do so, and many do not. You have to find those vendors that will report your payments if you are going to use them to build business credit. 

  1. Buying Business Tradelines is a Bad Idea

Since it can seem almost impossible get business tradelines without credit, someone somewhere at sometime had the idea to create companies, use them to obtain tradelines, then sell the tradelines to those who wanted fast business credit. 

Essentially, these are shelf companies that have years’ worth of seasoned tradelines.  They market to new business owners as a way to access funding they would not otherwise qualify for. It sounds great.  You pay a lot, but you get the potential access to so much more. 

The truth is however, that lenders are not dumb.  They caught on to this ruse quickly, and though it is not technically illegal, it is very much frowned upon.  If a lender catches wind of the idea that you may be using business credit that you did not actually build yourself, you could be blackballed.  That means, not only would you not be able to get funding based on the credit you purchased, but it would block you every time you try to build credit on your own. 

  1. You Can Get Business Tradelines without Already Having Business Credit

Business Tradelines Credit Suite

This is the little-known secret to building business credit that you have been looking for.  If you start with vendors in the vendor credit tier, known as starter vendors, you can get tradelines without having business credit at all.  When they start reporting the CRAs, your credit will start to grow on its own without you having to spend a dime other than what you buy from the tradeline vendors that your business needs anyway. 

Once you have enough business tradelines reporting from these starter vendors, your credit should be strong enough to start applying for credit cards in the other credit tiers.  As you gather more accounts in each tier, you will be able to move on to the next tier. 

2. You Need to Get Business Trade Lines in a Specific Order

I touched on this above.  If you are using business tradelines to build business credit, you can’t just start applying for business credit cards right away.  They will deny you every single time. You have to start with establishing tradelines with those starter vendors in the vendor credit tier. 

3. Too Many or Too Few Tradelines Reporting Can Affect Your Business Credit Score

The problem with this is, the CRAs are pretty tight lipped on where the sweet spot is.  That said, your best bet is to open only as many accounts in each tier as you need to move on to the next.  Then, only close accounts if you absolutely must.  

One thing we do know is that Dun & Bradstreet requires at least three tradelines reporting before it will even calculate a Paydex, which is the score lenders most commonly use.  It is the most like the personal FICO score.

3 Tips to Establishing Initial Business Tradelines Without Established Business Credit

Along with the Vendor credit tier, which I will talk more about below, there are a couple of other options for getting initial business tradelines reporting your payments. 

Check out our best webinar with its trustworthy list of seven vendors to help you build business credit.

Ask Bills to Report

You pay things like utilities, rent, telephone, and internet each month already.  These companies do not have to report to the CRAs, but some will. You’ll have to ask, but the worst they can say is no.

Work with Current Vendor Relationships

If you have been in business long enough to have vendors that you already have a good relationship with, use that to your advantage.  Open a discussion about net terms on invoices and see what they will offer. You may be able to get some tradelines reporting without a credit check that way, and build to the next tier faster. 

The Vendor Credit Tier

In addition to these options, the vendor credit tier is the best place to get started when it comes to building business credit.  Many of the vendors in this tier will extend net terms and report payments, without doing a credit check. Instead, they will rely on length of time in business and income to determine eligibility. 

Now you are probably asking yourself, who are these vendors.  There are several, but some of the easiest to get started with include: 


Quill sells office equipment, packaging, and cleaning supplies. They report to D&B and Experian.  Because they report to two separate credit reporting agencies, you get two credit experiences with them. Place an initial order first unless you already have a D&B score.  Then, if you order items every month for 3 months, they will typically approve you for a Net 30 account.

When you check out you will see the option to buy now and pay later.   Use your business information to fill out the form. Don’t worry about it when they ask how long you have been in business. Because even new business owners often report approval.  It can take a couple of hours to get approval. It may even take a couple of days if you apply on the weekend.


Uline sells shipping, packing, and industrial supplies, and they report to D&B.  You must have a D-U-N-S number. They ask for 2 references and a bank reference. The first few orders may need to be prepaid to first get approval for Net 30 terms.

When you check out you will see the option for them to send you a bill.  If you choose this option and check out successfully, you know you got approval. 


Grainger Industrial Supply sells safety equipment, plumbing supplies, and more.  They report to D&B, and they require a business license, EIN, and a D-U-N-S number.  If you have these things, you may get approval for a $1,000 line of credit.

What are The Other Credit Tiers? 

If you are new to the idea of business credit, this is likely a question you are asking yourself as you read this.  I keep talking about the other credit tiers, but what are they? The tiers work similar to stair steps, with the vendor credit tier being the bottom step.  You cannot move up to the next step until you have enough vendor credit tier accounts reporting. 

Once this happens, you can move up to the retail credit tier.  These are cards that you can only use at the specific stores that issue them.  For example, a Staples Card or a Best Buy Card would be in this tier. When you have enough of these types of accounts reporting, you can apply for cards in the fleet credit tier.  These are cards from companies like Shell and Fuelman that are exclusively for costs related to fuel and auto maintenance and repair. 

After you gain enough accounts in each of these tiers you can apply for cards in the top tier, the cash credit tier.  These are the standard cards with lower interest rates, higher limits, and no limitations on where you can use them or what you can use them to purchase. 

Be Sure Business Tradeline are Reporting to Your Business Credit

It isn’t a given that these tradelines will report to your business credit.  You have to have to business set up properly for that to happen. What does that mean?  It means setting up your business as a separate entity from yourself as the owner. 

The first step in this process is to make sure your business has its own contact information. Your phone number and address are identifying factors on your personal credit. So, if your business shares the same information, things are not going to get confused and mixed up. 

Other Ways to Set Up Your Business Separately from Yourself

  • Get an EIN. This is an identifying number for your business similar to your SSN.  So use it instead of your SSN when applying for business credit. 
  • Formally incorporate your business.  A corporation, s-corp, or LLC will do serve the purpose, so choose based on your budget and liability protection needs. 
  • Open a separate business bank account.  This will not only serve to help separate your business from yourself, but it will come in handy at tax time as well. 
  • Set up a professional business website.  Pay for hosting. A free service won’t work.  Also, get a business email address with the same URL as the website.  Stay away from free services such as Yahoo and Gmail. 
  • Get a D-U-N-S number.  You cannot have a credit profile with Dun & Bradstreet without one, and since they are the largest and most commonly used business CRA, you need a profile with them.

If you set up your business in this way, and apply for credit using the business information and not your own, your tradelines should report to business credit and not personal credit. If you are already up and running and haven’t done these things, it’s not too late.  Get started now. 

Check out our best webinar with its trustworthy list of seven vendors to help you build business credit.

Going Forward: Business Credit Monitoring

After you have business trade lines reporting to the business CRAs, be sure you keep an eye on your reports.  So, they will likely not show the name of the companies reporting, only the types of companies. That means you need to keep track of your accounts and match them up so you know who is reporting what.  You will also want to watch for any mistakes and get them corrected. We can help you monitor your business credit on a regular basis here

The post 5 Things You MUST Know about Business Tradelines appeared first on Credit Suite.

How to Get a Business Phone Number to Build a Fundable Business

Why Do You Need a Business Phone Number to Be Fundable?

When you start a new business, it is vitally important for that business to have separate contact information from yourself.  This includes a dedicated business address, phone number, and email address.  When you first tell a new business owner this, there are a ton of questions.  Why does it matter?  Why can’t I just use my own contact information?  If I need separate contact data, how do I do that?  How do I get a business phone number and address anyway?  Do I have to have a separate phone line and location for my business? I mean, I was going to run my business out of my home.  How does this all work?

We are going to try to answer each of these questions right now.  The first question to answer is the one about how to get a business phone number and address if you are running your business out of your home or virtually.  Many new small businesses are run from anywhere the owner can access the internet.  Local coffee shops, libraries, etc. can all act as a business location if the business is run online.

Even if you never meet a customer in person, your business has to have a dedicated business address and phone number.   The question of how to do this becomes much more complicated however, when your business exists solely on your cell phone and computer.  The answer to your question is no, you do not have to have a separate cell phone, a land line, or even a building to get a business phone number.

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What Are My Options to Get a Business Phone Number?

When it comes time to get a business phone number, you have a few options and many decisions to make.  For example, you’ll need to decide first if you are going to use a landline or a cell phone.  Next, you’ll need to determine if you want a local number, a toll-free number, a vanity number, or a regular number.  How do you choose?

Get a Business Phone Number: Landline vs. Cell Phone

If you get a traditional landline with a business number, the process is as simple as calling out the telephone company.  That’s where the simplicity ends however.  A business landline is considerably more expensive than a residential one.  It is also a kind of invasive process to have a landline installed.

You are probably thinking it is much more expensive to get an extra cell phone.  The truth is, however, that you do not even have to do that.  There are many services now that will offer a business number and forward it to any number you want using the internet.

They offer other services as well, including transfers, multiple numbers, vanity numbers and even live receptionist.  Of course, the more bells and whistles you choose the more they cost, but generally speaking these services are super easy to get started with.  Some even offer base packages for free.

get a business phone number Credit Suite2

Local vs. Traditional Toll-Free vs. Vanity

Usually, you need a toll-free number regardless.  If you cater to a local market as well, having a local number could also be useful.  A vanity number can be nice for ease of remembering.  What’s a vanity number? Those are the numbers that go along with your business, for example, 1-800-55-Pizza for a pizza joint.  This type of number is not necessary, but it can help with branding.  They are easy to acquire with the new virtual business telephone companies out there. You simply request your number, if it is available, it’s yours!

Is it Better to Get a Business Phone Number Online?

It seems like new options are popping up daily for getting a business phone number using the internet.  Known as VoIP, these services are gaining popularity for business phone service.  Here are just a few reasons why.

First, they are by far the best value.  You can get all the features you need for a fraction of what it would cost with a traditional landline.

Most small businesses simply do not have the budget to set up and handle on an ongoing basis a complicated PBX system with a receptionist and extensions for each desk. When you choose the right VoIP package, you have all of this and more built right in to a low flat rate each month. The following are just a few of the features you will find available with most VoIP companies.

  • Internet Faxingjust in case you need to deal with someone who is still faxing.
  • Automatic Call Recordingso you can have a record of all calls coming in and going out, if needed.
  • Conferencingallows you to give clients a number to call that will allow everyone to be on the same conference line.
  • Call Forwardingallows calls to ring on all your devices, and even more than one phone, at once.  In addition, you can set for calls to forward only during certain hours.
  • Auto-Receptionistscan make your business sound more professional.
  • Extensionslet you use a single main number to reach everybody.
  • Voicemail and voice to textwill send you emails with the voicemail, and can even put them into text form if needed.

Where to Get a Business Phone Number Online

While there are many companies that offer VoIP telephone services for business, and new ones are coming into the picture each day, these are a few of the most popular currently.


Grasshopper is a business service that uses the mobile phone you have already.  Many others use an office VoIP setup. You can get a business phone number, receive calls from that number using your phone, and set up as many users as you want with custom extensions.

In addition, service from Grasshopper includes:

  • Queuing of calls
  • Call scheduling
  • Conference calls
  • Call routing/ auto-assistant
  • Voicemail to email

Because it is mobile, it provides more features than other VoIP providers.  Be aware however, that some users say the quality isn’t that great. For each one that is unhappy it seems, there are many that have been very pleased, so don’t let that be your sole decision maker.  Also, like most VoIP mobile apps, minutes are charged not only by Grasshopper, but also by your mobile carrier.

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If you do a lot of conference calls, you need to know that you are charged for minutes for each caller on the conference.  Meaning if a call only lasts 5 minutes, but you have 5 callers on, then you are charged for 25 minutes. There are other carriers that offer a conference call bridge, meaning you are only charged for the one call.


Phone.com is a great in-between option for multiple users.  It provides a VoIP solution without the requirement of a traditional phone, and has solid basic features.  You can make and receive calls from your business number as well as view call logs and your address book when you have an internet connection. From your computer you can:

  • Que calls
  • Set up auto-receptionist
  • Schedule calls
  • Send and receive faxes

Ring Central

RingCentral has all of the features you would expect or need, and plans start at one $20 a month.  They also offer a free trial, but so do a few others.  It does require an upgrade to get a 1-800 number.  They also offer upgrades that will allow you to integrate with Dropbox, Zendesk, Salesforce and more.

As I said, these are the only players in a relatively new game, but they are some of the most popular at the moment.  The thing you need to remember is, do your research.  Try to consider not only what you need right now, but what you may end up needing in the future.  You need to find a service that will offer everything you could need going forward.

If you simply go with the free or cheapest service for right now and do not consider future needs, you could end up having to change in the future.  That’s not only a pain, but it could mean changing your number, which means printing all new materials and updating directories.  That is all doable, but much easier to avoid if possible.

What Types of Things Should You Consider when You Get a Business Phone Number?

So when you are choosing a company to go with, what should you consider?  Well first, current budget is obviously important.  If you cannot pay for it, it won’t do you any good.  After that, consider what you need currently.  Once you have a few options narrowed down based on these needs, narrow it down further based on what you think you may need in the future.

For example, are you going to remain small, with any other employees being local?  You may not ever need conference calling ability. Is it possible you could need to add extensions or need a live receptionist option in the future?  Then be sure you get a business phone number with a company that offers these options.

What Does a Business Phone Number Have to Do with Being Fundable?

There’s the big question, right?  What does having a business phone number have to do with fundability?  Well, it can help to understand what fundability is and why it matters. To get business funding, your business needs to appear to be a separate, fundable entity to lenders.  For this to be the case, a business has to stand on its own apart from its owner.  This means it:

  • Is formally incorporated as a Corporation, S-corp, or LLC
  • Has an EIN
  • Already has a dedicated business telephone number, address, and email address
  • Has a dedicated business bank account
  • Uses a professionally put together, user friendly, business website
  • Has a D-U-N-S number

In addition to helping a business appear fundable to lenders, having these things in place provides the separation from owner necessary to start building business credit. When you think of it that way, not having a business phone number can do a lot of damage.

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How Does a Business Phone Number Help You Build Business Credit?

Before you ever make it to a lender that wants to see your business as fundable before giving you money, you have to build business credit.  It is virtually impossible to do this without a business telephone number or any of the other things mentioned above.  Here’s why.  To establish business credit where there is none, or to begin to repair poor business credit, you are going to have to establish tradelines with starter vendors.

These are vendors in the vendor credit tier that will extend net terms on invoices without a credit check.  They do, however, check other information before they will extend these terms.  This includes several different things, and many like to see a business number listed in the directories.

To find out more about starter vendors in vendor credit tier and how the business credit building process works, go here.

What Else Do You Need to Do to Build Business Credit?

After you have set your business up to appear fundable to lenders, and after you establish trade lines with starter vendors, you need to continue the process. After enough tradelines are reporting to your business credit report, you can begin to apply for credit cards in the subsequent credit tiers. These include the retail credit tier, the fleet credit tier, and the cash credit tier.

The retail credit tier is made up of those cards that are directly tied to a store, such as Home Depot or Best Buy.  The fleet credit tier includes cards from companies like Fuelman and Shell that can help manage fuel costs, as well as costs related to fuel and auto maintenance.  The cash credit tier is the main goal, and includes cards that are not related to specific retailers or costs.

The key is to get enough accounts reporting from each tier to sufficiently build your score so that you can move on to the next tier.  The vendor credit tier is the beginning.  Some vendors will not extend net terms if there is no business number.  If you do you use your personal number, you run the risk of payments being reported to your personal credit rather than your business credit, which defeats the whole purpose.

You Need to Get a Business Phone Number, Start Now!

If you do not already have a business number, start by considering exactly what your budget is and what you need. Then, do some research.  Find out who has what you need for what you can afford right now, with the option to add on anything you may need in the future.  That should narrow now your choices significantly.  Whatever you do, do not use your personal number.  That will not help you when it comes to running and growing your  .

Looks great, nice job!

The post How to Get a Business Phone Number to Build a Fundable Business appeared first on Credit Suite.

Get Terrific Build Business Credit Cards

We Can Show You How to Get Incredible Build Business Credit Cards

We checked out a bunch of build business credit cards and did the research for you. So, here are our picks.

Per the SBA, small business credit card limits are a whopping 10 – 100 times that of consumer credit cards!

This reveals you can get a lot more cash with business credit. And it also shows you can have personal credit cards at retailers. So, you would now have an extra card at the same stores for your company.

And you will not need collateral, cash flow, or financial data in order to get small business credit.

Build Business Credit Cards: The Advantages

Perks can vary. So, make certain to select the perk you would prefer from this variety of options.

Build Business Credit Cards – Make Your Credit Surge!

Discover it® Student Cash Back

Make sure to check out the Discover it® Student Cash Back card to build credit. It has no yearly fee. The credit card also has a six-month introductory period of 0% APR on purchases. And there is an APR of 14.99 – 23.99% variable on all purchases after that period.

One special feature is that it provides an incentive for scholars to maintain good grades with a $20 statement credit. If students earn a GPA of 3.0 or higher each school year, the card will award the $20 statement credit each year for up to five years.


Use this card to build personal credit. While this is a personal card versus a company card, for new credit users, their FICO scores will be important. And this credit card provides an excellent way to raise FICO while also getting rewards.

You can earn 5% cash back at different places each quarter such as grocery stores, gas stations, restaurants or Amazon.com up to the quarterly maximum. After that, this credit card offers unlimited 1% cash back on all purchases.

In the initial year, all cash back rewards are matched 100%.

Downsides include a cash advance fee of either $10 or 5% of the amount of each cash advance, whichever is greater. And even though they waive the first late payment fee, a fee of up to $37 applies on all other late payments. There is also a returned payment fee of up to $37.

Get it here: https://www.discover.com/credit-cards/cash-back/it-card.html

Ironclad Secured Credit Cards: An Excellent Complement to Build Business Credit Cards

Wells Fargo Business Secured Credit Card

Check out the Wells Fargo Business Secured Credit Card. It charges a $25 yearly fee per credit card (up to 10 employee cards). It also requires a minimum security deposit of $500 (up to $25,000) and it is designed to help cardholders set up or rebuild their credit.

Select this card if you wish to get 1.5% per dollar in purchases without any limits or get one point for every dollar in purchases. You also get 1,000 bonus points for every month your company makes $1,000 in purchases on the card.


Also, you get free FICO scores every month. There are no foreign transaction fees. It is possible to upgrade to unsecured credit. Your account is regularly reviewed. And you may become eligible for an upgrade to an unsecured card with responsible use over time. Approval is not guaranteed and depends on factors including how you manage this and your other accounts.

APR is the current prime rate plus 11.90%. There is no introductory APR period and no sign-up bonus. This is not a credit card for balance transfers.

Get it here: https://www.wellsfargo.com/biz/business-credit/credit-cards/secured-card/

Secure Business Credit Cards for Average Credit: Helpful Choices to Supplement Build Business Credit Cards

Capital One® Spark® Classic for Business

For average credit, we like the Capital One Spark Classic for Business. It has no yearly fee. There are cash-back rewards. The card gets an unlimited 1% cash back on all purchases. There is an annual fee of $0.

With this card, you will get benefits including an auto rental collision damage waiver, and purchase security. And you also get extended warranty coverage. And you get travel and emergency assistance services.

But BEAR IN MIND: the ongoing APR is 24.74% variable APR. And the penalty APR is even higher, 31.15%. Also, there is no sign-up bonus.

Get it here: https://www.capitalone.com/small-business/credit-cards/spark-classic/

Build Business Credit Cards Credit Suite

Establish business credit fast with our research-backed guide to 12 build business credit cards and lines.

Reliable Low APR/Balance Transfers Business Credit Cards: A Bridge to Build Business Credit Cards

Discover it® Cash Back

Check out the Discover it® Cash Back card. There is a 10.99% introductory APR for six months from date of first transfer. So, this is for transfers under this offer which post to your account by January 10, 2019.

After the introductory APR expires, your APR will be 14.99% to 23.99%. So, this is based on your creditworthiness. Your APR will vary with the market, which is based on the Prime Rate.


You can get 5% cash back at different places every quarter. So, these are places like gas stations, grocery stores, restaurants, Amazon.com, or wholesale clubs. But this is up to the quarterly maximum each time you activate. Additionally, automatically get unlimited 1% cash back on all other purchases.

You will get an unlimited dollar-for-dollar match of all the cash back you have gotten at the end of your first year, automatically.

Get it here: https://www.discover.com/credit-cards/cash-back/it-card.html

Company Credit Cards with 0% APR – Pay Absolutely Nothing!

Bank of America® Business Advantage Travel Rewards World Mastercard® Credit Card

The Bank of America® Business Advantage Travel Rewards World Mastercard® credit card has no annual fee and comes with a 0% introductory APR on purchases for the initial nine months. Thereafter, the card has a 13.24 – 23.24% variable APR

Earn 3 points/dollar spent when you book travel with the Bank of America Travel Center and 1.5 points/dollar on all other purchases. You can earn unlimited points and points never expire.


There is a 25,000-point sign-up bonus when you spend $1,000 within the initial 60 days of starting the account. Cardholders get travel accident insurance, and lost luggage reimbursement.

They likewise get trip cancellation coverage, trip delay reimbursement and other perks.

There is no introductory rate for balance transfers. Also, bonus categories are limited.

Get it here: https://www.bankofamerica.com/smallbusiness/credit-cards/products/travel-rewards-business-credit-card/

JetBlue Plus Card

Check out the JetBlue Plus Card for an additional offer of a 0% introductory APR

Earn six points/dollar on JetBlue purchases, two points/dollar at eateries and grocery stores. And get one point/dollar on all other purchases.


Spend $1,000 in the first 90 days and pay the yearly fee and get 40,000 bonus points. New cardholders get a 12-month, 0% introductory APR on balance transfers made in 45 days of account opening.

Thereafter, the variable APR on purchases and balance transfers is 17.99%, 21.99% or 26.99%, based on creditworthiness. Benefits include a free first checked bag and 50% savings on in-flight purchases.

There is a $99 yearly fee for this card.

Get it here: https://cards.barclaycardus.com/cards/jetblue-card/

Terrific Cards for Cash Back

SimplyCash Plus Business Credit Card from American Express

Look at the SimplyCash Plus Business Credit Card from American Express. There is a $0 yearly fee. And there is a 0% APR on purchases. So, this is for the initial 15 months an account is open.

But when the introductory period runs out, the APR for purchases is 14.24 to 21.24%. So, this is variable and based on creditworthiness.


This credit card has numerous benefits. These include purchase protection, car rental loss and damage insurance. And they also include a baggage insurance plan, extended warranty coverage and a global assist hotline.

Also, get 5% cash back at US office supply stores and on wireless phone services. So, these must be purchased from United States providers. But this pertains to the initial $50,000 of yearly spending. Then, you get 1% cash back.

You also earn 3% cash back on spending category of your choice. So, this is from eight distinct categories. They include airfare, gas, advertising and computer purchases. But it applies to the first $50,000 of annual spending. Then, you get 1% cash back.

Cash-back bonuses are automatically credited to the customer’s billing statement.

Note: you cannot use this card for balance transfers. There is a foreign transaction fee of 2.7%. The credit card charges up to $38 in late fees. And the returned check fee is also $38. The penalty APR is 29.99%.

And, it applies if you have two or more late payments within 12 months. It can also apply if you fail to make the minimum payment on time or have a returned payment.

Get it here: https://www.americanexpress.com/us/small-business/credit-cards/simply-cash-plus-business-credit-card/44279

Capital One® Quicksilver® Card

Check out the Capital One® Quicksilver® Card. It offers flat-rate rewards of 1.5% on all purchases. There are no limits to the amount of cash back rewards that cardholders can earn. Also, the card has a $0 yearly fee.

New cardholders have a 0% APR on purchases and balance transfers for the first 15 months after opening the account. Then afterwards they have a 14.74 – 24.74% (variable) APR after that.

A cash bonus of $150 is available for those who make a minimum of $500 in purchases in 3 months of account opening.


Also, cash back rewards do not expire for the life of the account. And there is no limit to how much you can earn.

This card also offers travel accident insurance. And you get an auto rental collision damage waiver. There are no foreign transaction fees. And there is extended warranty coverage.

Downsides are the flat reward rate, not allowing for any more than that. And the higher APR after the first 15 months.

Get it here: https://www.capitalone.com/credit-cards/quicksilver/

Build Business Credit Cards Credit Suite

Establish business credit fast with our research-backed guide to 12 build business credit cards and lines.

Outstanding Business Credit Cards with No Annual Fee: Smart Alternatives to Build Business Credit Cards

Uber Visa Card

Check out the Uber Visa Card. Uber is the very first ride-sharing service to offer a credit card, in a partnership with Visa and Barclays.

The card offers 4% back per dollar spent at restaurants, takeout and bars, including UberEATS. Also, earn 3% back on hotel, airfare and vacation home rentals. And earn 2% back on online purchases.

So, this includes retailers and subscription services like Uber and Netflix. And get 1% back on all other purchases. Each percent/point has a value of 1 cent. Redeem points for cash back, gift cards or Uber credits directly within the app.

By spending a minimum of $500 in the first 90 days, users can earn a $100 sign-up bonus. Cardholders spending at least $5,000 annually are eligible to receive a $50 credit toward online subscription services.


If you pay your cellular phone bill with this card, you are insured up to $600 for cellphone damage or theft.

Cardholders are eligible for exclusive access to specific events and offers. Uber expects the majority of these offers to be available in major cities like New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago and DC. There is no foreign transaction fee.

But there is no introductory rate. The APR is a variable 16.99%, 22.74% or 25.74%, based on your creditworthiness. Cardholders with less than stellar credit will be on the higher end of the range.

Also, there are restrictions on Uber credits. To redeem points as credits in the Uber app, accrue a minimum of 500 points, or $5. Cardholders can convert a maximum of 50,000 points, or $500, per day.

Get it here: https://www.uber.com/c/uber-credit-card/

Costco Anywhere Visa® Business Card by Citi

Not taking Uber? Then you’ll want to fill your gas tank somehow. Why not do so with the Costco Anywhere Visa® Business Card by Citi?

This card earns cash back with every purchase. Get 4% cash back on the first $7,000 spent on eligible gas purchases annually (1% after that). Earn 3% cash back at restaurants and on eligible travel purchases. Also, earn 2% cash back at Costco and Costco.com. And earn 1% cash back on all other purchases.

Keep in mind: the $0 annual fee is only for Costco members. And an active Costco membership is required. Cardholders will get access to damage and theft purchase protection, extended warranty coverage and travel accident insurance.

Also, there is no sign-up bonus offered with this card.

Get it here: https://www.citi.com/credit-cards/credit-card-details/citi.action?ID=Citi-costco-anywhere-visa-business-credit-card

Ink Business Cash℠ Credit Card

Check out the Ink Business Cash ℠ Credit Card. Companies can earn cash back with every purchase. Spend $3,000 in the initial three months from account opening. And you’ll get a $500 bonus cash back.

There is a $0 yearly fee with a 0% introductory APR for 12 months on purchases and balance transfers. Thereafter, the APR is a 15.24 – 21.24% variable.

The credit card comes with travel and purchase coverage benefits. So, this includes an auto rental collision damage waiver and extended warranty protection.


Earn extra cash back on business categories. So, these include office supply stores, telecommunications, gas stations and restaurants.

Note: this credit card has a balance transfer fee. Pay 5% of the amount transferred or $5, whichever is more. Also, there is a foreign transaction fee of 3%.

Get it here: https://creditcards.chase.com/small-business-credit-cards/ink-cash

United MileagePlus Explorer Business Card

Get a good look at the United MileagePlus Explorer Business Card.

Earn 2 miles/dollar with United and at restaurants, filling stations and office supply stores. All other purchases get 1 mile/dollar. Earn a 50,000-mile sign-up bonus after spending $3,000 in the first three months from account opening.

Benefits include priority boarding, a free first checked bag for you and a companion on the same reservation.


Also, get two United Club passes annually. And get hotel and resort perks including upgrades. In addition, get early check-in and late checkout. And get an auto rental collision damage waiver.

Also, get baggage delay insurance, lost luggage reimbursement, trip cancellation and interruption insurance. Finally, get trip delay reimbursement, purchase protection, price protection and concierge service.

After the first year, the card has an annual fee of $95. APR of 17.99% – 24.99%, based on creditworthiness.

Get it here: https://creditcards.chase.com/small-business-credit-cards/united-mileageplus-explorer-business

Starwood Preferred Guest® Business Credit Card from American Express

Another choice is the Starwood Preferred Guest Business Credit Card from American Express.

This credit card is for those who stay at Starwood Preferred Guest and Marriott hotels often. Get six points per dollar of eligible purchases at participating SPG and Marriott Rewards hotels.

And get four points per dollar at American restaurants, US filling stations, and on US purchases for shipping.

Also, earn four points to the dollar on wireless telephone services purchased directly from US service providers. For all other eligible purchases, get two points per dollar.


Get 75,000 bonus points when you spend $3,000 in the initial three months of account opening. Benefits include free in-room premium internet access, Sheraton Club lounge access, and purchase protection.

Plus, you get car rental loss and damage insurance. And you get baggage insurance. There is also a global assistance hotline. And there is a roadside assistance hotline. And get travel accident insurance and extended warranty coverage.

The most significant issue is the yearly fee. There is a $0 introductory annual fee for the first year, then it’s $95 afterwards. Plus, there is no 0% introductory APR. Instead, there is a 17.74 – 26.74% variable APR

Get it here: https://www.americanexpress.com/us/credit-cards/business/business-credit-cards/spg-amex-starwood-credit-card

Build Biz Cards Credit Suite

Establish business credit fast with our research-backed guide to 12 build business credit cards and lines.

Unbeatable Cards for Jackpot Rewards: What’s Next After Getting Build Business Credit Cards

Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card

Have a look at the Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card for travel points.

You can get two points to the dollar spent on travel and dining at restaurants. And you can earn one point per dollar on all other purchases. Points can be redeemed for cash back, gift cards, or travel.

The card’s benefits include trip cancellation insurance, travel and emergency assistance services. They also include an auto rental collision damage waiver, purchase protection and extended warranty protection.

When you spend $4,000 in the first 3 months from account opening, you will get 50,000 bonus points. These points are worth $625 if you redeem them for travel through Chase Ultimate Rewards.


You can get an unlimited two points per dollar for travel and dining at restaurants. Then afterwards get one point per dollar for all other purchases. Points will transfer equally to 13 leading frequent travel programs with partners. So, these include British Airways, Southwest Airlines, United, and Marriott.

There is no 0% introductory APR on purchases or balance transfers. The card’s standard APR is 17.74 – 24.74% variable. Also, the card has an annual fee of $0 introductory for the first year. And then it skyrockets to $95.

Get it here: https://creditcards.chase.com/rewards-credit-cards/chase-sapphire-preferred

Ink Business Preferred ℠ Credit Card

Get a look at the Ink Business Preferred Credit Card from Chase. Cardholders earn 3 points for every dollar spent on travel, shipping, internet, cable, phone and qualifying advertising with the card. So, this is up to $150,000 each year. And all other purchases earn an unlimited one point per dollar spent.

This is a Visa credit card.

Cardholders get benefits like purchase protection, trip cancellation or interruption insurance. They also get cellphone protection. And they get extended warranty coverage. And they get an auto rental collision damage waiver.


Earn 80,000 bonus points when you spend $5,000 in the first 3 months from account opening. There is an annual fee of $95. You can add employee credit cards at no additional cost.

This card only offers 3 points per dollar to a limit of $150,000 a year. So, this is for travel, shipping, internet, cable, phone and qualifying advertising. All other purchases get an unlimited flat rate of one point per dollar. And there is no introductory APR

Get it here: https://creditcards.chase.com/small-business-credit-cards/ink-business-preferred

Hilton Honors American Express Ascend Card

Have a look at the Hilton Honors American Express Ascend Card, which earns hotel rewards points. Earn up to 12 points per dollar of eligible purchases at participating Hilton hotels or resorts.

Automatically get Hilton Honors Gold status. And this includes room upgrades when available, a 5th night free when you book a rewards stay of 5 nights or more.

And get free internet access and late checkout. It also includes a 25% bonus on base points earned with Hilton Honors.

This card has a variable purchase APR of 17.74 – 26.74%. There is an annual fee of $95.


Cardholders can earn a 125,000-point welcome offer after making $2,000 in eligible purchases in 3 months from account opening. Earn a free weekend night award after making $15,000 in eligible purchases on your card in a calendar year.

Benefits include purchase protection. And there is extended warranty coverage. They also include car rental loss and damage insurance and travel accident insurance.

If you spend $40,000 on eligible purchases with the card in a calendar year, you can earn Hilton Honors Diamond status through the end of the next calendar year. This status includes all the benefits of Gold status.

It also includes a 50% bonus on base points earned with Hilton Honors and exclusive floor lounge access at select properties. But that is awfully high spending required for elite status. Only you can decide if that’s worth it.

Get it here: https://www.americanexpress.com/us/credit-cards/card/hilton-honors-ascend/

The Perfect Build Business Credit Cards for You

Your outright best business credit cards hinge on your credit history and scores.

Only you can choose which features you want and need. So be sure to do your homework. What is excellent for you could be disastrous for other people.

And, as always, make certain to build credit in the recommended order for the best, speediest benefits.


The post Get Terrific Build Business Credit Cards appeared first on Credit Suite.

Business Credit Cards With Bad Credit History? They’re Possible

Business Credit Cards With Bad Credit History? We Show You How!

Is it possible to get business credit cards with bad credit history? Yes, you can!

We took a look at a lot of business credit cards with bad credit history and did the research for you. So, here are our preferences.

Per the SBA, business credit card limits are a whopping 10 – 100 times that of personal cards!

This reveals you can get a lot more money with small business credit. And it also shows you can have personal credit cards at retail stores. So, you would now have an added card at the same retail stores for your company.

And you will not need collateral, cash flow, or financial data to get company credit.

Business Credit Cards With Bad Credit History: Benefits

Benefits vary. So, make sure to pick the benefit you prefer from this choice of options.

Secure Business Credit Cards With Bad Credit History for Average Credit

Capital One® Spark® Classic for Business

For fair credit, we like the Capital One Spark Classic for Business. It has no yearly fee. There are cash-back rewards. The card gets an unlimited 1% cash back on all purchases. There is an annual fee of $0.

With this card, you will get benefits including an auto rental collision damage waiver, and purchase security. And you also get extended warranty coverage. And you get travel and emergency assistance services.

But KEEP IN MIND: the ongoing APR is 24.74% variable APR. And the penalty APR is even higher, 31.15%. Also, there is no sign-up bonus.

Get it here: https://www.capitalone.com/small-business/credit-cards/spark-classic/

Business Credit Cards With Bad Credit History – Credit Builder Cards

Discover it® Student Cash Back

Make sure to have a look at the Discover it® Student Cash Back card. It has no annual fee. The credit card also has a six-month introductory period of 0% APR on purchases. And there is an APR of 14.99 – 23.99% variable on all purchases after that period.

One one-of-a-kind feature is that it provides an incentive for students to maintain good grades with a $20 statement credit. If scholars earn a GPA of 3.0 or higher each school year, the card will award the $20 statement credit each year for up to five years.


Use this card to build personal credit. While this is a personal card versus a company card, for new credit users, their FICO scores will matter. And this credit card offers an excellent way to raise FICO while also getting rewards.

You can earn 5% cash back at different places each quarter such as grocery stores, gas stations, restaurants or Amazon.com up to the quarterly maximum. After that, this card offers unlimited 1% cash back on all purchases.

In the first year, all cash back rewards are matched 100%.

Downsides include a cash advance fee of either $10 or 5% of the amount of each cash advance, whichever is greater. And though they waive the first late payment fee, a fee of up to $37 applies on all other late payments. There is also a returned payment fee of up to $37.

Get it here: https://www.discover.com/credit-cards/cash-back/it-card.html

Business Credit Cards With Bad Credit History  – Ironclad Secured Credit Cards

Wells Fargo Business Secured Credit Card

Look at the Wells Fargo Business Secured Credit Card. It charges a $25 yearly fee per credit card (up to 10 employee cards). It also requires a minimum security deposit of $500 (up to $25,000) and it is designed to help cardholders set up or rebuild their credit.

Pick this card if you want to get 1.5% per dollar in purchases without any limits or earn one point for every dollar in purchases. You also earn 1,000 bonus points for every month your company makes $1,000 in purchases on the card.


Also, you get free FICO scores every month. There are no foreign transaction fees. It is possible to upgrade to unsecured credit. Your account is regularly reviewed. And you may become eligible for an upgrade to an unsecured card with responsible use over time. Approval is not guaranteed and depends on factors including how you manage this and your other accounts.

APR is the current prime rate plus 11.90%. There is no introductory APR period and no sign-up bonus. This is not a card for balance transfers.

Get it here: https://www.wellsfargo.com/biz/business-credit/credit-cards/secured-card/

Reliable Business Credit Cards With Bad Credit History for Low APR/Balance Transfers

Discover it® Cash Back

Look at the Discover it® Cash Back card. There is a 10.99% introductory APR for six months from date of first transfer.

After the introductory APR expires, your APR will be 14.99% to 23.99%. So, this is based on your creditworthiness. Your APR will vary with the market, which is based upon the Prime Rate.


You can earn 5% cash back at different places every quarter. So, these are places like gas stations, grocery stores, restaurants, Amazon.com, or wholesale clubs. But this is up to the quarterly maximum each time you activate. Additionally, automatically get unlimited 1% cash back on all other purchases.

You will earn an unlimited dollar-for-dollar match of all the cash back you have gotten at the end of your first year, automatically.

Get it here: https://www.discover.com/credit-cards/cash-back/it-card.html

Business Credit Cards With Bad Credit History with 0% APR – Pay Zero!

Bank of America® Business Advantage Travel Rewards World Mastercard® Credit Card

The Bank of America® Business Advantage Travel Rewards World Mastercard® credit card has no yearly fee and comes with a 0% introductory APR on purchases for the initial nine months. After that, the card has a 13.24 – 23.24% variable APR

Earn 3 points/dollar spent when you book travel via the Bank of America Travel Center and 1.5 points/dollar on all other purchases. You can get unlimited points and points will never expire.


There is a 25,000-point sign-up bonus when you spend $1,000 in the first 60 days of opening up the account. Cardholders get travel accident insurance, and lost luggage reimbursement.

They additionally get trip cancellation coverage, trip delay reimbursement and other advantages.

There is no introductory rate for balance transfers. Also, bonus categories are limited.

Get it here: https://www.bankofamerica.com/smallbusiness/credit-cards/products/travel-rewards-business-credit-card/

JetBlue Plus Card

Consider the JetBlue Plus Card for yet another offer of a 0% introductory APR

Get six points/dollar on JetBlue purchases, two points/dollar at eating establishments and grocery stores. And get one point/dollar on all other purchases.


Spend $1,000 in the first 90 days and pay the annual fee, and get 40,000 bonus points. New cardholders get a 12 month, 0% introductory APR on balance transfers made in 45 days of account opening.

After that, the variable APR on purchases and balance transfers is 17.99%, 21.99% or 26.99%, based on creditworthiness. Benefits include a free first checked bag and 50% savings on in-flight purchases.

There is a $99 yearly fee for this card.

Get it here: https://cards.barclaycardus.com/cards/jetblue-card/

business credit cards with bad credit history Credit Suite

Establish business credit fast with our research-backed guide to 12 business credit cards and lines.

Terrific Business Credit Cards With Bad Credit History for Cash Back

SimplyCash Plus Business Credit Card from American Express

Check out the SimplyCash Plus Business Credit Card from American Express. There is a $0 annual fee. And there is a 0% APR on purchases So this is for the initial 15 months an account is open.

But when the introductory period runs out, the APR for purchases is 14.24 to 21.24%. So, this is variable and based on creditworthiness.


This credit card has various benefits. These include purchase protection, car rental loss and damage insurance. And they also include a baggage insurance plan, extended warranty coverage and a global assist hotline.

Also, get 5% cash back at US office supply stores and on wireless phone services. So, these must be bought from United States providers. But this pertains to the initial $50,000 of yearly spending. Then, you earn 1% cash back.

You also earn 3% cash back on spending category of your choice. So, this is from eight distinct categories. They include airfare, gas, advertising and computer purchases. But it applies to the first $50,000 of annual spending. Then, you get 1% cash back.

Cash-back bonuses are automatically credited to the customer’s billing statement.

Note: you cannot use this card for balance transfers. There is a foreign transaction fee of 2.7%. The card charges up to $38 in late fees. And the returned check fee is also $38. The penalty APR is 29.99%.

And, it kicks in if you have two or more late payments within 12 months. It can also apply if you fail to make the minimum payment on time or have a returned payment.

Get it here: https://www.americanexpress.com/us/small-business/credit-cards/simply-cash-plus-business-credit-card/44279

Capital One® Quicksilver® Card

Check out the Capital One® Quicksilver® Card. It offers flat-rate rewards of 1.5% on all purchases. There are no limits to the amount of cash back rewards which cardholders can earn. Also, the card has a $0 annual fee.

New cardholders have a 0% APR on purchases and balance transfers for the first 15 months after opening the account. Then afterwards they have a 14.74 – 24.74% (variable) APR after that.

A cash bonus of $150 is available for those who make at the very least $500 in purchases in 3 months of account opening.


Also, cash back rewards do not expire for the life of the account. And there is no limit to how much you can earn.

This credit card also offers travel accident insurance. And you get an auto rental collision damage waiver. There are no foreign transaction fees. And there is extended warranty coverage.

Downsides are the flat reward rate, not allowing for any more than that. And the higher APR after the first 15 months.

Get it here: https://www.capitalone.com/credit-cards/quicksilver/

business credit cards with bad credit history Credit Suite

Establish business credit fast with our research-backed guide to 12 business credit cards and lines.

Exceptional Business Credit Cards with No Annual Fee

Uber Visa Card

Check out the Uber Visa Card. Uber is the very first ride-sharing service to offer a credit card, in a partnership with Visa and Barclays.

The card offers 4% back per dollar spent at restaurants, takeout and bars, including UberEATS. Also, get 3% back on hotel, airfare and vacation home rentals. And get 2% back on online purchases.

So, this includes retailers and subscription services such as Uber and Netflix. And get 1% back on all other purchases. Each percent/point has a value of 1 cent. Redeem points for cash back, gift cards or Uber credits directly within the app.

By spending a minimum of $500 in the initial 90 days, users can earn a $100 sign-up bonus. Cardholders spending a minimum of $5,000 yearly are eligible to receive a $50 credit toward online subscription services.


If you pay your cellphone bill with this card, you are insured up to $600 for cellphone damage or theft.

Cardholders are eligible for exclusive access to specific events and offers. Uber anticipates most of these offers will be available in major cities like New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago and DC. There is no foreign transaction fee.

But there is no introductory rate. The APR is a variable 16.99%, 22.74% or 25.74%, based on your creditworthiness. Cardholders with less than stellar credit will be on the higher end of the range.

Also, there are restrictions on Uber credits. To redeem points as credits in the Uber app, accrue a minimum of 500 points, or $5. Cardholders can convert a maximum of 50,000 points, or $500, per day.

Get it here: https://www.uber.com/c/uber-credit-card/

Costco Anywhere Visa® Business Card by Citi

Not taking Uber? Then you’ll want to fill your gas tank in some way. Why not do so with the Costco Anywhere Visa® Business Card by Citi?

This card earns cash back with every purchase. Earn 4% cash back on the first $7,000 spent on eligible gas purchases annually (1% after that). Earn 3% cash back at restaurants and on eligible travel purchases. Also, earn 2% cash back at Costco and Costco.com. And earn 1% cash back on all other purchases.

Note: the $0 yearly fee is only for Costco members. And an active Costco membership is required. Cardholders will get access to damage and theft purchase protection, extended warranty coverage and travel accident insurance.

Also, there is no sign-up bonus available with this card.

Get it here: https://www.citi.com/credit-cards/credit-card-details/citi.action?ID=Citi-costco-anywhere-visa-business-credit-card

Ink Business Cash℠ Credit Card

Have a look at the Ink Business Cash ℠ Credit Card. Small businesses can earn cash back with every purchase. Spend $3,000 in the initial three months from account opening. And you’ll get a $500 bonus cash back.

There is a $0 yearly fee with a 0% introductory APR for 12 months on purchases and balance transfers. Afterwards, the APR is a 15.24 – 21.24% variable.

The card features travel and purchase coverage benefits. So, this includes an auto rental collision damage waiver and extended warranty protection.


Earn extra cash back on business categories. So, these include office supply stores, telecommunications, gas stations and restaurants.

Note: this credit card has a balance transfer fee. Pay 5% of the amount transferred or $5, whichever is more. Also, there is a foreign transaction fee of 3%.

Get it here: https://creditcards.chase.com/small-business-credit-cards/ink-cash

United MileagePlus Explorer Business Card

Get a good look at the United MileagePlus Explorer Business Card.

Get 2 miles/dollar with United and at restaurants, gas stations and office supply stores. All other purchases earn 1 mile/dollar. Earn a 50,000-mile sign-up bonus after spending $3,000 in the initial three months from account opening.

Benefits include priority boarding, a free first checked bag for you and a companion on the same reservation.


Also, get two United Club passes annually. And get hotel and resort perks including upgrades. In addition, get early check-in and late checkout. And get an auto rental collision damage waiver.

And also, get baggage delay insurance, lost luggage reimbursement, trip cancellation and interruption insurance. Finally, get trip delay reimbursement, purchase protection, price protection and concierge service.

After the first year, the card has an annual fee of $95. APR of 17.99% – 24.99%, based on creditworthiness.

Get it here: https://creditcards.chase.com/small-business-credit-cards/united-mileageplus-explorer-business

Starwood Preferred Guest® Business Credit Card from American Express

Another option is the Starwood Preferred Guest Business Credit Card from American Express.

This credit card is for those who stay at Starwood Preferred Guest and Marriott hotels often. Earn six points per dollar of eligible purchases at participating SPG and Marriott Rewards hotels.

And get four points per dollar at US restaurants, US filling stations, and on US purchases for shipping.

Also, get four points to the dollar on wireless telephone services purchased directly from US service providers. For all other eligible purchases, earn two points per dollar.


Earn 75,000 bonus points when you spend $3,000 in the first three months of account opening. Benefits include free in-room premium internet access, Sheraton Club lounge access, and purchase protection.

Plus, you get car rental loss and damage insurance. And you get baggage insurance. There is also a global assistance hotline. And there is a roadside assistance hotline. And get travel accident insurance and extended warranty coverage.

The most significant issue is the annual fee. There is a $0 introductory annual fee for the first year, then it’s $95 afterwards. Plus, there is no 0% introductory APR. Instead, there is a 17.74 – 26.74% variable APR

Get it here: https://www.americanexpress.com/us/credit-cards/business/business-credit-cards/spg-amex-starwood-credit-card

biz cards with bad credit history Credit Suite

Establish business credit fast with our research-backed guide to 12 business credit cards and lines.

Unbeatable Cards for Jackpot Rewards

Ink Business Preferred ℠ Credit Card

Get a look at the Ink Business Preferred Credit Card from Chase. Cardholders earn 3 points for every dollar spent on travel, shipping, internet, cable, phone and qualifying advertising with the card. So, this is up to $150,000 each year. And all other purchases earn an unlimited one point per dollar spent.

This is a Visa card.

Cardholders get benefits like purchase protection, trip cancellation or interruption insurance. They also get cellphone protection. And they get extended warranty coverage. And they get an auto rental collision damage waiver.


Get 80,000 bonus points when you spend $5,000 in the first 3 months from account opening. There is an annual fee of $95. You can add employee cards at no additional cost.

This card only offers 3 points per dollar to a limit of $150,000 a year. So, this is for travel, shipping, internet, cable, phone and qualifying advertising. All other purchases get an unlimited flat rate of one point per dollar. And there is no introductory APR

Get it here: https://creditcards.chase.com/small-business-credit-cards/ink-business-preferred

Small Business Credit Cards for Luxurious Travel Points

IHG ® Rewards Club Premier Credit Card

Consider the IHG ® Rewards Club Premier Credit Card. it gets hotel rewards worldwide. For each dollar spent at participating IHG hotels, get 10 points. Get two points per dollar spent at gas stations, grocery stores and restaurants.

And all, other purchases earn one point. New cardholders can get an 80,000-point sign-up bonus when they spend $2,000 in the first three months of account opening.


This card provides a free one-night hotel stay each year. Plus, there is a wide array of benefits like travel and purchase coverage and an upgrade to Platinum Elite status with the IHG Rewards Club. The club offers complimentary room upgrades when available and guaranteed room availability.

The most significant issue is that the card does not have a zero percent APR introductory rate. And the standard APR is 17.99 – 24.99% variable. Also, the yearly fee is $89.

Get it here: https://creditcards.chase.com/a1/ihg/premiernaep

Marriott Rewards® Premier Plus Credit Card

This credit card earns six points/dollar spent at participating Marriott and SPG hotels. And get two points/dollar on all other purchases.

Spend $3,000 in the first three months from account opening and get two free night awards (each valued up to 35,000 points).

Cardholders get access to perks including a free one-night stay yearly after account anniversary. Also get travel and purchase protection. So, this includes free standard in-room Wi-Fi and priority late checkout.


Perks include baggage delay reimbursement, and lost luggage reimbursement. There is also trip delay reimbursement. And there is purchase protection. Plus, there are concierge service and automatic Silver Elite status, which includes a 20% bonus on points.

Spend $35,000 each account year, and get an upgrade to Gold Elite status. So, that includes a complimentary room upgrade, free daily breakfast and 4 PM late checkout.

There is an annual fee of $95. The APR is a 17.99– 24.99% variable.

Get it here: https://creditcards.chase.com/marriott/apply

The Perfect Business Credit Cards With Bad Credit History for You

Your outright best business credit cards with bad credit history will hinge on your credit history and scores.

Only you can select which features you want and need. So, make sure to do your homework. What is excellent for you could be disastrous for another person.

And, as always, make certain to develop credit in the recommended order for the best, fastest benefits.


The post Business Credit Cards With Bad Credit History? They’re Possible appeared first on Credit Suite.

The Best Small Business Credit Card of 2019 for Any Situation

fwistAnd How to Be Sure You are Eligible for the Best Small Business Credit Card for Your Situation When you start wondering what the best small business credit card is, you may be surprised to find out that answer actually can vary.  What may be the best credit card for one business may not necessarily … Continue reading The Best Small Business Credit Card of 2019 for Any Situation

Improved Business Writing and More –10 Brilliant Business Tips of the Week

Improved business writing will help you make more sales. Check out how better overall communications will make you money.

The Hottest and Most Brilliant Business Tips for YOU – Improved Business Writing and More

Our research ninjas at Credit Suite smuggled out ten amazing business tips for you! Be fierce and score in business with the best tips around the web. You can use them today and see fast results. You can take that to the bank – these are foolproof! Show off your improved business writing!

Stop making stupid decisions and start powering up your business. Demolish your business nightmares and start celebrating as your business fulfills its promise.

And these brilliant business tips are all here for free! So settle in and scoop up these tantalizing goodies before your competition does!

#10. Goodbye is Just as Important as Hello

Our first jaw-dropping tip is all about creating a good business offboarding process. T Sheets says the last impressions a departing employee has of your business can often be just as important as their first ones.

Knowing how to successfully offboard an employee is a vital part of running any business.

Tell People!

Don’t leave folks in the dark. In particular, the soon to be ex-employee has coworkers and, possibly, direct reports. Don’t those people deserve to know what’s going on? Otherwise, they are going to fill in the blanks. And you are probably not going to look too good if that happens.


It’s Also in Your Best Interests

Telling people isn’t just about making sure they don’t say bad things about you. It’s also about making sure that your departing employee imparts their wisdom before they hit the road. Yes, you’re going to ask them to document things. But the article also says – don’t overdo that. It’s unpleasant to begin with. Plus you are more likely to need them to wrap up loose-ended projects.

So keep the lines of communication open. Don’t sweep the employee’s departure under a rug. It’s nothing to hide, and it is nothing to be ashamed of. People move on all the time. It’s not a reflection on you or your company.

And, if you offboard someone really well, you know what can happen?

They just might decide to come back and work for you again. These impressions matter.

#9. Win at Negotiating With a Win-Win

The next awesome tip is about negotiating a better deal for your business. Noobpreneur notes any business person is going to have to do some negotiating in their lives. This is everything from working out the terms of employment agreements  with workers to getting a better deal on vehicles.

Their first tip is the best one.

Research FTW

If you don’t know what the other side wants and needs, you will have a lot of trouble with negotiations. Why? Isn’t the point of negotiating getting what you want, damn all the others?

Not quite.

Yes, you want to get what you, well, want. But if you can get the other side to a win, then they are far more likely to say yes to your terms.

How come?

Most people have a well-developed sense of justice and fairness. I give you a few dollars, and you give me a coffee at your shop. But if I only give you a penny, I have no right to expect a coffee from you. And if I give you $100, then I expect to get either a lot of change back or enough coffees to caffeinate the entire team.

So give to get. You just might be surprised.

Improved Business Writing Credit Suite

If you are as passionate about succeeding in business as we are, please help us spread the word about how to take the plunge and save time and money – and your sanity! Show off your improved business writing and more.

#8. Forecast Better Than Vegas Odds

Our following life-changing tip concerns forecasting sales more accurately. Sales Hacker lays it all out for us.

And like a lot of the processes which we see which involve numbers, the best practices are to be organized and consistent.

It all comes down to the metrics.

Going Metric With Your Sales

What do you need to measure? What makes the most sense to know? in the article, they lay out a few which should be no-brainers, such as churn rate and win rate. That is, who stops subscribing, and who you’ve sold to.

The most intriguing measurements had to do with pipeline. That is, are you setting things up for the next sale?

What, you’re not?

It’s time to start.

#7. Seal Your Deals With a KISS

For our next sensational tip, we looked at using basic design principles in order to close more sales. HubSpot says that the old design principle of KISS can help you land more jobs.

Kiss means: keep it simple, stupid.

Also known as, don’t overdo stuff. Don’t overcrowd. And it should be no coincidence – better design can dovetail well with improved business writing.

The article covers a few basics of design, such as balance. But the one we really liked had to do with scale.

Draw In Your Clients to Scale

Quick – what’s bigger, a man or a whale?

Usually, it’s the whale. But a baby whale (not a baby shark, thank God) can be smaller than a man, yes? How are your readers going to ever know this without scale?

The same is true for your designs. If your widget is bigger or brighter, then show it in comparison with another widget which isn’t so big and bright. Otherwise, how could your prospects ever possibly know?

#6. What Happens When We Communicate?

This tip is so neat, and it works! Young Upstarts tells us all about using conversation intelligence to improve sales.  Communications intelligence is all about understanding when certain conversations lead to closed deals and others … don’t.

Consider how understanding your communications work, or not, will improve all aspects of the selling process. Like many data-driven aspects of business, knowing what works and what doesn’t will save you time later. Communications can be oral or written, so improved business writing should be included, too.

We recommend you read the entire article to get the full idea behind this new concept which, to us, sounds a lot like listening to your customers.

What a concept.

#5. Listen to Ernest Hemingway and Start Showing Off Your Improved Business Writing

Grab this mind-blowing tip while it’s hot!

Improved business writing is where it’s at. Because no one – no one – wants to read boring business writing.

Copy Blogger says the Pulitzer Prizewinning author has tips which you can use, too.

Here’s what we loved.

Forceful Prose That Means What it Says

Oh. My. God.

Essentially, the idea is as follows. Vigorous English is the kind of prose which tells you what’s going on, and does so in a way that you are immersed in it.

Better Biz Communications Credit SuiteConsider the following two sentences.

For sale: one electric scooter.

For sale: your ticket to freedom – an electric scooter.

Now, does everything benefit from such treatment? Probably not. After all, if you sell casket, an immersive experience is probably the last thing on your prospects’ minds. Unless it’s Halloween, of course.

Used well and not all the time, kind of like chili powder, vigorous prose can work wonders.

That’s not the only part we loved when it came to creating improved business writing.

What Is It? It’s This, Not Something That’s Not That

Say what?

So the other bit we really loved is the concept of forcefully and clearing declaring positively what something is.

This doesn’t mean happy talk. It’s not that kind of positive. Rather, it’s being clear and declarative with your prose.

Improved business writing – or any sort of writing, for that matter – starts here.

Let’s talk  about toothpaste as an example, okay?

And let’s say that your toothpaste has a cinnamon flavor. You don’t say that it isn’t spearmint flavor. No. You say that it’s cinnamon flavor.

It’s assertive. And it’s accurate, of course. But it’s also not apologetic. Saying that it’s not spearmint – doesn’t that feel like an apology? Like the copywriter is sorry, we didn’t go in the spearmint direction. But here’s some cinnamon as a consolation prize.

No. Don’t write like that!

Say what you mean. Mean what you say. Thanks, Papa.

Improved Business Writing Credit Suite

If you are as passionate about succeeding in business as we are, please help us spread the word about how to take the plunge and save time and money – and your sanity! Show off your improved business writing and more.

#4. Ready, Set, Write!

Check out this spectacular tip, all about writing better blog posts faster. Addicted 2 Success notes that there are a few ways to speed up the process of writing blogs.

Templates and the Blank Page

So, here’s a dirty little secret about these Friday posts.

C’mere, and I’ll tell you.

It’s based on a template. And that is for a very specific reason. Just like the posts being referred to in this article, this post has to be written rather quickly. With a template, the article comes together with a  lot less effort.

And there’s another perk to using templates. Blank pages can be daunting. By themselves, they can cause the kind of anxiety that can slide you right into writer’s block.

Templates banish the blank page.

We strongly suggest you check out the entire article. It’s a great ticket to improved business writing.

#3. Lights, Camera, Your Business!

It’s not your imagination: this winning tip can help you build a great studio for a video series. Wistia tells us that your first mission is to figure out just where you’re going to put your studio. But that makes a ton of sense, as a lot of your other considerations will follow from this.

So, what’s best?

Consider how you’re going to use the space. Is this going to be a space to record videos where the expected sounds come from the action on the screen? Or can you dub it in later? Either way, you need a quiet place to do audio. But if you’re going to do unboxing videos where the narrative is added later, or music plays over it, then you can kind of do your unboxing while a jet flies overhead, yes?

But then there’s one little thing.

Say What?

It’s sound. Viewers are going to forgive a lot these days. They know that you’re not in the business of making videos – unless you are, of course. So if you aren’t in the business of making videos, a lot of prospects and customers are going to  be perfectly fine with that. In fact, it can even turn into an asset.


Have you ever seen a slick used car salesperson on TV? Of course you have. And they are about the most artificial people out there, amirite?

A little imperfection in the visuals is pretty easy to forgive.

Not so with sound.

Your customers and fans want to hear what you have to say.  So have decent microphones! And then there’s post-production.

True Story Time

So, your intrepid blog writer used to be a podcaster. Podcasting, when you’re an amateur, means you wear nearly every hat there is. You book the talent, write up the questions, and even serve as your own laugh track.

I used to use Adobe Audition. And I still recommend it. It’s a great program, not too horribly expensive, for cleaning up audio. Clip out longer silences and put in segue music. You can even add introductory music and closing credit music. Most of all, it’s not too hard to use.

I cannot recommend this program enough, for any endeavor you pursue which requires good sound, such as podcasting or releasing your own video.

#2. Expand the Right Way

Our second to last unbeatable tip can give you a new perspective on expanding your business. E One Network reveals all about expanding your business.

We think the best tip was the first one – and of course we welcome your opinion if you disagree!

Being Cash Poor is Not Going to Help You Expand

Truer words were never written (well, maybe a few times…).

The bottom line is, if you don’t have enough cash on hand when your business has, say, three employees, what makes you think things are going to get any better once you have six? Unless, of course, you do something about that.

So think about what you can do. You might be able to get into a cheaper lease. Maybe you can stretch your fleet a little longer, rather than buying so soon. Or maybe you can switch to mugs rather than expensive one-use paper mugs and cups.

They had a terrific idea which should help – consider reducing your terms to Net-30 or Net-15.

Getting paid faster is bound to get you more cash on hand.

#1. Scaling Up

We saved the best for last. For our favorite remarkable tip, we focused on scaling your business successfully. The Self Employed says the move from a small startup to a larger business can be accomplished if you follow a few steps.

While this is similar to tip #2 (and the opposite of tip #10!), it goes beyond the financial aspects of making a business bigger.

Here’s our fave tip of the bunch.

Invest in Good Technology

It’s like buying a better sweater which will last for several seasons, as opposed to one  which costs less up front but you need to replace in a year.

Buying better tech which will help your business is key. Think about what you can automate. Is the cost prohibitive? It might not be if you start small, such as with an individual license versus an enterprise one.

Are your computers durable? Do you have good warranties for them? Now might be a good time to invest in that sort of assurance that bad components will be repaired or replaced.

We want your business to get bigger. These are just a few ways to make that happen.

So which one of our brilliant business tips was your favorite? And which one will you be implementing now?

Improved Business Writing Credit Suite

If you are as passionate about succeeding in business as we are, please help us spread the word about how to take the plunge and save time and money – and your sanity! Show off your improved business writing and more.

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Just recently moneyed … $10,300.00 in Business Revenue fun…

Just recently moneyed … $10,300.00 in Business Revenue funding.

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The Best Small Business Credit Card of 2019 for Any Situation

fwistAnd How to Be Sure You are Eligible for the Best Small Business Credit Card for Your Situation

When you start wondering what the best small business credit card is, you may be surprised to find out that answer actually can vary.  What may be the best credit card for one business may not necessarily be the best small business credit card for another.  It all depends on the business and the situation.  For example, a business owner that does a lot of travel for his or her business is going to need a different card than one that has a whole fleet of automobiles to manage but doesn’t travel much.

We have done some research to help you find the best small business credit card to fit your specific needs.

Best Small Business Credit Card When You Want 0% APR

Capital One® Quicksilver® Card

This card features flat-rate rewards of 1.5% on all purchases, and there are no limits on cash back rewards.  In addition, there is no yearly fee.

New cardholders have a 0% APR on purchases and balance transfers for the first 15 months after starting the account.  Afterwards, the rate increases to 14.74 to  24.74% (variable).  A cash bonus of $150 is available for those who make at least $500 on purchases within 3 months of account opening.

Also, cash back rewards do not expire for the life of the account. Other benefits include travel accident insurance and an auto rental collision damage waiver. Find out more by going here.

Best Small Business Credit Card When You Want No Annual Fee

Capital One® Spark® Classic for Business

Try the Capital One Spark Classic for Business. It earns an unlimited 1% cash back on all purchases, and you still get the benefits of an auto rental collision damage waiver and purchase security. You also get extended warranty coverage, as well as travel and emergency assistance services.

However, the ongoing APR is 24.74% variable. The penalty APR is even higher at 31.15%. Another drawback is that there is no sign-up bonus. Find out more here.

Hit the jackpot with our best webinar and its trustworthy list of seven vendors who can help you build business credit.

Best Small Business Credit Card for Students

Discover it® Student Cash Back

Okay, full disclosure.  The Discover it® Student Cash Back card is not a business credit card.  It’s a personal card, therefore your credit activity is reported on your personal credit and not your business credit.  However, as a student, building your FICO will be important to your future as a business owner.

There is a six-month introductory period of 0% APR on purchases. After that, there is an APR of 14.99 to 23.99% variable on all purchases.

One special feature is that it provides an incentive for students to maintain good grades with a $20 statement credit. If students earn a GPA of 3.0 or higher each school year, they get a $20 statement credit per year for up to five years.

You can get 5% cash back at different places each quarter like grocery stores, filling stations, restaurants or Amazon.com up to the quarterly maximum. After that, the credit card offers unlimited 1% cash back on all purchases.  Also, in the first year, all cash back rewards are matched 100%.

Although they waive the first late payment fee, a fee of up to $37 applies on all other late payments. There is also a returned payment fee of up to $37.  Find more information here.

Best Small Business Credit Card for Mileage Rewards

United MileagePlus Explorer Business Card

Earn 2 miles per dollar with United and at restaurants, filling stations, and office supply stores. All other purchases earn 1 mile per dollar. There is also a 50,000-mile sign-up bonus after spending $3,000 in the first three months from account opening.

Benefits include priority boarding, a free first checked bag for you and a companion on the same reservation.  Also, get two United Club passes annually. Hotel and resort perks, including upgrades, are available as well. Additionally, get early check-in and late checkout. An auto rental collision damage waiver is also a benefit.

After the first year, the card has an annual fee of $95. The APR is 17.99% to 24.99%, based on creditworthiness. Find out more here.

Best Small Business Credit Card if You Have Average Credit

Capital One® Spark® Classic for Business

For fair credit, we like the Capital One Spark Classic for Business. It has no yearly fee and cash-back rewards of unlimited 1% cash back on all purchases. Benefits include an auto rental collision damage waiver and purchase security. In addition, extended warranty coverage as well as travel and emergency assistance services are included. Find out more here.

Best Small Business Credit Card if Luxurious Travel is Your Thing

Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card

Earn two points per dollar spent on travel and dining at restaurants, and one point per dollar on all other purchases. Points can be redeemed for cash back, gift cards, or travel. Benefits include trip cancellation insurance, travel and emergency assistance services and an auto rental collision damage waiver. Purchase protection and extended warranty protection are also included.

When you spend $4,000 in the first 3 months from account opening, you will earn 50,000 bonus points. These points are worth $625 if you redeem them for travel through Chase Ultimate Rewards.

You can get an unlimited two points per dollar for travel and dining at restaurants. And then get one point per dollar for all other purchases. Points will transfer equally to 13 leading frequent travel programs with partners. These include British Airways, Southwest Airlines, United, and Marriott.

Unfortunately, there is no 0% introductory APR on purchases or balance transfers. The card’s standard APR is 17.74 to 24.74% variable. In addition, while there is no annual fee the first year, after that it is $95.  Go here for more information.

Hit the jackpot with our best webinar and its trustworthy list of seven vendors who can help you build business credit.

Best Small Business Credit Card if You Love Uber

Uber Visa Card

Uber is the first ride-sharing service to offer a credit card, in a partnership with Visa and Barclays. The card offers 4% back per dollar spent at restaurants, takeout, and bars.  That includes UberEATS orders. Also, earn 3% back on hotel, airfare and vacation home rentals. You can also earn 2% back on online purchases including retailers and subscription services like Uber and Netflix.

Additionally, you’ll earn 1% back on all other purchases. Every percent/point has a value of 1 cent. Redeem points for cash back, gift cards, or Uber credits directly within the app.

There is no yearly fee, and by spending at least $500 in the first 90 days, users can earn a $100 sign-up bonus. Cardholders spending a minimum of $5,000 yearly are eligible to get a $50 credit toward online subscription services.

Also, if you pay your cellphone bill with this card, you are insured up to $600 for cell phone damage or theft.

While they note cardholders have exclusive access to certain events and offers, Uber anticipates the majority of these offers will be available in major cities like New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago and DC. If you aren’t in those cities, that perk may not be one you are interested in.

There is no introductory rate, and the APR is a variable 16.99%, 22.74%, or 25.74%, based on your creditworthiness. Cardholders with lower credit will be on the higher end of the range.

Also, there are restrictions on Uber credits. To redeem points as credits within the Uber app, you must have at least 500 points, or $5. Cardholders can convert a maximum of 50,000 points, or $500, in a given day.  Find out more here.

Best Small Business Credit Card for When You Want to Build Business Credit

This is where it gets a little tricky.  The thing is, the only way a card can help you build business credit is if you get it on the merits of your business credit.  That means you have to apply with your business information, not your own.  It also means you must already have some semblance of business credit to gain approval.  Any card in your business name that you handle responsibly will definitely help build existing credit even stronger.  However, you cannot get a card to build business credit without already having a business credit score.

How Do You Establish a Small Business Credit Score?

The truth is, any of these best small business credit card options will work to build business credit, but they will all want to see a business credit score before they grant approval.  How do you get a business credit score without having credit to begin with?  There is a very specific process, and  if you follow it, it works like a charm.

It starts with establishing your business as a separate entity from yourself that appears fundable to lenders.  How does that happen?  Well, first your business needs its own contact information.  It’s tempting in the beginning to just use your own address and phone number, but it isn’t wise.  Those are identifying factors related to you personally, so anything attached to them will end up on your personal credit report rather than your business credit report.

Other Ways to Make Your Business Appear Fundable to Lenders

  • Formally incorporate. You need to organize your business as a corporation, S-corp, or LLC.  Start at gov.
  • Get an EIN. It works like an SSN, but for your business.  You can get one for free on the IRS  Be sure to use it instead of your SSN when applying for business credit cards.
  • Get a separate business bank account.
  • Make sure you have a useable, professionally put together website. Pay for hosting, as the free hosting services make you look unprofessional.  Along the same lines, be sure your business email address has the same URL as your website.  Free email services such as Yahoo or Gmail are not appropriate for this purpose.
  • Get a D-U-N-S number. This is how you establish your record with Dun &  That’s important, because they are the largest and most commonly used business credit reporting agency.  If you do not have a D-U-N-S number, you cannot have a business credit score with them.  It is free to get one on the Dun & Bradstreet website.

Once these things are taken care of, it’s time to start building that business credit score.

Work Through the Credit Tiers

When it comes to building business credit, there are 4 tiers that you must work through.  Most often, whatever the best small business credit card is for your needs, it will be in the top tier, known as the cash credit tier.

Before you can qualify for credit in this tier however, you must work through the other tiers.  What are the other tiers?  I am so glad you asked.

Vendor Credit Tier

This tier is where you will find starter vendors that will extend invoices with net terms without a credit check.  You may have to place a few orders with them first, and there may be some minimum time in business or income requirements, but credit will not come into the picture.

Once you get net terms and start making payments, these starter vendors will report those payments to the credit reporting agencies, also knowns as CRAs.  If you have set up your business as a separate entity and set up your vendor account with your business information, they will report your payments to the business CRAs.  As more and more accounts are reporting, your business credit score will grow and you will be eligible to apply for credit in the other tiers.

Hit the jackpot with our best webinar and its trustworthy list of seven vendors who can help you build business credit.

The Retail Credit Tier

This is where you find store specific cards.  They like to see a minimum business credit score, which is why you apply for them after the vendor credit tier.  The vendor credit tier is how you establish that initial score.  You’ll need to get 8 or so of these accounts reporting your payments to the business CRAs before you can start applying for cards in the next tier.

The Fleet Credit Tier

These are the cards that help you manage fuel and auto maintenance and repair costs.  They come from companies like Fuelman and Shell.  You’ll need several of these reporting payments along with the cards from the retail credit tier before you can move on to the cash credit tier.

The Cash Credit Tier

This is where pretty much every best small business credit card mentioned above will be found.  As you work through the other tiers your credit score will build like a snowball rolling downhill.  If you manage your credit properly, you’ll have a strong score that will qualify for any of these cards.  It takes time, but if you want the best small business credit card for your business, you must build business credit.

Don’t Let the Best Small Business Card for You Slip Through Your Fingers

If you already qualify for cards in the cash credit tier, then use our research above as a starting point for your own research.  If you need to build business credit first, follow our proven process and you will be eligible for any of these cards when the time comes.

The post The Best Small Business Credit Card of 2019 for Any Situation appeared first on Credit Suite.

Get an Amazing Building Business Credit Card

Get the Best Building Business Credit Card

We checked out every building business credit card we could find and did the research for you. So, here are our preferences.

Per the SBA, small business credit card limits are a whopping 10 – 100 times that of personal credit cards!

This reveals you can get a lot more money with small business credit. And it also means you can have personal credit cards at retail stores. So, you would now have an extra card at the same stores for your business.

And you will not need collateral, cash flow, or financials to get small business credit.

Building Business Credit Card Advantages

Perks vary. So, make sure to choose the perk you would prefer from this array of options.

Building Business Credit Cards – Make Your Credit Surge!

Discover it® Student Cash Back

Be sure to check out the Discover it® Student Cash Back card. It has no yearly fee. The credit card also has a six-month introductory period of 0% APR on purchases. And there is an APR of 14.99 – 23.99% variable on all purchases after that period.

One special feature is that it provides an incentive for students to maintain good grades with a $20 statement credit. If students earn a GPA of 3.0 or higher each school year, the card will award the $20 statement credit annually for up to five years.


Use this card to build personal credit. While this is a personal credit card versus a business credit card, for new credit users, their FICO scores will matter. And this credit card offers an excellent way to raise FICO while also getting rewards.

You can get 5% cash back at different places each quarter like grocery stores, gas stations, restaurants or Amazon.com up to the quarterly maximum. After that, this credit card offers unlimited 1% cash back on all purchases.

In the initial year, all cash back rewards are matched 100%.

Downsides include a cash advance fee of either $10 or 5% of the amount of each cash advance, whichever is more. And though they waive the first late payment fee, a fee of up to $37 applies on all other late payments. There is also a returned payment fee of up to $37.

Get it here: https://www.discover.com/credit-cards/cash-back/it-card.html

Secure Business Credit Cards for Average Credit: A Great Alternative to a Building Business Credit Card

Capital One® Spark® Classic for Business

For average credit, we like the Capital One Spark Classic for Business. It has no yearly fee. There are cash-back rewards. The card earns an unlimited 1% cash back on all purchases. There is an annual fee of $0.

With this card, you will get benefits including an auto rental collision damage waiver, and purchase security. And you also get extended warranty coverage. And you get travel and emergency assistance services.

But KEEP IN MIND: the ongoing APR is 24.74% variable APR. And the penalty APR is even higher, 31.15%. Also, there is no sign-up bonus.

Get it here: https://www.capitalone.com/small-business/credit-cards/spark-classic/

Ironclad Secured Credit Cards: A Consideration When Looking at a Building Business Credit Card

Wells Fargo Business Secured Credit Card

Have a look at the Wells Fargo Business Secured Credit Card. It charges a $25 annual fee per card (up to 10 employee cards). It also requires a minimum security deposit of $500 (up to $25,000) and it is designed to help cardholders build or rebuild their credit.

Select this card if you wish to get 1.5% per dollar in purchases without any limits or earn one point for every dollar in purchases. You also earn 1,000 bonus points for every month your company makes $1,000 in purchases on the card.


Also, you get free FICO scores every month. There are no foreign transaction fees. It is possible to upgrade to unsecured credit. Your account is regularly reviewed. And you may become eligible for an upgrade to an unsecured card with responsible use over time. Approval is not guaranteed and depends on factors including how you manage this and your other accounts.

APR is the current prime rate plus 11.90%. There is no introductory APR period and no sign-up bonus. This is not a card for balance transfers.

Get it here: https://www.wellsfargo.com/biz/business-credit/credit-cards/secured-card/

Reliable Low APR/Balance Transfers Business Credit Cards: Important Considerations When Choosing a Building Business Credit Card

Discover it® Cash Back

Check out the Discover it® Cash Back card. There is a 10.99% introductory APR for six months from date of first transfer. So, this is for transfers under this offer which post to your account by January 10, 2019.

After the introductory APR expires, your APR will be 14.99% to 23.99%. So, this is based on your creditworthiness. Your APR will vary with the market, which is based on the Prime Rate.


You can get 5% cash back at different places each quarter. So, these are places like gas stations, grocery stores, restaurants, Amazon.com, or wholesale clubs. But this is up to the quarterly maximum each time you activate. In addition, automatically get unlimited 1% cash back on all other purchases.

You will get an unlimited dollar-for-dollar match of all the cash back you have earned at the end of your first year, automatically.

Get it here: https://www.discover.com/credit-cards/cash-back/it-card.html

Small Business Credit Cards with 0% APR – Pay Absolutely Nothing! Good Accompaniments to a Building Business Credit Card

Bank of America® Business Advantage Travel Rewards World Mastercard® Credit Card

The Bank of America® Business Advantage Travel Rewards World Mastercard® credit card has no annual fee and comes with a 0% introductory APR on purchases for the initial nine months. Afterwards, the card has a 13.24 – 23.24% variable APR

Earn 3 points/dollar spent when you book travel with the Bank of America Travel Center and 1.5 points/dollar on all other purchases. You can earn unlimited points and points never expire.


There is a 25,000-point sign-up bonus when you spend $1,000 within the initial 60 days of starting the account. Cardholders get travel accident insurance, and lost luggage reimbursement.

They also get trip cancellation coverage, trip delay reimbursement and other perks.

There is no introductory rate for balance transfers. Also, bonus categories are limited.

Get it here: https://www.bankofamerica.com/smallbusiness/credit-cards/products/travel-rewards-business-credit-card/

JetBlue Plus Card

Check out the JetBlue Plus Card for another offer of a 0% introductory APR

Earn six points/dollar on JetBlue purchases, two points/dollar at restaurants and grocery stores. And get one point/dollar on all other purchases.


Spend $1,000 in the initial 90 days and pay the annual fee and earn 40,000 bonus points. New cardholders get a 12-month, 0% initial APR on balance transfers made in 45 days of account opening.

Thereafter, the variable APR on purchases and balance transfers is 17.99%, 21.99% or 26.99%, based on creditworthiness. Benefits include a free first checked bag and 50% savings on in-flight purchases.

There is a $99 annual fee for this card.

Get it here: https://cards.barclaycardus.com/cards/jetblue-card/

Builder Biz Credit Card Credit Suite

Establish business credit fast with our research-backed guide to 12 business credit cards and lines.

Uber Visa Card

Check out the Uber Visa Card. Uber is the very first ride-sharing service to offer a credit card, in a partnership with Visa and Barclays.

The card offers 4% back per dollar spent at restaurants, takeout and bars, including UberEATS. Also, get 3% back on hotel, airfare and vacation home rentals. And earn 2% back on online purchases.

So, this includes retailers and subscription services like Uber and Netflix. And get 1% back on all other purchases. Each percent/point has a value of 1 cent. Redeem points for cash back, gift cards or Uber credits directly within the app.

By spending at least $500 in the first 90 days, users can earn a $100 sign-up bonus. Cardholders spending at least $5,000 yearly are eligible to receive a $50 credit toward online subscription services.


If you pay your cell phone bill with this card, you are insured up to $600 for cellphone damage or theft.

Cardholders are eligible for exclusive access to specific events and offers. Uber anticipates the majority of these offers to be available in major cities like New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago and DC. There is no foreign transaction fee.

But there is no introductory rate. The APR is a variable 16.99%, 22.74% or 25.74%, based on your creditworthiness. Cardholders with less than stellar credit will be on the higher end of the range.

Also, there are restrictions on Uber credits. To redeem points as credits within the Uber app, accumulate at least 500 points, or $5. Cardholders can convert a maximum of 50,000 points, or $500, per day.

Get it here: https://www.uber.com/c/uber-credit-card/

Costco Anywhere Visa® Business Card by Citi

Not taking Uber? Then you’ll need to fill your gas tank somehow. Why not do so with the Costco Anywhere Visa® Business Card by Citi?

This credit card earns cash back with every purchase. Get 4% cash back on the first $7,000 spent on eligible gas purchases annually (1% after that). Earn 3% cash back at restaurants and on eligible travel purchases. Also, earn 2% cash back at Costco and Costco.com. And earn 1% cash back on all other purchases.

Note: the $0 annual fee is only for Costco members. And an active Costco membership is required. Cardholders will get access to damage and theft purchase protection, extended warranty coverage and travel accident insurance.

Also, there is no sign-up bonus offered with this card.

Get it here: https://www.citi.com/credit-cards/credit-card-details/citi.action?ID=Citi-costco-anywhere-visa-business-credit-card

Ink Business Cash℠ Credit Card

Check out the Ink Business Cash ℠ Credit Card. Small businesses can earn cash back with every purchase. Spend $3,000 in the first three months from account opening. And you’ll get a $500 bonus cash back.

There is a $0 yearly fee with a 0% introductory APR for 12 months on purchases and balance transfers. Afterwards, the APR is a 15.24 – 21.24% variable.

The credit card features travel and purchase coverage benefits. So, this includes an auto rental collision damage waiver and extended warranty protection.


Earn additional cash back on business categories. So, these include office supply stores, telecommunications, gas stations and restaurants.

Note: this card has a balance transfer fee. Pay 5% of the amount transferred or $5, whichever is more. Also, there is a foreign transaction fee of 3%.

Get it here: https://creditcards.chase.com/small-business-credit-cards/ink-cash

United MileagePlus Explorer Business Card

Get a good look at the United MileagePlus Explorer Business Card.

Earn 2 miles/dollar with United and at restaurants, filling stations and office supply stores. All other purchases earn 1 mile/dollar. Earn a 50,000-mile sign-up bonus after spending $3,000 in the initial three months from account opening.

Benefits include priority boarding, a free first checked bag for you and a companion on the same reservation.


Also, get two United Club passes annually. And get hotel and resort perks including upgrades. In addition, get early check-in and late checkout. And get an auto rental collision damage waiver.

Plus, get baggage delay insurance, lost luggage reimbursement, trip cancellation and interruption insurance. Finally, get trip delay reimbursement, purchase protection, price protection and concierge service.

After the first year, the card has an annual fee of $95. There’s an APR of 17.99% – 24.99%, based on creditworthiness.

Get it here: https://creditcards.chase.com/small-business-credit-cards/united-mileageplus-explorer-business

Starwood Preferred Guest® Business Credit Card from American Express

Another choice is the Starwood Preferred Guest Business Credit Card from American Express.

This card is for those who stay at Starwood Preferred Guest and Marriott hotels often. Get six points per dollar of eligible purchases at participating SPG and Marriott Rewards hotels.

And earn four points per dollar at American restaurants, American filling stations, and on American purchases for shipping.

Also, earn four points to the dollar on wireless telephone services purchased directly from US service providers. For all other eligible purchases, get two points per dollar.


Get 75,000 bonus points when you spend $3,000 in the first three months of account opening. Benefits include free in-room premium internet access, Sheraton Club lounge access, and purchase protection.

Plus, you get car rental loss and damage insurance. And you get baggage insurance. There is also a global assistance hotline. And there is a roadside assistance hotline. And get travel accident insurance and extended warranty coverage.

The biggest issue is the annual fee. There is a $0 introductory annual fee for the first year, then it’s $95 thereafter. Plus, there is no 0% introductory APR. Instead, there is a 17.74 – 26.74% variable APR

Get it here: https://www.americanexpress.com/us/credit-cards/business/business-credit-cards/spg-amex-starwood-credit-card

Terrific Cards for Cash Back: A Complement to a Building Business Credit Card

SimplyCash Plus Business Credit Card from American Express

Check out the SimplyCash Plus Business Credit Card from American Express. There is a $0 annual fee. And there is a 0% APR on purchases. So, this is for the initial 15 months an account is open.

But when the introductory period runs out, the APR for purchases is 14.24 to 21.24%. So, this is variable and based on creditworthiness.


This card has several benefits. These include purchase protection, car rental loss and damage insurance. And they also include a baggage insurance plan, extended warranty coverage and a global assist hotline.

Also, earn 5% cash back at US office supply stores and on wireless telephone services. So, these must be bought from American service providers. But this applies to the initial $50,000 of yearly spending. Then, you earn 1% cash back.

You also get 3% cash back on spending category of your choice. So, this is from eight distinct categories. They include airfare, gas, advertising and computer purchases. But it applies to the first $50,000 of annual spending. Then, you get 1% cash back.

Cash-back bonuses are automatically credited to the customer’s billing statement.

Note: you cannot use this card for balance transfers. There is a foreign transaction fee of 2.7%. The card charges up to $38 in late fees. And the returned check fee is also $38. The penalty APR is 29.99%.

And, it applies if you have two or more late payments within 12 months. It can also apply if you fail to make the minimum payment on time or have a returned payment.

Get it here: https://www.americanexpress.com/us/small-business/credit-cards/simply-cash-plus-business-credit-card/44279

Capital One® Quicksilver® Card

Check out the Capital One® Quicksilver® Card. It offers flat-rate rewards of 1.5% on all purchases. There are no limits to the amount of cash back rewards that cardholders can earn. Also, the card has a $0 yearly fee.

New cardholders have a 0% APR on purchases and balance transfers for the first 15 months after opening the account. Then afterwards they have a 14.74 – 24.74% (variable) APR after that.

A cash bonus of $150 is available for those who make at the very least $500 in purchases in 3 months of account opening.


Also, cash back rewards do not expire for the life of the account. And there is no limit to how much you can earn.

This card also offers travel accident insurance. And you get an auto rental collision damage waiver. There are no foreign transaction fees. And there is extended warranty coverage.

Downsides are the flat reward rate, not allowing for any more than that. And the higher APR after the first 15 months.

Get it here: https://www.capitalone.com/credit-cards/quicksilver/

Builder Biz Credit Card Credit Suite

Establish business credit fast with our research-backed guide to 12 business credit cards and lines.

Unbeatable Cards for Jackpot Rewards: For When You Graduate from a Building Business Credit Card

Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card

Have a look at the Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card for travel points.

You can get two points to the dollar spent on travel and dining at restaurants. And you can earn one point per dollar on all other purchases. Points can be traded in for cash back, gift cards, or travel.

The card’s benefits include trip cancellation insurance, travel and emergency assistance services. They also include an auto rental collision damage waiver, purchase protection and extended warranty protection.

When you spend $4,000 in the first 3 months from account opening, you will earn 50,000 bonus points. These points are worth $625 if you redeem them for travel through Chase Ultimate Rewards.


You can earn an unlimited two points per dollar for travel and dining at restaurants. And then earn one point per dollar for all other purchases. Points will transfer equally to 13 leading frequent travel programs with partners. So, these include British Airways, Southwest Airlines, United, and Marriott.

There is no 0% introductory APR on purchases or balance transfers. The card’s standard APR is 17.74 – 24.74% variable. Also, the card has an annual fee of $0 introductory for the first year. And then it skyrockets to $95.

Get it here: https://creditcards.chase.com/rewards-credit-cards/chase-sapphire-preferred

Ink Business Preferred ℠ Credit Card

Get a look at the Ink Business Preferred Credit Card from Chase. Cardholders earn 3 points for every dollar spent on travel, shipping, internet, cable, phone and qualifying advertising with the card. So, this is up to $150,000 each year. And all other purchases earn an unlimited one point per dollar spent.

This is a Visa credit card.

Cardholders get benefits like purchase protection, trip cancellation or interruption insurance. They also get cellphone protection. And they get extended warranty coverage. And they get an auto rental collision damage waiver.


Earn 80,000 bonus points when you spend $5,000 in the initial 3 months from account opening. There is an annual fee of $95. You can add employee cards at no additional cost.

This card only offers 3 points per dollar to a limit of $150,000 a year. So, this is for travel, shipping, internet, cable, phone and qualifying advertising. All other purchases earn an unlimited flat rate of one point per dollar. And there is no introductory APR

Get it here: https://creditcards.chase.com/small-business-credit-cards/ink-business-preferred

Builder Biz Credit Card Credit Suite

Establish business credit fast with our research-backed guide to 12 business credit cards and lines.

Hilton Honors American Express Ascend Card

Have a look at the Hilton Honors American Express Ascend Card, which earns hotel rewards points. Earn up to 12 points per dollar of eligible purchases at participating Hilton hotels or resorts.

Automatically get Hilton Honors Gold status. And this includes room upgrades when available, a 5th night free when you book a rewards stay of 5 nights or more.

And get free internet access and late checkout. It also includes a 25% bonus on base points earned with Hilton Honors.

This credit card has a variable purchase APR of 17.74 – 26.74%. There is an annual fee of $95.


Cardholders can get a 125,000-point welcome offer after making $2,000 in eligible purchases in 3 months from account opening. Earn a free weekend night award after making $15,000 in eligible purchases on your card in a calendar year.

Benefits include purchase protection. And there is extended warranty coverage. They also include car rental loss and damage insurance and travel accident insurance.

If you spend $40,000 on eligible purchases with the card within a calendar year, you can earn Hilton Honors Diamond status through the end of the next calendar year. This status includes all the benefits of Gold status.

It also includes a 50% bonus on base points earned with Hilton Honors and exclusive floor lounge access at select properties. But that is awfully high spending required for elite status. Only you can decide if that’s worth it.

Get it here: https://www.americanexpress.com/us/credit-cards/card/hilton-honors-ascend/

The Best Building Business Credit Card for You

Your outright best building business credit card will hinge on your credit history and scores.

Only you can choose which features you want and need. So, be sure to do your homework. What is excellent for you could be disastrous for someone else.

And, as always, make certain to develop credit in the recommended order for the best, fastest benefits.



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