7 Strategies That Will Get Powerful Results for Your Marketing and Sales Teams [Free Webinar on May 24th]

Are your sales and marketing teams aligned? Or are they working in silos, with only a vague understanding of what the other team is doing?

If your sales and marketing teams aren’t working well together, you’re not alone.

According to LinkedIn, 93 percent of sales and marketing professionals say their company has issues with alignment, such as antagonism between teams, excluding others from planning, and challenges communicating.

Sales and marketing misalignment can result in lower sales, lost leads, and annoyed customers. Are you ready to improve the relationship between sales and marketing?

Join Neil Patel and the Pipedrive team for a free webinar on sales and marketing alignment on May 24th at 8 am PST.

Why is Sales and Marketing Alignment So Important?

When the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing, you lose revenue, deliver a poor customer experience, and miss opportunities.

A lack of sales and marketing coordination costs businesses an estimated $1 trillion a year in the US alone. 

For example, say marketing creates a campaign to drive what they think are qualified leads to a new landing page.

Unfortunately, sales redefined how they qualify leads a few weeks ago–but no one told marketing.

Now, that landing page is flooded with leads that sales will never follow up on. Marketing says “Look at all that traffic! Why isn’t anyone following up on all those leads?”

While sales sees low-quality traffic that will waste their time, so they focus on leads from a paid campaign instead.

Everyone’s frustrated, and no one wins–least of all your customers.

So how do you get everyone on the same page? By using strategies that bring sales and marketing together, increase communication, and play to everyone’s strengths.

What strategies should you use? That’s what we’ll cover in our next webinar, created in partnership with Pipedrive.

Who Should Attend Our Sales + Marketing Alignment Webinar

If you have a marketing and sales team of two or more people, you’ll want to attend this webinar.

Here’s why: setting up sales and marketing alignment from the beginning is the best way to prevent misalignment.

If you have a larger team and struggle to get everyone on the same page, this webinar will be crucial. We’ll cover a range of strategies, from automation to removing silos, to help both teams share data and strategies.

Remember, everyone is on the same team–and we’re all looking to drive growth. Making it easy (thank you, automation!) to share data and insights will improve everyone’s metrics–especially your bottom line.

What Types of Businesses Is This Webinar For?

Any business with a sales and marketing team (even if it’s only one person each!) will benefit from this webinar.

That includes organizations in industries like:

  • B2B businesses looking to improve their sales and marketing metrics
  • SaaS companies looking to increase sign-ups
  • E-commerce businesses looking to scale.
  • Brick and mortar companies struggling to grow online and in-person sales.

What You’ll Learn in Our May 24th Webinar

In our upcoming webinar, you’ll learn seven strategies to help your sales and marketing teams work together to drive leads, traffic, and revenue.

Neil will share strategies like using automation and integrations to eliminate data silos, aligning communciation cadences, and integrating call data so both teams can leverage it to improve customer experience.

For each strategy, we’ll share data points on why it matters, results in the form of case studies, and provide step-by-step instructions on how to implement our strategies for your business.

The webinar will wrap up with a Q+A session where you can ask questions and get advice on implementing these strategies in your own organization.

Want to join us? Sign up today and join us on May 24th. We look forward to seeing you.

The Rise of the Hybrid Consumer and How They are Changing the Way We Shop [Webinar on May 5th)

As people return to physical shopping post-pandemic, a new behavior has emerged: hybrid shopping. Put simply, hybrid shopping is a blend of physical and digital shopping.

Given this trend, it’s important to create strategies that provide consumers with seamless, personalized, and convenient shopping experiences across digital and brick-and-mortar shops. Brands must reevaluate how they advertise, provide support, and even how they go about suggesting products. 

Wondering how to get started? Learn how to better connect with hybrid consumers in the upcoming webinar we are presenting with Adweek on The Rise of the Hybrid Consumer and How They are Changing the Way We Shop on Thursday, May 5th at 1pm EST

The Rise of the Hybrid Consumer: How They Came to Be

In the post-Covid world, consumers have been rethinking, reevaluating, and adapting their lifestyles accordingly. As a result, their interests, shopping behaviors, and preferences have changed significantly.

While the “Hybrid Consumer” may seem like a new concept, we have been building towards them for a few years now. It was just digitally accelerated due to the pandemic.

In 2020, consumers did most of their shopping online; in fact, online sales grew by a whopping 31.8 percent from 2019 to 2020. This was more than double their average annual growth rate which was already impressive enough.

When businesses started reopening in 2021 and consumers began returning to in-store physical shopping, they didn’t abandon their online behaviors.

As “Hybrid Consumers”, they no longer distinguish between online and offline channels. For example, they may look at an item in-store but then do more research online before making a purchase there. They may also research and buy online before picking up a product in-store.

Rather, they’ve become “hybrid consumers” and no longer distinguish between online and offline channels. For example, hybrid consumers may look at items in-store, but complete their purchase online. The inverse is also true: they may shop online and pick up in-store.

As a result of these shifts, shoppers are creating new opportunities and challenges for marketers. It is more important than ever for businesses to track consumer actions to come up with a plan that better reaches and engages them.

Learn more about how to capitalize on these opportunities in the upcoming webinar on Thursday, May 5th.

Why Hybrid Consumers Are Important

“Hybrid Shopping” has caused a surge in sales for online marketplaces like Amazon, Walmart, Best Buy, Etsy, and Home Depot.

In fact, e-commerce sales are still growing and are expected to hit $7.391 trillion by 2025. E-commerce accounted for about $1 in $5 of total retail sales in 2020 and 2021 and as systems improve to benefit hybrid consumers, this could continue increasing.

Since consumers are now making purchase decisions based on a combination of in-store and online interactions, businesses much cater to the cultural shift which this webinar will prepare you for.

What the Rise of Hybrid Consumers Means to Brands

Hybrid consumers no longer distinguish between online and offline channels. They might go into a Walmart or Best Buy and see something they like, but then make their purchase through a third-party marketplace seller online.

If you aren’t creating more personalized and seamless shopping experiences that hybrid consumers want, they will look elsewhere to make their purchases.

What we are seeing is just the beginning of hybrid shopping and as consumer expectations evolve, so will the experiences needed to reach them. As people get accustomed to the seamless integration of physical and digital experiences, the “hybrid consumer” will continue to change. Things like personalization and ease-of-use were a marketing strategy at best, and an afterthought at worst.

Consumers now expect shopping to be quick, convenient, and to catered to their satisfaction. Businesses must adapt, improve their online processes, and consider what experiences are needed to match the expectations of their target audience.

Who Will Benefit from This Webinar?

Some important stakeholders who will benefit from the content taught in this webinar include:

  • e-commerce business owners looking to grow their revenue
  • businesses looking to improve their online capabilities
  • marketers who have clients with revenue-growth goals
  • small business owners looking to improve online and in-store experiences
  • designers and developers looking to create seamless online experiences for consumers

What Businesses Will Benefit from This Webinar?

Any business will benefit from the content taught in this webinar, especially those with an online and physical presence.

E-commerce businesses will learn actionable strategies that will drive more conversions and, thereby, grow their revenue. Shops that previously focused on physical sales will learn how to create digital experiences that will drive more traffic, increase their revenue, and grow their customer base.

What You’ll Learn in This Webinar

There will be lots of valuable content included in this webinar to help businesses adapt for the hybrid consumer of today and the changes to come tomorrow. A few key things include:

  • How your brand can maintain the right mix of online and offline strategies to maximize customer acquisition and retention.
  • Key opportunities for marketers to respond to new consumer expectations.
  • Strategies for building a more integrated marketing model.

To learn more about these specific strategies, join us on Thursday, May 5, at 1pm EST.

How to Win Customers’ Hearts and Pockets with These 7 Email Strategies [Free Webinar]

Are you frustrated with email marketing? Does it seem like everyone simply hits send on a single email and rakes in the big bucks? Or maybe you have heard how for every $1 spent, email marketing generates $38 and that it has the broadest reach of all the platforms. Yet you have a non-existent list … Continue reading How to Win Customers’ Hearts and Pockets with These 7 Email Strategies [Free Webinar]

Upcoming Free Webinar: 7 Hidden Tactics From The Fastest Growing E-Commerce Companies

Are you struggling to grow your e-commerce business?

Sick of low conversion rates?

You’re not alone.

On average, only 3% of e-commerce website visitors converted into customers.


Yet, brands like the Dollar Shave Club and AppSumo are making millions even during a global pandemic.

You want to join their ranks, but you’re just not sure what you’re doing wrong. It feels like everyone else is in on some secret recipe to success.

On August 24 at 8 am PST, I’m exposing the hidden tactics the fastest growing e-commerce brands are using to dominate the online shopping industry with a free webinar.

Along with my co-host, Matthew Santos, VP of Products and Strategy at NP Accel, and Brooke Hess, Senior Director, Paid Media at NP Digital, we’ll break down how you can implement each one to boost your e-commerce sales.

It’s free. Register here.

What Will You Learn?

Since opening my agency, NP Digital, I’ve worked with companies of all sizes, including some of the world’s fastest-growing e-commerce brands.

I’ve seen first-hand the unique strategies these companies use to generate targeted traffic, attract quality leads, and convert shoppers into paying customers.

The best part? These e-commerce sales tactics work for brands of all sizes. Whether you’re just starting or you already have some skin in the game, these strategies can work for you.

Here are some of the specific things we will teach you:

  1. E-commerce SEO: Learn how to generate free, recurring, and high-converting traffic with SEO practices no one else is talking about.
  2. Paid advertising: Discover how to multiply your results and increase your conversion rate even with a small paid ads budget.
  3. E-commerce CRO: Uncover the powerful strategies fast-growing e-commerce brands use to improve conversion rate optimization (CRO).

These points are only scratching the surface of what you’ll learn.


One of the best ways to become successful in business is to look for clues. Brands leave breadcrumbs you can follow and reverse engineer to your benefit.

We’ll show you how to spot these clues and give you actionable advice on implementing these strategies to skyrocket your e-commerce brand’s growth.

Whether you’re just starting or you’re feeling stuck, these tactics will change the game for you.

Register for the webinar, and I’ll see you on August 24 at 8 am PST.

PS: If you want my team to implement these hacks and manage your e-commerce business, go here.

How to Adapt Your SEO to Google’s Core Web Vitals and Core Update [FREE WEBINAR TODAY]

Confused about Google’s core web vitals update? Not sure what it means for your SEO? Join my free live webinar on June 29th at 8 a.m. PST to learn more. I’ll cover what core web vitals are, why they matter, and what changes you need to make to your website.

Sign up for the core web vitals webinar free here.

When Google updates roll out, there are usually a few people who think that SEO is dead and the sky is falling.

The good news about the core web vitals update (and the core update) is the sky isn’t falling. However, there are a few changes you’ll want to make.

What Are Google’s Core Web Vitals?

If this is the first you’re hearing about the core web vitals update, here’s a quick rundown:

In May 2020, Google announced user experience would become part of their ranking criteria. The factors they’re looking at include:

  • Mobile-friendly: Sites should be optimized for mobile browsing.
  • Safe-browsing: Sites should not contain misleading content or malicious software.
  • HTTPS: The page is served in HTTPS.
  • No intrusives: No popups or other features that block the main content.
  • Core Web Vitals: Fast load times with elements of interactivity and visual stability.

The goal, according to Google, is to deliver a better user experience, which is crucial to the long-term success of websites.

There’s a good chance you’re already doing most of this. However, the core web vitals gets a bit more complicated than just improving page speed. It also looks at things like the largest contentful paint, the first input, and cumulative layout shift.

core web vitals google webinar neil patel

These sound complex, but they aren’t.

These features look at how long it takes for your page to start displaying the most important elements, how quickly your site responds to user interactions, and how often layout shifts impact the user experience.

Essentially, Google wants to reward sites that are easy for users to use — which is nothing new. How Google decides which sites are easier to use has changed slightly, which is why marketers are paying attention.

What You’ll Learn in the Google’s Core Web Vitals and Core Update Webinar on June 29th

In this webinar, I’ll cover what you need to know about Google’s core web vitals and the core update, including:

  • What core web vitals are and how to prepare your site for the upcoming changes.
  • Why most users leave your website in just seconds, and what to do about it.
  • Methods that SEO agencies will never tell you because they’d rather sell their own solutions.
  • Three simple tweaks you can make to your site that can boost your sales by 300 percent or more.

Sign Up Now: Core Web Vitals Live Webinar

I’m really excited to talk about this topic and what it means for the future of SEO. I hope you’ll join me at 8 a.m. PST. Remember, it’s free!

Best Webinar Software

Disclosure: This content is reader-supported, which means if you click on some of our links that we may earn a commission.

Looking to dive right in? My top recommendations for webinar software to suit just about every business need are Demio, Livestorm, or EasyWebinar

With so many people working from home, it’s become even more apparent as to just how important it is to stay connected with your audience. 

When you can’t do this in person, how the heck are you supposed to do it?

By hosting webinars, of course!

Just about every business is hosting webinars these days. It’s a fantastic way to engage with prospects and build a ‘face-to-face’ connection without physical contact. 

However, hosting webinars, whether live or recorded, can be a lot of work with a few challenges along the way. That’s why it’s essential for you to have the right webinar software on your side. 

I’ve put together a list of the top five webinar software out there, and we’re going to cover the in’s and out’s of how to choose the best webinar software for you!

The Top 5 Options for Webinar Software 

  1. Demio – Best for Live Events
  2. Livestorm – Best for Ease of Use & Automation
  3. EasyWebinar – Best for Beginners & Social Media
  4. WebinarNinja – Best for Training or Coaching
  5. WebinarJam – Best for Large Businesses

How to Choose the Best Webinar Software For You

Most of the top webinar software will have very similar characteristics. That is, making your webinar easy to record and share, the video and audio are high-quality, and there is a range of interactive features like live chat or built-in polls. 

So, with a plethora of webinar software to choose from that all seem to offer the same things, how are you supposed to choose the best one for your needs? 

Well, you need to narrow in on three important factors. 

Attendee Capacity

The number of participants you can have in your webinar at one time is going to be a vital factor in your decision-making process. Some webinar software is designed for smaller groups, while others have the capacity to host thousands of attendees at one time. 

Maybe you’re not sure how big your webinar will be or how quickly it will grow. In that case, you should consider whether your software provider has a plan that allows you to scale your attendee capacity alongside your business growth.

Furthermore, if you can have thousands of participants at one time, how well does the software function? Is there any latency or known technical issues that arise when everyone is logged in?

The great thing here is that most webinar software providers have tiered pricing based on how many participants you’d like to have in each meeting, so if you find one you really love, you’ll likely be able to make it work.


How easy is it for your participants to join the webinar? Do they have to download an extra app or plugin, or can they launch from their preferred web browser and be immediately joined in?

For some users, the stress of requiring an extra app or program to join a webinar is too overwhelming or complicated. So much so that they may choose to ditch their plans to join your webinar altogether.

With this in mind, it’s important to focus on choosing a webinar software that is easily accessible for your participants. Many options simply launch from a web browser, and this way, your participants are unlikely to find a reason to back out of committing. 

Customer Support

Imagine if you’ve put in weeks of hard work to pull off an incredible live webinar, and five minutes before you’re set to begin, the software crashes. 

Just the thought of this alone has me feeling sick. 

If you plan to hold live events often, it’s imperative you use a webinar software provider that offers 24/7 customer support to get you out of these sticky situations. 

Furthermore, technology can be challenging and fickle. Having access to a team of professionals who know the software inside and out at your fingertips at any time of day really should be an important factor when considering which tool to use.

The Different Types of Webinar Software

What we are going to focus on here is what the different types of webinars are and whether your preferred software accommodates your ideal webinar. In essence, there are three basic types of webinars. 

Most of the top webinar software will have the capacity to offer all of the below, but it’s certainly something to keep in mind when doing your research and making sure it meets your needs. 

Live Webinars

Some would say that live webinars are irreplaceable. Certain chemistry can come out of live public speaking that you don’t get with pre-recorded content.

Live webinars can help establish your brand as a ‘real-life’ person and put a face to your name. They’re interactive, personal, and really, they can be seen as significant events. 

In a nutshell, live webinars provide you with the opportunity to connect and build a relationship with your audience in real-time. 

Recorded Webinars

Recorded or automated webinars are newer to the world of online marketing, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they are better than live webinars. You can record the content, schedule it to go live, and even set it to expire within a specific timeframe.

Recorded webinars are great for maximizing your reach because they’re accessible for more participants whenever it’s most convenient. No longer do you have to worry about finding a time that works for every single person. 

Series Webinar

Essentially, a series webinar can be made up of multiple live and/or automated webinars, which are scheduled over multiple dates and times. The content should involve gradual learning for the participants with an incentive to come back for more. 

These types of webinars are great for broader or more complex topics with dense information that is more easily digestible over a series of webinars. 

Holding a series will really put you out there as the expert in your field. But, naturally, they take a bit more time and effort than the one-off webinars. 

#1 – Demio — The Best For Live Events

Demio is the cream of the crop when it comes to modern, user-friendly webinar software that is bound to help your business grow. It’s suited to almost any size business that wants to hold interactive live events to drive their marketing campaigns. 

One of the best bits? There is no download required! Not only will your attendees have access to a beautiful platform that clearly reflects your branding, but they’ll also be able to join from any browser with just one click.  

So, what makes them the best for live events? Here are a few of their top features:

  • Run interactive polls and get stats in real-time 
  • Embed launch offers and CTAs designed to convert sales on the spot
  • Share handouts for instant download with your attendees
  • Give attendees video and microphone permissions as needed
  • Public and private chat functions for live Q&A

In a nutshell, Demio is so interactive it’s bound to leave your audience feeling like they truly know you! 

Another great thing about Demio is that you can record your webinar and send it to all registered participants so no one misses out if they can’t make it, even if they do miss the chemistry of a live event.

Demio offers three pricing plans:

  • Starter: $34/month for up to 50 attendees
  • Growth: $69/month for up to 150 attendees
  • Business Plan: $163/month for up to 500 attendees

Demio offers a 14-day free trial of their Growth plan, so you can give it a try before you buy. 

#2 Livestorm — The Best For Ease of Use & Automation

If you’re looking for webinar software that allows you to run live, on-demand, or automated webinars with just about any goal in mind, Livestorm could be the one for you. 

If you want to hold a live event or detailed product demo, you can do that. If you want to build an educational customer training series or an online course, you can do that, too. 

Livestorm is a simple yet powerful video communication tool. They really stand out for their ease of use and detailed automation. 

You don’t need to be tech-savvy to use this software. You can have a webinar up and running in no time, thanks to automation features like an event registration page, promotional emails, and automatic custom event reminder emails. 

Some other great features of Livestorm include:

  • Join the webinar in any browser with one click
  • Full suite of webinar types such as live, on-demand, and pre-recorded
  • Screensharing capabilities
  • Interactive live chat, polls, and Q&A within the webinar
  • Excellent analytics and reporting capabilities

Another great feature? Livestorm also offers comprehensive customer support in multiple languages. 

In addition, they also have a very useful self-service documentation section of their website. I love this offering because they’re incredibly handy when you’re facing a minor set-up issue or pesky technical difficulty that you know you could solve alone without needing to explain yourself at length to tech support. 

Livestorm plan options include:

  • Basic: Free for up to 10 live attendees
  • Premium: $99/month for up to 100 live attendees
  • Enterprise: Personalized quote based on your requirements

Get started with Livestorm for free today!

#3 EasyWebinar — The Best For Beginners & Social Media

The EasyWebinar motto is ‘wildly easy to use live and automated webinar platform,’ and by all accounts, they seem to hit the nail on the head. They are also reportedly one of the only webinar platforms that have successfully integrated marketing strategy with webinar technology. 

This software is for anyone wanting to launch their first seminar quickly and painlessly with a drag and drop page builder and tons of seamless integrations at your fingertips.

The highlight of this software? EasyWebinar allows hosts to livestream to Facebook and YouTube at the same time

Why is this so impressive? 

Well, it essentially gives you uncapped potential regarding how many people your content can reach at one time. Of course, those viewing through Facebook or YouTube won’t get the platform’s built-in interactive capabilities, but your message could still be reaching thousands more people. 

Other notable features of EasyWebinar are:

  • Seamless integration with popular platforms such as WordPress and MailChimp
  • In-depth engagement tracking tools covering webinar watch time and in-platform clicks  
  • Browser-based viewing
  • Turn live events into evergreen webinar funnels
  • Allows four presenters in one room, all with sharing capabilities

Although EasyWebinar is not the cheapest webinar software on the market, this platform certainly packs a punch. There are three pricing plans on offer:

  • Standard: $78/month for up to 100 room attendees
  • Pro: $129/month for up to 500 room attendees
  • Enterprise: $499/month for up to 2000 room attendees

You can try both the Standard and Pro plan for free or schedule a demo of the Enterprise plan. 

#4 – WebinarNinja — Best For High-Quality Training or Coaching

WebinarNinja is a close contender of Demio in terms of their modern, beautiful design, and flexible webinar capabilities. They are also slightly more cost-effective for smaller groups than Demio. 

WebinarNinja is trusted by well-known B2B brands such as Baremetrics, AppSumo, and Podia, which essentially supports their ranking as the best for high-quality training or coaching purposes. 

You can run any type of webinar with WebinarNinja: live, automated, series, or hybrid. The key features that come into play with the coaching or training aspect are uploading PowerPoint presentations, creating Q&A spaces, and easily sharing information. 

Some other notable features of WebinarNinja are:

  • Tons of integrations with notable systems such as MailChimp, ConvertKit, HubSpot, Squarespace, and ClickFunnels
  • Beautiful ready-to-use templates for quick and simple webinar creation
  • Save marketing materials within the software for easy access
  • Create custom branded registration and thank you pages designed to convert

Furthermore, WebinarNinja reportedly has some of the best customer support out there. This support is extended via live chat, email, and a comprehensive resource library for set-up guidance and minor troubleshooting.

WebinarNinja has four pricing plans available:

  • Starter: $39/month for up to 100 attendees
  • Pro: $79/month for up to 300 attendees
  • Plus: $129/month for up to 500 attendees
  • Power: $199/month for up to 1000 attendees

Every membership comes with a 14-day free trial, so you can pay nothing and get started today!

#5 – WebinarJam — Best For Large Businesses

With the ability to host up to 5,000 attendees at one time with little to no delays, WebinarJam is easily one of the best out there for large businesses. 

A really great highlight of WebinarJam is that, although it’s designed for huge audiences, you don’t have to skimp out on some of the awesome interactive features that software for smaller groups has on offer. 

My favorite interactive feature is the advanced live chat within the webinar that actually pulls the person’s video to the stage, so to speak. You can also include offer pop-ups and countdowns to encourage attendees to take action. 

These features are almost more important for a larger business than small ones, to remove that ‘faceless large business’ barrier some may perceive. 

Some other features that WebinarJam has to offer includes:

  • Top-notch 24/7 customer support
  • Email and SMS reminder notifications
  • Create paid webinars and accept payment directly through the software
  • Stream directly to YouTube for further participant reach
  • Compatibility with multiple browsers and systems

The key selling point of WebinarJam? It automatically records your content every single time. 

Why is this so nifty? I don’t know about you, but forgetting to hit that pesky record button is a frequent pastime of mine. 

There are three pricing plans on offer:

  • Basic: $499/year for up to 500 attendees
  • Professional: $699/year for up to 2,000 attendees
  • Enterprise: $999/year for up to 5,000 attendees

WebinarJam are so confident you’ll love their software that they offer a 30-day money-back guarantee, so your purchase is risk-free. At the time of writing, they also have a $1 14-day trial for a limited time only.  


My top recommendations for webinar software to suit just about everyone’s needs are Demio, Livestorm, or EasyWebinar

At the end of the day, the best webinar software for you is potentially going to be different from the best for me. That’s why it’s important to use the methodology discussed here to do your due diligence in choosing the best webinar software for your business needs. 

Don’t forget to also take advantage of free trials and money-back guarantees to get a real feel for how your chosen software works before you commit long-term.

The post Best Webinar Software appeared first on Neil Patel.