FOX News host Sean Hannity breaks down the state of the world under President Joe Biden. Hannity shows how Biden broke his promises to unite the country, lower temperatures and keep the border secure.
SEAN HANNITY: Welcome to “Hannity” and also welcome to Biden’s disaster of America. Now, tonight, Israeli soldiers, they are on the ground in Gaza battling Hamas. Other units from the IDF they are clashing with Hezbollah in Lebanon. Americans and hundreds of others, they are still being held hostage underground in Gaza, a network of 300 miles of underground terror tunnels to kill Israelis and to take them hostage. That is the war that Hamas has been waging against Israel, now going on for decades. Now it’s time for Israel to win this war. At the same time, we have U.S. soldiers in Iraq and Syria. They continue to come under attack from Iranian proxies all around the region. We have two powerful U.S. carrier strike groups that are now in the Mediterranean Sea, not far from Israel. Keep in mind, this is your state of the world under your president, Joe Biden.
And in our country, a level of antisemitism, outright left-wing bigotry and hatred. It is on the rise in a way I never thought I’d see in my lifetime. And I doubt many of you thought you’d see in yours. And by the way, have you noticed the border is an utter disaster? Under Joe Biden, over eight million illegal immigrants will cross into this country by the end of this year. Maybe as high as nine, maybe as high as 10 million. That is roughly the population of New York City. This is your State of the Union under Joe Biden, your president. This includes, by the way, at our border, 659 people from Iran. Why are Iranians coming to our border? 538 from Syria, along with thousands of others, special interest aliens from the Middle East. Why are they coming here? Who’s paying for them to come here? Why isn’t there any real vetting of the people crossing that border? Because I’ll tell you right now, the next 9/11 is almost certainly being plotted and planned from inside our country. Thank you, Joe Biden.
Now to the Democrats watching this program tonight. The ones that voted for Joe Biden. I ask you tonight, are you happy? Are we not better than this? Is this what you wanted? Is this what it looks like when, quote, the adults are back in charge? Because in 2021, it was Joe Biden who promised to lower the temperature, unite the country. He said our borders were closed and secure. They have lied to us again and again and again. But after three years of nothing but weakness, lying, dishonesty, confusion from a guy, frankly, that can barely speak or walk. The world is imploding and America is even more divided than ever. Weakness always invites this kind of chaos. But don’t worry. Because, according to his brilliant Vice President, Joe Biden, is alive and running for reelection. He’s actually alive. What a standard.
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If your blog gets over 10,000 monthly unique visitors, then yes – you can monetize your blog and create a nice revenue stream with it.
The real challenge is making money from a blog that generates fewer than 1,000 visitors per day.
Just as in life, there are different stages to a blog’s life cycle. You can’t compare your new blog to one that’s been around for years.
The truth is: it takes time to build an income from blogging.
No matter what you’ve read, blogging success doesn’t happen overnight — but it is possible.
Identify the stage you’re in, and work from there. There’s no shortcut to getting blog traffic. Yes, I can show you how to drive traffic to your blog, but you have to be patient and consistent, and you have to work really hard.
This in-depth article will guide you on monetizing your new blog. There are still opportunities to make money with your blog, even if it’s not as popular as this blog.
Without further ado, here are eight proven ways to monetize a blog that generates fewer than 1,000 visitors per day:
1. Offer Coaching Service to Motivated Clients
If you’re looking for a way to start making money within the shortest period of time, become a coach. Giving prospects and customers direct access to expertise is where it’s at.
Data from Disc Insights found that “as a whole, the life coaching industry takes in a yearly revenue of $2 billion.”
Jenni Elliot, the founder of, makes $397 on a one-to-one blogging intensive coaching session.
It doesn’t matter when you started blogging or how much experience you’ve gained in that time — offering a coaching service to motivated clients can bring in money.
Inevitably, your readers will face challenges in life. A coach’s responsibility is to help people manage their challenges, and react in a positive way instead of getting frustrated and giving up.
A lot of bloggers I know started out as online coaches. Initially, they struggled to attract regular clients, but they overcame the challenge by reaching out through social media.
The major reason why becoming a coach in your industry can help you earn extra income is because people want to learn new skills, or improve in certain areas.
Coaching services are in demand because of the dramatic results the process can bring.
As an example, after working with Walk of Life Consulting, 98 percent of clients reported that they thought their CV was more compelling using achievement statements, and 87 percent said their LinkedIn profile became 5X more effective. Here’s the rest of the statistics:
Life coaching is just one area to consider, and it’s increasingly popular these days. As a coach, you’ll help people deal with challenges in their personal or professional lives.
For example, if someone is a web developer, they may need a business or personal coach to help adjust to changes in the web development industry, increase their rates, and retain clients who will, in turn, refer others through word of mouth.
Why coaching? Well, the benefits are enormous. Take a look:
How can you use your blog to promote your coaching services business?
For example, if you offer coaching services to freelance writers you might cover topics like:
attracting new clients
nurturing prospects
generating and capturing leads
retaining existing clients
setting and raising rates
weeding out difficult or “problem” clients
content creation and copywriting case studies
When offering coaching services, you need a strong value proposition, because the market is already saturated. Having a strong reason “why” people should prefer you instead of your competitors will give you a necessary edge.
Tim Brownson, the founder of, positioned himself as “the life coach who gets people unstuck.” With his 10 years of life coaching experience, clients trust him for his ingenuity and knowledge.
If you’re driven to succeed as a coach, you don’t need to follow dozens and dozens of other coaches in an effort to “learn.”
Instead, pay more attention to your blog and create high-value content.
After all, you’re the coach. The only way to prove your expertise is through the content you create on a regular basis. Use blogging to increase your prospects’ success, preferably by including case studies wherever possible.
Blogging is most useful when you strive to help [your prospects] believe what they want (what you sell) can actually happen for them on time, on budget and without pain. It removes the fear from buying.
When you become a life, personal, or business coach, you have three key jobs:
Teach prospects how to set and attain goals, overcome challenges, or avoid risks in ways they can put to work instantly;
Improve the prospect’s perception about their business and create confidence in them to trust your recommendations and reach their goals; and
Lead customers to constructive, proven processes, encouraging them to ask questions and increase their drive to succeed.
No matter what industry you’re in or cater to, offering a coaching service to motivated clients can help them reach their goals and make you money.
Peter James Sinclair benefitted from Yaro Starak’s coaching program, and he’s more organized and effective now.
Before you rush in and start offering coaching services to motivated clients, you have to understand that a coach is an entrepreneur. You’ve got to have that mindset because that’s what you need to thrive.
Mediocre coaches give up in the face of unfavorable circumstances, but coaches who’ve focused on improving their entrepreneurial skills thrive. When you think like the entrepreneur you truly are, you’ll command higher rates.
2. Become an In-Demand Freelance Blogger
If you’re a blogger, then you already have the skills to become an in-demand freelance blogger.
Brands are desperately looking for bloggers with relevant skillsets, and becoming a freelance blogger can transform your financial life.
According to a study by Upwork, 36 percent of the total US workforce freelances. Those freelancers earn a combined annual income of $1.2 trillion.
A freelance writer is a professional who writes articles on different topics for sites, emails, landing pages, etc.
Skilled freelance bloggers are increasingly needed as B2B and B2C companies recognize content is the ultimate tool for attracting leads and nurturing a loyal audience.
Data from Content Marketing Institute found that 21 percent of B2C brands spend more than $100,00 a year on content in 2020, and many are increasing their spending.
Yes, I know what you’re probably thinking, “But there are so many writers out there already!”
That’s true. But professional freelance bloggers who have WordPress, SEO, social media, and persuasive skills are much harder to find. So if you can add these skills to your writing, you’ll become an in-demand freelance blogger.
Initially, you’ll have to market your freelance blogging services through guest blogging on high-traffic blogs, consistent in-house blogging, social media marketing, and even Facebook ads. But eventually, your happy clients will refer more clients to you.
3. Create and Sell Online Courses
Another profitable way to monetize a blog that generates fewer than 1,000 visitors per day is to create and sell online courses. You don’t need many leads or customers to make money with your first online course.
Here’s the secret: start where you are and scale from there.
If your blog receives at least 50 visitors per day, find out exactly what those visitors want and create a course from there. The truth is that your first course may not be that “awesome” — but that’s okay.
You can always improve. It’s time to avoid the excuses and get started.
Online courses are focused on a specific subject or topic. They’re organized and ready to be put into action.
Online courses have a higher perceived value than blog posts alone. That’s because your target audience can tell how much time you spent creating it. Consequently, they conclude that it must offer some form of value to them.
So don’t be afraid to create an online course – even on a topic that’s been thoroughly covered online. Bryan Harris launched his second online course to 22,000 email subscribers and generated $511,466 in invoiced sales.
Creating an online course is a great way to upgrade your blogging career. Instead of writing for everyone, you create a platform that delivers your best content exclusively to customers.
Keep in mind that the online course market is evolving on a daily basis. Sites like Udemy, Teachable, and Course Merchant have become popular with marketers and technical instructors. And more platforms are coming.
As a blogger, you can create an online course on any topic that people are struggling with. It doesn’t have to be a complex topic like A/B testing – it could be as simple as “how to use Google Docs.”
Are you surprised? Well, here’s proof that this works: Joseph Michael Nicoletti created an online course that helps novelists write their novel with Scrivener and he makes between $20,000 – $30,000 per month.
You want your course to be engaging, useful, and unique. Follow these four tips for creating an engaging online course:
So how do you choose a course topic? Start with your best blog posts. If I were to create an online course on SEO, I’d probably start with my Guide To SEO – because people like it and will be happy to get an updated version. A few tweaks would make that guide another home run as an online course.
4. Write and Make Money from Kindle Books
Want to make money writing short ebooks?
Well, people are doing just that with Amazon Kindle publishing.
U.S. ebook sales revenue has experienced an impressive upward growth trend. There’s no doubt that the growth will continue. When it comes to reading ebooks, there are many mobile devices you can use, but Amazon Kindle is the most popular one in the US.
The good thing about writing and making money from Kindle books is that there are already millions of buyers who are ready to buy from Amazon.
You already know that Amazon is a trusted online shopping site – and you don’t have to work that hard to convince people to buy your Kindle book. People believe Amazon passes its credibility to your product, in a sense.
At the age of 21, Stefan Pylarinos started his Kindle publishing career. As a blogger, the bulk of his income comes from his Kindle books and an online course on how to create and make money with Kindle books.
Stefan makes a decent income from his KMoney Mastery 2.0 course, which teaches people how to profit with Kindle publishing.
However, in order to make a living from Kindle books, you need to work extra hard and publish books regularly. The more quality books you have, the more money you’ll make. Stefan Pylarinos has over 20 Kindle books and still counting.
You’ll need to offer several short Kindle books because individually, they’re priced pretty cheaply – usually from $0.99 to $4.00. Probably doesn’t sound too encouraging, right?
However, if you price your Kindle book at $1.99 and sell 200 copies per month, your total income will be $398. That’s nothing to sneeze at, and many authors make more.
Chris Guthrie estimated the earnings of one Kindle book in one year at $377.87 per month, which adds up to $4,534.41 per year at a price of $2.99
You can use your blog to promote your Kindle books, give discounts, and give away free copies of your book in order to generate honest reviews (which are essential for boosting your Kindle book rankings & sales).
You don’t have to spend money to promote your Kindle books. With your blog, you’ve got the influence, authority, audience, and platform to make it work. Through blogging, you can launch and make your first $1,000 from Kindle books.
There are even some smart marketers out there who make a decent income from Kindle Books without writing. They simply outsource the content creation, then use their blogs to drive sales.
One of those smart marketers is Arman Assadi. According to him, his first ebook cost him $375 – $350 to get the book written, and $25 for a professional cover design.
First, don’t use the product word-for-word. Tweak it and make it at least 65 percent unique.
Once you understand your PLR usage rights, you can repackage and make money from it.
Before Panda struck in February 2011, PLR products were popular, and many marketers and bloggers used them to generate content for their sites.
In other words, PLR products are pre-written content that you can claim as your own without incurring any legal action.
In the past, you could start a new site, download a few PLR articles and publish them for your audience. But the game has changed.
Duplicate content is a serious violation of Google’s terms, and could get your site penalized.
However, you can still make money from private label rights as a blogger. If you’re a new/beginner blogger, you can leverage other people’s products.
Creating an information product (e.g., ebooks) from scratch is difficult. If you’re new to blogging you may not have the experience required. Worse, imagine after all the hard work creating the product, no one buys it.
Here are some reasons why product creation from scratch is tiring:
With a PLR product, you don’t need all of that.
Even if you’re not particularly knowledgeable about a certain topic, you can become an author in that field. For example, you can use PLR articles to write a Kindle book related to “plastic surgery” even if you didn’t study that in school.
You can also generate content for your blog using PLR content. When evaluating PLR products, look for these three factors:
recently developed
written by a reputable author
published in limited circulation
Most bloggers and internet marketers struggle to make money with PLR products because they’re lazy. They use the content word-for-word on their blogs. Even when they create ebooks, most people don’t change anything.
If you find a valuable PLR product, you need to rewrite it and make it at least 65 percent unique. You can get quality PLR ebooks, articles, videos, and audio content from sites such as InDigitalWorks
Aside from rewriting the PLR articles or ebooks, you can do so much more with a PLR product. Typically, PLR content is based on profitable niche keywords and information that the target audience is looking for.
You can use the insights of PLR products as research sources, and then create your own high-value ebook based on the information they provide.
Note: To retain your credibility, I don’t recommend you use PLR articles on your own blog.
Yes, you can learn from the author’s wealth of knowledge about a particular subject/topic, but do your best to always write your own content from scratch.
You can also use PLR products indirectly. For example, you could rewrite a PLR ebook and give it away to build an email list. Then you can make money from your list.
6. Create a High-Converting Funnel and Recommend Products
When people join your email list, what happens next?
Do you feel excited that you have email subscribers and then ignore them?
Follow-up and relationship building is vital.
According to Marketing Donut, “44 percent of salespeople give up after one follow-up, and the average salesperson only makes 2 attempts to reach a prospect.”
Following up on prospects to convert them into buyers is where the majority of sales will come from. Through follow-up emails, you connect with motivated buyers and sell at the backend.
A relationship is the easiest way to establish trust with blog readers and sell a product. It sounds so simple, but a lot of people aren’t doing it.
A relationship begins when you create awareness about your primary business. You then lead your prospects through a funnel, while delivering immense value with your content in every phase.
First, understand this: there’s nothing wrong with selling to your readers as long as the product is useful and valuable.
However, forget about the product and build a relationship with them. That’s where the funnel comes in.
The purpose of a marketing funnelis to attract strangers, convert them into leads, close the deal by turning them into customers and delight them after they have purchased your product.
The moment you drive potential customers to your funnel, they opt in to your list and they’re added into your follow-up autoresponder. Then you can start building the relationship.
You nurture them through your blog posts, videos, infographics, ebooks, and so on. Ideally, you ask them exactly what they’re struggling with, then use the questions to create relevant and high-value content for them.
Along the way, recommend affiliate programs and products, your own ebooks, or software.
Any product that will help them after you have established a level of trust with them should be shared with them.
After creating their first product, Gael Breton & Mark Webster gave away a part of it to collect leads. Altogether, they collected 301 emails, nurtured the leads, recommended their own quality product, and generated $2,684 in 30 days.
7. Partner with Influencers in Product Creation/Launch
The biggest problem we’ve encountered is lack of preparation: Companies are so focused on designing and manufacturing new products that they postpone the hard work of getting ready to market them until too late in the game.
If you think that making money online boils down to driving traffic to your blog and generating email leads, you’re making a mistake.
Leads are only the beginning.
One recent study found that 79 percent of marketing leads never convert into sales. Lack of lead nurturing is the common cause of this poor performance.
You need to generate the right leads. The truth is that you may not have this type of lead right now, but you can leverage influencers’ audiences.
Do you have an idea for a product? Most people struggle to launch their products because they go about it all by themselves. It’s reported that 70 percent of all new product launches fail in the first year. The question is, why do some succeed when others fail?
There are several aspects of a successful product launch that you may not be able to handle alone. If you try to go it alone, you’re bound to waste more time, and there’s no guarantee you’ll succeed.
You have to understand that your efforts can only lead you far.
To make a real impact in the lives of people, you need to build relationships with influencers and leverage their influence to create and launch your product.
Of course, generating leads is important when launching your product. Even before you release the product (e.g., ebook, software, plugin) for sale, you should start pre-selling and communicate with prospects.
Ideally, you should build a landing page to collect emails prior to launching your product.
According to MarketingSherpa, “61 percent of B2B marketers send all leads directly to Sales; however, only 27 percent of those leads will be qualified.”
Leveraging influencers could turn out to be the most powerful marketing tool in your arsenal.
As an example, Sujan Patel connected and built relationships with influencers and expert growth hackers before launching an ebook, 100 Days of Growth.
And in six months, Patel and his partner Rob Wormley sold 10,000 copies of the book, which costs $27 per copy.
Here are a few resources to get started leveraging influencers:
No matter where you’re as a blogger, you can monetize your blog by launching virtual summits, which are growing in popularity these days.
Many bloggers use summits to connect and build relationships with influencers. Influencers can bring you credibility, reach, and engagement.
Virtual summits or conferences are powerful. According to Kristen Matthews of Convince and Convert,
Virtual conferences are the most underrated marketing tactic at our fingertips.
Many success stories keep pouring in from bloggers building their lists and income through virtual summits. For one, Aj Amyx earned $16,000 (and 2,300+ subscribers) with a virtual summit.
There are bloggers and digital marketers making a six-figure income from virtual summits. You may be wondering whether a virtual summit is the same thing as podcasting. Well, here’s a clear description from Entrepreneur:
When Jan Koch launched his first virtual summit, he grew his email list by 600 percent, got featured on major industry websites, and become the go-to expert in his field.
To truly succeed at a virtual summit launch, you need to make it a win/win for the experts who will share their knowledge.
Choose a topic that will inspire people to action, and make sure you have a product to sell at the backend.
How to Montetize a Blog: Frequently Asked Questions
What are some ways to earn blog revenue?
Offer coaching services, on-demand products, and use the blog to build relationships and networking.
How can I convert users better?
Easier navigation, simple-to-navigate design, and clear copy that creates compelling results.
If I don’t want to offer products and coaching, how else can I earn money?
Advertising and sponsored posts are always a good way to earn money if you are popular in your niche.
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Offer coaching services, on-demand products, and use the blog to build relationships and networking.
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Easier navigation, simple-to-navigate design, and clear copy that creates compelling results.
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Advertising and sponsored posts are always a good way to earn money if you are popular in your niche.
How to Monetize a Blog Conclusion
At the heart of blogging is a deep-seated desire to build and nurture an audience.
Most beginning bloggers struggle to make a living from their blogging efforts, because they believed that blogging alone was enough to make them money.
The majority of successful bloggers make the bulk of their money by selling and promoting other products or services.
For example, Darren Rowse makes more money from his Digital Photography School, and Ryan Deiss generates over six-figure income annually from SurvivalLife. There are countless success stories in this regard.
In a nutshell, if you can’t compete with other players in your industry, you may want to switch to other industries where you can become an expert, then get to work building links, get organic traffic, and promoting products and services to your blog readers.
That said, you have to be consistent. Success doesn’t happen overnight.
Which of these methods do you think is the best way to make money as a blogger when your blog generates fewer than 1,000 visitors per day?
There are hundreds (maybe even thousands) of different factors taken into account so that the search engine can figure out what should go where.
It’s like a mysterious black box, and very few people know exactly what’s inside.
However, the good news is that search engines are actually pretty easy to understand.
We may not know every single factor (out of a hundred or thousand), but we also don’t need to.
I’ll bring it down to the basics with a simple method to please Google, rank higher, and bring in more website traffic.
I’ll also introduce some of the latest developments, like RankBrain, that help Google guess what you’re actually looking for (even if you don’t type it in).
First, I’m going to walk you through exactly how Google’s search engine really works so that you can see that it’s not as difficult to understand as you might think.
How Do Search Engines Crawl the Web?
Google’s first job is to ‘crawl’ the web with ‘spiders.’
These are little automated programs or bots that scour the net for any and all new information.
The spiders take notes on your website, from the titles you use to the text on each page to learn more about who you are, what you do, and who might be interested in finding you.
That may sound simplistic on the face of it.
Which is no small feat, considering there are more than 1.8 billion websites online today — with thousands of new sites popping up every day.
The first massive challenge is to locate new data, record what it’s about, and then store that information (with some accuracy) in a database.
Google’s next job is to figure out how to best match and display the information in its database when someone types in a search query. Scaling becomes a problem, though.
Google processes over 3.5 billion searches a day, and that number increases every year.
That means the information in its database needs to be categorized correctly, rearranged, and displayed in less than a second after someone expects it.
Time is of the essence here, because speed wins, according to Marissa Mayer back when she worked for Google over a decade ago.
She reported when they were able to speed up Google Maps’ home page (by cutting down on its size), traffic leaped 10 percent within seven days and 25 percent just a few weeks later.
Google won the search engine race because it’s able to:
Find and record more information
Deliver more accurate results
Do both of those two tasks faster than any other search engine
One of the reasons Google is the front of the pack comes down to the accuracy of its results.
The information it displays is more likely to match what users are actually looking for.
Think about it this way.
When you type something into Google, you’re expecting something. It might be a simple answer, like the weather in your city, or maybe a little more complex, like “how does Google’s search engine really work?”
Google’s results, compared to other search engines, tend to answer those queries better. The information was the best of the best.
This breakthrough came from an initial theory Google’s co-founders actually worked on in college.
Why Do Links Matter to Google?
Google’s co-founders were still at Stanford in 1998 when they released a paper entitled “The PageRank Citation Ranking: Bringing Order to the Web.”
Academic papers were often ‘ranked’ by the number of citations a paper received. The more they received, the more authoritative they were considered on that topic.
Google co-founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, wanted to apply the same ‘grading’ system to the web’s information. They used backlinks as a proxy for votes.The more links a page received, the more authoritative it was perceived on that particular topic.
Of course, they didn’t just look at the number of links. They also factored in quality by considering who was doing the linking.
If you received two links, for example, from two different websites, the one with the more authority on a topic would be worth more.
They also considered relevance to better gauge the ‘quality’ of a link.
For example, if your website talks about “dog food,” links from other pages or sites that talk about things related to “dogs” or “dog food” would be worth more than one talking about “truck tires.”
RankBrain, however, is still a main component. It helps analyze or understand the connections between those links and content so Google can understand the context behind what someone’s asking. This is often called semantic search.
For example, let’s say you type in the word “engineer salaries.”
Now think about that for a moment. What type of engineer salaries are you looking for?
It could be “civil,” “electrical,” “mechanical,” or even “software.”
That’s why Google needs to use several different factors to figure out exactly what you’re asking for.
Let’s say the following events played out over the past few years:
You’re getting a degree in computer science.
Your IP address puts you on the campus of Stanford University.
You follow tech journalists on Twitter.
You read TechCrunch almost every single day.
You Googled “software engineer jobs” last week.
Google’s able to piece all of these random bits of data together. It’s like a bunch of puzzle pieces suddenly coming together.
So now Google knows what type of “engineer salaries” to show you, even though you never explicitly asked for “software engineer salaries.”
That’s also how Google is now answering your questions before you even ask them.
For example, do a generic search right now for anything, like “pizza.”
Now, what do you see?
You see the typical ad spaces up at the top.
However, the local results below the ads are assuming that you’re asking “where to get pizza.”
The Knowledge Graph on the far right-hand side is serving up almost every fact and figure about pizza imaginable.
RankBrain process and filters all this data to give you answers before you even ask them.
Change your search up a little (like this one for “pizza hut”) and the search engine result page (SERP) changes with new information.
While you don’t need to be an expert, understanding the basics like this can help you better figure out how to give your prospects exactly what they want (so you get better rankings and more traffic).
Here are a few of the big things to keep an eye on.
How to Rank Higher in Google: Solve People’s Problems
People type searches into Google to get an answer to whatever question they’re facing.
If they’re looking for an answer, it means they have a question.
If they have a question, it means they have a problem.
So your primary job is to solve someone’s problem.
In theory, it’s really that simple. If you solve someone’s problem better than anyone else, you’ll get better rankings and more traffic.
Let’s take a look at a few examples so you can see how this works in real life.
Someone comes home from a long day at work. All they’re looking forward to doing is grabbing something to eat fast and hanging out with their family or watching a new show on Netflix.
Before they’re able to throw a meal together, they try to run the kitchen sink and discover that it’s clogged.
It’s already getting late, though, so they don’t want to call a plumber. Instead, they head over to Google and start typing in “how to unclog drain” as their search query.
Then here’s what they see:
Way up at the top is an ad for a plumber (just in case you want to call in a professional).
Next up is an Instant Answer box that contains step-by-step instructions that Google believes has helped other people. So you might already be able to fix your sink without ever leaving this page!
Below that are related questions that other people commonly ask (along with their answers).
So all of this begs the question: How do you create something that can help solve a user’s problem?
I’ll answer that in one second, but here’s what you don’t do for the record:
“Keyword density” used to be an old-school tactic that was once relevant when Google’s algorithm was dumb and static. With RankBrain, Google has become a borderline genius.
So keyword stuffing like it’s 1999 will hurt you in the long run. As you can see, this is a terrible “answer” or “solution” to someone’s problem.
After saying that, there are a few places on a page that you want to pay special attention to.
For example, the Title Tag and Meta Description are used by Google to provide an official answer for what this page is about.
Those are the two elements that will also show up on a SERP when someone types in their query.
It only makes sense, then, that you should use the main topic in those areas so that everyone knows exactly what your page is discussing.
Do you want to see where that text is getting pulled from?
Simply right-click on a website to view the source code. For example, my homepage looks something like this:
You can see the title tag and meta description at the top of the code.
I’m also using Yoast’s WordPress SEO plugin to help add these extra fields on the backside of WordPress.
That way, all you have to do is write out the specific title and description in plain text (as opposed to getting your hands dirty with code).
Otherwise, the actual page content should be written for humans (as opposed to keyword stuffing to tricks or fool the search engines).
Instead, here’s how your page content should look:
I wrote an in-depth response to help someone figure out a solution to a complex problem (keyword research).
Even though it’s a complex subject, I was trying to give them a simple, step-by-step solution so they could fix that problem ASAP.
Google even takes website usage data into account now to determine how helpful your content is.
For example, let’s say that someone clicks on your website from Google and is turned off by the poor design or hard-to-read content. So they ‘bounce back’ to Google immediately to find a different result.
That’s a bad sign! Google determines you weren’t a happy searcher. So maybe Google will try to find a few other results to swap out with that one to hopefully make everyone happy.
That’s why I also break up the paragraphs and include a lot of images. The goal is to help people quickly find what they’re looking for.
I want them to read the page faster and digest the information more easily so that they’ll stick around longer instead of bouncing away.
That’s the key to ranking well in search engines. Give the people what they want, keep them around or coming back for more, and Google will be happier as a result.
Let’s go back to our clogged drain example to see how this works in another context.
Those are all pretty good results!
In each case, the person who crafted each page provided a detailed answer to a common problem.
Let’s zero in on that second SERP result, “7 Brilliant Ways to Unclog a Drain (Photos)” from Yahoo, to discover what they’re doing so well to hit number two on a big, popular search query like that.
This seems like it might be a good result because it gives us multiple methods to try, along with photos so we can see exactly what’s happening.
Let’s click on that to see what they provide.
Pretty good overall!
It provides the user with good, quality content to help solve a problem. The better your content does that, the more links or ‘upvotes’ it will receive when other people find it useful, too.
Links and other citations or social signals help alert Google. They tell the search engine that your page is on the rise and to start paying attention to your website for these topics.
Your page will get better treatment, move up in the rankings, be exposed to more people, get more links or votes as a result, and continue that upward trend.
That’s where the genius of Google’s process comes into play.
It makes people happy by giving them exactly what they’re looking for. When you do it right, it gives you compounding benefits that can take off all of a sudden, expanding your website traffic as a result.
It crunches a mind-numbing amount of data at lightning speeds to give people exactly what they’re looking for in seconds.
When you boil it down to the basics, search engines are actually pretty easy to understand.
They want to help people find what they’re looking for.
People use Google to find answers and solutions. They have something on their minds, and they want to find an answer that helps them clear the issue to move on with their day.
How Google finds and delivers that information is the building blocks of SEO, making it crucial to growing your business online.
Now that you know how Google works, how are you going to use this information?
If the supplies begin at simply under a buck, just how can a financier intend to prosper in the long run?
To obtain one of the most acquires out of your cent supply financial investments, it’s crucial that you grab info regarding specific firms prior to the information strikes the main media stream.As quickly as word is produced concerning a business, the rate of the dime supply rises till it no more drops in the group of cent supplies whatsoever. Exactly how do you obtain this kind of info if the media isn’t distributing it to the public?
You need to do your very own due dilligence on the cent stock.As dime supplies are not complied with by the major stream common funds you can normally enter prior to they do.
You need to come to be a detective of kinds as well as identify which business have the most effective possibility for you to benefit from a financial investment of their dime supplies. Occasionally you’ll discover a little story where supplies aren’t also pointed out as well as it offers you simply sufficient details to take advantage of a financial investment of dime supply prior to the firm begins greatly advertising their supplies about the information.
In order to accumulate a ton of money in dime supplies it does indicate you are mosting likely to need to take large opportunities. Some capitalists choose to see as well as wait what will certainly occur with a business prior to they get supply.
This type of strategy squashes the chance they need to make use of the reduced supply price, since when capitalists understand without a doubt that a business gets on the increase, every person will certainly be clambering for the supply as well as a share rates will swiftly climb up.
One means to remain abreast of promising cent supply business is to sign up with among the several dime supply guidance discussion forums online and also enjoy what others need to state concerning the options offered to dime supply capitalists.
Constantly ensure you do your very own examination right into the business also, yet having various other capitalists with a similar perspective can assist you discover what to try to find prior to spending excessive cash as a junior.
Minority owned business loans are probably different than you think. Sometimes they are just like they sound, loans for minority business owners. Other times, they are just loans for everyone that work well for minority business owners as well.
Minority Owned Business Loans Do Not All Look the Same
Sometimes you can be so busy looking for minority owned business loans specifically that you miss the great options that will work but are not for minorities only. In a way, these loans are undercover. They are available to more business owners than just minorities. However, they work really well with the challenges that are unique to minority business owners. Here are just a few examples.
Loans from The Small Business Administration
The Small Business Administration specializes in helping all small businesses. They offer a number of products and resources through SBA programs, not just minority owned business loans. For the most part, the SBA does not lend money directly. They work through partner financial institutions to guarantee SBA government loans. As a result, they are able to leave the administration of the loans and disbursement of funds to those who do it on a regular basis. That is, lenders and non-profits that are in the communities where the businesses exist.
SBA 7(a) Loans & 8(a) Business Development Program
These loans are open to all small business owners. However, if a minority business owner takes part in the SBA Business Development program, they increase their chance of getting this type of loan.
Honestly, about 80% of SBA loan applications from Hispanic and African Americans are for $150,000 or less. This is according to the SBA itself. Surprisingly, these smaller loans seem to be harder to get. Honestly, this is probably because lenders don’t make as much money from them.
In fact, the SBA got rid of the fee for loans that are less $150,000 to help with this.
Check out our best webinar with its trustworthy list of seven vendors to help you build business credit.
SBA Community Advantage Loans
These are to meet the needs of small businesses in neglected markets. That includes minorities. The goal is to get local lenders to increase loans up to $250,000. This is done by backing up to 85% of the loan amount. The hope is that this helps small business owners who might not be able to get traditional financing.
SBA Microloan Program
First, loans through this program go up to $50,000. Secondly, funds come from a third-party lender. Usually, this consists of nonprofit organizations in the community. Often, they also offer other types of assistance to business owners along with the loan.
Minority Owned Business Loans: Non-SBA Loans
There are private lenders that offer loans that will meet the needs of minority business owners also, but they are not specifically minority owned business loans. One such example is Accion.
Accion U.S. Network
Accion offers loans in all states. Funds are available to the following:
those with disabilities
and low to medium income business owners
Typically, loan amounts start at $200,000 and go up to $300,000. Also, Accion can put owners in contact with others to help build a network of support.
Comparatively, the minimum credit score for these loans is 575. In addition, you cannot be 30 days late on paying any accounts. Finally, you will not qualify if you have late rent or mortgage payments over the past 12 months.
Minority Owned Business Loans That Don’t Wear a Mask
In contrast to the above loans that anyone can apply for, some minority owned business loans are exactly what you expect. They are designed specifically for those in minority groups to aid in overcoming the unique challenges they face in obtaining business funding.
Union Bank Business Diversity Lending Program
This program fromUnion Bank offers business loans for minority business owners. Indeed, this one is specifically for minorities. In fact, to qualify, you must be Hispanic, American Indian, Latino, Asian, Alaskan Native, African American, Native Hawaiian, or other Pacific Islander.
Furthermore, a business that makes up to $20 million could qualify for a loan of $2.5 million. However, you must be in business for at least 2 years. Likewise, the business must be at least 51% minority owned.
The National African American Small Business Loan Fund
This is a partnership between JP Morgan Chase and the Valley Economic Development Centers . It serves small businesses with minority owners that are in low income or medium income communities. However, only those in New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago are eligible.
Business Center for New Americans
Presently, The Business Center for New Americans offers minority business loans of $5,000 to $50,000. They work with immigrants, refugees, women, and other minority entrepreneurs. The goal is to help minority business owners who have not been able to get traditional financing.
Camino Financial
Camino Financial is a lender that operates all online. They offer minority owned business loans. Conveniently, their entire application process is online. Microloans range from $5,000 to $50,000. Additionally, they offer small business loans between $10,000 to $400,000.
Build Business Credit to Increase Your Chances of Approval with Any Loan
Business credit is a huge piece of overall fundability. The business credit building process is the same for everyone, minority or not. When you work through the process, you increase your fundability. That in turn, increases your chances of being able to get funding of all types in the future. How do you build business credit?
It Starts with the Foundation
When you set up your business, you need it to have a foundation that will help build fundability and separate it from you as the owner. Even if you are already in operation, you can take the steps necessary to do this. However, the sooner the better, for a number of reasons. What does it take to build a foundation of fundability?
If you are not properly licensed to do what you do, lenders will not take you seriously. This step is necessary to being a legitimate business.
There are many reasons for this. However, for business credit building the big thing is it further separates your business from you as the owner.
A D-U-N-S Number
This is free to get on the Dun & Bradstreet website. You cannot have a business credit profile with D&B without one.
Business Bank Account
Like incorporating, there are many reasons for this. The main one for building credit building however, is that it further solidifies your business as an entity separate from you the owner.
Professional website
This one surprises a lot of people. These days, if you don’t have an online presence you might as well not even exist. However, a poorly put together online presence is just as bad. Pay for professional design and hosting. It’s worth it.
Check out our best webinar with its trustworthy list of seven vendors to help you build business credit.
These things are not only necessary for overall fundability, but they are also the first step in the business credit building process, and it is a process. It takes time, and you have to start at the beginning.
The Business Credit Building Process
Even though most lenders will still take personal credit into account, separate business credit allows them to judge your business on its own merits. If they can see that, despite some personal credit issues, business credit is just fine, it may sway them if they are wavering on approving funding.
In addition, business credit opens up new funding doors that are not available to individuals, which in turn can only help you run and grow your business.
You Need Accounts Reporting to Your Business Credit Report
The key to this is to get accounts in your business’s name that do not really take your personal credit into account. It may feel like it is impossible, but it isn’t. There are a few ways to do it.
First, vendors you already have a relationship with may be willing to extend credit without a credit check. If that isn’t happening, they might be willing to offer net 30 terms on invoices. The worst that can happen is they say no. If they say yes, ask them to report the payments to the business credit agencies.
Utilities might also report accounts to your business credit. You already pay utilities, rent, and internet each month. Ask those providers to report your payments to the business credit reporting agencies. Make sure your accounts are set up in your business name with your business contact information. Worst case scenario is that they say no. It never hurts to ask.
Starter Vendors in the Vendor Credit Tier to Help Build Business Credit
This is the business credit building secret that many business owners are unaware of. We call them starter vendors. These are part of the vendor credit tier. They are certain companies that will extend Net terms in your business name without a credit check. After you pay, they will report those payments to the business credit report agencies (CRAs).
Since they do not check your credit score, it doesn’t matter that you do not have one. Of course, they do have other ways of reducing risk. They vary by vendor. Below, we have listed a few of these starter vendors to give you an idea of what you are looking for.
Crown Office Supplies
Crown Office Supplies is a true starter vendor. They sell a variety of office supplies and take helping clients seriously. They say, “just starting your business, or maybe have an existing business, but you have a question regarding office supplies… we are here to help!” And they report to Dun and Bradstreet, Experian, and Equifax.
There is a $99.00 annual fee, though they do report that fee to the business credit reporting bureaus. For other purchases to report, the purchase must be at least $30.00. Terms are Net 30.
Grainger Industrial Supply
Grainger sells power tools, pumps, hardware and more. In addition, they can handle maintenance of your auto fleet. You need a business license and EIN to quality, as well as a D-U-N-S number.
You can apply by fax or over the phone. If you need less than $1,000 in credit, you only need a business license for approval. For over $1,000, you will need trade and bank references.
If you are just starting out and do not have references, the $1,000 is plenty to get you started building your business credit.
Behalf is a way of getting paid through an app. However, they also offer funding. The more you have your customers pay you through Behalf, the more likely Behalf is to offer you favorable terms when it comes to funding.
Funding can be through purchase financing or a virtual Mastercard option. Terms run from Net 30 to 180 days, and they report to Dun & Bradstreet, Experian, and Equifax. The fact that they report to all the major credit reporting agencies makes them an extremely valuable tool in building business credit.
Check out our best webinar with its trustworthy list of seven vendors to help you build business credit.
Then What?
After you have enough of these types of accounts reporting payments to your business credit report, you should have a strong enough score to move on to the next tier. We call this the retail credit tier. They offer more traditional credit. These are credit cards for use at specific stores such as Office Depot or Lowes. This is also sometimes referred to as store credit.
After you have several of these store credit accounts reporting, you can apply for cards in the fleet credit tier. These are gas cards with companies such as Shell and Fuelman. They can be used for fuel and auto repair and maintenance only.
Lastly, with accounts reporting from all previous tiers, you should have a score strong enough to apply for cards from what we call the cash credit tier. Of course, that is only if you have been making payments consistently on time.
These are traditional credit cards that are not connected to a certain store or type of purchase. They can be used for anything and everything. In addition, they often have better interest rates and nice rewards programs.
Building Business Credit Can Open the Door to Many More Funding Options
Looking for and applying to minority owned business loans is a completely viable option. However, do not limit yourself. Take a look at other loan possibilities that you may not even realize you qualify for. At the same time, start working through the business credit building process. Then, you’ll have many more funding options available in the future. The more funding available to you, the faster and stronger you can grow your business.
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