7 Warning Signs You Have Product Flop on Your Hands (and How to Fix It!)

Ever have a really great idea for a product?

You know, the kind of idea that makes you want to grab strangers by the shoulders and explain the whole thing in a rush. For the next few hours or even days, you find yourself revved up in high gear, eager to turn your big idea into reality.

It’s an awesome feeling.

There’s only one problem: what comes up must go down, and sometimes big ideas do just that – they flop, hard.

You could shrug it off and say that failure is really a learning experience, but wouldn’t you rather learn how to avoid those product flops so you can save yourself time, money, and heartache?

I know I would.

Here are seven warning signs your big product idea is about to flop — and seven ways to avoid landing with a splat:

1. You Keep Changing Your Mind

You’re burning through your project and you’re totally jazzed. Everything’s going great! It’s such an awesome idea.

But it would be even better if you add this one element.

Wait, no – maybe you should do this instead. That’d be awesome.

Or maybe you should change that – it would make your project even better! It’ll crush all of the products in the niche!

Sound familiar?

Business old-schoolers call it “scope change,” and it can seriously hamper your progress. The more you push the boundaries and keep adding to your project, the more it becomes a time-consuming, cost-heavy monster that never ends.

Risks go up, your schedule gets trashed, deadlines get blown and quality goes down.

The solution?

Give yourself a set amount of time to do research and plan the scope of your project before you start. Take a few days, weeks, or months to really think things through. It’s okay to waffle then because no one else is watching, and you don’t have to backtrack.

But once that time has expired, stop, make the decisions you need to make, and move forward. Look at it as a deadline. You can change your mind up until a certain day on the calendar, and then after that, you stick with the plan until you’re finished.

2. You Haven’t Figured Out the Price

Most people don’t bother to figure out what their business idea will cost them, not only in terms of money, but also time and opportunity costs. They just latch on, run with their idea, and work like mad for weeks, investing their time and money blindly.

Then six months after launch they wonder why they’re broke, exhausted, and feeling trapped.

Before you undertake a project, figure out what it’ll cost you:

  • Overhead Costs: Will you need office space? Employees? Equipment? Will you have to pay travel expenses? What are the total hard costs?
  • Salary Costs: What will you pay yourself? Even if you’re living on savings, it’s still an expense. Write it down.
  • Opportunity Costs: What opportunities will you have to give up? How much will that cost you in both the short-term and long-term?
  • Time Costs: When are you going to work on it? Also, what are you currently doing in those other hours that you’ll have to cut out? Will you sacrifice sleep? Time with your family? Overtime at work?

Once you’ve calculated the true cost, ask yourself if it’s a price you’re willing to pay. Your idea might be fantastic, but if you don’t know what it’s going to cost you, chances are you’ll never finish.

Before starting a project, make sure you know exactly what it will cost you.

3. You Think All You Need is Time

You’ve done the math and decided that there’s no major financial investment involved, just your time. Maybe a few weeks of hard labor, maybe a few months. You just have to buckle down and do it.

But here’s the big question: who’s paying the bills in the meantime?

Every hour you spend working on Project X is an hour less you can work on other income sources. If your time is worth $100 an hour, do you really want to invest 1,000 free hours into a project that might make you $5,000?

If you do, you’re essentially investing $100,000 for a $5,000 return. Not smart.

The reality is, you might lose money — and that isn’t always a bad thing. In fact, becoming a multi-millionaire can require losing money, as I’ve mentioned before.

But if you aren’t considering the cost of your time, you could end up with a flop.

If you want to be successful, figure out your hourly rate, and then delegate or outsource any tasks below that rate. Sometimes, you’ll be better off working for someone else and funneling that income into paying freelancers than quitting all of your projects and cutting off all of your income streams.

Smart business people invest their time wherever they’re getting the best return.

4. No One Seems to “Get” The Concept

This is one of the biggest red flags that your product is going to flop. Sadly, most people get so excited about their big idea that they don’t see the forest for the trees.

It goes like this:

You excitedly explain your product to a few people, but they don’t seem to get it. You explain even more. They seem unsure. They ask questions. You answer, but they hesitate. So you slow down and try to explain it as simply as possible, but you still can’t seem to get through.

Maybe they aren’t as smart as you. Or maybe they just don’t get it. Maybe they aren’t in your target audience.

But here’s why it matters: if your customer doesn’t understand the idea, it doesn’t matter how brilliant it is. It’s going to flop.

So, pay attention to people’s reactions. At which point in the explanation do they seem to get confused? What part don’t they understand? Where are you losing them?

These are the places you need to clarify. There’s a missing link somewhere, and you need to find it now, not later.

Or maybe you just need to get a new idea.

5. They Get It, but No One Seems Interested

Sometimes, people get your idea, but they shrug their shoulders and say, “So what?”

Maybe they point out that someone else has done it already, or maybe they don’t see the problem you’re addressing, or maybe they think it’s just plain boring.

They’re polite and they listen to your idea, but not for long – their phone or their email is far more interesting.

Watch out for that lack of interest, because no enthusiasm means no sales. You know you’re on track when:

  • They say, “I’ve been dealing with that for years. Can you really fix it?”
  • They laugh, cry, or get angry. The stronger the emotional response, the better the idea.
  • Their eyebrows go up, and ask, “Is that really possible? That would be great!”
  • They bring your idea up again the next time you see them. It shows they’ve been thinking about it, which is exactly what you want your prospective customers to do.

If you don’t get one of those responses, find out why. What do people really want? What do they need? What’s missing?

You might be able to adapt your big idea to fulfill that demand.

6. You Don’t Really Believe in Yourself

You might really, really want to get your big idea off the ground, and you believe it will succeed, but you secretly wonder whether or not you can pull it off.

Maybe you’re an engineer, and you don’t have any confidence in your ability to sell. Or maybe you are a digital marketer, and you struggle with keeping accurate financial records for investors and bankers. Or maybe you’ve never managed anyone before, and the idea of hiring and leading a staff scares you.

You’ve tried to stay positive, but deep down, you doubt yourself. You hope you can do it, but when you talk to other people about your idea, you can feel your insecurity bleeding through.

The truth?

If you don’t believe in yourself, no one else will either. People have a sixth sense for uncertainty, and they’ll pick up on every signal of self-doubt you’re sending out. It can kill even the best ideas.

No one expects you to be perfect, but getting any idea off the ground requires leadership, and people expect leaders to be confident. So work on it.

The best way to build self-confidence is to start small and get some early wins.

If you are worried about sales, start generating leads you are certain will convert into sales, and approach those first. If you’re worried about financials, get example reports, and then start with the ones you understand. If you’re worried about managing people, start by hiring smart, ambitious people who don’t need much handholding.

Make it easy for yourself, and grow into the person you need to become.

7. You Can’t Seem To Find the Time for Your Idea

This is probably the most common sign of an impending product flop: you know your project will be a success — yet you can’t seem to find the time to work on it.

You keep pushing your idea aside. Other work comes up. Something else is more urgent. You’re busy. You push back your own deadlines and keep setting your big idea on the back burner.

It’s probably because you’re scared.

Maybe you’re afraid your big idea won’t succeed (even if you’re pretty sure it will). Or that it actually might succeed, and you won’t know how to handle it. Or that you’ll make mistakes and get laughed at, losing the respect of the people you admire.

Whatever the reason, if you find yourself procrastinating, sit down for a little introspection session. Think about why you’re not working on that big idea. Ask yourself:

  • What life changes you think would happen if you complete it?
  • What do those changes mean to you?
  • Why do you want to avoid them?
  • Are they realistic concerns?
  • What is the worst-case scenario?

Be honest with yourself. Often, reality is far different (and easier!) from what we imagine.

Maybe after some introspection, you realize the big idea isn’t going to be good for you. Sometimes our gut instinct sends warning messages that we should pay attention to – just because a project will be successful doesn’t mean it’s the right success for us.

And if that’s the case, then there are plenty of other – better – ideas for you to pursue. If there’s one thing I’m sure of, it’s this:

The next big idea is always right around the corner.


Not all great ideas are destined to be big hits. However, many of the largest companies in the world started as just one good idea. Review the warning signs above and make sure you are in the best possible position to move forward.

Then, it’s time to start digging in. Start by getting to know who your audience really is and do some market research. Create a business plan and don’t forget to consider outsourcing tasks that you don’t have the time — or the knowledge — to tackle.

And if you do flop? Take some time to recover, then try again.

Are you working on your next big idea? What is holding you back?

The post 7 Warning Signs You Have Product Flop on Your Hands (and How to Fix It!) appeared first on Neil Patel.

How to Create PPC Campaigns for Real Estate Marketing

Even if you have a smaller real estate business, you don’t have to rely on third-party databases to get traffic to your listings through real estate marketing.

With pay per click (PPC) advertising, you can bring people directly to your real estate website, where you own the medium and are in control of how you present yourself. This means rather than your listing appearing—and perhaps being lost—among a sea of competitors, you can showcase your entire portfolio without viewers being distracted by others’ listings.

PPC campaigns aren’t usually difficult to set up. With a few tweaks, you may reach your target audience more efficiently and bring motivated buyers to your website.

PPC Real Estate Marketing Trends

With six million homes sold in the U.S. in one year, it’s no wonder competition between real estate agents is tough.

As you would expect in such a competitive market, real estate marketing plays a huge role, and the tactics businesses use are always developing.

Today, we see many realtors using trends such as virtual staging, drone photography, inbound marketing, and automation of lead verification. New trends come and go, the need for a good website never changes—and neither does the need to bring traffic to your site.

This is where pay per click (PPC) comes in.

One of the difficulties with bringing traffic to your site is competition from huge online real estate databases like Zillow (236 million monthly users) and Realtor.com. Let’s take a look at a search query for “buy homes in Naperville IL.”

Real Estate Marketing Google search example

As you can see, those large sites are dominating the search engine results pages (SERPS).

However, ranking organically isn’t the only way to get to the top of the SERPs, and PPC may grant you a route to the top of the listings. Through a successful PPC campaign, your website could feature at the top of the page for your chosen keywords, potentially bringing in a large volume of traffic.  

You pay a small fee for each click, but if you’re utilizing the latest real estate marketing trends well, then you could see a solid ROI. PPC allows you to bring traffic to a medium you control, which puts you in control of your marketing.

Selecting Keyword Phrases for Your Real Estate Marketing PPC

PPC could allow your website to appear at the top of the SERPs for virtually any keyword. Your real estate marketing isn’t going to benefit from featuring an irrelevant search term, though. This means you need to find the keywords that work for you and bring in people who convert into leads.

To do this, start by understanding your target audience.

  • What does their customer profile look like?
  • What information are your potential customers looking for?
  • How do they search for that information?

Think about your audience and write out a list of all the ways they might search for your business.

For PPC to work for you, you also need to ensure your landing pages reflect the keywords you’re advertising for. When someone clicks on your ad, the page they land on needs to directly address why they clicked in the first place. Take a look at your current pages and list all the keywords reflecting the content you have on your site.

Once you’ve built up a list of keywords, it’s time to narrow it down so the keywords you bid on are relevant to both your audience and the pages they land on.

Part of succeeding at this is understanding where someone is in the buying cycle. For example, someone searching the keyword “best Chicago suburbs” might be at the beginning of the cycle, where the buyer intent is much lower than later on. Later in the cycle, they may search for “buy houses Naperville IL,” meaning they could quickly become a lead. This distinction should help you understand each keyword’s value and focus your real estate marketing PPC on boosting ROI.

After you’ve narrowed down your list, go to Ubersuggest to find out the cost per click and level of competition for each keyword.

Ubersuggest for real estate marketing

Optimize Your Site for PPC Campaigns that Use Local Keyword Phrases

With all our examples so far, we’ve used what’s known as a “location modifier.” For instance, in “buy houses Naperville IL,” the terms “Naperville” and “IL” allow us to target a specific area. Nothing is stopping you from advertising for “buy houses,” and you’d probably get plenty of traffic—but there’s no point if you’re selling houses in Naperville and the user wants to buy one in Ft. Lauderdale.

Local keyword phrases are vital to real estate agents because they’re selling a product with a fixed location. As location is one of the driving forces behind real estate purchases, many people use these modifiers in their searches.

When you use local keyword phrases, your landing pages must match the search intent. If your advertisement says “houses for sale in Naperville,” then it has to deliver on its promise. Many people will click back to Google if it’s showing houses for rent or homes outside of Naperville.

Setting Max CPC Budgets for Your PPC Campaign

When you set up your real estate marketing campaign, you’re going to be asked to set a budget and decide the maximum you’re willing to pay per click for a specific keyword (max CPC). Remember, you’re not tied into anything—it’s something you can adjust as you go and optimize to get the best results.

To get an idea of your budget, set out the goals you want to achieve with your PPC campaign. For a simplified example, to make $5,000 a month from your advertising and the average value of your houses is $100,000 with a 1% commission, you need to sell five houses a month through your PPC.

The average cost per click for keywords related to real estate is $2.37 with a conversion rate of 2.47%—so, to sell your five houses, you might need just over 200 clicks at the cost of $494. While your numbers might vary from the industry average, you can always adjust your budget based on your average conversion rate and cost per click.

It’s also worth remembering that it’s not all about the price you pay per click, as your advertisement’s quality also plays a part. Google wants to send people to high-quality results, and if your ad achieves this, it’s more likely to be favored by the search engine’s algorithm.

Another way to maximize your budget is by boosting your click-through rate (CTR.) The average CTR for real estate ads is about 3.71%— but if you’re writing excellent ad copy, then you may find even better results. But remember, these are just industry averages, and your experience may vary. An ad budget of hundreds (or even thousands) doesn’t guarantee a sale, but PPC is worth a try for most markets.

Deciding Which Ad Platform is Right for Your Real Estate Marketing

When we think of search engines, our minds are naturally drawn to Google because it’s the biggest, with 3.5 billion searches per day. However, there are lots of different search engines and lots of other ad platforms.

Which ad platform you use should be decided by your business goals and your target audience. For example, if you’re selling sleek condos to millennials, your advertising will look very different than if you’re targeting seniors looking for a second home.

This differentiator is where you could help your real estate marketing campaigns by selecting the right platform.

Social media platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest are vital sources for real estate marketing, and they offer great PPC options. 99% of Millenials and 90% of Baby Boomers begin their real estate searches online, and with billions of people on social media, this could be a perfect way to reach them.

The great thing about PPC on social media is that they are highly visual media. Whereas with Google Ads you might be limited to text, social media allows you to incorporate video, images, and other effects. These tools can help your advertising stand out from the crowd, but you must choose the platform and message that resonates with your audience.

57% of Americans aged 25-30 are on Instagram, compared to 23% of 50- to 64-year-olds. However, the numbers look very different on Facebook, as 68% of 50- to 64-year-olds have accounts. This data shows people search for information differently, and your advertising needs to reflect this. You might find Google is the best way to reach your audience, or you may discover an alternative such as Instagram that offers you the most useful real estate marketing campaign.

Here you can see just how different a promoted post on Instagram could look from the traditional ads you see on Google. These various formats could give you the ability to appeal to particular audience demographics and potentially maximize the effectiveness of your real estate marketing.

Real Estate Marketing which ad platform to use
Real estate marketing SERP

Whichever platform you use, you’ve got to make sure your message suits the medium, and you’re giving people the experience they’re looking for. Various advertising platforms allow you to diversify your marketing, but you’ve got to focus on the techniques that work best for each campaign.

Deciding Which Real Estate Marketing Ad Format is Best

When you come to set up your ads, you’ll find you have lots of format options. The options vary depending on which platform you’re using, but for Google, you’ll have the following choices:

  • Search ads: These are the “traditional” ads at the top of a SERP. These are particularly useful for real estate marketing because they allow you to reach a targeted audience at the precise moment they are looking for your product.
  • Shopping ads: Shopping ads are product-focused advertisements that also allow you to feature at the top of a SERP. However, shopping listings are more commonly used for very specific searches such as “buy Barbie dolls,” where many retailers sell the same products.
  • Display ads: Display ads allow your listing to feature on other people’s websites. While this can be a cost-effective way to reach a broad audience, it’s more difficult to judge where these people are in the buyer cycle because they haven’t made a specific search.
  • Video ads: Video ads play between videos on YouTube and are a great way to incorporate a more interactive aspect to your advertising. Many people use YouTube as a search engine, so it’s another good way to reach motivated buyers.
  • Gmail ads: These advertisements appear at the top of someone’s Gmail inbox and allow you to reach a targeted audience. The difficulty with Gmail ads for real estate marketing is determining buyer-intent. You might be targeting someone because they are interested in real estate, but this does not guarantee they’re looking to buy a house.

The key to these different ad types is finding the ones that best suit your business goals. For many real estate businesses, this is likely to be search ads.

This is because this method may best allow you to understand the searcher’s intent. Someone has put a specific query into Google—“find houses in Naperville”— so you more clearly know what they’re looking for and can judge where they are in the buying cycle.

With options like display ads, you can reach a targeted audience—for example, people looking at a house improvement website—but you don’t have control over searcher intent. As you’re selling something very specific that focuses on location, search ads are a good place to start.


Pay per click advertising is an essential tool for your real estate marketing. If you’re to take back clicks from online real estate databases like Zillow, then you’ve got to find alternative ways of getting traffic to your website.

PPC is an excellent way to do this, and it could bring large numbers of targeted, highly engaged visitors with a strong buyer intent to your website. From there, you’re in control of the medium and not reliant on a third party who controls your interactions with customers.

If you’re investing in real estate marketing trends like virtual staging and drone photography and you want to maximize their effectiveness, a way you could do this is by getting them in front of a targeted, engaged audience. With good PPC, you could do just that because it may allow you to boost your lead generation significantly—and perhaps sell more houses.

If you do need help with your PPC campaigns, reach out to my team to see how we can help.

Has PPC benefited your real estate business?

The post How to Create PPC Campaigns for Real Estate Marketing appeared first on Neil Patel.

New comment by landtuna in "Ask HN: Who wants to be hired? (December 2020)"

Location: NJ

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Willing to relocate: no

Technologies: Python, C++, JavaScript, NumPy, Pandas, PostgreSQL

Résumé/CV: https://slopedog-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/p/jah/Eccx-Dh5wlxLoWF…

Email: jah@slopedog.com

Many years of experience with data-oriented high performance applications. Willing to commute into NYC one or two days per week.

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Residence Insurance And Selling Your Home

House Insurance And Selling Your Home With any luck you have actually thought about working with an actual estate representative to assist you with all the great information if you are marketing your house. Otherwise– reach function! The procedure of selecting the appropriate realty representative can be equally as tough as it is very important. …

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The post Residence Insurance And Selling Your Home appeared first on ROI Credit Builders.

The Best Equity Crowdfunding Sites – and How Equity Crowdfunding Can Work for Your Business

If you are considering equity crowdfunding for your business, then you are, by definition, considering equity crowdfunding sites. We take a look at the best out there and dig into their nuances and differences. Make a smarter choice – knowledge is power!

What are the Best Equity Crowdfunding Sites All About?

When you consider equity crowdfunding sites, you will need to take a number of factors into account. Crowdfunding is a way to get funds from a lot of people, versus one or two investors. 

With equity crowdfunding, you raise cash through the sale of securities such as equity, debt, revenue share and more. These security sales would be coming from a company that is not listed on stock exchanges. Equity crowdfunding has been around for less than 10 years. It is not the same as rewards-based. Rewards-based crowdfunding comes from places such as Kickstarter.

Equity Crowdfunding Sites versus Rewards-Based Crowdfunding Sites

What are the differences between equity crowdfunding and rewards-based crowdfunding? The major difference is what investors get for their investment. With reward based crowdfunding, investors generally receive some incentive for their donation. That incentive is not equity in the company. But with equity-based crowdfunding, the investor receives equity. That is, they get a share in the company.

Also, as a general rule, equity-based crowdfunding brings in larger amounts of money. This is because it draws a different type of investor. So, how come not everyone choose that? The key is some businesses are better suited for equity-based crowdfunding than others.

Details on Equity Crowdfunding versus Rewards-Based Crowdfunding

With equity crowdfunding sites, you raise capital from the crowd online. Potential investors visit a funding portal website. There, they can explore different equity crowdfunding investment opportunities. Note: there are limits on how much capital an individual can invest based on their income and net worth. Plus, investors must be 18 years old, or older.

The main purpose of equity crowdfunding is to sell securities in a business. Hence, this is also the main purpose of equity crowdfunding sites.

In contrast, with a platform such as Kickstarter, businesses make money by pre-selling their products. But on equity crowdfunding sites, companies sell securities, in the form of equity in the company. Or it can be in the form of debt, revenue share, convertible note, and more. Equity crowdfunding gives investors a stake in your business. 

What is in it for Equity Crowdfunding Investors?

Equity crowdfunding investors are playing a long game. They stand to make a profit if they make a good investment, and the company they invested in grows. Here, the business can create hundreds of brand ambassadors who want to see you succeed. They are an audience the company can depend on to spread the word about their business and share the product with their own networks.

The ability to cultivate reliable brand ambassadors can be one consideration when trying to offset the cost of equity crowdfunding on a platform

What is in it for Business Owners Hoping for Equity Crowdfunding?

The business owner gets to dictate terms. The entrepreneur raising capital has total control of the offering. So this is including what to sell, how much, and, at what price. The owner can set the terms, including their valuation and how much capital they hope to raise.

Companies can set a minimum funding goal along with their desired maximum. So if they do not fully reach their funding goal, the entrepreneur can still successfully raise capital. Those who want to invest can do so even if the market interest is not enough to reach the goal.

Businesses raising money via equity crowdfunding sites are private companies. A business using equity crowdfunding does not have to issue an IPO (initial public offering). The business does not have to become a fully reporting public company. this is helpful, as being a fully reporting public company is financially burdensome for most small businesses. Investors do not have to be accredited. A business can raise funds without having to turn to venture capitalists. 

For more information, see forbes.com/sites/howardmarks/2018/12/19/what-is-equity-crowdfunding.

Equity Crowdfunding Sites Credit Suite

Credit Line Hybrid Financing: Get up to $150,000 in financing so your business can thrive

A Look at all the Best Equity Crowdfunding Sites


Crowdfunder is an equity crowdfunding platform. With Crowdfunder, investors purchase equity in promising companies. They consider campaigns to be deals, and its donors are investors. 

Starter listings are $299 per month. Premium listings are $499 per month. In their community, there are over 130,000 entrepreneurs and investors. 

Crowdfunder does not work with every industry. 

The following are prohibited industries:

  • Guns and Firearms
  • Tobacco, Cigarettes, and Cannabis
  • Pyramid Marketing
  • Adult Products and Entertainment
  • Gambling
  • Contests and Raffles, and 
  • Illegal Substances and Drugs

For more information, see crowdfunder.com.


Fundable is a crowdfunding for business platform. It allows companies to raise funds via equity sales. Those funds come from investors, customers, and friends. They have over $80 million in funding commitments.

Fundable will charge $179 per month to raise funds. Fees on rewards are: 3.5% + 30¢ per merchant processing transaction. They do not charge success fees. 

Fundable is one of the equity crowdfunding sites (such as Crowdfunder and Fundrise, below) which seem to be more accessible to regular folks.

They do not seem to focus on just one specific industry.

For more information, see fundable.com.

Equity Crowdfunding Sites Credit Suite

Credit Line Hybrid Financing: Get up to $150,000 in financing so your business can thrive


What is so special about Crowdstreet? 

The industry most likely to use equity crowdfunding is real estate. This is because real estate allows for a much larger asset to be there from the very start. For a startup company based upon an idea for a new product, there is extraordinarily little available to seize in case the investment goes south. Whereas with real estate, even if there is never any development, land has an intrinsic value no matter what.

Crowdstreet allows you to invest online in commercial realty. Investors can choose between direct investing, fund investing, or managed investing. Crowdstreet boasts over 101,000 investors and over 260 commercial real estate developers.

Direct investing has varied minimum investment amounts. The minimum for fund investing is $25,000. The minimum for managed investing is $250,000. Hence this is one of those equity crowdfunding sites that is more for professional investors. 

For more information, see crowdstreet.com/marketplace/overview.


Real Crowd is another real estate investing platform, via equity crowdfunding. RealCrowd charges a technology access fee to the operating partner for their services. They do not charge investors any upfront fees, ongoing asset management fees or promote/carried interest in the investments.

You can browse offerings before you sign up. The information includes minimum investment and average returns. This allows for a lot of the decision making to happen before you even log in. Real Crowd offerings are open to accredited investors. 

For more information, see https://www.realcrowd.com/how-it-works


Fundrise is a great starter site for those that want to break into the world of equity crowdfunding. They do not require that you be an accredited investor. The minimum investment for the starter account level is $500. Minimum investment amounts go all the way up to $100,000 for the premium account level.

Fundrise will charge 0.15% in annual advisory fees for managing your account through the online platform. They do not charge any transaction fees, sales commissions, or additional fees for enabling features on an account, such as dividend reinvestment or auto-invest.

Fundrise will also charge 0.85% in annual management fees for managing a Fundrise portfolio. They could potentially charge other fees, such as development or liquidation fees, for work on a specific project. Dividends earned are net of any fund fees.

For more information, see: https://fundrise.com.

Alternatives to Equity Crowdfunding

If you do not wish to give away any of your equity, then rest assured, you have other options. Build business credit is one option. And others include inventory financing, merchant cash advances (if you have sales coming in), and securities financing. With securities financing, you use your stocks, bonds, 401(k), or IRA as collateral for borrowing.

Try a Credit Line Hybrid Instead

Another great option is our credit line hybrid.

A hybrid credit line could be just what you need.

Equity Crowdfunding Sites Credit Suite

Credit Line Hybrid Financing: Get up to $150,000 in financing so your business can thrive

The gist of a credit line hybrid is you can leverage good personal credit in order to get business funding. Because a good personal credit score is the main thing the lender is looking for, it can be perfect for a startup venture. So, it is another option to consider. You do not necessarily have to give up business equity in order to finance your entrepreneurial venture.

Equity Crowdfunding Sites: Takeaways

Equity crowdfunding involves calling on a crowd to invest in your project. Rather than pre-selling products, you are selling pieces of your business. 

The industry most likely to use equity crowdfunding is real estate. But other industries can use equity crowdfunding. Be sure to check the platform and see if there are any restrictions. Some industries will not do well at all and may even be shut out by a platform. Fees and investment minimum amounts will vary widely.

If you are interested in equity crowdfunding for your business, the best thing you can do is to shop around. Rates vary dramatically. But also check on success rates. Many equity crowdfunding platforms are expensive, or they have high minimum investment amounts, or both. Do not waste your time and money if you are not sure there is a good fit.

And, if you decide equity crowdfunding is not for you – or even if you do but want a fall back – then consider other forms of business funding. That should always include building business credit.

The post The Best Equity Crowdfunding Sites – and How Equity Crowdfunding Can Work for Your Business appeared first on Credit Suite.

Recession Period Business Loans: Don’t Let Bad Credit Stop You

COVID-19 threw our economy into a tailspin, and the resulting recession isn’t leaving anytime soon.  However, even during a recession period funding is available.  You just have to know how to get it.

Business Loans are Possible Even with Bad Credit in a Recession Period

In a recession period, if you need a loan you need it fast. There is no time to wait when the recession cloud looms.  Business failure can feel imminent. There is hope however, and bad credit doesn’t have to get in the way.

Traditional business loans are rarely fast, and if you have bad credit, they usually aren’t even an option.  Throw all these issues into a recession period and you may feel like you are sinking fast. There is hope however. There are a ton of options outside of the realm of traditional business loans, and many of them work even if you have bad credit.

Of course, the need for business loans during a recession may not mean you are growing. It could be a desperate last plea to simply make it through the troubled waters alive.  Either way, bad credit can weigh you down like an anchor.  You have to break free, which is even harder during economic downturns.  To be able to cut off the anchor of bad credit however, you need to understand what its made of, and how you got tethered to it in the first place.

Find out why so many companies are using our proven methods to improve their business credit scores, even during a recession.

What is Bad Credit?

Sometimes you don’t even know you are sinking until you need financing and find that you cannot get it due to bad credit. When it comes to regular business loans, bad credit can be a major issue. Typically, a score of over 700 is good credit, but with a score over 650, you can still find financing. If your credit score is below 650, you may have some problems. A recession period can cause you to sink into bad credit before you know it’s happening.

If this is the case, you will need to look for alternative lenders to help you out. They can offer a life preserver so you can make it safely through until the waters calm down.

Personal Credit vs. Business CreditRecession period Credit Suite

If you are a new business owner, you may find that it isn’t so much an issue of bad credit, but rather no business credit. This is easily enough remedied over time, but if you need business financing and have bad credit or no credit, it can be a real problem. You don’t have time.

You could try finding financing based on your personal credit. That is, if your personal credit is any good. If it is over 650, you can probably get a credit card that will keep you afloat until you can figure out something better.  You may also be able to simply get a personal loan to bail you out, and then work to build business credit going forward.

The problem with this is that it puts even more stress on your personal finances during the recession period.  In addition, if your business does end up sinking, you could very well go down with it if your personal credit is tied to it.

How Do You Know Your Credit Score?

When it comes to your personal credit score, it’s easy to know what it is.  Not only can you get a free copy of your credit report annually, but there are also a number of companies that will allow you to monitor your credit on a regular basis.

Business credit score monitoring is not as easy.  There are no free business credit reports.  You can, however, purchase your credit reports from Dun & Bradstreet, Experian, Equifax, and the lesser known business credit reporting agencies for between $50 and $250 each.

Credit Suite can help you monitor your business credit at Dun & Bradstreet and Experian for a fraction of what it costs with them directly.  Go here to find out more.

Personal Credit Not an Option?

However, if you are stuck with bad personal credit and bad business credit, you may have to pursue an alternate route. You may not have an obvious flotation device.  That means you are going to have to grab onto whatever you can find and hold on tight.

It sounds brutal, but it may be worth it if it saves your business. What are your options? Essentially, the best option is invoice factoring. This only works if you have a significant amount in open invoices. It is the fastest of all the options other than a friend or family member just handing you cash. This would be similar to a large piece of drift wood conveniently floating by.

Invoice Factoring Options

Not only is invoice factoring the fastest way to cash, it is also an option that depends very little on your credit, personal or business. It even works well in a recession period, though maybe not as well as at other times, as the ability to collect could decline somewhat.  Sometimes though, there isn’t even a minimum credit requirement for invoice factoring. They may pull a credit score, but they make decisions based more upon the strength of your invoices.

Find out why so many companies are using our proven methods to improve their business credit scores, even during a recession.

The lender will gather information to help them determine the likelihood of the invoices being repaid. If they find that the invoices are strong, they will lend money based on the total amount of the invoices minus a premium. The borrower can usually either repay the loan or the lender can keep the invoices and collect from them.


Fundbox offers invoice financing for amounts less than $100,000. There is no minimum credit score, and there are options for a 12- week or 24-week repayment term. They collect 7% on a 12-week repayment and 15.7% on 24-week terms.


If you have a larger amount in open invoices, like up to $5 million, you can get invoice financing from BlueVine. They charge a weekly fee of .5% to 1%, but the fee drops a little if your clients pay their invoices on time.

Working Capital Loans

If you really need funding fast, invoice factoring is your best bet. If you have a little more time you could seek out working capital loans from alternative lenders. This is also a good option if you do not have open invoices.

Some alternative lenders pull a credit report, but they have a low minimum score requirement. For example, Fundbox offers working capital loans to businesses that have been in operation for at least 3 months and have at least $50,000 in revenue. They lend amounts up to $100,000, and there is no credit check.

Kabbage offers something similar if you have been in business for at least 1 year and have $50,000 in revenue. They will lend up to $250,000. There is no minimum credit score here either, but most approvals have over 500. You also have to have either a business checking account or use an online payment platform.

Find out why so many companies are using our proven methods to improve their business credit scores, even during a recession.

Quarterspot will lend up to $250,000 if you have been in business for at least one year and have at least $200,000 in annual revenue. They will do a soft credit pull, but it does not affect your credit. The minimum score is 550.

Don’t Sink, Hold on Through the Recession Period

Once you find something to keep you from sinking, whatever it may be, hold on tight until you can reach the shore. Be forewarned, if you handle things incorrectly you could end up in much worse trouble that you are already in. You have to use your credit wisely.

If you fail to do this, you may end up floating so far away you never see land again. Make certain you use the financing the way you need to, but that you also pay it back in a consistent and timely manner.

Stay out Troubled Waters

The way you do this is by establishing and building strong business credit. Not only will this keep you out of trouble, but it can make things even better in the long term. You will find that getting what you need to make it through another recession period is a cinch if you follow these tips.

Establish Your Business as Its Own Entity

Your business has to have its own identity, apart from yours, if it is going to have its own credit score. The first step in this process is to incorporate your business. You can choose from a corporation, S-corp, or LLC.

Then list your business in all the directories with its own name and contact information. After that, open a business bank account. Run all your business transactions through this account, so that business finances are separate. Pay bills, make purchases, and apply for credit using this account.

After your business has an identity all its own, it is all up to how well you manage whatever credit you can get. Whatever financing you are able to find, be sure you make your payments on time.

You might also consider looking into vendors that will allow you pay invoices net 30. This starter credit has a lot to offer. Sometimes you will have to prepay for a certain amount of time to get approval. If they give you 30 days to pay an invoice and report to the credit bureaus, this can fast track your credit score. That’s assuming you pay on time of course.

Be Prepared

To be fair, an economic downturn is hard with or without bad credit. Things happen. The key is to be prepared with what you need to get through at all times. Then, you don’t have to worry about trying to scramble to find a business loan you qualify for. You can simply whip out what you already have and climb back on the boat.

What does this look like? Once you have a strong business credit score, you can apply for a business line of credit or a credit card. Find one with the best terms possible, and if it is a credit card, perks and rewards are nice too.

Tools such as these can help you over a rough patch. If you already have them in place, they will not cost you the same way bad credit business loans will. Bad credit can mean higher interest rates, seriously unfavorable terms, and much more. If you already have credit in place, you can simply access that and enjoy the terms and rates your good credit warrants you.

Bad Credit Doesn’t Have to Stop You, Even During a Recession Period

You do not have to sink during a recession, even if you have bad credit. There are options for financing without great credit. Do some research to determine which one is best for you.  Once you find it, the real hard part begins.

This is when you have to figure out how to best use the money to move you into a better place. You must be sure to use the debt to build stronger credit. Handle it wisely and do not slip into the cycle of non-payment and further credit score trouble.

If you need the funds to bridge a cash gap, make sure you don’t have a cash leak.  Are you relying on financing to handle daily activities that you can’t fund yourself?  Figure out how to fix that problem.  Are you growing and just need the funds to do so?  Great! Don’t forget to pay your bills though.  If you do that, you can be out of the water and back on the path to success before you know it.

Don’t stop there though.  Once you are back on solid ground, take the time you need to prepare for future funding needs.  Build credit, put a recession plan in place, and make sure that the next time there’s a storm, you don’t get knocked overboard.

Note: Lender information can change without notice.  Be certain to check with individual lenders for the most up-to-date information.

The post Recession Period Business Loans: Don’t Let Bad Credit Stop You appeared first on Credit Suite.

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How to Choose The Right Email Marketing Agency

Nothing converts like email.

Email beats all other marketing channels and can generate $37 for every $1 you invest. 

Even though email marketing can generate a ton of revenue, it’s still not easy.

You need to know which email tools are best, how to use them so you don’t end up in spam folders, and how to create emails that convert.

Even for fully-staffed marketing teams, it can be overwhelming.

Email marketing agencies are perfect for overcoming these challenges.

They know how to use the tools and run fully-scaled email campaigns. They can also distill your brand and offer into great campaigns that generate revenue.

Today, I’ll walk you through how to choose an email marketing agency that’ll help you unlock all the business value email holds. 


Well, let’s start from the basics.

Know Your Goals and Desired Outcomes

Before you jump straight to the top email marketing companies and pick one to work with, it’s a good idea to pause first.


You’ll get much better results.

Famous email agencies, like the ones I’ll recommend, usually have a track record of overseeing successful email marketing strategies and campaigns.

However, it’s never a one-size-fits-all situation. 

Some agencies only excel when working on specific projects or campaigns. Others drive better results when working with specific kinds of businesses. 

Knowing your goals and desired outcomes with email marketing gives you the right lens to evaluate different agencies and know which one is best for your needs.

Not to mention, it’ll help your agency get started a lot faster. The clearer the goal, the better the outcome.

Let’s take a look at some examples. 

Example #1: Build and grow your email list

Without an email list, you can’t do email marketing. 

And if you have a small list of, say, 33 email addresses, you’ll never get the full benefits of email marketing either. 

The first step is to build your email list.

You’ll achieve this by choosing an agency with experience executing list-building campaigns to get your first 100, 1,000, or 10,000 email subscribers.  

Take yourself, for example. 

You won’t give a company your email address for nothing, right? 

Absolutely not! We all get enough spam as it is.

Similarly, most people would only subscribe to your email list in exchange for something valuable. 

In the digital marketing world, this could be an ebook, a checklist, or other forms of relevant content promoted to the audience whose emails you’re targeting. Consider choosing an email marketing agency with experience creating and promoting amazing content. The better the content, the faster your list will grow.

Example #2: Increase your email open and click-through rates 

Low open and click-through rates will destroy your list. 

If your open and click-through rates are low, you’ll run into a cascading series of problems:

  1. Your audience isn’t seeing your offers. That’s less revenue.
  2. Email service providers like Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo will notice your low performance. Then they’ll flag you as spam or stop delivering your email altogether.
  3. Now your open and click rates get even worse.
  4. Even if you improve your campaigns later, they won’t deliver nearly the same results.
  5. Improving your email reputation is REALLY hard.

Instead of risking this email cycle of doom, it’s a good idea to partner with an agency that knows what they’re doing.

They can look for early signs that something’s wrong, course-correct early, and keep your email reputation safe.

In this case, look for an email marketing agency that is exceptional at developing strategies and tactics to help increase your open and click-through rates. 

The two examples above were to show that your goals and desired outcome with email marketing go a long way in determining what agency to choose. 

They were also to demonstrate that no agency is a one-size-fits-all for all email marketing problems. 

Set your goals first, then look for an agency that specializes in those goals.

6 Characteristics That Make a Great Email Marketing Agency 

There are hundreds of email agencies out there. Maybe thousands.

And if you visit the websites of these agencies, every single one claims to be the best. 

But what characteristics make an email marketing company great? And how can you vet and choose an agency to work with?

1. Great Content Creation

Think of all the emails you receive from other companies. 

Do you know why you can’t wait to open and engage with some, but would ignore, delete, or unsubscribe from others right off the bat? 

In most cases, it’s because you don’t value the content of those emails. 

Amazing content keeps people opening and reading. Then when you send an offer, they’re willing to consider it.

Great content is the core of any serious email strategy. 

Check to see if they focus on a process for crafting engaging email content. The best ones always do.

2. An Impressive Client Portfolio

Excellent email marketing agencies didn’t achieve that status overnight. 

They worked with dozens or hundreds of brands to execute successful email campaigns. 

Because of this, they should have plenty of top-tier brands in their portfolio. And case studies that show you exactly what was done.

Not all of this can be shared publicly. But when you’re exploring options with agencies, ask for examples during your initial calls. The agency should have plenty of examples to point to. If they struggle to come up with some, look elsewhere. 

It’s a great way to quickly vet agencies of all types.

3. Thought Leadership 

Exceptional email marketing agencies are always on top of email trends. It’s constantly evolving and you don’t want to work with someone that’s using tactics from 5 years ago. 

An easy way to check for this is the agency’s blog, YouTube channel, or their own email list. Within 20-30 minutes of consuming their content, you should learn a ton. And it should all be cutting edge. 

That’s a good sign they’ll be able to apply those same tactics to your email campaigns.

4. Deep Expertise with Email Tools

Great agencies will have used them all.

If you ask them which tools are best, you’ll quickly learn:

  • Which are most popular
  • Strengths and weaknesses of each
  • The handful of tools to avoid

But don’t worry about which tool they recommend. Pay attention to their depth of knowledge when speaking with them. They’ll probably start by recommending a single tool. Then as soon as you ask any follow up questions, they should have plenty of qualifications, nuance, and detail to their answers.

You should get the feeling that the agency knows this stuff cold. If not, find someone that does.

5. Has Specific Rules to Avoid Spam

If you’ve been hit hard by spam flags, you might need an agency that specializes exclusively on reviving domains with negative email reputations.

Most of us don’t need to go that far. 

But you absolutely want to work with an agency that knows how to stay out of the spam box.

Also ask new agencies about how they stay out of spam, their processes to keep things clean, and early warnings that they like to look for.

You should be blown away with the thoroughness of their answers.

If not, keep looking.

6. A Great Company Culture

By choosing an email marketing agency to work with, you’re entering a business relationship with another business entity.

So, before you proceed, check that their company culture fits with yours.

Without a good fit on culture, you’re going to get email campaigns that don’t jive with your brand. You could anger your audience and turn them away. Or play things too safe and leave money on the table.

There’s no right answer on culture, just make sure their culture and yours fit well.

Ask for samples of recent campaigns that they’ve done. They’re likely to do similar work for you.

How to Work With an Email Marketing Agency

Working with an exceptional email marketing agency isn’t like dashing into a grocery store, filling your cart, and dashing out in a few minutes. 

There are steps you’ll need to take that ensure your partnership with one leads to business growth via email marketing. 

1. Align your in-house team

Most email marketing agencies won’t work in isolation but as an extension of your in-house digital marketing team.   

Hence, to ensure a smooth partnership between you and them, you should:

  • Have meetings with stakeholders in your company to align relevant teams on the need to work with an email agency.
  • Communicate how the agency’s work would impact your business and why it is necessary.
  • As needed, appoint employees to work directly with the email marketing agency. 

Doing this ensures team alignment between the agency and your company. Also, it keeps the agency in sync with your values, company culture, and the goals for choosing to work with them. 

2. Discovery session

As you first go out to contact an email marketing agency, they won’t jump straight into sending you a proposal or contract. 

The best email marketing agencies act like doctors who only prescribe after they diagnose. 

And to start diagnosing your challenges and goals with email marketing, expect to fill an inquiry form, followed by a discovery session.

3. Research & strategic recommendations

Before making a specific proposal, any good email marketing agency will do an extensive round of research on your current campaigns. This will include things like:

  • Signing up for your lists and looking at your current campaigns
  • Mapping out your signup flows
  • Checking landing pages and signup offers
  • Looking through social profiles and email funnels from other channels

Once they have a complete picture of where you are today, they’ll be able to put a proposal together.

4. A working contract with project deliverables

A typical work duration with an email marketing agency spans several months. 

To take on that kind of scope,agencies usually prefer to send a formal proposal and contract for you to sign.

Take your time and this stage and go through the proposal in detail. You should feel great about every piece. If you have any concerns, work through them now. It’s really easy to change scope, budget, or goals now.

Once you fee good about it, get the contract signed. 

5. Onboarding

Expect an onboarding process customized for your team after you sign the contract. 

During this step, the agency will usually ask for all your internal document and tool access. Expert to send them invites for your Google Analytics and email tools. Also put together every piece of internal documentation that you have on your email campaigns. The more info they have, the better. 

From here, the agency will get started on the work and should have regular check-in calls along the way.

How to Find The Right Email Marketing Agency For You

To choose an email marketing agency that’s right for your needs, the steps I recommend are: 

  1. Be sure about your business goals and desired outcomes from email marketing.
  2. Consider agencies with the characteristics above. 
  3. Choose an agency with expertise in the area you need help with. And where possible, also prioritize those that have worked with reputable brands.  
  4. Finally, know that email is part of your digital, and by extension, content marketing strategy. Hence, it’s best to choose a company with bandwidth for those. 

To help, we reviewed hundreds of agencies and found these to be the best.

The 5 Top Email Marketing Agencies 

#1 Neil Patel Digital – Best For Email Content

Every time you send an email, people unsubscribe.

That hurts the long-term prospects of your email list. 

Since every email has a real cost and makes your list smaller, it’s best to make them count.

The best way to do this is with great content. Your unsubscribes will be lower, your list will be more engaged, and you’ll generate more revenue in the long-run.

Content, including email content, is one of the core areas of expertise at my agency, Neil Patel Digital

#2. InboxArmy – Best for Full-service Email Management

InboxArmy comes highly recommended, as a full-service email marketing and management company. 

This agency’s services include email strategy development, template design, email automation, and other. 

InboxArmyserves companies such as Airbnb, LandCentral, and Jockey. If you’re looking for serious email pros for your B2C company, I’d reach out to them. 

#3 Fix My Churn – Best for SaaS Onboarding Emails and churn

Fix My Churn works with SaaS companies.

User onboarding emails are a very unique skill set. The content, CTAs, sending logic and tools are completely different. If you want to improve your SaaS emails, you really need experts in this area.

Fix My Churn applies top-level SaaS copywriting skills to create email onboarding and churn-eliminating sequences to turn free and trial users into happy, long-term customers. 

Led by its Founder and SaaS email expert, Val Geisler, Fix My Churn has earned a reputation as an email marketing agency for SaaS companies like Buffer, Aweber, Podia, InVision, and others. 

I’d also consider them if your have any type of subscription offer.

#4 Action Rocket – Best for Enterprise Email

Action Rocket needs no introduction as an email marketing agency for enterprise companies. 

This agency even works with leading email software companies like Campaign Monitor, MailChimp, Litmus, and others to shape the email marketing space.

Using its vast years of experience, Action Rocket strategizes and develops custom email and CRM programs for enterprise companies, including Marks & Spencer, the BBC, and others.

If you want serious muscle behind your email strategy, reach out to them.

#5 SmartMail – Best for Ecommerce Email

SmarMail is our recommended email marketing agency for ecommerce businesses. 

Every business model has its own unique challenges with email and ecommerce is no exception.

You need cart abandonment emails, promotional emails, lifescycle emails for repurchases, and receipts with guaranteed email deliverability.

This agency excels at helping online stores acquire, convert, and retain customers by strategizing and launching email marketing campaigns based on automated triggers across buyers’ lifetime cycle: 

SmartMail has an excellent track record, helping ecommerce companies generate about $187 million in revenues. Their clients include French Connection, Skechers, and others. 

Get Email Right to Drive Growth

Email marketing isn’t going anytime soon. It is here to stay.

And it generates a ton of cash. Choosing the right agency will get you that growth a lot sooner.

Set your goals, then start looking for the right agency for you.

Even if you plan on doing email inhouse, the right agency can get everything set up correctly from the beginning. That will save your team a ton of time and prevent disastrous mistakes like getting all your emails stuck in the spam folder.

The post How to Choose The Right Email Marketing Agency appeared first on Neil Patel.

13 Reasons Why Direct Mail Isn’t Dead

In an increasingly digital world, direct mail seems old and boring.

You wouldn’t drive a horse-drawn carriage to work or use a pager to contact your friends, would you?

Of course not.

Direct mail feels outdated.

But direct mail is still a great way to reach your audience, grab their attention, and connect with them on a personal level.

In 2016, The Data & Marketing Association reported that the direct mail customer response rate increased by 43%. Even better, the prospect response rate increased by 190% compared to 2015.

pasted image 0 754

Many marketers are in shock.

But the data is undeniable.

Direct mail is still effective, and using it is a game-changer for any serious marketer.

Here are 13 reasons why direct mail still isn’t dead.

1. Direct Mail has a High ROI

Would it surprise you if I said that direct mail gives you more bang for your buck than paid search and online display ads?

Well, it does.

Direct mail has a median ROI of 29%, putting the ROI in third behind email and social media marketing in terms of ROI. Social media is ahead by only 1 percentage point.

direct mail ROI chart

That might not seem very high, but when you consider that paid search has an ROI of 23% and online display at 16%, that number looks a lot more attractive.

Are you curious about what your direct-mail ROI could become? You can go here to calculate it.

calculate ROI for direct mail

That baffling ROI says nothing of direct mail’s response rate, which is 5.3% for mail sent to houses and 2.9% for prospect lists.

direct mail response rate

Now compare that number to email, which has an average click-through rate of about 2% or 3%. And that’s the click-through rate, not the response rate, which is 0.6%.

Despite what the haters say, direct mail is still holding its own against other marketing channels.

2. Direct Mail Works Great with a Digital Marketing Strategy 

Every great marketing strategy uses multiple channels.

Smart marketers wouldn’t run only Facebook Ads and call it a day.

They’d consider running Instagram ads, do paid search campaigns, and even use search engine optimization to increase traffic.

While you shouldn’t invest only in direct mail, you should consider it part of your marketing bag of tricks.

97th floor in Utah combined direct mail and digital marketing to increase loyalty with their clients.

First, they sent out a direct mailer to all of their clients with a holiday poem and a $20 bill with a scannable code next to it.

direct mail example

Endearing, right? But the beauty is when you flip over the card and look at the left-hand side. There’s a scannable code and a hashtag to use below it.

direct mail example back with tracking code

So what’s up with the $20 bill?

When someone scanned the code with their phone, it sent them to a video that encouraged them to spend $20 on someone less fortunate during the holiday season.

The agency then asked for everyone to share what they did on Twitter using the hashtag #20helps.

direct mail campaign hashtag on twitter

Combining direct mail with savvy digital-marketing techniques increases the personability of the message you’re sending.

When you give people something to do with your direct mail, such as watching a video, taking a selfie, or spending $20, few people resist the urge to participate.

3. Direct Mail is Easier to Target Than You Might Think 

On social media, targeting your audience is dead simple. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter all offer tons of targeting tools based on interests, demographics, even behavior. 

But what about sending the right message to your customers using direct mail?

Can you target your ideal client well enough to make it worth your time and money?

Yes, you can.

At USPS.com, you can use their Every Door Direct Mail tool to send mail to different customers in different areas.

USPS com Every Door Direct Mail

Start by entering your city and state or zip code.

target direct mail USPS

Hit enter. Select up to five zip codes near your location.

target direct mail USPS

Then click continue. You’ll see a map that looks something like this.

every door direct mail

When you hover your mouse over a route, the tool will show you the number of residents, number of businesses, age range, average household size, and average household income of that zone.

It even calculates the approximate cost of postage to send a mailer to that route.

everydoor direct mail cost calculator

As long as you already know who your target audience is, direct mail can be highly specific.

4. Direct Mail is Trackable (Yes, really) 

Technically, there is no automatic way to track direct mail response rates, ROI, and general engagement. Unlike a Facebook ad, you can’t track that the user went from your ad to your product page. 

Maybe a customer visits your website after seeing your direct-mail piece. While this person would count as a lead from your website, they should be a lead from your direct-mail campaign.

But wait, I just said direct mail is trackable. 

It’s a little more complex, but tracking direct mail is totally doable. 

Here are a few tricks you can use to find out how well your direct-mail campaign is working.

First, if your goal is to get someone to call you, choose a unique phone number for that direct-mail campaign.

10 Tips for Sending Real Estate Direct Mail with examples

Similar to this, if your goal is to get people to visit your website, you can create a unique landing page to track your results.

When people visit or click on the landing page, you’ll know that they came from that direct-mail campaign.

10 Tips for Sending Real Estate Direct Mail with examples 1

Whatever CTA you choose for your direct mail campaign, use a unique tracking device, whether that is a phone number or website URL.

Then, you can count it as a lead from your direct-mail campaign.

5. Direct Mail is Less Common 

At first glance, that might not seem like a good thing.

Maybe fewer marketers are using direct mail because it doesn’t work.

As I’ve already shown you with the above statistics, that isn’t the case.

The answer is simple. Since everyone is familiar with digital marketing, it’s easier to start getting results than a direct-mail campaign. So fewer people do it.

In 2016, there was a 2% decrease in direct mail delivered from the previous year.

direct mail increase stastics

Why is that a good thing for your direct-mail campaign?

When fewer marketers are sending mail, your piece has a higher chance of standing out.

Think about how much harder it is today to rank in Google. If I type in “how to send awesome direct mail,” Google only shows me 10 results out of 6,470,000 possible answers.

how to send awesome direct mail Google Search

In other words, the internet is full of marketing messages.

But mailboxes aren’t.

And that’s why direct mail still works so well in this digital age. Since it takes a bit more work than other digital marketing strategies, it’s less common and more effective.

6. Direct Mail Gives a Feeling of Romanticism

Like hot baths and candlelit dinners, direct mail has become romanticized in our culture.

Think about it. When you receive a handwritten letter from someone, what do you do?

You get excited. Someone cares enough to write you a letter. It’s not very often that you receive something like this.

What do you do next?

I’ll bet you sit down and read every word of that letter. But it’s not just you who loves getting letters.

73% of people said that they prefer direct mail as an advertising method.

customers prefer direct mail stat

And, 59% of US consumers say they actually enjoy getting mail from brands. 

Since people are receiving less direct mail, each piece of mail is more exciting.

Especially if your direct mail is handwritten. Even if you add your signature.

In a world where everything gets written by a machine, handwriting on a direct-mail piece is a touch that receivers won’t be able to ignore.

Just check out this example from BiggerPockets.

direct mail envelope example

It’s more like getting a personal letter from a friend than a marketing message from a business.

7. Direct Mail is Tangible

Imagine this. You receive a coupon in the mail for $10 off your next meal at your favorite local pub.

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If you’re like me, you set the coupon on your refrigerator for future use.

Then, you pretty much forget about it. For the next few weeks, the coupon sits in your kitchen with other unused direct-mail offers.

But one night, your buddy calls and wants to watch the big game at a restaurant. As you’re trying to decide where to go, you remember, “Oh! I have a coupon for our favorite pub.”

And at that moment, the coupon decides for you.

Even though the coupon is for just $10.

You could do the same thing with a haircut business.

direct mail example superucts

Or an ecommerce store. No brick-and-mortar location needed.

direct mail example discount contacts

Since direct mail is tangible, it sticks around. It clutters physical space.

Email is easy to forget about because it’s just a number on a screen.

As a general rule of thumb, about two percent of online advertisements garner our attention each day. In other words, only about 100 out of every 5,000 ad exposures have any meaningful impact on consumers.

But direct mail is unavoidable.

About 66% of people have purchased a product because of direct mail.

If your direct mail piece has a special offer, most people will save it for future use, and then they won’t be able to forget about it.

8. Direct Mail Gets Undivided Attention

A certain fear accompanies direct mail.

What do I mean?

When you open the mailbox and pull out a small stack of letters, you won’t throw away any of the mail without glancing at it first.

You don’t immediately know which piece of mail requires your attention and which one you’re uninterested in. There is a fear that you might miss out on something important.

Because of that, you don’t want to throw mail away without taking a peek at it first.


When you receive an email, you probably have at least four (or forty) other tabs open on your computer. There are a bunch of notifications dinging on your phone and laptop.

The average American consumer is exposed to thousands of advertisements per day. In fact, it’s not unusual for the average consumer to see more than three hundred advertisements, of various sorts, within the first hour of waking up. 

But when you receive a piece of direct mail, you’re at home, after work, with some extra time to view each letter.

Direct mail naturally gets more attention because there are fewer distractions when people see it.

9. Direct Mail Increases Brand Awareness

As I’ve shown you, direct mail is tangible, meaning it has the potential to stick around for a long time in someone’s house.

For this reason, consistent mailing increases awareness of your brand.


Consider this piece of direct mail from Le Tote.

direct mail example from le tote

The front has the value proposition and offer, while the back demonstrates how easy it makes your life.

direct mail example le tote 2

Since this postcard offers a coupon, there’s a good chance that the recipients will save it for a later date.

But what if they don’t use it later?

What if they see it, read it, and then throw it away?

Did you just lose money on a poor direct-mail campaign?

Not necessarily.

Sure, your recipients might not have interest in your offer right now. But they saw your logo, your brand name, and what you do.

If there comes a day when they want your product, they might just visit your website and buy something from you.

Before the direct mail piece, there was no chance of that because they didn’t know who you were — that’s the power of branding

And that’s a win for any marketer.

10. Direct Mail is for All Age Groups.

I consider this one of the most compelling reasons that direct mail still isn’t dead.

If you send an email, use Facebook Ads, or do any online marketing, your chance of reaching an older demographic isn’t very high. 

Around 62% of people over the age of 70 use a smartphone. That percentage decreases all the way to 17% as the age increases.

Only 46% of American adults over the age of 65 use Facebook. And while that number is on the rise, that still means over half of older adults can’t be targeted on the larges social media platform in the world. 

In fact, 33% of senior adults don’t even access the internet. 

direct mail guide: senior internet usage chart

Conversely, direct mail reaches everyone, the young, and the old alike. Everyone checks the mail, and because of that, your postcards and coupons can turn just about anyone into a customer.

11. Direct Mail is Creative

When it comes to direct mail and creativity, the sky’s the limit.

Because direct mail is a physical product, sending stuff that stands out is just a matter of having fun with it.

This example from ADT is a bit controversial in its execution. But it’s a great example of creative direct-mail marketing in action.

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Here’s how it works.

A letter-sized card slides under the door to the house of the receiver. But the letter is carefully engineered to pop-up into a box once it’s under the door.

On the box, it reads, “Breaking into your apartment is easier than you think.”

When someone sees it, they might immediately think, “What the… Did someone break into my house?!”

ADT highlighted a problem in action. What’s a good solution? Get an ADT security system.

On the less controversial side of things, a gym in Brazil struggled with members quitting because they didn’t see immediate results from their workouts.

As a reminder that getting results takes consistent time in the gym, they sent out calendars to their members that illustrated the gradual progress they’d see if they stuck with the program.

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Coming up with flashy ideas is not easy. If you’re not naturally creative, then talk with someone who is.

If a security-system brand and a gym can come up with interesting direct-mail pieces, the chances are that you can too.

It might just take a little extra thought.

12. Direct Mail is Multi-Sensory

With digital marketing, it’s impossible to hit all of the senses and difficult to hit more than two.

The five senses are touch, hearing, sight, taste, and smell.

At most, a digital campaign can only focus on sight and hearing. By making a digital ad interactive, some smart marketers can appeal to someone’s sense of touch. But even that experience is not the same.

By making a digital ad interactive, some smart marketers can appeal to someone’s sense of touch. But even that experience is not the same.

Everyone experiences the world through their senses. Direct mail can take advantage of all 5 of them.

George Patterson Y&R Melbourne sent out a cardboard box with two knobs on it and a baggy of electronic components. It included everything necessary to build an FM radio.

Everything, except for one thing: instructions.

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The mail piece went out to college engineering students.

When they put together the radio, an ad played, offering the student a fast track to an exciting military career.

Talk about multi-sensory. This cardboard radio took advantage of three senses, and some might argue 4 with the smell of cardboard.

Consider this KitKat mailer.

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This direct mail piece acts as if you ordered a KitKat to your mailbox, implying that it was too “chunky” to arrive at your home.

Although there are technically only two senses involved, sight and touch, this piece does a good job of including taste by emphasizing the “chunky”-ness of a KitKat.

Not to mention, it’s fully interactive as you walk to the store.

Because humans experience the world through five senses, the more of these that your direct mail activates, the more likely recipients will engage with your message.

13. Direct Mail is Memorable

Advertisements now flash before our eyes at blazing speeds. Each time we search, stream, watch, read, scroll, click, or swipe, we are bombarded by advertisements.

But direct mail stands out. 

Imagine putting together a radio delivered to your mailbox.

Maybe you receive a box near your door that reads, “Breaking into your house is easy.”

Or you get a funny mailer from KitKat that says your candy bar was too “chunky” to arrive at your home.

Or you get a tiny record player in the mail.

direct mail example

If you’re like most people, you’ll tell your friends about these memorable pieces of marketing genius.

Because direct mail is tangible and endlessly creative, it sticks with your audience.

As long as you take the time to put together an amazing piece of direct mail, your audience won’t quickly forget the message you sent.


The expansion of digital marketing has only enhanced the return on investment for direct mail campaigns. 

If you’re wondering why direct mail should take a place in your marketing tool belt, the above 13 reasons are answer enough.

Direct mail campaigns give a high ROI and even a higher ROI than paid ads. They can work effectively in a campaign by themselves or alongside a digital-marketing campaign.

You can use direct mail to target the right customers at the right time. And it’s easy to track the results of each campaign you run.

With direct mail becoming less common, there is less noise. You can capture the undivided attention of your customers with its romantic appeal.

Because direct mail is more likely to get read, it increases your brand awareness, even if the first letter is unsuccessful.

Unlike digital campaigns, direct mail has a larger appeal to every age group.

Since direct mail is a physical product, it allows room for creativity. Thus it can appeal to more senses, leaving a lasting and memorable impact on your customer.

In the end, direct mail is powerful because it’s different from the digital way of doing things.

I get hundreds of emails every week. But I get a fraction of that number in the form of letters in my mailbox.

To stand out in a world where everything has gone electronic, consider complementing your digital marketing strategy with a direct-mail campaign.

It’s a missing personal touch in a hectic world.

And as every great marketer knows, being personal pays off.

What is the biggest reason you think that direct mail is still going strong?

The post 13 Reasons Why Direct Mail Isn’t Dead appeared first on Neil Patel.

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