Bounce Rate: What Is It and What Is a Good Number? 

It’s common knowledge that a high bounce rate is bad, and a low rate is good.

Every time you log into your Google Analytics account, it’s right there waiting for you.

Seeing that number creep up makes you wonder what is going wrong.

The problem is, those numbers can be misleading.

After all, how high is too high, really?

This post will show you how to fully measure and analyze your bounce rate. That way, you’ll know if it’s actually too high for your industry or if it’s perfectly normal.

I’ll also share strategies to audit your bounce rate and understand what’s driving it up.

I’ll also tell you some of my secrets for lowering your bounce rate.

But first, let’s talk about exactly what a bounce rate is and why you should care.

What is a Bounce Rate and Why Does it Matter?

A “bounce” occurs when someone visits your website and leaves without interacting further with your site. Your bounce rate shows the percentage of your visitors who bounce off your site.

What do we mean by “interacts further?” By default, Google counts people who only visit one page on your site as a bounce. If they visit at least two pages, you’re good!

The bounce rate in the overview report on Google Analytics is your site-wide bounce rate.

Google Analytics screen showcasing the bounce rate.

Note: Google is sunsetting this version of Google Analytics (now called Universal Analytics). As of July 1, 2023, it will stop processing new data, so make sure you’ve set up GA4 to start gathering data now.

It’s the average number of bounces across all your pages divided by the total number of visits across all those pages within the same period.

You can also track the bounce rate of a single page, segment, or section of your site.

Once we start looking at the different segment reports, I’ll show you how to see this info.

The bounce rate of a single page is exactly what it sounds like. It’s the total number of bounces divided by the total number of visits on a page.

This infographic answers the most-asked questions about bounce rates and tips to help you improve your bounce rate.

Infographic showing what a bounce rate is.

No matter your site type, you may want to implement a segmented bounce rate.


Your blog posts may have a very different average bounce rate than your product pages, demo pages, or even your About page.

We’ll get into the details later; just know that segmenting can help you better understand your website bounce rate.

So, why is bounce rate important?

In 2017, Semrush reported that bounce rate was Google’s fourth most important ranking factor.

Bounce rate is google's 4th most important factor.

However, Google does not currently use bounce rate in its algorithm metrics, according to Google’s Gary Illyes.

Google’s algorithm may not directly take bounce rate into account, but it does indicate whether the user found your information helpful.

If a user clicks on your page and leaves without any interaction, that could signal to Google that your site isn’t what they’re looking for.

It looks like your result doesn’t match the searcher’s intent well. As a result, Google thinks, “Maybe this page shouldn’t be so high in the results.”

Can you see how these connect?

Understanding bounce rates can tell you if your marketing strategy is effective and if your visitors are engaging with your content.

The key is understanding your “target” and breaking down your bounce rate in a way that provides meaning.

What is a Good Bounce Rate?

Many different variables determine what a “good” bounce rate is.

Things like your business type, industry, country, and the types of devices your visitors are using all influence what a good average bounce rate would be for your site.

For instance, the average bounce rate across industries is around 47 percent. However, bounce rate varies by device, with mobile having an average bounce rate of 51 percent.

If you’re still unsure about the bounce rate you should target, Google Analytics can help you figure it out.

Google Analytics provides a quick visualization of the average bounce rate for what it believes is your industry. It does this by benchmarking.

First, you need to set up benchmarking in Google Analytics.

Under the admin section, click to view the property you want to see the bounce rate for. Then Open reports and select Audience > Benchmarking.

The sidebar of google analytics with the real time button highlighted

Now you can compare industry averages.

Just navigate to your behavior reports. Click on “Site Content” and then “Landing Pages.”

You’ll immediately see the average, site-wide bounce rate.

Statistics from google analytics

Of course, a site-wide average can be too broad to be a valuable benchmark.

You can drill down further to view bounce rate by channels, location, or devices.

Statistics from google analytics

For example, you can now compare the industry average for your blog or product pages.

In the “Audience” section of Google Analytics, go under “Behavior” then “Benchmarking.” Then, select “Channels.”

Now you can choose your vertical and compare whichever period you want to review.

This should give you a better idea of your website’s bounce rate performance compared to the average by channel.

Ultimately, a “good” bounce rate will be different for every site. It may even be different for every page on your site.

I suggest you focus on your bounce rate trends over time and how you can improve the highest ones to boost conversions.

The focus should be on using this metric to find weaknesses in your site. Don’t worry about hitting a magic number.

Now, let’s look at how you can improve your bounce rates.

How to Analyze Bounce Rates

Your site-wide bounce rate is too broad to be anything but a vanity metric.

To really understand your bounce rate, you need to narrow it down and group it by different variables.

You won’t be able to start lowering your bounce rate until you really understand what’s causing it to be high.

You can modify the bounce rate metric you see in Google Analytics in a couple of ways.

As I already mentioned above, the first way is by segmenting your bounce rate.

We’ll look at nine segment options to help you assess and improve your bounce rate.

Segment Bounce Rate by Age

There are plenty of different demographics that Google Analytics tracks, which allows you to better segment and analyze your site traffic.

One of these is the age range of your visitors.

To look at bounce rate by age range, look under “Audience” and then “Demographics” on the left-hand sidebar. Then, click the “Age” option.

.bounce rate by age google analtyics

The resulting report should look something like this.

Statistics from google analytics.

Now you can easily see if your bounce rate is higher within a certain age range.

You can see in the example above that seniors (65+) have a much higher bounce rate than the rest of this site’s visitors.

If seniors are part of your ideal target market, make sure that you structure your web pages properly for marketing to them.

For example, avoid using jargon, trendy language, and slang.

Segment Bounce Rate by Gender

The “Gender” option is just below “Age” on that left-hand menu.

The sidebar from Google Analytics.

This report tells you your bounce rate for males and females.

Statistics from google analytics broken into male and female.

You can now easily see if your site retains one gender over the other better.

If you have a higher website bounce rate with one gender, ensure you’re not accidentally creating the perception that you’re only targeting the other sex.

Segment Bounce Rate by Affinity

The next option in the “Audience” section is under “Interests” and then “Affinity Categories.”

The sidebar from Google Analytics with the affinity categories button highlighted.

This group’s bounce rate is based on visitor interests.

Statistics from google analytics broken into affinity categories.

Check out which affinity categories have the highest bounce rates to see if you’re losing out on key marketing groups.

You can see in the example above that this site engages best with business professionals and shutterbugs.

Engagement with music lovers, movie lovers, and green living enthusiasts is the poorest.

This knowledge can help you target those groups with your imagery and content.

Segment Bounce Rate by Location

Stay in “Audience,” and move to “Interests,” to find the “Geo” section. Within that, you can click on “Location” for another segment report.

The sidebar of Google Analytics with the location button highlighted.

First, you’ll see a color-coded map showing where most of your visitors come from.

Below that, you’ll see the table version breaking down your visitors by geographic region.

Statistics from google analytics broken into locations.

This gives you your bounce rate by country.

The example above shows Australia and the UK have much higher bounce rates than the other countries.

You can drill further into it to see if certain provinces are engaging worse than others. Then, you can adapt your marketing strategy to target areas where you want to see improvement.

Segment Bounce Rate for New Visitors

A good segment to check out is the “New Vs. Returning” breakdown. It’s also in the “Audience” section under “Behavior.”

The sidebar from Google analytics with the new vs returning button highlighted.

Now you can see if your new visitors are bouncing more than returning visitors.

Statistics from google analytics broken into user type.

I would expect your new visitors to have a higher rate.

You can view the acquisition source as a secondary dimension to get more value out of this segment.

Just click on the “Secondary Dimension” drop-down list at the top of the table and select “Source” from the list that appears below.

We’ll talk more about acquisition below.

Segment Bounce Rate by Browser

The browser breakdown report is a good way to see if technical issues cause your visitors to bounce.

In the “Audience” section under “Technology,” select “Browser & OS.”

The sidebar of Google Analytics with the browser and OS button highlighted.

The report should look like this:

Statistics from google analytics broken into browser.

If one browser has a higher website bounce rate, it might indicate that you haven’t configured your site well for that browser.

You also need to consider versions of browsers.

If one has a noticeably higher bounce rate, your site might have bugs or UX issues with that browser.

Even if it’s an outdated browser, you will want to fix the issue if the browser is still bringing you traffic.

Segment Bounce Rate by Device

Underneath the “Technology” section, (still under Audience), you will see the “Mobile” section. Select “Overview” to see your bounce rate across devices.

The sidebar from Google Analytics with the overview button highlighted.

This will give you a bounce rate comparison between desktop, mobile, and tablet.

Statistics from google analytics broken into device category.

If you find your bounce rate is significantly higher on mobile or tablet, it may indicate that you haven’t properly optimized your site for those devices.

You can also view the “Devices” report. This further breaks it down by mobile brand and operating system.

Statistics from google analytics broken into mobile type.

For example, if you find Apple users are bouncing at a higher rate than Android users, you might have some design issues.

Segment Bounce Rate by Acquisition

Now, let’s look at segmentation by acquisition rather than by audience.

Go to “Acquisition,” then “All Traffic,” and then “Source/Medium” in the left-hand menu.

The sidebar of Google Analytics with the source/medium button highlighted.

The table at the bottom of your screen should look like this.

Statistics from google analytics broken into source category.

It will show you a breakdown of where your traffic is coming from and the associated bounce rates.

Take a look at the sources with the highest bounce rates to see if there’s a trend.

Here’s an example where you can see paid advertising campaigns have a much higher bounce rate:

Statistics from google analytics broken into source categories.

Either your advertising targeting is too broad, or your landing pages are not lining up very well with your ads, resulting in a higher bounce rate.

How To Create Adjusted Bounce Rates in Google Analytics

You can adjust what Google Analytics considers an interaction, which directly impacts your bounce rate.

For example, you might feel that a visitor has interacted on your site if they watched a video.

In Google Analytics, you have the option to set an event like playing a video, clicking a button, or completing a download as an interaction.

Then, users who complete these “events” will no longer count toward your bounce rate.

However, you need to be careful with this. Make sure that automated events don’t skew your results.

If you’ve set up your videos to play automatically, you don’t want to count video views as interactions.

The simple way to modify how Google records interactions is by sending events into your Google Analytics that tell you when a user spends a certain amount of time on a page, scrolls through a certain percentage of a page or sees a specific element on the page.

You can send events from Google Tag Manager:

2. Adjust Your Bounce Rate Through the Timer Function

You can also decide that Google should consider a visit to have interacted on a page if they spend a minimum amount of time on it.

Create a new tag and give it a name, such as “UA — Adjusted Bounce Rate — Timer.”

The timer function page of Google Analytics.

You can choose the length of time that you want to start with. I suggest starting with 30 seconds.

To do this, add a new trigger and name it “Timer — 30 seconds”.

Setting a custom timer through Google Analytics.

The interval is in milliseconds. So, for 30 seconds, you need to enter “30000.”

Select a limit of one. Then, in the conditions section, set it for “Page URL matches RegEx*.”

This will make it so that Google Analytics includes all of your pages in the tracking.

Make sure you save, preview, and debug before publishing.

How to Decrease Your Bounce Rate

The main cause of a high bounce rate is users don’t find what they need. Here are several ways to improve your site and decrease website bounce rates.

Review Top Exit Pages

Exit pages are the pages people visit right before they leave your site.

The sidebar of Google Analytics with the exit pages button highlighted.

This will show you who’s landing directly on that page and bouncing versus who’s arriving there from an internal link and exiting.

It can help you narrow down where you should spend your time testing and improving your site.

View Page Timings

Your pages may have high abandonment because they’re too slow.

You can check this with the Page Timings report.

In the “Behavior” section of the left-hand menu, click “Site Speed” and then “Page Timings.”

The sidebar of Google Analytics with the page timings button highlighted.

The report will tell you how fast each page on your site is loading.

Statistics from google analytics broken into exit page categories.

You can sort by number of page views and average page speed. That way, you can improve your pages with the highest traffic yet slowest load times first.

It also shows you your overall site average speed.

Statistics from google analytics with the total site average of exit pages highlighted.

Since Google’s Speed Update, site speed is becoming increasingly important—but it can also have a massive impact on bounce rate.

For example, the average page speed above means that our bounce rate is 123 percent higher than it could be.

page load time impact on bounce rate

You can check out the other Site Speed reports for further analysis and options for improving your site speed.

The sidebar of Google Analytics with the speed button highlighted.

The Speed Suggestions report will indicate potential issues and give you useful advice on resolving them, such as deleting unused Java or using smaller image sizes.

You can also use Google’s PageSpeed Insights for more strategies for improving site speed.

Utilize A/B Testing

These reports will help you pinpoint specific areas you need to target for improvement.

However, knowing which changes will improve your bounce rate the most can be hard.

For instance, you may have identified a weak landing page. But what do you need to do to improve it?

Do you need to make it longer? Do you need a different call to action? What will increase your conversion rate?

A/B testing is a great way to test your improvement strategies.

It allows you to test different call-to-action wording, landing page designs, and target audiences.

A/B testing makes it easy to see what’s working and what isn’t since it allows you to show one version of your website to half of your visitors and another version to the other half.

You can also use a significance calculator to better understand your A/B test results.

A/B testing significance calculator.

Make Your Pages Easy to Read

It’s easy to forget such a simple aspect of your pages, but readability is important.

Many free tools allow you to check your content’s readability and your website, like the Yoast plugin for WordPress or WebFX’s free readability tool.

Start by making sure the headline is big and bold. After that, be sure to use bullet points and subheadings to make the article easier to read.

Here are a few other ways to make your content easier to read:

  • Add subheadings, so content is easier to scan when reading.
  • Add bullet point lists (like this one) to make important information easier to find.
  • Include images, infographics, and charts to share important information.
  • Bold keywords a few times (don’t overdo this.)
  • Ask questions in your content, to give readers an invitation to participate.
  • Include an actionable conclusion that tells readers what to do next.

Also, be mindful of your font size and type, your sentence and paragraph length, and the amount of white space on the page.

Consider other elements on your page that might be distracting, like your color choices and ad placements.

Include Clear CTAs and Consider Their Placements

A great way to get people to engage and convert is by using compelling calls-to-action.

A call-to-action should compel someone to do something, such as sign up for a newsletter or purchase a product.

There are many ways to improve your call-to-action buttons. Consider your copy, color, button size, and page placement.

Example of a CTA.

Apple suggests ensuring all CTA buttons are at least 44 pixels tall.

Apple's suggestion for CTA sizes.

Use Videos and Images to Engage Your Audience

Humans are visual creatures.

We love imagery. We also retain information better from images.

If you hear something or read something, the chances are good that you’ll only remember 10 percent of it. However, if you see a picture, you’re likely to remember 80 percent of the content.

Adding images and videos is a great way to engage your audience with your content.

Short, catchy videos are increasing in popularity and can boost engagement.

Use videos to increase engagement.

Infographics are also effective at drawing your visitors in.

In fact, over 41 percent of marketers say infographics were their most engaging form of visual content.

If you find that your audience isn’t engaging with a certain page, you may simply need to add more images, videos, and infographics.

Offer Live Chat Support

Live chat is the fastest method for offering customer service support.

If people come to your page and don’t immediately find exactly what they want, live chat can help engage them before they give up and try the next site.

There are lots of platforms out there today that can help you set up live chat services, such as Intercom.

improve bounce rate with live chat support

Live chat is one of the best tools you can implement on your website this year to decrease bounce and boost conversions.

Target Keywords With High-Value Traffic

Just writing content isn’t going to drive your conversions up or improve bounce rate; it’s just going to attract random traffic that won’t convert.

When it comes to bounce rate, keywords are your best friend. The simplest way to improve bounce rate is to target high-traffic, high-value keywords.

Ideally, you’ll want to target terms with high traffic and low competition—but that isn’t always possible. If you can’t rank for those terms, look for traffic that shows buyer intent.

These keywords will put you in front of those high-value customers.

Attract the Right Visitors

More content isn’t always better.

In many cases, a high bounce rate happens when you attract the wrong traffic from the start.

If your content strategy isn’t working, the issue might be your targeting, not just your content.

It’s essential to create powerful content that reaches your audience, including a content strategy that considers each stage of the buying cycle.

Many content marketers mistakenly attribute a high bounce rate to poor quality content. But, the idea of “quality” is relative. Your definition of “quality” might not be the same as mine.

For example, you may see that higher bounce, but it’s attributed to the wrong content.

Let’s talk about lengthy articles (usually 2000+ words). In the digital marketing world, these are considered high quality. Why? Generally, they address every question or concern of the target audience.

On the other hand, this might not be true for industries like health, entertainment, and finance, where shorter articles tend to perform better.

Keep this in mind when creating content or greater campaigns.

It’s a chain reaction. If you create the right content and have proper channels for its distribution, to distribute it, you’ll put it in front of an audience that is interested in what it offers. The end result? You’ll see a better bounce rate.

Write Better Meta Descriptions

Some companies don’t take the time to optimize meta descriptions for their search users. This leads to a declining click-through rate over time.

It may not be important in their eyes, but it should be.

Meta descriptions are short descriptions that show up in the search results page and tell users what to expect when they click on a link.

Example of a meta description of a google results page.

Aim to keep your meta between 150 and 160 characters (including spaces) in length. Longer metas will end in an (….) and can increase bounce rate because readers feel the content doesn’t match what they were looking for.

Before creating an attractive meta description, you’ve got to understand search results in and the description’s specific role.

So, how do you write an attractive meta description?

Let’s start with these tips:

  • Include the target keyword for the page. This shows users the page covers the topic they care about and entices them to click.
  • Use power words like fast, extra, value, and now to encourage clicks and conversions.
  • Include a CTA: Tell users what to do or what they will learn.

The Future of Bounce Rates

This post covered bounce rates as they appear in Universal Analytics, even though UA will be sunset next year.

That’s because the vast majority of my clients are still in the process of switching over to GA4.

It’s also worth noting that in GA4, bounce rate is considered the inverse of engagement. You don’t really need to understand how it works right now (especially if you’re still using the old version of Google Analytics); just understand that how it’s calculated will change.

Don’t worry; I’ll be here to update you with new strategies when the switch occurs!


What tools can I use to measure bounce rate?

The most popular tool to measure bounce rate is Google Analytics. 

What is bounce rate?

Bounce rate is the percentage of users to a site who leave (or “bounce”) after visiting just one page.

What is a good bounce rate?

A bounce rate of about 25 to 40 percent is considered excellent.

How do I improve bounce rate?

You can improve bounce rate by creating engaging content types, adding internal links, targeting the right keywords, and creating a site navigation that’s easy to use.


Analyzing and improving your bounce rate can be intimidating. But improving your bounce rate means a more engaged audience and more conversions. If you follow the steps I’ve outlined in this post, your bounce rate will decrease in no time.

First, understand a “good” bounce rate and narrow down your analysis to pinpoint exactly what your bounce rate metrics are telling you.

Remember, site-wide bounce rate is simply a vanity metric. It’s too broad to provide actionable information.

Focus on the different segment reports like your top exit pages, page timings, and speed reports to understand what might be causing your bounce rates to be high.

To help people engage with your content, be sure to improve your site’s readability, add imagery, optimize your CTAs, and use live chat.

Do some A/B testing to see what works best for you and your audience.

Finally, monitor your reports with each change to see where and how you’re improving.

Remember: There is no magic number to hit. Aim to keep improving and offering your customers a better, more engaging experience.

What tools and tricks do you use to monitor and improve your bounce rate?

Eating high-processed foods could lead to a faster rate of cognitive decline: study

A new study finds that eating high-processed foods could be connected to a faster rate of cognitive decline. High-processed foods like pre-made meals, frozen microwave meals and instant noodles might be quick and easy to make, but based on the results of the recent study, it could be more worthwhile to spend the extra time in the kitchen.

The results of the study were presented at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in San Diego on Monday and examined the diets and cognition of over 10,000 middle-aged and older adults in Brazil. The study examined the participants for up to 10 years and included both men and women. 

The study found that the adults who consumed the most high-processed food had a 25% faster decline in their “executive function” which is their ability to plan and execute and action than those who consumed less high processed food.



In another recent study published by American Academy of Neurology on Science News found that people who consume high amounts of ultra-processed foods have a higher risk of developing dementia.

High-processed foods are foods that contain few whole ingredients and often contain flavors, colors or other additives. This includes white bread, cookies, crackers, ice cream, candy, hot dogs, sugary drinks, fried snacks and other processed meats. 

“Independent of the amount of calories, independent of the amount of healthy food that you try to eat, the ultra-processed food is not good for your cognition,” Claudia Suemoto, an author of the study said. 

18 Ways to Improve Your Organic Click-Through Rate (CTR)

Many times, marketers focus their SEO efforts entirely on discoverability.

They want to tick that careful balance between keyword optimized and “keyword stuffed,” but here’s a secret: being on the first page of search engine results pages (SERPs) won’t do you any good if searchers aren’t interested in your content.

Instead of focusing all your efforts on creating local SEO content to bag that top spot, you need to understand what turns searchers into readers, and readers into customers, through first improving your organic click-through rate (CTR).

Why Should You Care About Your Organic CTR?

Organic click-through rate refers to the percentage of users who click on a search engine result. In this case, that result would be your URL. While it’s primarily dependent on ranking position (the more people that see your content, the higher chance they’ll click), it is also influenced by a variety of other factors.

If you focus your efforts on improving organic CTR, you can also improve your Google ranking. When URLs are being frequently visited, the search engine algorithm will consider your page to be valuable and relevant to future queries containing your content keywords.

18 Ways to Improve Your Organic CTR

Now that you know what organic CTR is and why it’s important, let’s dive into how you can improve yours.

1. Use Long-Tail Keywords

One of the first ways you can boost your organic CTR is by using long-tail keywords—especially in your headings and title tags. Long-tail keywords are highly descriptive and, as a result, they match your content to search intent.

When users see a descriptive long-tail keyword relevant to what they’re looking for, they’re motivated to click on your URL as they’re confident your post will contain the information they’re looking for.

How do you find long-tail keywords that meet user intent?

Using keyword research tools like Ubersuggest will help. Simply plug in your seed keyword in the search bar and click “search.” Next, click on the “Keyword Ideas” in the left sidebar.

Use tools like Ubersuggest to find long-tail keywords that help boost your organic CTR.

All that’s left is to select the keywords that are relevant to your post, and include them in your new content.

2. Write Effective Meta Descriptions

Another strategic way of improving your organic CTR is to write effective meta descriptions. These are the snippets of text that appear below your title tag in the SERPs. An effective meta description informs users what your page is about and also compels them to click through to your post.

Again, your keywords will come in handy here. Use them to show users that your article solves a problem they’re needing answers for. Other ways of optimizing your meta description include:

  • Answering questions: If you can answer your users’ questions in the meta description, you’ve won half the battle driving your organic click-through rate up.
  • Make it specific and relevant: You only have 160 characters to craft a meta description. That’s why you must make yours as specific and relevant as possible.
  • Powerful language: Use persuasive and powerful language, such as emotionally charged words to elicit strong responses associated with your post to improve your CTR.

Meta descriptions shouldn’t just be a product feature—turn it into an elevator pitch to convince users you have the content and solution for them. If possible, you can also add a CTA (such as “learn more” and “find out how.”)

3. Implement Structured Data

Implementing structured data is a great way to “speak” to search engine algorithms. You can do this by using to change your content into code that search engines can easily process. This will help them display rich, interactive search results. These are commonly called rich snippets (which we’ll talk more on later).

Of course, this type of search result attracts more clicks because:

  • They appear at the top of the SERPs.
  • They are more attractive than plain URLs.
  • They give more information about the content at a glance.

Implementing structured data will boost your organic CTR rates as people love interactive content.

4. Create Posts With Images

Using images in your posts is a common practice, but did you know it can improve your organic CTR? Images in your content are a powerful way to boost engagement. They are an essential ingredient to your content appearing in the featured snippets and other infoboxes on the SERPs.

Using images is a great way to boost your organic CTR.

Not only that, but it also improves the chances of your URL being clicked on when users look for search results in the images section. For this to work, you must implement image SEO best practices like naming your images properly and adding alt text.

5. Use Descriptive URLs

Your page URL is one of the main pieces of information shown on SERPs. As such, you must optimize it to help you improve your organic CTR.

One way you can do that is by making it as descriptive as possible.

Using descriptive URLs helps improve your organic CTR.

Try to naturally include your keyword in your URL. This will reinforce the core topic your post is about, thereby showing users that your content is relevant.

Another tip for optimizing your URL is to keep it short. This makes it easier on the eye as well as more attractive. As a result, more people will click on it.

If you’re a WordPress user, you can change your URL in your permalink settings.

6. Simplify Your Title Format

Your title tag is another part of the information displayed on the SERPs, and you must take your time to format it properly. The best way to do so is to keep it simple.

Remember, people usually skim through the search results looking for the most relevant result. If your title is simple and clearly explains what the post is about, you’ll drive more clicks.

Another title tag tip that will optimize your organic CTR is to leverage your corporate or personal branding. Here’s how I do it:

Improve organic CTR by paying attention to your title tag.

This tip will work especially well if you’re already an authority in your niche. Recognizing that the post is from a respected and trusted source will give users the confidence to click on your URL. Make sure you:

  • Don’t frontload your brand: I used to put my name at the front of the title but then I noticed it caused my rankings to drop.
  • Make sure your title is clear: notice that the title in the above screenshot is cut-off, but the topic has already been covered.

Use tools such as Avid Demand to preview what your content will look like on the SERPs.

7. Localize Your Content

Mobile has rapidly overtaken desktop for internet traffic sources. Most mobiles have locations turned on, for map functions, allowing Google to read their location and provide local solutions. Creating localized content is great for SMEs who only operate in certain areas and in-person service businesses.

Increase your organic CTR by localizing your content. Local content is what most mobile users search for.

Through localized content, you can target your audience efficiently—and receive high-intent customers as a result, who are already looking online for something you sell or offer.

One way of localizing your content is to add your location in your content, meta description, and title tag. Another tip is to list your business on Google My Business (GMB). This literally puts you on the map. When local searches are made, your location and other business info will appear in the search results alongside competitors.

Remember, to drive clicks, you must offer relevant information. For local searches, it doesn’t get more relevant than seeing your location in your metadata.

8. Use the Listicle Format

People love lists.

Why? Listicles require minimum cognitive effort to digest.

Include them in your content strategy to improve organic clicks. To do that, make sure to include numbers in your headline and title tag. This will make it clear to users that beyond the click is an easy-to-read listicle.

Another organic CTR boosting reason to use listicles is that they increase your chances of appearing in featured snippets.

Listicles are a great content type that helps boost organic CTR.

Notice how the headline doesn’t include a number, yet Google shows users that the post is a listicle in the featured snippet? Google’s SERP knows what content types are most useful to its audiences, and using listicles is bound to boost your organic CTR.

9. A/B Test Headlines on Social Media

Your headline is your first chance to compel users to click on your article. As it plays such an important role, you must make sure it resonates with your target audience.

One way to do that is by testing it on social media.

Once you’ve optimized your headline with tools like CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer, test out your headline by sharing your article on your favorite social media platforms.

Give it a few days and then change the title of your headline and re-publish your post. Share the new article on social media and wait for the same number of days as you gave the first post then check the engagement rates for both.

The headline that drives the most engagement wins and should be the headline to use. This A/B test works best if you have a large audience on social media.

10. Use Yoast Preview (in WordPress)

For WordPress users, Yoast is another SEO tool you can use to improve your organic CTR. Before you publish your post, preview your snippet as it will appear on SERPs. You can then make changes according to the recommendations given.

This will help you see if any keywords are cut off, or even if your snippet makes sense. It also works for mobile, too, so no need to worry about cross-platform searches.

11. Use Google Ads to Preview (Other CDN)

Google AdWords Preview Tool is an alternative to Yoast SEO that also has an extra feature: it allows you to preview Ads.

Ad previews can also be optimized for organic CTR on both mobile and desktop, with alternative titles provided. This is a great way to see how different ideas would work while possibly generating new ideas for content.

12. Identify CTR Winners and Losers

One essential step to improving your organic CTR is to calculate the winners and losers of your current pages. This will show you which pages, titles, and content types are performing well as well as which are performing poorly.

You can easily use Google Analytics for this information.

First, go to “Acquisition,” then “Search Console,” then “Queries” and learn which Google searches lead to your current pages.

Google Analytics shows you the  current organic CTR of your pages.

The report will show you valuable information like the clicks, impressions, CTR, and average SERP position of your pages. It also shows bounce rates, sessions, conversions, and other valuable data.

Next, in the same menu, you can also check your landing pages.

Using these two reports, you can see what works and what doesn’t. You can then revisit old pages and web content to optimize them for more organic click-throughs.

13. Optimize Site Speed

With Google prioritizing Page Experience and Web Core Vitals as ranking factors, site speed has never been more important.

If your website isn’t optimized for speed, people may click on your link but will quickly bounce off, negatively affecting your organic CTR. To put it in perspective, on mobile devices, a leap from one to three seconds in site speed increases bounce rates by 32 percent.

A 3 second lag in page load speed can cost you as much as 32% of your traffic. Your organic CTR will take a hit.

Again, this is where a tool like Ubersuggest comes in handy. To check your site speed, enter your URL into the search bar and click “Search.” Next, head to the left side of the sidebar and click “Site audit.” Scroll down to “Site Speed” and you’ll be shown the loading time for mobile and desktop. In addition to loading time, it also tests:

  • First Contentful Paint
  • Speed Index
  • Time to Interactive
  • First Meaningful Paint
  • First CPU Idle
  • Est. Input Latency

Ubersuggest will outline where you can make site improvements. Take its guidance into consideration, make the necessary changes, and then test your site speed again.

14. Utilize Rich Snippets

As we touched on earlier, rich snippets are another way you can drive clicks to your website. These are search results with data displayed alongside. Here’s an example:

Rich snippets are an excellent way to increase your organic CTR.

The only ways to show those reviews and ratings in search results are either (A) activating a rich snippet plugin or (B) coding it manually. The extra information (like ratings, for example), helps users decide whether to click on your URL or not.

15. Activate Breadcrumb Navigation

Breadcrumb navigation” is coined after the trail of bread crumbs left by Hansel and Gretel to find their way back home. Just like in the fairy tale, its secondary navigation helps you easily trace your steps back on a website.

The primary purpose of bread crumb navigation is to provide users with a positive user experience. This has a snowball effect that results in your website ranking higher and thus results in higher organic CTR.

Activating bread crumb navigation on your website is not an option. It’s vital to your success, and must be a deliberate part of your strategy. Here are detailed instructions on how you can do just that.

16. Leverage Google Analytics Reports

Have you been keeping an eye on your Google Analytics reports? These actually deliver the information you need to improve organic search performance and your landing page conversion rates. This will result in better calls-to-action and, ultimately, a higher quality score.

If you know what to look for, your Analytics Dashboard can tell you exactly how Google’s AI and your users perceive your site’s pages. You can then tailor them to be optimized to rank and for engagement.

17. Build High Converting Landing Pages

Landing pages are an essential element of your digital marketing strategy.

After all, designed well, they are an excellent source of traffic. To ensure your landing pages succeed in doing that you should:

  • Understand landing page anatomy—elements such as a clear and concise headline, high-quality images, well-produced videos, persuasive copy, and calls-to-action should be done right.
  • Optimize for UX—give users a positive experience by ensuring the landing page loads fast and is easy to read.

Doing this will likely increase your conversions and improve your click-through rates.

18. Use Heatmaps to Improve Site Clicks

A smart way to get the most out of your site users is to understand the areas of your web page where they click the most. It’s also an excellent idea to check where most users drop off. This is essential as it will help you know which parts of your website to improve.

Why is this important?

When people spend more time on your website and engage with it by clicking through to other pages, search engines take it as a signal that your content is valuable. On the other hand, if your bounce rate is high, your website will be ranked lower as search engines see that as a sign that your content is unhelpful.

Organic CTR Frequently Asked Questions

What Is a Good Organic CTR?

The average organic CTR is between 3-5 percent. However, a good organic CTR is not benchmarked against industry standards but against your own CTR curve.

What Is the Significance of the Organic CTR ?

Organic CTR is an important metric to track as it impacts your rankings and the amount of traffic that comes to your website.

What Are Some Common Reasons for a Low CTR?

Common reasons for low CTR include metadata that’s not compelling enough. It could also be because of not utilizing rich snippets among other things.

Is a High CTR Good or Bad?

Having a high CTR is good for business as it means more traffic to your website. It also means better brand awareness as your rankings will improve.

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“mainEntity”: [
“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “What Is a Good Organic CTR?”,
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The average organic CTR is between 3-5 percent. However, a good organic CTR is not benchmarked against industry standards but against your own CTR curve.

, {
“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “What Is the Significance of the Organic CTR ?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: ”

Organic CTR is an important metric to track as it impacts your rankings and the amount of traffic that comes to your website.

, {
“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “What Are Some Common Reasons for a Low CTR?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: ”

Common reasons for low CTR include metadata that’s not compelling enough. It could also be because of not utilizing rich snippets among other things.

, {
“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “Is a High CTR Good or Bad?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: ”

Having a high CTR is good for business as it means more traffic to your website. It also means better brand awareness as your rankings will improve.


Organic Click-Through Rate (CTR) Conclusion

Your organic CTR plays a crucial role in the success of your digital marketing campaigns.

It’s “free” customers coming in to browse your business, brand, products, and services.

Therefore, optimizing your content must be a priority.

With so many options for improving CTRs, it’s no longer a hassle for website and business owners. Plus, the results are certainly worth the effort and speak for themselves.

What strategies do you use to improve your organic CTR?

Internal Site Search is Killing Your Conversion Rate (Here’s How to Fix It)

How Site Search is Killing Your Conversion Rate (And How to Fix It)

An internal site search is a must-have. However, it’s often viewed as an afterthought rather than a true conversion optimization tool – and that could be killing your conversion rate.

So what should you know about improving your site search? Here are a few tips on making the most of site searches.

What is Internal Site Search and Why Does it Matter?

Internal site search is a search bar many site users add to their website which allows users to search for news, topics, or products. It’s crucial for eCommerce sites, but can be incredibly useful for content-based sites as well.

Many sites feature their site search front and center at the top of their homepage, as Home Depot does:

internal site search example from home depot

How Site Search Drives Conversions

Adding internal site search to your website helps users find what they are looking for. However, it can also impact your bottom line.

Site Searchers Much More Likely to Convert

According to research by eConsultancy, on-site searchers are 1.8 percent more likely to convert than regular users.

What’s more, Screen Pages found the average revenue from site search was significantly higher than regular users.

Despite the benefits of site search, a vast majority of sites don’t optimize their site search feature.

internal site search statics

If you don’t have a site search–or if you aren’t making the most of it–you could be missing out on revenue.

How to Drive Conversions With Internal Site Search

If customers aren’t getting the results they expect from your site search (or worse, getting links to your competitor’s sites), they’ll simply go elsewhere.

That’s why it’s vital to start paying attention to your internal search engine – and making changes that can improved results and drive conversions. Here’s how to do it.

Target the “Spearfishers”

According to Forrester Research, which did an in-depth report on the importance of site search for retail, businesses should focus on “spearfishers” – those users who come to a site searching for a specific product. They found 43 percent of visitors go immediately to a search box, and searchers are two to three times more likely to convert.

That means we need to make it push-button simple for users to do a search right away. You can thank sites like Amazon and Google for making a prominent search box the first thing users see.

Include Autocomplete

swarovski internal site search example with suggestions

Going to the website without a specific product in mind will instantly lead the user to suggestions. I typed in “blue” and got 10 product suggestions right away.

Kohl’s website goes even further to recommend (and show) specific products based on a basic search before the user ever hits enter:

kohls internal site search example with product recommendations

By suggesting specific products (or even showing top results), you’re guiding the user along the path you want them to take before they even make a conscious decision to continue. Essentially, you’re planting product suggestion seeds and allowing them to branch out from there – putting your user one step closer to a conversion.

Allow Users to Filter Internal Site Search Results

There’s nothing more frustrating than getting a million search results and having to sift through the clutter. U.K. site helps users filter results search pages by offering a number of filters, including price, availability, and category. This lets users narrow down to precisely what they want and when they want it by.

diy internal site search page example

Create Dedicated Landing Pages

Based on the data you collect from your site search engine, you may want to elevate certain products to get more exposure or demote others that may not be as popular. For products getting the bulk of the hits, consider creating a dedicated landing page to help it stand out from among a sea of similar items.

L.L. Bean has custom landing pages for many of its products which include not just the product details, but the best weather/activity levels, additional features, and even the technology behind the item:

ll-bean landing page for site search items

Offer Relevant Recommendations

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, products go out of stock or are discontinued. What happens when a user ends up on those pages? Sending them to a “product not available” page is a sure path to site abandonment. Instead, take a page out of Amazon’s book by offering users related suggestions and recommendations.

Bonus points if you can bundle products in a ‘Frequently Bought Together” option.

Improve Mobile Search

Don’t forget about mobile users. According to Statista, more than half of all internet traffic comes from mobile devices. Typing on a mobile device can be cumbersome at best, and misspellings often lead users to “Not Found” pages even if the product is available.

Test out your site search in a variety of devices for ease of use and fast loading. No mobile user is going to wait forever to see 1,000+ products load up on a results page. Consider limiting the number of suggestions and making sure your search bar is easy to use on mobile devices.

Internal Site Search Tools

Now you know what users expect from a high-performing site search and how to use it to drive conversion. So, how do you implement it? There are plenty of free site search engines available – but here is one area where you definitely don’t want to skimp on features.

Here are a few of the more promising site search platforms available.


doofinder e-commerce site search

Doofinder created a cutting-edge site search tool that has been proven to increase conversions and boost sales on e-commerce sites. Combining artificial intelligence and machine learning, Doofinder is able to provide a fast, seamless, and effective search experience for users while helping sites sell more.

To make Doofinder even more exciting for users is that they offer both a free trial and a freemium version, making it easier for both small and large e-commerce sites to benefit from their impactful site search tool.


swiftype  internal site search tool

Swiftype integrates into many popular platforms including WordPress, Zendesk, Magento, and Shopify. With intelligent sorting, filters, spell check and autocomplete, it’s a solid search engine with fast indexing and fantastic relevance. Pricing starts at $79/month with a trial available if you’d like to test the waters.


searchnode  internal site search tool

SearchNode is made for e-commerce sites and integrates with common shopping cart platforms such as OSCommerce, Woo Commerce, OpenCart, and many more. It can be up and running in as little as five minutes with a JS code snippet. One of the main benefits that set SearchNode apart is the ability to use their site search tool in multiple languages.


searchspring home page internal site search tool

SearchSpring is an enterprise-grade site search platform that combines search and merchandising tools into one package. It offers common features like auto-complete, product recommendations, and even product quizzes/product finders to help users find the right product for their needs by answering a few simple questions.

They also offer a ton of other eCommerce tools, including navigation, personalization, and advanced reporting tools. Pricing starts at $499.

Internal Site Search Frequently Asked Questions

What is internal site search?

Internal site search, sometimes called site search, is a search engine function on a specific website that allows users to search for content or products on that specific page.

What are the benefits of adding site search to my website?

Site search makes it easier for users to find content or products on a specific site. It can help drive conversions and provide site owners with data about the types of products users are interested in.

Is adding a search bar to my site good for SEO?

Search bars don’t have a specific SEO benefit. However, they improve the user experience and keep users on your site, which is beneficial to SEO.

Is Google Site Search a good tool?

Google’s Site Search feature was sunset in 2018 and is no longer available. However, there are several other options, including SearchSpring and SearchWP.

“@context”: “”,
“@type”: “FAQPage”,
“mainEntity”: [
“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “What is internal site search? “,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “Internal site search, sometimes called site search, is a search engine function on a specific website that allows users to search for content or products on that specific page. ”
, {
“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “What are the benefits of adding site search to my website? “,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “Site search makes it easier for users to find content or products on a specific site. It can help drive conversions and provide site owners with data about the types of products users are interested in. ”
, {
“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “Is adding a search bar to my site good for SEO? “,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “Search bars don’t have a specific SEO benefit. However, they improve the user experience and keep users on your site, which is beneficial to SEO. ”
, {
“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “Is Google Site Search a good tool? “,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “Google’s Site Search feature was sunset in 2018 and is no longer available. However, there are several other options, including SearchSpring and SearchWP. ”

Internal Site Search Conclusion

Site search is definitely not something you’ll want to overlook when it comes to new ideas to improve your conversion rate. By implementing a few simple steps to give users more control over their results, you’ll likely start to see conversions and revenue soar as customers find precisely what they need quickly and easily.

Search site doesn’t have direct SEO benefits, but it does improve user experience, which can indirectly impact the effectiveness of all your marketing efforts.

Do you use site search extensively on your site? What do you believe makes a good site search engine? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

How to Understand and Improve CTOR (Click-to-Open Rate)

Email marketing is one of the most important strategic channels in a marketer’s toolkit. According to UK DMA, 91 percent of marketers rate email as their most important channel, followed by social media at 83 percent. Email marketing’s success rate comes from its high ROI, which DMA states comes in at around $58 for every …

The post How to Understand and Improve CTOR (Click-to-Open Rate) first appeared on Online Web Store Site.

Bounce Rate Analytics: How to Measure, Assess, and Audit to Increase Conversions

Your bounce rate can be such a scary number, right? It’s common knowledge that a high bounce rate is bad, and a low rate is good. Every time you log into your Google Analytics account, it’s right there waiting for you. I understand the feeling when you see that number creeping up. But the problem is …

The post Bounce Rate Analytics: How to Measure, Assess, and Audit to Increase Conversions first appeared on Online Web Store Site.

The post Bounce Rate Analytics: How to Measure, Assess, and Audit to Increase Conversions appeared first on ROI Credit Builders.

Conversion Rate Optimization Consulting

Are you currently running an online business?

Do you think you can sell more of your products applying the same actions?

Because that’s exactly what Conversion Optimization does for you.

You’re using the same ads, landing/sales pages, and funnels but they just convert more.

That’s something you absolutely want to focus on if you’ve been running ads for a long time but you haven’t found the formula for healthy scaling.

Just imagine doubling your conversions…

Wouldn’t that be CRAZY?

Well with today’s conversion rate optimization strategies you can easily do it.

You just have to know what to look for and how to get it.

So without further ado…

Here’s a detailed guide on how to find the best conversion rate optimization consultants and how to work with them to guarantee real trackable results.

5 Ways a Conversion Rate Optimization Consultant Can Help Grow Your Business

The professional CRO Consultant is going to optimize your funnel to the very last bit.

But there are always activities that just generate more results than others.

Say for example your sales funnel is driving the most sales for your business.

You would want to optimize the pages in it first and then move on to optimizing different social media and other website pages.

So make sure you rank your activities from most to least important and then find a CRO Consultant that can help you with the top ones.

Further down this post, I’ll go over the questions you need to ask yourself in order to understand what to focus on first.

But for now, here’s the number one way a consultant can help you optimize your CRO:

#1 Webinar and VSL Conversion Rate Optimization

Many people think conversions can be optimized only on paper.

But the same CRO process goes for any sales video you use in your business.

And with nowadays fast-paced world, most businesses have switched to selling high-ticket offers through webinars.

If you’re currently running a webinar you NEED to maximize the conversions coming from it.

You can’t keep pouring water into a leaking bucket, can you?

It’s your personal duty and obligation to make the most of your sales process in order to:

  1. Help the most amount of people with your products
  2. Generate the most amount of sales possible for your business

And that’s why hiring a professional CRO Consultant to look at your webinar, the pages, the emails leading to it, and of course the follow-up after is extremely essential.

He can quickly assess what needs to be improved and how to do it most efficiently.

Because I’m sure you wouldn’t want to record a 90-minute webinar from the scratch.

#2 Website Conversion Rate Optimization

For many businesses, their website is basically their sales funnel.

It’s the place where they drive the most traffic and get the most sales.

So if your business is in the same spot, you’ve got to realize that depending on a single thing to bring in sales (the website) is a little ambitious.

And not having it fully-optimized for conversions is straight-up idiotic.

That’s why you need to hire an Expert CRO Consultant that can optimize every single bit of your website.

You would be surprised that 43% of business owners don’t know which is the most important page on their website.

That’s why it is very easy to get distracted and focus on the wrong thing when trying to scale your business.

#3 Pay Per Click Conversion Rate Optimization

Let’s say you already have your funnel up and running.

If that’s the case, you need to start focusing your attention on paid ads that bring in more and more potential customers to your pages.

That’s an easy way to check your actual funnel conversions and optimize accordingly.

But you can’t sell your products/services if your ads don’t convert, right?

Of course, if you’re just starting, you can try setting them up on your own.

But hiring a professional to at least check your work and give you valuable split-test suggestions is crucial if you want to run the same ads for a long time.

And trust me — you want long-term result generating ads.

#4 Social Media Conversion Rate Optimization

Imagine this…

You’ve got a fully automated sales funnel that profits like crazy with ads.

You’re scaling it up but you want more…

That’s where you put your mind into social media marketing and social media presence.

Regularly posting conversion-optimized content on your Facebook Page, Facebook Profile, Instagram, Twitter, Tik Tok… is essential if you want to be in front of everyone at all times.

I’m sure you know about the ancient rule of marketing — The Rule of 7.

It says that a prospect must see your marketing message at least 7 times before he proceeds to become a partner, investor, customer for your products and services.

That’s why you need to close your potential customers on all platforms.

Because if you don’t, they’re just going to lose their hype and forget about you.

Also, a well-thought-out social media strategy will not only increase your social media conversions but also your overall business followers.

Which helps in the long-term game.

#5 Back End Conversion Rate Optimization

And here comes the last but definitely not the worst option.

Which is optimizing your back end sales through with higher converting pages and follow-up.

We covered how to get traffic, how to convert it through your funnel/website, and now comes the fun part…

Your Back End. for most businesses that’s the place they make the most profits.

So neglecting it is the last thing you should do if you really want to scale your business to the moon.

Famous back end follow-up is Email Marketing.

An expert consultant will not only show you the best email marketing practices you can use in your business…

But also, he’ll suggest new ideas you didn’t even know existed till this point.

How to Get Started With Conversion Rate Optimization

After you pick what you need help with, it’s time to find out how to start with conversion rate optimization.

Firstly, you need to find a consultant that specializes in what you need help with.

Simple right? Wrong!

Hiring a consultant can either be a walk in the park or an endless lion chase.

What do I mean by that?

Basically nowadays everyone pretends to be ten times better than they actually are.

You don’t want to individually outreach people that say they’re good on their social media.

The best way to ensure results is to prepare a detailed job post and put it on freelancing platforms like Upwork.

That way only people that have experience and results in the industry will reach out and start a chat with you.

Again, be very detail-oriented in your job post and make a step-by-step checklist covering what you need before proceeding to hire your ideal match.

Measuring the ROI of Conversion Rate Optimization Consulting Services

Let’s say you hire a CRO Consultant and begin your first conversion rate optimization journey.

How can you know that you made the right choice?

Well, an easy way is to ask your consultant for expectations you can have during the project.

What increase in revenue can you expect in the first month? What will be changed and what will stay the same?

And most importantly, if you’re currently not doing it, start checking your sales and conversions daily.

I’m sure that the marketing tools you currently use track enough data to see if your consultant really makes a difference in your business.

Your ROI (Return On Investment) is crucial and you can’t craw through the desert blindfolded for months.

Meaning you can’t trust empty claims. You either get results or not. There’s nothing in between.

6 Point Checklist For Finding the Right Conversion Rate Optimization Consultant

This section will be useful for you if you haven’t hired consultants in the past.

So if you have any questions or concerns about the process you’re about to go through, just follow this detailed plan and you’ll end up with trackable and real results.

#1 Write down exactly what you need from your consultant on a google docs file

I’m sure you’ve used google docs before. If you haven’t it’s Google’s alternative to Word.

So the first step of your journey is to clear your mind on what exactly you need from your consultant.

  • What part of your business drives the most sales?
  • Do you believe it can drive even more sales? (it probably can)
  • What aspect of your business have you been neglecting until this point?

The answers to these three questions should give you a good idea of what you need help with.

If you end up having 2-3 different answers then you should pick the one that can generate the most sales in your opinion. 

#2 Create your job post

After you know what you need, it’s time to get it.

The easiest way to do it is to create a job post on a freelancing platform.

That’s a quick way to find medium-tier consultants that can do the job fast.

But if you’re a big business looking for the best of the best, you should consider talking to a leading consultant in a proven marketing agency.

Agencies have a lot more clients and that way they have access to much more relevant analytics for what works.

We recommend NP Digital as it is the best marketing agency when it comes to SEO and CRO.

So if you’re ready to take your conversions to the next level, book a call today and talk to an expert in no time:

#3 Make sure your consultant has proven results in the field you need help with

This is critical. Always make sure your consultant has a proven track record behind his back. 

An easy way is to ask for previous results these consultants have generated for similar clients. 

Of course, if you’re talking to a marketing agency like NP Digital, you don’t need to worry about results.

Then it’s time to set up some calls. Try to talk to at least 3 consultants and always ask for their opinion about the strategy you should be using.

That way you’ll have different perspectives and maybe find out something you missed when doing your personal assessment.

#4 Hire them and do NOT be cheap

After you’re sure who’s the best consultant of the bunch, you should begin your contract.

But don’t jump the gun too fast. You never know what could go wrong.

So before you start a long-term retainer with your CRO Consultant, you should first hire him for a test project.

Find a small thing they can optimize to start with.

If they do a good job, then move to a larger project.

And don’t expect results from consultants that charge 5 dollars an hour. 

Go all out on this project and hire the best of the best so you get your desired results.

#5 Track the results daily

Tracking your ROI is extremely important as we mentioned previously.

You should always do the math and see if your consultant makes you money in return.

If you’re not happy with the results and don’t see a positive future at some point in your contract, just end it.

Still, if they did a great job until the point you decide to end the contract, always make sure to leave him a positive review/testimonial that he can use for future clients.

#6 Keep investing until you stop getting results

But what happens if this consultant never stops generating results?

That’s more common with agencies that specialize in multiple marketing skills.

And if that’s the case for you, just keep investing until they stop.

You wouldn’t want to throw away your golden goose, would you now?

If the results from the first month exceed your expectations, you should consider raising your consultant’s salary/working hours. 

Let him manage and optimize even more parts of your business. 

Of course, don’t force him to do it.

If they just optimize your funnel and you want to focus on social media presence, you should first ask him whether they do that as well.

If he’s not up for it, you can look for another talent that can handle this part of your business.

It’s time to make you some money!

Please use the process I just shared with you and do it now.

If you procrastinate on hiring a CRO Consultant, you can really lose on a lot of money.

Your conversions are the thing that drives your sales.

So leave what you’re currently doing and go get your Conversion Rate Optimization Consultant.

Also, have you ever worked with a CRO Consultant? If yes, how was it? Share your experience in the comments below:

The post Conversion Rate Optimization Consulting appeared first on Neil Patel.

Interest-bearing Accounts Interest Rate How To Start Earning Money Today

Spending your hard-earned cash in an interest-bearing account is maybe among the best as well as simplest methods to make the cash benefit you. Possibilities are, your cash will certainly not function as tough for you if you do not have the finest cost savings account passion price. Right here is exactly how you can …

Interest-bearing Accounts Interest Rate How To Start Earning Money Today

Spending your hard-earned cash in an interest-bearing account is maybe among the best as well as simplest methods to make the cash benefit you. Possibilities are, your cash will certainly not function as tough for you if you do not have the finest cost savings account passion price.

Right here is exactly how you can begin generating income today with your interest-bearing account rate of interest:

– Keep track of the passion interest-bearing account rates of interest supplied by both standard along with on-line financial institutions;

– Check out the information and also small print of “high rate of interest return interest-bearing account” as you have the power to make even more for your cash with this kind of interest-bearing account as long as you can stay on par with the dedication as well as abide by the problems and also terms;

– There are different sorts of interest-bearing accounts that might satisfy your details requirements and also needs to generate income that you might wish to discover even more such as cash market interest-bearing account, and so on

– With your meticulously picked high interest-bearing account rates of interest, you can begin setting aside a section of your cash right into the account frequently. You will certainly be amazed to locate that you have actually collected much financial savings particularly with interest-bearing account rate of interest that is worsened.

– Aside from the cash market interest-bearing account, you might additionally intend to place your cash and also make from it in a deposit slip (CD) that functions as a time down payment. Keep in mind that with this kind of financial investment, the longer your cash is kept in the financial institution as CD, the greater the return will certainly be for you.

– Another type of financial investment is with the cost savings account passion price you obtain from financial savings bonds. You can pay in the bond at any type of time yet doing so might cost you the gained rate of interests.

You can certainly generate income from interest-bearing account rates of interest as long as you agree as well as dedicated to conserve, or spend your cash in the most effective interest-bearing account. The relevance of conserving cash needs to not be delegated to the history as it is as crucial, of not more crucial than making money.

You have to establish your objectives plainly as well as wisely in gaining your cash from cost savings account rate of interest price. It will certainly likewise aid to differentiate your cost savings account where you straight down payment that part of your cash from your pay to your monitoring account the one that you make use of for your day-to-day costs.

When you do it instantly and also make conserving one of your great practices, gaining cash from your financial savings account rate of interest price must be a wind specifically.

– Another kind of financial investment is via the cost savings account passion price you obtain from cost savings bonds. You have to establish your objectives plainly as well as wisely in making your cash from financial savings account passion price. It will certainly likewise assist to identify your cost savings account where you straight down payment that section of your cash from your reimbursement to your monitoring account the one that you utilize for your everyday costs. You can establish up a high yielding cost savings account rate of interest price.

The post Interest-bearing Accounts Interest Rate How To Start Earning Money Today appeared first on ROI Credit Builders.

Interest-bearing Accounts Interest Rate How To Start Earning Money Today

Spending your hard-earned cash in an interest-bearing account is maybe among the best as well as simplest methods to make the cash benefit you. Possibilities are, your cash will certainly not function as tough for you if you do not have the finest cost savings account passion price.

Right here is exactly how you can begin generating income today with your interest-bearing account rate of interest:

– Keep track of the passion interest-bearing account rates of interest supplied by both standard along with on-line financial institutions;

– Check out the information and also small print of “high rate of interest return interest-bearing account” as you have the power to make even more for your cash with this kind of interest-bearing account as long as you can stay on par with the dedication as well as abide by the problems and also terms;

– There are different sorts of interest-bearing accounts that might satisfy your details requirements and also needs to generate income that you might wish to discover even more such as cash market interest-bearing account, and so on

– With your meticulously picked high interest-bearing account rates of interest, you can begin setting aside a section of your cash right into the account frequently. You will certainly be amazed to locate that you have actually collected much financial savings particularly with interest-bearing account rate of interest that is worsened.

– Aside from the cash market interest-bearing account, you might additionally intend to place your cash and also make from it in a deposit slip (CD) that functions as a time down payment. Keep in mind that with this kind of financial investment, the longer your cash is kept in the financial institution as CD, the greater the return will certainly be for you.

– Another type of financial investment is with the cost savings account passion price you obtain from financial savings bonds. You can pay in the bond at any type of time yet doing so might cost you the gained rate of interests.

You can certainly generate income from interest-bearing account rates of interest as long as you agree as well as dedicated to conserve, or spend your cash in the most effective interest-bearing account. The relevance of conserving cash needs to not be delegated to the history as it is as crucial, of not more crucial than making money.

You have to establish your objectives plainly as well as wisely in gaining your cash from cost savings account rate of interest price. It will certainly likewise aid to differentiate your cost savings account where you straight down payment that part of your cash from your pay to your monitoring account the one that you make use of for your day-to-day costs.

When you do it instantly and also make conserving one of your great practices, gaining cash from your financial savings account rate of interest price must be a wind specifically.

– Another kind of financial investment is via the cost savings account passion price you obtain from cost savings bonds. You have to establish your objectives plainly as well as wisely in making your cash from financial savings account passion price. It will certainly likewise assist to identify your cost savings account where you straight down payment that section of your cash from your reimbursement to your monitoring account the one that you utilize for your everyday costs. You can establish up a high yielding cost savings account rate of interest price.

The post Interest-bearing Accounts Interest Rate How To Start Earning Money Today appeared first on ROI Credit Builders.