Marketing Analytics: Everything You Need to Know To Start Leveraging it Today

When’s the last time you attempted to make a recipe in the dark? I’d venture to guess you’ve never done so. It’s unnecessary and reckless. Would you be surprised to learn, then, that more than 60 percent of companies have ignored marketing analytics data when making marketing campaign decisions?

Just like making a recipe in the dark is unnecessary and reckless, so too is ignoring the invaluable marketing data when making expensive and time-consuming decisions for your business.

In this post, we’ll introduce marketing analytics and its benefits. We’ll cover the types of marketing data and how to create your own report. Finally, we’ll highlight three examples of companies that used digital marketing analytics to their advantage.

What Is Marketing Analytics?

Marketing analytics is the use of data to evaluate the performance of a marketing activity or collective marketing efforts.

From 2012 to 2020, the share of projects where marketing analytics were used to make a decision has ranged from 29 percent to 43.5 percent. While this number seems low, it does go to show that using marketing analytics to drive your own business’s campaigns will give you an edge against the competition.

Why Is Marketing Analytics Important?

Before we get into the nitty-gritty details, it helps to understand why marketing analytics is so important. While some companies may argue that analytics data isn’t crucial to their business, others will stake their success solely on their ability to follow the data.

Perhaps the greatest benefit to digital marketing analytics is the ability for businesses to understand big-picture marketing trends and forecast future results.

On a micro level, marketing analytics can help a business to understand the ROI of their individual programs. This can help them to determine which programs to cut and which programs to invest in. It will also teach them what they need to know for future projects.

Finally, consider that sophisticated marketers (those who utilize 5 or more analytics tools) are 39 percent more likely to see an overall performance improvement in their marketing programs. Just imagine what that growth could look like across your portfolio!

Types of Marketing Analytics Data

When it comes to marketing analytics data, there are three categories it can fall into. Here’s a description of each, as well as examples of the metrics used.

Descriptive Analytics

Descriptive analytics provide insights into the current state of your business. They answer the question, “what is happening now?”

The types of metrics you’ll see here are surface level. They provide a quick snapshot of the business as it is today but without any analysis or reasoning behind it. These metrics include page views, revenue, units sold, average unit price, and conversion rate.

Diagnostic Analytics

Diagnostic analytics provide a root cause as to the descriptive analytics. That is, they answer the question, “why is this happening?”

When you have questions about your descriptive metrics mentioned above, you’ll dig into the diagnostic metrics. These dig deeper to find the cause of the diagnostic metrics by looking at things such as traffic sources, bounce rates, exit rates, and last touch channels.

Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics provide a look into the future of your business. They answer the question, “what’s likely to happen in the future based on past and current trends?”

As you can imagine, predictive analytics requires more sophisticated input. While you can pull descriptive and diagnostic analytics and make connections, you cannot do so easily with predictive analytics. Instead, you’ll typically need the help of a predictive modeling tool or a data analyst.

How to Create a Marketing Analytics Report

If you’ve been tasked with creating a digital marketing analytics report for your business, the steps below will help to get you started.

1. Pull the Raw Data

Where does it all begin? With the raw data.

How you pull your data will depend on the tools and platforms you use. There are many free and paid options available and you may find yourself using more than one to get a fuller picture.

Step one of creating a marketing analytics report.

Google Analytics is a free tool that provides you with in-depth website analytics. If you’re using an e-commerce platform like Shopify, you may also have access to free analytics within your account. Paid options include HubSpot, Domo, and Tableau.

2. Understand Your Audience

There are two important questions to answer before you compile your data. They are:

  1. What’s the purpose of your marketing report?
  2. Who’s the audience for your marketing report?

To answer those questions, you’ll want to dig deeper by answering the following:

Are you pulling the data just to get a snapshot of the business, or is there something more specific in mind? Are you delivering the report to top-level executives or a direct manager? How will this data be used? How often will this data report need to be compiled?

A weekly report on the state of the business to your direct manager will look completely different than an analysis of a business unit to the CFO of the company.

3. Highlight the KPIs That Matter

You have the data and you know the purpose and audience for your report. Now it’s time to ensure you’re highlighting the right data in your report. This will come down to understanding the type of data analytics you’ll need to answer to your audience (e.g., descriptive, diagnostic, predictive).

Let’s say you’re tasked with reporting on the launch of your company’s newest product. It hit the virtual shelves two weeks ago and it’s time to evaluate its initial success. What does this look like?

Here you’ll be pulling descriptive analytics. This includes metrics like product page views, add to carts, revenue, and conversion rate.

It doesn’t end there, though, because your audience will likely want to know whythe above metrics are what they are. Whether they’re below or above the target goals, it’s good to understand what happened to get you where you are.

This means you’ll also be pulling diagnostic metrics like last touch channel and traffic source. You can also dig into the customer demographics and behaviors.

A screenshot of a variety of metrics in Google Analytics.
Step three of creating a marketing analytics report.

With this data, your report will begin to shape itself into more of a story than just a bunch of KPIs and graphs.

4. Use Visuals to Break Down the Data

You have the data, you know your audience, and you have your story. Now it’s time to consider the best way to tell your story to make sense to your entire audience. Visuals are a crucial way of doing so.

Visuals include graphs, charts, maps, funnels, and Venn diagrams. They are a great way to help you see your data in a new light andtell your story more effectively.

The good news is most analytics tools offer a suite of visualization tools so you don’t have to find yourself reinventing the wheel. However, programs like Microsoft Excel also make it incredibly easy to turn raw data into visualizations.

Examples of Marketing Analytics

It can be inspiring to see how other businesses are using marketing analytics to inform their decisions. Here are three examples for you to consider.

Marketing Analytics Example #1: Costa Rican Vacations

Averages are used frequently when evaluating marketing analytics. There is nothing inherently wrong with this approach, but as we’ll see below, it can be good to look at those outliers to determine the true efficacy of the average.

Looking beyond the average customer for Costa Rican Vacations has resulted in a 40 percent increase in website conversion.

According to Casey Halloran, the Co-Founder and CEO of Costa Rican Vacations, their team frequently looks to averages to inform their decisions: average spend, the average length of stay, and the average number of travelers.

Upon taking a deeper dive into the data, they realized the average number was so far off the actual customers’ metrics due to the extremes of the outliers. That is, the majority of their customers were on one end of the spectrum or the other with very few actually falling into the middle.

With this information, Costa Rican Vacations made a shift in its product offering. One way they did so was by adjusting the total budget slider on their homepage to go up to $20,000.

An image of the Costa Rican Vacations booking page.
An example of marketing analytics from Costa Rican Vacations.

By doing so, they opened up their offering to a new, higher spending customer base and increase website conversions by 40 percent.

Other businesses, too, can benefit from this example. After all, how often do we look at averages and medians without considering the impact of our marketing decisions on the outliers? With this in mind, take time to truly understand how average your average customer really is, or whether they’re simply a product of extremes on either end.

Marketing Analytics Example #2: Allrecipes

Allrecipes is the world’s largest digital food brand. It boasts 18 websites in 23 countries and more than 85 million users. No matter how large your brand, there’s always the competition to consider. To maintain their competitive advantage, Allrecipes worked with Tableau to better understand every stage of the customer journey.

The brand had several primary objectives, including to:

  • improve user experience
  • increase video engagement
  • drive mobile engagement
  • inform product strategy
  • expand user base
  • grow advertising revenue

Allrecipes leveraged Tableau, a business intelligence platform to visualize data all in one place. With custom dashboards and organizational collaboration, the brand was able to achieve numerous goals. In particular, let’s look at how Tableau’s device-level analytics enabled them to drive mobile engagement.

According to Esmee Williams, the VP of Consumer and Brand Strategy, mobile usage had increased from 8 percent to three-fourths of all visits in recent years.

The goal was to increase mobile usage while also providing a continuous experience across devices. They performed an A/B test which showed the mobile site on all devices as a way to learn more about how users interacted with mobile site elements.

An image of an Allrecipes page with various foods.
An example of A/B testing in marketing analytics from Allrecipes.

Using Tableau’s digital marketing analytics collection and visualization tools, Allrecipes used the data they collected to improve the mobile site. This included optimizing content and encouraging photo uploads with an easy-to-use interface.

While you don’t need to perform a cross-device A/B test to get these same results, your business too should evaluate mobile device engagement to understand customer behavior. Only then can you implement changes that have a measurable impact on customer engagement metrics.

Marketing Analytics Example #3: Netflix

Let’s end our examples with a titan of industry, Netflix.

Netflix has a customer retention rate of 90 percent which is far above Amazon Prime’s 75 percent and Hulu’s 64 percent. What is it that drives Netflix’s success? According to Netflix, its success is largely due to the collection and use of customer behavior analytics.

What kinds of data does Netflix collect and feed to their algorithm? Here are a few examples:

  • What time and date did a user watch a show?
  • What device was used to watch the show?
  • If the user pauses the show, do they resume watching?
  • Does the user binge-watch an entire season of a TV show?
  • If they do, how much time does it take to binge-watch it?

Of course, Netflix also looks to interactions the customer has with their shows and movies. If a user selects a show based on the 96 percent recommended rate by Netflix, does the customer finish the series? Do they rate the series well?

An image of the Netflix homepage.
An example of Netflix using marketing analytics to improve their customer experience.

With more than 150 million subscribers, Netflix has a large data pool from which to gather insights. This is critical to their success considering 80 percent of viewer activity is triggered by algorithmic personalized recommendations.

Marketing Analytics Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about marketing analytics.

Are there additional types of marketing analytics data?

In addition to the three marketing analytics data types listed above (descriptive, diagnostic, and predictive), there are also said to be prescriptive analytics and cognitive analytics.

What are the three main components of a marketing analytics campaign?

Your digital marketing analytics campaign should be scalable, sustainable, and affordable.

What are the best marketing analytics tools on the market?

The needs of your business will largely inform your decision on marketing analytics tools. However, a few tools to consider are Tableau, Power BI, and Adobe Reporting.

Does my business need a data analyst to decipher our marketing analytics?

A data analyst can certainly offer important insights for your business. For small and medium-sized businesses, though, they likely aren’t necessary.

Marketing Analytics Conclusion

Marketing analytics is more than just a collection of data. It provides invaluable insights that could have otherwise gone unnoticed.

After all, when you’re making big decisions regarding your business’s marketing campaigns and programs, you need to evaluate all of the data available to you. Only with a proper analysis of previous data and current trends can you ensure you’re making the best decisions for your company’s bottom line.

What percent of your business’s marketing decisions are made using analytics?

Here’s a Customized List of Keywords You Can Rank For Today

Everyone says SEO takes a while and it does.

Especially if you want to rank for competitive terms like “auto insurance” or “credit cards”.

But there must be a list of keywords that you can rank for today that is super easy to rank for, yet the keywords are still good in which they will drive traffic and sales.

And to help you find those keywords we released a new Ubersuggest feature that will show you a list of keywords that are perfect for your site in less than 60 seconds.

What do you consider “easy” Neil?

What’s easy for my site to rank for, maybe hard for your site.

And what may be easy for Wikipedia to rank for, maybe hard for my site.

“Easy” is very relative to the site. Depending on your domain authority and the age of your site, a keyword could be easy or hard to rank for.

So, with Ubersuggest, we took that into account when it came to giving you a list of keywords that are “easy” to rank for.

The list is based on your site and what would be easy for you. We base that on a wide variety of factors such as domain authority, age of the site, what you currently rank for, and your current organic traffic level.

How to find easy keywords that are still valuable

Now let’s go find you some keywords that you can start ranking for.

I want you to head over to Ubersuggest and type in a keyword related to your space and click on “Search”.

If you are unsure what keyword to type in, it can be any related to your website and it can be generic. For example, if you have a site that sells “dog food” you can type in the keyword “dog food” or even something like “dog”.

For this example, I used the term “digital marketing” as the site isn’t just about SEO I cover all aspects of online marketing.

You should see a report that looks something like this.

It’s an overview of the keyword. It tells you how many people search for the keyword each month. It even breaks down how many people search for that keyword on mobile and desktop devices.

In the left-hand navigation click on “keyword ideas”.

You’ll see a report that looks something like this:

This report is showing you all the similar keywords of the phrase you typed in. In this case, these are all the words and phrases related to digital marketing. There are also tabs on that report, such as related, questions, prepositions, and comparisons. These tabs show even more keyword ideas for you.

Now click on the button that says “Page 1 Ranking Potential”:

Once you enter your domain you’ll see all the keywords you can rank for.

When I put, my ad agency, it filters the results and shows me keywords that are easier to rank for.

When I put in it doesn’t really filter much because the site has so much authority I have the ability to rank for most keywords.

When I put in brand new sites it filters much more. Like when I put in my holding company site it shows me keywords that aren’t competitive at all, but of course, I have even a smaller list as I barely have any authority with that site.

Once you have a list, I want you to look for keywords that contain the following traits:

  • Traffic greater than 100 – even if a keyword is searched 100 times it doesn’t mean you will get 100 visits if you rank number 1. You will only get a fraction of that. So you don’t want to aim too small.
  • High CPC – CPC stands for cost per click. That is what someone pays per click if they advertised on Google Ads. The higher the number the better as it typically means the keyword converts from a visitor to a customer standpoint.
  • Low SEO difficulty – the lower the “SD” or “SEO difficulty” number the easier the keyword is to rank for. So, target keywords with the lowest number first assuming they meet the above 2 points as well.
  • Relevancy – even if a keyword meets the above 3 points, you have to make sure the keyword is relevant to your business. If it isn’t related to what you do then you wouldn’t want to waste your time targeting it. Traffic for the sake of traffic is just a waste of money because you are putting in time and energy optimizing your site for keywords.


SEO is great, but it does take time.

It’s the reason why some people think SEO is dead when it really isn’t. It is just more so competitive and takes longer to rank for popular terms.

So, give this new feature a try. Head over to Ubersuggest and put in a keyword and see what is easy for you to rank for today.

What do you think about the new feature?

You Can Build EIN Credit Today

Did You Know You Can Build EIN Credit?

Yes, you really can build EIN credit for your business.

But let’s start with some definitions and background on business credit.

Business Credit

This is credit in a business’s name. It is not tied to the owner’s creditworthiness. Instead, business credit scores depend on how well a company can pay its bills. Hence consumer and business credit scores can vary dramatically.

Business Credit Benefits

There are no demands for a personal guarantee. You can quickly get business credit regardless of personal credit quality. And there is no personal credit reporting of business accounts. Business credit utilization won’t affect your consumer FICO score. Plus the business owner isn’t personally liable for the debt the business incurs. This can be true for you as you build EIN credit for your business.

Another advantage is that even startup businesses can do this. Visiting a bank for a business loan can be a recipe for frustration. But building business credit, when done correctly, is a plan for success.

Consumer credit scores depend on payments but also various other factors like credit utilization percentages.

But for company credit, the scores truly just hinge on if a small business pays its invoices timely.

Business Credit Details

Being accepted for business credit is not automatic. Building business credit requires some work. Some of the steps are intuitive, and some of them are not.

Vendors are a big component of this process.

Doing the steps out of sequence results in repetitive rejections. No one can start at the top with business credit. For example, you can’t start with retail or cash credit from your bank. If you do, you’ll get a rejection 100% of the time.

Company Fundability to Build EIN Credit

A company must be fundable to lending institutions and vendors.

That is why, a small business needs a professional-looking website and email address. And it needs to have site hosting from a company such as GoDaddy.

Additionally, business phone numbers need to have a listing on 411. You can do that here:

Also, the business telephone number should be toll-free (800 exchange or the equivalent).

A company also needs a bank account devoted strictly to it, and it must have every one of the licenses essential for running.

These licenses all have to be in the identical, accurate name of the company. And they must have the same company address and telephone numbers.

So keep in mind, that this means not just state licenses, but possibly also city licenses.

Keep your business protected with our professional business credit monitoring.

Working with the Internal Revenue Service to Build EIN Credit

Visit the Internal Revenue Service website and get an EIN for the company. They’re free of charge. Select a business entity like corporation, LLC, etc.

A small business may get started as a sole proprietor. But they absolutely need to change to a form of corporation or an LLC.

This is to decrease risk. And it will make the most of tax benefits.

A business entity matters when it involves taxes and liability in the event of a lawsuit. A sole proprietorship means the business owner is it when it comes to liability and taxes. No one else is responsible.

The best thing to do is to incorporate. You should only look at a DBA as an interim step on the way to incorporation.

Starting to Build EIN Credit

Start at the D&B web site and get a totally free D-U-N-S number. A D-U-N-S number is how D&B gets a small business into their system, to produce a PAYDEX score. If there is no D-U-N-S number, then there is no record and no PAYDEX score.

Once in D&B’s system, search Equifax and Experian’s web sites for the company. You can do this at If there is a record with them, check it for correctness and completeness. If there are no records with them, go to the next step in the process.

This way, Experian and Equifax have something to report on.

Starter Vendor Credit

First you should build tradelines that report. Then you’ll have an established credit profile, and you’ll get a business credit score.

And with an established business credit profile and score you can begin to get credit for numerous purposes, and from all sorts of places.

These kinds of accounts tend to be for things bought all the time, like marketing materials, shipping boxes, outdoor work wear, ink and toner, and office furniture.

But first of all, what is trade credit? These trade lines are credit issuers who give you starter credit when you have none now. Terms are generally Net 30, versus revolving.

Therefore, if you get an approval for $1,000 in vendor credit and use all of it, you need to pay that money back in a set term, like within 30 days on a Net 30 account.


Net 30 accounts must be paid in full within 30 days. 60 accounts must be paid completely within 60 days. Unlike revolving accounts, you have a set time when you must pay back what you borrowed or the credit you made use of.

To launch your business credit profile the proper way, you should get approval for vendor accounts that report to the business credit reporting bureaus. When that’s done, you can then use the credit.

Then pay back what you used, and the account is on report to Dun & Bradstreet, Experian, or Equifax.

Vendor Credit – It Makes Sense

Not every vendor can help in the same way true starter credit can. These are vendors that grant approval with a minimum of effort. You also need them to be reporting to one or more of the big three CRAs: Dun & Bradstreet, Equifax, and Experian.

As you get starter credit, you can also start to get credit from retailers. Here are some stellar choices from us:


Uline is a true starter vendor. You can find them online at They sell shipping, packing, and industrial supplies, and they report to Dun & Bradstreet and Experian. You MUST have a D-U-N-S number and an EIN before starting with them. They will ask for your corporate bank information. Your company address must be uniform everywhere. You need for an order to be $50 or more before they’ll report it. Your first few orders may need to be prepaid initially so your business can get approval for Net 30 terms.

  • How to apply with them:
  • Add an item to your shopping cart
  • Go to checkout
  • Select to Open an Account
  • Select to be invoiced


Check out starter vendor Marathon. Marathon Petroleum Company provides transportation fuels, asphalt, and specialty products throughout the United States. Their comprehensive product line supports commercial, industrial, and retail operations. This card reports to Dun & Bradstreet, Experian, and Equifax. Before applying for multiple accounts with WEX Fleet cards, make sure to have enough time in between applying so they don’t red-flag your account for fraud.

To qualify, you need:

  • Entity in good standing with Secretary of State
  • EIN number with IRS
  • Business address- matching everywhere.
  • D-U-N-S number
  • Business License (if applicable)
  • And a business bank account
  • Business phone number listed on 411

Your SSN is required for informational purposes. If concerned they will pull your personal credit talk to their credit department before applying. You can give a $500 deposit instead of using a personal guarantee, if in business less than a year. Apply online. Terms are Net 15. Get it here:

Grainger Industrial Supply

Grainger Industrial Supply is likewise a true starter vendor. You can find them online at They sell hardware, power tools, pumps and more. They also do fleet maintenance. And they report to D&B. You need a business license, EIN, and a D-U-N-S number.

  • To qualify, you need the following:
  • A business license (if applicable)
  • An EIN number
  • A company address matching everywhere
  • A corporate bank account
  • A D-U-N-S number from Dun & Bradstreet

Your business entity must be in good standing with the applicable Secretary of State. If your business doesn’t have established credit, they will require additional documents. So, these are items like accounts payable, income statement, balance sheets, and the like.

Apply online or over the phone.

Accounts That Do Not Report

Non-reporting trade accounts can also be helpful. While you do want trade accounts to report to a minimum of one of the CRAs, a trade account which does not report can still be of some value.

You can always ask non-reporting accounts for trade references. And also, credit accounts of any sort ought to help you to better even out business expenditures, thus making financial planning simpler.

Store Credit

Store credit comes from a variety of retail service providers.

You must use your SSN and date of birth on these applications for verification purposes. For credit checks and guarantees, use the company’s EIN on these credit applications.

Fleet Credit

Fleet credit is from service providers where you can purchase fuel and fix and take care of vehicles. You must use your SSN and date of birth on these applications for verification purposes. For credit checks and guarantees, make certain to apply using the company’s EIN.

Keep your business protected with our professional business credit monitoring.

Cash Credit

These are businesses such as Visa and MasterCard. You must use your SSN and date of birth on these applications for verification purposes. For credit checks and guarantees, use your EIN instead.

These are frequently MasterCard credit cards.

Monitor Your Business Credit

Know what is happening with your credit. Make certain it is being reported and address any errors as soon as possible. Get in the practice of checking credit reports. Dig into the particulars, not just the scores.

We can help you monitor business credit at Experian, Equifax, and D&B for a lot less than it would cost you at the CRAs. See:

Update Your Information

Update the info if there are inaccuracies or the data is incomplete.

Fix Your Business Credit

So, what’s all this monitoring for? It’s to challenge any errors in your records. Mistakes in your credit report(s) can be taken care of. But the CRAs usually want you to dispute in a particular way.


Disputing credit report mistakes typically means you send a paper letter with copies of any proof of payment with it. These are documents like receipts and cancelled checks. Never send the originals. Always mail copies and keep the original copies.

Fixing credit report errors also means you specifically detail any charges you challenge. Make your dispute letter as clear as possible. Be specific about the concerns with your report. Use certified mail to have proof that you sent in your dispute.

Keep your business protected with our professional business credit monitoring.

A Word about How to Build EIN Credit

Always use credit smartly! Never borrow more than what you can pay off. Monitor balances and deadlines for repayments. Paying on schedule and fully does more to increase business credit scores than nearly anything else.

Building small business credit pays off. Excellent business credit scores help a small business get loans. Your lender knows the small business can pay its financial obligations. They know the company is for real.

The small business’s EIN links to high scores and loan providers won’t feel the need to request a personal guarantee.

How to Build EIN Credit: Takeaways

Business credit is an asset which can help your small business for years to come. Learn more here and get started toward establishing small business credit.

The post You Can Build EIN Credit Today appeared first on Credit Suite.

How to Adapt Your SEO to Google’s Core Web Vitals and Core Update [FREE WEBINAR TODAY]

Confused about Google’s core web vitals update? Not sure what it means for your SEO? Join my free live webinar on June 29th at 8 a.m. PST to learn more. I’ll cover what core web vitals are, why they matter, and what changes you need to make to your website.

Sign up for the core web vitals webinar free here.

When Google updates roll out, there are usually a few people who think that SEO is dead and the sky is falling.

The good news about the core web vitals update (and the core update) is the sky isn’t falling. However, there are a few changes you’ll want to make.

What Are Google’s Core Web Vitals?

If this is the first you’re hearing about the core web vitals update, here’s a quick rundown:

In May 2020, Google announced user experience would become part of their ranking criteria. The factors they’re looking at include:

  • Mobile-friendly: Sites should be optimized for mobile browsing.
  • Safe-browsing: Sites should not contain misleading content or malicious software.
  • HTTPS: The page is served in HTTPS.
  • No intrusives: No popups or other features that block the main content.
  • Core Web Vitals: Fast load times with elements of interactivity and visual stability.

The goal, according to Google, is to deliver a better user experience, which is crucial to the long-term success of websites.

There’s a good chance you’re already doing most of this. However, the core web vitals gets a bit more complicated than just improving page speed. It also looks at things like the largest contentful paint, the first input, and cumulative layout shift.

core web vitals google webinar neil patel

These sound complex, but they aren’t.

These features look at how long it takes for your page to start displaying the most important elements, how quickly your site responds to user interactions, and how often layout shifts impact the user experience.

Essentially, Google wants to reward sites that are easy for users to use — which is nothing new. How Google decides which sites are easier to use has changed slightly, which is why marketers are paying attention.

What You’ll Learn in the Google’s Core Web Vitals and Core Update Webinar on June 29th

In this webinar, I’ll cover what you need to know about Google’s core web vitals and the core update, including:

  • What core web vitals are and how to prepare your site for the upcoming changes.
  • Why most users leave your website in just seconds, and what to do about it.
  • Methods that SEO agencies will never tell you because they’d rather sell their own solutions.
  • Three simple tweaks you can make to your site that can boost your sales by 300 percent or more.

Sign Up Now: Core Web Vitals Live Webinar

I’m really excited to talk about this topic and what it means for the future of SEO. I hope you’ll join me at 8 a.m. PST. Remember, it’s free!

24 Inbound Marketing Strategies Your Startup Needs to Start Using Today

Are you ready to skyrocket your success?

If so, you need to focus your efforts on inbound marketing strategies for your startup.


It’s one of the best ways to take market share from bigger companies, and you don’t need a hefty Facebook Ads budget to compete.

Instead of broadcasting to the customer, as traditional outbound marketing does, inbound marketing focuses on creating reasons for the customer to come to you.

According to HubSpot, which coined the term “inbound marketing” back in 2006, the strategy consists of four stages.

 inbound marketing method infographic

It’s a proven system that works for the best companies in the world, and it has launched dozens of startups to stellar success.

Inbound Marketing Strategies for Start-Ups

Now that you know what is inbound marketing and how it works, let’s dive into the best strategies for inbound marketing for startups.

1.Use Facebook to Create a Target Persona

The first and most critical part of creating compelling content is understanding what your target customers want to learn.

You need to have an in-depth knowledge of your market so you can react quickly.

Here’s how you learn more about who your audience is by reviewing your Facebook Page Insights.

First, go to your Facebook page. At the top, you’ll see a button labeled Insights. Click on it.

In the sidebar that opens, click on People.

use facebook to create a target persona for your inbound marketing strategy

From there, you’re going to want to look at the Your Fans column. Check to see where the percentages lie to understand what demographics apply to your business.

use facebook demographics to create a target persona for your inbound marketing strategy

This can give you a general feel for who is interested in your startup and start forming the basis of your target persona. But that’s not all we need.

Next, we will find out what interests these people and how you can write content that appeals to what they care about.

2. Survey Your Current Customers and Leads

The easiest way to get to know your target market is through a survey.

This doesn’t have to be complicated. If you already have an email list, you can send them a simple form through SurveyMonkey.

To make this work, you only need to ask one question: “What is your biggest struggle?”

Your goal is to understand the problems they’re facing so you can create compelling content that targets their deepest interests.

3. Conduct In-Depth Interviews to Inform Your Inbound Marketing Efforts

Once you have the general feelings of your target market, it’s a good idea to start seeking out individuals you can contact for more in-depth information.

I recommend looking for a few clients or customers you’ve already acquired.

Ask them if they’d be OK with a 10-minute phone call or a video chat about their current struggles. Mention you’ll offer them advice if you can.

(Usually, customers are excited about this. It’s like a free consultation for them.)

Once you’re on the call, try to find out exactly what their biggest struggles are. Ask them to describe those struggles in the clearest language possible.

Get to exactly what frustrates them and what solutions they tried before but didn’t work.

You’ll use this data to create content.

4. Create and Share Compelling Content

The quality of the content you create is the most important feature of your inbound marketing strategy.

If you create generic, self-serving articles and videos, you’ll never see success.

No matter how hard you promote this content or how you designed it to rank well in search engines, you’re going to struggle to find new clients and customers.

The best-in-class content marketers work tirelessly to adapt their content to the target audiences they want to attract — and where they are in the customer journey.

use inbound marketing strategies to create viral content

5. Writing Enticing Headline

Understanding the customer journey and their needs is critical to making great content, but it’s not the only strategy you’ll need to draw in new customers and leads.

The most important piece of the work you create is the headline. This is what will drive the most clicks and draw in new traffic.

You should spend lots of time crafting a headline that appeals to your most targeted customers.

One of the best ways to do this is to include a bit of negativity, according to data by WordStream.

positive vs negative headlines can help with your inbound marketing strategy

Of course, you shouldn’t always have negative headlines.

But if you have a list of mistakes or talk about the worst strategies that could hurt your customer, this can be an effective way to drive traffic.

According to Demand Metric, companies with blogs generate 67 percent more leads per month than those who don’t.

If you’re going to produce this content, you need to make sure it works to its best ability.

7. Make Your Content More Visual

Humans love visual content. For your content to appeal to your ideal readers, make sure there’s more to it than just large blocks of text.

Including lots of images, charts, and graphs is a technique I use to make my content more appealing, and I’m not alone.

90 percent of bloggers include images in their posts, and those who add multiple images report stronger results.

The more visual your content, the more likely it’s likely to improve your inbound marketing efforts.

using elements in your inbound marketing strategy
using visual media in your inbound marketing strategy

6. Write In-Depth Data-Driven Articles

Instead of writing short posts, you should be doing extensive research and producing in-depth content.

According to research by Curata, long-form content generates eight times more page views, nine times more leads, and three times more social media shares than short-form content.

long form content produces more inbound marketing leads

You should be writing articles that are a few thousand words long and supported by lots of data and analysis.

This is not only better for your SEO rankings, but it’s also more helpful for your customers.

The better your content, the more likely your readers are to share it with friends, recommend your site to others, and implement what you say.

8. Use Storytelling in Your Content

Just because you base your content around data and analysis doesn’t mean it needs to be dry and academic.

You should work to produce the opposite type of content. You want to create articles that tell a story.


Using storytelling in your content (from sales pages to social media posts) is a way to create an emotional connection with your audience.

Storytelling has another powerful function. It creates brand recall. Research by Stanford University shows people are 63 percent more likely to remember a story than a statistic.

Not convinced?

Chris Haddad (a relationship coach) went from a 2 percent conversion rate to 8 percent by changing his sales page to include a relatable personal story.

How can you use this tactic in your startup? Look for opportunities to weave in stories when talking about your product or business.

Sure, your benefits and features are great, but the emotional connection you create with storytelling will close the sale and help grow your startup through inbound marketing.

bootstrappers guide inbound marketing example neil patel

9. Make a Habit Out of Guest Posting Consistently

When you look at the data, you’ll find that guest blogging is the best inbound marketing strategy.

This is because it provides you with backlinks, authority in the space, and relationships with key influencers.

But most people go about it the wrong way. If you aren’t using smart strategies to spread your startup’s message through guest posting, you might as well not do it.

If you want to reap the benefits of guest posting, you need to write consistently.

This is how the most successful startup owners have made guest blogging work well for them. Instead of a few posts, they wrote prolifically and gained ground quickly.

If you do a Google search for guest posts by Danny Iny, you’ll find dozens of pieces of content across the web.

guest post by danny iny Google Search showing the power of inbound marketing

This massive, consistent guest-posting strategy allowed him to grow his business Mirasee into the powerhouse it is today.

On his homepage, he displays an in-depth list of all the sites where he has been featured.

the power of inbound marketing and guest blogging

Dedicate some of your time to creating compelling content for other blogs to reach as many customers as possible.

10. Pitch to Blogs with Engaged Readers

Another problem I see with entrepreneurs who want to use guest posting as an inbound marketing strategy is that they don’t look for sites that will give them much ROI.

The truth is that every guest post requires work, and that’s work that needs to give you a distinct benefit in visitors or leads.

If you post on a blog that has a dead audience, you won’t get any benefit, and you’ll have wasted your time.

I like to look at the comments on different sites. For example, if I wanted to write a guest blog for WordStream, I can see their posts get lots of relevant comments.

find blogs with engaged readers for inbound marketing guest posts

This tells me the readers are engaged, and a blog post here might result in readers clicking through to my startup’s website and purchasing from me.

11. Maximize Your Results from SEO with Keyword Optimization

You need to understand SEO to achieve any success with your startup in today’s search-driven marketplace.

The most important things to focus on are basic on-page SEO and backlinks for your site and your content.

How do you do that? Keyword optimization.

You want to find specific long-tail keywords which you’d like to use for targeting your content.


Long-tail keywords have a three to five percent higher click-through rate than generic searches. 

The more specific someone is in their search, the more likely they know what they want and are close to converting into a customer.

12. Promote Your Content to Build Backlinks

Backlinks are perhaps the most important factor in your search engine results.

At the simplest level, backlinks are other sites that link to your site. There are lots of ways to increase the number of backlinks you get to your content.

backlinks for inbound marketing content

By promoting your content to other relevant influencers, you can increase the number of people that link back to you.

The exact number of backlinks you need to be successful on the search engines varies depending on the keyword, topic, and the competing sites that are ranking well now.

With careful prompting, though, you can easily outrank pages on massive sites with more authority.

Not sure where to start with backlinks? I’ve created a free backlink checker tool you can use to find out who is linking to your startup’s competition.

13. Acquire Inbound Marketing Leads with Free Content

When it’s time to convert your visitors into leads, you need bulletproof strategies to get people to give you their email addresses.

The best method I’ve seen is to offer free content in exchange for this contact information.

If your startup is in the B2B sector, or if you appeal to customers who want or need in-depth analysis before purchasing, you can make an effective lead magnet from a report.

This is a great way to get leads because the comprehensiveness of your work seems like a great deal for an email address.

HubSpot’s list of marketing statistics includes a pitch for their “State of Inbound Marketing” report. This is a detailed guide with massive amounts of high-quality data.

hubspot state of inbound marketing report

But they aren’t giving this away for free. To receive the report, you need to provide a detailed amount of information that HubSpot will use to follow up with you on their products.

use reports to collect leads for your inbound marketing

This is an effective way to drive your visitors into your sales funnel and reach them even more effectively.

14. Host a Free Webinar

One of my favorite inbound marketing techniques for startups is free webinars that encourage customers to learn in real-time.

This is great because it lets them see your face and understand your personality. Besides, lots of people will download a guide and never read it.

But if someone signs up for a webinar, you can see if they watch the whole thing.

I have used this kind of training on my homepage in the past. I didn’t call it a webinar, though. I just used the term “training.”

host a free webinar or training to collect inbound marketing leads

This is a great way to increase your leads as visitors must enter their first name and email address to access the training.

host a free webinar or training to get inbound marketing leads

Since this is such a valuable teaching piece, people who come to my website are happy to provide their email address to learn SEO better.

15. Launch an Email Course

There’s another form of content you can create that will drive new customers.

Even better, it won’t require the extensive research that a report demands or the complicated backend software necessary for a webinar.

That strategy is to create an email course. This is a simple way to provide extra value without spending tons of time creating something with design elements or video.

A great example is a free masterclass Mariah Coz offers. Because it’s a course, it makes the content feel more valuable.

create a free masterclass for your inbound marketing strategy

If you’re currently giving away an e-book for your startup and you’ve found that it isn’t converting well, consider breaking down the content into sections.

Then use each section as a separate email. You may find that an email course or a masterclass converts even better than an ebook.

16. Start an Influencer Marketing Campaign

According to a survey by Influencer Marketing Hub, 75 percent of brands have a dedicated budget for influencer marketing, and 90 percent of respondents believe it’s an effective form of advertising.

If you do this the right way, it can be a free or paid method to get people excited about your brand.

If you’re going to launch an influencer marketing campaign, you need to understand what will make it work best.

First and most importantly, you need to make sure you’re appealing to the right influencers.

This is easy to get wrong, as the people you think you’re appealing to may not be persuasive to your target audience.

The earlier research you did on your audience should be a great starting place to understand who they pay attention to, but you might need to do even more work than that.

How do you find the right influencers for your startup? You can:

  • Google phrases like “top [niche] influencers.
  • Browse hashtags on Instagram related to your niche.
  • Use Influencer platforms to connect with creators.
  • Search key phrases on Ubersuggest to find blogs that appeal to your target audience.
use Ubersuggest for inbound marketing

17. Build Relationships with Influencers

Once you know which influencers are best for your brand, you need to start targeting them specifically.

While you can just run into promotion and start spamming them with requests to share the content you created, this won’t be very effective.

You’ll irritate them and ruin the relationship.

Instead, you need to start slow and gradually build a relationship with the influencers you’d like to promote your content.

One of the best ways to reach influencers is through targeted communication on social media. You can let them know when they inspired you to write.

You should also do everything you can to help those influencers by providing communication that’s always focused on their needs.

While it may seem frustrating to always focus on them, you’ll eventually start to build a relationship that allows you to make a small request.

If you’ve built great relationships from the start, they’ll be happy to oblige.

18. Build Effective Email Campaigns

You already know that email marketing is critical to a successful inbound marketing campaign for your startup.

But are you using it effectively?

Email marketing has a massive ROI. 

According to Litmus, the average ROI was $42 for every $1 spent on emails.

ROI on email marketing as an inbound marketing strategy

But to make it work, you need to be strategic with how you promote your brand through email.

19. Send Helpful Content to Subscribers

First and foremost, you need to be useful to your subscribers. When someone signs up, you need to provide them with a reason to stay on your email list.

If you’re constantly spamming them or sending worthless content, they’ll unsubscribe and probably never return.

Instead, send emails with valuable information they can’t get anywhere else.

Buzzsumo does a great job with this in their articles and emails. Their weekly update includes a report on engagement on Facebook, based on 880-million posts.

create valuable emails to improve your inbound marketing strategy

That’s a hugely valuable piece of content I want to read.

More importantly, I want to stay subscribed to the newsletter, and I’ll keep looking forward to their emails.

This is the kind of reaction you need to build with your subscribers. If they’re looking forward to your marketing, you’re doing it correctly.

20. Stick with Email Marketing for The Long Term

You need to be in the email game for the long term.

If you’re not consistently providing great content with your inbound marketing, you’re going to be frustrated.

Instead of pitching your product immediately after someone signs up on your email list, send them a welcome sequence that gradually introduces them to what you have to offer.

According to Invesp, the average cost of a lead drops 80 percent after five months of consistent inbound marketing.

average cost of inbound marketing

If you want to save massive dollars on your marketing strategies, you need to get ready to work for a while on each prospect.

Be patient, and you’ll be thankful for the results.

21. Make Your Website Convert Like Crazy by Making it Mobile Friendly

Ultimately, the goal of much of your inbound marketing strategy is to drive people to your startup’s website.

If you’re not converting people once they arrive, however, what’s the point?

Conversion is the key to successful inbound marketing since it’s the transition from visitor to prospect.

inbound marketing helps boost your conversions infographic

You need to make sure your website is ready to convert your traffic into leads and customers.

It’s the only way to make your startup grow with the traffic you’ve worked so hard to acquire.

The first and most important way to ensure you’re getting the conversions you deserve is by making your website mobile accessible.

If your startup’s site isn’t responsive, you’re going to struggle to convert the traffic you’ve worked so hard to drive there.

According to WVO, out of 100 leading websites, only 11 were responsive. Perhaps even more telling, only seven of 148 companies felt the need for mobile optimization.

Infographic Why a Website Redesign won't fix your inbound marketing

In short, the vast majority of websites aren’t appealing to mobile users, and they aren’t putting in the work they need to make these changes.

Instead of actually converting their mobile customers, they’re losing out on valuable traffic.

Don’t let that happen to you. Make sure your site is responsive and that it works well on mobile.

22. Install Hello Bar

If you want to get more conversions from the traffic you’re sending to your site, you should consider installing Hello Bar.

use hello bar to increase inbound marketing leads

This is a simple tool that allows you to add a signup form at the top of your website. Since it’s unobtrusive, it won’t distract from the user experience.

But since it’s always at the top of your pages, it will drive massive conversions.

It’s a great way to get a few new leads each day.

23. Drive Conversions with Content Upgrades

If you want to skyrocket the conversions you’re getting from the content you publish on your website, look no further than a content upgrade.

Unlike a traditional lead magnet, a content upgrade will optimize your highest-converting pieces of content.

A great example is the “700+ Power Word Cheat Sheet” used in the article on the topic over at OptinMonster.

700 Power Words That Will Boost Your inbound marketing Conversions

Because the people reading this article are interested in finding out more about the words that can make their writing more effective, this is a great way to encourage them to sign up.

You can do the same thing. To make this work, find a popular article and create a custom bonus that adds to the piece of content you’ve already written.

Link this in the article, and watch the new leads for your startup skyrocket.

24. Test and Refine Your Inbound Marketing Strategies

It’s no secret that I think testing is the only way to improve all kinds of marketing.

This applies to the inbound marketing strategies you’re using for your startup as well.

You need to monitor your results and make gradual improvements to different components of your campaign.

If they don’t work as expected, you should refine those strategies and try something new. But even if they do work for you, I recommend going back and making improvements.

Keeping an A/B split-test running at all times is a great way to make small but consistent changes to your marketing strategy and to make sure everything is working at its best.

Inbound Marketing Strategy FAQs

What is an inbound marketing strategy?

An inbound marketing strategy attracts prospects to your brand by creating valuable content that is relevant and helpful.

What are the five inbound principles?

The five principles of inbound marketing are standardize, contextualize, optimize, personalize, and empathize.

What are the types of inbound marketing?

Videos, blogs, pillar pages, eBooks, social media, press releases, infographics, newsletters, research papers, podcasts, webinars, and expert interviews.

How do you develop an inbound strategy?

You need to know the purpose of your content, your target audience, and how your content fits in with the buyer’s journey.

Inbound Marketing Strategies Summary

If you’re launching a startup, you want to make sure you’re implementing the best practices for extremely fast growth.

By now, you know that inbound marketing is the most effective way to increase your visitors, leads, and buyers.

You’ll need to attract customers by understanding their deepest needs, aspirations, and struggles. Using that data, create epic content that draws them in like a magnet.

Extend your reach to other sites, present your content around the web, acquire new customers, and build your influence and authority.

You’ll need to include SEO best practices so that customers can find you through search engines as well.

Once you have the traffic, convert those visitors with free content and influencer marketing that drives leads.

With a compelling email campaign and a high-converting website, you can grow your business like never before.

Which inbound marketing strategies will you use to grow your startup?

Fund Your Business Today

Can You Fund Your Business Easily?

When you want to fund your business, what are the first ideas you have?

You would be hard-pressed to find a business owner that doesn’t know that they need money. What many do NOT know is that there are many more ways to fund your business. They go beyond the traditional banks loans everyone knows about.

There are a Lot of Ways to Fund Your Business

There are a number of ways to fund your business. Your business – and you – have assets. You can tap these assets as collateral. You can use: a 401(k) or IRA, accounts receivable, or stocks or bonds. The 401(k), stocks, or bonds don’t have to be yours. You can work with a partner with these kinds of assets.

Securities-Based Financing

Use existing stocks as leverage to get business financing. Borrow as much as 90% of their value. You continue to earn interest on the stocks pledged as collateral. Closing and funding takes less than 3 weeks.

Rates can be as low as 1.6%. This is a working capital line of credit. You will have challenged personal credit.

401(k) Financing

Use your existing 401(k), or IRA as collateral to fund your business. This program uses IRS proven strategies. You will pay no tax penalties.

You still earn interest on your 401(k). pay low rates, often less than 5%. Close and fund in less than 3 weeks. You can usually get up to 100% of what’s “rollable” within your 401(k).

Follow these steps. A new corporation is formed; a retirement plan is created to allow for investment into the corporation; funds are rolled over into the new plan. Then the new plan purchases stock in corporation and holds it. The corporation becomes debt free and cash rich.

Accounts Receivable Financing

Use your outstanding account receivables to fund your business. Get as much as 80% of receivables advanced ongoing in less than 24 hours. The remainder of the accounts receivable are released once the invoice is paid in full. Closing takes 2 weeks or less. Factor rates as low as 1.33%. Accounts receivable credit line with rates of less than 1% with no consumer credit requirement

Receivables should be with the government or another business. If you also have purchase orders, you can get financing to have those filled. You won’t need to use your cash flow to do so.

Kickfurther to Finance the Purchase of Inventory

You can finance your next inventory purchase with financing from customers and brand supporters and fundraise directly to them. The way it works is, customers buy through what’s called a Consignment Opportunity. Customers own the products they helped fund until they are sold by the brand. As soon as the products sell, the customer earns payments. Kickfurther also offers an online store for businesses to market and sell their products.

Demolish your funding problems with 27 killer ways to get cash for your business.

SBA Loans

These are guaranteed by the federal government. Participating lenders issue these, usually banks. They offer a lot of the perks of traditional loans, such as lower interest rates and favorable terms. Due to government guarantee, lenders are able to offer them to those with a lower credit score than would typically be required.

Eligibility for SBA Loans

Lenders and loan programs have unique eligibility requirements. In general, eligibility is based on what a business does to receive its income, the character of its ownership, and where the business operates. Hence even those with bad credit may qualify for startup funding.

Normally, businesses must meet size standards, be able to repay, and have a sound business purpose. The lender will provide you with a full list of eligibility requirements for your loan. See–table-size-standards.

More About Eligibility for SBA Loans

General eligibility also includes:

  • Being a for-profit business – the business must be officially registered and operating legally
  • Doing business in the US – the business must be physically located and operating in the US or its territories
  • Having vested equity – the owner must have invested their own time or money in the business
  • Exhausting other funding options – the business must not be able to get funds from any other financial lender

Ideal credit scores for an SBA loan are 680 or above. There are a number of SBA loan programs, each one designed to work for different needs and situations. Some of the most common SBA loan programs include:

  • 7(a) loans
  • 504 loans
  • Microloans
  • Disaster loans
  • Express loans

These are just a few the of the options available. Find out more at

Which SBA Loan is Best?

SBA loans each have a specific purpose. For example, if your business has suffered due to a natural disaster, you need a disaster loan. If you need $50,000 or less, a microloan may be the best option. But the 7(a) loan program is the most versatile.

SBA 7 (a) Loan Program Details

A standard 7(a) loan can be for up to $5 million. The maximum SBA guarantee is 85% for loans up to $150,000 and 75% for loans greater than $150,000. The interest rate varies but cannot exceed the SBA maximum. The turnaround is 5 – 10 business days. These funds can be used for a number of things, and the minimum credit score is 640. But of course the higher the better.

Who Do SBA Loans Work Best For?

These loans work well for those that are not in a hurry to get funding

The approval and funding process can take a while, especially with the government red tape required for the government guarantee. If you can wait, meet all the requirements, and want a more traditional type of loan, SBA loans are an option.

Demolish your funding problems with 27 killer ways to get cash for your business.

Merchant Cash Advances

Businesses that accept credit cards as a form of payment may qualify for a merchant cash advance. This means your business must have a merchant account in order to be able to accept credit card payments. Your business must bring in $100,000 or more per year in credit card sales. Typical approval is equal to one month’s credit processing volume. The minimum credit score is 500.

Qualifying for a Merchant Cash Advance

MCAs do not ask for a lot of documents. This is not like what most conventional lenders will want. You won’t need financials, business plans, or resumes. You don’t even need collateral.

Your business’s credit card receipts and business bank statements tell lenders all they need to know. These loans work well for businesses that qualify and need funds fast, and those with credit that is less than perfect. It’s a great way to get money for  your business fast with few requirements.

Equipment Financing

Businesses looking to buy or lease equipment can use equipment financing. Rates vary widely depending on risk factors. Usually can get approval with a 650 or better credit score. This is for major equipment only, not a combination of a lot of small equipment. These loans work well for those that have good credit and just need to financing equipment. The equipment is the collateral, so that helps out some with rates.

A Traditional Line of Credit

This is similar to a traditional term loan in terms of where you get it, and approval requirements. However, it is revolving financing more like a credit card. Typically have better interest rates that credit cards. They work well for those who qualify for traditional term loans but want revolving credit rather than a term loan.

Get to Know Our Hybrid Credit Line Program to Fund Your Business

Check out this form of unsecured funding. Unsecured funding does not require collateral, but the lender’s risk is mitigated by higher interest rates. Our credit line hybrid has an even better interest rate than a secured loan. Yet you can get the money faster and easier than any type of traditional funding. Get business funding without having to supply bank statements or credit stubs. You can get funding in a few days rather than weeks without supplying any collateral or documents.

You can get some of the highest loan amounts and credit lines for businesses. Get 0% business credit cards with stated income. No financials required. These report to business CRAs. You can build business credit at the same time. This will get you access to even more cash with no personal guarantee.

You can often get a loan of 5 times the amount of current highest revolving credit limit account. This is up to $150,000. Easily five times what you could get on your own when applying for cards. Get cash out on this program as well.


There will be NO impact on your personal credit with this type of financing. You need a good credit score or a guarantor with good credit to get an approval. With good personal credit, get unsecured credit cards with a personal guarantee. And with good business credit, get unsecured credit cards without a personal guarantee.

Check out business credit. It should be your goal to build business credit, even if you can get funding elsewhere. Business credit will help your company for years to come. Business credit is credit linked to your EIN and not your SSN.

This credit is available without a personal guarantee. It is available regardless of personal credit. You can get business credit immediately. Business credit is the only way to get money for a business when you don’t have collateral, cash flow, good personal credit, or a guarantor.

Demolish your funding problems with 27 killer ways to get cash for your business.

What is the Best Way to Fund Your Business?

If you know what types of business financing is available to your business, you can make a more educated decision about what will work best for you. Knowing what’s out there is only half the battle. You also have to understand your own eligibility and funding needs.


All businesses need funding. Traditional term loans are not the only option. Other options exist to help you money faster. Or funding despite bad credit. And you can better rates and terms than you would get with a traditional term loan. Contact us today to learn more.

The post Fund Your Business Today appeared first on Credit Suite.

Check Out Our Fundation Group LLC Recession Funding Review and Make Your Best Business Financing Decision Today

Will Our Fundation Group LLC Recession Funding Review Help Satisfy Your Need for Business Funding? We Put It to the Test

Fundation Group LLC is one of many lending companies online. They provide term loans and lines of credit. Foundation confirmed the information we found about them online. We look at the specifics and drill down into the details. So check out our Fundation Group LLC recession funding review.

Fundation Group LLC Recession Funding Review: Background

Fundation Group LLC is located online here: Their physical address is located in Reston, VA. Plus you can call them at: (888) 390-0064. So their contact page is here:

Their capital base has come from Goldman Sachs; Garrison Investment Group; and Midcap Financial, LLC.

Fundation Group LLC Recession Funding Review: Term Loans

Funding as soon as one business day. Up to $500,000 is available; terms go up to 4 years. Payments are twice per month. No specific collateral is needed. They want a personal guarantee. Fundation will take out a UCC-1 blanket lien for most borrowers.

They do not seem to have a time in business requirement anymore. Fundation also does not seem to have an annual revenue or personal credit requirement anymore.

Fundation Group LLC Recession Funding Review: Fees

Rates are risk-based; the higher the risk, the higher the rate.

Interest rates are not listed; they will be determined based on several factors. There are no prepayment fees.

Cost of Loans

Several factors are considered when Fundation decides on the cost of a loan. These factors include time in business and seasonality. They also include financial metrics. So these metrics include profit margin and amount of debt.

Fundation Group LLC Recession Funding Review: Lines of Credit

Up to  $150,000 is available. The new balance after each draw is amortized in equal installments over 18 months. Payments are monthly. No specific collateral is needed. They want a personal guarantee. Fundation will take out a UCC-1 blanket lien for most borrowers.

They do not seem to have a time in business requirement anymore. Fundation also does not seem to have an annual revenue or personal credit requirement anymore.

Fundation Group LLC Recession Funding Review: Fees

There are no prepayment fees. Just pay the outstanding balance plus accrued interest if you prepay
your loan or line of credit.

Keep your business protected with our professional business credit monitoring. It’s a worthwhile investment, saving you money even during a recession.

Fundation Group LLC Recession Funding Review: Advantages

Advantages include no apparent time in business requirement. Their maximum loan amount is fairly high.

Fundation Group LLC Recession Funding Review: Disadvantages

Disadvantages are they want personal guarantees for pretty much everything and will take out a UCC blanket lien.

A Fantastic Alternative – Establishing Business Credit

Business credit is credit in a small business’s name. It doesn’t attach to an owner’s individual credit, not even when the owner is a sole proprietor and the solitary employee of the small business.

As such, a business owner’s business and individual credit scores can be very different.

The Advantages

Because business credit is distinct from personal, it helps to protect a small business owner’s personal assets, in case of a lawsuit or business bankruptcy.

Also, with two distinct credit scores, a small business owner can get two different cards from the same merchant. This effectively doubles buying power.

Another benefit is that even startup ventures can do this. Visiting a bank for a business loan can be a formula for disappointment. But building small business credit, when done right, is a plan for success.

Personal credit scores depend upon payments but also other factors like credit utilization percentages.

But for small business credit, the scores actually only depend on whether a business pays its invoices punctually.

The Process

Establishing company credit is a process, and it does not occur without effort. A company has to actively work to establish company credit.

However, it can be done readily and quickly, and it is much quicker than establishing consumer credit scores.

Vendors are a big aspect of this process.

Performing the steps out of sequence will cause repetitive denials. Nobody can start at the top with small business credit. For example, you can’t start with retail or cash credit from your bank. If you do, you’ll get a rejection 100% of the time.

Business Fundability

A company must be fundable to credit issuers and vendors.

For that reason, a company will need a professional-looking web site and e-mail address. And it needs to have site hosting from a company like GoDaddy.

And, company phone and fax numbers must have a listing on

In addition, the company telephone number should be toll-free (800 exchange or the equivalent).

A small business will also need a bank account devoted strictly to it, and it needs to have all of the licenses essential for operation.


These licenses all must be in the perfect, appropriate name of the company. And they must have the same business address and phone numbers.

So keep in mind, that this means not just state licenses, but potentially also city licenses.

Keep your business protected with our professional business credit monitoring. It’s a worthwhile investment, saving you money even during a recession.

Dealing with the Internal Revenue Service

Visit the IRS web site and acquire an EIN for the small business. They’re totally free. Select a business entity such as corporation, LLC, etc.

A company can get started as a sole proprietor. But they will most likely wish to switch to a kind of corporation or an LLC.

This is in order to minimize risk. And it will make best use of tax benefits.

A business entity will matter when it pertains to tax obligations and liability in case of litigation. A sole proprietorship means the business owner is it when it comes to liability and taxes. No one else is responsible.

Sole Proprietors Take Note

If you operate a company as a sole proprietor, then at least be sure to file for a DBA. This is ‘doing business as’ status.

If you do not, then your personal name is the same as the small business name. Therefore, you can end up being directly responsible for all small business debts.

Plus, according to the Internal Revenue Service, by having this arrangement there is a 1 in 7 probability of an IRS audit. There is a 1 in 50 probability for corporations! Prevent confusion and noticeably reduce the chances of an IRS audit at the same time.

Setting off the Business Credit Reporting Process

Begin at the D&B web site and obtain a totally free D-U-N-S number. A D-U-N-S number is how D&B gets a business into their system, to produce a PAYDEX score. If there is no D-U-N-S number, then there is no record and no PAYDEX score.

Once in D&B’s system, search Equifax and Experian’s websites for the company. You can do this at If there is a record with them, check it for accuracy and completeness. If there are no records with them, go to the next step in the process.

By doing this, Experian and Equifax will have something to report on.

Vendor Credit

First you must build trade lines that report. This is also referred to as vendor credit. Then you’ll have an established credit profile, and you’ll get a business credit score.

And with an established business credit profile and score you can begin to get retail and cash credit.

These sorts of accounts have the tendency to be for the things bought all the time, like marketing materials, shipping boxes, outdoor work wear, ink and toner, and office furniture.

But first off, what is trade credit? These trade lines are credit issuers who will give you initial credit when you have none now. Terms are often Net 30, rather than revolving.

So, if you get approval for $1,000 in vendor credit and use all of it, you must pay that money back in a set term, such as within 30 days on a Net 30 account.

Keep your business protected with our professional business credit monitoring. It’s a worthwhile investment, saving you money even during a recession.

Retail Credit

Once there are 3 or more vendor trade accounts reporting to at least one of the CRAs, then move onto retail credit. These are companies like Office Depot and Staples.

Just use your SSN and date of birth on these applications for verification purposes. For credit checks and guarantees, use the business’s EIN on these credit applications.

Fleet Credit

Are there more accounts reporting? Then move to fleet credit. These are companies like BP and Conoco. Use this credit to buy fuel, and to fix and maintain vehicles. Just use your SSN and date of birth on these applications for verification purposes. For credit checks and guarantees, make sure to apply using the company’s EIN.

Cash Credit

Have you been sensibly handling the credit you’ve up to this point? Then progress to more universal cash credit. These are companies such as Visa and MasterCard. Just use your SSN and date of birth on these applications for verification purposes. For credit checks and guarantees, use your EIN instead.

These are frequently MasterCard credit cards. If you have more trade accounts reporting, then these are doable.

Fundation Group LLC Recession Funding Credit SuiteMonitor Your Business Credit

Know what is happening with your credit. Make certain it is being reported and deal with any mistakes ASAP. Get in the practice of taking a look at credit reports. Dig into the particulars, not just the scores.

We can help you monitor business credit at Experian and D&B for 90% less.

Update Your Data

Update the details if there are inaccuracies or the details is incomplete.

Fix Your Business Credit

So, what’s all this monitoring for? It’s to contest any mistakes in your records. Mistakes in your credit report(s) can be corrected. But the CRAs normally want you to dispute in a particular way.


Disputing credit report errors typically means you send a paper letter with duplicates of any proofs of payment with it. These are documents like receipts and cancelled checks. Never send the originals. Always send copies and retain the original copies.

Fixing credit report inaccuracies also means you precisely itemize any charges you contest. Make your dispute letter as understandable as possible. Be specific about the issues with your report. Use certified mail so that you will have proof that you sent in your dispute.

A Word about Building Business Credit

Always use credit responsibly! Don’t borrow beyond what you can pay off. Track balances and deadlines for repayments. Paying punctually and fully will do more to boost business credit scores than pretty much anything else.

Building business credit pays. Great business credit scores help a business get loans. Your credit issuer knows the business can pay its financial obligations. They know the company is bona fide.

The business’s EIN attaches to high scores and loan providers won’t feel the need to demand a personal guarantee.

Business credit is an asset which can help your business for years to come. Learn more here and get started toward growing company credit.

Fundation Group LLC Recession Funding Review: Upshot

A company needing higher amounts will likely do better with Fundation. But there are negatives.

Entrepreneurs will find they have to give up a personal guarantee and, on top of that, have a UCC blanket lien held by Fundation. A company that fails and ends up going out of business could be particularly harsh for an entrepreneur – so companies which are unsure of the chances of their success would do well to seek out other types of funding, where they either hand over a personal guarantee or a UCC blanket lien but not both.

And finally, as with every other lending program, whether online or offline, always remember to read the fine print and do the math. Go over the details with a fine-toothed comb, and decide whether this option will be good for you and your company. In addition, consider alternative financing options that go beyond lending, including building business credit, in order to best decide how to get the money you need to help your business grow.

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Interest-bearing Accounts Interest Rate How To Start Earning Money Today

Spending your hard-earned cash in an interest-bearing account is maybe among the best as well as simplest methods to make the cash benefit you. Possibilities are, your cash will certainly not function as tough for you if you do not have the finest cost savings account passion price. Right here is exactly how you can …

Interest-bearing Accounts Interest Rate How To Start Earning Money Today

Spending your hard-earned cash in an interest-bearing account is maybe among the best as well as simplest methods to make the cash benefit you. Possibilities are, your cash will certainly not function as tough for you if you do not have the finest cost savings account passion price.

Right here is exactly how you can begin generating income today with your interest-bearing account rate of interest:

– Keep track of the passion interest-bearing account rates of interest supplied by both standard along with on-line financial institutions;

– Check out the information and also small print of “high rate of interest return interest-bearing account” as you have the power to make even more for your cash with this kind of interest-bearing account as long as you can stay on par with the dedication as well as abide by the problems and also terms;

– There are different sorts of interest-bearing accounts that might satisfy your details requirements and also needs to generate income that you might wish to discover even more such as cash market interest-bearing account, and so on

– With your meticulously picked high interest-bearing account rates of interest, you can begin setting aside a section of your cash right into the account frequently. You will certainly be amazed to locate that you have actually collected much financial savings particularly with interest-bearing account rate of interest that is worsened.

– Aside from the cash market interest-bearing account, you might additionally intend to place your cash and also make from it in a deposit slip (CD) that functions as a time down payment. Keep in mind that with this kind of financial investment, the longer your cash is kept in the financial institution as CD, the greater the return will certainly be for you.

– Another type of financial investment is with the cost savings account passion price you obtain from financial savings bonds. You can pay in the bond at any type of time yet doing so might cost you the gained rate of interests.

You can certainly generate income from interest-bearing account rates of interest as long as you agree as well as dedicated to conserve, or spend your cash in the most effective interest-bearing account. The relevance of conserving cash needs to not be delegated to the history as it is as crucial, of not more crucial than making money.

You have to establish your objectives plainly as well as wisely in gaining your cash from cost savings account rate of interest price. It will certainly likewise aid to differentiate your cost savings account where you straight down payment that part of your cash from your pay to your monitoring account the one that you make use of for your day-to-day costs.

When you do it instantly and also make conserving one of your great practices, gaining cash from your financial savings account rate of interest price must be a wind specifically.

– Another kind of financial investment is via the cost savings account passion price you obtain from cost savings bonds. You have to establish your objectives plainly as well as wisely in making your cash from financial savings account passion price. It will certainly likewise assist to identify your cost savings account where you straight down payment that section of your cash from your reimbursement to your monitoring account the one that you utilize for your everyday costs. You can establish up a high yielding cost savings account rate of interest price.

The post Interest-bearing Accounts Interest Rate How To Start Earning Money Today appeared first on ROI Credit Builders.